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1、考研考博-考博英语-厦门大学模拟考试题含答案1. 单选题The Bush Junta is using the_of Hurricane Katrina to cut the wages of people desperately trying to rebuild their lives and their communities.问题1选项A.dismantlementB.devastationC.scuttleD.wreckage【答案】B【解析】dismemberment分割,肢解; devastation毁坏;scuttle逃避;wreckage失事。句意:布什政府正利用Katrin

2、a飓风带来的破坏,削减那些拼命试图重建生活和社区的人们的工资。选项B符合句意。2. 单选题The senator of New York courted black voters,considered crucial to_the Democratic presidential nomination, in a series of campaign stops.问题1选项A.confiningB.securingC.tamperingD.pervading【答案】B【解析】confine限制; secure保护,固定; tamper干预,削弱; pervade遍及。句意:这位来自纽约的参议员在

3、一系列竞选活动中设法争取黑人选民的支持, 黑人选民被认为是确保民主党总统候选人提名的关键。选项B符合句意。3. 单选题When the novelist Jodi Picoult was approached to write a few installments of the Wonder Woman comics series, her first_was to take the character out of her trademark.问题1选项A.conspiracyB.subversionC.impulseD.dissipation【答案】C【解析】conspiracy共谋, 阴

4、谋; subversion颠覆, 破坏; impulse推动, 剌激; dissipation消散, 分散。句意:当小说家Jodi Picoult被邀请为神奇女侠系列漫画写一些情节时, 她的第一个想法就是把这个角色从自己的性格特征中脱离出来。选项C符合句意。4. 单选题The following qualifications are essential for the post: an honors degree in English,_in shorthand and typewriting and some experience in journalism.问题1选项A.proficien

5、cyB.expertiseC.knowledgeD.familiarity【答案】A【解析】proficiency精通, 熟练; expertise专门技术; familiarity熟悉。句意:应聘该职位必须具备以下条件:英语荣誉学位, 速记和打字熟练, 有一定的新闻工作经验。选项A符合句意。5. 单选题The Tacomas executive director and three port commissioners will be in China next week to_advice from world port experts on improving inland transp

6、ortation systems.问题1选项A.discriminateB.disperseC.differentiateD.glean【答案】D【解析】discriminate歧视, 区别;disperse(使)分散, 疏散;differentiate区别, 区分; glean 收集。句意:塔科马港执行董事和三名港务专员将于下周访问中国,听取世界港口专家关于改善内陆运输系统的建议。选项D符合句意。6. 单选题Everyday there are reports of_that have been committed against innocent people.问题1选项A.behavio

7、rsB.fixturesC.subordinatesD.atrocities【答案】D【解析】behavior举止, 行为;fixture设备, 固定装置; subordinate下属; atrocity暴行,残暴。句意:每天都有关于对无辜人民实施暴行的报道。选项D符合句意。7. 单选题Business is improving but much more hard work and common sense will be_before any substantial profits can be realized.问题1选项A.put up withB.called forC.taken

8、upD.gone through【答案】B【解析】put up with容忍; called for需要, 要求; taken up拿起, 占据, 开始从事; gone through经历。句意:生意正在好转, 但要想获得可观的利润, 还需要做更多的工作和了解更多的常识。选项B符合句意。8. 翻译题Despite the web,we watch more television than ever.In the chaos of todays media and technology brawliPod vs. Zune, Google vs. Yahoo, windows vs. Linux

9、, Intel vs. AMDwe can declare one unlikely winner. Standing tall in a field of new tech wonders, its a geezer technology that are invented in the 1920s and commercialized in the 1940s, and its still more powerful than any thing created since.(1) As you try to figure out where consumer infotech is go

10、ing, and what it means for society, remember this big, central reality: People just want more television.If you doubt it, look at todays biggest news in tech. It continually centers on new ways to bring consumers the thing they crave above all else. (2) Sony flooded the recent Consumer Electronics S

11、how with products that put internet video on your TV set, as did almost every other consumer electronics company. At the simultaneous Macworld Expo, Apple chief Steve Jobs introduced Apple TV, which does the same thing. Verizon said it will soon offer live TV on cellphone screens. It will also sell

12、full -length programs for viewing whenever you want. Put it all together,and we have achieved a nirvana that didnt exist even a year ago:unlimited television available 24/7 on every screen you own.Its no surprise,of course. (3) Ever since the basic facts of steadily multiplying processor power and b

13、andwidth became apparent, seers have confidently predicted this day. They just as confidently predicted what it would mean: traditional televisions demise. Once the World Wide Web appeared in the mid- 1990s, the future looked very clear. Boring old TV, the scheduled programs that come to you through

14、 a coaxial cable or satellite dish or antenna,would fade away.(4)Which is exactly the opposite of what has happened. Despite many Net Age alternatives,we Americans today watch more boring old TV than ever, which is saying something. How can that be? My theory is the Two-Liter Coke Principle. The Coc

15、a-Cola company discovered long ago that if it could get people to bring home bigger bottles of Coke,those people would drink more than they used to. Just getting more Coke in front of them increased their consumption. It seems to be the same with TV. Put more of it in front of peopleover 100 channel

16、s in many homesand people will watch more.Seen from this perspective, the latest announcements of new TV-related technology look simply like additional ways to put more TV in front of American consumers. The supposed threat from the Internet was that wed cut back on TV as we spent more time on MySpa

17、ce or in Second Life. We may well spend more time on such new Net attractions,but were unlikely to take that time away from video viewing. Were more likely to cut back on things we consider less important, like sleep.(5)No one has evaluated TV better than the great New Yorker essayist E. B. White, w

18、ho in 1938 wrote, We shall stand or fall by television, of that I am sure. We still dont know which it will be, but his assessment looks truer than ever. Read the passage carefully and translate the underlined sentences into Chinese【答案】(1)当你设法弄清消费信息技术将向何处发展以及这对社会意味着什么时,要记住这个重要的核心事实:人们只是想看更多的电视节目。(2)

19、就像其他每个消费电子产品公司做的那样,索尼公司在最近的消费类电子产品展会上推出大量产品,这些产品是用来把网络视频放到电视上。在同时举行的麦客世界展会上,苹果公司总栽史蒂夫乔布斯推出具有同样功能的苹果电视。(3)从那时到现在,基本而明显的事实是处理器的功能不断提高和带宽的不断增大,而预言家们已经自信地预测了这一天。正如他们自信地预言它的含义:传统的电视节目会被替代。(4)实际情况却正好相反。尽管网络时代有其他多种选择,我们美国人如今看的无聊电视却比以往任何时候都多,这就说明了问题。(5)关于电视,没有人比著名的纽约人杂志评论家E. B.怀特的评价更恰当。他在1938年写道:“我们的好坏将取决于电

20、视, 这一点我敢肯定。”9. 单选题High-fructose com syrup is easy for food and beverage makers to use, and has_ the former leading sweetener: sucrose,or ordinary table sugar.问题1选项A.edged outB.edged inC.edged awayD.edged on【答案】A【解析】edge out替代, 挤掉; edge in挤进; edge away缓缓移动; edge on 怂恿,鼓励。句意:高果糖玉米糖浆对食品和饮料生产商来说很容易使用, 而

21、且已经取代了以前重要的增甜剂蔗糖或普通的食糖。选项A符合句意。10. 单选题The workers of space shuttle Discovery got into the back of the shuttle to look for_in the electronics that send data from the sensors to onboard computers.问题1选项A.glitchesB.suspectsC.orbitersD.pitches【答案】A【解析】glitch失灵,小故障;suspect嫌疑犯;orbiter盘旋物,人造卫星; pitch斜度。句意:航

22、天飞机“发现者”号上的工作人员们进入飞机的后部,寻找将数据从传感器发送到机载计算机上的电子设备的故障。选项A符合句意。11. 单选题The Committee has approved your qualifications and you will be_to the retiring Head Clerks post.问题1选项A.employedB.appointedC.admittedD.accepted【答案】B【解析】employed雇用; appointed任命为; admitted接纳; accepted接受。句意:委员会已批准你的资格, 你将被任命为退休的文书主任。选项B符合

23、句意。12. 单选题Poseidon sat at his desk, doing figures. The administration of all the waters gave him endless work. He could have had assistants, as many as he wanted 一 and he did have very many 一 but since he took his job very seriously, he would in the end go over all the figures and calculations himse

24、lf, and thus his assistants were of little help to him. It cannot be said that he enjoyed his work: he did it only because it had been assigned to him; in fact, he had already filed many petitions foras he put itmore cheerful work, but every time the offer of something different was made to him it w

25、ould turn out that nothing suited him quite as well as his present position. And anyhow it was quite difficult to find something different for him. After all, it was impossible to assign him to a particular sea: aside from the fact that even then the work with figures would not become less but only

26、pettier, the great Poseidon could in any case occupy only an executive position. And when a job away from the water was offered to him he would get sick at the very prospect, his divine breathing would become troubled and his brazen chest began to tremble. Besides, his complaints were not really tak

27、en seriously; when one of the mighty is vexatious the appearance of an effort must be made to placate him, even when the case is most hopeless. In actuality a shift of posts was unthinkable for Poseidon he had been appointed God of the Sea in the beginning, and that he had to remain.What irritated h

28、im most 一 and it was this that was chiefly responsible for his dissatisfaction with his jobwas to hear of the conceptions formed about him: how he was always riding about through the tides with his trident. When all the while he sat here in the depths of the world-ocean, doing figures uninterruptedl

29、y, with now and then a trip to Jupiter as the only break in the monotonya trip, moreover, from which he usually returned in a rage. Thus he had hardly seen the seahad seen it but quickly in the course of hurried trips to Olympus, and he had never actually traveled around it. He was in the habit of s

30、aying that what he was waiting for was the fall of the world; then, probably, a quiet moment would be granted in which, just before the end and having checked the last row of figures, he would be able to make a quick, little tour.Poseidon became bored with the sea. He let fall his trident. Silently

31、he sat on the rocky coast and a gull, dazed by his presence, described wavering circles around his head. 1.The underlined sentence (Ithim) in the first paragraph suggest that Poseidon regarded his work with ( ).2.It can be inferred from the authors description of Poseidons routine (how.in a rage) th

32、at ( ).3.According to the passage, Poseidons dissatisfaction with his job primarily stems from ( )4.The author of the passage portrays the god Poseidon as ( ) .5.Poseidon is unable to change occupations for all of the following reasons EXCEPT ( ).问题1选项A.resignationB.enthusiasmC.hostilityD.intimidati

33、on问题2选项A.Poseidon prefers performing his duties to visiting JupiterB.Poseidon is too busy to familiarize himself with his kingdomC.Poseidon requires silence for the performance of his dutiesD.Poseidons dissatisfaction with his job detracts from his efficiency问题3选项A.the constant travel that is requir

34、ed of himB.the lack of seriousness with which his complaints are receivedC.the constantly changing nature of his dutiesD.others mistaken notions of his routine问题4选项A.a dissatisfied bureaucratB.a powerful godC.a discontented vagabondD.a capable accountant问题5选项A.his appointment as God of the Sea is in

35、herently unchangeableB.he has fallen into disfavor with the gods on Mount OlympusC.he cannot imagine a life away from the waterD.nothing else suits him as well as his present position【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:D第4题:A第5题:B【解析】1.Poseidon对他工作的态度是() 。resignation放任, 服从; enthusiasm热心, 热忱; hostility敌对; intimidation

36、恐吓, 威胁。根据划线部分的内容可知, 不能说他喜欢他的工作, 他这样做只是因为这是分配给他的。所以他的态度是听之任之的, 选项A正确。2.根据划线部分的描述可知, 作者是想表达Poseidon对工作的不满导致了工作效率的下降, 选项D正确。3.根据第二段的第一句What irritated him most 一 and it was this that was chiefly responsible for his dissatisfaction with his jobwas to hear of the conceptions formed about him.最让他生气的是听到别人对他

37、的意见, 正是这一因素导致了他对工作的不满。选项D符合原文。4.根据文字内容可知, 作者将Poseidon描述为不满的官僚, 选项A正确。其他选项均不符合原文。5.根据第一段后半部分的内容可知, 选项A. C, D均是Poseidon无法改变职业的原因, 只有选项B在文中没有提及。13. 单选题We agree that a central purpose of drama has always been to provide a means for a society to_upon itself and its beliefs.问题1选项A.manifestB.reflectC.inven

38、tD.respect【答案】B【解析】manifest证明, 显示; reflect反映; invent发明,创作; respect尊重。句意:我们一致认为, 戏剧的中心思想一直是为社会提供一种反映自身及其信仰的手段。选项B符合句意。14. 单选题Women once demanded men with_social skills, but theyre now focusing on his values, if hes interested in family.问题1选项A.impeditiveB.colossalC.blemishD.impeccable【答案】D【解析】impediti

39、ve阻碍的, 妨碍的; colossal巨大的, 庞大的; blemish污点, 缺点, 瑕疵;impeccable没有缺点的,无瑕疵的。句意:女性曾经要求男性具备无可挑剔的社交能力,但现在她们关注的是“他的价值观,他是否热爱家庭”。选项D符合句意。15. 单选题Its easy to_us because were supposedly a bunch of dumb country bumpkins and rednecks.问题1选项A.pick overB.pick offC.pick onD.pick out【答案】C【解析】pick over仔细检查或挑选; pick off摘掉,

40、拔去; pick on选中,批评,欺负;pick out挑选出。句意:我们很容易受欺负,因为我们被认为是一群愚蠢的土包子和乡巴佬。选项C符合句意。16. 单选题CNBC,the cable business network,and the New York Times have joined forces to create an alliance against a common_: Rupert Murdochs News Corp.问题1选项A.voidB.foeC.cockpitD.gist【答案】B【解析】void空间,空虚; foe反对者, 敌人,对手; cockpit驾驶员座舱,

41、 战场; gist主旨,要点。句意:有线商业网络CNBC(消费者新闻与商业频道)和纽约时报联手创建了一个联盟来对抗共同的竞争对手: Rupert Murdoch的新闻集团。选项B符合句意。17. 单选题Londons Heathrow airport,alongside many other major airports,is hoping that_passenger numbers will be swallowed up by a new generation of huge aircraft.问题1选项A.probateB.obsoleteC.swellingD.recapitulat

42、ing【答案】C【解析】probate遗嘱认证的; obsolete荒废的, 淘汰的; swell增大; 磁胀; recapitulate 重述要点, 概述。句意:伦敦Heathrow机场和其他许多主要机场都希望,新一代的巨型飞机能够承载得下数量日益增长的旅客。选项C符合句意。18. 写作题Write an essay on the given topic On University. Based on the following outline, present your argument with supporting details of no less than 250 words.

43、You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.1.大学的功能2.大学是否实现了目标3.如何改进【答案】On UniversityIt is a clear fact that our country attaches great importance to education and there are much more students who become university freshmen each year. Although they have entered into their ideal sanctum, do they real

44、ly know about the university?In my opinion, university is not only a place of acquiring knowledge but a place of getting integrated development as well. A university student is on the best phase of forming his own character and developing his all-around capacity. However, teachers in the class still

45、 keep to traditional teaching method,which hardly create a kind of environment where students have chance to express their own thoughts. In addition,a university can be described as a bridge between students and society. If it doesnt link the both sides, or not enough,once students step into society

46、,they may be puzzled by many things and scarcely know how to deal with them. So how to improve university education? We should innovate upon teaching method on the basis of traditional one so as to let students have more chances to speak out their own thinking. We can also hold a small discussing me

47、eting to deal with the real problems from society,therefore when students go out of the campus,they will adapt themselves to the society quickly.To sum up,nowadays the main problems existing in university education is that most students lack of ability to think independently and to deal with complex

48、 things in our society. Im sure these problems will be solved as long as correct and effective measures can be taken.19. 单选题The landscape of the American West was dramatically altered during the 20th century as a result of the_ construction of dams along major rivers.问题1选项A.degenerativeB.widespreadC

49、.advancingD.extensive【答案】B【解析】degenerative退化的; widespread分布广泛的; advancing前进的; extensive广泛的,一般指范围和内容宽泛。句意:由于沿主要河流修建了大量的水坝, 美国西部的景色在20世纪发生了巨大的变化。这里强调分布广泛, 所以选项B更恰当。20. 单选题The destruction of the Twin Towers in New York City_shock and anger throughout the world.问题1选项A.temptedB.provokedC.summonedD.enveloped【答案】B【解析】tempted引诱, 诱导; provoked激起, 引起; summoned传唤, 召集; enveloped包围, 包封, 遮盖。句意:纽约双子塔的毁坏在全世界引起了震惊和愤怒。选项B符合句意。

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