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1、2022年考博英语-大连理工大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题It is hard to predict how science is going to turn out, and if it is really good science it is impossible to predict. If the things to be found are actually new, they are by definition unknown in advance. You cannot make choices in this matter. You either h

2、ave science or you dont, and if you have it you are obliged to accept the surprising and disturbing pieces of information, along with the neat and promptly useful bits.The only solid piece of scientific truth about which I feel totally confident is that we are profoundly ignorant about nature. Indee

3、d, I regard this as the major discovery of the past hundred years of biology. It is, in its way, an illuminating piece of news. It would have amazed the brightest minds of the 18th century Enlightenment to be told by any of us howlittle we know and how bewildering seems the way ahead. It is this sud

4、den confrontation with the depth and scope of ignorance that represents the most significant contribution of the 20th century science to the human intellect. In earlier times, we either pretended to understand how things worked or ignored the problem, or simply made up stories to fill the gaps. Now

5、that we have begun exploring in earnest, we are getting glimpses of how huge the questions are, and how far from being answered. Because of this, we are depressed. It is not so bad being ignorant if you are totally ignorant; the hard thing is knowing in some detail the reality of ignorance, the wors

6、t spots and here and there the not-so-bad spots, but no true light at the end of the tunnel nor even any tunnels that can yet be trusted.But we are making a beginning, and there ought to be some satisfaction. There are probably no questions we can think up that cant be answered, sooner or later, inc

7、luding even the matter of consciousness. To be sure, there may well be questions we cant think up, ever, and therefore limits to the reach of human intellect, but that is another matter. Within our limits, we should be able to work our way through to all our answers, if we keep at it long enough, an

8、d pay attention.1.According to the author, really good science ( ).2.It can be inferred from the passage that scientists of the 18th century ( ).3.Which of the following statements is NOT true of scientists in earlier times?4.What is the authors attitude towards science?5.The author believes that( )

9、问题1选项A.would surprise the brightest minds of the 18th century EnlightenmentB.will produce results which cannot be foreseenC.will help people to make the right choice in advanceD.will bring about disturbing results问题2选项A.thought that they knew a great deal and could solve most problems of scienceB.we

10、re afraid of facing up to the realities of scientific researchC.knew that they were ignorant and wanted to know more about natureD.did more harm than good in promoting mans understanding of nature问题3选项A.They invented false theories to explain things they didnt understand.B.They falsely claimed to kn

11、ow all about nature.C.They did not believe in results from scientific observation.D.They paid little attention to the problems they didnt understand.问题4选项A.He is depressed because of the ignorance of scientists.B.He is doubtful because of the enormous difficulties confronting it.C.He is confident th

12、ough he is aware of the enormous difficulties confronting it.D.He is delighted because of the illuminating scientific findings.问题5选项A.man can find solutions to whatever questions concerning nature he can think upB.man cannot solve all the problems he can think up because of the limits of human intel

13、lectC.sooner or later man can think up all the questions concerning nature and answer themD.questions concerning consciousness are outside the scope of scientific research【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:C第4题:C第5题:A【解析】1.文章第一段if it is really good science it is impossible to predict 提到真正好的科学不可能被预测,所以选项B符合题意。2.文章第二段

14、It would have amazed the brightest minds of the 18th century Enlightenment (启蒙运动)to be told by any of us how little we know and how bewildering seems the way ahead提到如果我们中任何一个去告诉18世纪启蒙运动中那些最聪明的人,我们知道的很少并且前途迷茫,他们会对此表示惊讶。由此可知,这些科学家与我们的想法相反的,他们认为他们知道的很多,并且能解决很多问题,所以选项A符合题意。3.文章第二段In earlier times, we ei

15、ther pretended to understand how things worked or ignored the problem, or simply made up stories to fill the gaps提到在早期我们要么假装知道事物的工作原理,要么忽视问题,或者简单的编造一些故事来填补空白。选项C符合题意。4.文章最后一段提到我们迟早会解决包括人类意识在内的所有我们能想到的问题,还表示只要我们坚持、专注,就能想到答案。可以看出作者是非常有信心的。选项C符合题意。5.文章最后一段there may well be questions we cant think up, e

16、ver, and therefore limits to the reach of human intellect, but that is another matter. Within our limits, we should be able to work our way through to all our answers 提到会有一些问题我们想不到,但是在我们的局限范围内,我们应该能够努力得到所有的答案,由此可知我们不能想到所有问题,但是可以解决能想到的问题,选项A符合题意。2. 单选题Theyll have you( ) if you dont pay your taxes.问题1

17、选项A.to be arrestedB.arrestC.arrestedD.being arrested【答案】C【解析】考查have sb. done 句型。 have sb. done 表示“让某人被”;have sb. do “让某人做”;have sb. doing “让某人一直做”。句意:你如果不纳税,他们会让你被捕。选项C符合题意。3. 翻译题来美国求学的中国学生与其他亚裔学生一样,大多非常刻苦勤奋,周末也往往会抽出一天甚至两天的时间去实验室加班,因而比起美国学生来,成果出得较多。我的导师是亚裔人,嗜烟好酒,脾气暴躁。但他十分欣赏亚裔学生勤奋与扎实的基础知识,也特别了解亚裔学生的心

18、理。因此,在他实验室所招的学生中,除有一名来自德国外,其余 5位均是亚裔学生。他干脆在实验室的门上贴一醒目招牌:“本室助研必须每周工作7 天,早10时至晚12时,工作时间必须全力以赴。”这位导师的严格及苛刻是全校有名的,在我所待的3年半中,共有14位学生被招进他的实验室,最后博士毕业的只剩下5 人。1990年夏天,我不顾别人劝阻,硬着头皮接受了导师的资助,从此开始了艰难的求学旅程。【答案】Like students from other Asian countries, most Chinese students who come to further their study in the U

19、nited States work on their studies industriously. Even on weekends, they would spend one or two days working overtime in their laboratories. Therefore, compared with their American students, they obtain more achievements. My supervisor is an Asian people. He is obsessed with alcohols and cigarettes,

20、 and has an irritable temper. However, he highly appreciates the industry and the solid foundational knowledge of Asian students and has a particularly keen insight into what these students think about. Hence, of all the students recruited into his laboratory, except for one German, the other five w

21、ere all from Asia. He even put an eye-catching notice on the door of the laboratory, which read “All the research assistants of this laboratory are required to work 7 days a week, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p. m. Nothing but work during the working hours”. This supervisor is known for his severity and

22、 harshness. During the 3 and a half years that I stayed there, a total of 14 students were recruited into his laboratory and only 5 of them stayed and got their Ph. D degrees. In the summer of 1990, regardless of others dissuasion, I accepted my supervisors sponsorship and embarked on my difficult j

23、ourney of academic pursuit.4. 单选题The police arrested the wrong man mainly because they ( ) the names they had been given by the witness.问题1选项A.perplexedB.bewilderedC.confusedD.puzzled【答案】C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。选项A、B、D的宾语都是人,所以均不符合题意。confuse the names “把名字弄混”。选项C符合题意。5. 单选题Andrew Carnegie, American industrial

24、ist and philanthropist, made a fortune by manufacturing iron and steel protected by custom tariff. In 1873, on one of his frequent trips to England, he met Henry Bessemer and became convinced that the industrial future lay in steel. He built the J. Edgar Thomson steel Mills pear Pittsburgh, and from

25、 that moment on, the Carnegie Empire was one of constant expansion. Later on, the Carnegie Steel Co. became an immense organization. It included all the process of steel production from the great furnaces and finishing mills of Pittsburgh to the inroads and lake steamers that move the ores and the f

26、inish products.Like his grandfather, Andrew Carnegie did not abandon the radical idealism of his forebears for the benefit of the working class. In spite of his espousal of Herbert Spencer philosophy and the social Darwinism of the period, Carnegie remained deeply committed to many of the Chartists

27、ideals of his boyhood. He believed in the social responsibility of the man of wealth to society. He must save as a steward for the fortune; he has earned and used that fortune to provide great opportunity for all and to increase mans knowledge of himself and of his universe. Furthermore, Carnegie be

28、 in the form of free charity but rather must be as a buttress to the communitys responsibility for its own people. When Carnegie died in Lenox, Mass, on August 11, 1919, most of his fortune was already gone. People wonder that if Carnegie had known this when he was alive, he would have spread most o

29、f his wealth to the poor people.1.Carnegie was able to develop his vast industrial fortunes( ) .2.Carnegie following his ancestors footsteps ( ).3.The industry Carnegie was not concerned with was( ) .4.Carnegies trips to England( ) .5.Which happened first?6.Andrew Carnegies Philanthropic ideals ( ).

30、问题1选项A.with the act of five enterprise systemB.through large loans from the American governmentC.because the American government had special tariffs to protect the American steel and iron industryD.because he had relatives in the English and industry问题2选项A.by developing a large industrial companyB.i

31、n caring for and improving benefits for the worker and the poorC.by furthering Spencers philosophyD.by being a follower of social Darwinism问题3选项A.the manufacturing of steelB.the transporting of the finished productC.the movement of raw materialsD.the lumber business问题4选项A.were purely for pleasure an

32、d visiting relativesB.introduced him to the Charitist ideals which would influence his lifeC.helped him gain steel contracts with British industrialistsD.led him to believe that the industrial future would be with steel问题5选项A.The foundation of the Carnegie Steel Co.B.The introduction of Chartist ide

33、alsC.The foundation of the J. Edgar Thomson Steel millsD.Andrew Carnegies trips to Great Britain问题6选项A.developed from his introduction to social DarwinismB.developed through his education under SpencerC.developed form the Charitist ideals of his boyhoodD.resulted from union strikes and unrest at the

34、 Carnegie Steel Company【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:D第4题:D第5题:B第6题:B【解析】1.文章第一段第一句Andrew Carnegie, American industrialist and philanthropist, made a fortune by manufacturing iron and steel protected by custom tariff.提到安德鲁的第一桶金是因为钢铁产业受到政府的关税保护,所以选项C符合题意。2.文章第二段第一句Like his grandfather, Andrew Carnegie did not ab

35、andon the radical idealism of his forebears for the benefit of the working class提到安德鲁没有摈弃祖先留下激进的理想主义信念,梦想让工人阶级能从中获利。因此选项B符合题意。3.第一段最后一句It included all the process of steel production from the great furnaces and finishing mills of Pittsburgh to the inroads and lake steamers that move the ores and the

36、 finish products 提到了卡内基帝国所涉及的一些业务,可知并没有涉及木材生意。所以选项D符合题意。4.文章第一段on one of his frequent trips to England, he met Henry Bessemer and became convinced that the industrial future lay in steel 提到这次旅行让他相信未来的工业重心是钢铁业,因此选项D符合题意。5.文章第二段Carnegie remained deeply committed to many of the Chartists ideals of his

37、boyhood 提到致力于成为慈善家的想法是卡内基从小男孩时代就有的,所以这个是发生地最早的事,选项B符合题意。6.文章第二段in spite of his espousal of Herbert Spencer philosophy and the social Darwinism of the period, Carnegie remained deeply committed to many of the Chartists ideals of his boyhood提到由于从小受斯宾塞哲学和达尔文主义的影响,卡内基从小就有着仁慈的心肠。选项B符合题意。6. 单选题If a person

38、 talks about his weak points, his listener is expected to say something in the way of ( ).问题1选项A.persuasionB.remedyC.encouragementD.compromise【答案】C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。persuasion “说服”;remedy “补救办法”;encouragement “鼓励”;compromise “妥协”。句意:如果一个人提及到他的弱点,他的听众应该说一些鼓励他的话。选项C符合题意。7. 单选题Water enters into a great vari

39、ety of chemical reactions,( ) have been mentioned inprevious pages.问题1选项A.a few of itB.a few of thatC.a few of themD.a few of which【答案】D【解析】考查定语从句的用法。此处为非限制性定语从句,先行词是chemical reactions, 所以应该用which 引导。选项D符合题意。8. 单选题But if language habits do not represent classes, a social stratification into somethin

40、g as bygone as “aristocracy” and “commons”, they do still of course serve to identify social groups. This is something that seems fundamental in the use of language. As we see in relation to political and national movements, language is used as a badge or a barrier depending on which way we look at

41、it. The new boy at school feels out of it at first because he does not know the right words for things, and awe-inspiring pundits of six or seven look down on him for not being aware that racksy means “dilapidated”,or hairy “out first ball”. The miner takes a certain pride in being “one up” on the v

42、isitor or novice who calls the cage a “lift” or who thinks that men working in a warm seam are in their “underpants” when anyone ought to know that the garments are called hoggers. The “insider” is seldom displeased that his language distinguishes him from the “outsider”.Quite apart from specialized

43、 terms of this kind in groups, trades and professions, there are all kinds of standards of correctness at which most of us feel more or less obliged to aim, because we know that certain kinds of English invite irritation or downright condemnation. On the other hand, we know that other kinds convey s

44、ome kind of prestige and bear a welcome cachet.In relation to the social aspects of languages, it may well be suggested that English speakers fall into three categories, the assured, the anxious and the indifferent. At one end of this scale, we have the people who have “position” and “status”, and w

45、ho therefore do not feel they need worry much about their use of English. Their education and occupation make them confident of speaking an unimpeachable form of English: no fear of being criticized or corrected is likely to cross their minds, and this gives their speech that characteristically unse

46、lfconscious and easy flow which is often envied.At the other end of the scale, we have an equally imperturbable band, speaking with a similar degree of careless ease, because even if they are aware that their English is condemned by others, they are supremely indifferent to the fact. The Mrs. Mops o

47、f this world have active and efficient tongues in their heads, and if we happened not to like their ways of saying things, well, we “can lump it”. That is their attitude. Curiously enough, writers are inclined to represent the speech of both these extreme parties with-in for ing. In the one hand, “w

48、ere goin huntin,my dear sir”; on the other, “were goin racin,mate”In between, according to this view, we have a far less fortunate group, the anxious. These actively try to suppress what they believe to be bad English and assiduously cultivate what they hope to be good English. They live their lives

49、 in some degree of nervousness over their grammar, their pronunciation, and their choice of words: sensitive, and fearful of betraying themselves. Keeping up with the Joneses is measured not only in houses, furniture, refrigerators, cars, and clothes, but also in speech.And the misfortune of the “an

50、xious” does not end with their inner anxiety. Their lot is also the open or veiled contempt of the “assured” on the side of them and of the “indifferent” on the other.It is all too easy to raise an unworthy laugh at the anxious. The people thus uncomfortably stilted on linguistic high heels so often

51、 form part of what is, in many ways, the most admirable section of any society: the ambitious, tense, inner-driven people, who are bent on “going places and doing things”. The greater the pity, then, if a disproportionate amount of their energy goes into what Mr. Sharpless called “this shabby obsess

52、ion” with variant forms of Englishespecially if the net result is (as so often) merely to sound affected and ridiculous.” Here, according to Bacon, “is the first distemper of learning, when men study words and not matter.It seems to me that Pygmalions frenzy is a good emblem . of this vanity: for wo

53、rds are but the images of matter; and except they have life of reason and invention, to fall in love with them is to fall in love with a picture.”1.The attitude held by the assured towards language is .( ) .2.The anxious are considered a less fortunate group because( ) .3.The author thinks that the

54、efforts made by the anxious to cultivate what they believe is good English are( ) .问题1选项A.criticalB.anxiousC.self-consciousD.nonchalant问题2选项A.they feel they are socially looked down uponB.they suffer from internal anxiety and external attack.C.they are inherently nervous and anxious people.D.they ar

55、e unable to meet standards of correctness问题3选项A.worthwhileB.meaninglessC.praiseworthyD.irrational【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:D【解析】1.文章第三段对the assured进行了描述,这类人对自己的英语很自信,不需要为自己说英语而担心(do not feel they need worry much about their use of English)。所以他们对语言应该是非常淡定的,选项D符合题意。2.文章倒数第二段提到他们由焦虑带来的不幸不仅仅只是忍受内在的焦虑,而且还要遭受来自自信

56、派和冷漠派的谴责。由此可知,他们遭受了内外煎熬。选项B符合题意。3.文章最后一段对焦虑派的描述是:他们把过多的精力放到对变形了的英语,由disproportionate amount of their energy, variant forms of English, 和 this shabby obsession 等可以看出作者认为焦虑派所做的努力是不明智的,选项D符合题意。9. 单选题Physics is the present-day equivalent of ( )used to be palled natural philosophy, fromwhich most of the

57、present-day science arose.问题1选项A.thatB.allC.whichD.what【答案】D【解析】考查宾语从句。空格所在处的词是引导介词后的宾语从句,所以选项D符合题意。句意:物理学以前被称为是自然哲学的同等物,从中出现了如今大部分的科学。10. 单选题The present universal fear has been the result of a forward surge in our knowledge and ( ) of certain dangerous factors in the physical world.问题1选项A.automatio

58、nB.perceptionC.manipulationD.administration【答案】B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。 automation “自动化”;perception “感觉,看法”;manipulation “操作”;administration “管理”。句意:如今的全球恐慌是我们对物理世界中特定危险因素的突破性了解和认知的结果。选项B符合题意。11. 单选题The children cheered up when they saw hundreds of colorful balloons( ) slowly intothe sky.问题1选项A.floatingB.rais

59、ingC.heavingD.ascending【答案】D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。float “漂浮,浮动”;raise “提升,增加”;heave “举起”;ascend “攀登,上升”。句意:看到数百只彩色的气球缓缓升入天空,孩子们欢呼起来。选项D符合题意。12. 单选题The( ) on this apartment expires in a years time.问题1选项A.treatyB.engagementC.leaseD.subsidy【答案】C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。treaty “条约”;engagement “约会;婚约”;lease “租约”;subsidy “津贴”

60、。句意:这个公寓的租期一年后到期。选项C符合题意。13. 单选题( ) for your help, wed never have been able to get over the difficulties.问题1选项A.Had it notB.If it were notC.Had it not beenD.If we had not been【答案】C【解析】考查虚拟语气的用法。虚拟语气的从句可以省略if,采用倒装形式,选项C符合题意。14. 单选题Many of the inventions that made people ( )and have determined the inv

61、entions of American industry were related to agriculture and food production.问题1选项A.abundantB.affluentC.sufficientD.pleasant【答案】B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。Abundant “丰富的,充裕的”;affluent “富裕的,丰富的”;sufficient “足够的,充分的”;pleasant “令人愉快的,舒适的”。句意:那些使人们富裕并且决定了美国工业创新的大多数发明都与农业和食物生产相关。空格处所填的单词是作people的补足语,所以选项B符合题意。15. 单选题

62、Generally, it is only when animals are trapped that they ( )to violence in order toescape.问题1选项A.proceedB.appealC.resortD.incline【答案】C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。proceed “开始”;appeal “呼吁,请求”;resort “诉诸”;incline “倾向”。句意:通常,动物只有在他们受困想要逃跑的情况下才会采取攻击行为。选项C符合题意。16. 单选题If a person talks about his weak points, his listener

63、 is expected to say something in theway of ( ).问题1选项A.persuasionB.remedyC.encouragementD.compromise【答案】C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。persuasion “说服”;remedy “补救”;encouragement “鼓励”;compromise “妥协”。句意:当有人谈到自己的弱点时,听者应当对他进行鼓励。选项C符合题意。17. 单选题A most ( )argument about who should go and fetch the bread from the kitchen was going on when I c

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