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1、2022年考博英语-西南财经大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题The offer of a free overseas tour ( )him into buying the villa on the hillside.问题1选项A.discouragedB.committedC.temptedD.tangled【答案】C【解析】动词辨析题。discourage阻止,使气馁;commit犯错,委托;tempt诱惑,引起;tangle使纠缠。句意:因为提供免费的境外旅游诱使他买下了山坡上的别墅。选项C更符合语境。2. 单选题In the new cabinet budget, a

2、 proportion of 3 per cent is fixed for the feeding and ( )of those below the poverty line.问题1选项A.unemploymentB.dwellingC.exploitationD.evolving【答案】B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。unemployment“失业”;dwelling“住处,寓所”;exploitation“开发,开采,剥削”;evolving“演变,进化”。句意:在新内阁的预算中,3%的预算用于为那些在贫困线以下的人提供食物和住处。选项B符合题意。3. 单选题He is quite sur

3、e that its ( )impossible for him to fulfill the task within two days.问题1选项A.absolutelyB.exclusivelyC.fullyD.roughly【答案】A【解析】副词辨析题。absolutely绝对地,完全地;exclusively唯一地,专有地;fully充分地,彻底地;roughly粗糙地,概略地。句意:他很确定他绝对不可能在两天内完成这个任务。选项A符合句意。4. 单选题Crime is increasing worldwide, and there is every reason to believe

4、 the ( )will continue into the next decade.问题1选项A.emergencyB.trendC.paceD.schedule【答案】B【解析】名词辨析题。emergency紧急情况,突发事件;trend趋势,走向;pace步伐,速度;schedule时间表,日程安排。句意:全世界的犯罪活动一直在增加,我们有充分的理由相信这一趋势将持续到下一个十年。选项B符合句意。5. 单选题He was proud of being chosen to participate in the game and he ( )us that he would try as h

5、ard as possible.问题1选项A.insuredB.guaranteedC.assumedD.assured【答案】D【解析】动词辨析题。insure确保,投保;guarantee保证,担保,一般指对事物的品质或人的行为作出“担保”;assume假定,设想;assure保证,担保,使确信,一般指:使人对某事感到肯定或放心。句意:被选中参加比赛让他感到很自豪,并向我们保证他会尽他最大的努力。选项D更符合语境。6. 单选题Take the case of public education alone. The principal difficulty faced by the scho

6、ols has been the tremendous increase in the number of pupils. This has been caused by the advance of the legal age for going into industry and the impossibility of finding a job even when the legal age has been reached. In view of the technological improvements in the last few years, business will r

7、equire in the future proportionately fewer workers than ever before. The result will be still further raising of the legal age for going into employment, and still further difficulty in finding employment when that age has been attained. If we cannot put our children to work, we must put them in sch

8、ool.We may also be quite confident that the present trend toward a shorter day and a shorter week will be maintained. We have developed and shall continue to have a new leisure class. Already the public agencies for adult education are swamped by the tide that has swept over them since the depressio

9、n began. They will be little better off when it is over. Their support must come from the taxpayer.It is surely too much to hope that these increases in the cost of public education can be borne by the local communities. They cannot care for the present restricted and inadequate system. The local co

10、mmunities have failed in their efforts to cope with unemployment. They cannot expect to cope with public education on the scale on which we must attempt it. The answer to the problem of unemployment has been Federal relief. The answer to the problem of public education may have to be much the same,

11、and properly so. If there is one thing in which the citizens of all parts of the country have an interest, it is in the decent education of the citizens of all parts of the country. Our income tax now goes in part to keep our neighbors alive. It may have to go in part as well to make our neighbors i

12、ntelligent. We are now attempting to preserve the present generation through Federal relief of the destitute(贫民).Only a people determined to ruin the next generation will refuse such Federal funds as public education may require.1.What is the passage mainly about?2.What is the reason for the increas

13、e in the number of students?3.The public agencies for adult education will be little better off because ( ).4.According to the author, the answer to the problem of public education is that the Federal government( ).5.Why does the author say “Only a people determined to ruin the next generation will

14、refuse such Federal funds as public education may require” (Lines 11-13, Para. 3)( ).问题1选项A.How to persuade local communities to provide more funds.B.How to cope with the shortage of funds for public education.C.How to improve the public education system.D.How to solve the rising unemployment proble

15、m.问题2选项A.The requirement of educated workers by business.B.The trend toward a shorter workday.C.Raising of the legal age for going to work.D.Peoples concern for the future of the next generation.问题3选项A.the unemployed are too poor to continue their educationB.a new leisure class has developedC.they a

16、re still suffering from the depressionD.an increase in taxes could be a problem问题4选项A.should allocate Federal funds for public educationB.should demand that local communities provide supportC.should raise taxes to meet the needs of public educationD.should first of all solve the problem of unemploym

17、ent问题5选项A.Only by appropriating an adequate Federal funds for education can the next generation have a bright future.B.Citizens at all parts of the country agree that the best way to support education is to use Federal funds.C.People all over the country should make contributions to education in the

18、 interest of the next generation.D.Educated people are determined to use part of the Federal funds to help the poor.【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:D第4题:A第5题:A【解析】第1题:主旨大意题。本文主要讲的是法定就业年龄的提高以及就业难度大等问题导致更多的人转而接受教育。但是由于经济大萧条的原因,公共机构以及社区无法为教育提供资金。作者认为只有依靠联邦救济才能解决问题。选项A“如何说服当地社区提供更多的资金”显然不符合原文;选项C“如何完善公共教育体系”不正确,本文主要涉

19、及的是资金问题而不是教育体系的问题;选项D“如何解决日益严重的失业问题”不是本文的重点,本文的重点是解决教育资金短缺的问题,所以选项D不正确,选项B“如何解决公共教育经费短缺的问题”正确。第2题:细节事实题。根据第一段的二三句“The principal difficulty faced by the schools has been the tremendous increase in the number of pupils. This has been caused by the advance of the legal age for going into industry and t

20、he impossibility of finding a job even when the legal age has been reached.”学校面临的主要困难是学生人数的大量增加。这是由于进入工业的法定年龄提高了,即使到了法定年龄也不可能找到工作。选项C符合原文。第3题:细节事实题。根据关键词“public agencies for adult education”定位到第二段的内容“They will be little better off when it is over. Their support must come from the taxpayer.”当一切结束时,他们

21、(成人教育公共机构)的境况也不会好多少。他们的支持必须来自纳税人。由此可知,他们的主要问题在于税收,而涉及税收的只有选项D。第4题:判断推理题。根据最后一段中的“The answer to the problem of unemployment has been Federal relief. The answer to the problem of public education may have to be much the same, and properly so.”解决失业问题的办法是联邦救济。公共教育问题的答案可能必须也是一样的,而且确实如此。由此可推断,联邦政府应该为公共教育筹

22、集联邦资金。选项A正确。第5题:判断推理题。这句话的意思是“只有一个决心毁灭下一代的民族才会拒绝接受公共教育可能需要的联邦资金”,也就是说只有拨出足够的联邦资金来扶持教育,我们的下一代才能有光明的前途。选项A正确;选项B中的“Citizens at all parts of the country”表述错误,这个观点只是作者提出的,原文也没有提及全体公民都同意这一观点;选项C“为了下一代的利益,全国人民应该为教育做出贡献”不符合原文,作者的观点是联邦资金扶持教育而不是全国人民作出贡献;选项D“受过教育的人决心用联邦基金的一部分来帮助穷人”在文中没有信息涉及,所以不正确。7. 单选题Brazil

23、s constitution( )the military use of nuclear energy.问题1选项A.WithdrawsB.objectsC.interruptsD.forbids【答案】D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。withdraw“撤销,收回,撤退”;object“反对,拒绝”; Interrupt “中断”; forbid “禁止”。句意:巴西宪法规定禁止军队使用核能。选项D符合题意。8. 单选题When writing about controversial topics, some authors try to be( ).问题1选项A.impressiveB.refl

24、ectiveC.objectiveD.persuasive【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。impressive意为“给人印象深刻的,感人的”;reflective意为“反射的,反映的”;objective意为“客观的,实体的”;persuasive意为“有说服力的”。句意:在写有争议的话题时,有些作者力求客观。9. 单选题There was a big hole in the road which ( )the traffic.问题1选项A.set backB.stood backC.held upD.kept down【答案】C【解析】词组辨析题。set back推迟,使.受挫折;stan

25、d back退后;hold up举起,阻挡,拦截;keep down控制,镇压。句意:路上有个大坑,阻碍了交通。选项C符合句意。10. 单选题Dont trust the speaker any more, since the remarks he made in his lectures are never( )with the facts.问题1选项A.symmetricalB.comparativeC.compatibleD.harmonious【答案】C【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。symmetrical “匀称的,对称的”;comparative “比较的,相当的”;compatibl

26、e “兼容的,能共处的”;harmonious “和谐的, 和睦的”。句意:不要再相信那个演说者了,因为他演讲中的话语与事实不符。选项C符合题意。11. 单选题We dont think that his( )ability has been well developed.问题1选项A.possibleB.potentialC.initialD.invisible【答案】B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。possible “可能的”;potential “有潜力的”;initial “最初的”;invisible “看不见的”。句意:我们认为他的潜力没有被好好挖掘。选项B符合题意。12. 单选题A

27、 computer file is a collection of ( )data, used to organize the storage and processing of data by computer.问题1选项A.electricalB.artificialC.electronicD.genuine【答案】C【解析】形容词辨析题。electrical有关电的;artificial人造的;electronic电子的;genuine真实的,诚恳的。句意:计算机文件是电子数据的集合,用来组织计算机对数据的存储和处理。这里指电子数据,所以选项C正确。13. 单选题Blood vessel

28、s running all through the lungs carry blood to each air sac(囊), or alveolus(肺泡), and then back again to the heart. Only the thin wall of the air sac and the thin wall of a capillary(毛细血管)are between the air and the blood. So oxygen easily diffuses from the air sacs through the walls into the blood,

29、while carbon dioxide easily diffuses from the blood through the walls into the air sacs.When blood is sent to the lungs by the heart, it has come back from the cells in the rest of the body. So the blood that goes into the wall of an air sac contains much dissolved carbon dioxide but very little oxy

30、gen. At the same time, the air that goes into the air sac contains much oxygen but very little carbon dioxide. You have learned that dissolved materials always diffuse from where there is more of them to where there is less. Oxygen from the air dissolves in the moisture on the lining of the air sac

31、and diffuses through the lining into the blood. Meanwhile, carbon dioxide diffuses from the blood into the air sac. The blood then flows from the lungs back to the heart, which sends it out to all other parts of the body.Soon after air goes into an air sac, it gives up some of its oxygen and takes i

32、n some carbon dioxide from the blood. To keep diffusion going as it should, this carbon dioxide must be gotten rid of. Breathing, which is caused by movements of the chest, forces the used air out of the air sacs in your lungs and brings in fresh air. The breathing muscles are controlled automatical

33、ly so that you breathe at the proper rote to keep your air sacs supplied with fresh air. Ordinarily, you breathe about twenty-two times a minute. Of course, you breathe faster when you are exercising and slower when you are resting. Fresh air is brought into your lungs when you breathe in, or inhale

34、(吸入), while used air is forced out of your lungs when you breathe out, or exhale.Some people think that all the oxygen is taken out of the air in the lungs and that what we breathe out is pure carbon dioxide. But these ideas are not correct. Air is a mixture of gases that is mostly nitrogen(氮). This

35、 gas is not used in the body. So the amount of nitrogen does not change as air is breathed in and out. But while air is in the lungs, it is changed in three ways: (1) About one fifth of the oxygen in the air goes into the blood. (2) An almost equal amount of carbon dioxide comes out of the blood int

36、o the air. (3) Moisture from the linings of the air passages and air sacs evaporates until the air is almost saturated.1.It can be inferred from the passage that oxygen and carbon dioxide( ).2.When blood travels back to the lungs by the heart,( ).3.The movement of breathing can effectively( ).4.When

37、 we breathe out, the amount of nitrogen( ).5.The air in the lungs changes through( ).问题1选项A.produce energy for breathingB.diffuse immediately in the bloodC.penetrate slowly into the air sacsD.travel in opposite ways in the lungs问题2选项A.more oxygen was contained in bloodB.more carbon dioxide was conta

38、ined in the bloodC.less carbon dioxide was contained in an air sacD.less oxygen was contained in an air sac问题3选项A.help the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungsB.prevent the inhaling of excessive carbon dioxideC.keep the regular circulation of bloodD.strengthen the function of breathing

39、 muscles问题4选项A.increases a bit because of the exchange of airB.reduces a bit because of the exchange of airC.remains the same as we breathe it inD.keeps the same as that needed in lungs问题5选项A.inhaling some amount of oxygenB.the evaporation of moistureC.exhaling some amount of carbon dioxideD.generat

40、ing a passage for evaporation【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:A第4题:C第5题:B【解析】第1题:推理判断题。文章提到气囊中二氧化碳过多会迫使人进行呼吸,而不是说它们为呼吸产生能力,因此选项A可以排除;文章第一段最后一句话的后半部分提到“二氧化碳很容易从血液中扩散到气囊中”(while carbon dioxide easily diffuses from the blood through the walls into the air sacs),由此可知二氧化碳是扩散到气囊而不是到血液中,所有选项B可以排除;文章第一段最后一句话的前半部分提到“所以氧气可以

41、很轻易地通过气囊壁从气囊扩散到血液中”(so oxygen easily diffuses from the air sacs through the walls into the blood),所以选项C“它们都是很慢地渗透到气囊中”说法错误,排除。因此,选项D符合题意。第2题:细节事实题。文章第二段第一句话提到“当血液被心脏送到肺里的时候,它是从身上其他细胞里流回来的,所以流入气囊壁的血液带有很多溶解的二氧化碳和少量的空气”(When blood is sent to the lungs by the heart, it has come back from the cells in th

42、e rest of the body. So the blood that goes into the wall of an air sac contains much dissolved carbon dioxide but very little oxygen),所以这个时候血液里的二氧化碳含量会增加,选项B符合题意。第3题:细节事实题。文章第三段提到“由胸部的运动而产生的呼吸,促进了废气从气囊中排除,为肺部带来新鲜的空气”(Breathing, which is caused by movements of the chest, forces the used air out of th

43、e air sacs in your lungs and brings in fresh air. The breathing muscles are controlled automatically so that you breathe at the proper rote to keep your air sacs supplied with fresh air),选项A“帮助肺部的氧气和二氧化碳进行交换”符合题意。第4题:细节事实题。文章第四段提到“空气是气体混合而成,其中氮气含量最高,这种气体我们人体不需要,所以当我们吸气和呼气时这种其他的含量是不会变的”(Air is a mixt

44、ure of gases that is mostly nitrogen. This gas is not used in the body. So the amount of nitrogen does not change as air is breathed in and out),选项C“与吸入时一样”符合题意。第5题:细节事实题。文章最后一句提到气道和气囊中的水分会一直蒸发直到空气几乎饱和的时候(Moisture from the linings of the air passages and air sacs evaporates until the air is almost s

45、aturated),选项B“通过水分的蒸发”符合题意。14. 单选题The ( )of airplane engines announced a coming air raid.问题1选项A.roarB.exclamationC.whistleD.scream【答案】A【解析】动词辨析题。roar咆哮,轰鸣;exclamation感叹,惊叫;whistle呼啸声;scream尖叫声。句意:飞机引擎的轰鸣声宣布空袭即将来临。选项A符合句意。15. 单选题After months of investigation, the policeman judges it as a (n) ( )murde

46、r.问题1选项A.willingB.purposefulC.voluntaryD.deliberate【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。willing意为“乐意的,自愿的”;purposeful意为“有目的的,故意的”;voluntary意为“自愿的,自发的”;deliberate意为“故意的,蓄意的”。句意:经过几个月的调查,警察判定这是一场蓄意谋杀。16. 单选题A Korean manufacturer has ( ) us a price ten percent lower than yours.问题1选项A.referredB.offeredC.gaveD.told【答案】B【解析】

47、考查动词词义辨析。refer “涉及”;offer “提供”;give “给予”;tell “告诉”。句意:韩国生产商的出价比你们的低。选项B符合题意。17. 单选题Do you want fly first or ( ) class?问题1选项A.economicB.economicalC.economyD.economics【答案】B【解析】考查固定搭配。economical class “经济舱”。选项B符合题意。18. 单选题Government today plays an increasingly larger role in the ( )of welfare, economic

48、s,and education.问题1选项A.scopesB.rangesC.ranksD.domains【答案】D【解析】考查名词词义辨析。scope “范围,眼界,视野”;range “范围;幅度”;rank“级别,等级”;domain “领域,域,域名”。句意:现在政府在很多领域扮演着重要的角色,比如福利、经济和教育等。选项D符合题意。19. 单选题Jennies, the former chairman of the oil company, criticizes severely his( )whose false judgment led the company to bankru

49、ptcy.问题1选项A.successorB.offspringC.predecessorD.forefather【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。successor意为“接替者,继任者,接替的人或事物”;offspring意为“后代,子孙”;predecessor意为“前任,前辈”;forefather意为“祖先,祖宗”。由the former chairman(前董事长)可推测空格处指的他的继任者,因此选A。句意:前石油公司董事长詹尼尔斯严厉批评他的继任者,他的错误判断导致公司破产。20. 单选题Grandma always paid attention to the needs, wishes and feelings of those around her. She was the most ( )woman Ive ever known.问题1选项A.artificialB.merryC.considerateD.brilliant【答案】C【解析】形容词辨析题。artificial人造的;merry愉快的;considerate体贴的,考虑周到的;brilliant杰出的。句意:奶奶总是关注身边人的需求、愿望和感受。她是我所认识的最体贴的女人。选项C符合语境。

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