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1、2022年考博英语-通用考博英语考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Questions 22 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.问题1选项A.Deterioration in the quality of new music.B.Insights into the features of good music.C.Older peoples changing musical tastes.D.Older peoples aversion to new music.问题2选项A.They no longer lis

2、ten to new music.B.They find all music sounds the same.C.They can make subtle distinctions about music.D.They seldom listen to songs released in their teens.问题3选项A.The more you are exposed to something, the more familiar itll be to you.B.The more you are exposed to something, the deeper youll unders

3、tand it.C.The more you experience something, the longer youll remember it.D.The more you experience something, the better youll appreciate it.问题4选项A.Teenagers memories are more lasting.B.Teenagers emotions are more intense.C.Teenagers are much more sensitive.D.Teenagers are much more sentimental.【答案

4、】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:D第4题:B【解析】Recording Three22 Why do old people dislike new music? As Ive grown older, I often hear people my age say things like they just dont make good music like they used to. Why does this happen? Luckily, psychology can give us some insights into this puzzle. Musical tastes begin

5、to crystallize as early as age 13 or 14. By the time were in our early 20s, these tastes get locked into place pretty firmly.23 In fact, studies have found that by the time we turn 33, most of us have stopped listening to new music. Meanwhile, popular songs released when youre in your early teens ar

6、e likely to remain quite popular among your age group for the rest of your life.There could be a biological explanation for this, as theres evidence that the brains ability to make subtle distinctions between different chords, rhythms, and melodies deteriorates with age. So to older people, newer, l

7、ess familiar songs might all “sound the same”.22 But therere maybe some simpler reasons for older peoples aversion to newer music. 24 One of the most researched laws of social psychology is something called the “mere exposure effect”, which in essence means that the more were exposed to something, t

8、he more we tend to like it.This happens with people we know, the advertisements we see, and the songs we listen to.When youre in your early teens, you probably spend a fair amount of time listening to music or watching music videos. Your favorite songs and artists become familiar, comforting parts o

9、f your routine. For many people over 30, job and family obligations increase, so theres less time to spend discovering new music. Instead, many will simply listen to old, familiar favorites from that period of their lives when they had more free time.Of course, those teen years werent necessarily ca

10、refree. Theyre famously confusing, which is why so many TV shows and movies revolve around the high school turmoil.25 Psychology research has shown that the emotions that we experience as teens seem more intense than those that come later. And we also know that intense emotions are associated with s

11、tronger memories and preferences. Both of these might explain why the songs we listen to during this period become so memorable and beloved.So theres nothing wrong with your parents because they dont like your music. Rather, its all part of the natural order of things.22. What does the speaker mainl

12、y discuss in this talk?【试题答案】D【试题解析】题目问说话者在这次演讲中主要讨论了什么?录音开头就提出为什么老年人不喜欢新音乐的问题,后来提到也许还有一些更简单的原因导致老年人对新音乐的反感。因此D选项“老年人对新音乐的反感”正确。A选项“新音乐质量的下降”、B选项“对好音乐特点的洞察”以及C选项“老年人不断变化的音乐品味”均不是这次演讲讨论的主要内容,因此排除。23. What have studies found about most people by the time they turned 33?【试题答案】A【试题解析】题目问关于大多数到了33岁的人,研究发

13、现了什么?录音提到,研究发现,在我们到了33岁的时候,我们中的大多数人已经不再听新音乐了。A选项中的no longer是原文stopped的同义转述,因此A选项“他们不再听新音乐”正确。B选项“他们觉得所有音乐都一样”表述过于绝对,原文中说的是上了年纪的人觉得较新的、较不熟悉的音乐听上去都一样,并不是所有的音乐,因此B选项排除;C选项“他们能对音乐进行细微的区分”,与原文表述恰好相反,录音提到的是随着年龄的增长,大脑对不同和弦、节奏和旋律进行微妙区分的能力会退化,因此C选项错误;D选项“他们很少听十几岁时发行的歌曲”表述错误,录音中提及,在你十几岁的时候发布的流行歌曲,很可能在你的余生中,在你

14、的同龄人中仍然非常受欢迎,因此D选项也可排除。24. What do we learn from one of the most researched laws of social psychology?【试题答案】D【试题解析】题目问从社会心理学中被研究得最多的一个规律中,我们能学到什么?录音中提及,社会心理学研究最多的定律之一是“纯粹接触效应”的东西,从本质上说,这意味着我们越接触某样东西,我们越倾向于喜欢它。D选项“你对某事物感受得越多,你就越喜欢它”是对录音原文的同义转述,因此正确。A选项“你接触某事物越多,你对它就越熟悉”;B选项“你接触某事物越多,你就会对它理解得越深刻”以及C选项

15、“你对某事物感受得越多,你记住它的时间就越长”均不正确。25. What might explain the fact that songs people listen to in their teen years are memorable and beloved?【试题答案】B【试题解析】题目问人们在青少年时期所听的歌曲都是他们难忘的、喜爱的,这可能是什么原因?录音提到,心理学研究表明,我们在青少年时期所经历的情绪似乎比后来的情绪更加强烈。而且我们还知道,强烈的情绪与更强的记忆和喜好有关。这两点或许可以解释为什么我们在这一时期听的歌曲会变得如此令人难忘和深受喜爱。因此B选项“青少年的情绪更

16、强烈”正确。A选项“青少年的记忆更持久”;C选项“青少年更敏感”和D选项“青少年更多愁善感”在录音中均没有信息提及,因此排除。2. 单选题Dont (meddle)in my affairs, and in fact I can handle them properly by myself.问题1选项A.interfereB.interestC.involveD.attend【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。meddle表示“干涉,管闲事”;A项interfere“干涉,妨碍”,B项interest“感兴趣”,C项involve“包含,牵涉”,D项attend“参加”。句意:不要干涉我的事情,事

17、实上我自己能处理得很好。根据句意可知,该题选择A项正确。3. 单选题Unlike girls and boys in earlier generations, who tended to spend a good deal of time playing together, todays 12-year-olds are typically given several electronic devices, so they would incline to play alone.问题1选项A.good deal of time playingB.todays 12-year-oldsC.typ

18、ically givenD.would incline to playE.没有错误【答案】D【解析】动词误用。incline改为tend。此处表达的是:倾向(做),而incline to do sth.为:倾向于(认为某个信念或观点是正确的)。4. 单选题Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.问题1选项A.It is fertile and productive.B.It is small and unconventional.C.It is well located and completely auto

19、mated.D.It is profitable and environmentally friendly.问题2选项A.Their wish to set a new farming standard.B.Their urge to make farming more enjoyable.C.Their desire to improve farming equipment.D.Their hope to revitalize traditional farming.问题3选项A.It causes hardly any pollution.B.It loosens soil while w

20、eeding.C.It saves a lot of electricity.D.It needs little maintenance.【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:B【解析】Passage OneTheres a lot about Leo Sanchez and his farm in Salinas, California that seems unusual. 9 The national average farm size is around 440 acres, but his is only one acre. The average age of farmers hov

21、ers around 58 years old, but he is just 26. And Sanchez constantly attempts to improve everything from seeding techniques out in the field to the promotion and sale of his produce online. This is evidence of an experimental approach. 9 Its an approach not dictated by the confines of conventional, la

22、rge-scale agriculture led by international corporations.While farming is often difficult for both the body and mind, 10 Sanchez says he and many of his fellow young farmers are motivated by a desire to set a new standard for agriculture. Many of them are employing a multitude of technologies, some n

23、ew and some. not so new. Recently, 11 Sanchez bought a hand-operated tool which pulls out weeds and loosens soil. It actually dates back to at least 1701. It stands in sharp contrast to Sanchezs other gadget: a gas-powered flame weed-killer invented in 1997. He simply doesnt discriminate when it com

24、es to the newness of tools. If it works, it works.Farmers have a long history of invention, and its no different today. Young farmers are guided by their love of agriculture and aided by their knowledge of technology. To find inexpensive and appropriately- sized tools, they collaborate and innovate.

25、 Sometimes the old stuff just works better, or more efficiently.9. What do we learn about Leo Sanchezs farm?【试题答案】B【试题解析】题目问关于利奥桑切斯的农场的信息。录音提到,全国农场的平均面积约440英亩,但利奥桑切斯的农场只有一英亩,由此可知他的农场规模很小。桑切斯不断尝试改进一切,其实验的方法不为传统农业所束缚,由此可知他的农场是非传统的。因此B选项“规模小,非传统”为正确答案。A选项“肥沃多产”和D选项“盈利且环保”在录音中没有提及。C选项“位置优越,完全自动化”,录音中提到桑

26、切斯买了一个可以拔除杂草和松土的手动工具,由此可知并不是完全自动化的,因此C选项错误。10. What has motivated Leo Sanchez and his fellow young farmers to engage in farming?【试题答案】A【试题解析】题目问是什么激励利奥桑切斯和他的伙伴们从事农业?录音提到,他和许多年轻的农民伙伴都是受一种为农业设立新标准的愿望所激励,因此A选项“他们希望树立新的农业标准”正确。B选项“他们想让农业变得更有乐趣的强烈愿望”;C选项“他们改善农业设备的愿望”以及D选项“他们希望振兴传统农业”均不正确。11. Why did Leo

27、Sanchez buy a hand-operated weeding tool?【试题答案】B【试题解析】题目问利奥桑切斯为什么要买一个手动除草工具?录音提到,桑切斯买了一个可以拔除杂草和松土的手动工具,因此B选项“除草时能松土”正确。A选项“几乎不会造成任何污染”;C选项“节省了大量电力”以及D选项“几乎不需要维护”在录音中均未提及。5. 翻译题世界上第一代博物馆属于自然博物馆,它是通过化石、标本等向人们介绍地球和各种 生物的演化历史。第二代博物馆属于工业技术博物馆,它所展示的是工业文明带来的各种阶段性结果,这两代博物馆虽然起到了传播科学知识的作用,但是,它们把参观者当成了被动的旁观者。世

28、界上第三代博物馆是充满全新理念的博物馆。在这里,观众可以自己动手去操作,自己细心体察。这样。他们可以更贴近先进的科学技术,去探索科学技术的奥秘。【答案】The first generation of museums is nature museum in the world, which shows people the evolution of the earth and the living things with fossils and samples specimen. The second generation of museums is museums of industrial

29、technology, which show the stage effects of industrial civilization. These two museums play the role of spreading science and knowledge, but the visitors are treated as passive spectators.The third generation of museums is museums of total new ideas, where the visitors can operate the displayed obje

30、cts and observe everything carefully. In this way, they are more close to the advanced technology and are able to explore the secrets of science and technology.6. 单选题I am afraid we have to( )a set of rules called etiquette and politeness to make our frequent meetings tolerable.问题1选项A.confide toB.ded

31、icate toC.concur onD.dispense with【答案】D【解析】考查动词词组辨析。confide to“信赖,透露”;dedicate to“献身,把(时间、精力)用于”;concur on“同意,一致”;dispense with“免除,省掉”。句意:恐怕必须要省掉一些所谓的礼仪和规矩才能使我们忍受得住源源不断的会议。选项D符合题意。7. 单选题To please no one A I will prescribe a deadly drug, B nor give advice which may cause his death. C Nor will I give

32、D a woman a pessary to procure abortion. But I will preserve the purity of my life and my art.问题1选项A.I will prescribeB.nor give adviceC.Nor will ID.a woman【答案】A【解析】A选项所在内容应该用倒装句式,将I will prescribe 改为 will I prescribe。选项A符合题意。8. 单选题Like most fathers and sons, we fought; it was a cold war lasting from

33、 the ( )of my adolescence until I went off to college in 1973.问题1选项A.setbackB.onsetC.drawbackD.offset【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。setback “挫折,退步”;onset “着手,开始;攻击,进攻”;drawback “缺点,不利条件”;offset “抵消,补偿”。句意:如同大部分父子,我们争吵;有一次冷战是从我的年少时期一直持续到1973年我上大学。选项B符合题意。9. 单选题John said that the richer countries of the world should

34、 make a( )effort to help the poorer countries.问题1选项A.futileB.glitteringC.franticD.concentrated【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。futile “徒劳的”;glittering “闪闪发光的”;frantic “狂乱的”;concentrated “集中的”。句意:约翰说更富裕的国家应该集中去帮助贫穷的国家。选项D符合题意。10. 单选题Not until the early years of the 19th century()what heat is.问题1选项A.man did knowB.did

35、 man knowC.man knewD.didnt man know【答案】B【解析】考查倒装。not until位于句首时,句子要倒装,即将助动词提前。结构为Not until+助动词+(主句)主语+谓语。选项B正确。11. 单选题Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.问题1选项A.It is educational.B.It is enjoyable.C.It is adapted from a drama.D.It is divorced from real life.问题2选项A.All

36、the roles are played by famous actors and actresses.B.Its plots and events reveal a lot about Frankies actual life.C.It is based on the real-life experiences of some celebrities.D.It is written, directed, edited and produced by Frankie himself.问题3选项A.Recommend it to her friends.B.Go to the theater a

37、nd enjoy it.C.Download and watch it.D.Watch it with the man.问题4选项A.It is against common sense.B.It is a ridiculous piece of satire.C.It has been showing for over a decade.D.It has drawn criticisms from scientists.【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:C第4题:C【解析】Conversation TwoW: Are you watching any good shows these da

38、ys?M: Actually, yes. Im watching a great satire called Frankie. I think youd like it.W: Really? Whats it about?M: Its about a real guy named Frankie. He is a famous comedian in New York and shows a mixture of comedy and drama loosely depicting his life.W: Im sorry, do you mean to say, its a real-lif

39、e series about a real person? Its non-fiction, is it?M: No. Not really, no. Its fiction, as what happens in every episode is made up. However, the lead role is a comedian by the name of Frankie, and he plays himself. So Frankie, in both real life and in the TV show, lives in New York City. Hes a com

40、ic, is divorced, and has two little daughters. All those things are true, but aside from him, all his friends and family are played by actors. And the plots and the events that take place are also invented.W: Oh, I think I see now. That sounds like a very original concept.M: Yes, it is. 6 In fact, t

41、he whole show is written, directed, edited and produced by him, 5 and is very funny and has won many awards.W: Thats cool. 7 I will try to download it. Im watching a comedy called The Big Bang Theory. Its a huge hit around the world.M: Oh yes. Ive heard of it, but never actually watched it.W: Well,

42、then you should check it out. Its also very funny. Its about four male scientists and a female waitress. The men are very socially awkward but very bright. And this is contrasted by the ladys social skills and common sense. 8 The show has been running for over ten years, and some of the actors are p

43、ractically global super stars. Now that they are such famous celebrities.5. What does the man think of the satire Frankie he recently watched?【试题答案】B【试题解析】题目问男士对其最近看的弗兰基有什么看法?男士提到弗兰基是纽约著名喜剧演员弗兰基自导自制的一部讽刺剧,男士认为它非常有趣(funny),B选项中的enjoyable“有趣的”是其同义替换,因此正确。A选项“有教育意义的”在录音中没有提及;C选项“由戏剧改编而来”错误,男士说的是喜剧和戏剧相结

44、合来描绘纽约著名喜剧演员的弗兰基的生活,是虚构的,而不是改编的,因此不正确;弗兰基在现实生活和电视节目中都生活在纽约,因此D选项“脱离现实生活”也不正确。6. What does the man say is special about the satire Frankie?【试题答案】D【试题解析】题目问关于弗兰基的特别之处,男士说了什么?女士说这部剧听起来是原创的,男士表示同意后,接着说到整部剧都是由弗兰基编剧、导演、剪辑、制作的,因此D选项是录音的复述,所以正确。A选项“所有的角色都是由著名演员扮演的”错误,录音中提到著名演员扮演的剧是生活大爆炸而不是弗兰基;B选项“其情节和故事大量揭密

45、了弗兰基的真实生活”错误,男士说到弗兰基的情节和故事都是虚构的 (the plots and the events. are also invented);因此,C选项“它基于几个名人的真实生活”也不正确。7. What does the woman say she is going to do with the satire Frankie?【试题答案】C【试题解析】题目问对于弗兰基,女士接下来会怎么做?女士在听完男士的推荐之后表示会下载(I will try to download it),下载当然是为了观看,因此选项C正确。A选项“把它推荐给朋友”;B选项“去电影院欣赏”及D选项“和男士

46、一起看”均不正确。8. What does the woman say about the comedy The Big Bang Theory?【试题答案】C【试题解析】题目问关于喜剧生活大爆炸,女士说了什么?女士在对话中说到生活大爆炸这部剧已经播出十多年了(The show has been running for over ten years)。C选项是其同义转述,因此正确。干扰项A选项的common sense在录音中出现过,但录音中说的是剧中演员的常识,并不是说电视剧有违常识,因此A选项“这有违常识”不正确;B选项“这是有点荒唐的讽刺作品”,录音中提到satire“讽刺作品”是用来描

47、述弗兰基这部剧的,因此不正确;D选项“遭到了科学家的批评”,录音中提到scientists是女士介绍生活大爆炸剧中人物的身份,而不是说科学家们对这部剧的评价,所以D选项也不正确。12. 单选题The boy seemed more ( )to their poverty after seeing how his grandparents lived.问题1选项A.reconciledB.consolidatedC.deterioratedD.attributed【答案】A【解析】 Normal 0 7.8 磅 0 2 false false false EN-US ZH-CN X-NONE固定

48、搭配。reconcile to甘心,接受;attributed to归因于。consolidate和deteriorated为及物动词。句意:在看到祖父母的生活后,这个男孩似乎更能接受他们的贫穷了。选项A符合句意。13. 单选题Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.问题1选项A.It has started to expand business outside the UK.B.It has imported some exotic foods from overseas.C.It has turned

49、certain insects into a new food source.D.It has joined hands with Sainsburys to sell pet insects.问题2选项A.It made him feel strange. C. It hurt his throat slightly.B.C. It hurt his throat slightly. B.C.It hurt his throat slightly. B. It was really unforgettable.D.It was a pleasant surprise.问题3选项A.They

50、contain more protein than conventional meats.B.They will soon gain popularity throughout the world.C.They are more tasty than beef, chicken or pork.D.They are more nutritious than soups and salads.问题4选项A.It is a promising industry.B.It requires new technology.C.It is environmentally friendly.D.It sa

51、ves huge amounts of labour.【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:A第4题:C【解析】Passage Two12 Eat Grub is Britains first new food company that breaks western food boundaries by introducing edible insects as a new source of food. And Sainsburys is the first UK supermarket to stock the company crunchy roasted crickets.Sainsbu

52、rys insists that such food is no joke and could be a new, sustainable source of protein. Out of curiosity, I paid a visit to Sainsburys. As I put my hand into a packet of crickets with their tiny eyes and legs, the idea of one going in my mouth made me feel a little sick. 13 But the first bite was a

53、 pleasant surprise. A little dry and lacking of taste, but at least a wing didnt get stuck in my throat. The roasted seasoning largely overpowered any other flavour although there was slightly bitter aftertaste. The texture was crunchy, but smelt a little of cat food. Eat Grub also recommends the cr

54、ickets as a topping for noodles, soups and salads.14 The company boasts that its dried crickets contain more protein than beef, chicken and pork, as well as minerals like iron and calcium. Unlike the production of meat, bugs do not use up large amounts of land, water or feed, and 15 insect farming a

55、lso produces far fewer greenhouse gases. However, despite two billion people worldwide already supplementing their diet with insects, “consumer disgust” remains a large barrier in many western countries. Im not sure bugs will become a popular snack anytime soon, but theyre definitely food for though

56、t.12. What do we learn from the passage about the food company Eat Grub?【试题答案】C【试题解析】题目问我们从这篇关于食品公司Eat Grub的文章中能得知什么?录音开头提到,Eat Grub引入食用昆虫作为新的食物来源,打破了西方食品的界限,由此可知C选项“它把某些昆虫变成了一种新的食物来源”正确。A选项“它已经开始扩展英国以外的业务”和B选项“从国外进口了一些异国食品”在录音中没有信息提及。D选项“它与Sainsburys联手出售宠物昆虫”主要是利用录音的Sainsburys设干扰,录音只是提到Sainsburys是英

57、国第一家上货Eat Grub脆烤蟋蟀的超市,没有说它与Eat Grub联手,也未说到宠物昆虫,因此D选项不正确。13. What does the speaker say about his first bite a roasted crickets?【试题答案】D【试题解析】题目问说话者对于他第一次咬烤蟋蟀说了什么?录音提到,第一口吃起来很惊喜,因此D选项“这是一个惊喜”符合录音原文。A选项“这让他觉得很奇怪”利用录音中的made me feel设干扰,录音中说的是一想到有只蟋蟀会进到嘴里,就觉得有点恶心,而不是奇怪,因此A选项不正确;B选项“真的很难忘”在录音中没有提及;C选项“他的喉咙有

58、点痛”利用录音中的throat设干扰,录音中说的是至少蟋蟀的翼没卡在说话人的喉咙里,并没有提到喉咙痛,因此不正确。14. What does Eat Grub say about its dried crickets?【试题答案】A【试题解析】题目问的是对于蟋蟀干,Eat Grub怎么说?录音提到,该公司夸口说他们的蟋蟀干比牛肉、鸡肉和猪肉含有更多的蛋白质。牛肉、鸡肉和猪肉都属于传统肉类,因此A选项“它们比传统肉类含有更多的蛋白质”正确。B选项“它们很快就会在全世界流行起来”和C选项“它们比牛肉、鸡肉或猪肉好吃”在录音中均没有提及;D选项“它们比汤和沙拉更有营养”,利用录音中的soups an

59、d salads设干扰,录音只是说Eat Grub还推荐蟋蟀作为面条、汤和沙拉的配料,并未指出哪个更有营养,因此D选项不正确。15. What does the passage say about insect farming?【试题答案】C【试题解析】题目问关于昆虫养殖,这篇文章的说法是什么?录音提到,昆虫养殖产生的温室气体少很多,由此可推断,昆虫养殖很环保,因此C选项“环保”正确。A选项“这是一个很有前途的行业”,录音结尾提到,尽管全世界有20亿人把昆虫作为补充的食物,但在很多西方国家,目前还有很大的阻碍。之后还提到,不确定虫子是否会成为一种受欢迎的零食,由此可推断昆虫养殖的前景并不是很乐

60、观,因此A选项不正确;B选项“需要新技术”和D选项“节省大量劳动力”在录音中没有信息提及。14. 单选题As a teenager, I was( )by a blind passion for a slim star I would never meet in my life.问题1选项A.pursuedB.seducedC.consumedD.guaranteed【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。pursue “追求”;seduce “引诱”;consume “消费;使着迷”;guarantee “担保”。句意:作为一个年轻人,我痴迷于这位在生命中从未见过的苗条的明星。选项C符合题意。15.

61、 翻译题现在我们正面临着一项严峻的挑战:全球变暖。地球气候持续恶化,正在演变成一场事关紧要的战争,而从任何一个方面来看,美国正在输掉这场战争。美国每年释放的温室气体约占全球总量的25%,并声称它不打算采取任何减排措施。困难还在于,即使绝大多数人认为气候变化是个全球性的紧急事件,如何解决这个问题很难达成共识。工业界提出自己的方案,可惜这些方案通常解决不了什么问题。环保主义者也献策,可惜他们的方案往往过于天真,以至于会严重阻碍美国社会和经济的发展。但是一个宏大而有效的方案到底是什么样的呢?如何才能让我们同时拥有安全的环境和良好的经济增长?然而,只要我们能制定出可行的战略,将短期措施和长远目标结合起

62、来,将务实精神和雄心壮志结合起来,我们就能做到既不损害经济,又帮助遏制气候变化带来的最坏影响,并保证我们的后代在这个世界上能生存下来。要实现这个目标,最需要的是决心和意志。Directions:Translate the following paragraph from Chinese into English. Please write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.【答案】Now we are confronted with a formidable challenge: global warming. The global climate goes on deteriorating and is evolving into a crucial war the United States is losing from any perspective. Every year, the United States emits nearly 25% of the global greenhouse

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