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1、1Unit 10 The Trial That Rocked the World(New Words for teachers)Packed 1) Crowded to capacity: a packed theater 一个挤满了人的剧院2)Compressed:ground covered with wet, heavily packed leaves.地面盖满了湿的、被重重压缩了的叶子Filled with. Often used in combination常用来构成复合词充满的,塞满了的a thrill-packed televisionseries .一部充满了紧张感的电视系列剧

2、1. Sweltering swelt ri adj. Oppressively hot and humid 闷热的,2. Counsel kauns ln. The act of exchanging opinions and ideas; consultation . 讨论,3. Prosecution ,pr si kju:n n.原告;控方;控告人The prosecution is / are coming into court.原告一方正在走进法庭。A famous lawyer has been asked to appear for the prosecution.原告方面请了

3、一位著名律师出庭。进行;执行;实行;从事These scholars went abroad for the prosecution of their studies . 这些学者出国进行研究。4. silver-t on gued silv t dadj. Having the power of flue nt andpersuasive speech ;. 雄辩的5. orator r t n. An eloquent and skilled public speaker 演说者,The orator delivered his speech effectively.演说家深刻有力地发表了

4、演说6. nominee n mi nir. One who has beennominated to an office or for a candidacy被提名的人 ,7. testify testifai To make a declaration of truth 证明,Her tears testified her grief.她的眼泪证明了她的悲伤8. jury du rin. A body of persons sworn to judge and give a verdict on a given matter,especially a body of personssumm

5、oned by law and sworn to hear and hand down a verdictupon a case presented in court .律 陪审团,10. erupt i ptvt. To become violently active: The volcano erupted after years of dormancy.喷出vi. To emerge violently from restraint or limits; explode 爆发My n eighbor erupted in an ger over the no ise. 噪声使我的邻居勃然

6、大怒Violenee erupted after the football match .(喻)足球赛后发生了暴力行为11. coach k ut n. 1) A large, closed, four-wheeled carriage with an elevated exterior seat forthe driver; a stagecoach. 四轮大马车 ,2) A motorbus . 长途汽车,3) A person who trains or directs athletes orathletic teams 教练 Our football coach trains the

7、team12. clash kl . To come into conflict ; be in opposition : 冲突,To collide with a loud, harsh, usually metallic noisev.(使)发出撞击声 ,13.Fun dame ntalism f nd ment lizm n. An orga ni zed, milita nt Eva ngelical moveme nt originating in theUnited States in 1920 in opposition to Liberalism and secularism

8、.正统派基督教 ,14. violate vai leit vt. To break or disregard (a law or promise, for example).违矛犯,15. legality li Igi n. The state or quality of being legal; lawfu In ess 合法,16.indict in datt To make a formal accusation against a party by the findings of a jury, especially a grandjury . 起诉, 控告,17. a ntici

9、pate n tisipeitft. To feel or realize beforeha nd ; foresee .预期,To look forward to, especially with pleasure ; expect 期望,218. snowball sn b :ln. A mass of soft, wet snow packed into a ball that can be thrown, asin play 雪球 v.打雪仗,To grow rapidly in significanee, importanee, or size:(使)迅速增长19. prosecut

10、e psikju:t vi.告发,起诉,作检察官20. festoon fes tu:n. A string or garland, as of leaves or flowers,suspended in a loop or curvebetween two points . 花彩 vt. 结彩于 ,21. sprout spraut To emerge and develop rapidly 很快地生长 发展 22. rickety rikiapj., Likely to break or fall apart; shaky .摇摆的23. evangelist invd ilistn.

11、One who practices evangelism, especially aProtestant preacher ormissionary . 福音传道者 evangelism Zealous preaching and dissemination of the gospel , as through missionarywork . :热心地宣讲和传播福音,如通过传教士的工作24. exhort igz:tv. To urge by strong, often stirring argument , admonition, advice, or appeal 劝 诫, 忠告 The

12、general exhorted his men to fight well .将军鼓励他的士兵好好作战25. passerby pa:s bian. A person who passes by, especially casually or by chance 过路人, 行 人A passerby told me the time.26.infidel infid ladj.n. One who has no religious beliefs 无信仰者 , An unbeliever with respect to a particularreligion, especially Chr

13、istianity or Islam 异教徒 ,27. florid frlidadj. Very ornate; flowery :华丽的, Flushed with rosy color; ruddy .红润的28. mountaineer ,maunti ni n. A native or inhabitant of a mountainous area 山地人, One who climbs mountainsfor sport 登山运动员 v.登山29. paunchy p :nt I, adj. The belly, especially a protuding one; a po

14、tbelly 大肚子的30. attor ney t:n i n. 律师,A pers on legally appo in ted by ano ther to act as his or heragent in the transaction of business, specifically one qualified and licensed to act forplaintiffs anddefendants in legal proceedings. (业务或法律事务上的 )代理人31. shrewd ru:dadj. Characterized by keen awareness

15、 , sharp intelligence, and often a sense of the practical 精明“ He was too shrewd to go along with them upon a road which could lead onlyto their overthrow 他太精明了,和他们一块不会走上一条只能导致他们下台的道路”(J A弗劳德)shrew: A woman with a violent, scolding, or nagging temperament ;32. magnetic m g netikadj., Having an unusua

16、l power or ability to attract 有吸引力的a magnetic personality .有魅力的个性 magnetic eyes 迷人的眼睛 magnet33. steep sti:p adj. Having a sharp inclination; precipitous 险峻的 , a steep hill 陡峭的山The steep rock seems to be growing at an angle .这块陡直的岩石似乎在以一定角度生长。There was a steep climb on the road out of town.城外的公路有一段陡坡

17、。The steep sky s commotion.n. A precipitous slope . 悬崖 , 峭壁 ,v. To make thoroughly wet; saturate 浸 , 泡 , 沉浸Never did sun more beautifully steep valley, rock or hill in his first splendor.34. session se nn.3A meeting of a legislative or judicial body for the purpose of transacting business 会议, 开庭 The

18、 general sessionapproved the report of the investigation committee .全会批准了调查委员会的报告A period of time devoted to a specific activity. 一段时间 a recording session 录音时间35. juror d u r n. One who serves as a member of a jury 陪审员 , 审查委员36. growl graul v. The low, guttural, menacing sound made by ananimal 低吼 th

19、e growl of a dog .狗的低吼 A gruff, surly utterance 咆哮 ,The desk officer answered my greeting with a growl . 值勤警官粗鲁地回答我的问候37.preliminary pri liminriadj. Prior to or preparing for the main matter, action, or business; introductory orprefatory 预备的 , 初步的 preliminary measures 初步措施 a preliminary examination

20、初试 a preliminaryinvestigation ; 事先调查38. spar spa: To bandy words about in argument;dispute . ;争辩39.drawl dr :lv. To speak with lengthened or drawn-out vowels 拉长调说话40.bigotry gbi trin The attitude, state ofmind, or behaviorcharacteristic of a bigot; intolerance固执 , 顽固41.rampant rmp nt adj. Occurring

21、without restraint and frequently, widely, or menacingly猖獗的 , a rampant epidemic ; 一场流行瘟疫 rampant corruption in city government . 市政府里腐败成风42. baking beikin.烘焙,To cook (food) with dry heat, especially in an oven43. bigot bigtn. One who is strongly partial to ones own group, religion, race, or politics

22、 and is intolerant ofthose who differ , 顽固者44. faggot ( fagot) gftn. A bundle of twigs, sticks, or branches bound together .柴把 vt. 束, 捆45. contaminate k ntmineitv . To make impure or unclean 污染 contamination: the contamination ofunderground aquifers46. mammal mm l n .哺乳动物 mammon: 财富 , 财神47. snort sn

23、 :tv. A rough, noisy sound made by breathing forcefully through the nostrils, as a horse or pig does喷鼻息“The wind snorted across the Kansas plains” 大风从堪萨斯平原上呼啸而过”(盖尔希伊)48. brandish brndi vt. To wave or flourish (a weapon, for example) menacingly 挥舞49. denounce di naunvst. To condemn openly as being e

24、vil or reprehensible , 公开指责 , 谴责 To accuseformally.50. sonorous sn:r sadj. Impressive in style of speec h 醒目 a sonorous oration .铿锵有力的演51. reconcile rek nsail vt. To reestablish a close relationship between 使和解 ,The estranged couple reconciled after a year .翻脸的那对夫妻一年以后又和好了,Theyre reconciled now .现在他

25、们和好了To bring (oneself) to accept : 使顺从He finally reconciled himself to the change in management .他最终使自己接受了管理上的那个变化He became reconciled to the loss of his wife .他接受了丧妻的事实。52. divine di vaiand j., Having the nature of or being a deity.Supremely good or beautiful;magnificent : 极好的,很美的;壮丽的:4a divine per

26、formance of the concerto. 美妙的协奏曲演奏非凡的 ,Extremely pleasant ; delightful: 令人极为高兴的 had a divine time at the ball. 在舞会上玩得开心极了53. fervour f:v n. Great warmth and intensity of emotion 热情(美作: fervor)54. arena ri:nn. A place or scene where forces contend or events unfold :竞争场所,活动场所:withdrew fromthe politica

27、l arena ; 从政治舞台上退出;the world as an arena of moral conflict.世界象一个道义冲突的竞技场 ,55.prairie epr rin. An extensive area of flat orrolling, predominantly treeless grassland, especially the large tract or plain of central North America. 大草原 , 牧场 , 林间小空地56.scorch sk :t v. To burn superficially so as to discolo

28、r or damage the texture of烧焦 , I scorched my dress with theiron .我用熨斗熨衣服时烫坏了我的衣服To wither or parch with intense heat 枯萎 The grass was scorched by the sun. 草被太阳晒枯57.pop p p n. To move quickly orunexpectedly ; appear abruptly突然地)来去,行动At last the cottage popped into view . 最后村舍终于闯入眼帘(Shes always poppin

29、g in and out . 她总是进进出出。 Pop openA pop group plays pop music .流行歌曲明星演奏流行音乐 top of the pops 最畅销的流行音乐唱片58.sip sip v. To drink in small quantities . 吸吮 She sipped the hot tea .她呷了一口热茶59.volume vlju:m; n. A collection of written or printed sheets bound together; a book 体积 , The volume ofthis container is

30、 2 cubic meters .这个容器的容量是两立方米 量 the volume of passenger travel 旅客的数量 thevolume of sales ,The loudness of a sound 音量 She turned down the volume on the radio.她关小了收音机的音量60.duel dju ln. A struggle for domination between two contending persons, groups, or ideas. Du et: Acomposition for two voices or inst

31、ruments.61. momentary mum nt riadj. Lasting for only a moment 瞬间的 , 刹那间的He was momentarily unable to speak withexcitement . 他激动得一时说不出话来了62.hush hv. Tokeep from public knowledge; suppress mention of. Often used with up掩饰tried to hush up the damaging details .试图掩饰有破坏性的细节The President tried to hush up

32、the fact that hisadviser had lied .总统试图掩盖他的顾问说谎的事实。 Hush up ! 别作声 !安静,肃静 A hush fell over the meeting-room . 会议室里一下子安静了下来。63.rule ru:l vi. To decide or declare authoritatively or judicially; 裁定 常与 that 连用)裁决 The judge ruled thathe must leave .法官裁定他必须退出。The court ruled that the claim was null andvoid

33、 .法庭裁决此项要求无效。as a rule In general; for the most part :通常;总体上: As a rule, we take the bus.rule out 1) To prevent; preclude :避免;排除在外:The snowstorm ruled out their weekly meeting. 暴风雪使他们一周一次的会议无法举行2) To remove from consideration ; exclude: 不考虑;排除出去:5The option of starting over has been ruled out. 重新开始这

34、种选择已被排除考虑64.adjourn d:n vi. To suspend until a later stated time 延期 , 休会 ,The meeting will be adjourned till next Wednesday .会议暂停 ,下星期三继续举行To move from one place to another :转移地址,换地方:After the meal we adjourned to the living room .饭后我们移到起居室Adjoin To be next to65.swarm sw :mn. To move or gather in la

35、rge numbers. , 云集 sailors swarming the ships deck The beach isswarming with bathers. 海滩满是海浴的人Swarm through the freshly-cut forestland66.hawker h:k n. One who sells goods aggressively , especially by calling out ., 叫卖小贩 ;鹰67.ponder pnd v. To weigh in the mind with thoroughness and care 沉思 , 考虑68.cowe

36、r kauvi. 畏缩, 退缩 With Maggie cowering behind me.The dog cowered whe n its master beat it.当它的主人揍它时,狗抖缩了。69. sulphurous slf r adj.化硫磺的,含有硫磺的70. dispatch dispt vt. to dispatch a messenger ; to dispatch her maid on an invented errand71. citizenry itsiznri n. Citizens considered as a group. citizenry (集合称

37、 ) weaponry72. yokel juk l n. A rustic; a bumpkin .庄稼汉,乡下人 pumpkin n. 南瓜 yoke: to liberate people from its yoke73. telegraphist te ligrfistn.报务员,74. maple meiplj.植枫,枫木,75. squat skw t. To sit in a crouching position with knees bent and the hams resting on or nearthe heels .蹲坐,蹲伏 squad: a squad of co

38、ps76. perch p :tFn. A pole,stick,or rod 栖木,To alight or rest on a perch; roost: 栖息: A raven perched high in the pine. 渡鸦高高地栖息在树上 Birds perchedon the branch . 鸟停在树枝上77. gawk g :kn. An awkward , loutish person; an oaf . 呆子 v.呆呆地看着 hawk78 thump mpv. To beat with or as if with a blunt object so as to pr

39、oduce a muffled sound or thud 重击,砰然地响 n. A blow with a blunt object 重击,重击声79.Scripture skript n. A sacred writing or book .手稿,文件,Scripture 基督教(圣经),经文80. wily wailaidj. cunning 老谋深算的 as wily as a fox 狐狸般的狡猾81. stride straidv. To walk with long steps,especially in a hasty or vigorous way.大步走 (过),He st

40、rode angrily into the classroom .他气愤地跨进教室82. repel ri pvet.l keep away; drive back 击退,repel insects .驱除昆虫impel: To urge to action through moral pressure; drive:6We were impelled by circumstances to take a stand. 我们因形势所迫而采取一个立场 propel: To cause to moveforward or onward .推进:使向前移动或继续移动参见The computer re

41、volution is propelling mankind to a higher order of existence.83. punctuate pktjueit v.,To interrupt periodically :不时打断vi. lectures punctuated by questions and discussions a speech punctuated with cheers84. defiantdi faint adj. Marked by defiance ; boldly resisting 挑战的,挑衅的,a defiant child 不顺从的孩子 a d

42、efiant manner 蔑视的样子The defiant child was punished . 这个不顺从的孩子受到了惩罚。85. fervent f:v ntadj. Having or showing great emotion or zeal; ardent : 炽热的fervent protests ; 强烈的抗议; a fervent admirer. 热烈的爱慕者fervent hatred 强烈的恨 Hes a fervent believer in free speech.他是言论自由的强烈信仰者。86. Genesis d enisis n. The coming i

43、nto being of something; the origin 起源87. snigger snigvi. Snicker; To utter a partly stifled laugh 吃吃地笑,窃笑88. twirl tw To rotate or revolve briskly ; swing in a circle; spin: twirled a baton to lead the band. 转动指挥棒来指挥乐队 To twist or wind around: 缠绕或盘绕: twirl thread on a spindle . 把线绕在锭子上 To whirl or t

44、urnsuddenly; make an about-face : 突然旋转转弯或;向后转: twirled in the direction of the noise. 突然转向发出吵闹声音的地方89. serpent s:p ntn., A subtle, sly, or treacherous person 阴险的人90. livid liviaddj.: Discolored, as from a bruise ; black-and-blue 铅色的 ,(被打得)青紫色的 Ashen or pallid aface livid with shock . 因震惊而变惨白的脸91.slu

45、r si :v. To pronounce indistinctly. :不清楚地发出92.gavel gv ln. A small mallet used by a presiding officer or an auctioneer to signal for attention or order or tomark the conclusion of a transaction 槌93.quell kwel v. To put down forcibly; suppress :镇压: Police quelled the riot .警察平息了暴动To pacify; quie t:使平

46、静;安静:fin ally quelled the childre nsfears.最终驱散了孩子们的恐惧94. Hubbub hb bn. Loud noise; din 吵闹声 ,95. Forlornly fl:nadj. Forsaken or deprived: :被遗弃的 forlorn of all hope .没有任何希望 Wretched or pitiful inappearance or condition: 可怜的 forlorn roadside shacks .凄凉的路边栅屋96. warrior w ri n. One who is engaged in or e

47、xperienced in battle. 战士, , 武士, adj. 尚武的97. verdictv:diktn. An expressed conclusion ; a judgment or an opinion 裁决, 判决,The verdict was that the prisoner was guilty.98. conviction k nviknn. The state of being convinced 深信, 确信,This changed conviction into certainty.The state of being found or proved gu

48、ilty : 定罪 , 宣告有罪This was her third conviction for cheating. 这是她第三次被判犯有欺诈罪。99. hail heil冰雹,t., To greet or acclaim enthusiastically:向.欢呼7The crowds hailed the boxing champion .群众向这位拳击冠军To salute or greet 致敬.100. scholarship skl ipn1. )A grant of financial aid awarded to a student, as for the purpose

49、of attending a college奖学金2. ) Knowledge resulting from study and research in a particular field 学问,学识101. pursue p sju:vt. To follow in an effort to overtake or capture; chase 追赶, 追踪, 追击, The police arepursuing an escaped prisoner .警方正在追捕一个在逃的犯人。To strive to gain or accomplish : pursue lofty politic

50、al goals .追求崇高的政治目标 to pursue pleasure102. geologist d il d istn.地质学者103.overlook , uv lukvt. To rise above, especially so as to afford a view over .俯瞰,The house on the hill overlooks the village .从小山上的房子可以俯视村庄The tower overlooks the sea .这座塔楼俯瞰大海To ignore deliberately or indulgently; disregard 忽略:忽

51、视You have overlooked several of the mistakes in this work .你忽略了这个工作中的几个错误。The secretary is very careful and never overlooks any little points.秘书是个很细心的人她从不忽视细节。104 oratorial ,rt:ri ladj. 演说的 , 雄辩的105. academic , k demikadj. characteristic of a school, especially one of higherlearning .学院的,Relating to scholarly performance : a students academic average . 一个学生的学术能力 (from Reader s Digest,July, 1962.) 2005/2/22

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