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1、2022年考博英语-湖南大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题Although he has become rich, he is still very ( )of his money.问题1选项A.economicB.thriftyC.frugalD.careful【答案】C【解析】固定搭配。句意: 虽然他已经很富有了,但是他仍十分节俭。economic 经济的;thrifty 节俭的,通常与with连用,例如be thrifty with money 节约用钱;frugal节俭,通常与of连用,例如be frugal of ones money 节约用钱;careful 小心的

2、。故选C。2. 单选题The customer expressed her( ) for that broad hat.问题1选项A.disapprovalB.distasteC.dissatisfactionD.dismay【答案】B【解析】名词辨析。句意: 这位顾客表示她不喜欢那顶宽顶帽。disapproval后与of搭配,表示不赞成、不同意;distaste后与for搭配,表示不喜欢、厌恶;dissatisfaction后与with搭配,表示不满;dismay沮丧。3. 单选题The miserable fate of Enrons employees will be a landmar

3、k in business history, one of those awful events that everyone agrees must never be allowed to happen again. This urge is understandable and noble: thousands have lost virtually all their retirement savings with the demise of Enron stock. But making sure it never happens again may not be possible, b

4、ecause the sudden impoverishment of those Enron workers represents something even larger than it seems. Its the latest turn in the unwinding of one of the most audacious promise of the 20th century.The promise was assured economic security-even comfort- for essentially everyone in the developed worl

5、d. With the explosion of wealth, that began in the 19th century it became possible to think about a possibility no one had dared to dream before. The fear at the center of daily living since caveman days- lack of food warmth, shelter- would at last lose its power to terrify. That remarkable promise

6、became reality in many ways. Governments created welfare systems for anyone in need and separate programs for the elderly (Social Security in the U. S). Labor unions promised not only better pay for workers but also pensions for retirees. Giant corporations came into to being and offered the possibi

7、lity- in some cases the promise- of lifetime employment plus guaranteed pensions. The cumulative effect was a fundamental change in how millions of people approached life itself, a reversal of attitude that most rank as one of the largest in human history.The early hints that this promise might be b

8、roken on a large scale came in the 1980s. U.S. business had become uncompetitive globally and began restructuring massively, with huge Layoffs. The trend accelerated in the 1990s as the bastions of corporate welfare faced reality. IBM ended its no-layoff policy. AT&T fired thousands, many of whom fo

9、und such a thing simply incomprehensible, and a few of whom killed themselves. The other supposed guarantors of our economic security were also in decline. Labor-union membership and power fell to their lowest levels in decades. President Clinton signed a historic bill scaling back welfare. American

10、s realized that Social Security wont provide social security for any of us.A less visible but equally significant trend affected pensions. To make costs easier to control, companies moved away from defined benefit pension plans, which obligate them to pay out specified amounts years in the future, t

11、o define contribution plans, which specify only how much goes into the play today. The most common type of defined-contribution plan is the 401(k). The significance of the 401(k) is that it puts most of the responsibility for a persons economic fate back on the employee. Within limits the employee m

12、ust decide how much goes into plan each year and how it gets invested- the two factors that will determine how much its worth when the employee retires.What brings us back to Enron? Those billions of dollars in vaporized retirement savings went in employees401(k) accounts, That is, the employees cho

13、se how much money to put into those accounts and then chose how to invest it. Enron matched a certain proportion of each employees 401 (k) contribution with company stock, so everyone was going to end up with some Enron in his or her portfolio; but that could be regarded as a freebie, since nothing

14、compels a company to match employee contributions at all. At least two special features complicate the Enron case. First, some shareholders charge top management with illegally covering up the companys problems, prompting investors to hang on when they should have sold. Second, Enrons 401(k) account

15、s were locked while the company changed plan administrators in October, when the stock was falling, so employees could not have closed their accounts if they wanted to.But by far the largest cause of this human tragedy is that thousands of employees were heavily overweighed in Enron stock. Many had

16、placed 100% of their 401 (k) assets in the stock rather than in the 18 other investment options they were offered. Of course that wasnt prudent, but its what some of them did.The Enron employees retirement disaster is part of the larger trend away from guaranteed economic security. Thats why prevent

17、ing such a thing from ever happening again may be impossible. The huge attitudinal shift to Ill -be -taken-care-of took at least a generation. The shift back may take just as long. It wont be complete until a new generation of employees see assured economic comfort as a 20th -century quirk, and unde

18、rstand not just intellectually but in their bones that, like most people in most times and places, theyre on their own.1.Why does the author say at the beginning “The miserable fate of Enrons employees will be a landmark in business history.?2.According to the passage, the combined efforts by govern

19、ments, layout unions and big corporations to guarantee economic comfort have led to a significant change in( )3.Changes in pension schemes were also part of ( ).4.Thousands of employees chose Enron as their sole investment option mainly because ( ).5.Which is NOT seen as a lesson drawn from the Enro

20、n disaster?问题1选项A.Because the company has gone bankrupt.B.Because such events would never happen again.C.Because many Enron workers lost their retirement savings.D.because it signifies a turning point in economic security.问题2选项A.peoples outlook on life.B.peoples life styles.C.peoples living standard

21、D.peoples social values.问题3选项A.the corporate lay-offsB.the government cuts in welfare spendingC.the economic restructuringD.the warning power of labors unions问题4选项A.the 401(k) made them responsible for their own future.B.Enron offered to add company stock to their investment.C.their employers intend

22、ed to cut back on pension spending.D.Enrons offer was similar to a defined-benefit plan.问题5选项A.401(k) assets should be placed in more than one investment option.B.Employees have to take up responsibilities for themselves.C.Such events could happen again as it is not easy to change peoples mindD.Econ

23、omic security wont be taken for granted by future young workers.【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:B第4题:B第5题:D【解析】1.推断题。本文讲的是安然公司员工在商业历史上的悲惨命运是经济安全问题的一个转折点。2.细节题。原文指出: The cumulative effect was a fundamental change in how millions of people approached life itself, a reversal of attitude that most rank as one of the

24、largest in human history, 由此看出,人们在对生活的观点态度方面有了一个重大的改变。3.细节题。由第七段看出, 退休金计划的改变是政府在福利上削减的组成部分。4.细节题。第七段指出: Enron matched a certain proportion of each employees 401(k) contribution with company stock, so everyone was going to end up with some Enron in his or her portfolio; but that could be regarded as

25、a freebie, since nothing compels a company to match employee contributions at all, 由此可知, 安然公司让投资者拥有他们公司的股票, 因此很多员工选择安然作为他们投资的唯一选择。5.推断题。第六段指出:Many had placed 100% of their 401(k) assets in the stock rather than in the 18 other investment options they were offered. Of course that wasnt prudent, but i

26、ts what some of them did,由此可知,A项(401(k)项资产应置于多个投资选项中),B项(员工必须自负盈亏)正确。第一段指出:But making sure it never happens again may not be possible, because the sudden impoverishment of those Enron workers represents something even larger than it seems, 因此C项(这种情况可能会再次发生,因为改变人们的想法并不容易)正确。故选D。4. 单选题We had been want

27、ing to expand our childrens horizons by taking them to a place that was unlike anything wed been exposed to during our travels in Europe and the United States. In thinking about what was possible from Geneva where we are based, we decided on a trip to Istanbul, a two-hour plane ride from Zurich.We e

28、nvisioned the trip as a prelude to more exotic ones, perhaps to New Delhi or Bangkok later this year, but thought our 11- and 13-year-olds needed a first step away from manicured boulevards and pristine monumentsWhat we didnt foresee was the reaction of friends, who warned that we were putting our c

29、hildren “in danger” referring vaguely, and most incorrectly, to disease, terrorism or just the unknown. To help us get acquainted with the peculiarities of Istanbul and to give our children a chance to choose what they were particularly interested in seeing, we bought an excellent guidebook and read

30、 it thoroughly before leaving. Friendly warnings didnt change our planning, although we might have more prudently checked with the U.S. State Departments list of trouble spots. We didnt see a lot of children among the foreign visitors during our six-day stay in Istanbul, but we found the tourist are

31、as quite safe, very interesting and varied enough even to suit our son, whose oft-repeated request is that we not see every single church and museum in a given city.Vaccinations werent needed for the city, but we were concerned about adapting to the water for a short stay. So we used bottled water f

32、or drinking and brushing our teeth, a precaution that may seem excessive, but we all stayed healthy. Taking the advice of a friend, we booked a hotel a 20-minute walk from most of Istanbuls major tourist sites. This not only got us some morning exercise, strolling over the Karakoy Bridge, but took u

33、s past a colorful assortment of fishermen, vendors and shoe shiners. From a teenager and pre-teens view, Istanbul street life is fascinating since almost everything can be bought outdoors. They were at a good age to spend time wandering the labyrinth of the Spice Bazaar, where shops display mounds o

34、f pungent herbs in sacks. Doing this with younger children would be harder simply because the streets are so packed with people; it would be easy to get lost.For our two, whose buying experience consisted of department stores and shopping mall boutiques, it was amazing to discover that you could bar

35、gain over price and perhaps end up with two of something for the price of one. They also learned to figure out the relative value of the Turkish lira, not a small matter with its many zeros.Being exposed to Islam was an important part of our trip. Visiting the mosques, especially the enormous Blue M

36、osque, was our first glimpse into how this major religion is practiced. Our childrens curiosity already had been piqued by the five daily calls to prayer over loudspeakers in every comer of the city, and the scarves covering the heads of many women. Navigating meals can be troublesome with children,

37、 but a kebab, bought on the street or in restaurants, was unfailingly popular. Since we had decided this trip was not for gourmets, kebabs spared us the agony of trying to find a restaurant each day that would suit the adults desire to try something new amid childrens insistence that the food be ser

38、ved immediately. Gradually, we branched out to try some other Turkish specialties. Although our son had studied Islam briefly, it is impossible to be prepared for every awkward question that might come up, such as during our visits to the Topkapi Sarayi, the Ottoman Sultans palace. No guides were av

39、ailable so it was do-it-yourself, using our guidebook, which cheated us of a lot of interesting history and anecdotes that a professional guide could provide. Next time, we resolved to make such arrangements in advance.On this trip, we wandered through the magnificent complex, with its imperial trea

40、sures, its courtyards and its harem. The last required a bit of explanation that we would have happily left to a learned third party.1.The family have seen or visited all the following in Istanbul EXCEPT ( ).2.Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?3.We learn from the couples shopping experi

41、ence back home that( ) .4.The couple chose Istanbul as their holiday destination mainly because( ) .5. The last two paragraphs suggest that to visit places of interest in Istanbul, ( ).问题1选项A.religious prayersB.historical buildingsC.local-style marketsD.shopping mall boutiques问题2选项A.The family found

42、 the city was exactly what they had expectedB.Their friends were opposed to their holiday planC.They could have been more cautious about bringing kids alongD.They were a bit cautious about the quality of water in the city问题3选项A.they were used to bargaining over priceB.they preferred to buy things ou

43、tdoorsC.street markets were their favoriteD.they preferred fashion and brand names问题4选项A.the city is not too far away from where they livedB.the city is not on the list of the U.S. State DepartmentC.the city is between the familiar and the exoticD.the city is more familiar than exotic问题5选项A.guideboo

44、ks are very usefulB.a professional guide is a mustC.one has to be prepared for questionsD.one has to make arrangements in advance【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:D第4题:C第5题:B【解析】1.细节题。第五段指出:For our two, whose buying experience consisted of department stores and shopping mall boutiques:对于我们两人来说,我们购物经历就是商场和大型购物中心的精品店

45、(国内购物的去处)。故选D。2.细节题。第三段指出:.who warned that we were putting our children “in danger” referring vaguely, and most incorrectly:警告我们正把孩子置于危险之地,这不明智。由此得出B:朋友反对他们的旅行计划,是正确的。.we might have more prudently checked with the U.S. State Departments list of trouble spots:我们会更谨慎地核实国务院所列举的不安全地区的名册。由此得出C:单独带孩子时他们会更

46、加谨慎,是正确的。 第四段:So we used bottled water for drinking and brushing our teeth.:我们用矿泉水刷牙,用矿泉水作为饮用水。由此得出D: 他们对该城市的饮用水质量十分小心,是正确的。故A项:这个家庭发现这个城市与他们所想象的一致, 不正确。3.推断题。第五段指出:For our two, whose buying experience consisted of department stores and shopping mall boutiques, it was amazing to discover that you co

47、uld bargain over price and perhaps end up with two of something for the price of one.对于我们两人来说,我们购物经历就是商场和大型购物中心的精品店。你会惊奇地发现你可以砍价,或许最后可以买一送一的优惠。因此推断D项(他们喜欢时尚与品牌)正确。4.细节题。第二段:We envisioned the trip as a prelude to more exotic ones:我们把此次旅行视为奇妙之旅的前奏。因此推断C项(城市兼具熟悉感与充满异域风情)正确。5.推断题。第六段指出:No guides were av

48、ailable so it was do-it-yourself, using our guidebook, which cheated us of a lot of interesting history and anecdotes that a professional guide could provide (没有指南,只能依靠我们自己。使用的旅行指导,让我们有种受骗的感觉。因为上面所列举的趣味历史和奇闻轶事,专业导游能讲述)。因此推断B项有专业导游很有必要, 是正确的。5. 单选题The local authorities realized the need to make( ) fo

49、r elderly people in their housing programs.问题1选项A.preparationB.requirementC.specificationD.provision【答案】D【解析】短语辨析。句意: 地方当局意识到有必要在住房规划上为老年人预先作安排。make preparation for 为某一计划或某一活动做准备; requirement要求,不能和 make.for连用; specification规格,说明书, 不能和 make.for 连用; make provision for为将来困难或需要做准备。故D项符合句意。6. 单选题He was(

50、) to take over the duties and responsibilities of his father from an early age.问题1选项A.deducedB.dampedC.diminishedD.destined【答案】D【解析】固定搭配。句意: 他注定从小就要从他父亲那接过所有的担子和责任。Be destined to do sth. 注定要做某事。7. 单选题Producing elastic through chemical synthesis is a tedious process consuming three months.问题1选项A.the

51、better half ofB.for the better ofC.all the better forD.the better part of【答案】D【解析】短语辨析。句意: 通过化学合成生产弹性是很烦的一个过程,会花费大约三个月的时间(三个月大部分的时间)。the better part of大多数。8. 单选题The Olympic Games ( )in 776 B.C.in Olympia, a small town in Greece.问题1选项A.originatedB.stemmedC.derivedD.descended【答案】A【解析】动词辨析。句意: 奥林匹克运动会起

52、源于公元前776年希腊一个叫奥林匹亚的小镇。originated in 起源于,通常后面接地点; steemed 一般与介词from连用表示 “源于”; derived from 由衍生而来; descend from 由传下来,通常后面接某人。9. 翻译题In recent years Westerners have reassured themselves and irritated others by expounding the notion that the culture of the West is and ought to be the culture of the world

53、.This conceit takes two forms. One is the Coca-colonization thesis. Its proponents claim that Western, and more specifically American, popular culture is enveloping the world: American food, clothing, pop music, movies, and consumer goods are more and more enthusiastically embraced by people on ever

54、y continent. The other has to do with modernization. It claims not only that the West has led the world to modern society, but that as people in other civilizations modernize they also westernize, abandoning their traditional values, institutions, and customs and adopting those that prevail in the W

55、est. Both theses project the image of an emerging homogeneous, universally Western worldand both are to varying degrees misguided, arrogant, false, and dangerous. Advocates of the Coca-colonization thesis identify culture with the consumption of material goods. The heart of a culture, however, invol

56、ves language, religion, values, traditions,and customs. Drinking Coca-Cola does not make Russians think like Americans any more than eating sushi makes Americans think like Japanese. Throughout human history, fads and material goods have spread from one society to another without significantly alter

57、ing the basic culture of the recipient society. Enthusiasms for various items of Chinese, Hindu, and other cultures have periodically swept the Western world, with no discernible lasting spillover. The argument that the spread of pop culture and consumer goods around the world represents the triumph

58、 of Western civilization depreciates the strength of other cultures while trivializing Western culture by identifying it with fatty foods, faded pants, and fi drinks. The essence of Western culture is the Magna Carta, not the Magna Mac.The modernization argument is intellectually more serious than t

59、he Coca-colonization thesis, but equally flawed.The tremendous expansion of scientific and engineering knowledge that occurred in the nineteenth century allowed humans to control and shape their environment in unprecedented ways. Modernization involves industrialization; urbanization; increasing lev

60、els of literacy,education,wealth, and social mobilization; and more complex and diverse occupational structures. It is a revolutionary process comparable to the shift from primitive to civilized societies that began in the valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates, the Nile, and the Indus about 5000 B.C.T

61、he attitudes, values, knowledge,and culture of people in a modern society differ greatly from those in a traditional society. As the first civilization to modernize, the West is the first to have fiilly acquired the culture of modernity. As other societies take on similar patterns of education, work

62、, wealth, and class structure, the modernization argument runs, this Western culture will become the universal culture of the world.【答案】近年来,西方国家的人大肆鼓吹这样的观点,西方的文化就是而且应 该是世界的文化,他们以此聊以自慰并使旁人深感不安。这一自负的观点包含两个形式。 其中一种主题就是所谓可乐殖民主义理论。它的拥护者声称,西方的,更具体的说是美 国的流行文化涵盖了整个世界:美国的食物、衣服、流行音乐、电影院和消费品,越来 越受到其他大洲人民的热情拥抱。

63、另一种看法与现代化的概念有关。它的主张是:西方不仅作为世界进入现代化社会的引领者,而且在那些被现代化了的文明中的人民,他们 也被西方化了,他们放弃了自己的传统价值观、社会制度、习俗,并将这些融入到流行 的西方文化中。然而,文化的核心,还包含着语言、宗教、价值观、传统的和习俗。 俄罗斯人喝可口可乐并不意味着他们会像美国人一样思考,同样的,美国人吃寿司也并 不会让他们像日本人一样思考问题。总揽整个人类历史,时尚和商品从一个社会传播到 另外一个社会,但接收这些东西的社会的文化根基,并没有出现值得注意的变化。发生在19世纪的科学工程技术的惊人发展,使得人们以史无前例的方 式控制和塑造他们的生存环境。现

64、代化包含工业化、城市化、不断增长的识字率、教育、 财富和社会结构的变化;以及更复杂、更多样的职业结构。这种变革过程可以与发生在 公元前5000年前,在两河流域(底格里斯河、幼发拉底河)、尼罗河、印度河发生的从 原始社会到文明社会的变革相媲美。现代社会中人们的世界观、价值观、知识和文化与那些传统社会的人们有很大不同。作为第一个现代化了的文明社会,西方也是第一个完全进行了文化现代化的社会。10. 单选题If innovators are not financially rewarded for their innovations, the incentive for path-breaking innovation will eventually dry up.问题1选项A.

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