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2、方式,拓宽学习和运用英语的渠道,帮助学生形成自主学习的能力.课堂教学应改变以教师为中心,单纯传授书本知识的教学模式。课堂教学活动的设计应有利于发挥学生的创造力和想象力。教师要引导学生主动学习,鼓励学生通过体验、实践、合作和探究等方式,发展听说读写的综合语言技能,帮助他们发展探究知识的能力、获取信息的能力和自主学习的能力及批判性思维能力和创新精神。在计算机与英语课程整合的课堂教学模式方面,我做了初步的探索,其基本结构序列如下图: 本模式是结合网络信息化教学特点和英语学科的特点,以现代教育思想为指导,以校园网、因特网为教学环境,充分发挥学生的主动性与创造性,激发学生英语学习兴趣,培养学生处理信息能

3、力和创新能力,并与英语学科的教学过程紧密结合起来,以各种任务驱动的方式给学生提出学习任务,通过人机交互,学生自主探究,协作学习,小组合作,不断创新实践,完成任务。在以上理论指导下,我从高中英语教材出发,通过人教版高一第六单元阅读部分 TABLE MANNERS AT A DINNER PARTY,在信息技术与学科整合上进行尝试教学。三:教学内容分析: 阅读部分是一篇介绍西方礼仪的说明文。它分别从对餐具的摆放,餐前礼仪,餐中礼仪,餐桌上的谈话礼仪,饮酒礼仪,餐桌礼仪变迁等几方面来介绍,比较全面的来介绍西方的餐饮文化。这篇文章不但培养学生的阅读能力,还要培养学生的跨文化交际的意识(包括内容和语言)

4、。 四:学习者分析: 很大一部分高一新生对高中英语的学习抱有排斥的心理,具有畏难情绪,很难激起他们的兴趣。在初中不好的学习习惯的影响下,学生不会自主的学习。但学生有强烈的学习英语的欲望,并且在信息技术课上学了相关的上网查询技巧并具有了制作简单ppt课件的基本能力。这为课程进展及完成课后作业提供了技术保障。 五:教学方式、手段及技术说明: 以网页的形式,将本课的内容做一整理,突出利用网页容量大、信息量大的优势,给学生系统的知识体系,以利于学生的自学。同时,利用网络的互动性,创设良好的学习氛围,激发学生学习兴趣,培养学生搜集信息,整理信息,输出信息的能力,及时反馈学习效果。培养学生的综合素质。本课

5、件以micsoft office frontpage和PowerPoint为制作和运行平台,其中插入了wav音频,MP3音频文件和avi视频文件,课件播放时需Realplayer等播放软件的支持。本课件主要作为教学辅助使用,能够加快课堂节奏,增加课堂信息量,提高课堂教学效率,使英语课堂更生动,课堂活动更具趣味性。六:教学目标1、知识目标1) To get the students to learn about table manners in western countries.2)To compare Chinese table manners with western table mann

6、ers 2、能力目标1)To improve the reading ability of the Ss, especially the skills of summarizing and scanning 2)To train reading skills of skimming and scanning through the Internet3、情感目标1)To let us Ss experience the beauty of the Chinese traditional culture and the western culture2)To guide Ss know the i

7、mportance of politeness 七:教学流程:1视频对比中西饮酒文化引入2快速阅读找出文章大意及文章发展过程3慢速阅读:数字图片表格相结合的动画使学生深入理解文章4网上查找资料并自我设计展示成果5通过网页练习与评价表自我评价6思考并回答问题,使学生情感升华。板书7作业:网上搜寻更多国家礼仪的知识并制成演示文稿展示八:教学过程 整个过程以“激趣阅读任务型DIY拓展学习”为设计线索教学环节7使用资源师 生 活 动设计意图lead-in windows player 播放音频视频文件学生欣赏电影观看学生喜欢的电影极大的激发学生的学习兴趣PowerPointfrontpage 将音频视

8、频文件插入ppt中用frontpage链接自动形成网页学生通过回答屏幕上的 问题来初次感受中西方餐桌礼仪的不同激发学生对中西方餐桌文化不同的好奇心和求知欲,同时培养学生观察能力,思维能力fast readingCareful readingPowerPointFrontPageFast reading 1. What is the main idea of the text? 2. How does the text develop, in the order of content or in the order of time?学生快速阅读,注意题目,每段首尾句,找出相关信息。把握文章发展思

9、路。培养学生快速查读迅速找到特定信息的能力。把握文章发展线索为培养写作能力打下基础。PowerPointFrontPageCareful reading1.How to lay/set the table 2. Find out the right order of dishes and number them 3 Read the text loudly ,divide it into 3 parts and get the main idea of each part.学生阅读文章找出相关答案.朗读课文后将课文划分段并总结出每部分大意。认真阅读文章,找出西方国家餐桌上所摆放的物品及位置,通

10、过数字和图片相结合的动画,使学生迅速对文章有一个清晰的全面的认识理解并在动画中巩固所学知识。用表格形式处理全文结构,使学生能直观的把握并积极参与提高总结能力。DIYFrontpagePowerPointcomputersOffer students a reference table and the related websites 从课文和相关网页上找出西方餐桌礼仪上能做和不能做的事情.使学生有效的利用一切可用资源,培养学生能从课本网络上搜寻信息,获取信息,整理信息并输出信息的能力。再全班进行成果展示,在协作中 共同进步全班同学得到共享,互相交流和借鉴以便更好地完成本课任务。引导学生正确利用

11、网络这个现代的工具,实现学生自主学习、学生之间的协同学习和在教师指导下的学习。利用网络共享性的特点完成任务、综合交际。self-assessment frontpageAsk students to check how much they understood about the text.1.Choose the best answer after reading the text2.Match the words on the left with the meaning on the right according to the context结对练习培养学生合作能力和从上下问中的猜词能力

12、,而后并对自己有一个正确的多方面的评价。发扬自己的优势和发现自己的不足,以便进一步提高。Think and answer FrontpageGuide students to think and answer: if they go to Africa or other countries ,how can they be a polite person. after students show their opinions, teacher conclude with two sayings: when in Rome, do as the Romans do. Politeness cos

13、ts nothing and gains everything.学生思考,积极发表见解培养学生发散性思维和创造性思维,引导学生去做一个动礼貌的人。Home-workPowerPointfrontpageAsk students to surf the Internet about more manners in different countries and make a report nextclass. :/ ljzx.yanb /yuanjiao/kczy/04-05xia/yy/2/06/kebiao/1/kzzl5.htm :/ cuisinenet /glossary/tablem

14、an.html :/ ryangrpinc /etiquette_tips_table.asp利用网络及教师提供的相关网址完成任务并用ppt文件在下节课中展示成果该任务以学生的生活经验和兴趣出发,学生在完成的过程中锻炼了他们的思维能力,使他们的想像力、审美情趣、协作和创新精神等综合素质也得到发展上网查寻资料,扩大了学习空间,有利于培养学生的自主学习能力与探究能力;Internet 为学生提供了新的学习平台九:学生学习效果自我评价:对话题评比(优秀、良好、一般、需努力)姓名_ 日期_话题_根据下页表格内容评价一级指标二级指标自评互评教师评价情感态度我积极参加学习活动,努力完成学习任务我能与组内同

15、学较好合作,遇问题能与同学协商解决组长分配的任务我能认真对待,善始善终。我不怕探究问题中遇到的困难,并能够想法设法克服过程方法我能够充分利用网络资源进行查找资料,并高效地进行筛选我学会了如何把查阅到的资料进行整理,加工并能高效利用我对小组协作过程中出现的问题作出较为恰当的分析总结完成任务我帮助学习有困难的同学完成了任务解决问题的过程中遇到困难,我想法设法解决我从题目,图片,文章首尾句中能得知文章大意 我知道了文章是如何发展的我知道了如何摆西方餐具如何划分段落并总结出每部分大意我能从课本上找到西方餐桌礼仪中应做和不应做的事情我能从网络资源上找到西方餐桌礼仪中应做和不应做的事情我对西方餐桌礼仪有了

16、深入的了解,并认识到入乡随俗及礼貌的重要性创新实践在 学习中,对资料的搜集,整理,加工,了解,介绍以及动手设计展示总结等工作都能顺利完成我的答案设计很有创意并符合学习要求通过完成 这些任务,我的搜寻信息,加工整理信息等解决问题的能力提高了,我很有信心从事其他活动综合评价等级:年级及学科高一英语教师姓名晋相平课题Table manners at a dinner party 职称中二学校首都师范大学附属密云中学性别女教材版本人教版年龄24学历本科联系 13522814210附件:学生展示范例:I get the answers from the text:Table manners at a d

17、inner partyDos DontsKeep silent when others pray before the mealAsk for the second serving of the soupUse your fingers when eating chicken or other birdsTouch beef or other meat on bonesFinish eating everything on your plateTake more food than you needSpeak quietly and smile a lotLaugh all the timeR

18、aise your glasses when drinking to someones healthTouch each others glassesTake only a sip for each toastDrink too muchFrom: Table manners at a dinner partyWhat you can doWhat you cant do 1.Have the meal at the exact hour given in the invitation .2.Let the ladies go in first.3.Express your appreciat

19、ion to the hostess when leaving a party.4.Take some of everything that is passed to you.1.Dont arrive late.2.Dont leave at once after having the dinner.3.Dont use forks to eat bread.4.Dont leave the table during a meal.5.Do not put much food in your mouth at a time.From: Table manners at a dinner pa

20、rtyWhat you can doWhat you cant do 1.Say No ,thank you. if you dont like the thing that is passed to you.2.Sit up straight on your chair .3.Drink only when there is no food in your mouth.1。Try not to get into your mouth anything that will have to be taken out.2.Do not make any noise when you eat.3.D

21、o not clean your teeth at the table or anywhere in public, either with your finger or a tooth pick(牙签), not even with you tongue. From :Western dinner cultureThings You should do:Things You should dont do:1. Wait until your host(ess) starts eating. 2.Chew and swallow all the food in your mouth befor

22、e taking more or taking a drink. 3.Break off a small piece of bread.4. use the fingers for chicken. 5.Place your napkin on your lap.2.Never leave the spoons in the bowl, cup etc. 3.Do not ask people where they are going if they excuse themselves. 4.Dont put your elbows on table; 5.Never rock back in

23、 your chair.From :Western dinner cultureThings You should do:Things You should dont do:1.Use the fork with your left hand and the knife with your right hand2.Always pass to the right. 3.It is nice to take a gift for the host and hostess 4.Excuse yourself and leave quietly, when you wish to use the t

24、oilet.1.Never smoke during a meal. 2.Never make up or comb your hair at the table 板书设计:Table manners at a dinner partyTwo sayings:1.When in Rome, do as the Romans do .2.Politeness costs nothing and gains everything.Unit6 good mannersReading : Table manners at a dinner partyMade by Jin Xiangping Teac

25、hing plan:Teaching Aims and Demands: 1.Get the students to learn about table manners in western countries.2.To compare Chinese table manners with western table manners 3.Improve the reading ability of the Ss, especially the skills of summarizing and scanning1. To guide Ss know the importance of poli

26、teness Teaching Difficult Point:How to help the students understand the table manners in the west.Teaching Methods:1. Pair work or group work.2. Fast reading and careful reading.Teaching Aids:1. a computer 2. the blackboard 3. guiding papersTeaching Procedures:Step 1. lead-in See 2 film cuts about p

27、eople at table in China and in the west. Compare the people at table and answer :1When the westerners are drinking ,do they touch their glasses?2But when we Chinese are drinking ,do we touch our glasses?Step 2 Reading 1.Skimming :1).What is the main idea of the text?2).How does the text develop, in

28、the order of content or time? 2.Careful reading:2).Read the text again and finish the exercise on the screen1.How to lay/set the table (paragraph 1)Ask ss to lay the table together (consolidate)2. Find out the right order of dishes and number them .Dessert main course starter soup drinksLet Ss remem

29、ber the dishes again 12345(consolidate)Show the pictures and the names of the dishes.3).Read the text aloud , try to divide the text into 3 parts and complete the table below:Table manners at a dinner partypartsparagraphmain idea of each partpart 1part 2part 33. Extensive activitiesSkim over the Wes

30、tern and Chinese manners page or visit the related websites to design a table to show what you can do and what you cant do in western dinnerparties:One reference table:Some DOS and DONTS in western manners:DosDontsStep 3:Self-assessment: Check the answers of guiding papers to know how much Ss unders

31、tand: Step 4:Conclusion:Think and answer:Ask students how can they be polite if they go to Africa or other places.Step 5:HomeworkSurf the Internet about the difference of good manners between China and Western countries. Unit6 导纲一:能力目标:听:能听懂有关一些情景的对话,着重注意各个情景中有关的礼貌用语说:能谈论一些有关中西方餐桌上不同的礼节问题谈:能谈一些简单的有关

32、英语语言国家文化的英文介绍。写:能用英语写出中西方文化的不同二:知识话题: 1. Learn about good manners 2. Be a student with good manners三Reading comprehension:语篇领悟:1. How many glasses are usually placed for each person on Western dinner table and what are they used for ?A. 2; for white and red wine. B. 3; for white wine ,red wine and w

33、aterC. 4; for red wine, white wine, hot water and cold water D.1; for water 2. What is the small spoon for ? A. for the dessert B. For the soup C. for the salt D. For the sugar3. what is a starter ? A. A short speech at the beginning of dinner B. The small pair of fork and knife C. A small dish at t

34、he beginning of dinner D. The soup the beginning of dinner 主旨大意:2. The writer of the text mainly tells us about _.A. western dinner parties B. western table manners C. western food and meals D. table manners around the world 3. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?A. Table manners are only im

35、portant at fomal dinner parties B. .Table manners keep changing all the time C. We should follow the fashion of the time D. Table manners make you look good 推理判断:1.Which is not stated but can be inferred from the text?A. Table manners are different from culture to culture B. Table manners change ove

36、r time C. The main course follows the soup D. Western table manners are better than those in those most other cultures2.Drinking to someones health is one way of _.A. eating B. speaking C. toasting D. praising四:Read the text carefully in 5 minutes and Match the words on the left with the meaning on

37、the right according to the context: 1.manners a. the feeling or opinion that you have abou someone2.toast b. polite ways of doing things 3.impression c. the act of raising a glass and drinking in honor of or to someones health of a person or thing 4.behave d. to do things in a certain way5.spirits e. a popular way of dress, haircut, behaviour or way of doing things that usually change over time6.fashion f.to open it up again7.unfold g.a way in which a group of people always do things8.custom h.strong alcoholic drinks such as whisky and Chinese MaoTai

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