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1、高二英语 Unit 1Making a difference 二同步练习 人教版答题时间:60分钟一. 单项选择:1. I find these problems are easy _.A. to be worked outB. to work out C. to work them outD. to be worked them out2. _ late in the morning, Bob turned off the alarm. A. To sleepB. SleepingC. SleepD. Having slept3. How do you deal with the disag

2、reement between the company and the customers ? The key _ the problem is _ the demand which is made by the customers.A. to solve; meetingB. to solving; meetingC. to solve; to meetD. to solving; to meet4. It seems that he has no pen _.A. to writeB. to write withC. writingD. writing with5. The police

3、_ the suburbs for the missing car .A. are seekingB. are findingC. are managingD. are trying6. We had a good many anxious moments, but everything _ all right in the end.A. turned downB. turned upC. turned outD. turned into7. _ she finds out that youve lost her book ?A. What aboutB. If what C. What if

4、D. That whether8. Anyone who has spent time with children knows the difference in the way the boys and girls respond to _ situation.A. similarB. alikeC. sameD. likely9. Dont be too _ about things you are not supposed to know.A. strangeB. amusingC. curiousD. conscious10. Ill look into the matter as s

5、oon as possible. Just have a little _.A. waitB. timeC. patientD. rest二. 完型填空:It was the night before the composition was due. As I looked at the list of topics, “ The Art of Eating Spaghetti意大利面条 caught my eyes. The word “spaghetti brought back the _1_ of an evening at Uncle Allens in Belleville _2_

6、 all of us were seated around the table and Aunt Pat _3_ spaghetti for supper. Spaghetti was an exotic 外来的treat in _4_ days. Never I eaten spaghetti, and _5_ of the grown-ups had enough experience to be _6_ it. What laughing _7_ we had about the _8_ respectable method for moving spaghetti from plate

7、 to mouth. _9_, I wanted to write about that, but I wanted to _10_ it down simply for my own _11_, not for Mr. Fleagle, my composition teacher. _12_, I would write something else.When I finished it the night was half gone and there was no _13_ left to write a proper composition for Mr. Fleagle. Ther

8、e was no choice next morning but to _14_ my work. Two days passed before Mr. Fleagle returned the _15_ papers. He said, “ Now, class, I want to read you a composition, The Art of Eating Spaghetti.My words! He was reading my words out _16_ to the whole class. _17_ laughed, then the whole class was la

9、ughing with open-hearted enjoyment. I did my best not to show _18_, but what I was feeling was pure happiness, _19_ my words had the power to make people _20_.1. A. memoryB. thoughtC. knowledgeD. experience2. A. whenB. whereC. sinceD. after3. A. cookedB. servedC. gotD. made4. A. theirB. pastC. lastD

10、. those5. A. noneB. oneC. someD. neither6. A. careful aboutB. good atC. fond ofD. interested in7. A. speechesB. lessonsC. sayingsD. arguments8. A. nearlyB. naturallyC. officiallyD. socially9. A. EspeciallyB. ProbablyC. SuddenlyD. Fortunately10. A. settleB. putC. takeD. let11. A. workB. storyC. luckD

11、. joy12. A. HoweverB. ThereforeC. As for himD. Except for that13. A. timeB. excuseC. wayD. idea14. A. give upB. continueC. hand inD. delay15. A. writtenB. gradedC. collectedD. signed16. A. loudB. fastC. publiclyD. calmly17. A. PeopleB. NobodyC. SomebodyD. I18. A. shockB. wonderC. worryD. pleasure19.

12、 A. ifB. forC. whileD. although20. A. excitedB. satisfiedC. thinkD. laugh三. 阅读理解:Several years ago, my parents, my wife, my son and I ate at one of those restaurants where the menu is written on a blackboard. After a wonderful dinner, the waiter set the check in the middle of the table. Thats when i

13、t happened: my father did not reach for the check.Conversation continued. Finally I realized that I should pick up the check! After hundreds of restaurant meals with my parents, after a lifetime of thinking of my father as the one with dollars, it had all changed. I reached for the check, and my vie

14、w of myself suddenly changed. I was an adult. I was no longer a kid.Some people mark off区分their lives in years, I measure mine in small events. I didnt become a young man at a particular age, like 16, but rather when a kid who wandered in the streets called me “mister. These events in my life are ca

15、lled “milestones里程碑There have been other milestones. The copspolicemenof my youth always seemed big, even huge, and of course they were older than I was. Then one day they were suddenly neither. The day came when I suddenly realized that all the football players in the game I was watching were young

16、er than I was. They were just big kids. With that milestone gone was the dream that someday, maybe I, too, could be a football player. Without ever having reached the hill, I was over it.I never thought that I would fall asleep in front of the TV set as my father did. Now its what I do best. I never

17、 thought that I would go to the beach and not swim, yet I spent all of August at the shore and never once went into the ocean. I never thought that I would appreciate opera, but now the combination of voice and orchestra attract me. I never thought that I would prefer to stay home in the evenings, b

18、ut now I find myself passing up parties. I used to think that people who watched birds were strange, but this summer I fond myself watching them, and maybe Ill get a book on the subject. I feel a strong desire for a religious belief that I never thought Id want, feel close to my ancestors (祖先) long

19、gone, and echo my father in arguments with my son. I still loseOne day I bought a house. One daywhat a day!I became a father, and not too long after that I picked up the check for my own father. I thought then it was a milestone for me. One day, when I was a little older, I realized it was one for h

20、im, too, another milestone.1. The tone established in the passage is one of _A. sad regret B. amusement C. happiness D. deep feeling2. The author mentions the event in the restaurant because _.A. that was one of his milestoneB. he paid the bill but he didnt want toC. he became a father with dollarsD

21、. that was the last restaurant meal with his parents3. “Then they were suddenly neither. Suggests that _.A. suddenly they became older than I wasB. suddenly I knew that they was neither bigger nor older than I wasC. suddenly I realized that I made mistakeD. suddenly I found myself no longer a kid4.

22、Which of the following best expresses the authors thinking ?A. One day is worth two tomorrowB. To save time is to length life C. When an opportunity is lost, it never comes back to youD. Time and tide wait for no man四. 短文改错:This is a story told by my father: “Festivacouldnt wait for the Spring Festi

23、val dinner. As I was 5. _about take a picture from a cooked duck, I saw Grandma in 6. _the kitchen looking at me. Shake her hand, she said, It7. _isnt a good time to do that, dear. At once I apologize8. _and controlled me at my best till the dinner started. You9. _know, that was a dinner we had wait

24、ed for several month.10. _五. 书面表达:以A Ten-minute Break为题,写一篇100词左右的短文。内容必须包括以下要点:1. 十分钟的课间休息是必要的。2. 要注意休息的方式。3. 你自己是如何利用课间十分钟的。【试题答案】一. 单项选择:1. B 句型Something be +adj. to do :某事作起来很,2. A 为了晚点起床,不定式在此做目的状语。3. D the key to doing sth.:做的方法/关键。to:是介词。后面的空是不定式做表语。4. B 不定式结构做定语修饰pen,先行词the pen 做短语to write w

25、ith 的宾语。5. A 警察搜索郊区,寻找丧失的汽车。Seek for:为寻找而搜索6. C 最终结果还不错。Turn out:结果证明是;turn up:露面;turn into:变成;turn down:调小音量;拒绝。7. C 倘使她发现你把她的书丢了会怎样?What if:倘使会怎样? 8. A 同孩子们呆在一起的任何人都知道男孩和女孩之间对相似情形反映的不同之处。Same 前面要加the9. C 不要对你不该知道的事太好奇了。Curious:好奇;conscious:有意识的。10. C 我会尽快调查这件事,请耐心点。二. 完型填空:1. AA项是:记忆,回忆,B项:思想,想法,C

26、项:知识;D项:经验。2. A排除B项,因为 Belleville是地点,如用where,那么引导定语从句,修饰Belleville没有必要。C,D两项与全句的时态不符。A项与brought back的时态照应,when 表示就在那时。3. B因为大家坐在桌旁是等Aunt Pat端上意大利面条。Serve;效劳,上菜。4. Din those days = in the past A,C两项与原文意思不符。5. A本句and之前的一个并列分句是否认句,所以后面也是一个否认分句。排除B,C 答案,neither指“两个人,与前面的all of us矛盾。6. B由于吃意大利面条是一种外来时尚,所

27、以如何吃得体面,文雅涉及到能力问题,在此说:都不擅长。7. D在分享又细又长的意大利面条之前大家很友善地争论如何吃得文雅顺利。8. DA项:几乎;B项:自然地;C项:官方地;D项:社交上地,根据上下文:吃这种面条大家都是第一次,又是在人家做客。当然是社交场合了。9. C作者开始从作文交稿日期临近想到要写作文,看到题目又想到过去做客时吃意大利面条时的场景。这时,他又突然想写一些这方面的文字。10. B根据上下文,此处是动词“写下,记下的意思。Settle down:安家;后不接宾语;let it down后面要接动词,与全句矛盾,应排除。11. D此处与“幸运无关,作者是学生,与“工作无关,作文

28、还未完成,不可能将自己的事,应排除A,B,C三项。for ones joy 符合作者的心情。“把吃面条的有趣场景写下来只是处于回想起来觉得有意思。一致。14. CA项:放弃;B项:继续;D项:推迟;与作者第二天交作文无关,C项:上交,符合句义。注意:publicly很有迷惑性,但它不符合英语的语言逻辑.与to the whole class 相重复。17. CA项的内涵太大,与the whole class不相应,B项与后面的内容矛盾,D项与后面“我尽量克制自己,不表露出我的喜悦之情矛盾。C项表示:开始有人发笑,后来全班开怀大笑。19. Bfor在此有“因为的意思。20. D根据上下文的逻辑性

29、,开始有人发笑,接着全班开怀大笑,作者感到了很纯洁的幸福,因为其文字有魅力使人们发笑。三. 阅读理解:1. D 在阅读全文过程中,根据作者对往事的回忆,读者可以感受作者写这片文章是建立在一种深深的感情是的。2. A 作者在餐馆里付帐时突然有了新的感受,所以在第三段最后总结出I didnt become a young man at a particular age, like 16, but rather when a kid who wandered in the streets called me “mister. These events in my life are called “m

30、ilestones里程碑。即自己已经长大了,人生发生了转折,自己将要承当一份人生责任了。3. D 注意这句话Then one day they were suddenly neither.在第四段前后的语境。作者小时候觉得警察都很高大魁梧,而且年龄比他大。现在他已经长大了,成长得和那些警察,足球运发动一样,甚至有时比那些运发动年龄还大。4. D 从最后一段可以得知作者的感受:岁月不饶人。四. 短文改错:This is a story told by my father: “When I wasboy,1.a The most exciting thing was when to celebra

31、te the Spring2. 去掉whenFestival. My grandma was the best cooker in the world3.cook but could make the most delicious dishes. One time, I just4. and couldnt wait for the Spring Festival dinner. As I was 5. about take a picture from a cooked duck, I saw Grandma in 6. to the kitchen looking at me. Shake

32、 her hand, she said, It7. Shakingisnt a good time to do that, dear. At once I apologize8. apologizedand controlled me at my best till the dinner started. You9. myself know, that was a dinner we had waited for several month.10. months 分析:1. boy是可数名词,第一次提到,前面必须加a2. 本句是说:欢渡春节。When在此多余.3. 用词不当,cooker:炊具

33、。Cook:厨师。4. 前后两个分句是并列关系。6. be about to do something 是固定句型。7. Shake her hand在本句中做伴随状语。应该用ing形式。8. 全句都在表达过去的事,用过去时。9. 本句是说:控制自己。宾语应改为反身代词。10. several后的名词应是复数形式。五. 书面表达:参考范文:As students, we have classes from early morning till late afternoon. Therefore, to take a ten-minute break between classes is def

34、initely important, even necessary. Otherwise we may feel both physically and mentally tired.During the ten-minute break we do something to get rid of tiredness. What we need is to have a real rest, instead of getting more tired. So dont do anything that will make you too excited.My ten-minute break is always pleasing. I usually do some simple exercises. Sometimes I have a free chat with my classmates or just take a walk during the break. When the new class begins, I feel fresh again.

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