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1、2022年考博英语-北京科技大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Hamilton hoped for a nation of cities while Jefferson contended that the country should remain chiefly agricultural问题1选项A.inclinedB.struggledC.arguedD.competed【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。contend表示“主张,斗争”;A项incline“倾向于”,B项struggle“奋斗,斗争”,C项argue“争论,辩论”,D项compete“竞争,比赛”。句意:汉

2、密尔顿希望国家是由城市组成的,而杰斐逊则主张国家应以农业为主。根据句意可知,选择C项正确。2. 单选题John has such( )power that his friends always behave in the way that he wants them to.问题1选项A.convincingB.feasibleC.operationalD.manipulative【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。A项convincing“令人信服的,有说服力的”,B项feasible“可行的,可能的”,C项operational“操作的,运作的”,D项manipulative“巧妙处理的,操纵

3、的”。根据空格后面的句意“他的朋友们总是按他所希望的那样行事”可知,空格部分填入convincing最合适。句意:约翰很有说服力,他的朋友们总是按他所希望的那样行事。因此,该题选择A项正确。3. 单选题A report published recently brings bad news about air pollution. It suggests that it could be as damaging to our health as exposure to the radiation from the 1986 Ukraine nuclear power disaster. The

4、report was published by the UK Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution. But what can city people do to reduce exposure to air pollution? Quite a lot, it turns out.Avoid walking in busy streets. Choose side streets and parks instead. Pollution levels can fall a considerable amount just by moving

5、a few meters away from the main pollution sourceexhaust fumes (烟气). Also dont walk behind smokers. Walk on the windward side of the street where exposure to pollutants can be 50 percent less than on the downwind side.Sitting on the drivers side of a bus can increase your exposure by 10 percent, comp

6、ared with sitting on the side nearest the pavement. Sitting upstairs on a double-decker can reduce exposure. It is difficult to say whether traveling on an underground train is better or worse than taking the bus. Air pollution on underground trains tends to be, less toxic than that at street level,

7、 because underground pollution is mostly made up of tiny iron particles thrown up by wheels hitting the rails. But diesel and petrol fumes have a mixture of pollutants.When you are crossing a road, stand well back from the curb while you wait for the light to change. Every meter really does count wh

8、en you are close to traffic. As the traffic begins to move, fumes can be reduced in just a few seconds. So holding your breath for just a moment can make a difference, even though it might sound silly.There are large sudden pollution increases during rush hours. Pollution levels fall during nighttim

9、e. The time of year also makes a big difference. Pollution levels tend to be at their lowest during spring and autumn when winds are freshest. Extreme cold or hot weather has a trapping effect and tends to cause a build-up of pollutants.1. What is the passage mainly about?2. According to the report,

10、 air pollution in big cities( ).3. When you walk in a busy street, you should walk on the side( ).4. If you take a bus in a big city in China, you should sit( ).5. It is implied in the passage that( ).问题1选项A.How to fight air pollution in big cities.tB.How to avoid air pollution in big cities.tC.How

11、to breathe fresh air in big cities.tD.How serious air pollution is in big cities.t问题2选项A.can be more serious than Chermobyl nuclear disastertB.cannot be compared with the disaster in ChermobyltC.can release as damaging radiation as the Chermobyl disastertD.can be more serious than we used to thinkt问

12、题3选项A.where the wind is comingtB.where the wind is goingtC.where the wind is weakertD.where the wind is strongert问题4选项A.on the left side in the bustB.on the right side in the bustC.in the middle of the bustD.at the back of the bust问题5选项A.people should not take street level transportationtB.tiny iron

13、 particles will not cause health problemstC.air pollution on an underground train is less poisonoustD.traveling on an underground train is better than taking the bus【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:A第4题:B第5题:C【解析】第1题:主旨大意题。题干意思是“这篇文章的主要内容是什么?”。通读全文可知,文章讲述的是空气污染以及人类应该如何避免受到空气污染的伤害;根据文章第一段最后一句But what can city peopl

14、e do to reduce exposure to air pollution?(但是城市居民能做些什么来减少空气污染呢)以及文章末段Pollution levels tend to be at their lowest during spring and autumn when winds are freshest. Extreme cold or hot weather has a trapping effect and tends to cause a build-up of pollutants.(春天和秋天的风最清新,污染水平往往是最低的;极冷或极热的天气具有捕获效应,往往会导致污

15、染物的积累),由此可知,文章的主旨主要是讲述如何在大城市呼吸到新鲜的空气,因此C项“如何在大城市呼吸新鲜空气”正确。A项“如何对抗大城市的空气污染”和B项“如何避免大城市的空气污染”在第二段到第四段都有提及到,但是比较片面,不能概括文章主旨;D项“大城市的空气污染有多严重”,这是对空气污染的细节描写,不足以概括全文。因此,该题选择C项正确。第2题:细节推断题。题干意思是“根据报告,大城市的污染”。根据第一段第二句It suggests that it could be as damaging to our health as exposure to the radiation from the

16、 1986 Ukraine nuclear power disaster.(它表明,它对我们健康的危害可能与1986年乌克兰核电站灾难的辐射一样大),由此可推断,大城市的污染比我们想的要更严重得多,因此D项“远比我们想象的更严重”符合题意。A项“会比切尔莫比尔的核灾难更严重”,原文是说一样大,该项内容错误;B项“无法与切尔莫比尔的灾难相比”,内容与原文相反;C项“能释放出和切尔莫比尔灾难一样破坏性的辐射”,空气污染不会释放辐射,C项错误。因此,该题选择D项正确。第3题:细节事实题。题干意思是“当你走在繁忙的街道上,你应该走在马路边”。根据文章第二段最后一句话Walk on the windwa

17、rd side of the street where exposure to pollutants can be 50 percent less than on the downwind side.(走在街道的迎风一侧,接触到的污染物比下风一侧少50%)可知,走在街道上时,最好选择迎风的一侧道路,所以A项“风吹来的方向”正确。B项“风吹走的方向”,内容与原文相反;C项“风较弱的地方”和D项“风较强的地方”未提及。因此,该题选择A项正确。第4题:细节推断题。题干意思是“如果你在中国的大城市坐公交车,你应该坐”。根据文章第三段第一句Sitting on the drivers side of a

18、 bus can increase your exposure by 10 percent, compared with sitting on the side nearest the pavement.(与坐在离人行道最近的一侧相比,坐在公交车司机一侧会增加10%的暴露量),由此推测,在中国乘坐公共汽车,公共汽车里面靠右边的座位空气污染不那么严重,所以B项“公共汽车的右边座位”正确。A项“公共汽车的左边座位”,内容与原文相反;C项“公共汽车的中间座位”和D项“公共汽车的后面座位”都未提及。因此,该题选择B项正确。第5题:推理判断题。题干意思是“这篇文章暗示了”。文章第三段提到It is di

19、fficult to say whether traveling on an underground train is better or worse than taking the bus. Air pollution on underground trains tends to be, less toxic than that at street level, because underground pollution is mostly made up of tiny iron particles thrown up by wheels hitting the rails.(很难说坐地铁

20、比坐公共汽车好还是坏;地铁上的空气污染比街道上的空气污染毒性要小,因为地下污染主要是由车轮撞击铁轨时扬起的微小铁颗粒构成的),由此可推断,地铁上也有空气污染,但是比公共汽车上的污染毒性小一点,所以C项“地铁上的空气污染毒性较小”正确。A项“人们不应该乘坐街道交通工具”,该项内容太绝对;B项“细小的铁颗粒不会引起健康问题”,原文提到了地铁空气污染毒性比街道空气污染毒性小,这并不代表地铁的空气污染不会引起健康问题;D项“坐地铁比坐公共汽车好”,原文提到“很难说坐地铁比坐公共汽车好还是坏”,所以D项错误。因此,该题选择C项正确。4. 单选题Thousands of people left their

21、 rural homes and flocked into the cities to live beside the new factories.问题1选项A.dashedB.filedC.strolledD.swarmed【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。flock into表示“大批地涌进,成群结队涌到”;A项dash“猛冲,匆忙”,B项file“提出(申请),把归档”,C项stroll“散步,闲逛”,D项swarm“成群来回移动,蜂拥而至”。句意:成千上万的人离开农村,涌入城市,住在新工厂旁边。根据句意可知,该题D项正确。5. 单选题The ties that bind us toget

22、her in common activity are so( )that they can disappear at any moment.问题1选项A.trivialB.fatalC.tentativeD.feeble【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。A项trivial“不重要的,琐碎的”,B项fatal“致命的,量大的”,C项tentative“试验性的,暂定的”,D项feeble“微弱的,无力的”。根据句子意思“把我们联系在一起从事共同活动的纽带是如此的( )以至于它们随时都可能消失”,把四个选项分别代入,只有feeble最符合句子意思。句意:把我们联系在一起从事共同活动的纽带是如此微弱

23、,它们随时可能消失。因此,该题选择D项正确。6. 单选题John said that he didnt quite( )and asked me to repeat what I had said.问题1选项A.snatch upB.summon upC.catch onD.watch out【答案】C【解析】考查词组辨析。A项snatch up“夺取,抓起”,B项summon up“鼓起,唤起”,C项catch on“理解,变得流行”,D项watch out“小心,提防”。根据后面的句意“要我重复我说过的话”可知,空格部分表示“明白,理解”,只有C项符合。句意:约翰说他不太明白,要我重复一遍

24、刚才说的话。因此,该题选择C项正确。7. 单选题Eyespots, the most rudimentary eyes, are found in protozoan flagellates, flatworms, and segmented worms.问题1选项A.principalB.perceptiveC.primitiveD.persistent【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。rudimentary表示“基本的,退化的,未发展的”;A项principal“主要的,资本的”,B项perceptive“洞察力强的,思维敏捷的”,C项primitive“原始的,远古的”,D项persis

25、tent“执着的,坚持不懈的”。句意:眼斑存在于原生动物鞭毛虫、扁虫和分节虫中,是未发展的眼睛。根据句意可知,rudimentary在句子中表示“原始的,未进化的”意思,只有C项符合。故该题选择C项正确。8. 问答题Cancer develops when cells in a part of the body begin to grow out control. Although there are many kinds of cancer, they all start because of out-of-control growth of abnormal cells.Normal bo

26、dy cells grow, divide, and die in an orderly fashion. During the early years of a persons life, normal cells divide more rapidly until the person becomes an adult. After that, cells in most parts of the body divide only to replace worn-out or dying cells and to repair injuries.Because cancer cells c

27、ontinue to grow and divide, they are different from normal cells. Instead of dying, they outlive normal cells and continue to form new abnormal cells. Cancer cells often travel to other parts of the body where they begin to grow and replace normal tissue. This process, called metastasis, occurs as t

28、he cancer cells get into the bloodstream or lymph vessels of our body. When cells from a cancer like breast cancer spread to another organ like the liver, the cancer is still called breast cancer, not liver cancer.Cancer cells develop because of damage to DNA. This substance is in every cell and dir

29、ects all its activities. Most of the time when DNA becomes damaged the body is able to repair it. In cancer cells, the damaged DNA is not repaired. People can inherit damaged DNA, which accounts for inherited cancers. Many times though, a persons DNA becomes damaged by exposure to something in the e

30、nvironment, like smoking.Cancer usually forms as a tumor. Some cancers, like leukemia, do not form tumors. Instead, these cancer cells involve the blood and blood-forming organs and circulate through other tissues where they grow. Remember that not all tumors are cancerous. Benign tumors do not spre

31、ad to other parts of the body and, with very rare exceptions, are not life threatening.Different types of cancer can behave very differently. For example, lung cancer and breast cancer are very different diseases. They grow at different rates and respond to different treatments. That is why people w

32、ith cancer need treatment that is aimed at their particular kind of cancer.Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States. Half of all men and one-third of all women in the US will develop cancer during their lifetimes. Today, millions of people are living with cancer or have had c

33、ancer. The risk of developing most types of cancer can be reduced by changes in a persons lifestyle, for example, by quitting smoking and eating a better diet. The sooner a cancer is found and treatment begins, the better are chances for living for many years.1. How are cancer cells different from n

34、ormal ones?2. Why does cancer cell develop?3. Is cancer hereditary? Why?4. Are all the tumors cancerous? Why or why not? Give your reasons.【答案】答:1.Instead of dying, cancer cells outlive normal cells and continue to form new abnormal cells.2.Cancer cells develop because of damage to DNA.3.Yes, it is

35、because people can inherit damaged DNA, which accounts for inherited cancers.4.Not all tumors are cancerous because there are benign tumors, which do not spread to other parts of the body and usually are not life threatening.【解析】1.细节事实题。题干意思是“癌细胞与正常细胞有何不同?”。第三段前两句提到Because cancer cells continue to g

36、row and divide, they are different from normal cells. Instead of dying, they outlive normal cells and continue to form new abnormal cells.(因为癌细胞继续生长和分裂,所以它们不同于正常细胞;它们不是死亡,而是比正常细胞活得更久,并继续形成新的异常细胞),所以把这两句整合到一起,答案为Instead of dying, cancer cells outlive normal cells and continue to form new abnormal cel

37、ls(癌细胞不会死亡,而是比正常细胞活得更久,并继续形成新的不正常细胞)。2.细节事实题。题干意思是“癌细胞为什么会产生?”。第四段第一句就提到了Cancer cells develop because of damage to DNA.(癌细胞的产生是由于对DNA的破坏),因此答案为这一句。3.细节事实题。题干意思是“癌症遗传吗?为什么?”。文章第四段提到In cancer cells, the damaged DNA is not repaired. People can inherit damaged DNA, which accounts for inherited cancers.(

38、在癌细胞中,受损的DNA无法修复;人们可以遗传受损的DNA,这就是遗传性癌症的原因)可知,癌症会遗传,原因是癌细胞破坏的DNA,而受损的DNA可以遗传。4.细节事实题。题干意思是“所有的肿瘤都是恶性的吗?为什么是或为什么不是?”。根据第五段最后两句Remember that not all tumors are cancerous. Benign tumors do not spread to other parts of the body and, with very rare exceptions, are not life threatening.(记住,不是所有的肿瘤都是恶性的;良性肿

39、瘤不会扩散到身体的其他部位,不会危及生命,除了极少数例外)可知,不是所有的肿瘤是恶性的。故答案为Not all tumors are cancerous because there are benign tumors, which do not spread to other parts of the body and usually are not life threatening(不是所有的肿瘤都是恶性的,因为有良性肿瘤,它们不会扩散到身体的其他部位,通常不会危及生命)。9. 单选题Their claims to damages have not been convincingly( ).

40、问题1选项A.refutedB.overwhelmedC.depressedD.intimidated【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A项refute“反驳,驳斥”,B项overwhelm“淹没,压倒”,C项depress“压抑,使沮丧”,D项intimidate“恐吓,威胁”。根据句子意思“他们对损害赔偿的要求还没有被令人信服地( )”可知,空格部分填入refute表示“驳倒”最符合句意。句意:他们提出的损害赔偿要求没有被有说服力地驳倒。因此,该题选择A项正确。10. 单选题The country carried on nuclear tests without feeling appreh

41、ensive about the consequences.问题1选项A.optimisticB.anxiousC.uncertainD.scared【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。apprehensive表示“忧虑的,不安的”;A项optimistic“乐观的”,B项anxious“焦虑的”,C项uncertain“不确定的”,D项scared“害怕的”。句意:这个国家进行了核试验,并不担心其后果。根据句意可知,选择B项正确。11. 单选题A membership card( )the holder to use the clubs facilities for a period of t

42、welve months.问题1选项A.approvesB.authorizesC.rectifiesD.endows【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A项approve“同意,赞成”,B项authorize“授权,认可”,C项rectify“纠正,改正”,D项endow“赋予,捐赠”。根据句子关键词membership card(会员卡)可知,空格部分表示“授权”,只有B项符合。句意:持卡人有权使用俱乐部的设施12个月。因此,该题选择B项正确。12. 单选题Trees are good. Good enough to hug. Planting trees will make the worl

43、d cooler than it would otherwise be. This is the subject of a newly published study by Govindasamy Bala, of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, in California, and his colleagues. Dr Bala has found, rather counter-intuitively, that removing all of the worlds trees might actually cool the plan

44、et down.The reason for this is that trees affect the worlds temperature by means other than the carbon they take in. For instance forests remain quite a dark shade even after a snowstorm. They are certainly darker than grasslands, and thus they can absorb more of the suns heat than vegetation which

45、might otherwise cover the same stretch of land. That warms things up.Dr Bala and his colleagues took such effects into account using a computer model called the Integrated Climate and Carbon Model. Unlike most climate-change models, which calculate how the Earth should absorb and radiate heat in res

46、ponse to a list of greenhouse-gas concentrations, this one has many subsections that represent how the carbon cycle works, and how it influences the climate.Overall, Dr Balas model suggests that complete deforestation would cause an additional 1.3 temperature rise compared with business as usual bec

47、ause of the higher carbondioxide levels that would result. However, the additional reflectivity of the planet would cause 1.6 of cooling. A treeless world would thus be 0.3 cooler than otherwise.No one, of course, would consider chopping down the worlds forests to keep the planet cool. But having ma

48、de their point, Dr Bala and his colleagues then went on to look at forest growth and loss at different latitudes. Planting trees in convenient places such as Europe and North America may actually be counterproductive. In Russia and Canada, cutting trees down led mostly to local cooling. The carbon d

49、ioxide this released into the atmosphere, though, warmed the world all over. Around the equator, by contrast, warming acted locally (as well as globally), so a tropical country would experience warming created by cutting down trees.The results follow increasing criticism from climate scientists of t

50、he benefits of forestry schemes to offset carbon emissions. Planting trees to neutralize carbon emissions has become a big business: 60m worth of trees have been bought this year, up from 20m in 2005. By 2010 the market is expected to reach f300m.1. According to the passage, trees make the world war

51、mer because of their( ).2. Dr Balas Integrated Climate and Carbon Model( ).3. Based on Dr Balas model, a treeless world would( ).4. According to Dr Bala, the best places to plant trees would be( ).5. As is shown in the passage, criticism from other climate scientists( ).问题1选项A.deep colortB.round sha

52、petC.enormous sizetD.high reflectivityt问题2选项A.supports the findings of other climate modelstB.is based on the results of other climate modelstC.uses a system different from other climate modelstD.challenges the basic theory of other climate modelst问题3选项A.cause serious environmental problemstB.prove

53、helpful in fighting global warmingtC.make it difficult to deal with climate changetD.raise carbon dioxide levels and global temperaturet问题4选项A.North AmericatB.Europe tC.High-latitude countriestD.tropical countriestt问题5选项A.should be taken rather seriouslytB.is unreasonable and far-fetchedtC.involves

54、mostly economic intereststD.is voiced on behalf of the government【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:B第4题:D第5题:C【解析】第1题:细节推理题。题干意思是“根据文章,树木使世界变暖是因为它们”。根据文章第二段第二句forests remain quite a dark shade even after a snowstorm(在暴风雪之后,森林仍然是一片黑暗的阴影)和最后一句That warms things up(这会让气氛升温)可知,是因为树木颜色深、阴影面积大,所以世界才会变暖,故A项“颜色深”正确。B项“圆形状”、

55、C项“巨大的体积”和D项“高反射率”都与树木使世界变暖无关。因此,该题选择A项正确。第2题:细节推理题。题干意思是“巴拉博士的综合气候和碳模型”。根据第三段第二句Unlike most climate-change models, which calculate how the Earth should absorb and radiate heat in response to a list of greenhouse-gas concentrations, this one has many subsections that represent how the carbon cycle w

56、orks, and how it influences the climate.(大多数气候变化模型都是根据一系列温室气体浓度来计算地球应该如何吸收和辐射热量,而这个模型不同,它有许多分部来代表碳循环是如何工作的,以及它是如何影响气候的)可知,巴拉博士的“综合气候和碳模型”和大多数气候变化模型不同,故C项“使用一个不同于其他气候模型的系统”正确。A项“支持其他气候模型的发现”和B项“是基于其他气候模型的结果”文中未提及;D项“挑战其他气候模型的基本理论”,文章只是把“综合气候和碳模型”和其他气候模型做了对比,并没有提到挑战,D项错误。因此,该题选择C项正确。第3题:细节推理题。题干意思是“根据

57、巴拉博士的模型,一个没有树木的世界将会是”。第四段最后一句提到A treeless world would thus be 0.3 cooler than otherwise.(一个没有树木的世界会比其他情况低0.3),由此可知,没有树木的世界气温会下降,由此可以有助于对抗全球变暖的问题,故B项“证明有助于对抗全球变暖”正确。A项“造成严重的环境问题”和C项“使应对气候变化变得困难”不是根据巴拉博士的模型得出的结论;D项“提高二氧化碳水平和全球温度”,内容与原文相反。因此,该题选择B项正确。第4题:细节推理题。题干意思是“巴拉博士认为,最好的植树地点是”。第五段最后一句指出Around the

58、 equator, by contrast, warming acted locally (as well as globally), so a tropical country would experience warming created by cutting down trees.(相比之下,在赤道附近,气候变暖是局部的,也是全球现象,所以一个热带国家会经历砍伐树木造成的变暖),由此可知热带国家砍伐树木会造成气候变暖,那么反之,种植树木会中和气候变暖,所以最好的植树地点是热带国家,故D项“热带国家”正确。根据第五段第三句Planting trees in convenient plac

59、es such as Europe and North America may actually be counterproductive.(在欧洲和北美等方便的地方植树实际上可能适得其反)可知,A项“北美”和B项“欧洲”错误;第五段第四句提到In Russia and Canada, cutting trees down led mostly to local cooling.(在俄罗斯和加拿大,砍伐树木主要是为了给当地降温)可知,高纬度国家不适合植树,所以C项“高纬度国家”也错误。因此,该题选择D项正确。第5题:推理判断题。题干意思是“如文章所示,来自其他气候科学家的批评是”。文章末段指出

60、The results follow increasing criticism from climate scientists of the benefits of forestry schemes to offset carbon emissions. Planting trees to neutralize carbon emissions has become a big business(这一结果得到气候科学家越来越多的批评,林业计划可以抵消碳排放量;通过植树来中和碳排放已经成为一项大生意),通过句子中的“a big business”可知,气候科学家的批评主要涉及经济利益,故C项“主

61、要涉及经济利益”符合题意。A项“应该被认真对待”、B项“不合理和牵强”和D项“代表政府发声”都与原文无关。因此,该题选择C项正确。13. 翻译题Apart from flights, telephones and television, one of the most significant ways in which life in the twentieth century differs from antiquity is the pervasive presence of clocks. Our lives are scheduled around specific times and

62、 intervals in a fashion that would have been impossible in ancient Rome.When and how did this profound change come about? Did monasteries acquire the first clocks and then, in league with an emerging merchant class, enforce their own rigid time standards on the surrounding populace? This viewthe acc

63、epted interpretation for at least 50 yearis carefully dissected and challenged in Dohrn-van Rossums revisionist account.【答案】除了飞机、电话和电视之外,二十世纪的生活与古代最重要的不同之处之一就是时钟的普遍使用。我们习惯于将生活细分到具体的时间点和事件单,这在古罗马是不可能出现的。这种深刻的变化是何时以及如何发生的?是修道院在获得了第一个时钟之后,联合新兴的商人阶级把他们严格的时间观念强加给普通大众的吗?在至少50年的时间里,这种观点被大众所认可并受到了Dohrn-van Rossum的修正主义的仔细分析和挑战。14. 单选题The most important( )for assessment in this contest is originality of design.问题1选项A.thresholdB.partitionC.warrantD.criterion【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。A项threshold“入口,门槛”,B项partition“划分,分开”,C项

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