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1、英语短文听力在线听 关于英语短文故事听力 幼儿英语故事对激发幼儿学习英语兴趣, 培养幼儿的听、 说及交际等诸方面的能力有着不可或缺的作用。 下面是带来的关于英语故事短文,欢迎欣赏 !守株待兔Staying by a Stump Waiting for More Hares To Comeand Dash Themselves Against ItThis story took place more than 2,000 years ago, in theWarring States period(475-221 B.C.).Tradition has it that in the State

2、of Song at that time there was a man who was famous for staying by a stump waiting for more hares to e and dash themselves against it.He was a young farmer, and his family had been farmers for generations. Year after year and generation after generation, farmers used to sow in spring and harvest in

3、autumn, beginning to work at sunrise and retiring at sunset. In good harvest years, they could only have enough food to eat and enough clothing to wear. If there was a famine due to crop failure, they had to go hungry.This young farmer wanted to improve his life. But he was too lazy and too cowardly

4、. Being lazy and cowardly over everything, he often dreamed of having unexpected blessings.A miracle took place at last. Oneday in late autumn, when he was ploughing in the field, two groups of people were hunting nearby. As shootings were rising one after another, scared hares were running desperat

5、ely. Suddenly, a blind hare dashed itself headlong against the stump of a dead tree in his field and died.That day, he ate his fill.From that day on, he no longer went in for farming again. From morning till night, he stayed by that miraculous stump, waiting for miracles to take place again.This sto

6、ry es from The Five Vermin in The Works of Han Feizi. Later generations often use the set phrase staying bya stump waiting for more hares to e and dash themselves against it to show gusting to chance and windfalls or dreaming to reap without sowing. It is also used to show adhering to narrow experie

7、nces and not being able to be flexible.英语短文故事: 相传在战国时代宋国,有一个农民,日出而作,日入而息 . 遇到好年景, 也不过刚刚吃饱穿暖; 一遇灾荒, 可就要忍饥挨饿了 . 他想改善生活,但他太懒,胆子又特小,干什么都是又懒又怕,总想碰到送上门来的意外之财。奇迹终于发生了。深秋的一天,他正在田里耕地,周围有人在打猎。吆喝之声四处起伏,受惊的小野兽没命的奔跑。突然,有一只兔子,不偏不倚,一头撞死在他田边的树根上。当天,他美美地饱餐了一顿。从此,他便不再种地。一天到晚,守着那神奇的树根,等着奇迹的出现。成语“守株待兔”,比喻亡想不劳而得,或死守狭隘的经

8、验,不知变通。塞翁失马Near Chinas northern borders lived a man well versed inthe practices of Taoism. His horse, for no reason at all, got into the territory of the northern tribes. Everyone miserated with him.Perhaps this will soon turn out to be a blessing, said his father.After a few months, his animal came

9、 back, leading a fine horse from the north. Everyone congratulated him.Perhaps this will soon turn out to be a cause of misfortune, said his father.Since he was well-off and kept good horses his son became fond of riding and eventually broke his thigh bone falling from a horse. Everyone miserated wi

10、th him.Perhaps this will soon turn out to be a blessing, said his father.One year later, the northern tribes started a big invasion of the border regions. All able-bodied young men took up armsand fought against the invaders, and as a result, around theborder nine out of ten men died. This mans son

11、did not joinin the fighting because he was crippled and so both the boy and his father survived.英语故事短文带翻译: 战国时期, 靠近北部边城, 住着一个老人,名叫塞翁。塞翁养了许多马,一天,他的马群中忽然有一匹走失了。邻居们听说这件事,跑来安慰,劝他不必太着急,年龄大了,多注意身体。塞翁见有人劝慰,笑了笑说: “丢了一匹马损失不大,没准会带来什么福气呢。”邻居听了塞翁的话, 心里觉得很好笑。 马丢了, 明明是件坏事,他却认为也许是好事,显然是自我安慰而已。过了几天,丢失的马不仅自动返回家,还带回一

12、匹匈奴的骏马。邻居听说了,对塞翁的预见非常佩服,向塞翁道贺说:“还是您有远见,马不仅没有丢,还带回一匹好马,真是福气呀。”塞翁听了邻人的祝贺,反而一点高兴的样子都没有,忧虑地说:“白白得了一匹好马,不一定是什么福气,也许惹出什么麻烦来。”邻居们以为他故作姿态纯属老年人的狡猾。心里明明高兴,有 意不说出来。塞翁有个独生子,非常喜欢骑马。他发现带回来的那匹马顾盼 生姿,身长蹄大,嘶鸣瞭亮,膘悍神骏,一看就知道是匹好马。他每 天都骑马出游,心中洋洋得意。一天,他高兴得有些过火,打马飞奔,一个翘越,从马背上跌 下来,摔断了腿。邻居听说,纷纷来慰问。塞翁说:“没什么,腿摔断了却保住性命,或许是福气呢。”

13、 邻居们觉得他又在胡言乱语。他们想不出,摔断腿会带来什么福气。不久,匈奴兵大举入侵,青年人被应征入伍,塞翁的儿子因为 摔断了腿,不能去当兵。入伍的青年都战死了,唯有塞翁的儿子保全 了性命。画蛇添足One day, a manwas going to have a drink, He wanted to have a drink with his friends. He took out a bottle of wine, “Let s draw a snake, the person who finishes first can drink first. ” “ OK.”After some

14、time, the man finished drawing his snake. He looked around, everyone was still drawing. He thought he could add some feet to the snake. He began to draw them. Just then, one of his friends finished drawing his snake too, ” I finished drawing my snake, so, I can drink first,He picked up the bottle.“

15、Excuse me, I think I m first. ”“ What are doing now? ” his friend asked him.“ I m adding feet to my snake. ”“ No, you are wrong. Snakes have no feet at all. Look at mine please, my snake is different from something with feet. ”The friend asked the other men, “Whosesnake is more life-like?Yours.“ So,

16、 I m first, I can drink first. Ha! Ha! Ha!”一个人想喝酒。他想和朋友一块儿喝酒。于是,他拿出一瓶酒说:“我们来画蛇,谁先画好,谁就先喝。”“好。”过了一会儿,这个人就画好了一条蛇。他向四处看看,大家都还在画。他想给蛇添一些脚。于是他开始给蛇画脚。就在这个时候,有一个朋友也画好了。这个朋友说: “我第一个画好,所以,我可以先喝。”他拿起了酒瓶。“对不起,我认为我是第一。”“那现在你在做什么?”他的朋友问。“我在给蛇添上脚呀。”“不,你错了。蛇是没有脚的。请看看我画的蛇,我画的蛇和带脚的东西不一样。”他问其他朋友,“谁画的蛇最像?”“你的“所以,我是第一,我可以先喝酒。哈哈哈看了 关于英语故事短文 的人还看了:1. 英语故事听力短文精选2. 关于英文听力小短文阅读3. 关于英语对话故事短文听力4. 关于英语故事听力材料精选5. 关于英语故事听力文本阅读内容仅供参考

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