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1、2022年考博英语-华南师范大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 单选题It was the largest experiment we have ever had; it( )six hours.问题1选项A.endedB.finishedC.wasD.lasted【答案】D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:这是我们做过的最大的实验。此实验持续6小时。结合此处语境,D为正确答案。2. 单选题Some historians are convinced that Rome was a corrupt kingdom that deserved to( ).问题1选项A.dieB.exp

2、ireC.perishD.cease【答案】C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项 die “死亡;消失”,多用于指“有生命的人或物消亡”;B选项 expire “(因到期而)失效;届满;去世”,表示“死亡”时,更强调这个动作,理解为“断气”;C选项 perish “死亡;毁灭”,多用于文学用语,强调事物消失;D选项 cease “(使)停止,终止,结束”。 句意:一些历史学家认为罗马是一个腐败的王国,理应消亡。根据词语的偏向性及语境,此处应指“罗马王国的消失”,C选项正确。3. 单选题Conscience( )him day and night after he saw the miseries

3、 other child which was caused by his misdoings with his own eyes.问题1选项A.racksB.persecutesC.maltreatsD.abuses【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A: rack “折磨”;B: persecute “迫害”;C: maltreat “虐待”;D: abuse “滥用”。句意:在他看到其他孩子由于他的失误所造成的痛苦之后,良心一直折磨着他。良心应和折磨搭配,因此A符合题意。4. 单选题The freshman took a while to( )himself the new environme

4、nt of the university.问题1选项A.familiarizeB.modifyC.orientD.alter【答案】C【解析】考查固定搭配。orient.to“使适应”。句意:大学新生花了一段时间使自己适应大学的新环境。根据句意,C为正确答案。5. 单选题I cannot give you( )for the type of car you sell because there is no demand for it in the market.问题1选项A.an expenseB.a chargeC.a purchaseD.an order【答案】D【解析】考查名词词义辨析。

5、A: an expense “花费”;B: a charge “收费”;C: a purchase “购买”;D: an order “订单、订购”。句意:我不能定购你们出售的这种车,因为没有市场需求。结合此处语境,谈及到没有市场需求,因此D为正确答案。6. 单选题According to the geological theory put forward by a famous geologist at an academic conference newly held in England, the south of Iceland is( )to earthquakes.问题1选项A.d

6、isposedB.likelyC.liableD.inclined【答案】C【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A: disposed “有倾向的;打算做的”;B: likely “很可能的”;C: liable “易遭受的”;D: inclined “趋向于的”。句意:根据一位著名的地理学家在最近英国举行的学术会议上提出的地理理论,爱尔兰的南方有地震的可能性。结合句意,C为正确答案。7. 单选题After completing the big dictionary which was popularly received by readers, this famous scholar set out

7、 to compile a( )to it.问题1选项A.complementB.supplementC.accessoryD.helper【答案】B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A: complement“补足物” ;B: supplement “增补,补充”;C: accessory “附件”;D: helper“助手”。句意:在完成了这部被读者普遍接受的大字典之后,这位著名的学者打算对其补充。根据句意判断出B为正确答案。8. 单选题The inauguration of the new president will be held at 8 oclock( ).问题1选项A.sharplyB

8、.rightC.promptD.punctually【答案】D【解析】考查副词词义辨析题。A: sharply “严厉地;锋利地”;B: right “立刻” ; C: prompt “迅速的; 敏捷的”;D: punctually “准时地”。 句意:新总统的就职典礼将于8点准时举行。根据前文“在八点”得知表示时间的准点,因此可知D为正确答案。9. 单选题By evacuating the inhabitants in the densely populated areas of the city and establishing temporary shelters, the city(

9、)itself for a possible new quake.问题1选项A.boltedB.bracedC.reinforcedD.strapped【答案】B【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A: bolt “筛选;拴上;脱口而出”;B: brace“支撑;预备;准备”;C: reinforce“加固;强化;增援”;D: strap“用带捆扎;用皮带抽打”。 句意:通过疏散该城市人口密集区域的居民,建立临时庇护所,全城做了可能再发生一场地震的防备。根据语境和句意可知B为正确答案。10. 单选题Maggie tiptoed over and took the clock away because s

10、he hated to hear it( )when she was trying to go to sleep.问题1选项A.soundingB.hummingC.tickingD.ringing【答案】C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A: sound “作声,发声,响” ;B: hum “发连续低沉的声音(如蜜 蜂、马达的嗡嗡声)”;C: tick “发出滴答声”;D: ring “鸣,发出清脆响亮的声音”。句意:麦琪蹑手蹑脚走过来把钟拿走了,因为她讨厌在自己想睡觉的时候听它滴答地响。结合此处语境,修饰的是闹钟声,故C为正确答案。11. 单选题When the hostess received

11、 my compliment on her new car, she responded with great pleasure about how the car is a( )buy.问题1选项A.modestB.choiceC.superiorD.eloquent【答案】B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A: modest “谦虚的”;B: choice “精选的”;C: superior “优秀的,出众的”;D: eloquent “意味深长的”。句意:当女主人听到我对她新车的赞美,她高兴地对我讲起来这辆车是如何精心挑选的。结合此处句意,故B为正确答案。12. 单选题A new passe

12、nger liner is( )after through many hardships.问题1选项A.initiatedB.commencedC.launchedD.classified【答案】C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A: initiated “开始;传授” ;B: commenced“开始;着手”;C: launched “发射;开展;使(船,尤指新船)下水”;D: classified “分类”。句意:一艘新的客运班轮经过许多艰难困苦之后下水。根据“passenger liner客轮”这一关键词可知C为正确答案。13. 单选题The sheer diversity of tropic

13、al plants represents a seemingly( )source of raw materials, of which only a few have been utilize.问题1选项A.exploitedB.quantifiableC.controversialD.inexhaustible【答案】D【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A: exploited “开采;利用”;B: quantifiable “可以计量的”;C: controversial “有争议的”;D: inexhaustible “无穷无尽的”。 句意:热带植物绝对的多样性似乎表明有无穷无尽的原材料资源

14、,而这些原材料只有小部分被使用。根据语境和句意可知D最合适。14. 单选题( )me, I think an English-Chinese dictionary is much more helpful to our study than an all English dictionary.问题1选项A.As far asB.AsC.As forD.As regard【答案】C【解析】考查固定搭配。as for “对来说,就而言”。句意:对我来说,我认为一本英汉字典要比一本全英字典要好。根据句意可知C为正确答案。15. 单选题Basic research is the cutting of

15、paths through the unknown. As most of us know today, it is the pacesetter for technology and the raw material of invention.Because basic research is aimed at understanding rather than at practical results, the layman sometimes assumes that it is entirely abstract and theoretical, and that only when

16、it becomes a matter of industrial development does it “come down to earth.” This is a false notion and its falsity becomes increasingly clear with time. Indeed, one striking characteristic of our scientific age has been the disappearance of the barriers between pure and applied science. Not only are

17、 we finding important technological application for mathematical and scientific knowledge which was formerly thought of as abstract and useless, but the advance of technology has both generated new problems in pure science and provided new tools with which such science can be advanced more effective

18、ly. The development of the techniques and hardware for radar during the war, for example, gave the physicist and the chemist a new and refined tool for investigating the properties of solids and of chemical compounds. Conversely, the extensive use of this tool in basic science has opened the way to

19、entirely new techniques in electronics. Similarly, the development of large-scale electronic computers has led engineers to find practical uses for some of the most, abstruse and impractical branches of higher mathematics, while the understanding of the techniques of using computers has, on the othe

20、r hand, given us deeper insight into some aspects of the behavior of complex biological and social systems. Basic and applied science today are distinguished less by method and content than by motivation. Very often indeed, the same man can be both “pure scientist” and “engineer” as he works on diff

21、erent problems or on different parts of one problem.By the word scientist we mean someone who is fit to take part in basic research, to learn without a teacher, to discover and attack significant problems not yet solved, to show the nature of this process to others someone, in short, who is equipped

22、 to spend a lifetime in the advancement of science, to the best of his ability.The process of graduate education and the process of basic research belong together at every possible level. The two kinds of activity reinforce each other in a great variety of, and each is weakened when carried on witho

23、ut the other.If graduate education aims at making scientists, and if inquiry into what is unknown is the moving principle of all science, it is not surprising that experience of this kind of inquiry should be essential in graduate education. Clearly such experience is best obtained in association wi

24、th others who have had it or are having it themselves. The apprentice scientist learns best when he learns in an atmosphere of active research work. In all forms of scientific work, a mans effectiveness is multiplied when he has that depth of understanding of his subject that comes only with the exp

25、erience of working at a research problem.The process of graduate education depends on research just as much as upon “teaching” .Indeed, the two are essentially inseparable and there is a radical error it trying to think of them as different or opposite forms of activity. From the point of view of th

26、e graduate student, the teaching and the research of his professor-are at the crucial point which defines the whole, uniteD.What he learns is not opposite from research; it is research. Of course many necessary parts of a scientists education have little to do with research, and obviously, also, for

27、 many professors there must be a gap between teaching a standard graduate course and working at ones own problems. Moreover, many good teachers men who keep up with the new work in their subject and communicate its meaning clearly to their students are not themselves engaged in research. Yet we insi

28、st on the central point, the would-be scientist must learn what it is like to do science,and this which is research is the most important thing he can be “taught”.So far we have been arguing that graduate education requires the experience of basic research. What happens when we turn the matter aroun

29、d, and ask whether basic research must be carried on only in conjunction with graduate education? Here the answer cannot be so categorical. Though our general conviction is that a fundamentally reciprocal relation does exist, it is clear that research of outstanding quality is often carried on in is

30、olation from reaching and indeed quite, outside the universities. While the great, teacher of graduate students is almost invariably a research man too, there are many notable scientists who have as little as possible to do with teaching. First-rate industrial and governmental laboratories with comm

31、itments to specific programs are necessarily separated in some measure from teaching of a conventional sort. Thus, basic research can be carried on without much connection to graduate education.Yet in the long run it is dangerous to separate research in any field entirely from education. The pool of

32、 graduate students in our universities is the pool from which the scientist of the future must come. These young people do not easily study what is not taught; they do not often learn the meaning of research which does not exist in their environment. A scientific field which has no research life in

33、the universities is at a grave disadvantage in recruiting new members. As learning and teaching require research, so research, in the end, cannot be sustained without teaching. Hence it is always important for research installations to maintain effective connections with students.There is also the f

34、act that in the wider sense all-rate-research laboratories are permeated by an atmosphere of learning. Successful research can be defined, indeed, as learning what has not been taught before, and a good scientist is constantly learning from others. We believe that research, learning and teaching are

35、 deeply connected processes which should kept together wherever possible.1.According to the author, basic research( ).2.Our scientific age is characterized by( ).3.According to the author, a scientist is one( ).4.In discussing the relationship between research and graduate education the author think

36、( ).5.An apprentice scientist learns better in an atmosphere of research work because( ).问题1选项A.is aimed at understanding and therefore, is basically abstract and theoretical.B.has opened the way to entirely new techniques in electronicsC.gives us deeper insight into some aspects of the behavior of

37、complex biological social systems.D.is sometimes hard to distinguish from applied science.问题2选项A.the vanishing of barriers between pure and applied sciencesB.the disappearance of differences between pure and applied sciencesC.practical applications of some of the most abstract and Impractical branch

38、es scienceD.the invention of new and refined tools for investigation and research问题3选项A.who is able to participate in basic research and work on the unsolved problemsB.who is able to develop his abilities in solving problemsC.who is competent to show the process of research to othersD.who is capable

39、 of doing all above-mentioned问题4选项A.that graduate education depends on research just as much as upon teaching.B.that graduate students learn better when they work at a research problemC.that graduate education requires the experience of basic researchD.that graduate education and research are insepa

40、rable and depend on each other.问题5选项A.graduate education requires the experience of basic research.B.many professors are engaged in research and this is the most important thing they teach.C.when a person is doing research he has a better understanding of the subject he learning and thus, the effect

41、iveness is increasedD.the process of graduate education and the process of basic research belong together every possible level【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:D第4题:D第5题:C【解析】1.细节事实题。A选项可以定位到文章中“Because basic research is aimed at understanding rather than at practical results, the layman sometimes assumes that it i

42、s entirely abstract and theoretical.” 中文翻译为:因为基础研究旨在理解而不是实际结果,所以,外行有时认为它完全是抽象的和理论性的。可知A选项错误;由B选项可以定位到文章中“Conversely, the extensive use of this tool in basic science has opened the way to entirely new techniques in electronics.” 中文翻译为:相反,在基础科学中广泛使用这一工具,为电子领域的全新技术开辟了道路。”可知B选项错误;由C选项可以定位到文章中 “while the

43、 understanding of the techniques of using computers has, on the other hand, given us deeper insight into some aspects of the behavior of complex biological and social systems.” 中文翻译为:另一方面,对计算机技术的理解使我们对复杂的生物和社会系统的某些方面有了更深入的了解。可知C选项符合作者观点;根据D选项可以定位到原文 “Indeed, one striking characteristic of our scient

44、ific age has been the disappearance of the barriers between pure and applied science.”中文翻译为:事实上,我们这个科学时代的一个显著特点是,纯科学和应用科学之间的障碍消失了。障碍消失不代表很难将基础科学与应用科学之间区分开,故排除D选项。因此答案为 C。2.细节事实题。根据题干关键词scientific age可定位到文章“Indeed, one striking characteristic of our scientific age has been the disappearance of the ba

45、rriers between pure and applied science”,中文翻译为:事实上,我们这个科学时代的一个显著特点是,纯科学和应用科学之间的障碍消失了。因此A项“纯科学与应用科学之间的障碍消失了”正确。3.推理判断题。根据题干可以定位到原文 “By the word scientist we mean someone who is fit to take part in basic research, to learn without a teacher, to discover and attack significant problems not yet solved,

46、to show the nature of this process to others someone, in short, who is equipped to spend a lifetime in the advancement of science, to the best of his ability.”,中文翻译为:根据科学家这个词,我们可以说他是适合于基础研究、自主学习,发现并攻击尚未解决的重大问题,而且向他人展示这一过程的本质。简而言之,科学家会在科学进步中奉献一生并且尽最大能力去完成。因此,最佳答案为D项。4.推理判断题。由题干关键词the relationship bet

47、ween research and graduate education可以定位到原文 “The process of graduate education and the process of basic research belong together at every possible level. The two kinds of activity reinforce each other in a great variety of, and each is weakened when carried on without the other. ”,中文翻译为:研究生教育的过程和基础研

48、究的过程是各方面的共同努力。这两种活动在各种情况下相互加强,每一种活动在没有对方的情况下都会被削弱。以及“The process of graduate education depends on research just as much as upon “teaching”Indeed, the two are essentially inseparable and there is a radical error it trying to think of them as different or opposite forms of activity.”,中文翻译为:研究生教育的过程就像“

49、教学”一样依赖于研究。事实上,两者本质上是不可分割的,它试图把它们看作是不同或相反的活动形式,这是一个根本性的错误。可以得出 D项“研究生教育和研究是不可分割的并且互相依赖”为最佳答案。5.细节事实题。由题干可以定位到原文“Clearly such experience is best obtained in association with others who have had it or are having it themselves. The apprentice scientist learns best when he learns in an atmosphere of act

50、ive research work. In all forms of scientific work, a mans effectiveness is multiplied when he has that depth of understanding of his subject that comes only with the experience of working at a research problem. ”,中文翻译为:显然,这种经验最好是与其他已经或正在拥有这种经验的人一起获得。当科学家学徒在积极研究工作的氛围中学习时,他学得最好。在所有形式的科学工作中,当一个人对自己的学科

51、有了深入的理解,而只有在研究问题上工作的经验时,他的效率才会成倍增加。因此,C项“当一个人在做研究时,他对他所学的学科有了更好的理解,从而提高了学习的有效性”正确。16. 单选题A statement and a list( )to the document were issued in yesterdays newspaper.问题1选项A.labeledB.attachedC.clungD.stuck【答案】B【解析】考查固定搭配。attach to表示“(使)贴在上;(使)依附”。句意:昨天的报纸上发表了一份声明以及一份附加在文件上的清单。结合句意,故B为正确答案。17. 单选题He(

52、)his children nothing and gave them whatever they wanted.问题1选项A.rejectedB.deniedC.deprivedD.restricted【答案】B【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A: reject “拒绝接受” ;B: deny “拒绝给予”;C: deprive “剥夺”;D: restrict “限制”。句意:他不拒绝孩子的任何要求,而且能给他们想要的一切。结合此处句意,B为正确答案。18. 单选题Mr. Smith had an unusual( ): he was first an office clerk, then a

53、sailor, and ended up as a school teacher.问题1选项A.professionB.occupationC.positionD.career【答案】D【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项 profession “(需要教育、大量训练和专门学习的法律、医学、教育等脑力劳动方面的)专业或职业”;B选项 occupation “(成为正常的生活来源的一项活动)职业,行业,位置”;C选项 position “(雇用)职位,工作,职务”;D选项 career “事业,生涯;某人工作经历或事业上取得成就的总的过程或进程”。句意:史密斯先生有着不寻常的人生:他起初当过办公室职

54、员,然后当海员,最终做了一名教师。根据句意,选项D选项正确。19. 单选题There is a popular belief among parents that schools are no longer interested in spelling. No school I have taught in has ever ignored spelling or considered it unimportant as a basic skill. There are, however, vastly different ideas about how to teach it, or how

55、 much priority it must be given over general language development and writing ability. The problem is, how to encourage a child to express himself freely and confidently in writing without holding him back with the complexities of spelling.If spelling become the only focal point of his teachers inte

56、rest, clearly a bright child will be likely to play safe. He will tend to write only words within his spelling range, choosing to avoid adventurous language. Thats why teachers often encourage the early use of dictionaries and pay attention to content rather than technical ability.I was once shocked

57、 to read on the bottom of a sensitive piece of writing about a personal experience: “This work is terrible! There are far too many spelling errors and your writing is illegible.” It may have been a sharp criticism of the pupils technical abilities in writing, but it was also a sad reflection on the

58、teacher who had omitted to read the essay, which contained some beautiful expressions of the childs deep feelings. The teacher was not wrong to draw attention to the errors, but if his priorities had centered on the childs ideas, an expression of his disappointment with the presentation would have g

59、iven the pupil more motivation to seek improvement.1.Teachers differ in their opinions about( ).2.The expression play safe probably means( ).3.Teachers encourage the use of dictionaries so that( ).4.The writer seems to think that the teachers judgment on that sensitive piece of writing is( ).5.The m

60、ajor point discussed in the passage is( ).问题1选项A.the difficulties in teaching spellingB.the role of spelling in general language developmentC.the complexities of the basic writing skillsD.the necessity of teaching spelling问题2选项A.to write carefullyB.to do as teachers sayC.Io use dictionaries frequent

61、lyD.to avoid using words one is not sure of问题3选项A.students will be able to express their ideas more freelyB.teachers will have less trouble in correcting mistakesC.students will have more confidence in writingD.students will learn to be independent of teachers问题4选项A.reasonableB.unfairC.foolishD.care

62、less问题5选项A.the importance of developing writing skillsB.the complexities of spellingC.the correct way of marking compositionsD.the relationship between spelling and the content of a composition【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:A第4题:B第5题:D【解析】1.细节事实题。由题干可以定位到文章第一段中 “There are,however, vastly different ideas about ho

63、w to teach it, or how much priority it must be given over general language development and writing ability”,中文翻译为 “然而,对于怎么来教拼写或者是从提高整个语言的发展和写作能力 方面来说,把拼写放在什么样优先的地位存在着许多不同的看法。”以及 “The problem is, how to encourage a child to express himself freely and confidently in writing without holding him back with the complexities of spelling.”中文翻译为:“所存在

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