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1、 牛津小学英语5B Unit10 Review and Check 丰慧一、 【教学内容:】牛津小学英语5B Unit10 Review and Check(主要复习第6、7、8三单元知识点)二、 【教学目标:】 1、知识目标:、熟练掌握U6U8的重要词组和句型; 、能够运用词组句型为周末作计划; 2、能力目标:提高用英语交流的能力。 3、情感目标:通过本课的学习,学生能够体会到“把握每一天 ,享受生活”,对英文绘本阅读产生浓厚的兴趣。二、 【教学重难点:】能够运用所掌握的词组句型进行周末计划,描述生活。三、 【教学准备:】多媒体课件,教具(板书)学具(邀请函,小礼物,练习纸)五、 【设计理念

2、:】牛津小学英语注重学生的听说读写,每一单元以一个贴近生活的话题展开,而第十单元则是巩固复习单元,主要复习六七八单元的重要词组和句型,各个板块相对独立,又紧密联系,主要通过形式多样,生动活泼的课堂环节有目的、有计划复习所学词语、句型和日常交际用语。复习单元的各板块: A Look read and write B Look and write C Look read and complete 。这些内容既相对独立,有所侧重又紧密联系,相互呼应,有利于学生复习巩固以前内容,也有利于学生在新的语境中综合运用所学语言,但总体内容相对复杂,需要学生不断操练,也需要教师在课堂中运用多种训练方法。本课我将

3、通过白雪公主与七个小矮人的一天展开教学,以时间为主线,歌曲活动任务等环节进行教授,让孩子在轻松的环境中复习知识,并由此拓展。六、 【教学过程:】 Step1、Warming-up 走进故事T: Good morning,boys and girls.S:Good morning,Miss Feng T:Are you ready for our lesson?S:Yes!T:Good!Now,sit straight.Boys and girls,today I bring you a magic thing,Do you want to know what it is?S:Yes.T:OK,

4、lets count together.TS:One,Two,Three.T:OH,look,thats a magic mirror.Today the mirror is ours,so we can ask him the question.Mirror,mirror,one two.(PPT呈现出一张魔镜)S:Mirror,mirror on the wall,whos coming?(让孩子一起变成魔镜的主人,询问魔镜,引出今天课堂的主人公,白雪公主和七个小矮人)T:Lets see who is coming.Oh,they are Snow White and seven dwa

5、rfs.they are very happy.Boys and girls,follow me.(带读)T:Do you like them?S:Yes,I do.T:I like them too.So today lets enjoy a story about them.But before reading,there are three questions.The first one,who can read it for us?S:What time do they get up?T:No 2,lets read together,one two.TS:What do they d

6、o at a quarter to seven?T:Question three,our girls together.G:How do they spend the weekend?T:Please remember these three questions,and lets begin reading.(PPT出现书本,由书本翻页,阅读,配音讲述整个故事:Snow White and seven dwarfs live a happy life in the forest( 森林).Its half past six on Saturday morning.Its time to get

7、 up.They do some exercise at a quarter to seven.Then they have some milk,bread,eggs for breakfast at seven oclock.Today they are free.So after breakfast,they take a walk(散 步) in the forest.In the afternoon,they want to go to the park and play there at the weekend.How happy they will be!)Step2、Presen

8、tation and Practice 阅读故事,复习知识T:Thats the end of the story,and their life is really enjoyable.You all listened carefully,and have you catched the answers? Question one:What time do they get up? Look at the clock and who can tell me the answers.S:They get up at half past six.T:Good,so we can say,Its t

9、ime.S:to get up.T:Good,so question two what do they do at a quarter to seven?Look at me.(做动作)S:They do some exercise.T:Yes,and we all know If you want to be healthy,we should do some exercise everyday.So lets follow them,OK?S:OK!TS:Lets go!T:Look,here is the park,and what a nice park!Lets get in.How

10、 many stops here?S:Three,so which one do you prefer?(PPT出现公园中设置的三站点,由学生自由选择进入,完成任务)环节一:杂技表演,让学生观看一段杂技视频,同时出示相关句型,接下来出示关于杂技的图片由学生按图片填空,复习第六单元的现在进行时句型,其中前三张是书本原有题型,最后一张是拓展句型。)T:First stop is an acobatics show,and there is a wonderful acrobatics in the park,lets enjoy together,and please watch carefull

11、y.T:You all did a good job,clap for yourselves. 环节二:昆虫展,通过猜谜的方式帮助学生复习巩固第八单元昆虫单词和描述昆虫的相关词组。T:The second stop is an insects show.There are many interesting insects in the park,Lets have a look.T:These insects are very lovely,and you all do it well.(这一环节中学生回答问题将给昆虫卡片作为奖励)环节三:诊所俱乐部,通过学生改错综合复习相关句型T:There

12、 is a clinic club in the park,please read it and find the mistakes,try to correct them.Step3、Consolidation T:The three stops are all over,and the day is getting dark.So what time is it? S:Its a quarter past five. T:So its time to. S:go home. T:Now,they go home.At home,Snow White is keeping her diary

13、.This is her diary,can you help her to finish it?Now,take out your paper and write down the answers.You can get some information from the pictures above.Today is _.We are _.I get up at_ _ _in the morning.Then I do_ _with seven dwarfs.In the afternoon,we go to the park.A man can_the plate on his_.We

14、also watch a lot of _.They are our good friends.Im very happy today.Hows your weekends? (再一次由What time is it和钟表图片,复习时间a quarter,引出Its time to go home.引出本课的中心任务keep a diary,回忆本课所学) T:The last sentence How is your weekend?Now,Lets make a plan for your next weekend.Work in groups,make an invatation to

15、anyone you like,write the activities,time,and give a beautiful name for your group. (学生制作邀请函,并作小组汇报,展示)T: Today you all did a good job!Snow White will give you a present.Thats a good sentence,we should seize everyday and enjoy everyday.T:Today we read Snow White and seven dwarfs.We all know its good

16、 to read books.So todays homework,you can read the ugly duckling and cinderella after class.T:Class is over,bye bye!S:Bye bye!七、 板书设计 八、 课后反思 【优点】:1、 创设情境,激发学生兴趣 由于本课的教学内容较多,知识点较复杂,学生学起来比较无趣。而我采用了童话人物来引起学生的兴趣。首先我引出书中的魔镜,由学生们一起问魔镜而引出本课的中心“Snow White and seven dwarfs”。由他们的故事阅读,从阅读中提炼出三个问题,即所要复习的三单元。与此

17、同时引出他们本周去公园,在公园中设了三个站点:acrobatics show,insects show and cilinic club,让学生在玩中学,避免了复习课的枯燥乏味。因此,学生们在本节课中都积极参与,学得开心。2、 有条理性,教学目标明确,教学过程清晰本课以时间为主线,通过从起床,做早锻炼,到去公园,最后回到家记日记让同学们感受了白雪公主和七个小矮人一天的生活,也由此拓展到最后一个环节为下个星期做一张邀请函,包含活动内容和具体时间。【缺点】:1、 课堂内容较多 本堂课复习了三个单元的知识,时间把握上过于紧凑,给学生训练的机会不多,只是一带而过。修改策略:将课堂内容浓缩,详略得当,可以只抓住单元单词复习,或者只是某一单元的复习即可。2、 没有发挥学生的主体性 尽管学生学的开心,但是整堂课学生的发言和老师的语言比例为1:3,学生成为了被动的学习者。修改策略:比如在谈及时间时,可以让学生补充自己的起居,课堂上增加学生发言的机会。

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