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1、2022年考博英语-通用考博英语考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Questions 23 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.问题1选项A.They cant be solved without government support.B.They are easy to solve with modern technology.C.They have not been examined in detail so far.D.They arise from the advances in technolog

2、y.问题2选项A.It is intensely competitive.B.It focuses on new products.C.It demands huge investment.D.It is attractive to entrepreneurs.问题3选项A.Cooperation with big companies.B.Sharing of costs with each other.C.Recruiting more qualified staff.D.In-service training of IT personnel.【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:B【解析】R

3、ecording ThreeWelcome to the third lecture in our series on the future of small businesses in Europe. The purpose of todays lecture, as you have seen from the title and the abstract, 23 is to examine in more detail the problems facing small and medium-sized enterprises which arise at least in part f

4、rom having to adapt to rapid advances in technology. And I want to look at these both from a financial and from a personnel point of view and to offer a few hopefully effective solutions.Here we have three of the most important problems facing small businesses that I want to look at today.First, kee

5、ping up with the pace of technological change, recruiting high quality staff in a time of skills shortages in IT as a whole and in a highly competitive market, and the issue of retaining staff once theyve been recruited and trained. Now, all of these problems involve significant costs for all busine

6、sses. But they are particularly challenging issue for small and medium-sized enterprises. And those costs would vary depending on the size and scale of the businesses.So lets come to the first issue on our list which is keeping pace with developments in technology. 24 Now we all know that the techno

7、logy industry is intensely competitive with new products being launched all year round as the various companies strive to compete with each other, rather than, say once a year or every couple of years. And this is a real headache for smaller businesses. So, lets imagine we have a small company which

8、 is doing ok. Its just about making a profit and it spends most of its income on the overheads. So for a company in this situation, keeping up to date with the latest technology, even if its only for the benefit of key staff, this can be hugely expensive.So in my view, some creative thinking needs t

9、o come in here to find ways to help companies in this situation to stay ahead in the game, but at the same time, to remain technologically competitive.Well, theres a possibility that small groups of companies with similar requirements but not directly competing with each other, 25 they could share t

10、he cost of upgrading in much the same way as, lets say, an intranet operates within larger organizations. 25 In fact, cost sharing could be a very practical solution, especially in times of financial difficulty. If theres a downward pressure on costs, because of a need for investment in other areas,

11、 I would argue that this is a perfectly feasible solution.23. What does the speaker say about the problems facing small and medium-sized enterprises?【试题答案】D【试题解析】题目问关于中小企业面临的问题,说话者说了什么?本篇讲座在开头就提到讲座的目的是详细分析中小企业在适应技术的快速进步方面所面临的问题。由此可知,中小企业面临的问题来源于技术的进步,因此D选项正确。A选项“没有政府的支持,问题不能解决”和 B选项“利用现代科技很容易解决”在录音中

12、均没有信息涉及;C选项“到目前为止,问题还没有详细研究过”,在这次讲座中说话者明确分析了中小企业面临的三个问题,而且接着展开了对第一个问题的详细剖析,因此C选项不正确。24. What does the speaker say about the technology industry?【试题答案】A【试题解析】题目问关于科技行业,说话者说了什么?说话者在说跟上科技发展步伐这个问题时提到,科技行业是竞争激烈的行业,各公司相互竞争,一年到头都可能有新产品推出市场。A选项“竞争非常激烈”与原文表述一致,因此正确。B选项“专注于新产品”;C选项“它要求巨大的投资”和D选项“它对企业家是有吸引力的”在

13、录音中均没有信息提及,均可排除。25. What is a practical solution to the problems of small and medium-sized businesses?【试题答案】B【试题解析】题目问什么是解决中小企业问题的可行方案?说话者最后提到有相似需求和要求的小型企业,如果相互之间没有直接的竞争关系,可尝试共同分担技术的升级成本,而这不失为一种实用的解决方法。因此B选项“互相分摊成本”正确。A选项“与大公司合作”和D选项“信息技术人员的在职培训”在录音中没有信息提及;C选项“招聘更能胜任工作的员工”在录音中虽有提及,但这是中小型企业面临的第二个问题,并

14、非实际解决中小型企业问题的方法,因此可排除。2. 单选题Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.问题1选项A.Features editor.B.Magazine reporter.C.Website designer.D.Fashion designer.问题2选项A.Designing sports clothing.B.Answering daily emails.C.Consulting fashion experts.D.Interviewing job-seekers.问题3选项A.It

15、is fascinating.B.It is challenging.C.It is tiresome.D.It is fashionable.问题4选项A.Her confidence.B.Her experience.C.Her competence.D.Her persistence.【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:A第4题:D【解析】Conversation OneM: 1 Today our guest is Rosie Mullender who works as a Features Editor for Fashion magazine. Hi Rosie, youre F

16、eatures editor at one of the most widely read womens magazines in the U.K. What kind of responsibilities does that job entail?W: We spend our days looking at ideas from journalists, writing copy for the magazine and website, and editing. We do random things like asking people in the street questions

17、 and testing sports clothing. We also do less tangible things like understanding what our readers want. Its certainly varied and sometimes bizarre.M: During your working day, what kind of work might you typically do?W: 2 My day mainly incorporates responding to emails, writing and editing stories an

18、d coming up with new feature ideas.M: How does the job of Features editor differ from that of Fashion editor or other editorial positions?W: The Features team deals with articles such as careers, reports, confidence and confessionseverything except fashion and beauty.M: 3 A lot of people believe tha

19、t working at a magazine is a glamorous job. Is this an accurate representation of what you do?W: Id say its glamorous to an extent, but not in the way its portrayed in films. We do have our moments, such as interviewing celebrities and attending parties, which is a huge thrill. Ultimately though, we

20、re the same as our readers, but working in a job were all very lucky to have.M: Did you have to overcome any difficulties to reach this point in your career? How did you manage to do this?W: 4 I had to be really persistent and it was very hard work. After three years of working in a petrol station a

21、nd doing unpaid work, I still hadnt managed to get an entry-level job. I was lucky that my last desperate attempt led to a job. I told myself that all experiences make you a better journalist in the long runand luckily I was right.1. What is the womans profession?【试题答案】A【试题解析】题目问女士的职业是什么?对话的开头男士就提到今

22、天的嘉宾Rosie Mullender是时尚杂志的特刊编辑(Features editor)。因此选项A正确。本题的干扰项是B选项“Magazine reporter”,因为录音中不止一次提到magazine这个词,女士的职业也和杂志有关系,但“杂志记者”不是女士的职业。2. What is one of the womans main responsibilities?【试题答案】B【试题解析】题目问女士的主要职责之一是什么?女士说她每天的工作主要包括回复电子邮件和写作、编辑故事等。B选项“回复每天的电子邮件”是录音中responding to emails的同义转述,因此正确。本题的干扰项

23、是A选项“Designing sports clothing”,虽然在录音中有出现“sports clothing”,但说的是他们会测试运动服装,而不是设计;C选项“咨询时尚专家”在录音中没有相关信息;录音中只提到女士会采访名人,并没有说采访求职者,所以D选项也不正确。3. What do many people think about the womans job?【试题答案】A【试题解析】题目问的是人们对女士职业的看法。男士提到很多人认为在杂志社工作很有吸引力。A选项中的fascinating“极有吸引力的”是对glamorous的同义替换,因此正确。B选项“很有挑战性的”;C选项“令人厌

24、烦的”和D选项“时髦的”均不正确。4. What helped the woman to get her current position?【试题答案】D【试题解析】题目问是什么帮助女士获得现在的职位?录音最后男士问道,在女士的职业生涯中,是不是要克服什么困难才能达到现在这个位置,她又是怎么做到的。女士的回答是,必须坚持不懈(persistent),因此D选项正确。本题的干扰项B选项中的experience虽然在原文中提及,但女士说的是自己所有的经历都会让她成为一名更好的记者,而不是说她的经历让她到达现在的位置,因此不正确;A选项“她的自信”和C选项“她的能力”在录音中没有提及。3. 单选题R

25、ight in the middle of the mayors speech that brought forth various reasons for the recent sharp rise in prices, an angry voice was heard in the crowd, “the government( )hanged!”问题1选项A.isB.wasC.beD.were【答案】C【解析】考查虚拟语气。句意:在市长的演讲期间,他提出了价格最近急剧上涨的原因。人群中传来愤怒的声音:“政府应该被绞死”。此处考查的是省略了should的虚拟语气, 因此后面要用be,选项C

26、符合题意。4. 单选题Questions 13 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.问题1选项A.It enables patients with diabetes to recover sooner.B.Its health benefits have been overestimated.C.Its long-term effects are yet to be proved.D.It helps people to avoid developing breast cancer.问题2选项A.It tracked their

27、 eating habits since their adolescence.B.It focused on their difference from men in fiber intake.C.It tracked their change in food preferences for 20 years.D.It focused on their ways of life during young adulthood.15.问题3选项A.Fiber may bring more benefits to women than men.B.Fiber may improve the func

28、tion of heart muscles.C.Fiber may make blood circulation more smooth.D.Fiber may help to reduce hormones in the body.【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:D【解析】Passage TwoMost Americans dont eat enough fruits, vegetables or whole grains. 13 Researcher now says adding fiber to the teen diet may help lower the risk of br

29、east cancer.Conversations about the benefits of fiber are probably more common in nursing homes than high schools. But along comes a new study that could change that. Kristi King, a diet specialist at Texas Childrens Hospital, finds it hard to get teenage patients attention about healthy eating. But

30、 telling them that eating lots of high-fiber foods could reduce the risk of breast cancer before middle age. Thats a powerful message.The new finding is based on a study of 44,000 women. They were surveyed about their diets during high school, 14 and their eating habits were tracked for two decades.

31、 It turns out that those who consumed the highest levels of fiber during adolescence had a lower risk of developing breast cancer, compared to the women who ate the least fiber. This important study demonstrates that the more fiber you eat during your high school years, the lower your risk is in dev

32、eloping breast cancer in later life.15 The finding points to longstanding evidence that fiber may reduce circulating female hormone levels, which could explain the reduced risk. The bottom line here is the more fiber you eat, perhaps, a lower level of hormone in your body, and therefore, a lower lif

33、etime risk of developing breast cancer. High-fiber diets are also linked to a reduced risk of heart disease and diabetes. Thats why women are told to eat 25 grams of fiber a daymen even more.13. What does the new study tell about adding fiber to the teen diet?【试题答案】D【试题解析】题目问关于在青少年饮食中添加纤维,这项新研究告诉了我们

34、什么?录音开头提及,研究人员表示在青少年的膳食中添加纤维食物可能有助于降低患乳腺癌的风险。D选项“它能帮助人们避免患上乳腺癌”是对录音原文的转述,因此正确。A选项“它使糖尿病患者早日康复”利用diabetes设置干扰,录音中并没有提及相关的信息;B选项“它的健康效益被高估了”和C选项“其长期的影响尚待证明”在录音中均没有信息提及,因此排除。14. What do we learn about the survey of the 44,000 women?【试题答案】A【试题解析】题目问我们从对44000名女性的调查中了解到什么? 录音中提到这项新发现是基于一项对44,000位女性进行的调查。这

35、些女性在中学时期就接受了该调查,而且她们的饮食习惯被持续追踪了20年。因此,A选项“它从青少年时期就开始追踪她们的饮食习惯”正确。B选项“它着重研究她们在纤维摄入量方面与男性的差别”,录音中并没有将男性与女性进行对比,因此不正确;C项“跟踪她们20年来对食品偏好的变化”,录音只是提及追踪她们的饮食习惯,并不是饮食偏好的变化,因此不正确;D选项“它专注于研究她们年轻时的生活方式”在录音中没有信息提及,因此可排除。15. What explanation does the speaker offer for the research finding?【试题答案】D【试题解析】题目问说话者对这项研究

36、发现提供了什么解释?录音提到,这一研究发现指向长期存在的证据,即纤维食物可能会降低女性体内的荷尔蒙循环水平,这就可以解释为什么高纤维膳食能让患乳腺癌的风险降低。D选项“纤维可能会帮助降低人体的荷尔蒙水平”与原文内容表述一致,因此正确。A选项“纤维给女性带来的好处比男性要多”;B选项“纤维可改善心肌功能”和C选项“纤维可以使血液循环更加顺畅”在录音中均没有信息提及,因此可排除。5. 单选题More than 100( )cats that used to roam the streets in a Chinese province have now been collected and orga

37、nized into a tram to fight rodents that are destroying crops.问题1选项A.looseB.tamedC.wildD.stray【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。loose “宽松的”;tamed “驯服的,平淡的”;wild “野生的”;stray “迷路的,流浪的”。句意:100多只曾经在中国某个省份街上流浪的猫被收留并被组织去对付破坏庄稼的啮齿动物。6. 单选题Questions 22 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.问题1选项A.Few people ca

38、n identify its texture.B.Few people can describe it precisely.C.Its real value is open to interpretation.D.Its importance is often over-estimated.问题2选项A.It has never seen any change.B.It has much to do with color.C.It is a well-protected government secret.D.It is a subject of study by many forgers.问

39、题3选项A.People had little faith in paper money.B.They could last longer in circulation.C.It predicted their value would increase.D.They were more difficult to counterfeit.问题4选项A.The stabilization of the dollar value.B.The issuing of government securities.C.A gold standard for American currency.D.A ste

40、ady appreciation of the U.S. dollar.【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:A第4题:C【解析】Recording ThreeVirtually every American can recognize a dollar bill at a mere glance. Many can identify it by its sound or texture. 22 But few people indeed can accurately describe the worlds most powerful, important currency.The Americ

41、an dollar bill is colored with black ink on one side and green on the other; 23 the exact composition of the paper and ink is a closely guarded government secret. Despite its weighty importance, the dollar bill actually weighs little. It requires nearly 500 bills to tip the scales at a pound. Not on

42、ly is the dollar bill lightweight, but it also has a brief life span. Few dollar bills survive longer than 18 months.The word “dollar” is taken from the German word “taler”, the name for the worlds most important currency in the 16th century. The taler was a silver coin first minted in 1580 under th

43、e reign of Charles V, Emperor of Germany.The concept of paper money is a relatively recent innovation in the history of American currency. When the Constitution was signed, 24 people had little regard for paper money because of its steadily decreasing value during the colonial era. Because of this l

44、ack of faith, the new American government minted only coins for common currency. Interest-bearing bank notes were issued at the same time, but their purpose was limited to providing money for urgent government crises such as American involvement in the War of 1812. The first non-interest bearing pap

45、er currency was authorized by Congress in 1862 at the height of the Civil War. At this point, citizens old fears of devalued paper currency had calmed, and the dollar bill was born. The new green-colored paper money quickly earned the nickname “greenback”.Today, the American dollar bill is a product

46、 of the Federal Reserve, and is issued from the twelve Federal Reserve banks around the United States. The government keeps a steady supply of approximately two billion bills in circulation at all times.Controversy continues to surround the true value of the dollar bill. 25 American history has seen

47、 generations of politicians argue in favor of a gold standard for American currency. However, for the present, the American dollar bill holds the value that is printed on it, and little more. The only other guarantee on the bill is a Federal Reserve pledge as a confirmation in the form of government

48、 securities.22. What does the speaker say about the American dollar bill?【试题答案】B【试题解析】题目问关于美元纸币,说话人说了什么?说话人说到,很少人能准确地描述(美元纸币)这一世界上最有影响力、最重要的货币。B选项中的describe it precisely是录音原文中accurately describe的同义替换,因此B选项“很少有人能准确地描述它”正确。A选项“很少有人能辨别它的质地”表述错误,录音中提及很多人能通过美元纸币的声音或质感(texture)辨别美元;C选项“美元的实际价值有待商榷”和D选项“它的

49、重要性经常被高估”在录音中均没有信息提及,因此排除。23. What does the speaker say about the exact composition of the American dollar bill?【试题答案】C【试题解析】题目问关于美元纸币具体的物质成分,说话人说了什么?说话人指出,美元纸币纸和墨的成分,是美国政府严格保守的秘密,C选项“这是政府严格保守的秘密”与原文表述一致,因此正确。A选项“它从来都没改变过”,录音中并没有讨论美元纸币物质成分的变化,因此可排除;B选项“它和颜色的关联很大”,录音中没有表明美元纸币的物质成分与颜色有关,因此可排除;D选项“它是许多

50、伪造者研究的课题”录音中没有信息提及,因此可排除。24. Why did the new American government mint only coins for common currency?【试题答案】A【试题解析】题目问为什么新美国政府只用硬币作为流通的货币?录音提到,美国宪法签署生效的当时,人们并不尊重纸币,由于民众不信任纸币,新政府就只用硬币作为流通的货币,A选项“人们不太相信纸币”符合录音原文,因此正确。B选项“硬币在流通中可以使用得更久”;C选项“新美国政府预测硬币的价值会上涨”和D选项“硬币更难伪造”在录音中均没有信息提及,因此排除。25. What have gene

51、rations of American politicians argued for?【试题答案】C【试题解析】题目问几代美国政客一直以来都在争论什么?录音提到,美国政客几代人以来都在讨论赞不赞成为美国货币设立金本位制。因此C选项“美国货币的金本位制”正确。A选项“美元价值的稳定”和B选项“政府证券的发行”在录音中虽有信息提及,但它们均不是美国政客几代人一直在讨论的问题;D选项“美元的稳定升值”在录音中没有信息提及,因此排除。7. 单选题Questions 22 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.问题1选项A.Job ca

52、ndidates can respond freely due to its open-ended nature.B.Job candidates rarely take it seriously.C.Job seekers often feel at a loss where to start in answering it.D.Job seekers tend to have a ready answer.问题2选项A.Do their best to impress the interviewer.B.Follow their career coaches guidelines.C.St

53、rive to take control of their narrative.D.Repeat the information on their resume.问题3选项A.To produce examples for different interview questions.B.To identify a broad general strength to elaborate on.C.To reflect on their past achievements as well as failures.D.To discuss important details they are goi

54、ng to present.问题4选项A.Getting acquainted with the human resources personnel.B.Tailoring their expectations to the companys long-term goal.C.Finding out why the company provides the job opening.D.Figuring out what benefits the company is able to offer them.【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:A第4题:C【解析】Recording Three“T

55、ell me about yourself” may seem like an easy job interview question. 22 But the open-ended nature of this question often leaves job seekers at a loss where to start.This common question is actually a critical test of a job candidates communication skills. So its important not to give an unprepared r

56、esponse or mess it up. “Tell me about yourself” is often the first question professional career coaches prepare people for when they give interview guidance. Its the opportunity for the candidate to take control of the narrative and tell their story in a way that really matters to their audience. It

57、 takes hard work and extensive preparation to answer this question well.When a person goes to a job interview, their interviewer has presumably read their resume, so they dont need to repeat the information. 23 But thats what most people will do as its their instinct to recite things that are alread

58、y on their resume. Its important for job seekers to do their homework on two crucial aspects.First, they are not just telling someone the fact about themselves; they are telling a story and stories take work to create. Coming up with a good story means getting reflective about what made their career

59、 accomplishments, something theyre proud of, and what strengths those accomplishments highlight. Candidates shouldnt pick a broad general strength to elaborate on such as “Im smart”, “I work hard” and “I get things done”. 24 To come up with multiple career accomplishments or examples for different i

60、nterview questions, job seekers should talk with others, especially people who know thempartners, friends or co-workerswho will bring up different stories than the ones they remember.Secondly, 25 candidates should know whats at stake for the company with this job opening. What they really are asking

61、 you is “Tell me why you are going to help me”. If the person is a prepared candidate, they should have already figured out those thingsthey read the job description and researched the company on the Internet. What job applicants ought to be looking for is what the company is up to you, what theyre

62、trying to accomplish and what is preventing them from accomplishing those things.How long should it take to answer? Around a minute. Thats about right for most peoples attention spans. Under a minute could seem rushed, while over two minutes will start to feel more like a speech. But the length of t

63、he answer is not an exact science, and candidates need to keep their career story focused and tailored to their audience.22. What does the speaker say about the job interview question “Tell me about yourself”?【试题答案】C【试题解析】题目问对于求职面试问题“请介绍一下你自己”,说话者是怎么说的?录音开头提到,“请介绍一下你自己”这个问题是开放性的,经常导致求职者不知从何说起,C选项“求职者经常不知道从哪里开始回答这个问题”与原文表述相符,因此正确。A选项“因为该问题是开放性的,所以求职者可以自由回答”,录音中提及千万不要在没有准备的情况下给出回答,因此A选项不正确;B选项“求职者很少认真对待”在录音中没有信息提及;D选项“求职者通常有一个准备好的回答”与录音表述恰好相反,因此排除。23. What will most people do when they come to a job in

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