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1、北京语言大学21秋汉语写作综合测试题库答案参考1. He met the old professor _ times on the way to school. Adozen Bdozen of CdozensHe met the old professor _ times on the way to school.AdozenBdozen ofCdozensDdozens ofD2. Black hair is a sharp_white skin.Amethod toBcompare toCrefer toDcontrast toBlack hair is a sharp_white sk

2、in.Amethod toBcompare toCrefer toDcontrast to正确答案:D3. 总结的写作要求有( )A.正确的指导思想B.实事求是的精神C.注重实际效果D.结构恰当,语言简明参考答案:ABCD4. Julie has been given leave from work because she is _a baby in two weeks.A. excitedJulie has been given leave from work because she is _a baby in two weeks.A. excited aboutB. expectingC.

3、 heading forD. carrying答案:B5. The work _ in two days. Ahas been finished Bwill finish Cwill be finishedThe work _ in two days.Ahas been finishedBwill finishCwill be finishedDare finishedC6. 文体从语言风格的角度来分,有( )。A.政论文体B.行动描写C.科学文体D.公文事务文体参考答案:ABCD7. 被称为最独特的电影语言和电影剧作的特殊技巧是( )。A.结构技巧B.显示式C.叙述技巧D.表达技巧参考答案:

4、B8. 没有主题,文章就会支离破碎,不知所云。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B9. 调查报告的写作目的非常明确。它通常是为了解决某一类问题,指导某一项工作,总结某一类经验,对某一单位、某一部门的某些具体问题进行调查研究之后写出的。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B10. 精心设计板书的重要性有( )A.让学生看的清楚B.有助于学生对教材的理解C.有助于帮助学生掌握教学内容的基本思路D.具有对一堂课之“龙”“点睛”的作用参考答案:BCD11. He is _ university student and he is _ honest person Aa/an Ban/a Can/an Da/a

5、He is _ university student and he is _ honest personAa/anBan/aCan/an Da/aA用a还是an主要看单词开头的音标,而不是字母。12. A.inB.onC.atD.withA.inB.onC.atD.with正确答案:A13. We are _ your letter 26 June and have acted on your instruction. Ain receipt of/duly BWe are _ your letter 26 June and haveacted on your instruction.Ain

6、receipt of/dulyBacknowledgement of/immediatelyCin priority of/quicklyDin arrangement of/considerablyA14. We have just received, the survey report from the Dalian Commodity Inspection Bureau _ the brokWe have just received, the survey report from the Dalian Commodity Inspection Bureau _ the broken ba

7、gs being due to improper packing, For which the suppliers are definitely responsible.AevidenceBevidencedCevidencingDto evidenceC15. The scientist played an important part in developing his countrys nuclear power ( ).AThe scientist played an important part in developing his countrys nuclear power ( )

8、.A.processB.profileC.programD.progress答案:C16. English has never been the only language in use over the British Isles , and it certainly is not now!English has never been the only language in use over the British Isles , and it certainly is not now! Welsh is still used in Wales. Some Welsh people sti

9、ll speak it as their mother tongue , and it is widely taught in Welsh schools. Some people in Scotland and in Ireland still use a language that is related to Welsh. It is called Gaelic. These languages have a long history in these islands - longer than the history of English. In addition , people fr

10、omoverseas have settled in England quite recently during this century. In some industrial cities , though not generally in Britain , you find groups of people who speak Polish , and other groups speaking the languages of the Indian subcontinent. A survey of North London schools in the early 1980 s f

11、ound that nearly a third of the children spoke a language other than English at home.The majority of the 55 million people living in England use English all the time. Standard English , that is , written English , is in use throughout Britain. Spoken English , however , sounds very different in diff

12、erent parts of the country. There is a story , a play. by the famous writer George Bernard Shaw , about a professor of English Language who can tell you someone s address when he hears that person speak! That is exaggeration of course. Not even a Professor , who has studied the sounds of English all

13、 his life , can really do that. However ,it is true hat most people who have lived for a long time in Britain can tell a number of things about the people as soon as they speak! Usually we cannot tell the speaker s address, but we can guess the part of the country where the person comes from. We can

14、 tell how well educated he or she is too! If an international user of English , like anyone of you here , happens to meet speakers from , say , the North or the West of England , you may find them hard to understand. Unless you understand what is going on your confidence in your ability to use the l

15、anguage may be badly shaken.36. Gaelic is related to Welsh. ( )37. Welsh is not taught in schools anymore. ( )38. One third of the 55 million people in England speak other languages besides English at home ( )39. Written English is in use throughout Britain but spoken English sounds different in dif

16、ferent parts of the country. ( )40. Most people who have lived for a long time in Britain can tell how well educated a person is by the way he/ she speaks. ( )参考答案:36. T 37. F 38. F 39. T 40. T17. 教学论文写作前可以不用进行必要的教学科研。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A18. 运用插叙、补叙、倒叙等表现方法时往往需要过渡。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B19. What was the weat

17、her like yesterday? It was terrible. It rained so _ that people could _What was the weather like yesterday?It was terrible. It rained so _ that people could _ go out.A) hardly.hardB) hardly.hardlyC) hard.hardlyD) hard.hardChard作副词,表示“猛烈地”;hardly作副词,表示“几乎不”。20. 在新闻评论的“四性”中,新闻性是基础,论辩性是方法,指导性是灵魂,公众性是方向

18、。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B21. 散文区别于小说、戏剧的很重要的标志在于散文是一种( )。A.向内的抒情文体B.情节C.向内的叙事文体D.向外的叙事文体参考答案:A22. 我们有幸自荐,盼望能有机会与你们合作,扩大业务。我们有幸自荐,盼望能有机会与你们合作,扩大业务。We have the pleasure of introducing ourselves to you with the hope that we may have an opportunity of cooperating with you in your business extension.23. 解说词的特点有

19、哪些( )A.附着性B.拓展性C.审美性D.分合性解说词有分有合,合中有分,分中有合,节段分明参考答案:ABD24. 艺术性说明文又称“科普作品”,是指那些多以描绘、比喻、形象、拟人等艺术表现手法解说事物和事理的说明文。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B25. Under CIF,if the seller is ready to bear the charges for unloading the goods onto the dock of the poUnder CIF,if the seller is ready to bear the charges for unloading th

20、e goods onto the dock of the port of destination, which of the following variation is to be adopted? _.A. CIF landedB. CIF ex-tackleC. CIF Ex Ships-HoldD. CIF trimmedA26. 文体,是指独立成篇的文章体裁(或样式、体制),文章构成的规格和模式,某种历史内容长期积淀的产物。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B27. The art exhibition _ this Saturday. Ahold Bis to be held Cwi

21、ll hold Dis goingThe art exhibition _ this Saturday.AholdBis to be heldCwill holdDis going to holdB28. 消息标题是否精彩,间接关系到能否激发读者的阅读欲望。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A29. The conference _ in Beijing next week is bound to be a great success. A) holding B) beingThe conference _ in Beijing next week is bound to be a great

22、success.A) holdingB) being heldC) to holdD) to be holdD由句中的时间状语next week可知此处应用表将来的结构,且应用被动结构,故可以首先排除A、C两项。B项being held表示“正在进行的事情”,故不正确。30. 狭义散文是( )才有的说法。A.古代B.向外的抒情文体C.五四D.当代参考答案:D31. 适用于对重要问题提出见解和处理办法的公文形式是( )。A.批复B.西方古代的分法C.报告D.议案参考答案:B32. 调查报告的结构形式一般包括哪几个部分?( )A.导语B.醒目C.正文D.结语参考答案:BCD33. Can you

23、express _ in English? Ayourself Byou Cyours Dyours&39;Can you express _ in English?AyourselfByouCyours DyoursA34. ( )在题材上基本不受限制。A.小说B.说C.散文D.诗歌参考答案:C35. I can take my holidays at any time_in August.AexceptBexcept forCexcept thatDbesidI can take my holidays at any time_in August.AexceptBexcept forCex

24、cept thatDbeside正确答案:A36. A letter Dear Amy , We (1)(finally) went on the trip to the Middle East that I told you about! Daphne and the Lees came along. We travelled first by plane to Cairo and then (2) (by ) bus to the siteMark1. Can you replace this by final ?2. Can you replace this by on?3. Can y

25、ou use the word go here?4. Can you replace this by enjoyed?5. Can you use the word a here?6. Can you replace this by cooking?7. Can you replace this by which?8. Can you leave out the word that here?9. Can you replace this by I tried?10. What does that refer to in this sentence?参考答案:1. No.2. No.3. No

26、.4. No.5. No.6. No.7. Yes.8. Yes.9. No.10. The pictures.37. I was a teacher but I want to be a doctor now. _ A) So is my friend B) So do my frienI was a teacher but I want to be a doctor now. _A) So is my friendB) So do my friendC) So was my friendD) So it is with my friendD表示后者与前者情况一样,但前者中谓语动词多种形式,

27、后者不能确定谓语动词形式,只能用so it is with.38. Stop Using Disposal Products 写作要点: 1人们喜欢用一次性产品。 2这种做法带来的害处。 3Stop Using Disposal Products 写作要点: 1人们喜欢用一次性产品。 2这种做法带来的害处。 3措施。正确答案:Disposal products are gaining increasing popularity in China. Now they practically become part of our life: We have disposal chopsticks

28、disposal cups disposal clothes disposal cameras. Indeed we are in throw-away society.rn However the wide use of the so-called convenience goods is extremely harmful in many ways. In the first place though man has achieved an unprecedented level of production our available resources are on the declin

29、e. If this trend continues the limited resources on earth will be exhausted soon. Furthermore disposal products cause serious pollution in our environment which is already threatened by our unhealthy life styles. It is reported that many scenic spots are losing their appeal because of white pollutio

30、n caused by numerous plastic rice-boxes. Finally people are getting more extravagant than thrifty which is harmful to our social atmosphere. In fact in many developed countries disposal good are banned.rn More strict measures should be taken to prevent disposal products from widely using. People sho

31、uld be further educated to increase their awareness of conservation. Laws must be executed to ban the use. Most importantly new technology must be used to produce more recycle products.DisposalproductsaregainingincreasingpopularityinChina.Nowtheypracticallybecomepartofourlife:Wehavedisposalchopstick




35、oproducemorerecycleproducts.39. 公文按照行文方向可以分为以下三种:( )A.上行文B.下行文C.平行文D.逆行文参考答案:ABC40. 下面哪个选项不是实用文体的语言要求?( )A.准确B.深刻、重要C.华丽D.精约参考答案:C41. It is necessary _ you to comply _ our shipping instructions.It is necessary _ you to comply _ our shipping instructions.for,with42. Xi an is only a 5hour journey_ Bei

36、jing by the express train. A. awayXi an is only a 5-hour journey_ Beijing by the express train.A. awayB. inC. from参考答案C43. 黑色幽默的风格特征为冷峻、嘲弄、挖苦、反讽的态度与语调,甚至冷静到了麻木绝望、近乎残酷可怕的地步。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B44. Pat: When do you want me to finish cleaning the office?Rose: _Pat: When do you want me to finish cleaning t

37、he office?Rose: _正确答案:FF 解析:首先应读懂上文,后进行逻辑推理,选择填充词句。上文意为“你要求我什么时间把办公室的卫生做完?”45. 消息的五个要素是什么?( )A.时间、地点、人物、事件、原因B.通知C.时间、地点、事件、原因、结果D.时间、地点、人物、事件、过程参考答案:A46. Announcement from China ABC Tender Corporation Dear Sirs/Madam, In accordance with the Loan AgreAnnouncement from China ABC Tender CorporationDea

38、r Sirs/Madam,In accordance with the Loan Agreement between Chinese Government and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for The Construction of a New Harbor Project in Shandong, China ABC Corporation Shandong Branch now invites bids from eligible suppliers from member countries of ADB for the Constructio

39、n of a New Harbor in Shandong, to be financed with the proceeds of ADB.All those who are willing to participate in the bid are kindly requested to contact our office at 60 Yanan Road, Qingdao, Shandong, tel86-532-6168217 , fax 86-532-6168218 to obtain bidding document between 9: 00 a.mand 11: 00 am(

40、Sundays and holidays excepted)from Oct25, 2008 to Dec25, 2008 upon nonrefundable payment of RMB 500 while express mail postage RMB 50 shall be added.Bids shall reach ABC Corporation before 5: 00 a.mJan1, 2009 (local time)Bids will be opened in public at 10: 00 a.mon Jan18th, 2009(local time) in Chin

41、a ABC CorporationBids received after that date and time or not accompanied by a Bid Bond USD 1200 as required in the bidding document will not be accepted.Yours truly,Bids will be opened in RmA0408 at the address below:China ABC Corporation Shandong BranchHui Bin Office Building, No60 Yanan RoadQing

42、dao, Shandong, ChinaPOBox: 9802Post code: 100101Telex: 22655 CPCCI CNTel: 4916649, 4916650Fax: 4216612中国ABC公司招标通知 按照中国政府和亚洲发展银行(ADB)之间签署的山东港口建设项目的贷款协议,中国ABC公司现向亚洲发展银行成员国中有合格的供货商发出“对山东港口建设项目”的招标邀请,即用亚洲发展银行的收入款项作融资。 全套的投标文件从2008年10月25日上午9时到上午11时(星期日、节假日除外)2008年12月25日在山东青岛市延安路60号有售,电话:86-532-6168217,传真

43、:86-532-6168218,也可在收到不退还的500元人民币(或145美元)外加50元的邮费后立即以(邮政)快件方式寄出。 投标书应于当地时间2009年1月1日上午5时以前送达,并将在2009年1月18日上午10时由中国ABC公司公开开标。每份投标必须以独立封笺的信封提交并随附投标保证金。没有附带投标保证金的投标不予受理。 在下列地址A0408房间开标 中国山东青岛延安路60号 中国ABC公司 邮箱:9802 邮编:100101 电传:22655 CPCCICN 电话:4916649,4916650 传真:4216612$Letter 1 To: China ABC Coporation,

44、 Shandong Branch Hui Bin Office Building, NO.60 Yanan Road Qingdao, Shandong, China From: Li Jiang/General Manager Dalian AAA Construction Ltd Date: Dec8th, 2008 Re: Invitation to Tender NoHB-08Dear Sirs, We acknowledge receipt of your Invitation to Tender Documents for the above and we agree to mai

45、ntain confidentiality in regard to the Invitation to Tender and the contents thereof. We confirm we intend to submit a bona for the Tender in accordance with all your requirements by the date and time stated in your letter of Invitation to Tender. Our details are given below: Name: Dalian AAA Constr

46、uction Ltd. Address: AAA Construction Ltd. Dalian518068 PRC Tel No: (0755)6694302, (0755)6851355 Fax No: (0755)6694008 Contact person: Li Jiang/General Manager Please accept our best wishes for quick and successful completion to your planed program. Li Jiang General Manager Letter 2 To: China ABC Co

47、poration, Shandong Branch Hui Bin Office Building, No60 Yanan Road Qingdao, Shandong, China From: Li Jiang/General Manager Dalian AAA Construction Ltd. Date: Dec8th , 2008 Re: Invitation to Tender NoHB-408Tender Title: The Construction of a New Harbor Project in ShandongDear Sirs, We apologize to yo

48、u for well call off our intend to submit a tender to Tender NoHB-408 on account of our being committed to other harbor construction project in Dalian recently. We apologize again for any inconvenience. Sincerely yours, Li Jiang General Manager Shenzhen ABC Oil Tools Ltd. 47. 散文中不能有虚构和想象。( )A.正确B.错误参

49、考答案:B48. In all newspapers there are different comments _ the 2008 Olympic Games. Afor BaboutIn all newspapers there are different comments _ the 2008 Olympic Games.AforBaboutCinDonD49. Always_ when you _!A、answered, speak toB、answer, are spoken toC、answering, areAlways_ when you _!A、answered, speak

50、 toB、answer, are spoken toC、answering, are spoken toD、answer , speak to正确答案:B50. 狭义的新闻单指消息。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A51. Is this hotel _ you said we were to stay in your letterA、whereB、whatC、thatD、whichIs this hotel _ you said we were to stay in your letterA、whereB、whatC、thatD、which正确答案:A52. Hey , you look r

51、eally tired. Have you been getting enough sleep?( )A. Well , no as a- Hey , you look really tired. Have you been getting enough sleep?( )A. Well , no as a matter of fact. I havent been sleeping at all.B.Come on. Wouldnt you like to go somewhere and do something?C. I just got up late.参考答案:A53. 教案的知识结

52、构混乱,教学步骤随意,语言艰深晦涩等问题的出现,不会影响课堂效果。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A54. 邀请类文书的格式一般由标题、称呼、正文、结尾语、落款五部分组成。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A55. Is she really ill? _. She&39;s in hospital. A) I hope so B) I&39;m sure C) IIs she really ill?_. Shes in hospital.A) I hope soB) Im sureC) I dont think soD) Im afraid soD56. Owning an automobil

53、e ( ) greater expense than he had expected.A. was resulted fromB. reOwning an automobile ( ) greater expense than he had expected.A. was resulted fromB. resulted inC. was caused byD. contributed to参考答案:B57. On May 5, 2005, at _ World Table Tennis Championship, Kong Ling-hui and Wang Hao won the gold

54、 mOn May 5, 2005, at _ World Table Tennis Championship, Kong Ling-hui and Wang Hao won the gold medal in mens with _ score of 4:1.A) a, aB) /theC) a, /D) the, aDthe World Table Tennis Championship是专有名词,由普通名词构成的专有名词,一般前面要加the;with a score of. 比分是。58. What&39;s the matter with you? I didn&39;t pass the test, but I still _. A) hope so BWhats the matter with you?I didnt pass the test, but I still _.A) hope soB) hope toC) hope itD) hope thatBI still hope to是I still hope to pass the test. 的省略说法。59. 语言的特点有( )A.情感性B.语体性C.语境性D.风格性参考答案:BCD60. 内容的完整表达,是保证段意单一的必要条件。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B

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