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1、2022年考博英语-西南交通大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题As we are on the point of( )some important business with them, we should like to know exactly about their credit standing.问题1选项A.transmittingB.transferringC.transactingD.transporting【答案】C【解析】句意:由于我们正准备和他们进行一些交易,所以我们想确切地了解他们的信用状况。考查动词辨析。选项均为对应动词的动名词形式。transmit传播

2、;传送: transfer 使转移;调任;transact 办理;执行;进行(贸易、谈判等);transport 运输。空格处的宾语是business(商业,交易),因此C项符合句意。2. 单选题I hope you ( )all the material before you make the final decision.问题1选项A.will have readB.will be readC.will be readingD.would have read【答案】A【解析】考查将来完成时态。由题意可知,本题考查的是将来完成时态,而选项B为将来一般时态,选项C为将来进行时态,选项D为过去将

3、来完成时态,所以本题的正确选项为选项A。句意:我希望你做最后决定之前就已经阅读过所有资料。3. 单选题As a( )actor, he can perform, sing, dance and play several kinds of musical instruments.问题1选项A.flexibleB.versatileC.sophisticatedD.productive【答案】B【解析】句意:作为一个多才多艺的演员,他能表演、唱歌、跳舞和演奏多种乐器。考查形容词辨析。flexible 灵活的,柔韧的;versatile 多才多艺的,万能的,通用的;sophisticated 复杂的

4、,久经世故的,富有经验的;productive 多产的,富有成效的。根据后面句意 “他能表演、唱歌、跳舞和演奏多种乐器”可知B项正确。4. 单选题Attempts to persuade her to stay after she felt insulted were( ).问题1选项A.in no wayB.on the contraryC.at a lossD.of no avail【答案】D【解析】句意:在她觉得受到侮辱后,企图劝她留下来是徒劳的。考查短语辨析。in no way 决不;on the contrary 正相反;at a loss 亏本地;困惑不解;of no avail无

5、效;不起作用;徒劳的。根据前半句句意“在她觉得受到侮辱后”可知,D符合句意。5. 单选题We do a lot of collective thinking, probably more than any other social species, although it goes on in something like secrecy. We dont acknowledge the gift publicly, and we are not as celebrated as the insects, but we do it. Effortlessly without giving it

6、 a moments thought, we are capable of changing our language, music, manners, morals, entertainment, even the way we dress, all around the earth in a years turning. We seem to do this by general agreement, without voting or even polling. We simply think our way along, pass information around, exchang

7、e codes disguised as art, change our minds, and transform ourselves.Computers cannot deal with such levels of improbability, and it is just as well. Otherwise, we might be tempted to take over the control of ourselves in order to make long-range plans, and that would surely be the end of us. It woul

8、d mean that some group or other, marvelously intelligent and superbly informed, undoubtedly guided by a computer, would begin deciding what human society ought to be like, say, over the next five hundred years or so, and the rest of us would be persuaded, one way or another, to go along. The process

9、 of social evolution would then grind to a standstill, and wed be stuck in todays rut for a millennium.Much better we work our way out of it on our own without governance. The future is too interesting and dangerous to be entrusted to any predictable, reliable agency. We need all the fallibility we

10、can get. Most of all, we need to preserve the absolute unpredictability and total improbability of our connected minds. That way we can keep open all the options, as we have in the past.It would be nice to have better ways of monitoring what were up to so that we could recognize change while it is o

11、ccurring, instead of waking up as we do now to the astonished realization that the whole century just past wasnt what we thought it was at all. Maybe computers can be used to help in this, although I rather doubt it. You can make simulation models of cities, but what you learn is that they seem to b

12、e beyond the reach of intelligent analysis; if you try to use common sense to make predictions; things get more botched up than ever. This is interesting, since a city is the most concentrated aggregation of humans, all exerting whatever influence they can bring to bear. The city seems to have a lif

13、e of its own. If we cannot understand how this works, we are not likely to get very far with human society at large.Still, youd think there would be some way in. Joined together, the great mass of human minds around the earth seems to behave like a coherent, living system. The trouble is that the fl

14、ow of information is mostly one-way. We are all obsessed by the need to feed information in, as fast as we can, but we lack sensing mechanisms for getting anything much back. I will confess that I have no more sense of what goes on in the mind of mankind than 1 have of the mind of an ant. Come to th

15、ink of it, this might be a good place to start.1.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the first paragraph?2.What does the author mean by saying “computer cannot deal with such levels of improbability, and it is just as well (Paragraph 2)?3.Which one of the following options would t

16、he author choose?4.What does the author think of simulated models of cities?5.It can be inferred from the passage that( ).问题1选项A.We regard collective thinking a secret that shouldnt be exposed to the public.B.Man is the only species that is endowed with the gift for collective thinking.C.Collective

17、thinking is done in human society sometimes unconsciously.D.We need to reach general agreement to conduct collective thinking.问题2选项A.Computers cant deal with such levels of improbability as well as the human minds can do.B.Computers cant deal with such levels of improbability, which is better than t

18、hey can.C.Whether computers can or cant deal with such levels of improbability doesnt mean much.D.Computers can just as well deal with such levels of improbability.问题3选项A.The future becomes more predictable.B.Human activities and collective thinking should be under more control.C.Common sense should

19、 be applied to make predictions.D.We possess some sensing mechanisms for information feedback.问题4选项A.Simulated models of cities cant be made.B.A real city will exert greater in influence than a simulated model of city.C.Simulated models of cities exert influence on their inhabitants.D.Simulated mode

20、ls of cities are different from the real ones in that the latter have life of their own.问题5选项A.computers would one day take control of the human societyB.the workings of the ants mind is more complicated that the workings of the human mindC.social evolution will come to a stop if computers are used

21、to solve problemsD.the author isnt very positive as to whether computers can monitor what were up to【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:A第4题:A第5题:D【解析】第1题:细节事实题。A:我们认为集体思维是一不应该被公开的秘密。文章指出:我们不公开地承认这个天赋,因此A项不符合原文所述。B:人类是唯一具有集体性思考天赋的物种。文章表明:我们人类相比任何其他社会物种可能进行更多的集体性思考,因此B项不符合原文所述。C:集体性思考在人类社会中有时是无意识地进行的。第一段第一句指出:We do a

22、lot of collective thinking, probably more than any other social species, although it goes on in something like secrecy (我们人类相比任何其他社会物种可能进行更多的集体性思考,但该思考却是秘密地进行)。因此C项正确。D:我们需要达成一致意见才可进行集体思维。第2题:语义题。对于该句句意的理解可参考第二段第二句: Otherwise, we might be tempted to take over the control of ourselves in order to mak

23、e long-range plans, and that would surely be the end of us (否则,我们人类可能为了制定长远的计划而被诱惑去控制自己,而那无疑意味着我们的结束)。由此推测B项 “计算机不具备处理如此水平的不大可能的事情比具有更好”正确。A:计算机不能像人类大脑那样处理这种不可能的程度,此项只是表达了题干中句子前半部分的意思,故排除。C:计算机能否处理此水平的不大可能的事情并不重要,这与第二段第二句表述不符,故排除。D:计算机也能处理好此水平的不大可能的事情,第二段第一句指出: computer cannot deal with such levels

24、of improbability (计算机不具备处理如此水平的不大可能的事情)。因此D项不符合原文所述。本题选B。第3题:判断推理题。A:未来会更能预测。B:人类的活动和集体性思考应该受到更多的控制。C:应用常识进行预测。D:我们有一些信息反馈的感知机制。第二段第二句指出: Otherwise, we might be tempted to take over the control of ourselves in order to make long-range plans, and that would surely be the end of us (否则,我们人类可能为了制定长远的计划

25、而被诱惑去控制自己,而那无疑意味着我们的结束)。因此B项错误。第四段指出: if you try to use common sense to make predictions: things get more botched up than ever (如果你试图用常识来预测:事情就会变得比以往任何时候都糟糕)。由此可知C项不正确。最后一段指出: but we lack sensing mechanisms for getting anything much back(但是我们缺乏让任何信息回来的传感机制)。因此D项不正确。本题选A。第4题:细节事实题。A:城市模拟模型无法制作。B:真实的城

26、市相比模拟的城市模型将施加更多的影响力。C:城市的模拟模型会对其居民施加影响。D:城市模拟模型与真实城市的区别是后者有自己的生活。第四段指出:You can make simulation models of cities, but what you learn is that they seem to be beyond the reach of intelligent analysis; if you try to use common sense to make predictions, things get more botched up than ever (你可以建立城市的模拟模型

27、,但你会发现它们似乎超出了智能分析的范围;如果你试图用常识来做预测,事情就会变得比以往任何时候都糟糕)。第五段指出: Still, youd think there would be some way in(你仍然觉得有其他方式)。由此可知A项正确。而其他三项并未被提及。故选A。第5题:判断推理题。A:计算机终有一天会控制人类社会。B:蚂蚁的思维比人类的思维更复杂。C:如果用计算机来解决问题,社会进化将停止。D:作者对计算机是否能监视我们正在做的事情不是很肯定。第二段第二句指出: Otherwise, we might be tempted to take over the control o

28、f ourselves in order to make long-range plans, and that would surely be the end of us (不然,我们人类可能为了制定长远的计划而被诱惑去控制自己,而那无疑意味着我们的结束)。因此A项不符合原文所述。B项并未被提及,故排除。文章只是说“控制人类自己的那些无意识思考”,并非C项所指的“问题”,故排除。第四段指出: Maybe computers can be used to help in this, although I rather doubt it (或许电脑能被用来帮助监控我们人类在做什么,但我却非常怀疑这

29、点),因此D项正确。本题选D。6. 单选题When people are asked what kind of housing they need or want, the question( )a variety of answers.问题1选项A.defiesB.magnifiesC.mediatesD.evokes【答案】D【解析】句意:当人们被问及他们需要或想要什么样的住房时,这个问题引起了各种各样的回答考查动词辨析。选项均为对应动词的三单形式。defy 藐视;公然反抗;挑衅;magnify 放大:赞美;夸大; mediate 调停;evoke 引起;唤起。该动词的宾语是a varie

30、ty of answers(各种各样的回答),由此可知D项符合句意。7. 单选题The detective story might not be ( ) interesting to keep the child awake.问题1选项A.enoughB.adequatelyC.amplyD.sufficiently【答案】B【解析】考查副词词义辨析。选项A:enough “(侧重表示分量或数量的足够)足够地,充分地”;选项B: adequately意思是“(表示程度)足够地,适当地”;选项C:amply意思是“(侧重表示是数量)充足地”;选项D:sufficiently意思是“(侧重表示是数

31、量)充分地,足够地”。根据句意本题需要选择一个程度副词来修饰interesting这个形容词,而选项A、C、D均侧重于数量和分量,因此选项B正确答案。句意:这本侦探小说或许没有有趣到让孩不子愿入睡。8. 单选题Americans love a juicy story. We want intimate details, and the media is happy to comply, but we forget that peoples lives are at stake. A crime is not a form of entertainment from which to deriv

32、e perverse pleasure. It is the failure of a person to live up to his or her obligations as a law-abiding citizen, and tile media should report it as such.Recently, several major crimes have been sensationalized. As far as the media is concerned, the more gruesome the crime, the better. Take the Mene

33、dez brothers case or the trial of the policemen who beat Rodney King. If a famous person is accused, members of the press appear to smack their lips and writing their hands in anticipation. Insert sex or race, as in the O. J. Simpson murder trial, and the journalists oddest dreams come true. But suc

34、h exploitation is not harmless entertainment. It tears at the core of the American Judicial system a fair trial by an impartial jury. A juror is supposed to be objective and has no preconceived opinion about the guilt or innocence of the accused: however, the medias bombarding the public with inform

35、ation about a crime true or otherwise makes finding twelve people who have no opinion about it nearly impossible.In the Menendez case, for example, two brothers were accused of murdering their parents. Initially, this case received media attention because the victims children were accused of the mur

36、ders; however, when the brothers claimed they killed their parents because they had been molested by them, the press really went wild. For months before the trial, every paper and news program contained something about the crime. Only then was the jury selected. Thus, even though no proof was ever f

37、ound to support the brothers allegations of molestation, their trials ended in hung juries.The Rodney King incident gained national attention when a videotape of the racially motivated beating was shown on television. In the beginning, the facts about the incident were reported, but as time went on

38、information on Rodney Kings personal life was publicized, Mr. King was portrayed as a sleazy ex-convict from the ghetto who deserved what happened to him because he had resisted arrest. In reality, Rodney King was the victim in this crime, and his personal life had not had to do with his being so se

39、verely beaten. However, the press chose to make his personal life an issue. As result, at the end of the first trial, the police officers, who had been caught on videotape kicking and punching Mr. King and against whom a fellow police officer had testified, were set free.Today, the big story is the

40、O. J. Simpson murder trial, which has been splashed across newspapers and televisions all over the world. The media has made it nearly impossible to select an impartial jury because of its lack of responsibility in reporting the case. For example, early in the investigation, the press reported that

41、a sock soaked with Nicole Simpsons blood had been found in O. J.s bedroom. The judge, defense, and prosecution all denied that any such evidence existed. At first, the media stood by the story. Two days later, they retracted it but without the fanfare that had accompanied the first report.1.If a pub

42、lic figure is accused, what would happen?2.The sentence “peoples lives are at stake” (paragraph 1) might mean( ).3.The Rodney King example is used to show that( ).4.It can be inferred from the last paragraph that( ).5.The authors tone in writing this article is( ).问题1选项A.The media would side with hi

43、m or her.B.The press would try to influence the jurys judgment.C.Journalists would be overjoyed to have something to build their stories on.D.Sex and race would be inserted in the newspaper report.问题2选项A.peoples lives are involvedB.peoples lives will be greatly affectedC.people will have to stake th

44、eir own livesD.peoples lives will be risked问题3选项A.ones past will sooner or later catch up with himB.racial prejudice is still deeply rooted in peoples mindC.public opinion may be easily affected by biased reportD.the accused has no privacy at all问题4选项A.the press might have implied that O.J. Simpson

45、committed murderB.the media was forced to silence in the Simpson murder trialC.the judge defense and prosecution have taken bribeD.the press was afraid of being accused of slander问题5选项A.informativeB.criticalC.retrospectiveD.affirmative【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:C第4题:A第5题:B【解析】第1题:细节事实题。第二段第三句指出:If a famous p

46、erson is accused, members of the press appear to smack their lips and writing their hands in anticipation (如果某个名人被指控, 那么新闻工作人员就表现得垂涎欲滴并预先进行报道),其中的smack their lips和writing their hands in anticipation正好对应C项中的overjoyed 和 build their stories,故选C项“记者们将会非常高兴,因为他们可以在此基础上编撰自己的报道”。第2题:语义题。对于此句的理解可参考第二段中: It

47、tears at the core of the American Judicial system a fair trial by an impartial jury. A juror is supposed to be objective and has no preconceived opinion about the guilt or innocence of the accused: however, the medias bombarding the public with information about a crime true or otherwise makes findi

48、ng twelve people who have no opinion about it nearly impossible (它破坏了美国司法体系的核心由公正的陪审团进行的公正审判。陪审员被认为是客观的,并且对于被告是否有罪没有先入为主的观点。然而,媒体用有关犯罪的真实或其他方面的信息轰炸公众,使得找到12个对案件不了解的人几乎是不可能的)。由此可知媒体对于犯罪活动的详细报道会影响案件的公正审理,从而对被告的生命造成威胁,故选D。第3题:细节事实题。根据题干关键词Rodney King example可定位至第四段:In the beginning, the facts about the

49、 incident were reported, but as time went on information on Rodney Kings personal life was publicized, Mr. King was portrayed as a sleazy ex-convict from the ghetto who deserved what happened to him because he had resisted arrest. In reality, Rodney King was the victim in this crime, and his persona

50、l life had not had to do with his being so severely beaten (起初,有关这一事件的事实被报道,但随着时间的推移,有关罗德尼金个人生活的信息被公布,金先生被描绘成一个来自贫民区的卑鄙的惯犯,他应该受到惩罚,因为他拒绝逮捕。事实上,罗德尼金是这起犯罪的受害者,他的私生活与他被如此严打无关)。因此选C项 “舆论很容易受到有偏见的报道的影响”。第4题:判断推理题。最后一段主要讲了O.J. Simpson的例子: For example, early in the investigation, the press reported that a

51、sock soaked with Nicole Simpsons blood had been found in O. J.s bedroom (例如,在调查的早期,媒体报道说,在辛普森的卧室中发现了一只浸透了她血液的袜子)。由此可知新闻报道暗示了 O.J. Simpson犯了谋杀罪,故选A项“媒体可能暗示O.J.辛普森犯了谋杀罪”。第5题:观点态度题。文章首先提出:We want intimate details, and the media is happy to comply, but we forget that peoples lives are at stake (我们喜欢生动的细

52、节,媒体也会 积极地投大众所好,但是我们却忘了有的人的生命正处在危险中)。随后列举了三个例子说明了有失偏颇的媒体报道对社会造成的影响,而且在最后一段还列举了O. J. Simpson的例子以说明其危害,可以看出作者的态度是批判性的。9. 单选题The old buildings blend with the new ones in perfect( ), so a walk along Zhongshan Road is an enjoyable discovery.问题1选项A.harmonyB.orderC.controlD.action【答案】A【解析】句意:老建筑夹杂在新建筑中间非常和

53、谐,所以沿着中山路散步是一个愉快的探索之旅。考查名词辨析。harmony 协调,和谐;order 命令,顺序;control 控制, 管理;action 行动,活动。根据关键词 “愉快的探索之旅”可知,新老建筑之间是非常和谐的,四个选项中,A项符合句意。10. 单选题If profit and money are your first( ), and commitment to people your least concern, you have failed education.问题1选项A.potentialityB.priorityC.superiorityD.responsibili

54、ty【答案】B【解析】句意:如果利润和金钱是你首先考虑的事情,对人的义务是你最不关心的,那你的教育就失败了。考查名词辨析。potentiality 潜能;可能性;priority 优先考虑的事;优先权; superiority 优越;优势; responsibility 责任;职责;义务。根据句中first(首先)以及后面的 your least concern(你最不关心的事情)可知B项正确。11. 单选题The computer revolution may well change society as ( ) as did the Industrial Revolution.问题1选项A

55、.certainlyB.insignificantlyC.fundamentallyD.comparatively【答案】C【解析】考查副词辨析。A选项certainly“当然;必定”;B选项insignificantly“无关紧要地”;C选项fundamentally“ 根本地,从根本上;基础地”;D选项comparatively“比较地;相当地”。句意:计算机革命可能会像工业革命一样从根本上改变我们的社会。因此C符合句意。12. 单选题Flight simulator (飞行模拟器)refers to any electronic or mechanical system for trai

56、ning airplane and spacecraft pilot and crew member by simulating flight conditions. The purpose of simulation is not to completely substitute(1)actual flight training but to thoroughly familiarize students with the vehicle(2)before they(3)extensive and possibly dangerous actual flight training. Simu

57、lations also are useful for review and for familiarizing pilots with new(4)to existing craft.Two early flight simulators appeared in England within a decade after the first flight of Orville and Wilbur Wright. They were designed to enable pilots to simulate simple aircraft(5)in three dimensions: nos

58、e up or down; left wing high and right low, or vice versa; and(6)to left or right. It took until 1929, however, for a truly effective simulator, the Link Trainer, to appear, devised by Edwin A. Link, a self-educated aviator and inventor from Binghamton, New York.(7), airplane instrumentation had bee

59、n developed sufficiently to permit “blind” flying on instruments alone, but training pilots to do so involved(8)risk. Link built a model of an airplane cockpit equipped(9)instrument panel and controls that could realistically stimulate all the movements of an airplane. Pilots could use the device fo

60、r instrument training, manipulating the controls(10)instrument readings so as to maintain straight and level flight or(11)climb or descent with no visual reference(12) any horizon except for the artificial one on the instrument panel. The trainer was modified(13)aircraft technology advanced. Commerc

61、ial airlines began to use the Link Trainer for pilot training and the US government began purchasing them in 1934,(14)thousands more as World War II approached.Technological advances during the war, particularly in electronics, helped to make the flight simulator increasingly(15). The use of efficie

62、nt analog computers in the early 1950s led to further improvements. Airplane cockpits, controls, and instrument displays had by then become so individualized that it was no longer feasible to use a generalized trainer to prepare pilots to fly anything(16)the simplest light planes. By the 1950s, the

63、US Air Force was using simulators that precisely(17)the cockpits of its planes. During the early 1960s(18)digital and hybrid computers were adopted, and their speed and flexibility revolutionized simulation systems.Further advances in computer and(19)technology, notably the development of virtual-reality simulation, have made it possible to(20)highly complex real-life conditions.问题1选项A.forB.toC.withD.on问题2选项A.concerningB.concernC.being concernedD.concerned问题3选项A.undertakeB.undergoC.underplayD.underuse问题4选项

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