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1、2022年考博英语-全国医学统考考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 单选题16-20问题1选项A.He is having a physical checkup.B.He has just undergone an operation.C.He has just recovered from an illness.D.He will be discharged from the hospital this afternoon.问题2选项A.He got an infection in the lungs.B.He had his gallbladder inflamed.C.He w

2、as suffering from influenza.D.He had developed a big kidney stone.问题3选项A.A bit better.B.Terribly awful.C.Couldnt be better.D.Okay, but a bit weak.问题4选项A.To be confined to a wheelchair.B.To stay indoors for a complete recovery.C.To stay in bed and drink a lot of water.D.To move about and enjoy the su

3、nshine.问题5选项A.From4 p.m.to6 p. m.B.From5 p.m.to7 p. m.C.From6 p. m. to8 p. m.D.From7 p.m. to9 p. m.【答案】第1题:B第2题:B第3题:D第4题:D第5题:C【解析】W: Hello.M: Hello!W: So, did you have a comfortable night?M: No, not really.W: Sorry to hear that. And how are you feeling at the moment?M: A bit better.W: You dont fee

4、l sick at all?M: No, Im OK.W: Thats good! Are you having sips of water?M: No.W: Would you like some?M: Well, I dont really feel likeW: Ah, you cant drink anything at the moment.M: The nurses have been giving me mouth washes.W: Yes. I think you begin to pick up as the day goes on. And well carry on g

5、iving you something to ease the discomfort. Does it hurt much?M: Well, it does when I move about.W: Right. (19) But the sooner we have you on the move, the quicker you start to heal. So well help you sit in the chair this afternoon. Enjoy the sunshine.M: OK, I cant say Im really looking forward to t

6、hat.W: (17) You have a pretty big gall stone and the Gall bladder was quite inflamed. There was a lot of infection around it and inside it. (16)Well, its out now. So no need to worry about it. It wont cause you any more trouble.M: Uh.W: Any more questions or anything we can do for you?M: No, I think

7、 I m OK. (18) Im feeling a bit of weak at the moment. When will my wife be able to come and see me? The nurses told me before, but I cant remember.W: (20) The visiting hours are from 6 to 8 in the evening.M: OK, thank you. Shell be here tonight in that case.W: Fine. Ill stop in to see you tomorrow.M

8、: Thank you.16. Whats true about the man in the conversation?【解析】女士说“Well, its out now. So no need to worry about it. It wont cause you any more trouble”可知,男士得了胆结石,而且胆囊发炎,但现在取出来了,所以是刚经历过手术。故选B。17. What was wrong with the man?【解析】女士说“You have a pretty big gall stone and the gallbladder was quite infl

9、amed”,由此可知,他胆囊发炎了。故选B。18. How is the man feeling now?【解析】男士说“Im feeling a bit of weak at the moment”,由此可知,病人仍旧感到虚弱。19. Whats the man supposed to do according to the doctors orders?【解析】女士说“But the sooner we have you on the move, the quicker you start to heal. So well help you sit in the chair this af

10、ternoon. Enjoy the sunshine”可知,男士会四处活动一下。故选D。20. Whats the hospitals visiting hours?【解析】女士“The visiting hours are from 6 to 8 in the evening”可知,探访时间是晚上6点到8点。故选C。2. 单选题26-30问题1选项A.About 90.000B.About 100.000C.Several hundredsD.About 5.000问题2选项A.Warning from Goddard Space Flight Center.B.Warning from

11、the Kenya Health Ministry.C.Experiences gained from the 1997 outbreak.D.Proper and prompt aid from NASA(美国国家航空航天局).问题3选项A.Distributing mosquito nets.B.Persuading people not to slaughter animals.C.Urging people not to eat animals.D.Dispatching doctors to the epidemic-stricken area.问题4选项A.The higher s

12、urface temperatures in the equatorial part of the Indian Ocean.B.The short-lived mosquito that were the hosts of the viruses.C.The warm and dry weather in the Horn of Africa.D.The heavy but the intermittent rains.问题5选项A.Warning from NASA .B.How to treat Rift Valley Fever (裂谷热).C.The disastrous effec

13、ts of Rift Valley Fever.D.Satellites and global health-remote diagnosis.【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:D第4题:A第5题:A【解析】In December 1997 large numbers of cattle, goats and sheep began dying in the Garissa district of north-eastern Kenya. A month later people started dying, too. It was, at the time, the biggest rec

14、orded outbreak of Rift Valley fever in East Africa. (26)Some 100,000 stock animals succumbed and about 90,000 people were infected, hundreds fatally in five countries.In December 2007 the same thing happened. Or, rather it started to happen but was stopped in its tracks. (27)The difference was that

15、the second time around there was warning. In September researchers at the Goddard Space Flight Centre, Greenbelt, Maryland, part of Americas space agency, NASA, told the authorities in Kenya that they had a problem. They told them again in October. And again in November. By the time the epidemic eme

16、rged (28) the Kenyan health ministry had dispatched teams to the area to distribute mosquito nets and urge village leaders and religious authorities to stop people slaughtering and eating animals.Through the outbreak still killed 300 people in Kenya, Somalia and Tanzania, it could have been a lot wo

17、rse. According to Kenneth Linthicum of Americas Department of Agriculture, the number of deaths would probably have been more than twice as high without the warning.(30)The warning itself was possible because of a model of how disease spreads that Dr. Linthicum helped design. And the data that were

18、plugged into that model came from satellites.What the researchers at Goddard had noticed at the time of the first outbreak was that in the months preceding it, surface temperatures in the equatorial part of the Indian Ocean had risen by half a degree. (29)These higher temperatures brought heavy and

19、sustained rains, cloud cover and warmer air to much of the Horn of Africa. Mosquitoes multiplied wildly, and lived long enough for the virus that causes the fever to develop to the point where it is easily transmissible.In September 2007 the researchers saw the same thing happening in the ocean, and

20、 suspected the same consequences would follow.26. How many stock animals died at the result of outbreak of Rift Valley fever in 1997?【解析】根据录音中的“Some 10.000 stock animals succumbed and about 90,000 people were infected,hundreds fatally in five countries.”可知,本题答案为B。27. What helped stop the outbreak of

21、 Rift Valley fever in 2007?【解析】从录音中“The difference was that the second time around there was warning. part of Americas space agency, NASA, told the authorities in Kenya that they had a problem. They told them again in October. And again in November.”可知,第二次的区别在于有来自NASA及时而准确的警告。故本题答案为D。28. Which of th

22、e following is not mentioned as the major to prevent in 2007 outbreak spreading?【解析】从录音中“.the Kenyan health ministry had dispatched teams to the area to distribute mosquito nets and urge village leaders and religious authorities to stop people slaughtering and eating animals.”可知,只有D选项不是制止瘟疫肆虐的举措。29.

23、 What trigger the two outbreaks of the Rift Valley fever in Africa?【解析】从录音中“surface temperatures in the equatorial part of the Indian Ocean had risen by half a degree.”可知,A是正确答案,B选项应该改成long-lived mosquitoes, C项应为“cloud cover and warmer air in the Horn of Africa”,D项应为“heavy and sustained rains”。30. W

24、hat is the talk mainly about?【解析】该录音主要内容是从NASA给予肯尼亚及时迅捷的警示,使其在2007年瘟疫爆发的时候避免了10年前的厄运。因此A选项是正确答案(来自NASA的警告)。3. 单选题Many problems that we face, such as depression, compulsive and addictive behaviors, and anxiety, result from human inherent desire to seek pleasure.问题1选项A.consecutiveB.excessiveC.obsessiv

25、eD.possessive【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. consecutive 连贯的;连续不断的 B. excessive 过多的C. obsessive 强迫性的;着迷的 D. possessive 占有的;所有的【答案】C【考查点】形容词辨析。【解题思路】划线单词前面说我们面临许多行为,这些行为有抑郁和成瘾性行为,以及焦虑,都是一些不好的行为,划线处单词与这些行为并列,由此可知划线处单词也是不好的行为。所以C选项“强迫性”符合题意。划线单词compulsive“强迫性的”。【干扰项排除】A、B、D选项均不符合句意。【句意】我们所面临的许多问题,如抑郁、强迫性和成瘾行为,以及焦虑,都

26、是源于人类内在的寻求快乐的欲望。4. 单选题问题1选项A.His wife has just passed away.B.His wife is unconscious.C.He suffers from shortness of breath.D.He suffers from depression.【答案】B【解析】1. M: I need a doctor right now.W: Tell me the problem, sir.M: My wife just passed out.W: Sir, Its difficult to understand you. Please take

27、 a deep breath and calm down.Q: Why does the man make the call?【试题答案】B【试题解析】事实细节题。题干为:这个男子为什么打这通电话?由文中“My wife just passed out.(我妻子晕过去了)”,可知B选项“His wife is unconscious.(他的妻子失去意识了)”符合原文。A选项“我的妻子刚刚去世了”;C选项“他呼吸急促”;D选项“他患有抑郁症”不符合原文。5. 单选题5.问题1选项A.Her daughter likes ball games.B.Her daughter is an excell

28、ent girl.C.She and her daughter are good friends.D.She and her daughter wont understand each other.【答案】D【解析】W: Ive been so worried about my daughter. Shes so different in temperament from me. We are not always on the same wheeling. M: Thats quite common with mothers and daughters. W: She is a furthe

29、r personality and very much on the ball, but she is an excitable child. Q: What does the woman mean? 【解析】常用习语。女士说:We are not always on the same wheeling,意思是他们经常无法达成一致。6. 单选题 This year mark the 100th anniversary of the deadliest event in U.S. history: the Spanish influenza epidemic of 1918. Although

30、science and technology have advanced tremendously over the past century, the Pandemic peril remains; a recent exercise at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security showed that an epidemic of an influenza-like virus could kill 15 million Americans in a single year. The medical communitys response

31、to this danger is, understandably, focused on research and responsediscovering new vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics and fighting ongoing epidemics, such as the current Ebola outbreak in Congo. But these urgent undertakings are not sufficient. If the World is to tackle many factors that raise

32、our risk of a devastating pandemic, the medical community may have to enter theatres of operation beyond the laboratory bench and the treatment unit and publicly engage with controversial issues that some observers would consider nonmedical. Indeed, I believe that only such efforts can save us from

33、the social trends, political movements, and policy failures that arc elevating our risk of a pandemic. There are three aspects in particular where the medical communitys intervention is urgently needed. First is the rising tide of isolationism and xenophobia (排外) in many high-income nations, particu

34、larly the United States and European countries. The belief that isolating ourselves from the world can prevent the spread of diseases is irrational: we can build no wall high enough to keep out infectious diseases and disease-bearing vectors. The second trend is the growing tide of antiscientific th

35、inking and resistance to evidence-based medicine. In low-income countries, skepticism about vaccines is an everlasting challenge, but what we are seeing in the United States and Europe is something very different, and very dangerous. The growing refusal of parents in high-income countries to vaccina

36、te their children is the tip of an iceberg that could sink us all in the event of an epidemic demanding rapid vaccine deployment and acceptance. Finally, and perhaps most fundamentally, medical professionals can step into the public arena to take on unpleasant and contentious political issues such a

37、s climate change and isolationism. Many members of the medical community prefer to avoid becoming involved in controversial issues that seem to be outside the scope of medical concerns, but their voices are needed to confront such issues.1. What does the author mainly do in the first paragraph?2. To

38、 address the increasing risk of pandemics, the author suggests that the medical community( ).3. According to Paragraph 3, what do the United States and European countries need to do to prevent infectious diseases and disease-bearing vectors?4.What can be said of the second trend mentioned in Paragra

39、ph 4?5. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?问题1选项A.Warn the world against the upcoming influenza pandemic.B.Give credit to tremendous advances in science and technology.C.Remind the readers of the potential devastating pandemic perils.D.Reflect on the severity of the Spanish influenza epide

40、mic of 1918.问题2选项A.focus more on the urgent undertakingsB.pay more attention to research and responseC.make quicker response in fighting ongoing epidemicsD.get more actively engaged with issues other than medical问题3选项A.To build high walls.B.To maintain an open mentality.C.To isolate themselves from

41、each other.D.To learn from other high-income nations.问题4选项A.Skepticism about vaccines can be tackled easily.B.Antiscientific thinking is not serious in low-income countries.C.High-income countries should learn from low-income countries.D.Parental resistance to vaccinating their children can be disas

42、trous.问题5选项A.Medical concerns are as controversial as nonmedical issues.B.Medical professionals should be more concerned with medical issues.C.More and more medical professionals are involved in controversial issues.D.The medical community should play a more active role in controversial issues.【答案】第

43、1题:C第2题:D第3题:B第4题:D第5题:D【解析】1.【选项释义】What does the author mainly do in the first paragraph? 作者在第一段主要做什么?A. Warn the world against the upcoming influenza pandemic. A. 警告世界警惕即将到来的流感大流行。B. Give credit to tremendous advances in science and technology. B. 把功劳归于科学技术的巨大进步。C. Remind the readers of the potent

44、ial devastating pandemic perils. C. 提醒读者潜在的毁灭性流行病的危险。D. Reflect on the severity of the Spanish influenza epidemic of 1918. D. 回顾1918年西班牙流感疫情的严重性。【答案】C【考查点】主旨大意题。【解题思路】第一段“虽然科学和技术在过去一个世纪中取得了巨大的进步,但流行病的危险仍然存在。”可知这里作者想“提醒读者注意潜在的毁灭性流行病的危险”,故C选项符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项“警告世界警惕即将到来的流感大流行。”,属于对第一段的片面理解,该选项以偏概全;B选项“把

45、功劳归于科学技术的巨大进步。”,对第一段的片面理解,属于以偏概全;D选项“回顾1918年西班牙流感疫情的严重性。”,第一段没有提及严重性,属于无中生有。2.【选项释义】To address the increasing risk of pandemics, the author suggests that the medical community( ). 为了应对不断增加的流行病风险,作者建议医学界_。A. focus more on the urgent undertakings A. 把更多的精力放在紧急的事情上B. pay more attention to research and

46、response B. 多注意研究和应对C. make quicker response in fighting ongoing epidemics C. 迅速应对疫情D. get more actively engaged with issues other than medical D. 积极参与医疗以外的问题【答案】D【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干信息可定位至原文第二段第二句和第三句“但这些紧急措施是不够的。如果我们要应对诸多引起毁灭性流行病风险的因素,医学界可能要超越实验室和治疗单位,进入实际,并公开参与某些观察家认为的非医学的争议性问题。”可知作者建议医学界要参与医疗以外

47、的问题。D选项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“把更多的精力放在紧急的事情上”,文中没有提及属于无中生有;B选项“多注意研究和应对”,文中没有提及属于无中生有;C选项“迅速应对疫情”,可以定位到倒数第二段的最后一句“高收入国家的父母越来越拒绝为孩子接种疫苗,这只是冰山一角,一旦出现需要迅速部署和接受疫苗的疫情,我们所有人都可能陷入困境。”,从中可知原文只是提到一旦出现需要迅速部署和接受疫苗的疫情,我们所有人都可能陷入困境,并没有说为了应对不断增加的流行病风险,作者建议医学界应该迅速应对疫情,属于张冠李戴。3.【选项释义】According to Paragraph 3, what do the Un

48、ited States and European countries need to do to prevent infectious diseases and disease-bearing vectors? 根据第3段,美国和欧洲国家需要做什么来预防传染病和携带疾病的媒介?A. To build high walls. A. 建造高墙。B. To maintain an open mentality. B. 保持开放的心态。C. To isolate themselves from each other. C. 使他们彼此隔离。D. To learn from other high-inc

49、ome nations. D. 向其他高收入国家学习。【答案】B【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据出处提示词Paragraph 3与题干信息可定位至原文第三段,该段提到了美国和欧洲国家在预防流行病上具有排外和孤立的思潮。由第三段第二句“认为将自己与世界隔绝就能防止疾病传播的想法是不合理的:我们无法筑起足够高的墙来阻挡传染病和传播疾病的媒介。”由此句可知不应该有排外和独立他国的思想,所以B选项“保持开放的心态”是美国和欧洲国家需要做的。【干扰项排除】A选项“建造高墙。”,由解题思路可知文中提到“我们无法筑起足够高的墙来阻挡传染病和传播疾病的媒介。”,该选项属于反向干扰;C选项“使他们彼此隔离

50、。”,由解题思路可知文中提到“认为将自己与世界隔绝就能防止疾病传播的想法是不合理的”,该选项属于反向干扰;D选项“向其他高收入国家学习。”,文中没有提及,属于无中生有。4.【选项释义】What can be said of the second trend mentioned in Paragraph 4? 第四段提到的第二种趋势是什么?A. Skepticism about vaccines can be tackled easily. A. 对疫苗的怀疑很容易解决。B. Antiscientific thinking is not serious in low-income countri

51、es. B. 反科学思想在低收入国家并不严重。C. High-income countries should learn from low-income countries. C. 高收入国家应该向低收入国家学习。D. Parental resistance to vaccinating their children can be disastrous. D. 父母对给孩子接种疫苗的抵制可能是灾难性的。【答案】D【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据出处提示词Paragraph 4与题干信息词second trend可定位至原文第四段第一句“第二个趋势是越来越多的反科学思维和对循证医学的抵制”

52、。该趋势中提到“在低收入国家,对疫苗的怀疑是一个永恒的挑战”以及“高收入国家的父母越来越拒绝为孩子接种疫苗”,因此选D。【干扰项排除】A选项“对疫苗的怀疑很容易解决。”,原文提到“对疫苗的怀疑是一个永恒的挑战”,该选项属于反向干扰;B选项“反科学思想在低收入国家并不严重。”,由解题思路可知与第二种趋势相反,属于反向干扰;C选项“高收入国家应该向低收入国家学习。”,该段没有提及,属于无中生有。5.【选项释义】What can be inferred from the last paragraph? 从最后一段可以推断出什么?A. Medical concerns are as controver

53、sial as nonmedical issues. A. 医疗问题和非医疗问题一样具有争议性。B. Medical professionals should be more concerned with medical issues. B. 医疗专业人员应该更关注医疗问题。C. More and more medical professionals are involved in controversial issues. C. 越来越多的医疗专业人员卷入了有争议的问题。D. The medical community should play a more active role in co

54、ntroversial issues. D. 医疗界应该在有争议的问题上发挥更积极的作用。【答案】D【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据出处提示词last paragraph与题干信息可定位至原文最后一段第一句“最后,也许是最根本的,医学专业人员可以步入公共舞台,处理令人不快和有争议的政治问题,如气候变化和孤立主义”,由此句可知医学人员可以多去处理医学以外的有争议的问题。因此D选项符合原文,选D。【干扰项排除】A选项“医疗问题和非医疗问题一样具有争议性。”,文中没有提及属于无中生有;B选项“医疗专业人员应该更关注医疗问题。”,与最后一段意思相反,原文是希望医学人员处理医学以外的有争议的政治问

55、题等,该选项属于反向干扰;C选项“越来越多的医疗专业人员卷入了有争议的问题。”,文中没有提及属于无中生有。7. 单选题6.问题1选项A.He hurt his uncle.B.He hurt his ankle.C.He has a swollen toe.D.He needs a minor surgery.【答案】B【解析】W: Where is your injury? M: Here, my ankle. W: How did it happen? M: I tripped over on the pavement and twisted it. It was swollen and

56、very painful. Q: What is true about the man? 【解析】细节题。男士说:Here, my ankle,即他伤到了脚踝。8. 单选题He says that constant thirst is an undesirable effect of chemotherapy for which no remedy exists in Western medical practice, but certain herbs do provide relief for such patients.问题1选项A.protectionB.provisionC.theo

57、ryD.therapy【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. protection 保护 B. provision 条款C. theory 理论 D. therapy 治疗;疗法【答案】D【考查点】名词辨析。【解题思路】划线词前的句子意思为“他说,持续的口渴是化疗的不良效果(He says that constant thirst is an undesirable effect of chemotherapy)”,划线词后的句意为“但某些草药确实可以缓解这类患者的症状”,由后半句句意“缓解这类患者的症状”可知西方医学是没有真正能解决化疗的不良效果的方法,即治疗方法,所以D选项“治疗,疗法”符合句

58、意。划线单词remedy“补救措施”。【干扰项排除】A、B、C选项均不符合句意。【句意】他说,持续的口渴是化疗的不良后果,在西方医学实践中没有任何补救措施,但某些草药确实为这类病人提供缓解。9. 单选题16-20问题1选项A.Liver failure.B.Breast cancer.C.Kidney failure.D.Diabetes out of control.问题2选项A.Shape.B.Color.C.Price.D.Size.问题3选项A.It is much smaller than a microwave.B.It leaves much room for reduction

59、.C.It is adjustable.D.It is perfect.问题4选项A.It is under a clinical trial.B.It is available in the market.C.It is widely used in the clinic.D.It is in the experimental stage.问题5选项A.The commercial companies have invested a lot in the new machine.B.The further development of the machine is in financial

60、trouble.C.The federal government finances the research.D.The machine will come into being in no time.【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:B第4题:D第5题:C【解析】A lot of doctors can tell whats wrong with you by sleeping, and I can do this by smelling. This actually goes back to the day of ancient Greece. For example, you can

61、walk into a room or get close to a patient who had diabetes that is not well controlled. There is a kind of sweetish smell. That means I can walk into a room and tell if a patient has kidney failure or liver failure. And now there is a machine that can do that too. It is fascinating that there have

62、been these machines in the past, but they were just enormous. These machines are impossible to use clinically, because, you know, in a whole room for the equipments. So in the past, they were not used in therapy. But the newly-invented ones are very small and concise. They use new laser technology and now available given the size of the machine. Unlike the previous, they are just of the size of microwave. However, they are very much in the experimental stage. Interesting. Unlike any of these things which are produce

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