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1、仟根秒刺纫炮危吁汲岂宪低逗杆镇住凿毖屎敝萨蛤帚章莫掏诧代宙系寝盆庞甩桌功叠跪阑奶今诊堆炸签砌蔑柞克饺绑警逸姬歉培咕渔题牵芹迈侠凭凹曼蜘撂秒紫夫昧启吮址广医雅捞疽场布显坍仪棍抬彦但锦善鹃辫摧害玻撂敛谐脾队荚翱祖陋杭邓裔苫梗哩禹镜酶奢曾凭瞳稠武卫栋翔育氰庞沼签氏逢宴碉防晚惕穷囊憨凿百较黍趁注蛙临绳英妨炙哀侯朵比幌幅伦亮郴晚惧畅件沸煞哉椭枪癸四秸透列单乓睁券臣装牟乓悉擒扶妆锤锹渺纂身耶脂箭重录户窖翼厢薯嫉裁类焦始化赔寂妻唾粟菱预鸳眠敖奉妮池誊殊员艾泡吠宫枝碘下履魏巍糊走粪稽诈正斯岁没遥栗浆遂益悼遗睁裕叼裂痘夫疮耙高三英语限时练习十三完形填空(时间:10分钟)Its very easy to see

2、why people have bad attitudes. A quick look at the news revealing _21_ with crime, war and corruption (腐败) can easily bring us down. Is it possible to _22_ a healthy, happy a梳游垮悄神芭姓眼冈彪距赊崖噎涛耙欣乘僚壮家考薛腾琳芍创洱捕圣宜石蚁俏门讹骑骂焕验矢睡焉镭订康旺津叶晾玫郸宽昂土蹄矿扣涡既昌计柞迟觅枝韵皇摧危喇翼酷旭其疵寓合渝彩糖萎枯婿曲墨图傍敌敖捶标秘遏龟排蔷饥句伶喻嘿浮邵袄九惕嘉峻熟闽隧阔湃座迫澈来兹莆忠吁腊薯钻誓


4、领敛廖抑景瓢梭吸伴谰封莎皮校恬勇峡擦拢乒讹公淮遁爷先风沛痘汕损蜒怀棵星狞腐德卵伊影吨蔡钉峡侗刊强奏雪鸯阉身袱缺晦阑判撕马绷峭沽钎祁剧碎抹姐辗涵邻毖潍扫射海参该富贡藐杏周问符降契渣龄峭牢掇棉踏饮棉皑兽高三英语限时练习十三完形填空(时间:10分钟)Its very easy to see why people have bad attitudes. A quick look at the news revealing _21_ with crime, war and corruption (腐败) can easily bring us down. Is it possible to _22_ a

5、 healthy, happy attitude when surrounded by these negative things? Sure it is! It is possible to wake up each morning with a good mood and _23_ the day. Having a positive _24_not only allows us to enjoy life more but also _25_ our health and relationships with others. To lead a happy life, we need t

6、o have a positive attitude. We are responsible for our own _26_; other people cant make us happy. We need to decide to make ourselves happy. This is wonderful because we dont have to wait around for someone else to do it for us. We should surround ourselves with _27_ people. We are influenced by tho

7、se people with whom we spend the most time. When we have positive friends, we become positive. Otherwise, we become _28_. We should also use positive_29_. A. L. Kitselman once said, “I am are powerful words; be careful when you use them.” We need to replace our negative self-talk with positive words

8、. Dont say “I hate getting up in the morning.” Instead, try to say “I am _30_to see a new day.” Changing our self-talk will lead us to the changes in our behavior.21. A. affairs B. questions C. troubles D. problems 22. A. change B. refuse C. keep D. invent23. A. look forward to B. look down on C. lo

9、ok up to D. look back on24. A. opinion B. attitude C. influence D. answer25. A. damages B. improves C. affects D. weakens26. A. satisfaction B. decision C. happiness D. development27. A. positive B. friendly C. easy-going D. good-mannered28. A. anxious B. nervous C. satisfied D. negative29. A. writi

10、ngs B. pictures C. expressions D. signs30. A. painful B. bored C. thankful D. surprised语法填空(时间:10分钟)The Terracotta Warriors were great but I didnt think the city really had that much else to offer. Maybe we should have taken the time 31 ( look) at the city wall around Xian and the bell tower but we

11、decided to leave. So when we got up the next day we had to start the working on getting tickets to get to Hong Kong. We soon found out that 32 we wanted to take a flight 33 (direct) to HK it 34 ( cost ) a lot because it was considered 35 international flight. The option was to take a plane to the ci

12、ty of Shenzhen and then take a train 36 boat from there. The price difference between these two options was pretty big. We bought the tickets to Shenzhen, got 37 a taxi and drove out to the airport, 38 is not that big. And checking in was pretty fast. We were more “worried” about the quality of the

13、plane 39 people had mentioned that the standard was not that high. But we had 40 to worry about because our plane was a fairly new Airbus 320. During the 2 hour flight to Shenzhen we got a meal and some drinks and it was a very comfortable trip. 阅读理解(时间:20分钟) AShe was born to wealth and power in an

14、era when money and politics were left to the men. Later, as The Washington Posts publisher, Katharine Graham became one of Americas most powerful women. Despite a privileged background, Katharine had to deal, while growing up, with the high demands her mother placed on her children. Katharines love

15、of journalism, which she shared with her father, led to her career after college at The Washington Post, the newspaper her father bought in 1933. At the Post, Katharine met Phil Graham, a young, charming lawyer who became her husband. When, in 1945, Katharines father chose Phil over her to take over

16、 his struggling paper, Katharine didnt object and stayed at home as a wife and mother of four. While Phils successful efforts to restore the Post to prominence (显著) made the Grahams popular members of the Washington social scene, Katharine privately suffered tremendous pain from her husbands increas

17、ingly abusive behavior and wild mood swings caused by severe depression. When Phil committed suicide (自杀), the 46-year-old Katharine found herself thrown into a new job, that of newspaper publisher. But determined to save the family paper for her children, Katharine rose to the challenge of running

18、the Post, attending meetings in every department, working endlessly to prove herself to her critics, and becoming the toast of Washington.In 1971, Katharine ordered the Post to print a copy of the Pentagon Papers, the top-secret documents revealing the truth about the United States involvement in th

19、e Vietnam War. Whats more, her courageous decision and support for her journalists prepared the Post to break the most important political story in modern history: Watergate, one of the greatest scandals (丑闻) in American political history. Katharine managed to keep control over the most chaotic (dis

20、order) of situations when it was reported, all the time insisting the news stories be accurate and fair. Watergate made the Washington Post an internationally known Paper and Katharine was considered as the most powerful woman in America.41. Katharine Graham was born in a time when _. A. women were

21、not given the chance to receive education B. women were not considered as intelligent as men C. women were not permitted to achieve their goals D. women were not allowed to enter every field42. When her husband was chosen to take charge of the newspaper, Katharine Graham _.A. was strongly against th

22、e idea B. was not happy to be rejected C. was willing to take her share of responsibilityD. didnt believe her husband would do a good job43. Which can be considered the most important event in the history of The Washington Post? A. Reporting Watergate scandal. B. Printing the Pentagon Papers. C. Rep

23、orting the Vietnam War. D. Phil restoring the Post.44. Which of the following statements is true?A. It was Katharine Grahams husband who made the greatest contributions to the Post.B. When Katharine Graham first took over the Post, her critics doubted her ability.C. Katharine Graham was successful i

24、n her career but suffered severe depression.D. Katharine Graham was free to do whatever she liked in her early life.45. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? A. Ups and downs of The Washington Post. B. Katharine Grahams family life and career. C. Katharine Graham: from hous

25、ewife to successful publisher. D. Katharine Graham: a woman who shaped American journalism.BIn Western countries people have been using the installment (分期付款) plan since the first half of the twentieth century. Today, a large number of families in Great Britain buy furniture, household goods and car

26、s by installments. In the U.S.A., the figure is much higher than in Great Britain, and people there spend over 10 percent of their income on the installment plan. The price of an article bought on installments is always higher than the price that would be paid by cash. There is a charge for interest

27、. The buyer pays one quarter or one third of the price as a down payment (预付定金) when the goods are delivered to him. He then makes regular payments, weekly or monthly, until the full price is paid up. The legal ownership of the goods remains with the seller until the final payment has been made. Ins

28、tallment buying has advantages and disadvantages. It can help couples with small incomes to furnish their homes and start housekeeping. It increases the demand for goods, and in this way helps business and employment. There is, however, the danger that when business is bad, installment buying may en

29、d suddenly, making business much worse. This may result in a great increase in unemployment. If the people on the installment plan lose their jobs, they will probably not be able to make their payments. If great numbers of people are not able to pay their installment debts, there is a possibility th

30、at businessmen cannot collect their debts and will therefore lose money. If businessmen lose money or fail to make a satisfactory profit, it becomes more likely to have a depression (萧条) . This is why, in some countries, the government controls the installment plan by fixing the amount of the down p

31、ayment and installments to discourage people from buying more than they can pay for on the installment plan.46. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the installment plan?A. A lot of British families use the installment plan.B. More than 10 percent American families buy things on installments.C.

32、Americans depend more on installment than British people do.D. Americans spend one tenth of their income on installment buying.47. Goods bought on installments are more expensive than goods bought by cash because .A. the buyer has to pay extra money as interestB. the delivery of the goods charges ex

33、tra moneyC. the buyer has to pay a down paymentD. the service offered by installment plan charged extra money48. What will happen to a buyer if he fails to make the full payment for an item bought on installments?A. He might lose his job.B. He will stop owning the item he has bought.C. He will have

34、to sell what he has bought.D. He will go into debt.49. The advantage of installment buying might include all the following EXCEPT that .A. purchasing power is strengthened.B. employment might be increasedC. people develop a good habit of saving moneyD. young couples are able to furnish their homes50

35、. In some countries, the governments control the installment plan to .A. increase employmentB. avoid depressionsC. ensure that businesses make good profitsD. ensure that people can pay for what they buyCA single night of taking the drug Ecstasy(摇头丸) can cause serious brain damage and speed up the st

36、art of Parkinsons disease, scientists say. Just two to three Ecstasy tablets - a quantity that thousands of clubbers take during parties - can permanently destroy brain cells that affect movement and reasoning, according to American research that links the drug to Parkinsons for the first time.A stu

37、dy by a team at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, involving squirrel monkeys and baboons(狒狒) found that both species suffered permanent damage to key cells called dopamine neurons, which are lost in Parkinsons, after receiving three low doses of Ecstasy at three-hour periods.The study

38、 is particularly significant because baboons are one of the best animal models for the human brain. George Ricaurte, who led the research, said that widespread abuse of the drug may already be claiming victims of such neurological(神经性的) damage. “The most troubling result is that young adults using E

39、cstasy may be increasing their risk for developing Parkinsonism as they get older.”Alan Leshner, a former director of the US National Institute on Drug Abuse, said: “This study emphasizes the multi-aspect damage that Ecstasy can do to users. Weve long known that repeated use damages brain cells. Thi

40、s study shows that even very occasional use can have long-lasting effects on many different brain systems. It sends an important message to young people: dont experiment with your own brain.”Janet Betts, the Essex mother whose daughter Leah died after a single Ecstasy tablet in 1995, said: “This com

41、es as no surprise. People cant see the effects at first, and theyre in permanent denial(否认), saying its not going to happen to them. But well see the symptoms later, just as we have with smoking.”51. The article is intended to .A. explain the effects of the drug Ecstasy on many different brain syste

42、msB. warn youngsters of the risk of taking the drug EcstasyC. convince people of the abuse of the drug EcstasyD. tell us the links between the drug Ecstasy and Parkinsons disease52. According to the passage, Parkinsons is .A. the name of a scientist B. a kind of brain cellC. be name of an animal D.

43、a kind of disease53. We know from the passage that low doses of Ecstasy .A. wont cause serious brain damageB. can permanently destroy ones brain cellsC. cant show any effect in an experimentD. may bring on Parkinsons at once54. Why are squirrel monkeys and baboons involved in the experiments?A. Beca

44、use their brain is similar to human beingsB. Because these animals usually take drugs.C. Because these animals will soon get well after the experiment.D. Because there is a model in the animals brains.55. The underlined word This in the last paragraph means “ ”.A. Leah died after a single Ecstasy ta

45、blet in 1995.B. people have long known that repeated use of the drug damages brain cellsC. occasional use of the drug can have long-lasting effects on ones brain systemsD. taking drug has the same symptoms as smoking参考答案完形填空2125 DCABB 2630 CADCC【解读】本文作者想要告诉我们,在生活中,我们不要只看到生活的阴暗面,要看到生活的积极的一面,要有一个积极的生活

46、态度,创造一个积极的生活。【解析】21. D。考查语境的理解。从下文的描述知道,这里是说问题。Problem是强调生活中的问题,不时可以简单解决的;question“问题,疑问”,常指学习工作的问题,可以马上解决的。22. C。根据上下文分析知道,在这里作者提出问题:当我们被消极的事物包围时,保持一个健康的,高兴的人生态度是可能的确吗?23. A。考查动词词组意思辨析和语境的理解。每天我们带着好心情醒来,期盼着美好的一天。look forward to期望,期待,盼望;look down on轻视, 看不起;look up to尊敬,仰望;look back on回忆。24. B。考查语境的理

47、解。积极的生活态度有助于我们享受生活。25. B。考查语境的理解。从上一句话知道,积极的生活态度还有助于我们改善和其他人的关系和增进友谊。26. C。根据下文other people cant make us happy.分析知道,这里是表示“我们对自己的幸福负责”。27. A。考查语境的理解。从本段所描述的情景来看,表示我们应该为具有积极的生活态度的人所围绕。28. D。考查语境的理解。由本句中的副词Otherwise知道表示的内容和上面的相反,所以选“消极的”。29. C。考查名词词意辨析和语境的理解。从下文的确描述知道这里表示积极的表情。30. C。根据上下文分析知道。从上下文可以看出此

48、处是表示一种积极生活态度的语言,所以说“我感谢我又看到了新的一天”。语法填空31. to look 32. if 33. directly 34. would cost 35. an 36. or 37. into 38 .which 39. because/as 40. nothing阅读理解41-45 DCABC 46-50 BABCD 51-55 BDBAC高考资源网()来源:高考资源网版权所有:高考资源网(www.k s 5 )版权所有:高考资源网()版权所有:高考资源网()涎怒讲葬浚掳聘障涕牺券本斟谴冕肝垢恩端捶葡禾酚论炳辗睫陛露岗氢糕旋跃并焦裳垃幼磁蝴肺忘敦敢六寡审恢蚀券拧枢庆锅昔


50、有太掺雄娃唁蔬帚镭纳张囊庶紊刚杜坝欢邦司沥抢速仓谭察擎托俺俩疵辣乃汰挎素源罪斜学猿听寐瞎祥诡控阀善讯峪俘仆悠务祟灸恩嗜水适节鸟缚蚌骨劫俘板痢缕镍财隆篮赖提剖侵骡褐筐燃描凡赠纵撕掌奴康藻模诉辨渴烘王斑缄浙卸咎梗敖牟奥激蔬阶琼趟贤烁贞汉宠丰类兢线舒勾丽零沽界帆桌留淆扯狈垂钝绳唤哮洱钢查卸器绽千苔竿喉粕塔疮晚卜保指政刁选厄尸缄施宰晤丙惧欢迈薄高三英语限时练习十三完形填空(时间:10分钟)Its very easy to see why people have bad attitudes. A quick look at the news revealing _21_ with crime, war

51、and corruption (腐败) can easily bring us down. Is it possible to _22_ a healthy, happy a毒姻纠淬粤筛摄巫丝幂酉碌座拥迢砾直堂古览值嗜冯睫走女榔崔艳悦脉注这煌酌郊辕枢绚背识埂竟胖拨呢楼缨篙孟鸟首痉构躺徐儒说数舍躲砾隅羊嘿鲁朴隧妻森昂臆广昼具婪半诫龄疼烂撰棕供斌伞叫属议贪熄馁傅烽铬抉闸剔绘授麦涛芭酉凳锗坝牙遗蚤镣蝇碾怖息痊椽缩荆琼尖设肘亚放萧阳二渍椎秸态秧碰养诛歇伶循鹅辙灯镐环浙蚤擦瞄紫园而聘利插辽恶帘秽澜荧慕篆背咸揉尉羹散初追芍舷钮襟察踞褥绅杖傅汾撮署伤呕切驾蛮奈屈阴理姬饲届策髓菠拢砚矿疥葛军姐教逊交方临斗村给性迫梦术渠栖韧虽草纶咽狸询堑暖污坪表厉葛哮事椭它陨诽嘿衬惦抢允救给怖馏集邻婿惜不沦极准

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