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1、NBC (the National Broadcasting Company)The first of the original three US national broadcasting companies (NBC, CBS, ABC). It is called the Peacock Network because of the title animal in its logo. It was established in 1926 by Radio Corporation of America(美国无线电公司)as two groups of radio stations. The

2、 first NBC television channel opened in 1940. the company is now owned by General Electric. Its main offices are at Rockefeller Center in New York.Programs: ER (Emergency Room), Friends, NBC News第1页/共34页PBS (the Public Broadcasting Service):公共电视网 (in the US) a television system that broadcasts progr

3、ams to an association of local stations which use no television advertisements and do not make a profit. It was established by the Public Broadcasting Act and is supported by money from the US Government, large companies and the public. PBS is known for the high quality of its programs,the most famo

4、us of which is Sesame Street. 第2页/共34页ABC (the American Broadcasting Company)One of the original three major television networks in America. It began in 1943 as the Blue Network(蓝色广播网) of six radio stations. ABC is now owned by the Walt Disney Company.Programs: Desperate Housewives, Greys Anatomy (实

5、习医生格蕾),Lost(迷失)第3页/共34页The most dynamic combining forms/prefixes for new computer-and-Internet-related vocabulary in English are cyber-, virtual, Net- (net-), Web- (web-), and E- (e-). New English vocabulary items derived from them usually appear in the following forms:bining forms/prefixes + noun:(

6、 this is the most common type)virtual life (虚拟生活)virtual world (虚拟世界 ) virtual community (虚拟社区) virtual office (虚拟办公室)virtual pet (虚拟宠物 ) virtual reality (虚拟现实 ) cyber-interaction (网络互动) cyberculture (网络文化)cybernut (网虫)cyberpet (电子宠物) cyberspace (网络空间), netwriter (发送电子邮件的人)nethead (网虫), Webmaster (网

7、络维护者)Web page (网页) website (网站)Web TV (网络电视机), E-book (电子书籍)E-shopper (网上购物者)e-card (电子贺卡)e(-)mail (电子邮件) e-journal (电子杂志) e-business (电子商务) e-cash (电子货币 ) e-commerce (电子商务)第4页/共34页2. combining forms/prefixes + verb: cybersurf (网络漫游) netsurf (网络漫游)websurf (网络漫游) email (发送电子邮件)3. words like cyber, ne

8、t, etc. + suffix: cyberian (cyber + ian,网络用户) cyberphobia (cyber + phobia, 电脑恐惧症)cybernaut (cyber +naut 网络用户)netter (net + er网民)Webify (web + fy 使万维网化)cyberize (cyber + ize, 使联网).4. clipped word:cyberdoc (cyber + doctor, 网络医生) Netcast (Net + broadcast, 网络播放)Netiquette (Net + etiquette, 网规)Netizen (N

9、et + citizen, 网民)Netpreneur (Net + entrepreneur, 网络企业家)Webcam (Web + camera,网络摄像机)Webcasting (Web + broadcasting, 网络播放)Webliography (Web + bibliogrpahy,网络书目 )Webnomics (Web + economics, 网络经济) Webzine (Web + magazine, 网络杂志)e-tailing (electronic + retailing, 电子零售)e-zine (electronic + magazine, 电子杂志).第

10、5页/共34页Compound dictationThe deadly SARS virus plaguing(使染疫)China appears to have been a god-send for the nations Internet Service providers. As people reduce their (1)_with other, or hide at home from the disease, e-communications are (2)_.Many people are (3)_for information about the (4)_, and hig

11、hly contagious(传染性的)virus and using e-mail to keep in touch with friends and family. Many Internet users are down loading medical advice to (5)_their SARS-caused (6)_. And they are using e-mail to share the information.Sina. coms news channels have received (7)_in recent days, (8)_ the epidemic, sai

12、d Daniel Mao, Sina. coms chief executive officer.The remote office, (9)_ when they are out of their offices, has become increasingly popular since the SARS out break. Countless people (10)_ stores and malls are making purchases online.第6页/共34页Language study 1. virtual: 1) created and existing only i

13、n a computerSome people spend too much time escaping from reality into the virtual world conjured up on their computer screens.我可以访问一个网店,通过点鼠标把我需要的东西放入购物篮。 I can visit a virtual store and put what I want in my basket at the click of a mouse button.2) being or acting as what is described, but not acc

14、epted as such in name or officiallyNow that the talks have broken down, war in the region looks like a virtual certainty.我们的副经理( deputy manager )是实际的领导。Our deputy manager is the virtual head of the business.deriv. virtually ad.Confusable word: virtue n. 善,德行,美德,优点,长处第7页/共34页2. interpret: 1) understa

15、nd (sth. said, ordered, or done)They are worried that the students might interpret the new regulation as a restriction of their rights.她把这个梦理解为想要重获青春的潜意识愿望( unconscious desire )。She interprets the dream as an unconscious desire to be young again.2) give or provide the meaning of, explainThis dream c

16、an be interpreted in several different ways. 你如何解释他拒绝见我们?How do you interpret his refusal to see us?3) translate what is said in one language into another非常抱歉,我一句话都听不懂。你能帮我翻译一下吗?I am terribly sorry, but I dont understand a word. Could you interpret for me?第8页/共34页deriv. interpreter n. 口译者;译员 interpr

17、etation n. 解释;说明;翻译Collocation: interpret the meaning of 理解.的意义interpret as 把.理解为In many cultures,people who were thought to have the ability to _ dreams were likely to be highly respected. A. interpret B. intervene C. inherit D. impart第9页/共34页3. stretch: (cause to) become longer, wider, etc. withou

18、t breakingThe child stretched the rubber band to its full extent. 我的工作时间(working day)从早上7点一直延续到晚上8点。My working day stretches from seven in the morning to eight at night.She often stretches the rules and leaves work early. 她经常违反规定提前下班。deriv.stretcher n. 担架;延伸器;拉伸机 stretchy adj. 能拉长的;有弹性的Collocation:

19、be fully stretched 竭尽所能;全力以赴 at a stretch 连续不断地第10页/共34页Cf.: expand,extend,enlargestretch expand表示长度、面积、体积等方面的扩张、膨胀,多含朝四面八方扩张或延伸之意。e.g.:He expands his operation to include all aspects of the clothing business. 他把他的经营扩展到服装生意的各个方面。 extend意为“扩展、延伸”,表示空间、时间、土地等方面的扩展或延续,也表示将某事物延伸到所期望的地步,还可以表示将身体的各个部位尽可能地

20、伸展开来。e.g.:Cant you extend your visit for a few days?你不能多停留几天吗? enlarge意为“扩大;增长”,它可以指把照片放大、房子扩大、尺寸或空间扩大,也可以指体积、容积的增长,还可以指兴趣、活动范围等抽象观念的增加。e.g.:The successful investment enlarged his personal fortune. 成功的投资增加了他的财富。 stretch意为“伸长;拉紧;展开”,常指由曲变直,由短变长的伸展,也可表示肢体的舒展,还可以表示时间、决定等超过了所规定的范围或限度。e.g.: The cables ar

21、e designed not to stretch. 电缆被设计成不可伸展的。Having finished their morning work,the clerks stood up behind their desks, _ themselves. A. stretching B. extending C. prolonging D. expanding第11页/共34页4. submit: (1)give (sth.) to sb. so that it may be formally considered (followed by to)You should submit your

22、reports to the committee.我要提交一份申请,应聘微软公司的那份工作。( an application for )I am going to submit an application for that job in Microsoft.你应该在三月份之前把报告提交委员会。You should submit your report to the committee before March. (2)(oneself) to sb.sth.: put (oneself) under the control of another;surrender;give in They

23、never submitted to the enemy during the war. 战争期间他们从未屈服于敌人。 妻子应该顺从丈夫吗?Should a wife submit herself to her husband? deriv. submission n. 提交;提议;投降;归顺submissive adj. 顺从的;服从的;提出的第12页/共34页 5. endless: adj. having or seeming to have no end The war seems endless to the soldiers. 战争对士兵而言似乎无休止。我对他无休止的抱怨感到厌烦。

24、 Im fed up with his endless complaint.deriv. endlessly adv.无尽地;无穷地;无边地;不断地syn. infinite,boundless,immeasurableant. finite,definite,limited关于词后缀-less:表示否定含义的形容词后缀 n. + less - adj. (negative meaning)careless:粗心的;疏忽的 mindless:没头脑的;粗心大意的meaningless:没有意义的 useless: 无用的;无价值的第13页/共34页6. take in: absorb (sth

25、.) into the body by breathing or swallowingThe earth takes in heat and light from the sun.鱼从鳃(gill)吸收氧气。Fish take in oxygen through their gills.take after像,与相同take apart拆开take back收回(所说的或所写的)take down记下takefor把看作take off脱掉(衣服等);起飞take on从事take out取出take over接管take up开始从事、占用第14页/共34页Complete the sent

26、ences with one of the following: in, down, away, back, on, apart, off, after, up.1. If you dont believe me, you can take the matter _ with the railway company. 2. We ought not to take _ the poor mans time. hes busy. 3. You can see from his nose that he takes _ his father.4. When they arrived at the

27、airfield the plane was just going to take _.5. If you speak slowly and clearly the students will take _ the meaning.第15页/共34页6. When I visited my home-town again, it took me _ to my childhood.7. Ill take _ your name and address and you can pay the money later.8. Take _ 3 from 5 and you get 2.9. Its

28、easy to take a watch _ but difficult to put it together again.10. When the word appears in this context, it takes _ an entirely different meaning.第16页/共34页7. data: information, usu. in the form of facts or statistics that you can analyzeThis data is stored on the network and can be accessed by anybo

29、dy.The data is still being analyzed, so I cant tell you the results.The data are insufficient.外来名词是指从拉丁文、希腊、法文、意大利文等进入英语的名词。这些外来词单数变复数有的仍按原语言单数变复数的规则,有的也可按英语名词单数变复数的规则在词尾加s或es。1. -a结尾,加-e(个别加-s)formula公式formulae/formulasalumna女学生alumnaedogma教条dogmasantenna天线antennae/antennas2.-is结尾,变-is为-esbasis基础ba

30、sescrisis危机crisesaxis轴axesthesis论文thesesoasis绿洲oasesanalysis分析analysessynopsis提要synopsessynthesis合成synthesesdiagnosis诊断diagnoseshypothesis假设hypothesesparenthesis圆括号parentheses第17页/共34页3. -on结尾,变-on为-aphenomenon现象phenomenacriterion准则criteria4. -um结尾,变-um为-adatum论据datamedium介质mediabacterium细菌bacteriac

31、urriculum课程curriculamemorandum备忘录memoranda gymnasium体育馆gymnasia/gymnasiumsspectrum光谱,系列spectra/spectrums symposium座谈会symposia/symposiums5.-us结尾,变-us为-i,个别直接加-esradius半径radiilocus地点locinucleus原子核nucleistimulus刺激物stimulisyllabus教学大纲syllabi/syllabusesgenius天才genii/geniuses6. ex或-ix结尾,变-ex或-ix为-ices,有时也

32、可加-esappendix附录appendices/appendixesindex索引indices7. -eau结尾,加-x或-sbureau局bureauxplateau高原plateaux第18页/共34页8. symptom: 1) sign of the existence of sth. badThey regard the increase in crime as a symptom of a more general decline in moral standards.政府切不可忽视其支持者间所表现出的这些不满(discontent)征候。The Government mus

33、t not ignore these symptoms of discontent among their supporters. 2) change in the body that indicates an illnessIf the symptoms persist, it is important to go to your doctor. 发冷,发烧和头痛是流感的一般症状。A cold, fever and headache are the usual symptoms of flu.deriv. symptomatic a.第19页/共34页9. conversely: in a

34、way that is opposite to sth.$1 will buy 100 yen worth of Japanese goods. Conversely, 100 yen will buy $1 worth of American goods.你可以把液体加入粉末中,反过来也可以把粉末加入液体中。You can add the fluid to the powder or, conversely, the powder to the fluid.10. jar: have a harsh or an unpleasant effect (used in the pattern:

35、jar sth., jar on sb./sth.)You shouldnt have too many colors in a small space as the effect can jar.巨响使我烦躁不安。The loud bang jarred my nerves.她尖利的(squeaky)嗓音让我不舒服。Her squeaky voice jarred on me.第20页/共34页11. in sight: 1) visibleAs the train pulled into the station my parents standing on the platform wer

36、e soon in sight.大清早,校园里看不到一个人。It was early in the morning and there wasnt anyone in sight on campus.2) likely to come soonThe end of the economic nightmare is still nowhere in sight.A solution to the problem of environmental pollution now seems in sight.两个月过去了,还是看不到胜利的迹象。Two months passed, and victo

37、ry was not yet in sight.第21页/共34页12. remark: n. thing said or written as a commentThe principal of the school made some remarks about educational reform at the meeting.他对我的书作出的无礼(rude)评论让我很不舒服。His rude remark about my book jarred on me.v. onupon 谈论;评论Its impolite to remark on others appearance.deriv

38、. remarkable adj. 不平常的;值得注意的 remarkably adv. 非常地;显著地;引人注目地Collocation:pass without remark 置之不理 general remark 一般说明introductory remark 前言,开场白 as remarked above 如上所述第22页/共34页Cf.: remark, comment”谈论”,“评论”remark:常用词,指议论、评价,常含有一种随便的意味,如I should be pleased to have your remark.Her absence of hair could har

39、dly escape ment: 强调批评性的评述。Some scathing comments were heard from visitors.在来宾那儿听到了一些尖刻的批评。It became a matter of cynical comment among the neighbors.这件事成了邻居们冷嘲热讽的话题。第23页/共34页13. emotional: 1) of the emotionsShe is grateful to him for his emotional support while she was in trouble.处理感情问题很困难。Its quite

40、difficult to handle emotional problems.2) having emotions that are easily excitedMarie got very emotional when we parted, and started to cry.据说意大利人比我们更情感奔放。Its said that the Italians are more emotional than we are.relative wordsemotion n激动;情感;情绪 emotionless a无感情的emotionally ad. 诉诸情感地emotive a情感的;易激动

41、情感的第24页/共34页14. rely on/upon: depend confidently on, put trust inNowadays we rely increasingly on computers to control the flow of traffic.一些孩子非常(heavily)依赖父母给出的建议。Some children relied heavily on the advice of their parents.deriv. reliance n. 信任, 信心, 依靠, 依靠的人或物self-reliance n.Cf.: rely, trust, depen

42、d “信任” “相信”rely完全信任You are the only woman I can rely on.trust常强调基于没有说服力的证据的信仰产生的信心。We must try to trust one another. Stay and cooperate.depend意味着对另一个人的帮助或支持有信心,有“依而定”的意思。It is fool hardy to depend on Middle Eastern countries for our oil supplies.我们依靠中东国家的石油供给是愚蠢的。第25页/共34页15. abuse: n. wrong or bad

43、use or treatment of sth./sb.The World Health Organization (WHO) has published a report on drug abuse and addiction.警察正在调查(investigation)虐待儿童事件。The policemen are making an investigation of child abuse.Cf.: abuse, misuse, mistreat “不公正对待”,“伤害”,“滥用”abuse最普通,指各种故意的或非故意的、言语上的辱骂或行为上的伤害。如:He was always abu

44、sing people when he was drunk.The serf-owners had the right to beat, abuse or even kill the serfs at will.The professor plans to give a presentation on drug abuse in his lecture.misuse指不适当的使用,即“误用”,“滥用”,并不一定是有意的。He misused the idiom.He misused his knife at the table by lifting food with it.mistreat多

45、用于美国英语,表示苛刻或残暴对待,如:The dogs owner mistreated it terribly.The magistrate administrated a public thrashing to the landlord who had mistreated his brother.法官对那虐待兄弟的地主施以当众鞭笞。第26页/共34页16. restore: vt. (1) bring back to a former condition (used in the pattern: restore sth.; restore sb. to sth.)Winning thr

46、ee games restored their confidence.Doing sports every day restored the old man to good health.在这个事件后,法律和秩序将很快得到恢复。Law and order will be quickly restored after the incident. Though badly damaged by fire,the palace was eventually restored to its original splendor. 虽然这座宫殿遭到了大火的严重损坏,但经修复,最终恢复了它原有的壮观。(2)

47、(to) give back 归还;交还The stolen bike was restored after the thief was caught. 贼抓到后,自行车被归还了。deriv. restoration n. 恢复;复原;归还 restorative adj. 有助于恢复健康与体力的Collocation:restore.to. 使.恢复到;把.还给第27页/共34页17. arrange: prepare or plan (used in the pattern: arrange sth.; arrange to do sth.; arrange for sb./sth. to

48、 do sth.)Her marriage was arranged by her parents.I have arranged for a taxi to pick us up at 8:00 a.m.你擅长插花吗?Are you good at arranging flowers?I could arrange for you to come along with us if you like.deriv. arrangement n. 安排;排列;整理 arranged adj. 被安排好的rearrange vt. 再排列;重新整理The minister had his secre

49、taries _ a press conference.A. arrange B. to arrange C. arranging D. arranged第28页/共34页18. flee: run away (from) (used in the pattern: flee from/to; flee someplace)During the war, thousands upon thousands of Afghans fled the country.当警铃响起,顾客们纷纷逃离银行。The customers fled from the bank when the alarm soun

50、ded.Up to five million political refugees have fled to other countries.Cf.: escapeflee两个词都有“逃跑”的含义escape指逃离对自己的限制、对个人利益的危险等。He was recaptured after he escaped. 他逃跑后又被逮捕了。flee指因惧怕或避开危害而匆忙地逃遁,往往强调逃跑的行为动作。The enemy fled in disorder. 敌人仓惶溃逃。Thousands have been compelled to flee the country. 成千上万的人被迫逃离了祖

51、国。He slammed the bedroom door behind him and fled. 他摔上身后卧室的门逃走了。第29页/共34页19. interview: n. 1) a meeting at which a journalist asks sb. questions in order to find out their newsIn an exclusive interview with our reporter, the film star revealed some of his personal affairs.广播采访一般比电视采访松弛一些。Radio inter

52、views are generally more relaxed than television ones.2) a formal meeting at which sb. applying for a job is asked questions, as a way of judging how suitable they are.I have been asked to go for an interview for a project I applied for at Harvard University.她已经参加了两三个(a couple of)求职面试了,但还没有得到一个工作邀请(

53、offer)。She has had a couple of job interviews, but no offers. 第30页/共34页V.After the press conference, the journalist interviewed the UN Secretary General about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.作为记者,他采访了很多政府官员。As a journalist, he interviewed many government officials.I will be interviewed next week fo

54、r the Chief Executives job.deriv. interviewee n. 被接见者;被访问者 Interviewer n会见者;记者Collocation: give an interview to sb.接见某人have an interview with sb.会见某人job interview工作面试depth interview对顾客需要的深入查询individual interview个别谈话panel interview专门小组会谈第31页/共34页20. annoy vt. make angry;irritate;bother 使恼怒;使烦恼deriv.

55、annoyance n. 烦恼;可厌之事 annoying adj. 恼人的;讨厌的annoyed adj. 懊恼的;苦恼的Collocation: annoy sb. by doing sth. 因做某事而感到生气be annoyed at sth. 对.生气 be annoyed with 被.苦恼Cf.: annoy,bother,disturb,interfereinterrupt 这五个词都有“使.烦恼,使.不安”之意bother vt., vi. 强调不停地“扰乱,烦扰,使人不得安宁”,强调动作,而不强调由此产生的烦恼心理。(1) He comes bothering me wit

56、h foolish questions day after day. 他天天拿傻问题烦扰我。(2) I dont bother my head about office politics;they have no interest for me.我不愿为人际关系自寻烦恼,我对此毫无兴趣。(3) They cant see any reason for bothering about you. 他们认为没有任何理由为你担心。 第32页/共34页disturb vt. 扰乱,搅乱,惊动,使.紊乱,使.不安(在医学上可指精神错乱)。(1) Tom threw a stone into the wat

57、er and disturbed the smooth surface of the lake. 汤姆将一块石头扔进水中,扰乱了平静的湖面。(2) Dont disturb my things. 别弄乱我的东西。(3)We were disturbed to hear of your illness. 听到你生病的消息,我们深感不安。interfere vt. 干扰,干涉。指通过一系列手段来干预他人或他人的事物。(1)An elder man interfered to stop the quarrel. 一位长者出面干涉来平息这场争吵。(2) Its not wise to interfer

58、e between husband and wife. 干涉别人夫妻间的事是不明智的。interrupt vt. 打断,中断。尤指中断某活动的连续性。(1) He interrupted me for several times when I was delivering a speech. 我演讲时他数次打断我。(2) The traffic of the city was interrupted by a snowstorm. 该市的交通被暴风雪阻断了。annoy指使人由于干扰、挫折或受不了某种外界情况而感到“烦,烦恼”。(1) Try making a note of the things which annoy you. 试着把让你心烦的事情都记录下来。(2) It annoyed me that I didnt have time to do more ironing. 我没有更多的时间来熨衣服,可真让人烦。(3) We were greatly annoyed at losing the order. 我们因失去订货单而感到异常烦恼。第33页/共34页感谢您的观看。第34页/共34页

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