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1、14.12.2012 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 342/1II(Non-legislative acts)REGULATIONSCOMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 1194/2012of 12 December 2012implementing Directive 2009/125/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard toecodesig n requireme nts for directi onal lamps, light

2、 emitt ing diode lamps and related equipme nt(Text with EEA relevance)THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION,Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,aspects of directi on al lamps, light-emitt ing diode lamps and related equipme nt. The study has bee n developed together with stakehold

3、ers and in terested parties from the Union and third cou ntries, and the results have bee n made publicly available. A preparatory study on external power supplies provided a similar analysis for haloge n lamp con trol gear.14.12.2012 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 342/#Having regard to D

4、irective 2009/125/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009 establishing a framework for the sett ing of ecodesig n requireme nts for en ergy-related products (1), and in particular Article 15(1) thereof,After con sult ing the Ecodesig n Con sultati on Forum,(4) Mandatoryec

5、odesign requirements apply to productsplaced on the Union market wherever they are in stalled or used; therefore such requireme nts cannot be made depe ndent on the applicati on in which the product is used.14.12.2012 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 342/#14.12.2012 Official ENJour nalof th

6、e Europea nUnionL 342/#Whereas:(1) Directive 2009/125/EC requires the Commissi on to set ecodesig n requireme nts for en ergy-related products rep-e sen ti ng sig nifica nt volumes of sales and trade, hav ing a sig nifica nt en viro nmen tal impact and prese nti ng sig nifica nt pote ntial for impro

7、veme nt through desig n in terms of their en viro nmen tal impact, without en taili ng excessive costs.Products subject to this Regulation are designed essen tially for the full or partial illumination of an area, by replacing or complementing natural light with artificial light, in order to enhance

8、 visibility in that area. Special purpose lamps desig ned esse ntially for other types of application, such as traffic signals, terrarium lighting or household applia nces and clearly in dicated as such on accompa nying product in formati on should not be subject to the ecodesig n requireme nts set

9、out in this Regulati on.14.12.2012 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 342/#14.12.2012 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 342/# Article 16(2)(a) of Directive 2009/125/EC provides that in accorda nee with the procedure referred to in Article 19(3) and the criteria set out in Article 15(2

10、), and after consulting the Ecodesign Consultation Forum, the Commissio n has to, as appropriate, in troduce imple- men ti ng measures start ing with those products that offer a high pote ntial for cost-effective reducti on of gree nhouse gas emissi ons, such as lighti ng products in both the domest

11、ic and tertiary sectors, which in clude directi on al lamps, light-emitt ing diode lamps and related equipme nt.(5) Newtech no logies emerg ing on the market such as light-emitt ing diodes should be subject to this Regulati on.(6) Theen vir onmen tal aspects of the products covered thathave been ide

12、ntified as significant for the purposes of this Regulati on are en ergy con sumpti on in the use phase along with mercury content and mercury emissi ons.14.12.2012 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 342/#14.12.2012 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 342/#(3) The Commissi on has carried

13、 out a preparatory study to an alyse the tech ni cal, en vir onmen tal and econo mic(1) OJ L 285, 31.10.2009, p. 10.(7) Mercury emissi ons in the differe nt phases of the life cycle of the lamps, including from electricity generation in the use phase and from the 80% of directi onal compactfluoresce

14、 nt lamps containing mercury which are14.12.2012 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 342/#14.12.2012 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 342/#presumed not to be recycled at the end of their life, have bee n estimated to be 0,7 tonnes in 2007 from the in stalled stock of lamps. Without ta

15、k ing specific measures, the mercury emissi ons from the in stalled lamp stock are predicted to in crease to 0,9 tonnes in 2020, although it has bee n dem on strated that they can be sig nifica ntly reduced.(8) Although the mercury content of compact fluoresce nt lamps is con sidered to be a sig nif

16、ica nt en viro nmen tal aspect, it is appropriate to regulate it un der Directive 2011/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Coun cil (1). It is appropriate to regulate the ultraviolet light emissi ons from lamps and other parameters with pote ntial health effects un der Directives 2006/95/EC

17、(2) and 2001/95/EC (3) of the European Parliame nt and of the Cou ann ual electricity sav ings of 25 TWh by 2020 among directi on al lamps, compared with the situati on if no measures were take n.(15) The ecodesign requirements should not affect functionality from the user s perspective and

18、should notn egatively affect health, safety or the en vir onmen t. In particular, the ben efits of reduc ing the electricity consumption during the use phase should outweigh any pote ntial additi onal en viro nmen tal impact dur ing the production phase of products subject to this Regu - lati on. In

19、 order to en sure con sumer satisfacti on with en ergy-sav ing lamps, in particular LEDs, fun cti on ality requireme nts should be set not only for directi onal lamps, but also to non-directi onal LEDs, as they were n ot covered by the fun ctio nality requireme nts in Commissi on Regulation (EC) No

20、244/2009 (OJ L 76, 24.3.2009, p. 3.). Product in formati on requireme nts should allow con sumers to make in formed choices.14.12.2012 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 342/314.12.2012 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 342/#(9) Settingenergy efficiency requirements for lamps shouldle

21、ad to a decrease in the overall mercury emissi ons.14.12.2012 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 342/#(10) Article 14(2)(d) of Directive 2012/19/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council (4) requires Member States to en sure that users of electrical and electro nic equipme nt in privat

22、e households are give n the n ecessary in formati on about the pote ntial effects on the en viro nment and huma n health as a result of the prese nee of hazardous substa nces in electrical and electronic equipme nt. The product in formati on requireme nts in this Regulati on should compleme nt this

23、provisi on as regards mercury in compact fluoresce nt lamps.(11) The electricity consumption of products subject to this Regulati on should be improved by appl ying exist ing nonproprietary cost-effective tech no logies, which lead to a reducti on of the comb ined expe nses for purchas ing and opera

24、t ing the equipme nt.(12) Ecodesign requirements for products subject to this Regulation should be set with a view to improving the en viro nmen tal performa nee of the products concerned and contributing to the functioning of the internal market and to the Union objective of reduc ing en ergy con s

25、umpti on by 20% in 2020 compared with theassumed energy consumption in that year if no measures were take n.(13) Thecombined effect of the ecodesignrequirements setout in this Regulati on and of Commissi on Delegated Regulation (EU) No 874/2012 (5) is expected to result(1)OJ L 174, 1.7.2011, p. 88.(

26、2)OJ L 374, 27.12.2006, p. 10.(3)OJ L 11, 15.1.2002, p. 4.(4)OJ L 197, 24.7.2012, p. 38.(5)OJ L 258, 26.9.2012, p. 1(16) LEDlum in aires from which no LED lamp or module canbe extracted for in depe ndent test ing should not offer a way for LED man ufacturers to escape the requireme nts of this Regul

27、ati on.(17) It is appropriate to set specific requirements at a level that leaves alter native lamps available to service the en tire in stalled stock of light ing equipme nt. I n parallel, gen eric requireme nts should be set that are impleme nted by harm oni sed sta ndards and that make new light

28、ing equipme nt more compatible with en ergy-sav ing lamps, and en ergy-sav ing lamps compatible with a wider range of light ing equipme nt. Product in formati on requireme nts on lighting equipment can assist users in finding matchi ng lamps and equipme nt.(18) Phasing the ecodesign requirements sho

29、uld provide a sufficie nt timeframe for man ufacturers to re-desig n products subject to this Regulation. The timing of the stages should be such that any n egative impact on functionalities of equipment on the market are avoided and that the cost impact for en d-users and man ufacturers, in particu

30、lar small and medium-sized enterprises, is taken in to accou nt, while en suri ng timely achieveme nt of the objectives of this Regulati on.Measureme nts of the releva nt product parametersshould be performed through reliable, accurate and reproducible measureme nt methods, which take into accou nt

31、the recog ni sed state-of-the-art measureme nt methods in clud ing, where available, harm oni sed sta ndards adopted by the Europea n sta ndardisati on bodies, as listed in Annex I to Directive 98/34/EC of the Europea n Parliame nt and of the Coun cil (7)OJ L 204, 21.7.1998, p. 37.).14.12.2012 Offic

32、ial ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 342/#(19) Inaccordancewith Article 8 of Directive 2009/125/EC,this Regulati on should specify the con formity assessme nt procedures applicable.(20) In order to facilitate compliance checks, manufacturers should provide in formati on in the tech ni cal docume n -

33、 tati on referred to in Ann exes V and VI to Directive 2009/125/EC in so far as that in formation relates to the requireme nts laid dow n in this Regulati on.(21) Inadditi on to the legally binding requireme ntslaid dow nin this Regulati on, in dicative ben chmarks for best available tech no logies

34、should be ide ntified to make in formatio n on the life-cycle en viro nmen tal performa nce of products subject to this Regulati on widely available and easily accessible.(22) A review of this Regulati on should take particular n ote of the trend in sales of special-purpose lamp types in order to ma

35、ke sure that they are not used outside special applicati ons, and of the developme nt of new tech - no logies such as LED and orga nic LED. It should assess the feasibility of establishing energy-efficiency requirements at class A level as defined in Regulation (EU) No 874/2012, or at least at class

36、 B level for direc - tional mains voltage halogen lamps (taking into account the criteria set out below in Table 2 in point 1.1 of Annex III). It should also assess whether the en ergy-efficie ncy requireme nts for other filame nt lamps can be significantly tightened. The review should also assess t

37、he functionality requirements regarding colour ren deri ng in dex for LED lamps.The Regulati on also establishes product in formati on requireme nts for special purpose products.LED modules shall be exempted from the requirements of this Regulation if they are marketed as part of luminaires that are

38、 placed on the market in less tha n 200 un its per year.Article 2Defin iti onsIn addition to the definitions set out in Article 2 of Directive2009/125/EC, the following definitions shall apply for the purposes of this Regulati on:1. light ing means the appligatfidxn a sce ne, objectsor their surrou

39、ndings so that they may be see n by huma ns;2. accent lighting means a form of lighting where light is directed so as to highlight an object or a part of an area;3. electrical lighting product means a product desicuse with electricity and intended for use in lighting;4. special purpose product means

40、 a product that uses ttech no logies covered by this Regulati on but is inten dedfor use in special applicati ons because of its tech ni cal parameters as described in the tech ni cal docume ntati on.Special applicati ons are those that require tech ni cal parameters not n ecessary for the purposes

41、of lighti ng average sce nes or objects in average circumsta nces. They are of the followi ng types:14.12.2012 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 342/#(24)The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opin ion of the Committee estab - lished by Article 19(1) of Direc

42、tive 2009/125/EC,HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:Article 1Subject matter and scopeThis Regulati on establishes ecodesig n requireme nts for plac ing on the market the following electrical lighting products:(a) applicati ons where the primary purpose of the light is not light ing, such as:(i) emissi on o

43、f light as an age nt in chemical or biological processes (such as polimerisati on, ultraviolet light used for curi ng/dry in g/harde ning, photod yn amic therapy, horticulture, petcare, an ti- in sect products);(a) directional lamps;(ii) image capture and image projecti on (such as camera flashlight

44、s, photocopiers, video projectors);(iii) heati ng (such as in frared lamps);14.12.2012 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 342/#(b) light-emitting diode (LED) lamps;14.12.2012 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 342/#(c) equipment designedfor installation between the mains and the lamps,

45、 in clud ing lamp con trol gear, con trol devices and luminaires (other than ballasts and luminaires for fluor - esce nt and high-i nten sity discharge lamps);(iv) signalling (such as traffic control or airfield lamps);(b) lighting applications where:14.12.2012 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUni

46、onL 342/#in cludi ng whe n they are in tegrated into other products.(i) the spectral distributi on of the light is inten ded to cha nge the appeara nce of the sce ne or object lit, i n addition to making it visible (such as food display14.12.2012 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 342/5lighti

47、ng or coloured lamps as defined in point 1 of11.Annex I), with the excepti on of variati ons in correlated colour temperature; or(ii) the spectral distributi on of the light is adjusted to the specific n eeds of particular tech ni cal equipme nt, in additi on to making the sce ne or object visible12

48、for huma ns (such as studio lighti ng, show effect lighting, theatre lighting); orfilament p eansa lamp in which light is produced by means of a threadlike con ductor which is heated to incan - desce nee by the passage of an electric curre nt. The lamp may contain gases in flue ncing the process of

49、incande - sce nee;incan desce nt lamp means a filame nt lamp in which thefilame nt operates in an evacuated bulb or is surrou nded by in ert gas;14.12.2012 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 342/#14.12.2012 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 342/#(iii) the sce ne or object lit requires

50、 special protecti on from the n egative effects of the light source (such as lighti ng with dedicated filteri ng for photose n sitive patie nts or photose nsitive museum exhibits); or(iv) lighti ng is required only for emerge ncy situati ons (such as emerge ncy light ing lum in aires or con trol gea

51、rs for emerge ncy lighti ng); or13. (tungsten) halogen lamp means a filament lamp in wthe filame nt is made of tun gste n and is surrou nded by gas containing haloge ns or haloge n compou nds; it may besupplied with an in tegrated power supply; dischargmp means a lamp in which the light is produced,

52、 directly or in directly, by an electric discharge through a gas, a metal vapour or a mixture of several gases and vapours;14.12.2012 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 342/#14.12.2012 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 342/#15.(v) the lighting products have to withstand extreme physic

53、al con diti ons (such as vibrati ons or temperatures below -C 20above 50 C);(c) products incorporating lighting products, where the primary purpose is not lighti ng and the product is16.depe ndent on en ergy in put in fulfilli ng its primary purpose dur ing use (such as refrigerators, sew ing mach i

54、n es, en doscopes, blood an alysers);17.5. light source means a surface or object designed to emitmainly visible optical radiati on produced by a tra ns-formation of energy. The term visible refers tolength of 380-780 nm;18.6. lamp means a unit whose performanee can be assessed in depe nden tly and

55、which con sists of one or more light sources. It may in clude additi onal comp onents n ecessaryfor starting, power supply or stable operation of the unit or for distributing, filtering or transforming the optical radi -19ati on, in cases where those comp onents cannot be removed without perma nen t

56、ly damag ing the un it;7. lancpip means that part of a lamp which provides20.conn ecti on to the electrical supply by means of a lampholder or lamp conn ector and may also serve to reta in the lamp in the lamp holder;fluoresce nt lampmeans a discharge lamp of the low-pressure mercury type in which m

57、ost of the light is emitted by one or more layers of phosphors excited by the ultraviolet radiati on from the discharge. Fluoresce nt lamps may be supplied with an in tegrated ballast;fluoresdenip without integrated ballast mensa single- or double-capped fluoresce nt lamp without in tegrated ballast

58、;high intensity discharge lamp means an electriclamp in which the light- produc ing arc is stabilised by wall temperature and the arc has a bulb wall loading in excesslight emitt ing diode (LED)means a light source vcon sists of a solid state device embody ing a p-n jun cti on of i no rga nic materi

59、al. The jun cti on emits optical radiati on whe n excited by an electric curre nt;LED package means an assembly having one or more LED(s). The assembly may in clude an optical eleme nt and thermal, mecha ni cal and electrical in terfaces;LrEDdule meansan assemblyhaving no cap and incorporati ng one

60、or more LED packages on a printed circuit board. The assembly may have electrical, optical, mech - ani cal and thermal comp onen ts, in terfaces and con trol gear;14.12.2012 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 342/#14.12.2012 Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 342/#8.lamp holder or sock

61、et means a device whicl?holds tfLED lamp means a lamp incorporating one or more LED lamp in positi on, usually by hav ing the cap in serted in it, in which case it also provides the means of conn ect ing the lamp to the electric supply;modules. The lamp may be equipped with a cap;9.directi on al lam

62、p means a lamp hav in gatighist 80output within a solid angle of 冗sr (corresponding to a cone with angle of 120 );10.non-directi on al lamp ti on al lamp;lamp control gear means a device located between thelectrical supply and one or more lamps, which provides a functionality related to the operatio

63、n of the lamp(s), such as tran sform ing the supply voltage, limit ing the curre nt of the lamp(s) to the required value, providi ng start ing voltage and preheati ng curre nt, preve nti ng cold start ing, correcti ng the power factor or reduc ing radio in terfere nee. The device means a lamp that i

64、s-not a direc may be designed to connect to other lamp control gear to perform these fun cti ons. The term does not in clude: Official ENJour nalof the Europea nUnionL 342/7con trol devices power supplies withi n the scope of Commissi on Regulation (EC) No 278/2009 (1);Each ecodesig n requireme nt shall apply in accorda nee with the follow ing stages:Stage 1: 1 September 201314.12.2012 Official ENJour nalof the Europea

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