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1、-首字母填空Passage 1Heres a story about Mings life on the waters. Ming has lived all his life on a wide r 1 in China. His home is a large house-boat with a roof, one of hundreds that move up and down. In about si* years he has not once been on l 2 but he is never lonely. He is a strong swimmer. In fact,

2、he could swim before he could walk. When he wants to play with his f 3 he just swims across to their boats or asks them to v 4 him.Mings father is a fisherman, but he never u 5 a line or a net网. Great black birds called cormorants do the fishing for him. Rings圈have been put around the birds n 6 so t

3、hat they cannot eat the fish they catch. They have been t 7 to bring the fish to people. And then people reward奖励them with a fine big fish as soon as their work is f 8 . Ming loves watching the cormorants, but better still he likes going s 9 with his mother. The shops, of course, are boats very like

4、 his o 10 .1. river 2. land 3. friends 4.visit 5. uses 6. necks 7. taught/trained 8. finished 9. shopping 10. own【解析】本篇短文第一句关于明的在水上的生活,给大家一个总体的信息,重点是on the waters,而且时态为现在时。1. 既然Ming的生活是和水严密联系的,所以第一个空就很容易了,r打头的关于水的单词,就是river,因为前面有冠词a,所以只用单数形式。2.通过前文可以得知,Ming住在一个船型的屋子里,6年里他从来没有到过*,但是他从来不孤单,也就是说他非常喜欢在水

5、上的生活,因此可以推测出他从来没有来过陆地,填land。3.本空的关键在play with,通常后面可以加fire、snow,但是与文意不符,所以是与朋友们玩,后文的their说明是复数形式,填friends。4.本空的ask them to * him和or之前的swims across to their boats是相互对应的,要么Ming去朋友那里,要么他的朋友来看他,所以填visit,表示拜访的意思。5.本句说到,Ming的父亲是一位渔夫,一位渔夫捕鱼用线或者网是非常正常的事情,但but表示转折,说明他的父亲与一般渔夫不一样,不使用线或者网,后文的birds do the fishin

6、g for him也说明他自己不需要用这些工具。他的父亲是第三人称,所以填uses。6.此题是难题,通过上下文可以得知,Ming的父亲在那些鸬鹚的*个部位圈上了圈,所以它们就不能把捕到的鱼吃下去了。通常鸬鹚吃鱼是直接吞的,如果不让它们吃下去的话只能在脖子上圈住,这样鱼就会卡住,吞不下去,而且鸬鹚是复数形式,所以填necks。7.那些鸬鹚不是天生就会为Ming的父亲捕鱼的,而是通过后天的训练和教诲,所以填taught或者trained。8.通过句意得知,当鸬鹚的工作*了之后,它们会得到一大条鱼作为奖励,从逻辑上来看,应该是完成工作后,而且空前有is,所以填finished。9.最后一句中,出现了

7、shop,提示了此空和shop有关,应该是由go引导固定词组,go shopping,表示去购物。10.此题也是难题。因为Ming是生活在水上的,则肯定商店也是在水上的,从短文的第二句可以推测出,商店也是和Ming的家的外形很像,所以填own,词组of ones own表示*人的,这里解释为这个商店也和Ming自己的家外形很像。Passage 2Can animals be made to work for people Some scientists think that one day animals may be trained to do a number of simple jobs

8、 i 1 of people. They say that at a circus杂技场,for e*ample, we may see elephants, monkeys, dogs and other animals doing q 2 skillful熟练的things. Perhaps you have seen them on the television or in a film. If you watch closely, you may find that the trainer always g 3 the animal some sugar o 4 a piece of

9、fruit as a reward. The scientists say that many d 5 animals may be trained to do a lot of simple things if they know they will get a reward f 6 doing that.Of course, as we know, dogs can be trained to look after a house, and soldiers in both old and modern t 7 have u 8 geese to give warning警报by m 9

10、a lot of noise when an enemy es near. And also it may be possible to train animals to work in families or f 10 .1. instead 2. quite 3. gives 4.or 5. different 6. for 7. times 8. used 9. making 10. factories【解析】本篇短文的首句,用一个疑问句来提出了动物可以为人类工作?,说明本篇文章将围绕此问题展开,而且时态为现在时。1.通过本句句意理解,科学家认为有一天动物可以被训练,然后做一些简单的工作


12、很好理解,作为的奖励,用介词for。7.此题考察的是词组的运用,表示在以前和现在,填times,表示时代。8.在以前和现在,士兵们都用鹅来发警报,使用*物,填use,前面有have表示现在完成时,因此填used。9.此题考察的是词组的固定搭配,通过让鹅制造噪音来提醒士兵们有敌人靠近了,词组是makenoise,前面有介词by,所以填making。10.此题的逻辑词是or,表示选择性,说明本空也是一个表示地点的词,并且同样是由介词in引导,所以不能填farmonthe farms而且应该和families照应,要用复数形式,填factories。Passage 3In recent years,

13、 playing kite-board seems to bee more and more popular in Alaska in America. It is a new and old game. The game has w 1 the interest of many young people. The game is interesting but a little d 2. One needs to play it very c 3 .A kite-board is in fact a skateboard滑雪板drawn拉by a few big flying kites.

14、The old game was p 4 by some young people in Holland and Spain as e 5 as the last century. Since the board was hard to control, f 6 people dared敢to play it. With the development of the design of kite and skateboard, many people can l 7 how to play it. A kite board may go as f 8 as about 50 kilometer

15、s an hour. If you havent had any practice, youd better not play it. It is not s 9 .It is said that the game can e*ercise not only your b 10 but also the sensitivity of your brain大脑的敏捷.1. won 2.difficult/dangerous 3. carefully 4. played 5.early 6. few 7.learn 8. fast 9. safe 10. body【解析】通过本文第一句,可以得知文

16、章的中心主体是 kite-board风筝板,冲浪运动的一种,可以借助风力飞上天。1. 通过文章首句,可以得知近些年风筝板越来越流行,既然如此流行,必定会让年轻人产生浓厚的兴趣,空1所在的句子的兴趣用了interest名词形式,说明要用一个动词来表示出引起、得到的意思,则很容易想到赢得*人的兴趣,用win,前面有has是现在完成时,所以win改成won。2. 空2的关键点在于逻辑词but,but表示前后意思的转折,风筝板很有趣,但是也很*,则和有趣相对的就是危险或者困难,所以dangerous或difficult皆可。3. 第一段最后一句是前面一句的延伸,如果空2填出来,空3就不成问题,正是因为

17、这项运动很危险,所以玩的时候必须要非常小心仔细,填carefully。4. 文章首句就有playing kite-board,提示出空4应该是play的被动语态,填played。5. 此题考察的是asas的构造,当中填形容词或者副词的原级,关键点在构造后的last century,既然已经是上个世纪,不难想出应该是和上世纪一样早,所以填early。6. 本局先有Since引导出了一个原因,因为风筝板非常难以控制,而导致结果就是很少有人敢玩,所以填few。7. 此题难度不大,是许多人们可以学习如何去玩,所以填learn。8. 此题的关键在于空格后的50 kilometers an hour每小时

18、50公里,不难得知这是一个速度,所以是和这速度一样快,所以填fast。9. 此题是逻辑题,通过前半句可以得知如果没有练习,最好不要玩,后半句就是解释为什么不要去玩,因为不是很平安,所以填safe。10. 通过整篇文章,我们对风筝板的运动有了一个大概的了解,它可以让人们得到锻炼,所以是锻炼身体,因此填body。Passage 4British Milkman Steve Leech saved some shops and flats with milk and won a National Bravery Award国家勇敢奖.Leech, 35 years old, said that wh

19、en he was sending out milk as u 1 along Pine Street, he s 2 heard a loud, strange sound behind him and then he saw smoke ing out of a shop in Cornwall, southern England. That must be a fire, I t 3 Leech said. Then I quickly d 4 to do something. So I p 5 the door in and then I s 6 for the people insi

20、de. Then I started pouring milk e 7 . He used 320 pints of milk to stop the fire. When firefighters r 8 the shop, the fire was under control.Leech helped save the l 9 of eight people in the flats above the shops.It was hard work o 10 all those bottles. But it was even harder trying to tell my boss w

21、here all the milk had gone, Leech said jokingly.1.usual 2.suddenly 3.thought 4. decided 5. pushed 6.shouted 7. everywhere 8. reached 9.lives 10. opening【解析】文章首句已经点明了主要容:Leech用牛奶救了好多家商店和公寓,所以赢得了国家勇敢奖。因此,不难想出,本篇文章是记叙文,主要表达了他如何得到奖项的经过,所以也可以确定动词形式为过去时。1. 此题考察的是固定词组的搭配,和往常一样,是as usual。2. 本句话说的是当他和往常一样送牛奶

22、的时候,听见了一声巨响,则可以肯定,在空2未填词的情况下,句子仍然成立,所以首先可以确定填的词是一个副词。通过自己的设身处地的想法,在没有任何征兆的情况下,听到一声巨响肯定非常突然,所以填其副词形式,suddenly。3. 此题有一定的英语知识融在其中,首先空3不难,可以想出是我认为这是一个火灾,确定词为think。通常在英语中I think可以放在句首,也可以放在句末前面加逗号,这里的我想已经是过去发生的事情,所以填thought。4. 空4所在的句子也是当时Leech做的事情,通过推断,当他看到火灾之后,肯定会做一些事情,而且非常坚决,所以用decided。5. 本空的关键在于介词in,对

23、象又是door,所以马上可以想到推门进入,所以填pushed。6. 本空是难点,通过上下文可以得知,Leech推门进入之后,并没有直接救人或者搜索人的情况,而是直接开场扑火,所以不能填searched。通过常识,推门进入后应该首先确定是否有人,所以要通过大喊来确定,因此本空填shouted。7. 此题不难,Leech开场用牛奶灭火,倒得到处都是,所以填everywhere。8. 本句出现了firefighters消防员,则就是当他们赶到现场的时候,火势已经得到了控制,因此填reached。9. 通过本句得知,在商店的上面几层有8人,Leech救了他们的生命,life为可数名词,所以这里填复数形

24、式lives。10. 本句的句型是一个难点,因为不是所学的it is. to do 的构造,但是通过后句的itwas even harder trying.可以得知,本空的动词是doing形式,因为牛奶瓶上有盖子,所以翻开盖子是非常困难的,所以填opening。Passage 5April Fools Day is on April 1st. People can play j 1 on others on this special d 2 . If you succeed, you usually laugh and say April Fool! The person who has be

25、en fooled by you l 3 too, and he will never be angry with you.Mothers Day is on the second Sunday of May. Its a day to t 4 mothers. On that day mothers usually receive flowers and cards from their children. Fathers and children do the housework so that mothers can have a r 5 .Easter Day falls on the

26、 first Sunday after the full moon which is on or after March 21st. Its also called Easter Sunday. It is said that on that day Jesus Christ es back to l 6 . Many people go to church and children often get p 7 such as toy rabbits.Thanksgiving Day is on the fourth Thursday in November. Its a day when p

27、eople give thanks for the good things in life. Usually families all get t8 and have a big dinner.Christmas Day es on D 9 25th. Its the most important festival in a year. The beautiful things can be s 10 everywhere. People e*change gifts, send Christmas cards and visit friends.1. jokes 2. day 3. laug

28、hs 4. thank 5. rest 6. life 7. presents 8. together 9. December 10. seen【解析】本文表达了5个外国的节日,即每段为一个主题,段与段之间没有联系。1. 空1不难,愚人节怎么愚人呢?就是开别人的玩笑,而且不止一个玩笑,所以是joke的复数形式,填jokes。2. 前面用了介词on,也就是说要加具体*一天,后面用了this special来修饰了愚人节,因此填day。3. 空3难在形式。不难看出,空3应该填一个动词,但是是什么形式呢?仔细分析句子会发现,who has been fooled by you是一个定语从句修饰先行词

29、the person,解释为那个被你愚弄的人,因此主语是the person,仍然是单数形式。空3后出现了too,说明此空的答案已经出现,前一句当中的laugh提示此空应该也填laugh,综合主语形式,本空填laughs。4. 本段提到了母亲节。既然是母亲节,那一天我们应该是感母亲,所以填thank。5. 空5所在句子的前半句已经提到,母亲节那天父亲和孩子会做些家务,则这样的结果就是妈妈们可以好好休息一下,所以是固定词组搭配,have a rest。6. 本段提到了复活节,假设熟悉外国文化的话,空6便能填出。复活节是纪念耶稣基督在十字架受刑后复活的节日。既然是纪念他复活,所以他会回到现实生活中

30、来,因此填life。7. 本空的关键提示在于children和such as toy rabbits,举的例子是玩具兔子,因此不难想出这些都是给孩子们的礼物,而且toy rabbits是复数形式,所以礼物也是复数,填presents。8. 本段说的是感恩节。通常在感恩节,外国家庭会聚在一起吃大火鸡晚饭,也是家庭团聚的日子,而且空8后的a big dinner也提示了这必须是很多人聚在一起吃的饭,因此填together。9. 本段说的是圣诞节。空9考的便是圣诞节的时间,是每年的12月25日,所以填December。10. 本空不难,说的是好多漂亮的东西到处都能看见,而且是被动形式,所以填seen

31、。Passage 6Mr King taught English in a middle school. He was very b 1 all the time and couldnt do some r 2 So he left the school and opened a book shop in the c 3 of the town. It wasnt big enough but all the books were nice and most people liked to buy some there. When the shop was c 4 he could read

32、at home. He knew a lot and the learned有学问的people were glad to make f 5 with him.It was Sunday and it was cold outside. Mr King was very busy. At nine in the evening all the buyers left e_6a girl. She was dressed up and waited for s 7 there. Standing by the shelves, she looked over the books one afte

33、r a 8 It made them in a fearful mess凌乱不堪. Mr King came up to her and asked, E*cuse me, madam. What can I do for you Your books are all dull, said the girl, I want a d 9 one. Thats easy, Mr King smiled. He t 10 out a cookbook and said, Here you are, madam.1. busy 2.reading 3.center 4.closed 5.friends

34、 6.e*cept 7.someone/somebody 8.another 9.delicious 10. took【解析】本篇文章主要说了Mr King的书店遇到的一个故事,记叙文形式。1. 空1的关键词在于couldnt,而且通过文章可以发现他最终离开了学校,所以可以推出他很忙,填busy。2. 空2的关键词在于后句,opened a book shop,所以说明他很喜欢读书,填reading。3. 空3的关键词在于town,既然是城镇,肯定说的是书店在城镇中的方位,所以填center。4. 空4为理解题,他可以在家里看书说明当时书店已经完毕营业了,所以填形容词closed解释为关闭的,

35、close作为形容词时解释为靠近的、亲密的。5. 此题考察固定词组,与*人交朋友,填friends。6. 此题有难度。关键在于弄清楚all the buyers和a girl之间的关系。通过后文可得知,所有人都走了,只有一个小女孩还在店里,所以填e*cept,表示为除了一个小女孩。7. 固定搭配。wait for后加*人或者*物,结合文章,更贴切的应该是等待*人,因此填somebody或someone都可。8. 固定搭配。one after another表示一个又一个,这里解释为一本又一本的书。9. 此题较难。此题的关键并不是Mr King所说的Thats easy.,Thats easy解

36、释为做什么事情很简单,而不是说这本书很简单,因此空格不填difficult。此题的关键在于前文出现的dull枯燥后面的cookbook,既然是一本烹饪的书,关于食物的形容词,只能用delicious,除了解释为美味的,还可以解释为有趣的。10. 固定词组搭配,拿出一本书的词组为take out a book,这里用过去时,改成took。Passage 7Once Effendi had a joke with the Prime Minister首相. He said the Minister w 1 die the ne*t day. The ne*t day, the Minister r

37、eally f 2 off the horse and died. When the king h 3 of this, he got angry and sent his men to c 4 Effendi at once.W 5 Effendi came, the king shouted a 6 Effendi, since you knew when my minister would die, you must also know the date of your own death. Say it out, or youll die today.Effendi l 7 at th

38、e king and answered, But how can I know Ill die two days e 8 than you.The king was a 9 that he would die if he killed Effendi. He thought he must keep Effendi alive活着as long as he could. So he l 10 him go.1. would 2. fell 3. heard 4. catch 5. when 6. angrily 7. looked 8.earlier 9. afraid 10. let【解析】

39、本文主要表达了Effedndi开玩笑的事情,所以整个文章处于过去的基调。1. 此题考察的是时态,因为是过去发生的事情,而时间状语又是the ne*t day,所以用过去将来时,填would。2. 此题考察的是词组,宾语是马,则推断出词组是从马上摔下来,因此填fell。3. 此题考察词组搭配,解释为听说了*事,为heard of。4. 当国王听说了这件事情之后,他非常生气,所以要抓住他,因此填catch。5. 此题不难,解释为当Effendil来的时候,所以填when。6. 此题的提示在第一段的got angry,已经说明了当时国王的心情,所以这里也要表示生气的意思,放在动词shouted之后,

40、用副词形式,填angrily。7. 此题考察固定词组搭配,Effendi看着国王,所以填looked。8. 此题的关键在于than,说明肯定要用比拟级,通过文意可以得知,Effendi说他比国王早死两天,因此填earlier。9. 此题的提示在后句,he thought he must keep Effendi alive as long ashe could,从本句可以看出,国王为了不让自己死去,所以要让Effendi活着,表现出国王的害怕,所以填afraid。10. 此题不难,作为文章的结局,很明显能想到,国王为了自己不早死,所以放他走了,填let。Passage 8Roy Trenton

41、 drove a ta*i before. A short while ago, however, he b 1 a bus-driver and he feels no sorry about it. He was finding his new work far more i 2 . When he was driving along Catford Street recently, he saw two thieves r 3 out of a shop and run towards a waiting car. One of them was carrying a bag f 4 o

42、f money. Roy acted quickly and drove the bus straight to the thieves. The one w 5 the money got so afraid that he dropped the bag. As the thieves were trying to get a 6 in their car, Roy drove his bus into the b7 of it. While the car was moving away, Roy stopped his bus and t 8 the police. The thiev

43、es car was badly damaged损坏and e 9 to recognize识别. Shortly afterwards, the police stopped the car and both men were c 10 1. became 2.interesting 3. run 4.full 5. with 6.away 7. back 8.telephoned 9. easy 10. caught【解析】本文主要表达了Roy Trenton用公交车抓贼的事情,整个文章处于过去的基调而且连贯性强。1. 本文首句说明了Roy Trenton的身份,他曾经是出租车司机,但是现

44、在他是一名公交车司机,所以谓语动词表示成为的词,是bee,这里填过去时became。2. 本文的提示在前句he feels no sorry about it,说明他转业了之后并不懊悔,非常喜欢他的新工作。空2前的far提示了后面肯定填比拟级,more也提示了这是一个多音节单词,很容易想到interesting。3. 此题的提示在and之后,因为and连接前后两个并列成分,所以动词应该是一致的,是run,而且从一个商店跑出的动作持续时间很短,所以可以用see sb. do sth.的构造表示看见*人做*事的全程,所以填run。4. 此题考察固定词组搭配,一个包和钱之间的关系应该是塞满钱的包,o

45、f提示了充满的词组是full of,因此填full。5. 此题考察介词用法,因为后文出现了位于动词got,因此肯定表示为带着钱的那个贼,表示带着、和一起的介词是with。6. 此题考察的是固定词组搭配,两个贼想要开车逃离,词组是get away,因此填away。7. 词组drive into表示为打入、撞入,所以肯定是撞击了汽车的*个部位,b打头的部位很容易想到back,表示为车尾。8. 此题不难,Roy把公交车停下然后打通知了警察,所以填telephoned。9. 通过句意理解,因为车尾被撞坏,所以识别起来非常简单,所以填easy。10. 此题不难,作为文章的结局,肯定是两个贼被抓住了,所以

46、填caught。Passage 9Now, lets begin our sports report. Heres a really good game, the b 1 one I have seen this year. Its the last five minutes of the g 2 Henry plays football f 3 France. He has the ball now. He p 4 the ball to David. David k 5 it over the heads of the Englishmen towards the goal. But he

47、s too far a 6 , France and England still have one goal each and there are only two m 7 left of the game. Just then an English p 8 gets the ball. He gives it to Bill, King of the match. Bill puts the ball into the goal. In the e 9 the English team w 10 .1. best 2. game 3. for 4.passes 5. kicks 6. awa

48、y 7. minutes 8. player 9. end 10. wins【解析】本篇文章为一场足球讲解,而且所有动词都用一般现在时形式。1. 本空的提示在前半句这真的是一个非常精彩的比赛,由此可以推导出这是最好的一个,而且I have seen this year也提示出应该用最高级,所以填best。2. 此题不难,前文已经出现过game,此处是词语复现,填game。3. 本空不难,主语是人Henry,构造上来说主谓宾齐全,最后加了一个国家,即可以推断出为了国家而踢球,所以填for。4. 到目前为止,已经看出这是一场足球赛的讲解。介词to提示了,这个动词应该是表示方向性的,由此可以想到足球

49、运动中的传球,因此填passes。5. 此题考察的是选择正确的动词,既然是踢球,所以动词一定是kick,此处为第三人称,填kicks。6. 此空考察的词组的搭配,从句中可以得出他离球门太远所以没有进球,因此填far。7. 此题的关键在于left,解释为剩余,推测出是时间剩余,所以填minutes。8. 此题考察的是句子的成分,谓语gets和宾语the ball已经出现,所以此处很明显填主语,既然是足球比赛,肯定是球员得到了球,所以填player。9. 此处很明显表示的是的最后,所以填end。10. 作为故事的结果,英国队赢得了比赛,所以填wins。Passage 10Today people

50、can u 1 the phone to talk with others almost anywhere on the earth. But when you use the phone, you dont see the person you are t 2 with. That may c 3 in the future.Today some people are using a kind of telephone c 4 Picture phone or Vision phone. W 5 it, two people who are talking can see each othe

51、r. Picture phones can be useful when you have s 6 to show the person youre calling. They may have other uses in the future. One day you may be able to ring up a l 7 and ask to borrow a book. Then youll be able to read the book right over your picture phone. Or you may be able to go shopping t 8 your

52、 picture phone. If you see something in the newspaper that you think you want to buy, youll go to your phone and call the shop. People at the shop will s 9 you the thing youre interested in right over the phone. Youll be able to shop all over town and n 10 leave your room.1.use 2. talking 3.change 4

53、. called 5.With 6. something 7. librarian 8. through 9. send 10. neednt【解析】本篇文章是对未来功能的梦想,同样动词填一般现在时。1. 本空考察词组,用来做*事,所以填use。2. 此题不难,通过句意可以得知打的时候你看不到那个和他谈话的人,所以填talking。3. 此题的关键在于may,表示一种可能性,则在将来这种情况可能会被改变,所以填change。4. 后面引号中的是的名字,所以是被叫做的,填called。5. 此题的关键在于后半句话,人们可以在打的时候看到对方,所以是有这种才行,填With。6. 通过句意理解,既然

54、叫做图片,就是可以发送一些东西给朋友看,所以填something。7. 此题的关键在于and之后的局部,ask to borrow a book指的是借书,所以肯定和图书馆有关,则空7所在的句子解释为打给*人,所以填librarian。8. 此题考察介词的用法,本句说的是可以用图片手机来购物,则空8解释为通过*种方式,填through。9. 此题不难,解释为商店会把你要的东西送过来,填send。10. 此题考察的是综合理解,因为图片手机购物很方便,所以人们不需要出家门就能买到东西,填neednt。 Passage 11Can vegetables be p 1 in winter Yes, b

55、ut a greenhouse温室must be b 2 first. The greenhouse should be m 3 of glass. A large greenhouse may be ten metres l 4 three metres w 5 and two meters high. The sunshine can r 6 the vegetables t 7 the glass. The wind and cold air can be s 8 from getting in. The air inside the greenhouse is always w 9 .

56、More and more greenhouses are b 10 built all over the world. All kinds of vegetables can be brought onto our dinner tables in winter.1. planted 2. built 3. made 4. long 5. wide 6. reach 7. through 8. stopped 9. warm 10. being【解析】本篇描述了蔬菜在温室中生长的相关事宜,整体难度不大,多以被动为主。1. 本空不难,首先可以确定为被动语态,再看主语为vegetables,马上

57、想到种植,所以填planted。2. 本句同样是被动语态,主语为greenhouse,是一个建筑,要种植蔬菜肯定要先有建筑,所以填built。3. 此题考察固定词组搭配,由组成的词组是be made of。4. 第四题开场描述温室的尺寸,有10米长,所以填long。5. 第五题说的是温室的宽,所以填wide。6. 此题稍有难度,既然是在温室中种植,而且温室是由草组成的,所以和可以有直接的接触,所以可以到达、接触到蔬菜,填reach。7. 此题考察介词,通过文意,可以得出是通过草接触到了蔬菜,所以填through。8. 此题考察固定词组搭配及语态,通过文意可得知风和冷空气无法进入温室,又有介词f

58、rom,即风课冷空气被停顿进入,所以填stopped。9. 此题不难,既然是在温室里生长,而且风和冷空气无法进入,所以里面的空气一定很温暖,填warm。10. 此题考察的被动语态的构造。are built已经是被动语态,则变成现在进展时的被动语态只要填being即可。Passage 12Traveling to all countries of the world gets easier and easier, but how well do we know and u 1 each other Here is a simple test. Imagine(设想) you will hold

59、a m 2 at four oclock, what time should you e 3 your foreign business friends to e If they are German, they will a 4 on time. If they are American, theyll probably be fifteen minutes early. If they are British, theyll be fifteen minutes late.The British seemed to think since the English l 5 was widel

60、y used in the world, what they did was certain to be widely understood. Very soon they f 6 they were pletely(完全地) wrong. For e 7 , the British are happy to have a business lunch and discuss business matters with a drink during the meal; the Japanese p 8 not to work while eating. Lunch is a time for them to rela* and get to know e 9 other, and they dont drink at lunch. Th

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