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1、2022年考博英语-中国科学院考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题he defect in Davids character has( )him from advancement in his career.问题1选项A.exemptedB.forbiddenC.underminedD.hindered【答案】D【解析】考察动词辨析。exempt “免除”;forbidden “禁止”;undermined “破坏”;hindered “阻碍”。句意为:大卫的性格缺陷阻碍了他的事业发展。选项D符合句意。2. 单选题The countrys railway network was ex

2、panding rapidly and the manufacture of steel rails was a _ business for Sheffield firms.问题1选项A.bulkyB.permanentC.jointD.lucrative【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. bulky 庞大的,大块头的 B. permanent 永久的,永恒的C. joint 联合的,共同的 D. lucrative 获利多的,利润丰厚的【考查点】形容词辨析。【解题思路】空格处作定语修饰下文的“business(业务)”,表示铁轨的制造是一项什么样的业务。and连接两个并列分句,说明对该业务

3、的形容要和前半句“这个国家的铁路网络(railway network)正在迅速扩张(expanding rapidly)”相对应,铁路网络扩张就意味着对铁轨的需求量增大,制造铁轨的业务就会有可观的利润。lucrative指获得大量利润或收入,因此D选项lucrative“获利多的,利润丰厚的”最符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项bulky“庞大的,大块头的”形容物时指体积大,难以搬运或储存,形容人时指身材高大肥胖,不能和“business(业务)”进行搭配;B选项permanent“永久的,永恒的”指总是处于相同的状态,可长期持续下去,永久不变,不符合题干的语义逻辑;C选项joint“联合的,共同

4、的”指由两人或多人共同完成或涉及到两者及以上的,题干只提到了“Sheffield firms(谢菲尔德的公司)”一方,没有涉及两者。【句意】这个国家的铁路网络正在迅速扩张,对谢菲尔德的公司来说,铁轨的制造是一项利润丰厚的业务。3. 单选题In spite of the attractions, Guide has not adopted this uniform approach, mainly because unifying rather different types of objects does not( )simplicity.问题1选项A.make forB.make upC.m

5、ake offD.make out【答案】A【解析】考察动词词组辨析。make for “有助于;造就”;make up “构成;编造”;make off “匆忙离开”;make out “理解;辨认”。句意:.原因在于将不同类型的对象统一起来并不能够有助于简化。选项A符合句意。4. 不定项选择题“The idea of death, the fear of it, haunts the human animal like nothing else,” wrote Ernest Becker in his book. But we dont need to worry so much, acc

6、ording to new research comparing our perception of what its like to die with the accounts from people facing imminent death. Researchers analyzed the writings of regular bloggers with either terminal cancer who all died over the course of the study, and compared it to blog posts written by a group o

7、f participants who were told to imagine they had been diagnosed with terminal cancer and had only a few months to live. They looked for general feelings of positivity and negativity, and words describing positive and negative emotions including happiness, fear and terror. Blog posts from the termina

8、lly ill were found to have considerably more positive words and fewer negative ones than those imagining they were dyingand their use of positive language increased as they got closer to death.Lisa Iverach, a research fellow at the University of Sydney, explained that the study highlights how the pa

9、rticipants may have been less negative because the mystery around death was removed. “Individuals facing imminent death have had more time to process the idea of death and dying, and therefore, may be more accepting of the inevitability of death.” But not all of us will know how, or when, were going

10、 to die in advance, and therefore will miss out on any benefits to be had by uncovering its uncertainty.Havi Carel, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Bristol, agrees with the studys findings on how adaptable we are. “The initial shock after receiving a poor prognosis is horrific, but afte

11、r months or years of living with this knowledge, the dread subsides,” she said. However, Carel also pointed out that theres an important distinction between positive responses and pleasantness, and that there are some unpleasant and painful events wed still be positive about, such as childbirth.In W

12、estern culture, we tend to pretend death doesnt exist, whereas research has indicated that the East Asian yin and yang philosophy of deathwhere life cant exist without deathallows individuals to use death as a reminder to enjoy life. “I think the UK and the US are death-denying cultures, in that dea

13、th is mostly avoided as a topic.” Heflick said. “While avoiding talking about death can reduce discomfort in the short term, it probably makes most of us much more anxious about death in the long term.”36. According to Ernest Becker, people usually _.37. According to the researchers, people faced wi

14、th imminent death _ than those who imagined they have cancer.38. According to Lisa Iverach, people who have been diagnosed with cancer are more positive, because _.39. According to Havi Carel, the positive feeling and unpleasant feeling _.40. In Asian culture, people take death as something _.41. Pe

15、ople in Western cultures avoid talking about death because _.问题1选项A.have mixed feelings about deathB.regard death as an adventureC.are puzzled by the real meaning of deathD.dread death most compared with other things问题2选项A.are more thoughtfulB.are more positiveC.more frightenedD.are more concerned w

16、ith their later life问题3选项A.people uncover the mystery of deathB.people learn to keep peaceful mindsC.people focus their minds on the familyD.people have to manage their time meaningfully问题4选项A.are difficult for people to distinguishB.are easy for people to get used toC.may be understood better by wo

17、menD.could be experienced at the same time问题5选项A.sensitiveB.deniableC.to remind people to treasure their lifeD.to be dealt with more seriously问题6选项A.they want to reduce their anxietyB.they enjoy every day of their livesC.they value the present more than the futureD.they prefer to process the idea in

18、dividually【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:A第4题:D第5题:C第6题:A【解析】36. 【选项释义】According to Ernest Becker, people usually _. 根据欧内斯特贝克尔的说法,人们通常_。A. have mixed feelings about death A. 对死亡有不同的感受B. regard death as an adventure B. 视死亡为一种冒险C. are puzzled by the real meaning of death C. 对死亡的真正含义感到困惑D. dread death most compared

19、 with other things D. 与其他事物相比,最害怕死亡【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据题干关键词Ernest Becker可以定位到文章第一段第一句“欧内斯特贝克尔在他的书中写道:死亡的想法和对其的恐惧,无与伦比地(like nothing else)萦绕着人类。”,说明欧内斯特贝克尔认为死亡是人类最害怕的事物。因此D选项“与其他事物相比,最害怕死亡”正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“对死亡有不同的感受”,B选项“视死亡为一种冒险”和C选项“对死亡的真正含义感到困惑”在文章中均没有提及,属于无中生有。37. 【选项释义】According to the researchers,

20、 people faced with imminent death _ than those who imagined they have cancer. 根据研究人员的说法,面对即将到来的死亡的人比那些想象自己患有癌症的人_。A. are more thoughtful A. 更加深思熟虑B. are more positive B. 更加积极C. more frightened C. 更加惊慌失措D. are more concerned with their later life D. 更关心自己的晚年生活【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】由题干关键词imagined可以定位到文章第一段

21、最后一句“他们发现,与那些想象自己即将死亡的人(imagining they were dying)相比,身患绝症的人的博客文章中有更多积极的词汇(more positive words),而消极的词汇则更少,而且随着他们离死亡越来越近,他们使用的积极语言也越来越多。”,说明研究人员发现即将面临死亡的人比想象自己患有癌症即将死去的人更加积极、乐观。因此B选项“更加积极”正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“更加深思熟虑”和D选项“更关心自己的晚年生活”在文章中没有提及,属于无中生有;C选项“更加惊慌失措”,文章中描述他们是积极乐观的,而不是慌张的,属于反向干扰。38. 【选项释义】According t

22、o Lisa Iverach, people who have been diagnosed with cancer are more positive, because _. 根据丽莎伊维拉奇的说法,被诊断出患有癌症的人更加积极,因为_。A. people uncover the mystery of death A. 人们揭开了死亡的神秘面纱B. people learn to keep peaceful minds B. 人们学会保持平和的心态C. people focus their minds on the family C. 人们把心思放在家庭上D. people have to

23、manage their time meaningfully D. 人们要有意义地管理自己的时间【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据题干关键词Lisa Iverach可以定位到文章第二段第一句“悉尼大学的研究人员丽莎伊维拉奇解释说,这项研究强调了参与者可能因为死亡的神秘感被消除(the mystery around death was removed)而变得不那么消极。”,说明丽莎伊维拉奇对于参与者更加积极这种现象的解释是他们可能因为消除了围绕死亡的神秘感而减少了负面情绪。因此A选项“人们揭开了死亡的神秘面纱”正确。【干扰项排除】B选项“人们学会保持平和的心态”,C选项“人们把心思放在家庭上

24、”和D选项“人们要有意义地管理自己的时间”在文章中均没有提及,属于无中生有。39. 【选项释义】According to Havi Carel, the positive feeling and unpleasant feeling _. 根据哈维卡瑞尔的说法,_积极的感觉和不愉快的感觉。A. are difficult for people to distinguish A. 人们很难区分B. are easy for people to get used to B. 人们容易习惯C. may be understood better by women C. 女性可能更容易理解D. coul

25、d be experienced at the same time D. 可以同时体验【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据题干关键词Havi Carel可以定位到文章第三段第一、二句“布里斯托尔大学哲学教授哈维卡瑞尔同意这项关于人类适应力的研究结果。她说:在得知对病情的不良预断后,最初的震惊是可怕的,但在了解了这种情况的几个月或几年之后(after months or years of living with this knowledge),这种恐惧就会消退(the dread subsides)。”,说明哈维卡瑞尔认为最初得知自己即将面临死亡的震惊是可怕的,这是一种不愉快的感觉,但在与这种

26、感觉一起共存几个月或几年之后,人们会变得积极起来,也就是说积极和不愉快的感觉可以同时存在。因此D选项“可以同时体验”正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“人们很难区分”,文章中说的是积极的回应(positive responses)和愉悦(pleasantness)之间的区别,而不是积极的感觉和不愉快的感觉,属于曲解原文;B选项“人们容易习惯”和C选项“女性可能更容易理解”在文章中没有提及,属于无中生有。40. 【选项释义】In Asian culture, people take death as something _. 在亚洲文化中,人们把死亡视为一种_的东西。A. sensitive A. 敏感

27、B. deniable B. 可以否认C. to remind people to treasure their life C. 提醒人们要珍惜生活D. to be dealt with more seriously D. 要更认真地对待【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据题干关键词Asian culture可以定位到文章第四段第一句“东亚的阴阳死亡哲学(East Asian yin and yang philosophy of death)没有死亡,生命就不存在允许个人将死亡作为享受生命的提醒(use death as a reminder to enjoy life)。”,说明亚洲文化认

28、为没有死亡,生命就不可能存在,所以个人会用死亡来提醒自己去享受、珍惜生活。因此C选项“提醒人们要珍惜生活”正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“敏感”,文章中说到西方文化倾向于假装死亡不存在,说明对西方人来说死亡是敏感的,不属于亚洲文化对死亡的理解,属于张冠李戴;B选项“可以否认”,文章中说到英国和美国是否认死亡的文化,因为死亡基本上是一个被回避的话题,说明是英美文化认为死亡可以否认,而不是亚洲文化,属于张冠李戴;D选项“要更认真地对待”,文章中说的是通过死亡提醒自己要认真对待生命、享受生活,属于偷换概念。41. 【选项释义】People in Western cultures avoid talkin

29、g about death because _. 西方文化中的人们避免谈论死亡,因为_。A. they want to reduce their anxiety A. 他们想减少自己的焦虑B. they enjoy every day of their lives B. 他们享受生命中的每一天C. they value the present more than the future C. 他们更重视现在而不是未来D. they prefer to process the idea individually D. 他们喜欢单独处理这个想法【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据题干关键词West

30、ern cultures可以定位到文章第四段第一句和最后一句“在西方文化(Western culture)中,我们倾向于假装死亡不存在。虽然避免谈论死亡(avoiding talking about death)可以在短期内减少不适,但从长远来看,它可能会让我们大多数人对死亡更加焦虑(anxious)。”,说明西方人对于死亡的态度是避免谈论死亡,假装死亡并不存在,因为这样可以在短期内减少心理不适,也就是焦虑。因此A选项“他们想减少自己的焦虑”正确。【干扰项排除】B选项“他们享受生命中的每一天”,通过死亡的提醒来享受生命是东方文化的态度,属于张冠李戴;C选项“他们更重视现在而不是未来”和D选项“

31、他们喜欢单独处理这个想法”在文章中没有提及,属于无中生有。5. 单选题Those whove heard of Zane Grey usually identify him as the author of best-selling westerns, but few realize that he was the commercially most successful American author of the 1920s. Each year from 1915 to 1924, he had a new novel on the annual list of top-10 bests

32、ellers. Riders of the Purple Sage, The Light of Western Stars, and The Rainbow Trail are still popular, but Greys best story may be his own colorful and remarkably little-known life.Zane Grey was born in Zanesville, Ohio. Grey recalled his own youth as full of relentless conflicts with his stern, de

33、manding father, a farmers son who had become a successful dentist in Zanesville. Greys delinquency and poor record in school exacerbated matters. Then, midway through his junior year, he had to drop out of high school to help his father who suddenly became poor by pulling teeth for needy locals.For

34、diversion, Grey played baseball - with enough talent to earn scholarships to several universities. He chose the University of Pennsylvania not only for its accomplished team, but also for its dental school, which offered him immediate admission, sparing him the tough undergraduate program. After gra

35、duation, he concentrated more on baseball than dentistry, hoping to reach the major leagues, but to no avail. He retreated to a full-time practice in New York City, but quickly discovered that writing about ancestors whose lives were more distinguished and exciting than his was preferable to coping

36、with decayed teeth and bad breath.During a summer escape in 1900 to rural Lackawaxen on the upper Delaware River, he met Lina “Dolly” Roth, 11 years younger, a New York doctors daughter who enthusiastically supported his yearning to become a writer. After their marriage in 1905, her substantial inhe

37、ritance enabled him to quit dentistry and write full time. Their cross-country honeymoon trip carried them to the Grand Canyon at the dawn of its tourist appeal. Grey was captivated by the canyons natural splendor. He would return there twice more for mountain-lion hunts,which inspired Heritage of t

38、he Desert, his first western story, published in 1910 when he was 38. For the next 15 years, he returned annually to the Southwest to find new material for more books.1. As a writer, Zane Grey( ).2. In his childhood, Zane Grey( ).3. Before entering university, Zane Grey( ).4. After graduating from u

39、niversity, Zane Grey went to New York and( ).5. Zane Grey was able to write full time mainly because( ).6. It can be learned that Zane Greys first western story( ).问题1选项A.is still popular at the present timeB.is best known for his glorious lifeC.wrote much of his unique growthD.showed his potential

40、at an early age问题2选项A.lived a life rather easy and carefreeB.was among those tame schoolboysC.was in bad terms with his fatherD.took a special interest in dentistry问题3选项A.played in a professional baseball teamB.showed the great potential for baseballC.tried hard to apply for a scholarshipD.began to

41、learn undergraduate subjects问题4选项A.wrote about his frustrationsB.played in the major leaguesC.became a full-time baseball playerD.found his real interest问题5选项A.he had earned a lot of money from dentistryB.his wife agreed to work to support the familyC.his wife backed him up with a great fortuneD.he

42、had realized the huge value to be a writer问题6选项A.was motivated by his trips to the Grand CanyonB.was based on his cross-country trip with his wifeC.depicted his trips to the Southwest part of the U.S.D.described his annual trip for mountain-lion hunts【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:B第4题:D第5题:C第6题:A【解析】1.细节事实题。文章第

43、一段提到Zane Grey的三本书至今非常受欢迎,由此可知他本人现在也是非常有名,选项A符合题意。2.细节事实题。文章第二段第二句话提到Grey回忆起自己的青年时代,他与苛刻的父亲经常发生冲突(Grey recalled his own youth as full of relentless conflicts with his stem, demanding father),由此可知选项C符合题意。3.细节事实题。文章第三段提到他在棒球上有很大的天赋,并以此获得几所大学的奖学金(For diversion, Grey played baseball - with enough talent

44、to earn scholarships to several universities),因此选项B符合题意。4.细节事实题。文章第三段提到毕业后,他更专注于棒球而不是牙科,希望能进入大联盟,但是没有成功。他到纽约做全职牙医,但是随后他发现写作比对付龋齿和口臭要好得多(but quickly discovered that writing about ancestors whose lives were more distinguished and exciting than his was preferable to coping with decayed teeth and bad br

45、eath),所以选项D符合题意。5.细节事实题。文章最后一段提到Grey的妻子继承了可观的遗产,让他能全职写作(After their marriage in 1905, her substantial inheritance enabled him to quit dentistry and write full time),因此选项C符合题意。6.判断推理题。文章最后一段提到他们去大峡谷度蜜月,被峡谷的自然美景迷住,Grey两次回到那里,这激发了他的创作灵感,创作了第一部小说。因此选项A符合题意。6. 单选题In Second Nature,Nobel Prize-winning neur

46、oscientist Gerald Edelman argues that the brain and mind are unified, but he has little patience with the claim that the brain is a computer. Fortunately for the general reader, his explanations of brain function are accessible, reinforced by concrete examples and metaphors.Edelman suggests that tha

47、nks to the recent development of instruments capable of measuring brain structure within millimeters and brain activity within milliseconds, perceptions, thoughts, memories, willed acts, and other mind matters traditionally considered private and impenetrable to scientific scrutiny now can be correl

48、ated with brain activity. Our consciousness ( a “ first-person affair ” displaying intentionality, reflecting beliefs and desires, etc. ),our creativity, even our value systems, have a basis in brain function.The author describes three unifying insights that correlate mind matters with brain activit

49、y. First, even distant neurons will establish meaningful connections ( circuits) if their firing patterns are synchronized. Second, experience can either strengthen or weaken synapses (neuronal connections). Finally, there is reentry, the continued signaling from one brain region to another and back

50、 again along massively parallel nerve fibers.Edelman concedes that neurological explanations for consciousness and other aspects of mind are not currently available, but he is confident that they will be soon. Meanwhile, he is comfortable hazarding a guess: “All of our mental life. is based on the s

51、tructure and dynamics of our brain. ” Despite this optimism about the explanatory powers of neuroscience, Edelman acknowledges the pitfalls in attempting to explain all aspects of mind in neurological terms. Indeed, culturenot biologyis the primary determinant of the brains evolution, and has been s

52、ince the emergence of language, he notes.However, I was surprised to learn that he considers Sigmund Freud “ the key expositor of the effects of unconscious processes on behavior. ” Such a comment ignores how slightly Freuds conception of the unconscious, with its emphasis on sexuality and aggressio

53、n, resembles the cognitive unconscious studied by neuroscientists.Still, Second Nature is well worth reading. It serves as a bridge between the traditionally separate camps of “hard” science and the humanities. Readers without at least some familiarity with brain science will likely find the going d

54、ifficult at certain points. Nonetheless, Edelman has achieved his goal of producing a provocative exploration of “how we come to know the world and ourselves”.1.Gerald Edelman would most probably support the idea that the brain( ) .2.It was previously felt that perceptions and other mind matters cou

55、ld hardly be( ) .3.Edelman firmly believes that( ) .4.According to Edelman, to provide a thorough explanation of human mind, neuroscience will be( ) .5.The author disagrees with the idea that the neuroscience-based cognitive unconscious can be( ) .6.According to the author,Second Nature is a good bo

56、ok because ( ) .问题1选项A.co-functions with the mindB.works like a computerC.has an accessible functionD.sends signals to the mind问题2选项A.treated as a significant issueB.studied with scientific methodsC.separated from brain activityD.handled with surgical instruments问题3选项A.brain signals will repeatedly

57、go from one brain region to another.B.experience will have an ill effect on neuronal connectionsC.distant neurons will help synchronize their firing patternsD.mind matters will be explained from a neurological perspective问题4选项A.responsibleB.insufficientC.impracticalD.reliable问题5选项A.clearly explained

58、 by Freuds theoryB.affected by language acquisitionC.studied relevantly to sexual behaviorD.examined concerning cultural backgrounds问题6选项A.it interests the reader in spiritual activitiesB.it appeals to the reader to study bioscienceC.it sets the reader probing into human cognitionD.it presents the a

59、dvancement of natural science【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:D第4题:B第5题:A第6题:C【解析】1.细节推断题。根据题干信息,可将信息点定位至原文第一段第一句。根据 “In Second Nature,Nobel Prize-winning neuroscientist Gerald Edelman argues that the brain and mind are unified, but he has little patience with the claim that the brain is a computer.( 诺贝尔奖获得者神经学家杰拉

60、尔德埃德尔曼认为,大脑和思维是统一的,但他对大脑是一台电脑这一观点毫无耐心。)”即可得出本题答案。2.细节推断题。根据题干信息,可将信息点定位至原文第二段第一句。根据 “mind matters traditionally considered private and impenetrable to scientific scrutiny now can be correlated with brain activity.(传统上被认为是私人的、无法通过科学检查的精神问题,现在可能与大脑活动有关)” 即可得出本题答案。3.细节事实题。根据题干信息,可将信息点定位至原文第四段第一句。根据 “Ed

61、elman concedes that neurological explanations for consciousness and other aspects of mind are not currently available, but he is confident that they will be soon.(埃德尔曼承认,目前还没有对意识和思维其他方面的神经学解释,但他相信很快就会有。)”,即可得出本题答案。4.细节事实题。根据题干信息,可将信息点定位至原文第四段第三句。根据 “Edelman acknowledges the pitfalls in attempting to

62、 explain all aspects of mind in neurological terms.(埃德尔曼承认,试图用神经学术语解释思维的所有方面存在缺陷)”即可得出本题答案。5.细节推理题。根据题干信息,可将信息点定位至原文第五段。本段大意为:作者并不同意Edelman的观点,因为作者认为Sigmund Freud关于无意识的概念与神经科学家们提出的认知无意识的观点并无相似之处。(Such a comment ignores how slightly Freuds conception of the unconscious, with its emphasis on sexuality

63、 and aggression, resembles the cognitive unconscious studied by neuroscientists.)从而得出本题答案。6.细节推理题。根据题干信息,可将信息点定位至原文最后一段。 “It serves as a bridge between the traditionally separate camps of “hard” science and the humanities.( 它是连接传统上“硬”科学和人文学科两大阵营的桥梁。)”通过归纳推理即可得出本题答案。7. 单选题When a book goes into translation, all

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