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1、会计学1第一页,共30页。1、请您签到。 Please sign your name.2、把手机(shu j)调到静音。 Please put your mobile phone on silent mode.第1页/共30页第二页,共30页。肢体肢体语言语言BodyLanguage55%语调语调Tone38%语言语言language7%第2页/共30页第三页,共30页。第3页/共30页第四页,共30页。第4页/共30页第五页,共30页。课 程 安 排AGENDA第5页/共30页第六页,共30页。 人在言行、交际中会自觉或不自觉地加入自己的手势、表情、身体动作和眼神等肢体语言以强调或表达自己的

2、主观(zhgun)意愿,谓之肢体语言。Body Language includes eye contact, gestures, expressions and body actions that cooperate with verbal words to emphasize the meaning when people communicate with others.第6页/共30页第七页,共30页。眼神Eye Contact面部表情Expression手势、身体动作Gesture语音(yyn)、语调Speech/Voice人际距离Interpersonal distance第7页/共3

3、0页第八页,共30页。肢体语言的特点 :Points of Body Language:1、跟个人的生活背景和个性(gxng)有很大的关系。 Has important link with individual background and characters.2、言语与肢体的不协调能反应出的问题; If the speech does not cohere with the body language, can give a distorted impression; 3、肢体语言具有感染力。 Body Language is contagious.第8页/共30页第九页,共30页。头 T

4、he Headn侧向一旁说明对谈话有兴趣。n A tilted head shows that you haven interest in the topic.n头挺得笔直说明对对方的谈话持中立态度。n If you hold your head straight, this showsn you have a natural attitude with the speaker.n低头(d tu)说明对对方的谈话不感兴趣或持否定态度。n If your head points down, it looks like you aren not interested in talking with

5、 the speaker or hold an negative attitude.第9页/共30页第十页,共30页。n与陌生人初次交谈,视线落在对方的鼻部是最令人舒服的。The first time you have a conversation with a strangertry to look at the nose part of the speaker,because this will make him/her more comfortable.n直接注视对方眼睛的时间不宜过久,因为长时间凝视对方会令人不自在。nDo not gaze directly at the speake

6、rs eyes for a long time, because it will make the speaker feel uncomfortable. n瞪着别人(birn)看是不礼貌的。 Staring is impolite.眼睛(yn jing) The Eyes第10页/共30页第十一页,共30页。 嘴和眼一样都有传情达意的作用。在社交活动中,谈话(tn hu)时尽量少努嘴和撇嘴,因为这样的动作容易 流露出不屑的意味,而显得不够有涵养。站立、静坐或握手时,嘴可以微闭,不要露出牙齿,如果能保持微笑就更完美了。 The mouth has the same effect with th

7、e eyes when people are expressing their feelings and ideas. In social activity, avoid to pout or curl the lip, because such movements can easily be considered as disdainful and appear to lack self-control.Keep the mouth closed softly and do not show your teeth too much, try to maintain a smile throu

8、ghout the conversation.嘴 The Mouth第11页/共30页第十二页,共30页。n在许多国家,人们用握手打招呼。nIn many countries people often greet each other with a handshake.n全世界的人都挥手打招呼或表示再见(zijin),但来自不同国家的挥手的方式有别。nAll over the world, people wave their hands to say hello or goodbye. But people wave differently in different countries. n我

9、们可以用手势来传递简短的讯息,但要小心。n We can use hand signals to send a short message. But we need to be careful.手 The Hands第12页/共30页第十三页,共30页。零Zero侮辱(wr)Rude钱Money好的OK手 The Hands第13页/共30页第十四页,共30页。我们用全身无言地表达情感,我们张开双臂表示欢迎或去拥抱某人。 We show emotion nonverbally with our whole body. We open our arms to welcome or to hug

10、someone.面对不认同的人,我们转身离开。 We turn away from someone we disagree with.人们轻踏地面或轻敲(qn qio)手指,这表示生气或不耐烦。 People tap their feet or their fingers to show that they feel angry or impatient. 当我们觉得舒服时,全身放松。当我们觉得不舒服时,全身僵硬、紧张。 When we feel comfortable, our bodies look relaxed. When we feel uncomfortable, our bodi

11、es look tense and nervous. 身体(shnt) The Whole Body第14页/共30页第十五页,共30页。自信:抬高下巴;坐时上半身前倾;站立时抬头挺胸、双手背在身后;手放在口袋时露出大拇指;掌心相对、手指合起来呈尖塔状;翻动外套(wito)领子。 Self-confidence: Raise the chin; Sit up straight; Stand with your head up and place both hands on your lower back; Show your thumbs when your hands in your poc

12、kets; put your palms together and make a pyramid shape.紧张:吹口哨;抽烟;坐立不安;以手掩口;使劲拉耳朵;绞扭双手;把钱、钥匙弄得叮当响。 Tension: Whistle; Smoking;Sit down and stand up frequently; Covers your mouth with your hand; Pull down on your ear with your hand.身体(shnt) The Whole Body第15页/共30页第十六页,共30页。用适当的语调和语速,简明扼要地与客人进行交流。声音不要过大

13、,亲切、柔和,面带微笑。尊敬客人,不要打断(d dun)客人的谈话。Do not speak too loud, use simple and clear words with a pleasant voice and smile. Talk with respect and do not interrupt the guest.语音(yyn)、语调 Speech/Voice第16页/共30页第十七页,共30页。n亲密距离0.5米;nFamily Distance 0.5 meter;n个人(grn)距离0.5-1.25米;nPersonal Distance 0.5-1.25 meters;

14、n社会距离3米;nSocial Distance 3 meters;n谈话距离 1米;nKeep at least 1 meter interpersonal distance when you talk to the guest.人际(rn j)距离Interpersonal distancen 距离(jl)产生美。n Certain distance brings about beauty.第17页/共30页第十八页,共30页。n头部:眼光平视,不要东张西望。nHead:Keep straight and eyesighthorizontally, do not look around.n

15、双手:不要交叉抱于胸前或放入口袋,可自然垂放,可叠握,置于身前。nHands:Don t cross or put into pockets. nHold together and put in the frontnor Sag naturally.n双脚:略分,两脚呈 “ V ” 字型分开,n体重均匀分部(fn b)于两脚。nFeet:Split a little in a “V” shape with your nweight equally distributed on each foot.n身体:挺胸收腹,腰部用力,膝盖要直。nBody:Stand straight, keep kne

16、es straight.n表情:面露自然的微笑。nExpression:Keep smiling.工作(gngzu)中的礼仪 站姿Courtesy at work Standing第18页/共30页第十九页,共30页。时刻谨记良好(lingho)的姿势需注意以下四点:收肩(要放松)、收腹、提臀、挺胸。Bear in mind the following prescription for good posture: shoulders back (but relaxed), tummy in, tail in and head up.工作(gngzu)中的礼仪 站姿Courtesy at wor

17、k Standing第19页/共30页第二十页,共30页。n头部:眼光平视,不要东张西望。nHead:Keep straight and eyesight horizontally, do not look around.n手、脚:手放在膝盖上。女士的双手交叉放在n膝盖上。双脚要并拢。避免一些不恰当的腿部动作,如:抖动、敲击地面等。nHands & Feet :Place your hands on knees.Ladies should cross hands on knees. Close feet. Avoid dithering legs or knotting ground.n身体:

18、脊背要挺直,臀部坐在椅子(y zi)的三分之二处。nBody:keep the lower torso straight and nsit on 2/3 part of the chair.n表情:面露自然的微笑。nExpression:keep smiling.工作(gngzu)中的礼仪 坐姿Courtesy at work Sitting第20页/共30页第二十一页,共30页。n头部:眼光平视,不要东张西望。nHead:Keep straight and eyesighthorizontally, do not look around.n身体:双肩自然下垂,挺胸、收腹但不要过度(gud)。

19、nBody:Shoulders pulled down, bottom tucked in and the chest should not be thrust forward too far. n腿、脚:走路时脚尖向前并保持膝盖屈伸自如。步履轻盈,步幅适中。nLeg & Feet:Toes should point straight ahead and knees kept flexed and loose. Keep your step light, and keep the pace moderately.n表情:面露自然的微笑。nExpression:Keep smiling.工作(g

20、ngzu)中的礼仪 走姿Courtesy at work Walking第21页/共30页第二十二页,共30页。第22页/共30页第二十三页,共30页。第23页/共30页第二十四页,共30页。第24页/共30页第二十五页,共30页。五秒钟内和客人(k rn)拉近距离。Build a close relationship with the guests within 5 seconds. S= Smile微笑(wixio) O=Open Body Language开放式肢体语言 F=Forward Lean身子前倾 T= Tidy整洁 E=Eye contact眼神接触 N=Nod点头第25页/

21、共30页第二十六页,共30页。n一个热情、友好的微笑表明你非常(fichng)欢迎客人并且愿意为他们提供服务。nAn affable smile shows your welcome and you are very happy to provide service for the guests.n用开放式的肢体语言进行交流。让你的肢体语言表现出你的信心和热情。nUse open Body Language to communicate with the guests.Let your Body Language display your confidence and enthusiasm.

22、五秒钟内和客人(k rn)拉近距离。Build a close relationship with the guests within 5 seconds.第26页/共30页第二十七页,共30页。n身子前倾表明你正在听对方讲话(jing hu),并且对话题很感兴趣。nForward lean shows you are listening to the guest and interest in the topic.n专业、整洁的仪表显示出你对客人的尊敬。nTidy and professional grooming shows your respect to the guests.n点头示意

23、(目光接触和微笑)表明你看到了客人,并且马上就给他们提供相应的服务。nNodding the head (with eye contact and a smile) shows that you have seen the guests and welcome and you will attend to them in a minute.五秒钟内和客人(k rn)拉近距离。Build a close relationship with the guests within 5 seconds.第27页/共30页第二十八页,共30页。n上班时间不要(byo)嚼口香糖。nCannot chew chewing gum on duty.n不要(byo)打断客人。nDo not interrupt the guests.不 要Never第28页/共30页第二十九页,共30页。 感 谢 参 加 培 训Thank You For Attending This Training第29页/共30页第三十页,共30页。

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