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1、1、 Amy is finally used to the formal mode of address 正式的称号2、 His company is of moderate size that holds about 50 people3、 The newly-found company just sought a modest profit during the first year 追求保守利润4、 The monetary systems of most countries are based on the value of the gold5、 Monitor vt.监听/n.监视器

2、 monopoly 垄断 mortgage 抵押n/v6、 Moral sense道德观 moral standard 道德标准 morality 道德 moralism 道德准则7、 We should have a moral obligation to keep the companys information confidential 8、 You can apply for a mortgage loan to buy the car 抵押贷款9、 There are a lot of people in Beijing whose mortgage payment is almos

3、t half of their salaries按揭贷款10、 Many multinational enterprises have set up subsidiaries in the development district11、 The two companies cooperate for the sake of mutual benefit 目的12、 The goods are on sale because they are cheap and nasty 不值钱的,质量低劣的13、 The stars can help the sailors to navigate the

4、ship 指引、导航14、 Necessary 必要的 negotiator 谈判者 negotiable 可谈判的 noticeable 显而易见的15、 Be in negotiation with sb over sth normal university 师范大学16、 Please notify us of your shipping time17、 The wonderful dream should only be nourished by great effort 滋养、养育18、 Ann is a complete novice at this section 新手19、 A

5、lthough there were numerous failures they continued their experiment 20、 Nutritional = nourishing 有营养的 nutrition n.营养 nutrition supplement 营养补充21、 Object n.物体、对象、目的,vi.反对 object to 反对sb、sth objective 客观的22、 Companies are obliged by law to sign contract with employees23、 Betty was oblivious to what h

6、ad happened 忘却的、不知不觉的24、 You should observe the contract after signing it 遵守25、 The regulation of the company are obsolete/old-fashioned/outdated 过时的26、 The annual meeting of our company is a formal occasion 重大活动、时候、场合27、 There should be a specific description about the occupation in your advertisem

7、ent 你的广告中应该有对该职位的详细描述28、 Offensive 冒犯的、使人不快的、攻击性的 offensive weapon 攻击性武器29、 These advertisements are highly offensive to people30、 Official holiday 法定假日 official routine 例行公事 31、 The certificate is made valid by means of the official seal 证明书盖了公章才有效32、 Many workers lost their jobs on account of the

8、depression 由于33、 On business 因公 in business 做买卖 on sale 待售 one-way ticket单程票34、 Consumption on clothing in 1998 increased 20 times on the average compared with 197835、 The manufacturers say the device will be on the market by May 共出售36、 Operate a factory 开工厂 be optimistic about 对乐观37、 The firm promi

9、sed to fulfill the buyers order within two weeks in the contracts38、 The manager overestimated the market capacity and then he found that it is difficult to open up an outlet 打开销路 outlet 、出口、渠道、销路39、 The outstanding debts of our company must be paid off by the end of this year 未偿付的、杰出的40、 Outpatient

10、 门诊病人 original idea 新颖的想法 overbook v.超额售出41、 The funds are six days overdue 过期的,延误的42、 Overtime n.加班 adj.超时的 adv.超时地 work overtime be on overtime43、 P.O.Box 邮政信箱 pack up把收拾起来放好 pack off 把打发走44、 The product have been packaged in recyclable material 打包45、 The captain led the sailors to paddle up the r

11、iver 船长带领水手向上游划去46、 Panic n.恐慌 paralysis n.瘫痪 paralyze parent company母公司 parking lot 停车场47、 They called for the partition of that company into two 他们要求把那家公司一分为二48、 The employee passed up a good chance for promotion 拒绝 =turn down=waive49、 My favorite pastime is hiking patron赞助人50、 James has obtained

12、a patent on his latest electronic invention 专利51、 Pay off 还清(债务) pay back 偿还 pay up 全部付清 paycheck 支付薪水的支票52、 The peak season here is from Jan. to Jun 旺季53、 If the work is not completed as scheduled the company will pay the penalty n.罚金、处罚54、 Please perform your duty as a manager 履行职责55、 It is still pending an agreement 协议尚未达成 56、 Periodical n.期刊 adj.周期的 permanent income 固定收入 permanent staff长期工57、 Death penalty 死刑 perceive 感觉、察觉、认识到、理解2 / 2文档可自由编辑打印

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