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1、2022年考博英语-天津师范大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 单选题It is not easy to learn English well, but if you ( )you will succeed in the end.问题1选项A.hang upB.hang aboutC.hang onD.hang onto【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。hang up意为“悬挂,挂断(电话)”;hang about意为“闲逛”;hang on意为“坚持下去”;hang onto意为“紧紧抓住,不放弃,依附”。句意:学好英语不是一件容易的事,但如果你坚持下去,你最终会成功的。2. 单

2、选题Stress is a state of imbalance between demands made on us from outside sources and our capabilities to meet those demands. Often, it precedes and occurs concurrently with conflict. Stress, as you have seen, can be brought on by physical event, other peoples behavior, social situations, our own beh

3、avior, feelings, thoughts, or anything that results in heightened bodily awareness. In many cases, when you experience pain, anger, fear, or depression, these emotions are a response to a stressful situation like conflict.Sometimes, in highly stressful conflict situations, we must cope with the stre

4、ss before we cope with the conflict. Relieving some of the intensity of the immediate emotional response will allow us to become more logical and tolerant in resolving the conflict.People respond differently to conflict just as they respond differently to stress. Some people handle both better than

5、others do. Individual differences are not as important as learning how to manage the stress we feel. The goal in stress management is self control, particularly in the face of stressful events.Controlling physical symptoms of stress requires relaxation. Sit in a comfortable position in a quiet place

6、 where there are no distractions. Close your eyes and pay no attention to the outside world. Concentrate only on your breathing. Slowly inhale and exhale. Now, with each exhaled breath say “relax” gently and passively. Make it a relaxing experience. If you use this method to help you in conflict sit

7、uations over a period of time, the word “relax” will become associated with a sense of physical calm; saying it in a stressful situation will help induce a sense of peace.Controlling your thought is the second major element in stress management. Managing stress successfully requires flexibility in t

8、hinking. That is, you must consider alternative views. Your current view is causing the stress! Your must also keep from attaching exaggerated importance to events.Everything seems life-threatening in moment of panic; things dim in importance when viewed in retrospect.1.The main point of this readin

9、g is that ( ).2.Controlling your thought always involves( ).3.Human response to stress is( ).4.The authors primary purpose in writing the section is to( ).5.Which of the following statements included in the section most directly supports the writers view that stress it controllable?问题1选项A.stress is

10、an imbalance of internal and external demands.B.controlling physical reactions and thoughts is an effective means of managing stressC.relaxation is the key to successful stress managementD.stress management requires a problem-solving approach问题2选项A.considering the situation in alternative viewpoints

11、B.visualizing yourself managing the stressC.relaxation techniques to emanate physical symptomsD.a sense of being overwhelmed by the situation问题3选项A.universalB.variable according to sexC.unchangingD.individual问题4选项A.explain the relationship between stress and conflictB.instruct the reader how to cont

12、rol stressC.describe relaxation techniquesD.persuade the reader to reduce stress through breathing问题5选项A.Things dim in importance when viewed in retrospect.B.Stress is an imbalance between demands.C.People respond differently to conflict, just as they respond differently to stress.D.Managing stress

13、successfully requires flexibility in thinking.【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:D第4题:D第5题:D【解析】第1题:主旨大意题。本文主要讲了压力管理,以及应对压力管理的两种方式身体反应控制与思维控制。因此选B,控制身体反应和思维是管理压力的有效手段。第2题:细节事实题。由文章倒数第二段中That is, you must consider alternative views. Your current view is causing the stress! Your must also keep from attaching exaggerat

14、ed importance to events.(也就是说,你必须考虑其他观点。你当前的观点是造成压力的原因!你也必须避免过分重视这件事)因此选A,考虑替代观点的情况。第3题:细节事实题。由文章第三段中People respond differently to conflict just as they respond differently to stress.(人们对冲突的反应不同,正如他们对压力的反应也不同)可知选D,人类对压力的反应是个体的。第4题:主旨大意题。由第一题以及文章大意,可知作者写这篇文章的目的是为了介绍压力管理的方法,因此选B。第5题:观点态度题。题干:以下哪一项包括在最

15、直接支持作者的观点的部分中,强调它是可控的?作者认为压力管理可以通过身体反应控制与思维控制来进行,因此D选项“成功的管理压力需要思维的灵活性”符合题意。3. 翻译题Translate the following into ChineseReading can only be fun if you expect it to be. If you concentrate on books somebody tells you you ought” to read, you probably wont have fun. But if you put down a book you dont lik

16、e and try another till you find one that means something to you, and then relax with it, you will almost certainly have a good timeand if you become, as a result of reading, better, wiser, kinder, or more gentle, you wont have suffered during the process.【答案】只有当你期望阅读是有趣的时候,它才是有趣的。如果你全神贯注于别人告诉你“应该”读的

17、书,你可能不会有乐趣。但是如果你放下一本你不喜欢的书,并尝试另一本,直到你找到一本对你有点意义的书,然后轻松地读下去,你肯定能乐在其中如果你因为阅读而变得更好,更智慧,更友善,或者更文雅,你就不会在这个过程中受苦。4. 单选题Fortune tellers are good at making ( )statements such as “Your sorrows will change”.问题1选项A.philosophicalB.literalC.ambiguousD.invalid【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。philosophical意为“哲学上的”;literal意为“字面的”;

18、ambiguous意为“含糊的,不明确的”;invalid意为“无效的”。句意:算命先生擅长发表诸如“你的悲伤会改变”这样的模糊的陈述。5. 单选题The doctors dont( )that the patient will live much longer.问题1选项A.entailB.manifestC.articulateD.anticipate【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。entail意为“牵涉,需要”;manifest意为“显示,表明”;articulate意为“口齿清楚,清晰发(音)”;anticipate意为“预料,预期”。句意:医生们预计病人活不了多久了。6. 单选题In

19、 most cases impoverished mothers have symptoms of anxiety because of the ( )they must cope with in their daily lives, rather than because of true mental health issues.问题1选项A.adversityB.substanceC.depletionD.trauma【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。adversity意为“困境,不幸”;substance意为“物质,材料”;depletion意为“消耗,用尽”;trauma意为“创伤”。句

20、意:在大多数情况下,贫困的母亲有焦虑的症状,因为他们必须应对日常生活中的不幸,而不是因为真正的心理健康问题。7. 翻译题Adversity (逆境) refers to the difficulties and setbacks confronted by people in life. Adversity exists in everyones life. It plays an important role in the process of peoples growth and maturity. Peoples attitude towards adversity determines

21、 its influence on them. Adopting a positive attitude towards adversity will maturate our personality Therefore, adversity is actually a challenge and trial, which can bring ones potential into full play. It can help drive away ones laziness and perfect oneself in the fight against difficulties. That

22、 is the significance of adversity.【答案】逆境是指人们在生活中遇到的困难和挫折。逆境存在于每个人的生活中。它在人们的成长和成熟过程中起着重要的作用。人们对待逆境的态度决定了它对他们的影响。对逆境采取积极的态度将使我们的个性成熟,因此逆境实际上是一种挑战和考验,它能使人潜能充分发挥。它能帮助人赶走懒惰,在对抗困难的斗争中完善自己。这就是逆境的意义。8. 单选题He wrote the book in ( )with his wife.问题1选项A.proportionB.installmentC.correspondenceD.collaboration【答案】

23、D【解析】考查名词辨析。proportion意为“比例,份额”;installment意为“装置,分期付款”;correspondence意为“一致,符合”;collaboration意为“合作,协作”。句意:他和他的妻子合作写了这本书。9. 单选题One effect of the ( )economy of 2009 on state and local governments is a decrease in income, sales, and property tax revenues.问题1选项A.prosperousB.sluggishC.substantialD.pervasi

24、ve【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。prosperous意为“繁荣的,兴旺的”;sluggish意为“缓慢的,迟缓的”;substantial意为“大量的,重大的”;pervasive意为“遍布的,普遍的”。句意:2009年经济发展缓慢对国家和地方政府的影响是收入、销售和财产税收入的减少。10. 单选题They( )the enemys telegram and were able to win famous victory.问题1选项A.discernedB.decodedC.positedD.understood【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。discern意为“觉察出,识别”;deco

25、de意为“解(码),破译(尤指密码)”;posit意为“假定,设想”;understand意为“理解”。句意:他们破解了敌人的电报,并赢得了著名的胜利。11. 单选题The use of natural gas to generate electricityfar from perfectly clean but less carbon- ( )than coal usehas jumped 25 percent since 2008.问题1选项A.inclusiveB.extensiveC.intensiveD.exclusive【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。inclusive意为“包括

26、的,包罗广泛的”;extensive意为“广阔的,广大的”;intensive意为“密集的,加强的”;exclusive意为“专有的,排外的”。句意:自2008年以来,使用天然气发电远没有完全清洁,但碳密集型比煤炭的使用要少已经上涨了25%。12. 单选题Humble ( )it may be, theres no place like home, ( )her may go.问题1选项A.like, whenB.as, whereverC.although, whereD.which, wherever【答案】B【解析】考查状语从句。as引导让步状语从句必须进行倒装,此处将表语humble提

27、前;wherever意为“无论哪儿”,引导地点状语从句。句意:尽管家很简陋,但无论她去哪儿,没有一个地方可以和家相提并论。13. 单选题The temperature ( )greatly; the days were very hot while the nights were very cold.问题1选项A.changedB.alteredC.variedD.reflected【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。change意为“改变,变化”,指完全改变;alter意为“改变”,指部分改变;vary意为“变化”,指多变;reflect意为“反射,反应”。句意:气温变化很大,白天很热,夜晚很冷

28、。14. 单选题Although there was a lot more to say, Stephen ( )from further questions.问题1选项A.reflectedB.strainedC.refrainedD.resisted【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。reflect意为“反射(光、热、声或影像)”;strain意为“拉紧,拉伤”;refrain意为“抑制,克制”。refrain from意为“忍住”;resist意为“抵抗,抗拒”。句意:虽然还有更多的话要说,斯蒂芬忍住进一步的问题。15. 单选题People are getting a better idea

29、 of the need to protect ( )property rights.问题1选项A.knowledgeB.intelligenceC.intellectualD.learning【答案】C【解析】考查固定搭配。intellectual property意为“知识产权”。句意:人们越来越了解到保护知识产权的必要性。16. 单选题As educational levels rise and information technology accelerates, the distinction between managers and workers will ( )and mana

30、gement knowledge will be everyones responsibility.问题1选项A.fade awayB.pass awayC.slip awayD.wash away【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。fade away意为“消失,衰弱”;pass away意为“(时间等)消磨掉”;slip away意为“悄没声息地溜走”;wash away意为“冲走,清洗”。句意:随着教育水平的提高和信息技术的加速,“管理者”与“员工”之间的区别将逐渐消失,管理知识将是每个人的责任。17. 单选题It gave me a strange feeling of excitement

31、 to see my name in ( ).问题1选项A.newsB.printC.publicationD.press【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。news意为“新闻,消息”;print意为“印刷业,印记”;publication意为“出版”;press意为“新闻,出版社”。in print意为“印出来”。句意:当看到我的名字出现在出版物上时,我有一种奇怪的兴奋感。18. 单选题The medicine( )his pain but did not cure his illness.问题1选项A.activatedB.mediatedC.alleviatedD.deteriorated【

32、答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。activate意为“使活动,触发”;mediate意为“调解,调停”;alleviate意为“减轻,缓和”;deteriorate意为“使恶化”。句意:药物缓解了他的疼痛,但并没有治愈他的疾病。19. 单选题Having had her as a professor and adviser, I can tell you that she is an( ) force who pushes her students to excel far beyond their own expectations.问题1选项A.inspirationalB.education

33、alC.excessiveD.instantaneous【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。inspirational意为“启发灵感的,鼓舞人心的”;educational意为“教育的”;excessive意为“过度的,极度的”;instantaneous意为“瞬间的”。句意:有了她作为教授和顾问,我可以告诉你,她是一股鼓舞人心的力量,她能鼓励她的学生们发挥出超出他们自己的期望。20. 单选题( )he wanted to go out with his friends at the weekend, he had to stay behind to finish his assignment.问题1选项A.Much thoughB.Much asC.As muchD.Though much【答案】B【解析】考查状语从句。as可以引导原因状语从句,though不能引导原因状语从句。as引导原因状语的时候进行倒装,much是用来修饰want的程度副词句意:因为周末他很想跟他的朋友出去玩,所以他不得不留下来完成作业。

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