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1、2022年考博英语-沈阳药科大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题There is the fear that babies might be genetically altered to suit the parents wished.问题1选项A.enhancedB.revisedC.alternatedD.modified【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. enhanced 加强,提高 B. revised 修改C. alternated 交替,轮流 D. modified 修改【考查点】近义词辨析【解题思路】原文指的是婴儿为了满足父母的意愿改变基因。D选项modified“

2、修改”,指为了适应某一特定的目的,稍微改变某物,与原文最相符。原文alter“改变”。【干扰项排除】A选项enhanced “加强,提高”,改变不一定是提高;B选项revised “修改”,指修改意见或计划,或者修订书刊或估算;C选项alternated “交替,轮流”,与altered属于形近词,但两者意义不同。【句意】人们担心,婴儿可能会根据父母的意愿进行基因改造。2. 单选题Mr. Greens sore arm is not a new development but the return of a _ ailment.问题1选项A.seriousB.disappearingC.fre

3、quentD.chronic【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. serious 严重的 B. disappearing 消失了的C. frequent 频繁的 D. chronic 慢性的;难以治愈(或根除)的【考查点】修饰语与被修饰语的搭配与语义衔接【解题思路】原文前半句提到“Green先生的胳膊酸痛不是什么新情况”,说明该句在讨论“胳膊酸痛”这种情况是否出现过,另外,空格处修饰的是后文ailment“小病”,与该词搭配最合适的是D选项chronic“慢性的;难以治愈(或根除)的”。【干扰项排除】A选项serious“严重的”,与原句句意衔接不当,原句并不是在讨论这个病是否严重;B选项dis

4、appearing“消失了的”,这种病不是完全消失了,它还在那里,只是没有发作而已,与原句句意衔接不当;C选项frequent“频繁的”,与ailment“小病”搭配不合适,没有D选项恰当。【句意】Green先生的胳膊酸痛不是什么新情况而是一种慢性病的复发。3. 翻译题一个国家的经济实力带动其商业实力。20世纪20年代,英国公司拥有全世界直接海外投资40%的股份份额。而到了1967年,美国以50%的份额成为全球领头羊。这些数据的背后体现出的是文化的变革。英国人将电报和铁路传播到拉丁美洲,而美国公司则通过电影和广告将美好生活的理念兜售到世界各地。凯洛格(Kellogg)改变富人们的早餐习惯,柯达

5、(Kodak)则帮助人们留住了假日的美好回忆。正如我们在本周的特别报告中所述,下一次企业的革命正发生在亚洲,它将改变整个世界的生活方式。【答案】A countrys economic strength drives its commercial strength. In the 1920s, British companies owned 40% of the worlds shares in direct overseas investment, but in 1967, the United States, with a 50% share, became the worlds leade

6、r. Behind these figures lies a cultural change. The British brought the telegraph and railways to Latin America, and American companies sold their idea of living a good life to the rest of the world via films and advertisements. Kellogg changed the richs habit of having breakfast, and Kodak helped k

7、eep holiday memories alive. As our special report this week argues, the next corporate revolution is taking place in Asia, and it will change the lifestyle of the whole world.4. 单选题This touches on a fundamental challenge facing Europe: how to avoid having the economic crisis degenerate into a securi

8、ty crisis.问题1选项A.degradeB.prosperC.hinderD.dictate【答案】A【解析】考查上下文语义。A选项degrade“降低;削弱,使变坏”;B选项prosper“繁荣,昌盛;成功”;C选项hinder“(from)成为阻碍”;D选项dictate“口述;听写”。句意:这触及了欧洲面临的一个根本挑战:如何避免经济危机_为安全危机。根据句意,从经济危机到安全危机,情况变得更糟糕了,划线词表达的是朝着不好的方向变化,只有A选项符合语境,原文degenerate“恶化”,因此,本题最佳选项为A。5. 单选题The discussion was so prolong

9、ed and exhausting that _ the speakers stopped for refreshments.问题1选项A.at largeB.at intervalsC.at easeD.at random【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. at large 在逃的 B. at intervals 时时,不时C. at ease 安逸地,不紧张地 D. at random 随机地,随便地【考查点】语义衔接与词组辨析【解题思路】首先,空格后是一个完整的句子,该处应填入一个副词,做状语。其次,前文提到“这个讲座冗长而令人疲惫”,后文提到“发言的人停下来喝点水”根据sothat提示

10、,后者应该是前文的结果,B选项at intervals“时时,不时”符合原文语境。【干扰项排除】A选项at large“在逃的”,语义和词性不符;C选项at ease“安逸地,不紧张地”,语义不符;D选项at random“随机地,随便地”,原文是指喝水的频率高,而不是说喝得很随便。【句意】这个讲座冗长而令人疲惫以至于发言的人都不时停下来喝点水。6. 翻译题我的英语有多好?对任何学习英语的人来说是最重要的一个问题。知道这个问题的答案不仅有助于树立信心,而且如果你想取得更多的进步,知道这个答案是有用的,因为一旦知道已经达到一个水平,你就会向下一个水平进军。考试在学习过程中发挥另外一个重要的作用考

11、试证明学习者在一种语言中是否熟练。通过语言考试远不只是激励了自己在语言方面的自尊心。如果你想到英国国家去念大学,或者你想找一份需要英语技能的工作的话,通过语言考试那就至关重要了。【答案】How good is my English? It is the most important question for anyone learning English. Knowing the answer to this question builds your confidence. Moreover, its useful if you want to make more progress, beca

12、use once you know youve reached one level, youll move on to the next. Another important role tests play in the learning process isthey prove a learners proficiency in a language. Passing a language test is much more than a boost to ones self-esteem in learning a language. It is vital for you to pass

13、 a language test if you want to go to university in the UK, or if you want to get a job requiring English skills.7. 单选题In Mr. Allens high school class, all the students have to “get married”. However, the wedding ceremonies are not real ones but _31_. There mock ceremonies sometimes become so _32_ t

14、hat the loud laughter drowns out the voice of the “minister”. Even the two students getting married often begin to giggle.The teacher Mr. Allen, believes that marriage is a difficult and serious business. He wants young people to understand that there are many changes that _33_ take place after marr

15、iage. He believes that the need for these psychological and financial _34_ should be understood before people marry.Mr. Allen doesnt only introduce his students to major problems _35_ in marriage such as illness or unemployment. He also exposes them to nitty-gritty problems they will face every day.

16、 He wants to introduce young people to all the trials and _36_ that can strain a marriage to the breaking point. He even _37_ his students with the problems of divorce and the fact that divorced men must pay child support money for their children and sometimes pay monthly alimony to their wives.It h

17、as been upsetting for some of the students to see the problems that a married couple often faces. _38_ they took the course, they had not worried much about the problems of marriage. However, both students and parents feel that Mr. Allens course is valuable and have _39_ course publicly. Their state

18、ments and letters supporting the class have _40_ the school to offer the course again.问题1选项A.imitationsB.duplicationsC.assumptionD.fantasies问题2选项A.noisyB.artificialC.gracefulD.real问题3选项A.wouldB.mightC.mustD.need问题4选项A.issuesB.adjustmentsC.mattersD.expectancies问题5选项A.to faceB.facingC.having facedD.fa

19、ced问题6选项A.verdictsB.errorsC.triumphsD.tribulations问题7选项A.familiarizesB.concernsC.informsD.associates问题8选项A.BeforeB.UntilC.AfterD.As问题9选项A.takenB.endorsedC.suggestedD.reproached问题10选项A.confinedB.convincedC.compromisedD.conceived【答案】第1题:A第2题:A第3题:C第4题:B第5题:D第6题:D第7题:A第8题:B第9题:B第10题:B【解析】31. 【选项释义】A. i

20、mitations 模仿 B. duplications 重复C. assumption 假设 D. fantasies 幻想【考查点】句间逻辑与名词辨析【解题思路】空格处前的连词为表示转折关系的but,而but前的内容为“不是真的婚礼(not real ones)”,由此推测,空格处的内容为“假的婚礼”。并且前文提到“在艾伦先生的高中班上,所有的学生都要结婚”,此处结婚带了引号,因此推断该老师应该是让学生在课堂上模拟现实的婚礼;后文“模拟仪式(mock ceremonies)”也提示这是模拟的婚礼仪式。因此,A选项imitations“模仿”符合原文逻辑。【干扰项排除】B选项duplicat

21、ions 重复;C选项assumption 假设;D选项fantasies 幻想,指想象中的,并不会出现在现实中,而原文是学生们会在现实中模仿。【句意】然而,婚礼并不是真实的,而是模仿的。32. 【选项释义】A. noisy 吵闹的 B. artificial 假的C. graceful 优雅的 D. real 真实的【考查点】句间逻辑【解题思路】由“so that”可知,后文“大声的笑声淹没了司仪的声音”是前者“模拟仪式有时变得如此_”的结果,由此推断,A选项noisy“吵闹的”符合原文逻辑。【干扰项排除】B、C、D选项不符合原文逻辑。【句意】在这个模拟仪式上,有时非常吵闹以至于大声的笑声淹

22、没了“司仪”的声音。33. 【选项释义】A. would 将会 B. might 可能C. must 必须,一定 D. need 需要【考查点】情态动词【解题思路】空格处的词修饰“发生”,本题应该根据变化会发生的可能性程度来选择相应的情态动词。后文“这些心理和财政_的必要性(the need for)应该被了解”,need在作名词时,指“必要或者必须要完成的情况”,由此可知,变化发生的可能性是非常高的,C选项must“必须,一定”满足语境需要。【干扰项排除】A选项would“将会”表推测的程度比need,must低;B选项might“可能”表推测的程度比need,must低;D选项need“需

23、要”,表推测的程度比must低;【句意】他想让年轻人知道结婚后肯定会发生很多变化。34. 【选项释义】A. issues 问题 B. adjustments 调整C. matters 事情 D. expectancies 期待【考查点】上下文语义衔接【解题思路】根据上一题“结婚后会发生很多变化(many changes)”推断,心理和经济上的_(psychological and financial _)应该就是指的这些变化,B选项adjustments“调整”符合上下文语义。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项均不符合“变化”。【句意】他认为,人们在结婚之前应该了解这些心理和经济调整的必要性。35.

24、 【选项释义】A. to face 面临,不定式 B. facing 面临,现在分词C. having faced 面临,现在完成时的现在分词形式 D. faced 面临,过去分词【考查点】非谓语动词【解题思路】空格处做major problems“主要问题”的后置定语,译为“婚姻中面临的主要问题”,“问题”应该是“被面临”,需要选择face的过去分词形式,表示被动,D选项faced“面临”,过去分词符合语法要求。【干扰项排除】A选项to face,face没有用被动;B选项facing,现在分词,表主动;C选项having faced,首先,现在分词,表主动;其次,此处不应该使用完成时。【句

25、意】艾伦先生不仅向他的学生介绍婚姻中的主要问题,如疾病或失业。36. 【选项释义】A. verdicts 裁决;判断 B. errors 错误C. triumphs 胜利;成就 D. tribulations 苦难【考查点】名词辨析【解题思路】空格处所填词与“磨练(trials)”并列,应该是与其意义一致的词,D选项tribulations“苦难”符合要求。另外,trials and tribulations“艰难困苦”为常用搭配。【干扰项排除】A、B、C选项不符合原文语义搭配。【句意】他想向年轻人介绍可能使婚姻破裂的所有艰难困苦。37. 【选项释义】A. familiarizes 使熟悉 B

26、. concerns 涉及C. informs 通知;告知 D. associates 使有关联【考查点】语义衔接与介词搭配【解题思路】空格处需填入一个谓语动词,该词的宾语为“他的学生们”,与其搭配的介词为with,原文结构为“_ sb with sth”。根据全文主旨可知,艾伦先生想通过模拟婚姻来让学生们了解与婚姻有关的问题,A选项familiarizes“使熟悉”,从语义和搭配上都符合题目要求。【干扰项排除】B选项concern“涉及”,语义与原文不衔接;C选项informs“通知,告知”,与with不搭配,其常用介词搭配为of;D选项associates“使有关联”,语义与原文不衔接。【

27、句意】他甚至让他的学生熟悉离婚的问题,以及离婚的男人必须支付孩子的抚养费,并且有时需要每月支付前妻离婚抚恤费。38. 【选项释义】A. Before 在之前 B. Until 直到才C. After 在之后 D. As 当的时候【考查点】连词的使用【解题思路】空格处所在句为时间状语从句。从句使用一般过去时,主句使用过去完成时,说明主句的时间在前,从句的时间在后。结合句意,原文想表达的应该是“上完这节课之前,他们并不太担心婚姻问题。”作者想强调的是学生们上完课的变化,B选项Until“直到才”,强调前后的变化,符合语境。【干扰项排除】A选项Before“在之前”,强调时间的先后关系;C选项Aft

28、er“在之后”,不符合语义逻辑;D选项As“当的时候”,不符合语义逻辑。【句意】在上这门课之前,他们并不太担心婚姻问题。39. 【选项释义】A. taken 上(课) B. endorsed 公开支持;代言C. suggested 建议 D. reproached 责备【考查点】动词辨析与语义衔接【解题思路】根据and提示,本句前后为并列关系,两者的语义反向一致。And前为“学生和家长都认为艾伦先生的课程很有价值(valuable)”,即学生和家长对该课程的评价是肯定的,and后为“公开_这个课程”。由此可知,B选项endorsed“公开支持;代言”符合原文语义。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项不

29、符合原文语义逻辑。【句意】然而,学生和家长都认为艾伦先生的课程是有价值的,并公开支持他的课程。40. 【选项释义】A. confined 限制 B. convinced 说服C. compromised 妥协 D. conceived 构想【考查点】形近词辨析【解题思路】空格处所填动词的宾语为“学校”,句意:他们支持这门课的声明和信件,_学校再次开设这门课程。空格前提到,这些声明和信件都是支持这门课的;空格后提到,学校再次开设了这门课程,两者之间是顺承的关系,B选项convinced“说服”与原文语义衔接最恰当。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项不符合原文语义逻辑。【句意】他们支持这个课程的声明和信

30、件,说服了学校再次开设这门课程。8. 单选题Is it possible to be both fat and fitnot just fit enough to exercise, but fit enough to live as long as someone a lot lighter? Not according to a 2004 study from the Harvard School of Public Health which looked at 115,000 nurses aged between 30 and 55, compared with women who w

31、ere both thin and active, obese (overweight) but active women had a mortality rate that was 91% higher. Though far better than the inactive obese (142% higher), they were still worse off than the inactive lean (5% higher). A similar picture emerged in 2008 after researchers examined 39,000 women wit

32、h an average age of 54. Compared with active women of normal weight, the active but overweight were 54% more likely to develop heart disease.Thats settled, then. Or is it? Steven Blair, a professor of exercise science at the University of South Carolina, describes the official focus on obesity as an

33、 “obsession . and its not grounded in solid data”.Blairs most fascinating study, in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2007, took 2,600 people aged 60 and above, of various degrees of fatness, and tested their fitness on the exercise device, rather than asking them to quantify it the

34、mselves. This is an unusually rigorous approach, he claims, since many rival surveys ask participants to assess their own fitness, or ignore it as a factor altogether.“There is an association between obesity and fitness,” he agrees, “but it is not perfect. As you progress towards overweight, the per

35、centage of individuals who are fit does go down. But heres a shock: among class obese individuals (with a body mass index between 35 and 39.9), about 40% or 45% are still fit. You simply cannot tell by looking whether someone is fit or not. When we look at these mortality rates in fat people who are

36、 fit, we see that the harmful effect of fat just disappears: their death rate during the next decade is half that of the normal weight people who are unfit.”One dayprobably about a hundred years from nowthis fat-but-fit question will be answered without the shadow of a doubt. In the meantime, is the

37、re anything that all the experts agree on? Oh yes: however much your body weighs, youll live longer if you move about a bit.1. It can be learned that the 2008 research _.2. Steven Blair probably considers the previous studies as _.3. The major difference between Blairs study and the previous researc

38、h is that _.4. Blairs study proves that _.5. It can be seen from the description of these studies that the author _.6. The purpose of writing this passage is to _.问题1选项A.posed a challenge to the 2004 studyB.confirmed the findings of the 2004 studyC.solved the problems left behind by the 2004 studyD.

39、had a different way of thinking from the 2004 study问题2选项A.unreliableB.uncreativeC.unrealisticD.untraditional问题3选项A.Blair excluded the participants fitness as a factorB.Blair guessed the participants fitness after weighing themC.Blair required the participants to assess their own fitnessD.Blair evalu

40、ated the participants fitness through physical tests问题4选项A.the weight problem should be taken seriouslyB.weight and fitness are strongly connectedC.it is possible to be both fat and fitD.fat people have a higher death rate问题5选项A.shows no preference for any researcherB.finds no agreement between the

41、researchersC.obviously favors the Blair studyD.obviously favors the Harvard study问题6选项A.call on people to pay attention to weight problemB.present the different findings of various weight studiesC.compare the strength and weakness of different studiesD.offer suggestions on how to remain fit and live

42、 longer【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:D第4题:C第5题:C第6题:B【解析】1. 事实细节题。1)精准定位:根据题干“2008年的研究_”,可定位到原文第1段倒数第2句A similar picture emerged in 2008 after researchers examined 39,000 women with an average age of 54.(2008年,研究人员调查了平均年龄为54岁的3.9万名女性,得出了类似的结论。)而前文a 2004 study from (2004年的一个研究)介绍的就是2004年的研究。因此,“类似的结论”指的就是与2004年的

43、研究结论类似。2)综合理解:由此可知,2008年的研究与2004年的研究结果是一致的,B选项“证实了2004年的研究结果”表述符合原文。A选项“对2004年的研究形成了挑战”、C选项“解决了2004年研究留下的问题”,属于曲解原文;D选项“与2004年的研究有不同的思维方式”,属于无中生有,原文并没有关于2004年和2008年两个研究的思维方式的表述,无法对两者进行比较。因此,本题最佳选项为B。2. 事实细节题。1)精准定位:根据题干“Steven Blair可能认为之前的研究是_”,可定位到原文第2段最后一句Steven Blair, , describes the official foc

44、us on obesity as an “obsession . and its not grounded in solid data”.(Steven Blair将官方对肥胖的关注描述为一种“痴迷而且它没有可靠的数据为基础。”)2)综合理解:由此可知,Steven认为以前的研究依据的数据不可靠,A选项“不可靠的”符合题意。B选项“缺乏创造性的”、C选项“不切实际的”、D选项“非传统的”没有依据,属于无中生有,排除。因此,本题最佳选项为A。3. 事实细节题。1)精准定位:根据题干“Blair的研究和之前的研究的主要区别是_”,可定位到原文第3段最后一句This is an unusually

45、rigorous approach, he claims, since many rival surveys ask participants to assess their own fitness, or ignore it as a factor altogether.(他声称,这是一种异常严格的方法,因为许多竞争的调查要求参与者评估自己的健康状况,或者完全忽略它作为一个因素。)根据this往前定位一句可得Blair的研究方式,原文第3段第1句Blairs most fascinating study, took 2,600 people aged 60 and above, of var

46、ious degrees of fatness, and tested their fitness on the exercise device, rather than asking them to quantify it themselves.(布莱尔的一项最引人注目的研究中,对2600名60岁及以上的不同肥胖程度的人进行了测试,并让他们在健身设备上测试他们的健康状况,而不是让他们自己评价。)2)综合理解:由定位信息可得,两者的主要区别在于,之前的研究是让被研究者自己评估自己的健康状况,而Blair则让被研究者在健身设备上进行测试,D选项“Blair通过体能测试来评估参与者的健康状况”符合

47、原文。B选项“Blair在给参与者称重后猜出了他们的健康状况”,表述错误,属于曲解原文;A选项“Blair排除了参与者的健康因素”、C选项“Blair要求参与者评估自己的健康状况”表述错误,这些不是Blair的研究,而是其他竞争研究,属于张冠李戴。因此,本题最佳选项为D。4. 事实细节题。1)精准定位:根据题干“Blair的研究证明_”,可定位到原文第4段。A选项“体重问题应该被认真对待”,Blair的结论中并未提及这一点,该选项属于无中生有,排除。B选项“体重和健康紧密相关”,可定位到第4段第1、2句“There is an association between obesity and f

48、itness,” he agrees, “but it is not perfect. As you progress towards overweight, the percentage of individuals who are fit does go down.”(“肥胖和健康之间有一种联系,”他表示同意这一说法,“但这种联系并不完美。随着体重的增加,健康人群的比例会下降。”由此可知,原文虽然提到了体重和健康之间有联系,但并未说两者之间紧密相关,该选项属于推理过度,排除。C选项“既胖又健康是可能的”,可定位到第4段第3句But heres a shock: among class ob

49、ese individuals (with a body mass index between 35 and 39.9), about 40% or 45% are still fit.(但令人震惊的是:阶层的肥胖人群(体重指数在35到39.9之间)中,约有40%或45%的人仍然健康。)由此可知,有的肥胖人群依然健康,该选项表述符合原文。D选项“肥胖的人死亡率更高”,可定位到第4段最后一句When we look at these mortality rates in fat people who are fit, we see that the harmful effect of fat j

50、ust disappears: their death rate during the next decade is half that of the normal weight people who are unfit.(当我们观察健康的肥胖者的死亡率时,我们看到脂肪的有害影响消失了:他们在未来十年的死亡率是正常体重不健康的人的一半。)由此可知,肥胖者未来十年的死亡率比正常体重者要低,选项表述错误,属于反向干扰,排除。2)综合理解:综上,本题最佳选项为C。5. 观点态度题。1)精准定位:本文询问的是作者对三个不同研究的态度或者偏好。首先,根据最后一段最后两句In the meantime,

51、is there anything that all the experts agree on? Oh yes: however much your body weighs, youll live longer if you move about a bit.(与此同时,有什么是所有专家都同意的吗?哦,有:不管你的体重有多重,如果你稍微动一动,你会活得更久。)由此可知,研究人员之间一致的观点是存在的,B选项“发现研究人员之间没有达成一致结论”,表述错误,属于反向干扰。其次,根据第3段第1句Blairs most fascinating study,(Blair最有吸引力的研究),作者用对Bla

52、ir研究的描述是most fascinating,由此可知,作者是非常赞成Blair的研究的;另外,从全文的行文来看,本文一共5段,作者在第1段就介绍完了2004和2008年的研究,而介绍Blair的研究用了24一共3段,从这个角度也可以看出作者更看重Blair的研究。A选项“对任何研究者都没有偏爱”、D选项“显然支持哈佛的研究”,表述错误,属于曲解原文。2)概括理解:由此可知,C选项“显然支持Blair的研究”,表述符合原文。因此,本题最佳选项为C。6. 判断推理题。1)句内线索:根据本文最后一段最后两句In the meantime, is there anything that all

53、the experts agree on? Oh yes: however much your body weighs, youll live longer if you move about a bit.(与此同时,有什么是所有专家都同意的吗?哦,有:不管你的体重有多重,如果你稍微动一动,你会活得更久。)由此可知,A选项“呼吁人们注意体重问题”表述错误,作者认为不管体重怎么样,运动会让人活得更久,作者的重点不是体重,而是健康,该选项属于曲解原文。2)上下文线索:本题询问作者写篇文章的目的。从全文来看,本文一共5段,第1段介绍完了2004和2008年关于“肥胖和健康”的研究,第24段介绍Bla

54、ir关于“肥胖与健康”的研究,最后一段总结,展望未来的研究会解决这个问题,并且提出研究人员都同意的观点。由此可知,B选项“介绍不同体重研究的不同发现”,表述符合原文。3)排除错项:C选项“比较不同研究的优缺点”,原文只是介绍了这些研究的方法和结论,并没有比较各研究的优缺点,重点还是在于介绍,而非比较。该选项属于过度推理,排除;D选项“提供关于如何保持健康和长寿的建议”,虽然在最后一句提出要长寿就要多运动,但是全文大部分内容主要还是介绍关于肥胖与健康的不同研究,该选项属于过度推理,排除。综上所述,本题最佳选项为B。9. 单选题Valeta Young, 81, a retiree from Lo

55、di, Calif., suffers from congestive heart failure and requires almost constant monitoring. But she doesnt have to drive anywhere to get it. Twice a day she steps onto a special electronic scale. Answers a few yes or no questions via push buttons on a small attached monitor and presses a button that

56、sends the information to a nurses station in San Antonio, Texas. “Its almost a direct link to my doctor,” says Young, who describes herself as computer illiterate but says she has no problems using the equipment.Young is not the only patient who is dealing with her doctor from a distance. Remote mon

57、itoring is a rapidly growing field in medical technology, with more than 25 firms competing to measure remotelyand transmit by phone, Internet or through the airwaveseverything from patients heart rates to how often they cough.Prompted both by the rise in health-care costs and the increasing compute

58、rization of health-care equipment, doctors are using remote monitoring to track a widening variety of chronic diseases. In March, St. Francis University in Pittsburgh, Pa., partnered with a company called Body Media on a study in which rural diabetes patients use wireless glucose meters and armband

59、sensors to monitor their disease. And last fall, Yahoo began offering subscribers the ability to chart their asthma conditions online. Using a PDA-size respiratory monitor that measures lung functions in real time and e-mails the date directly to doctors.Such home monitoring, says Dr. George Dailey,

60、 a physician at the Scripps Clinic in San Diego, “could someday replace less productive ways that patients track, changes in their heart rte. Blood sugar, lipid levels, kidney functions and even vision.”Dr. Timothy Moore, executive vice president of Alere Medical, which produced the smart scales tha

61、t Young and more than 10,000 other patients are using, says that almost any vital sign could, in theory, be monitored from home. But, he warns, that might not always make good medical sense. He advises against performing electrocardiograms remotely, for example, and although he acknowledges that rem

62、ote monitoring of blood-sugar levels and diabetic ulcers on the skin may have real value, he points out that there are no truly independent studies that establish the value of home testing for diabetes or asthma.Such studies are needed because the technology is still in its infancy and medical experts are divided about its value. But on one thing they all agree: you should never rely on any remote testing system without clearing it with your doctor.66. How does Young monitor her health conditions?67. Which of the following is NOT used

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