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1、2022年考博英语-合肥工业大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Resources can be said to be scarce in both an absolute and a relative sense: the surface of the earth is finite, imposing absolute scarcity; but the scarcity that concerns economists is the relative scarcity of resources in different uses. Materials used for

2、 one purpose cannot at the same time be used for other purposes; if the quantity of an input is limited, the increased use of it in one manufacturing process must cause it to become less available for other uses.The cost of a product in terms of money may not measure its true cost to society. The tr

3、ue cost of, say, the construction of a supersonic jet is the value of the schools and refrigerators that will never be built as a result. Every act of production uses up some of societys available resources; it means the foregoing of an opportunity to produce something else. In deciding how to use r

4、esources most effectively to satisfy the wants of the community, this opportunity cost must be taken into account. In a market economy the price of a goods and the quantity supplied depends on the cost of making it, and the cost, ultimately, is the cost of not making other goods. The market mechanis

5、m enforces this relationship. The cost of, say, a pair of shoes is the price of the leather, the fuel, and other elements used up in producing them. But the price of these inputs, in turn, depends on what they can produce elsewhereif the leather can be used to produce handbags that are valued highly

6、 by consumers, the price of leather will be bid up correspondingly.1. According to the passage, what are the opportunity costs of an item?2. What is the relationship between production and resources?3. What determines the price of a goods in a market economy?4. Which of the following statements is t

7、rue according to the passage?5. What are economists concerned about with regard to resources?问题1选项A.The price of the material, labor and other elements consumed in manufacturing it.B.The amount of time and money spent in producing it.C.The value of all the resources used in its production.D.The valu

8、e of what could have been produced instead.问题2选项A.Production reduces the amount of available resources.B.Production has nothing to do with resources.C.Production increases as resources increase.D.Production is stimulated by available resources.问题3选项A.The cost of all elements involved in production.B

9、.The quantity of materials supplied.C.The efficiency of the manufacturing process.D.The cost of labor.问题4选项A.The cost of a product reflects its usefulness in society.B.The cost of a product depends on its quality.C.The price of a product reflects its usefulness in society.D.The price of a product re

10、flects its opportunity costs.问题5选项A.How to tap natural resources.B.How to cope with absolute scarcity of resources.C.How to use available resources appropriately.D.How to convert absolute scarcity of resources into relative one.【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:A第4题:D第5题:C【解析】1.【试题答案】D【试题解析】细节事实题。题干意思是“根据文章,一个商品的机会

11、成本是什么?”。根据第二段中的The true cost of, say, the construction of a supersonic jet is the value of the schools and refrigerators that will never be built as a result. Every act of production uses up some of societys available resources; it means the foregoing of an opportunity to produce something else. In

12、deciding how to use resources most effectively to satisfy the wants of the community, this opportunity cost must be taken into account.(比如说,建造一架超音速飞机的真正成本是因此造成学校和冰箱永远不会被建立。每一种生产行为都会消耗一些社会可用资源;它意味着放弃一个生产其他东西的机会。在决定如何最有效地利用资源以满足社会需求时,必须考虑到这种机会成本。)可知,机会成本是指一种生产行为导致了另外一种生产的机会的丧失,即生产一种产品的机会成本可能是生产其他产品的价值

13、,D项“本可以生产的东西的价值”正确;A项“生产过程中所消耗的材料、劳动力和其他要素的价格”、B项“生产它所花费的时间和金钱”和C项“生产过程中使用的所有资源的价值”都是包括在“生产一种产品是生产其他产品的价值”内。因此,该题选择D项正确。2.【试题答案】A【试题解析】推理判断题。题干意思是“生产与资源的关系是什么?”。根据第一段Resources can be said to be scarce in both an absolute and a relative sense: the surface of the earth is finite, imposing absolute sca

14、rcityMaterials used for one purpose cannot at the same time be used for other purposes; if the quantity of an input is limited, the increased use of it in one manufacturing process must cause it to become less available for other uses.(无论在绝对意义上还是相对意义上,资源都可以说是稀缺的:地球表面是有限的,这是绝对稀缺为一种目的使用的材料不得同时为其他目的使用;

15、如果一种投入的数量是有限的,那么它在一个生产过程中的增加使用必然会导致它在其他方面的可用性更少。)可以推知,如果资源投入的数量有限,生产过程中的增加使用会减少可用资源的数量,A项“生产减少了可用资源的数量”正确;由此也可知B项“生产与资源无关”和C项“生产随着资源的增加而增加”错误;D项“生产是由可用资源刺激的”不能推断出来。因此,该题选择A项正确。3.【试题答案】A【试题解析】细节事实题。题干意思是“在市场经济中,什么决定了一件商品的价格?”。根据第二段中的In a market economy the price of a goods and the quantity supplied d

16、epends on the cost of making it, and the cost, ultimately, is the cost of not making other goods.(在市场经济中,一种商品的价格和供给量取决于生产该商品的成本,而成本最终是不生产其他商品的成本。)可知,A项“生产中涉及的所有要素的成本”正确;由此也可知B项“提供材料的数量”和C项“生产过程的效率”错误;D项“劳动力成本”是包括在成本之内的,除了劳动力成本还有其他要素的成本。因此,该题选择A项正确。4.【试题答案】D【试题解析】推理判断题。题干意思是“根据文章,下列哪个陈述是正确的?”。由第二段中的I

17、n a market economy the price of a goods and the quantity supplied depends on the cost of making it, and the cost, ultimately, is the cost of not making other goods. The market mechanism enforces this relationship. The cost of, say, a pair of shoes is the price of the leather, the fuel, and other ele

18、ments used up in producing them. But the price of these inputs, in turn, depends on what they can produce elsewhere(在市场经济中,一种商品的价格和供给量取决于生产该商品的成本,而成本最终是不生产其他商品的成本。比方说,一双鞋的成本就是皮革、燃料和生产过程中所消耗的其他元素的价格。但反过来,这些原料的价格取决于它们在其他地方能生产什么)可知,产品的价格取决于生产中涉及的所有要素的成本,反过来,投入的材料的价格由能够生产的其他产品决定, 即机会成本,所以可以推断,产品的价格反映了机会

19、成本, D项“产品的价格反映了它的机会成本”正确;由此也可知C项“产品的价格反映了它在社会中的实用性”错误;A项“产品成本反映了它在社会中的实用性”表述不正确,产品的成本有很多要素,其中的原料要素成本才是反映它在社会中的实用性;B项“产品的成本取决于它的质量”错误,产品的成本包括很多要素,而其中的原料成本取决于能够生产的其他产品是什么。因此,该题选择D项正确。5.【试题答案】C【试题解析】推理判断题。题干意思是“在资源方面,经济学家关心什么?”。第一段讲了资源的相对稀缺性:Resources can be said to be scarce in both an absolute and a

20、relative sense: the surface of the earth is finite, imposing absolute scarcity; but the scarcity that concerns economists is the relative scarcity of resources in different uses. Materials used for one purpose cannot at the same time be used for other purposes; if the quantity of an input is limited

21、, the increased use of it in one manufacturing process must cause it to become less available for other uses.(无论在绝对意义上还是相对意义上,资源都可以说是稀缺的:地球表面是有限的,这是绝对稀缺;但是,经济学家关注的稀缺性是不同用途资源的相对稀缺性。为一种目的使用的材料不得同时为其他目的使用;如果一种投入的数量是有限的,那么它在一个生产过程中的增加使用必然会导致它在其他方面的可用性更少。)然后第二段主要阐述产品的机会成本,综合推理可知,在资源方面,经济学家关心的是如何利用现有的资源,C

22、项“如何合理利用现有资源”正确;A项“如何开发自然资源”文中没有提及;B项“如何应对资源的绝对稀缺”不正确,在第一段就提到了经济学家关注的是相对稀缺性;D项“如何将资源的绝对稀缺转化为相对稀缺”与文意不符。因此,该题选择C项正确。2. 单选题Joyce is loved by all her friends because she is very congenial.问题1选项A.pleasantB.wealthyC.courageousD.sensitive【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。congenial表示“意气相投的,性格相似的,适意的”;A项pleasant“令人愉快的,舒适的,讨

23、人喜欢的”,B项wealthy“富有的,充分的”,C项courageous“有胆量的,勇敢的”,D项sensitive“敏感的,感觉的”。句意:乔伊斯因为性格很相投,所以她的朋友都很喜欢她。根据句意可知,四个选项中只有A项的意思符合句子。因此,该题选择A项正确。3. 单选题The first two decades of this century were dominated by the microbe hunters. These hunters had tracked down one after another of the microbes responsible for the m

24、ost dreaded scourges of many centuries: tuberculosis, cholera, diphtheria. But there remained some terrible diseases for which no microbe could be incriminated: scurvy, pellagra, rickets, and beriberi. Then it was discovered that these diseases were caused by the lack of vitamins, a trace substance

25、in the diet. The diseases could be prevented or cured by consuming foods that contained the vitamins. And so in the decades of the l920s and 1930s, nutrition became a science and the vitamin hunters replaced the microbe hunters.In the 1940s and l950s, biochemists strived to learn why each of the vit

26、amins was essential for health. They discovered that key enzymes in metabolism depend on one or another of the vitamins as coenzymes to perform the chemistry that provides cells with energy for growth and function. Now, these enzyme hunters occupied center stage.You are aware that the enzyme hunters

27、 have been replaced by a new breed of hunters who are tracking genesthe blueprints for each of the enzymesand are discovering the defective genes that cause inherited diseasesdiabetes, cystic fibrosis. These gene hunters, or genetic engineers, use recombinant DNA technology to identify and clone gen

28、es and introduce them into bacterial cells and plants to create factories for the massive production of hormones and vaccines for medicine and for better crops for agriculture. Biotechnology has become a multibillion-dollar industry.In view of the inexorable progress in science, we can expect that t

29、he gene hunters will be replaced in the spotlight. When and by whom? Which kind of hunter will dominate the scene in the last decade of our waning century and in the early decades of the next? I wonder whether the hunters who will occupy the spotlight will be neurobiologists who apply the techniques

30、 of the enzyme and gene hunters to the functions of the brain. What to call them? The head hunters, I will return to them later.5. What is the main topic of the passage?6. How do vitamins influence health?7. Which of the following best describes the authors tone in the last paragraph of the passage?

31、8. With which of the following statements would the author be most likely to agree?问题1选项A.The microbe hunters.B.The potential of genetic engineering.C.The progress of modern medical research.D.The discovery of enzymes.问题2选项A.They are necessary for some enzymes to function.B.They protect the body fro

32、m microbes.C.They keep food from spoiling.D.They are broken down by cells to produce energy.问题3选项A.CriticalB.SpeculativeC.AppreciativeD.Emotional问题4选项A.The focus of medical research will change in the next two decades.B.Medical breakthroughs often depend on luck.C.Medical research throughout the twe

33、ntieth century has been dominated by microbe hunters.D.Most diseases are caused by defective genes.【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:B第4题:A【解析】5. 【试题答案】C【试题解析】主旨大意题。由第一段中The first two decades of this century were dominated by the microbe hunters.(微生物搜寻者在这个世纪(即20世纪)的前20年占主要地位)以及And so in the decades of the l920s and

34、 1930s, nutrition became a science and the vitamin hunters replaced the microbe hunters.(因此在20世纪20年代和30年代的几十年里,营养成为一门科学,而维他命搜寻者替代了微生物搜寻者。)由此可知全文都在介绍医学的发展。因此C选项“现代医学研究的发展”正确,符合题意。A选项“微生物搜寻者”,B选项“基因工程的潜能”,D选项“酶的发现”都只是文中提及的一部分内容且包括在医学研究发展之中,不能作为整体概括,可排除。故选C。6. 【试题答案】A【试题解析】客观细节题。定位在文章的第二段They discovere

35、d that key enzymes in metabolism depend on one or another of the vitamins as coenzymes to perform the chemistry that provides cells with energy for growth and function.(他们发现,新陈代谢中关键的酶依赖一种或另外一种维生素,充当辅酶去完成为细胞生长和功能提供能量的这个化学过程。)由此可知维生素作为辅酶是酶进行新陈代谢作用的关键。因此A选项“它们对于酶发挥作用是必需的”正确,符合题意。B选项“它们保护身体不受微生物之害”,C选项“

36、它们让食物不变坏”,D选项“它们被细胞分解去生成能量”均不符合题意,可排除。故选A。7. 【试题答案】B【试题解析】观点态度题。定位在最后一段In view of the inexorable progress in science, we can expect that the gene hunters will be replaced in the spotlight.(鉴于科学发展的不可阻挡,我们能预期基因搜寻者在公众注意的中心中将会被取代。)而且最后一段,作者使用了大量的疑问句。由此可知,B选项“推测的;猜测的”正确,符合作者的语调。A选项“批评的”,C选项“赏识的;感激的”,D选项“

37、易激动的”均不符题意,可排除。故选B。8. 【试题答案】A【试题解析】推理判断题。定位在最后一段In view of the inexorable progress in science, we can expect that the gene hunters will be replaced in the spotlight.(鉴于科学发展的不可阻挡,我们能预期基因搜寻者在公众注意的中心中将会被取代。)可知作者认为医学研究中心是会改变的。但是由哪种搜寻者能够占据核心位置,还是尚未可知的。因此A选项“医学研究的中心在接下来的20年将会改变”正确,符合题意。B选项“医学上的突破经常靠运气”,C选

38、项“微生物搜寻者在整个20世纪的医学研究中占主要地位”,D选项“大多数疾病由有缺陷的基因导致”均未在文中有提及,可排除。故选A。4. 单选题Mountain climbing, like other sports, requires skill, stamina, teamwork, and the knowledge and experience to handle specialized equipment.问题1选项A.intelligenceB.guidanceC.enduranceD.caution【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。stamina表示“耐力,持久力,毅力”;A项inte

39、lligence“智力,情报工作,情报机关”,B项guidance“指导,引导,领导”,C项endurance“忍耐力,耐久性”,D项caution“小心,谨慎,警告”。句意:爬山和其他运动一样,需要技巧、耐力、团队合作以及处理专门设备的知识和经验。因此,根据句意可知C选项正确。5. 单选题If faced and accepted, failure contributes personal growth and often leads to improved personal relationships.问题1选项A.faced and acceptedB.contributesC.lead

40、s toD.improved【答案】D【解析】考查介词用法。to是不定式,后面的动词一般都要跟动词原形,而句子中的improved是过去分词形式,并且lead to do sth.是固定用法。句意:如果面对并接受失败,失败有助于个人成长,并常常导致改善人际关系。因此,该题选择D项。6. 单选题In other words, language is not necessary the private property of those who use it, just as French is not the private property of French people, nor Engl

41、ish of English people.问题1选项A.In other wordsB.necessaryC.just asD.nor【答案】B【解析】考查副词使用。根据句子结构可知,the private property of those who use it是句子的宾语且不是单个的名词,而necessary是形容词,一般充当表语或者定语,放在此处不符合语法,所以应该把形容词necessary换成副词necessarily,表示“必要地”。句意:换句话说,语言并不一定是讲这一语言的人的私有财产,就像法语不是法国人的私有财产,英语也不是英国人的私有财产。因此,该题选择B项。7. 单选题Pl

42、ato had an essentially antagonistic view of art and the artist, although he approved of certain religious and moralistic kinds of art.问题1选项A.ethicalB.responsiveC.feasibleD.hostile【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。antagonistic表示“敌对的,对抗性的”;A项ethical“伦理的,道德的”,B项responsive“响应的,应答的”,C项feasible“可行的,可能的,可实行的”,D项hostile“敌对的

43、,敌方的,怀敌意的”。句意:尽管柏拉图赞同某些宗教和道德的艺术类型,但他对艺术和艺术家的看法本质上是对立的。因此,根据句意可知D选项正确。8. 单选题The prominent British surgeon Joseph Lister pioneered the use of carbolic acid to _ surgical instruments, sutures and wound dressing, thereby preventing infection of wounds.问题1选项A.obviateB.desolateC.mandateD.sterilize【答案】D【解析

44、】考查动词辨析。A项obviate“排除,避免,消除”,B项desolate“使荒凉,使孤寂”,C项mandate“授权,托管”,D项sterilize“消毒,杀菌,使成不毛”。根据thereby preventing infection of wounds“从而防止伤口感染”可知,sterilize符合语境。句意:著名的英国外科医生Joseph Lister率先使用石炭酸消毒手术器械、缝合线和伤口敷料,从而防止伤口感染。因此,该题选择D项正确。9. 单选题The old house at the end of the street has recently been _.问题1选项A.pul

45、ledB.demolishedC.erasedD.leveled【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A项pull“拉,拔,拖”,B项demolish“拆除,破坏,毁坏”,C项erase“抹去,擦除”,D项level“瞄准,拉平,变得平坦”。由old house“旧房子”可知,“拆除”符合语境。句意:这条街尽头的那幢旧房子最近已被拆除了。因此,该题选择B项正确。10. 单选题Something unexpected happened to the mountain climber, but he was calm enough to _ the protruding rock.问题1选项A.size

46、 upB.hang ontoC.pack inD.break up【答案】B【解析】考查词组辨析。A项size up“打量,估计的大小”,B项hang onto“依附,继续保留,紧紧抓住”,C项pack in“停止”,D项break up“打碎,破碎,结束”。由Something unexpected happened to the mountain climber“那位登山者发生了意想不到的事”和the protruding rock“突出的岩石”可知,“紧紧抓住”符合语境。句意:登山者发生了意想不到的事情,但他足够冷静地抓住了突出的岩石。因此,该题选择B项正确。11. 单选题A defea

47、ted candidate for the House of Representatives must wait two years before running again, because elections are _.问题1选项A.semiannualB.biennialC.biannualD.bilateral【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。A项semiannual“每半年的,半年一次的”,B项biennial“两年一次的”,C项biannual“一年两度的”,D项bilateral“双边的,有两边的”。根据wait two years before running again“等

48、待两年再次参选”可知,“两年一次的”符合语境。句意:被击败的众议院候选人必须等待两年才能再次参选,因为选举是两年一次的。因此,该题选择B项正确。12. 单选题Since the 1970s, the safety of athletic equipment has been monitored by the National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment.问题1选项A.regulatedB.advocatedC.recalledD.supervised【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。monitor表示“监控”;A

49、项regulate“调节,规定,控制”,B项advocate“提倡,拥护,为辩护”,C项recall“召回,回想起,记起”,D项supervise“监督,管理,指导”。句意:自20世纪70年代以来,运动器材的安全一直受到国家运动器材标准运行委员会的监控。因此,根据句意可知D选项正确。13. 单选题They denounce deficit spending, declaring that you cant solve debt problem with more debt.问题1选项A.condemnB.disputeC.contendD.neglect【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项c

50、ondemn“谴责;声讨”;B选项dispute“辩论;怀疑”;C选项contend“主张;为斗争”;D选项neglect“疏忽;忽视;忽略”。句意:他们赤字开支,宣称用更多的债务解决不了债务问题。根据名词deficit spending“赤字开支”即支出大于收入,也就是超前消费。对这一消费行为有人赞成,也有人否定。根据后面的关键信息you cant solve debt problem with more debt.“你不能用更多的债务来解决债务问题”由此看来,这里是不赞成超前消费的,有反对的意味。因此A选项符合题意。14. 翻译题For those playing the game of

51、science, the method by which they ascertain what they believe is crucial. They have to evaluate data and arguments and decide for themselves on their validity. Scientists communicating to others have the task of convincing the hearers of the validity of their statements in terms of the data and thei

52、r explanations of the data. They are not playing the game correctly if they win support by the strength of their personality or prestige. In the short run scientists may follow another on the basis of prestige, but this cannot continue indefinitely. It is up to the hearers to evaluate what the scien

53、tists say rather than accept it because they say it. And the culmination of this enterprise is the determination of whether the explanations account for the data observed. The relationship between scientific explanations and data helps to ensure the integrity of scientists. If their findings are imp

54、ortant, they can be sure that their theories and data will be examined critically and new evidence will be attained.It is the system of data-based explanation that distinguishes science from dogma. Scientists have both the right and the responsibility to decide for themselves, on the basis of eviden

55、ce at hand, the best explanation of a set of phenomena. On the other hand, dogma (religious, economic, political or social) depends on pronouncements by established authorities.【答案】对于从事科学研究的那些人来说,确认他们所相信的东西而所使用的方法是至关重要的。他们不得不评估数据和论据,并自己确定它们的正确性。与他人进行交流的科学家们有必要依据数据和他们对数据的解释,去让听者相信他们的陈述的正确性。如果他们通过自己的品

56、格或威望而获得支持,那么他们就不是在正确地从事科学。从短期来看,尽管科学家们可能基于威望而追随另外一个人,但是这种追随不能无限期地延续。听者应该去评估科学家所说的,而不是因为是他们所说的就相信。科学这项事业的顶峰是确定解释是否能说明所观察到的数据。科学解释与数据之间的关系帮助确保科学家们的诚实。如果他们的发现是重要的,他们可以确信他们的理论和数据将被批判性地检验,并获得新的证据。正是基于数据的解释体系将科学与教条区分开来。根据现有的证据,科学家有权利也有责任为自己决定对一系列现象的最佳解释。另一方面,教条(宗教、经济、政治或社会)依赖于已确立的权威所做的声明。15. 单选题We have be

57、en told that young people have to go to college because our economy cant absorb an army of untrained eighteen-year-olds. But disappointing graduates are learning that it can no longer absorb an army of trained twenty-two-year-olds, either.问题1选项A.go to collegeB.an army ofC.disappointing graduatesD.ei

58、ther【答案】C【解析】考查形容词的使用。disappointing是形容词,表示“令人失望的”,一般用于事物给人的感觉,修饰是事物,这里修饰的名词是graduates(毕业生),该处应该要表示“感到失望的毕业生”,所以要用disappointed(感到失望的)。句意:我们被告知,年轻人必须上大学,因为我们的经济无法吸纳大批未经训练的18岁青年。但失望的毕业生们发现,它也无法再吸收大批训练有素的22岁年轻人。因此,该题选择C项。16. 单选题At planning meetings with the senior management I often had to endure predic

59、table little jokes about me, but I took them _.问题1选项A.with a violent laughB.on my conscienceC.with a good graceD.in the best humor【答案】D【解析】考查短语辨析。A项with a violent laugh“狂笑”,B项on my conscience“在意”,C项with a good grace“情愿地,欣然地”,D项in the best humor“以最幽默的方式”。由前面句子的句意“在策划与高级管理人员的会议时,我经常不得不忍受那些不出所料关于我的小笑话”

60、,结合后面的but转折可知,“以最幽默的方式”符合语境。句意:在策划与高级管理人员的会议时,我经常不得不忍受那些可以预见的关于我的小笑话,但我以最幽默的方式接受了它们。因此,该题选择D项正确。17. 单选题To you these problems might not be very serious, but for young people they can _ large.问题1选项A.reelB.revealC.alterD.loom【答案】D【解析】考查固定搭配。A项reel“震惊,(因突然受挫)晕眩,(尤指醉酒)走路踉跄”,B项reveal“显示,透露,揭露”,C项alter“改变,

61、更改”,D项loom“可怕地出现,显得突出,(不祥之事)似将发生”。由but可知,前后语义为转折关系,根据前一句To you these problems might not be very serious“对你来说,这些问题可能不是很严重”可推,空格处应该填入一个和not serious相对的词语,而loom large固定搭配,表示“显得突出”。句意:对你来说,这些问题可能不是很严重,但对年轻人来说,它们可能显得很突出。因此,该题选择D项正确。18. 单选题Changing from solid to liquid, water takes in heat from all substan

62、ces near it, and this _ produces artificial cold surrounding it.问题1选项A.absorptionB.disseminationC.assimilationD.interaction【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A项absorption“吸收,全神贯注,专心致志”,B项dissemination“ 宣传,散播,传染(病毒)”,C项assimilation“同化,吸收”,D项interaction“相互作用,相互影响,交流”。根据water takes in heat from all substances near it“水从它

63、附近的所有物质中吸收热量”可知,absorption符合语境。句意:水在从固体变成液体的过程中,会从周围所有物质吸收热量,而这种吸收会在周围产生人造的寒冷。因此,该题选择A项正确。19. 单选题Im too ignorant about such matters; I am not qualified to comment, but it seems to me somebody who has studied at a prestigious university abroad couldnt be as bad as you say.问题1选项A.profoundB.civilizedC.well-knownD.conventional【答案】C【解析】

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