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1、小学英语五年级上册教学计划一、指导思想小学阶段的英语教学重点在听、说、读、写的训练上,要培养良好的发音,正确的听说读写习惯和运用语言的习惯,重要的是要养成良好的接受英语和学习英语的方法. 二、学生情况分析五年级的学生已经接触了两年英语,有一定的英语基础.儿童的特性使得他们活泼好动,对新事物有着强烈的好奇心,探索知识的欲望很强烈,并且有着很强的表现欲.三、教学目标根据小学生的心理和生理特征以与发展需求,小学阶段的英语课程的目的是激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们英语学习的积极态度,使他们建立初步的英语学习的自信心;培养学生一定的语感和良好语音、语调基础;在一些英语教学活动中能够运用英语进行交流或完

2、成教学活动.四、教材分析本教材难易度合理,过渡平和,主要采用的是全身反应Total Physical Response教学法,让学生在不同的学习活动中感知并运用英语.本教材按照每单元三课时编排,每单元包含九个部分:第一部分是全单元的的主要句型、单词等语言材料与其功能的集中展示;第二部分是主要句型和单词的重点板块;第三和第四部分是巩固知识的活动板块;第五部分是阅读,是对前面的拓展;第六部分是学生间合作活动,大多是两人组活动,以便学生应用语言;第七部分是读写部分;第八部分是拼读部分;第九部分是娱乐部分.教材的设计体现了以人为本的教育思想,形式多样活泼,很符合该年龄阶段的儿童. 五,教学方法建议 词

3、汇教学Lets learn Lets learn部分的词汇是围绕话题归类出现的.与前四册不同的是,从五年级上册开始,Lets learn中的部分或全部词汇要求学生做到听说读写四掌握.还可以在与学生的交流中自然引入新单词,让学生在理解词义的基础上朗读、拼读新词. 在交际中教学单词.教师应力求在语言交流中教单词,用旧词联系新的语言,融会语言和词汇的教学.不要为了教单词而教单词,也不要让学生死记,要把它放到具体的对话句子中学习. 对话教学Lets talk Pair work Group work 本册教材浓缩了原有的情景会话,更突出了目标句型.为给学生提供灵活运用语言的机会,这部分还提供可替换的内

4、容.为此,教师应做相应的调整. 、阅读理解教学Read and write 这部分的教学目标是:读懂对话或短文;完成检测学生理解程度的填充句子练习;听说读写四会掌握一组句子;完成一项综合运用语言的任务型语言活动. 、语音训练Pronunciation 这一册Part C中Pronunciation很重要,不能省略.教师在教学过程中不要直接告诉学生这些字母组合的发音,而是要启发他们通过仔细听录音和观察单词的结构来发现读音规则.在学生掌握后,鼓励他们尝试认读一些未曾学过但符合发音规律的新词,从而增加学生学习语音的成就感,培养他们自主学习的能力 .六、教学进度Module1 LondonTeachi

5、ng Objectives:1. Learn the new words when, e back, home, finish, hurry up, wait, drop, met, ran andWhen did you e back? /We came back Did you?2. Let students describe what they did by using the past form.3. Let students be friendly to others.Teaching Key and points:MasterWhen did you e back? We came

6、 back Let students describe what they did by using the past form.Teaching methods: pair work, Task-based Language teaching, Situational Teaching Method Teaching aids: pictures, cards, tape recorder, puterUnit 1 When did you e back?Teaching Procedure:StepI. Warming-upListen and actT: e to the blackbo

7、ard! Walk back!play football,watch TV,play puter games ,go swimmingSs: Do actions通过听和做,调动学生的积极性,活跃了气氛,复习了已经学过的动词词组,也为新的学习做好语言知识和情感态度上的准备Step II. Revision1.Guess: What did Miss Wu do yesterday?brain stormT do actions, Ss guess and use sentences describe.For examples:1.教师做做饭的动作学生用英语描述:You cooked yeste

8、rday.2. 学生用英语描述:You played puter games yesterday.用一般过去时描述,启发学生回忆以往的语言知识Step III. Presentation1.Listen and answer. Who are they?S2: Sam, Lingling and Amy.T: Are Lingling 、Sam and Amy in England or in China?S1: They are in London.S2: I think they are in a park.T: Good job.2.1T: When did Amy e back? Wh

9、at did Lingling buy in the park? Lets read by yourselves and underline the answers.T: When did Sam and Amy and Sam e back?S1: They came back last Sunday.讲解e back T: Walk to the blackboard. ,教师招手并对学生说: e back.如此几次,学生理解了e back的意思.练习When did you e back? I/ We/ They/ he came back师问: Where did you go dur

10、ing your summer holiday? When did you e back? 2T: What did they buy in the park?S2: They bought some ice creams.操练Hi-ice; eat-cream 3T: What happened after that?S3: Lingling dropped her ice cream.讲解drop T:Oh. I dropped my book. 告诉学生drop的过去式是dropped让学生造句.3. Teacher writes the words on the blackboard.

11、Then read after teacher.4.Follow the tape recorder and read the dialogue. 学生跟读课文然后以四人为单位分角色朗读,教师评出最佳朗读组5. T:Yesterday, they were very busy. Lets say: What did they do yesterday? 给学生两分钟准备T: What did Sam do yesterday evening?S1: Sam watched TV.S2: He helped his dad.T: Can you ask questions like me?Ss:

12、 Yes.S3: What did Amy do yesterday evening?S4: She painted a picture.这一活动使课堂变得丰富和鲜活起来,鲜艳的图片吸引了学生的注意力,学生根据今天所学内容能够对图片进行问答练习Step Practice1.展示图片.T: Who is she? Yes, its me. On summer vacation my family went to Qingdao .We went there by car. My daughter and I went swimming in the sea. We ate some seafoo

13、d. At there, we had a good time.语言最终是为交际服务的,因此在此介入一些真实的活动是很有必要的2. Talk about the summer vacation1 I want to know where did you go on summer vacation.2 When did you e back?3 How did you go there?4 What did you do?5 What did you wear? Step HomeworkSay and write: What did your parents or friends do las

14、t weekend? Writing on Blackboard:Where did you go?When did you e back? I/ We/ They/ he came backWhat did you buy/do?I dropped my ice cream.课后反思:热身活动时我设计了复习学过的短语,通过听和做,调动学生的积极性,活跃了气氛,复习了已经学过的动词词组,也为新的学习做好语言知识和情感态度上的准备.接下来的brain storm中学生积极性不是很高,放假回来学生的口语有所下降.最后的拓展环节,学生在刚开始说的时候语言不是很多,但经过提醒后又变得丰富起来,合作的氛

15、围很浓.达到了互动的效果,将课堂推向了一个高潮.有个别较落后的学生虽然语言不多,但也参与了交际活动,教师巡视并给予指导.最后通过同学和老师的提示学生在全班叙述自己的暑期生活,效果不错.只是本节课一小部分同学对dropped的发音没掌握好,我会利用早读的时间加强学生发音练习.Unit 2 Did they buy ice creams?Teaching Procedure:I. Warm-up:1. Greetings. T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you?2. Free talkT: I went to Jiajiayue supermarket yes

16、terday. S1: When did you go to Jiajiayue supermarket? 展开大量练习:When did you have an ice cream? When did you have English?When did you go to school?II. Lead-in:1教师说说暑假出行, 以复习学过的动词过去式T:I came back from Guilin. I went to the Beijing .I bought a hat there.I met an old friend.I had lunch there .I ate an ic

17、e cream.2Read together.III. New-teaching:1. T: We know Lingling is in London.She writes to Daming.Lets look!2Listen and answer.T: Did Lingling go to the park yesterday?3. Read, ask and answerT: Who did Lingling, Amy and Sam meet yesterday? What did they buy? How did they go home?4.讲解新知met,ran,droppe

18、d5.T: I ate an ice cream yesterday.Did you eat ice cream yesterday? S: Yes, I did.6.讲解句子:Did you _yesterday?Yes,I did.No,I didnt.IV. extension1Lets listen and repeat.2Play a game. T: I watched TV yesterday. What did you do? Listen and repeat.V. Sum-up: Let students conclusion what they have learned.

19、VI.HomeworkActivity bookP5第4题Writing Design:Unit2 Did they buy ice creams?Did you _yesterday?Yes,I did.No,I didnt.课后反思:这一单元主要是运用动词的过去试描述过去发生的事情.第二单元尽管是对第一单元的复习,可对于下游的同学有点难度.开头我以Free talk作为热身运动,给学生营造一个快乐的英语语言气氛,学生们非常积极的配合,很快进入到学习英语的氛围中了,单词卡片的复习让孩子们的注意力很快就集中起来.传授新知时,通过提问,让学生寻找答案,然后对新知巩固操练,还充分运用眼神、手势、动


21、还有一些做得不足的地方,对下游的学生提问的不够多,第二遍听录音提问时没有顾与到下游学生,所以,只有一小部分同学举手,希望自己在今后的教学中,能改正不足之处,虚心向有经验的老师请教,完善自己的教学.Module2 Shopping模块分析:Unit1Ms Smart带Lingling去超市购买野餐需要的食物.Lingling看着购物清单询问Smart需要多少香蕉和奶酪.同时Smart还询问Lingling是否喜欢这些食物.让学生初步了解在购物时如何用英语询问物品的多少和价格,重点运用:1.How manydo you want?与回答;2.Do you like something?来询问某人的

22、喜好.Unit 2 让学生制定购物单,主要练习How muchdo you want?的句型,学会用英语购物.1.语音方面:主要了解字母u,o,a,字母组合ir,ur,er,ar,在单词中的常见读音,让学生在朗读单词的过程中体会字母与字母组合的发音.2.重点句型:How many/muchdo you want? 与其回答Do you like? 与其回答3.重点单词:need, food, shopping list, cheese, juice, how many/much, kilo, box, bottle4.教学难点:能掌握并熟练运用句型 How many /much.do you

23、want?教学目标一、语言知识目标:1.功能: 谈论购买物品的数量.2.结构、句子: How much/How many do you want?Half a kilo. / One kilo. Six bottles of juice.3.词汇听:能够在句子中听懂单词:cheese, juice, banana, noodle, orange, pear, milk, rice, egg, kilo, box, bottle, piic, need, food, shopping list, how much/how many, supermarket, what about说: 能够在句子

24、中使用单词或短语:cheese, juice, box, bottle, need, food, shopping list, how much/how many读: 能够认读单词或短语:cheese, juice, box, need, food, shopping list, how much /how many会默写:need, food,shopping list, cheese, how much, kilo, juice, box, bottle二、语言技能目标1.听:能够听懂用how many和how much询问有关食物数量的表达:How many bananas do you

25、 want? I want six bananas.How much milk do you want? I want six bottles .2.说:能够用How many do you want?和How much do you want?询问食物的数量;能够区别回答How many do you want?和How much do you want?的提问;能够唱课文歌曲,并能尝试改编歌词.3.读:能够读出课文中含有How many /much do you want?的问句;能够读懂cheese, milk,juice和banana,两类不同名词的含义与复数表达;能够看图读课文.4.

26、写:能够借助图片或实物仿照课文写出有关食物数量的表达:How much milk do you want? Five bottles, please.How many bananas do you want? Six, please.三、学习策略:在生活实践中学习英语四、文化意识:了解中国、美国、英国和欧盟国家分别使用的货币.五、情感态度:乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与课堂的各项组织活动.Unit1 How many do you want?教学过程:一、 Warm up教师播放学生在Module 1中学习的英语歌曲,学生跟录音唱.二、Revision and lead-in利用歌曲,复习上单元

27、中的对话,从而用句型where did you buy it? 引出单词supermarket.接着出示不同数量的各种食物,用Do you like?和how many/how much提问.三、Presentation活动一1.T: Ms smart and Lingling are at the supermarket now,播放课文VCD, 学生观看并回答以下两个问题:1. How many bananas do they want?2. How much cheese do they want?2由问题一操练对话:How many do you want? Six, please.

28、Do you like bananas? Yes ,I do./No, I dont.由于本组对话是学生的已有知识,进行简单操练即可.由问题二引出新单词:cheese, kilo, half a kilo,one kilo of noodles,并利用图片学习新单词.以小组活动的形式重点操练对话:How much cheese do you what? Half a kilo./ One kilo3.听录音,在每一句话后停顿,学生跟读,模仿录音中的语音、语调.四、Practice1.活动二,学生一人扮演Ms Smart,一人扮演Lingling,教师指两幅图中任意一幅,学生两人表演.提醒学生在

29、表演时要根据对话的内容配以适当动作.叫自愿者到前面表演,教师对学生与时鼓励.2.活动三,教师出示活动中的四个回答,学生读出这四个句子,然后分别找出与这些回答对应的问句.学生两人一组做问答练习,完成后互换角色.五、Consolidation1. 表演购物短剧.教师将各种物品的图片分为食物类,水果类,文具类等分别放在教室不同角落的桌子上,教师找几名同学做售货员,让学生以大排为单位购买.教师给出重点句型:What do you want?/Can I help you?How many /much do you want?Do you like bananas? Yes ,I do./No, I d

30、ont.2.打乱购物顺序,让学生重新排列.学生两人一组完成此项任务.六、Sum up如何谈论购买物品的数量七、Homework听录音,模仿语音语调,熟读课文.Module 3 At the WeekendUnit 1 We visited lots of places.教学内容:Unit 1 We visited lots of places.教学难点:What did you do at the weekend?We visited lots of places.Where did you go?We went to the BritishMuseum.教学重点:Words of Modul

31、e 3教学用具:radio and pictures.教学程序:1、热身复习复习上一堂课中学过的song让学生听一遍录音并跟着说.请学生拿出为自己的爸爸拟定的出差用品购物单,相互交流、给出理由.让学生回忆周一至周日、周末怎么说.问学生What do you usually do at the weekend?让学生平时周末所做的活动罗列出来,然后将自己的周末活动与他人的周末活动做一下交流.在交流时可采取小组表格统计的方式呈现个大家.2、任务呈现与课文导入 do the dictation work and review the key words and sentences of Module

32、 23、课文教学1学习SB活动1学习新单词.教师分别出示the British museum 这个词组与wonderful 这个单词的图片和拼写,让学生看图直观地理解单词与词组的意思,先让学生看拼写自己试读一下,学生试读后,教师领读,学生跟读.According to the steps of learning words ,the teacher should teach the students all the words of wordlist of Module 3. Play some games to consolidate the words ,let the students

33、read the words easily.3SB 活动1 After learning the new words and phrases of M3unit 1,we can listen the whole text one time,and listen again one by one .The teacher must explain the meaning of the sentence with the whole class and try the best of the studentsmind .At last ,let the students follow the r

34、adio ,and read it loudly. 3SB 活动2 教师按顺序手指上的three pictures,每指一幅图就让两名同学来分角色朗读.最后任意指一幅图,学生两人练习对后.然后将学生分为两人一组,一人扮演Daming,一人扮演Amy,两人一起朗读全篇对话.请自愿者表演,告诉学生要根据对话的内容为表演配上自然的动作,如打 、购物等.4SB 活动3学生看书,教师问看到多少幅插图,让学生说出每一幅图的活动是什么.学生根据对话两人合作.最后全班交流,教师纠错.4、课后作业 copy the key words and sentences.recite some key words an

35、d sentences教学板书设计 Module 3 Unit 1 A B C DUnit 1 We visited lots of places.Words Sentences.Lesson 2Module 3 Unit 2 What did Daming do?教学内容:Unit 2 What did Daming do?教学难点:字母o; or,a; oo; oo, ou 在单词中常见的发音Song: the London Eye教学重点:The story of Daming and his father.教学程序:1、热身复习review some words and sentenc

36、es of Unit 1 ,Module 32、任务呈现与课文导入The teacher should guide the students understand the whole story about Daming and his father visiting the Great Wall and helping them with the new words and expressions .3、课文教学1SB Unit活动listen to the tape and let some students explain the sentences.the teacher can wr

37、ite some key words and sentences on the blackboard. the teacher can use some games to practicethe words and key sentences. SB Unit活动 read and answer the questions according to the story .the teacher can give some support if necessary. think and talk about. let the students answer the questions by si

38、tuations.、课文学习语音教学SB 活动.教师出示一些单词卡片,上面的词包括dog, fox, morning, tall, book, football, soup, food.单词划线处的元音字母写成红色.教师出示单词卡片,学生读出单词.学生听录音,思考划线处的发音.教师举起写有dog的卡片,请学生判断字母o在这个单词中的发音.再举一些例子.学生可以两人合作,或小组合作来想单词.以同样的方式来学习其他元音字母与字母组合在单词中的发音.song教学方法同前.、课后作业 try to recite the story,if not, read them ASAP.教学板书设计 Modul

39、e 3 Unit 2 A B C DUnit 2 What did Daming do?WordsModule4 My possessions Unit1 Its mine教学设计 白秋兰 金陵小学 五1班 一、教材分析 本课是新标准英语小学英语三年级起点第5册第4模块 Possessions的Unit 1 Its mine.本课通过一些图片,对话让学生掌握和理解本课的重要句型和单词,让学生知道如何表达自己所有的物品. 二、教学内容:单词mine; yours; his; hers; argue; matter; wear; line; clean; 句型:Its mine/yours/her

40、s/his. It isnt mine/yours/hers/his. 三、教学对象:小学五年级学生 四、教学目标:1语言知识目标:A、掌握单词mine/yours/hers/his. B、掌握句型Its mine/yours/hers/his . It isnt mine/yours/hers/his 2语言技能目标:使学生在语境、合作、交流中体会、理解mine/yours/hers/his的意思,并能用Its mine/yours/hers/his表明物品的所属关系. 五、情感目标:1能够运用所学英语句子Its mine /yours/hers/his 表明物品所属关系. 2在和谐的氛围中

41、,让学生轻松愉快地学习英语,并形成良好的英语语感. 3教育学生遇事要弄清楚原因,不要鲁莽地与他人争吵. 六、学习策略目标:通过有趣的活动让孩子在轻松的学习英语,培养学生的合作能力. 七、教学重点,难点:理解运用名词性物主代词mine; yours; his; hers;Ling lings. 八、教学准备:单词卡片 十、板书设计: Module4 Unit1 Its mine wear clean matter argue This is my pen, its mine. your book, its yours. his ruler, its his. her pencil, its he

42、rs. 十一、教学过程:一热身 1.Greeting T: Hello! Boys and girls! Good morning!Nice to meet you !Whats your name?How are you?Can I be your friend? T:I am very glad to be your friend,now lets begin our lesson.Class beginT:First, we will play theSimon saysgame. When I say Simon says you should do the action,and wh

43、en dont say Simon says you shouldnt do the action ,If youre wrong, youll be punished by a gun peng peng.Understand? T:Now, lets begin, Simon says touch your ear. Simon says point to your head. Nod you head. Simon says touch your partners shoulder. Point to her desk. Simon says pick up you pen and sa

44、y its my pen. T:OK! Youre wonderful! 设计理念:通过游戏活跃课堂气氛并复习形容词性物主代词,为学习名词性物主代词作铺垫. 呈现wear,clean,mine,yours,his,hers.Itsmine/yours/hers/his. It isnt mine/yours/hers/his T:Very good.The whole class did a good job.Today is my first time to stand here and give you the leeson .So I wear my new cloth.Look, my

45、 cloth is clean. T:Now boys and girls,look at me.This is my book,its mine.The whole class pick up ypur book and say it togetherThis is my book,its mine. T:Excellent,now listen carefully.Hello,xiaoming,is this your pen? S:Yes,this is my pen,its mine.引导学生回答,然后呈现yours,its yours T:Good,this is your pen,

46、its yours.The whole class say it together This is your pen,this is yours. 三操练 T:Just now I borrow some books and pens from you,but now I have some matter, I froget who is the owner of them. T:Who can help me?Oh,you are so kind.Is this your pencil/book/pen/ruler? T:Now I have a matter again,the tow b

47、ooks are in the same,who can tell me the owner? T:Dont argue!Dont argue!Now lets find the owner together.Is this your book?. 四、课文教学 T:Now,we will go into the text,and find what is the metter with Sam and Amy?Why are they argue?Ok first time,listen carefully.Second time, listen to the tape with these

48、 3 question. Where are Sam and Amys T-shirts? 2.What are the colour of the 3 T-shirts? Why are they argue? The last time,listen carefully and then answer my question. 五、小结,布置作业:1、听课文录音,熟读课文内容. 2、把本课新单词每个抄6遍.Unit2 This bag is hers一、教学目标:1、知识目标:理解和把握句型This bag is hers.以与单词mine、yours、his、hers.2、能力目标:培养

49、学生用所学知识来指出事物的主人,以与用所学知识来获取他人信息的能力.3、德育目标:激发学生学习英语的爱好,养成积极参与活动、积极与他人合作的良好习惯.二、教学重点:理解和运用名词性物主代词.三、教学难点:区分形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词.四、教具预备:收集部分学生的学习用品.五、教学过程:一 热身与复习做Simon Says游戏.运用句型Touch your .Point to his/ her/ my .运用全身功能反应法进行Simon Says游戏,既活跃了课堂气氛,又使学生快速进入思维状态,同时也复习了旧知识形容词性物主代词,为下面的学习埋下伏笔.这么做符合小学生的年龄特征.二新知识

50、的呈现与操练1、呈现mine与操练教师拿出以收集的物品之一 pen问:Whose pen is this?Pen的主人站起往返答:Its my pen.教师拿出自己的钢笔问:Whose pen is this?学生们回答:Its Ms Feng s pen.教师接着说:Yes, its my pen. Its mine. This pen is mine.板书并带读教师再问刚才那位Pen的主人:Is this your pen?引导那位学生回答:Yes. Its mine. This/ That pen is mine.教师继续以同种方式进行操练.以旧引新,自然过渡,学生不回觉得太难,可以消除

51、学生胆怯的心理.2、呈现his、hers与操练.以的方式进行呈现与操练:要求学生闭上眼睛,教师拿某一位学生的书包,要求书包主人不参加游戏,然后让学生睁开眼睛,师问:Whose bag is this?很快,书包主人的同桌就发现了答案:Its WangJing s bag.教师对该学生的答案给予肯定:Yes. You are right. Its her bag. Its hers. This bag is hers.以同种方式引出his板书并操练. 3、呈现yours与操练以接近第一种的呈现方式进行呈现与操练.师:Whose ruler is this?生:Its mine. This rul

52、er is mine.师:Oh, its your ruler. Its yours. This ruler is yours. 板书并带读4、请学生们看黑板上的板书,找出两种物主代词的区别.my pen = mine - This pen is mine.her bag= hers - This bag is hers.his eraser = his - This eraser is his.your ruler = yours - This ruler is yours.三巩固1、以chant的方式进行巩固.A, cake, this is my cake. Its mine. Its

53、mine. This cake is mine.I, bike, this is hers bike. Its hers. Its hers. This bike is hers.A, plane, this is his plane. Its his. Its his. This plane is his.I, kite, this is your kite. Its yours. Its yours. This kite is yours.2、以游戏的方式进行巩固.游戏规则:教师拿出部分收集品发给几名学生,请他们帮忙寻找物品的主人,要留意礼貌.以多样的方式进行巩固,学生不会觉得厌烦,这么做

54、培养了学生积极参与活动、积极与他人合作的良好习惯.四完成物归原主任务.教师把余下的物品发给每一位学生,请他们帮忙寻找这些物品的主人,提醒他们要用上以前学过的句子,如:Excuse me. Thank you. Hello! Bye. 等礼貌用语.运用任务型语言教学途径,结合学生的生活实际,有利于发挥学生学习的积极性、主动性,使学生乐于开口.既培养了学生运用英语交际的能力,有提高了学生的学习效率.五小结.让学生根据黑板上的板书说说自己在本节课学会了什么.小结有利于让学生对本节课所学内容有个整体的熟悉.六作业.教师根据课文内容设计了一个表格,发给学生,让他们回家听课文录音,完成表格. orAmyS

55、amJimmyLinglingT-shirtbagSweatercap通过作业让学生在课外也能进行学习.六、教学反思:在以上的教学过程中,我充分发挥学生的主体性,注重学生间的合作,通过游戏、猜物品主人、找物品主人等活动方式来激发学生学习的爱好和积极性.心理学家皮亚杰曾经说过:一切有效的工作必须以某种爱好为先决条件.苏霍姆林斯基参加说过:成功的快乐是一种巨大的情绪力量,它可以促进儿童好好学习的愿望.以上两点在本节课中都得以很好的体现.总的来说,本节课实现了预设的教学目标,教学重点突出了,教学难点也解决了.Module 5 Unit 1 There are enough.教案设计 Step 1 C

56、heck the new words and the text. 1. Check the new words T: Yesterday weve learned the new words of M5 U1. First, lets have a dictation. Prepare a piece of paper. Who wants to e here? OK, now lets listen and write. T: Have you finished? OK, now lets have a change and check in your groups. If you have

57、 mistakes, correct. Now, who has got full marks? Hands up. After class, plus your points for your group. 2 .Check the text. I think most of you can remember the words very well. Now, lets check up the questions of the text. Whats the meaning? Are there enough pencils? There are twenty-five children

58、in the class. There arent enough. Step 2 Groupwork:Find the phrases, the main sentences and learn. 1. Now lets begin our groupwork. Read the text in your groups and finish this task. Task1: Find the phrases, the main sentences and learn in your group, then make a sentence with the phrases. 2. T: Now who wants to be our teacher? 首先是领读read;其次是了解汉意translate,在这个环节小老师可以用:I speak English, you speak Chinese. I speak Chinese, you speak English Let one student teach and check. Pla

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