2019年春八年级英语下册 Unit 7 International charities Period 2 Reading I同步练习 (新版)牛津版

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1、Period 2Reading I.根据句意及所给汉语提示完成句子1.How many _(手术) do you do every day, Dr Ling? 2.Mr Johnson says he can _(治愈) me but I still doubt him.3.The country wants to _(发展) its friendship with China.4.My grandpa is a regular _(读者) of this newspaper.5.It was a _(自豪的) moment for John when he shook hands with

2、the president.用所给单词的适当形式填空1.By _(train) some guide dogs, we hope to help more blind people.2.Many people in the poor countries do not have enough money for medical _(treat).3.His _(blind) is the result of an accident.4.The famous actor will meet a few _(interview) and answer some questions.5.Althoug

3、h Jim was very tired, he still carried on _(run) with his classmates.根据句意,从方框中选用恰当的单词或短语,并用其正确形式完成下列句子preventfrom, operate on, on board, go to hospital, be proud to, develop, carry on with, pay for1.Many of the tourists _ begin to communicate with each other.2.I _ be a part of the team.3.We should _

4、 people _ throwing litter here and there.4.We will have to _ his eyes.5.What are your plans for the _ of your company? 6.If he doesnt _, his illness will be worse.7.Do you have enough money to _ the car?8.Will you _ the work if you have enough money?.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空词数不限1.他们需要足够的钱来继续他们的学业。They need _ t

5、heir study.2.他们已经决定为这位有眼疾的病人做手术了。They have decided _ the patient _.3.小时候,我没钱坐公共汽车上学,所以每天不得不步行上学。As a child, I couldnt _ by bus. So I _ to school every day.4.所有中国人都应为自己的国家而自豪。All the Chinese people _ their own country.5.现代医学正快速发展,大部分眼疾都能被治疗和治愈。Modern medicine _. Most eye problems can _.单项填空 ()1.She f

6、ell ill. _, she still tried to go on working.A.And B.So C.However D.Because()2.2018重庆A_ visitors came to take photos of Hongyadong during the vacation.A. Thousand B. Thousand of C.Thousands D. Thousands of()3._ of the people here live_ on rice.A.Mostly; most B.Most; most C.Mostly; almost D.Most; mos

7、tly()4.2018湘潭Chinese _ by more and more people around the world.A. is spoken B. speak C.speaking D. was spoken()5.In my dream, I tried my best _ the ship _ down.A.to prevent; going B.to stop; going C.to keep; from going D.A, B and C()6.He hopes_ a member of the charity when he grows up.A.to be B.to

8、being C.be D.being()7.2018天津I am afraid we can not _ to take a taxi. Lets go by underground instead.A. refuse B. afford C.forget D. fall()8.2018贵港Children under 12 years old _ ride sharing bikes. Its too dangerous.A. shouldnt allow to B. shouldnt allow C.shouldnt be allowed to D. shouldnt be allowed

9、()9.80 per cent of the land in my hometown _ covered with fruit trees, and three quarters of them _ apple trees.A.is; is B.is; are C.are; is D.are; are ()10.2018荆州模拟Why not come over to Jingzhou and have a look at the ancient city wall? _. A.No problem B. Sounds like a good idea C.In your dreams D.

10、I cant decide .任务型阅读Adam Braun set up the organization Pencils of Promise in 2008. Its goal is to make sure all children have a chance to get education. Six years later, the nonprofit organization is building a new school somewhere every 90 hours. It has helped more than 22, 000 children in Africa,

11、Asia and Latin America.It all started when Adam Braun was a college student. He was visiting India when a boy stopped him and asked for money on the street. Braun asked the boy what he would want if he could have anything in the world.“I thought the answer was going to be a house, a car or a boat. H

12、is answer was a pencil. So I gave him my pencil and he was just happy and excited. I realized the boy had never been to school before, and that was the reality(现实) for 57 million children around the world,” Braun said.Adam Braun started working in finance(金融) after he graduated from college. But he

13、never forgot the boy and the problem he realized.“We live in a world where every child can have a chance to get education, because we have everything necessary already. We are able to educate every child. So I promised to help change that world,” said Braun.Braun raised money for his project. He pai

14、d for building the first Pencils of Promise School in Laos, five years ago. Since then, his organization has helped pay for more than 200 schools in the countryside of Laos, Nicaragua, Guatemala and Ghana.根据短文内容,回答问题。1.When did Adam Braun set up the organization Pencils of Promise?_2.How often is th

15、e organization building a new school somewhere after 2014?_3.What would the boy in India want if he could have anything in the world?_4.What did the boys answer make Adam realize?_5.Why did Adam Braun set up the organization Pencils of Promise?_教师详解详析本课教学资源 素材一新课教学方法1.教学方法(1)游戏导入法:设计“慈善组织找朋友”的游戏。教师将

16、全班学生分成两大组,一组出示各慈善组织的图标,另一组说出相应的名称;然后,教师向学生展示ORBIS的图标,师生共同解读该图标。(2)情境创设法:教师为学生创设情境,与学生真实交流,并且通过展示例句等方式帮助学生在真实的情境中掌握本课时的语言点。2.学习方法首字母填空类短文的答题技巧第一,通读短文知大意,看整体全面了解;第二,复读短文抓信息,前后照应巧猜词;第三,反复推敲多分析,慎重答题讲合理;第四,认真复查全文,把握整体和词形变化。 素材二课堂活动案例活动一:组织学生两人一组分角色朗读对话。活动二:学生四人一组活动,以Dr Ma的身份讲述他的工作,每人一句,进行故事接龙,准备时间为三分钟。教师

17、挑选两到三组学生在全班同学面前表演对话。 素材三新课导入设计Today were going to read an interview with an ORBIS doctor. Who is he? How many people did he operate on during his last visit? Read the interview quickly and tell me the answers.更多备课资源:word版电子教案、匹配的课件,详见光盘内容。教师详解详析.1.operations2.cure3.develop4.reader5.proud.1.training2

18、.treatment3.blindness4.interviewers5.running.1.on board2.am proud to3.prevent; from4.operate on5.development6.go to hospital7.pay for8.carry on with.1.enough money to carry on with2.to operate on/do an operation on; with eye problems3.afford to go to school; had to walk4.should be proud of5.is devel

19、oping quickly; be treated and cured.1.C2. D句意:在假期数千名游客来到洪崖洞拍照。hundred,thousand等数词前有具体数词修饰时,该词用原形;其前若无具体数词修饰时,该词用复数形式,且其后接of,如:thousands of 数以千计的,故选D。3.D4. A考查被动语态。句意:世界上越来越多的人说汉语。主语Chinese是动作的承受者,故应用被动语态,根据句意应用一般现在时,故选A。5.Dprevent/stop sb (from) doing sth与keep sb from doing sth 为同义短语,意为“阻止某人做某事”。6.A

20、7. B考查动词词义辨析。句意:恐怕打车去我们支付不起,咱们改坐地铁吧。refuse意为“拒绝”;afford意为“买得起;负担得起”;forget意为“忘记”;fall意为“摔倒”。afford to do sth意为“支付得起做某事”。故选B。8. C考查被动语态。句意:12岁以下的孩子们不应该被允许骑共享单车。太危险了。根据语境可知应用allow的被动语态形式,be allowed to do sth意为“被允许做某事”。故选C。9.B考查主谓一致。“数词per cent of名词/代词”作主语时,谓语动词的单复数取决于名词/代词的单复数;“分数of名词/代词”作主语时,谓语动词的单复数

21、也遵循此原则。 land为不可数名词,第一空用is; them指代fruit trees,为复数可数名词,第二空用are。10.B.1.In 2008.2.Every 90 hours.3.A pencil.4.He realized the boy had never been to school before, and that was the reality for 57 million children around the world.5.Because he wanted to make every child have a chance to get education and help change that world.5

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