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1、分类号:R783单位代码:10422密级:公开学号:200913735 蒙力孳 博士学位论文 Dissertation for Doctoral Degree论文题匿:TGFp3通过调控Np63的表达影响腭部发育过程中腭周皮细胞脱落的作用研究 TGF13 Regulates Periderm Removal through ANp63 in the Developing Palate作者姓名胡立华 培养单位口腔医学院 专业名称口腔临床医学 指导教师王春玲教授 合律导师Ali Nawshad教授2015年5月5日万方数据IIII I I IIIIII UIIIIIlU IIf原创性声明Y2790

2、900本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独 立进行研究所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不 包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的科研成果。对本文的研 究作出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本声明 的法律责任由本人承担。论文作者签名:捆垒芏日期:三尘篁生兰旦鲨旦关于学位论文使用授权的声明本人完全了解山东大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同意学 校保留或向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论 文被查阅和借阅;本人授权山东大学可以将本学位论文的全部或部分 内容编入有关数据库进行检索,口J以采用影印、缩印或其他复制手段 保存论和汇编学

3、位论文。(保密论文在解密后应遵守此规定)论文作者签名:型丝华一导师签名:7痤日期:垫盟皇盟幽万方数据山东大学博士学位论文目录中文摘要1英文摘要7符号说明15参考文献27材料与方法33结果59讨论71 参考文献76全文结论79附图表81致谢109攻读学位期间发表的学术论文目录113 外文论文115学位论文评阅及答辩情况表137万方数据山东大学博士学位论文CONTENTSChinese Abstract, 1English Abstract , 7 Symbolic Description 15Preface19Reference ,27Materials and Methods, 33Resul

4、ts59Discussion 71Reference 76Summary , 79Figures and Tables 81 Acknowledgement, 109Published Research Paper List 1 13Foreign Language Papers 1 15Review and Reply table ofthe dissertation, 137万方数据山东大学博士学位论文TGFB3通过调控ANp63的表达影响腭部发育过程中 腭周皮细胞脱落的作用研究博士研究生:胡立华导师:王春玲教授合作导师:A1i Nawshad教授(UNMC) 专业:口腔临床医学(正畸)

5、研究方向:口腔生物学(腭部发育)中文摘要研究背景及研究目的唇腭裂是口腔颌面部最常见的先天性发育缺陷,从遗传学角度可以将其分 为:非综合征性唇裂伴或不伴腭裂nonsyndromi c c left l ip wi th or wi thout cleft palate(NSCLP)、非综合征性单纯腭裂nonsyndromic cleft palate only(NSCPO)、综合征性唇裂伴或不伴腭裂syndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate(CLP)以及综合征性单纯腭裂syndromic cleft palate only(CPO)。其中,非

6、综合征性唇裂伴或不伴腭裂(NSCLP)和非综 合征性单纯腭裂(NSCPO)是一类不伴发其他系统或器官畸形的疾病,是不在综合 征之内的单纯唇裂、唇裂合并腭裂、或单纯腭裂的总称,此类唇腭裂是由复杂 的遗传因素和环境因素共同作用而导致的多基因、多因素遗传性疾病。腭部发育包括腭突(腭板)的垂直向生长、抬起、水平向生长、接触和融合 等一系列过程。腭部的正常发育需要机体对腭部上皮细胞和间充质细胞所涉及 的关键生理过程,诸如细胞生长、细胞增殖、程序性细胞死亡、上皮一问质转化 epithelia卜mesenchymal transition(EMT)、细胞迁移和信号传导等进行精 准的调控。在机体调控腭部发育的

7、诸多环节中,任何一个环节出现问题或调控 偏差,都将有可能导致腭裂的发生。已有充分证据表明,在腭部发育过程中, 腭板间充质细胞成分和上皮细胞成分参与的多项生物活动均与转化生长因子 (transforming growth factor,TGF)B家族有着重要的联系。】万方数据山东大学博士学位论文目前对哺乳动物的相关研究发现,TGF B家族至少包括四个亚型(TGF B l,2,3和TGF 13 l B 2),而前三者均在小鼠腭部发育的早期即有所表达:胚胎第11O115天,腭突自上颌突长出并垂直向下生长,此时在两腭突的上皮细胞中 可检测到TGF B 3的表达;胚胎第120-125天,两腭突继续呈垂直

8、向生长,其上 皮和间充质细胞中均可检测到TGF B 1和TGF B 2的表达;胚胎第130135天,腭 突(腭板)抬起至呈水平方向,腭板上皮细胞中可检测到TGFB 3的高表达及 TGFB 1的表达,间充质细胞中则呈现TGFB 1的少量散在表达和TGFl3 2的强而广 泛的表达;胚胎第140-145天,在经历水平向生长后,两腭突(腭板)即将相 互接触,TGF B 1,2和3在腭突中均有所表达;胚胎第150155天,两腭突 (腭板)互相接触并开始融合(该过程可能涉及上皮一问充质转化及细胞凋亡等 机制),TGFB l、3表达量明显降低,而TGF B 2在腭中缝两侧的间充质组织中则有较强的表达:胚胎第

9、160-165天,腭突在中线处融合,TGF B 1的表达仅局限 于腭突和鼻中隔的骨化区,TGFl3 2在腭部中线附近的间充质中散在表达,而 TGF B 3主要在间充质细胞中表达。以上证据充分表明TGF B家族可能在腭部发育 过程中发挥着重要的调节作用。TGFB基因敲除小鼠模型的表现型亦提示TGFB在腭部发育过程中的关键作 用。TGF B l和TGF B 2基因敲除小鼠在出生之前即死亡,因此不能用作腭部发育 的研究模型;而TGFB 3基因敲除小鼠出生时总是表现出非综合征性单纯腭裂, 并于出生后244,时内死亡,是研究腭部发育的较为理想的动物模型之一。动物 实验中,外源性给予胎鼠TGFB 3可以纠

10、正TGFB 3基因敲除小鼠的唇腭裂缺陷, 进一步提示TGF B可能参与腭部发育过程的调控。在腭裂研究的各种动物模型中,两腭板正常抬起后因无法接触融合而引发 的腭裂是最常见的一种类型。在口腔各部位的上皮细胞中,周皮细胞作为一层 保护性细胞,在发育早期可有效防止邻近的组织在未成熟阶段发生错误性的粘 附和融合,进而避免一系列的发育畸形,腭部上皮细胞亦是如此。在腭部发育 过程中,腭板表面被覆单层立方状的基底细胞样上皮细胞,其逐步层化而形成 位于表层的扁平状上皮细胞,即为腭周皮细胞,腭周皮细胞在腭部发育早期可 防止腭板过早的与邻近组织发生融合。然而在腭部发育的后期,当左、右两腭 板抬起、经历水平向生长,

11、并于中线处相互接触时,腭周皮细胞的适时脱落, 则成为两腭板互相粘附并形成腭中缝上皮带的必要条件之一。反言之,腭周皮2万方数据山东大学博士学位论文细胞继续存留将可能导致腭裂的发生。然而基底层腭板上皮细胞如何保持单层 立方状细胞结构,以及其层化形成腭周皮细胞的机制尚不清楚,腭部发育后期 腭周皮细胞脱落的具体调节机制也尚待研究。TGF 13 3在腭板融合及腭周皮细胞脱落的过程中发挥着重要的调节作用。尽 管TGF B 3在腭中线上皮细胞(Medial edge epithelia,MEE)中的表达规律与 腭周皮细胞形成和脱落的规律在时间上呈现出一定的相关性,但其在腭中线上 皮细胞的分化和腭周皮细胞脱落

12、中的具体作用机制尚未得到系统的研究。目前已有研究表明,借助于干扰素调节因子6(Interferon Regulatory Factor 6,IRF6)的调节,A Np63可有效促进上皮细胞的分化及周皮细胞的活 化。有趣的是,ANp63、TGFB 3,NIRF6Z种基因敲除小鼠模型中,新生小鼠均 伴有腭裂,且皆因其双侧腭板未能融合所致(三型基因敲除小鼠腭裂形成的具 体原因各不相同),进一步表明这些基因在调节腭部上皮细胞分化的过程中可 能发挥着重要的作用。尽管上述三种基因敲除小鼠的腭裂表现及其发病机制均 已有相应的文献支持,但迄今为止,有关三者在腭部发育过程中的协同作用机 制尚未见文献报道。在此,

13、我们假设TGF 17 3通过调节IRF6和A Np63的表达水平而影响腭周皮细 胞的形成和脱落,从而参与腭部发育过程的调控。实验中分别对TGF B 3基因敲 除型、ANp63基因敲除型和野生型(wiidtype,WT)小鼠胚胎(胎鼠)的头颅 冠状切片及由野生型小鼠取材并行原代培养得到的MEE细胞,进行了生化分析、 基因活性分析和蛋白表达分析等相关的研究,以验证该假设成立与否,进而揭 示TGF B 3、IRF6和A Np63在腭部发育过程中调控腭周皮细胞形成和脱落的具体 作用机制。研究方法1对胚胎第145天dpe(days post coitum)的TGFl3 3基因敲除型,Np63 基因敲除型

14、及野生型小鼠头颅冠状石蜡切片进行H&E染色,以从形态学分析 此时期各型胎鼠的腭板结构及细胞组成。2应用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对胚胎第1425天的TGF B 3基因敲除型及野生 型胎鼠腭板表面进行扫描,以从微观上观察腭板表面上皮细胞的形态和结构3万方数据山东大学博士学位论文特点。 3应用原子力显微镜(AFM)结合针尖增强拉曼(TERS)光谱术,对胚胎第1425天的TGF B 3基因敲除型及野生型胎鼠腭板表面进行扫描,以纳米级分 辨率获得腭板表面形貌结构信息及表面粗糙度信息。4对腭部发育不同时期的TGF B 3基因敲除型,A Np63基因敲除型及野生型小 鼠头颅冠状石蜡切片进行免疫组织化学染色和

15、免疫荧光双重染色,以从蛋白 水平确定腭部发育过程中,腭板间充质细胞和上皮细胞中相关蛋白的表达情 况。5采用原代培养的野生型小鼠腭中线上皮细胞(MEE),研究TGFB基因对 A Np63和IRF6表达的调节作用。用不同剂量(05,10,30,50和 10Ongm1)的外源性重组人类TGFB 3(rTGFB 3)处理腭中线上皮细胞, 并于不同时间点(12小时,24小时,36小时和48小时)分别提取蛋白质和 mRNA,并分别采用Western Blot技术检测A Np63和IRF6蛋白的表达变化, 采用实时定量聚合酶链反应(qRT-PCR)检测A Np63和IRF6 mRNA的水平变 化。6以pGL

16、3作为载体,构建小鼠重组ANp63萤光素酶报告基因质粒,用该质粒 转染MEE细胞后,采用外源性重组人类TGF 13 3(rTGF B 3)处理细胞,通过 重组质粒萤光素酶活性分析,检测A Np63启动子活性。结果 1小鼠头颅冠状石蜡切片的H&E染色,扫描电子显微镜(SEM)分析及原子力显微镜(AFM)分析结果,均显示腭板抬起至水平向以后,随着腭板的生长,至二者相互接触前,野生型(WT)胎鼠腭板表面的腭周皮细胞逐渐发生皱缩、 突起、变圆等改变,直至后期自腭板表面脱落,因此其腭板表面较粗糙,且 两腭板接触后形成腭中缝上皮带;而TGF B 3基因敲除(一一)型胎鼠的腭周 皮细胞始终存留于腭板表面,腭

17、板表面光滑,表层细胞健康,且在两腭板接 触后,接触区的双层腭板上皮细胞之间尚嵌有一层扁平状的腭周皮细胞,因 此两腭板接触不紧密。4万方数据山东大学博十学位论文2小鼠头颅冠状石蜡切片的免疫组化染色及免疫荧光染色结果显示: a腭部发育后期,野生型胎鼠腭板上皮细胞表面尚有一层不连续的扁平状细胞,且有凋亡小体检出;而TGF B 3基因敲除型胎鼠腭板表面的扁 平状细胞排列紧密,且无细胞凋亡状况。b腭部发育过程中,腭板最表层的单层扁平状细胞确为腭周皮细胞,因 其表达腭周皮细胞特异性标记蛋白。c在两腭板水平生长至即将接触之前,野生型胎鼠腭板接触融合区的腭 板上皮细胞核内A Np63的表达明显降低,而TGF

18、B 3基因敲除型胎鼠的 腭中线上皮细胞内ANp63呈现持续的高表达,提示腭板发育后期 TGF B 3a能通过下调A Np63的表达水平,从而促进腭周皮细胞脱落。d腭部发育早期,A Np63基因敲除型胎鼠的腭板表面腭周皮细胞缺如, 但是在腭板抬起至水平向以后,腭板的鼻腔侧迅速与鼻中隔区域发生 融合;而腭板的口腔侧上皮出现少量腭周皮细胞。eIRF6在腭板内的分布与表达情况,均不受TGF B 3或者A Np63基因敲 除与否的影响。3Western Blot及实时定量PCR检测结果显示,采用外源性TGF B 3对原代培 养的MEE细胞进行处理,可明显降低Np63的表达水平,但IRF6的表达未 受影响

19、。4萤光素酶活性分析结果显示,TGF B 3处理被转染的MEE细胞,可明显降低A Np63的启动子活性。结论1两腭板水平生长至互相接触前,wT胎鼠腭板表面的腭周皮细胞脱落,两腭 板互相融合,形成完整的腭部结构;而TGFB 3 K0胎鼠的腭周皮细胞仍然存 留,阻碍了腭板的融合,引发腭裂:2TGFB 3 KO胎鼠的腭周皮细胞之所以存留,与IRF6和ANp63的持续高表达 有关;腭周皮细胞的凋亡和脱落依赖于TGF B 3对A Np63的功能性抑制作用, 与IRF6的表达无关;5万方数据3A Np63 KO胎鼠发生腭裂与TGFB 3 KO胎鼠源于完全不同的机制,前者是由于 腭板抬起后与鼻中隔结构发生过

20、早的融合,阻碍了腭板的水平生长和接触而 引起腭裂;4腭部发育过程中,TGF B 3对A Np63发挥重要的调节作用:腭部发育初期, IRF6的转录激活(可能由WntTGF B 1EphrinN。tchJa92等介导)可有效上 调ANp63的表达,进而促进腭周皮细胞的形成及维持:而腭部发育后期, TGF B 3大量表达,抑制A Np63的表达,导致腭周皮细胞脱落,以利于后期腭 板接触后发生融合。关键词腭周皮细胞:TGF B 3;A Np63;IRF6;腭部发育6万方数据山东大学博士学位论文TGFp3 Regulates Periderm Removal Through ANp63 in the

21、Developing PalateDoctoral Candidate:Lihua HU Supervisor:ProfChunling Wang Cooperation Supervisor:ProfAli Nawshad(UNMC) Speciality:Oral Medicine(Orthodontics) Research DirectionOral BiologyABSTRACTBackground and ObjectivesCleft lippalate is the most common craniofacial deformity in humanIt can be div

22、ided into several categories according to the genetic etiology:non-syndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate州SCLP),nonsyndromic cleft palate only(NSCPO),syndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate,syndromic cleft palate onlyNSCLP has a multifactorial etiology that includes both genetic a

23、nd environmental factorsDevelopment ofthe palate comprises sequential stages of growth,elevation,adherence, and fusion of the palatal shelvesIn all of these stages,palatal mesenchyme and epithelial components play major roles in the complete formation of the palate Palatogenesis requires precise and

24、 chronological regulation of key physiological processes,such as growth,proliferation,development,differentiation,migration,signaling,epithelial-mesenchymal transition(EMT),and apoptosisFailure in any of these steps results in cleft palateThere is compelling evidence for the vital role of transformi

25、ng growth factor 13(TGFl3)mediated regulation of palate developmentPrevious studies showed that the palatal mesenchyme expresses all three TGFl37万方数据山东大学博士学位论文isoforms(1,2 and 3)during palatogenesisAround E1 10-E1 15,the palatal shelves outgrow from maxilla and grow vertically along both sides of th

26、e tongueTGFl33 was detected in the palatal epithelium at this stageAt E120-E125,palatal shelves continue growing vertically,TGFl31 and TGFIB2 could be detected in both palatal mesenchymal and epithelial cellsAt E130-E135,the two palatal shelves elevates to the horizontal positionA strong expression

27、of TGFl33 was detected in the palatal epithelial cells TGFl3 1 was also detected in the epithelial cellsMeanwhile,TGFl3 1 and TGFl32 were detected in the palatal mesenchymal cellsAt E140-E145,three isoforms were detected before the adherence of the two palatal shelvesAt E1 50-E1 55,the twopalatal sh

28、elves start fusing with each otherThe expression of TGFl3 1 and 3 decreased while the expression of TGFl32 was detected in the mesenchyme at a high levelAt E160-E165,the two palatal shelves fused with each other to form a whole palateTGF3 1 was detected in the ossification area while TGFIB2 and TGFI

29、B3 were detected in the palatal mesenchymeInterestingly,TGFIB3(-一)mice always have cleft palate,which can be reversed by addition of TGFl33,implying an important role of TGFl3 in palate development However,the role of TGFIB in promoting palatal mesenchymal cell proliferation has never been exploredW

30、e hypothesized that TGFIB enhances palatal mesenchymal cell proliferation in palatogenesisAnd the isoforms of TGFI$regulate different cellular biofunctions of the palatal mesenchyme to various extentsDuring palatogenesis,the palatal mesenchyme undergoes increased cell proliferation resulting in pala

31、tal growthand fusion of the two palate shelvesThe periderm is a flat layer of epithelium created during embryonic development Chiefly,the periderm forms a protective layer against immature adhesion of oral epithelia,including the palateHowever,the periderm must be removed in order for the8万方数据山东大学博士

32、学位论文medial edge epithelia(MEE)to properly adhere and form a palatal seamImproper periderm removal results in a cleft palateThe mechanism(s)of periderm generation from the differentiation of the basal MEE and its timely desquamation processes are not fully understoodStill,the transforming growth fact

33、or 133(TGFl33)gene has been attributed to the final phase of palatal confluence,palatal seam disintegrationAlthough the timing of TGFl33 expression inthe MEE coincides with periderm formation and degeneration,its roles in MEEdifferentiation and periderm desquamation have not been methodically studie

34、dRecent studies indicate that regulation oftruncated p63(ANp63),which depends on the transcription factor interferon regulatory factor 6(IRF6),facilitates epithelial differentiation and periderm vitalityInterestingly,murine knockout(-)models of three genes,ANp63,TGFl33,and IRF6,ale born with palatal

35、 clefts due to palatal shelves failure to adhere,suggesting that these genes coordinate effective signaling pathways to regulate palatal epithelial differentiationDespite such observations of similar phenotypes in null mouse models of these three genes in independent studies,no studies have been und

36、ertaken to delineate the role of all three genes during palate developmentWe hypothesized that TGFl33 regulates expression of IRF6 and p63 genes,thereby coordinating periderm desquamationWe performed biochemical analysis,gene activity assays,and protein expression assays using palatal sections of TG

37、Fl33(-),9万方数据山东大学博士学位论文ANp63(-一)and wildtype(WT)embryos,as well as primary MEE cells from WTpalatesDuring elongation of palatal shelves,we observed restricted expression of ANp63 at the palatal periderm of TGFIB3(一-),but not in WT embryos,suggesting TGFIj3 regulates ANp63 during removal of the perid

38、ermWe also found that TGFp3 activates transcription factor IRF6,which acts as a repressor for ANp63In the absence ofTGVlB3, ANp63 remains activated,which prevents removal of periderm and causes a palatal cleftOur results also show that cleft Occurs in ANp63(-)palates due to premature,rather than ina

39、dequate,fusion as observed in TGFIB3(一9Overall,our data suggest that periderm degeneration in palatogenesis depends on functional TGFp3 and IRF6 to repress ANp63Thus,our study shows that the absence of TGFIB3 results in improper periderm removal that impedes palatal seam formation leading to the for

40、mation of cleftpalateMaterials and Methods1Immunohistochemistry(IHC)and immunofluorescence staining were performed on palatal sections of TGFl33(-),ANp63(-一)and wild-type(WT)embryos,in order to detect the expression pattern and the cellular localization of related proteins in tissues of different ge

41、notypes and different stages2Prima叫MEE cells from WT palates were treated with different doses of exogenous recombinant human TGFl33(rTGFl33)for 1 2,24,36,and 48 hoursCells10万方数据山东大学博士学位论文were then harvested and protein WaS extracted for western blot analysis to analyze the expression change of ANp6

42、3 and IRF6Also mRNA from the treated and untreated cells was collected and RA quantative real-time polymerase chain reactions(qRTPCR)were performed to detect the change of the mRNA level of ANp63 and IRF63The characteristics ofpalatal shelves from 140 to 150 dpc were evaluated usingScanning Electron

43、 Microscopy(SEM)4The palate shelves from 1 425dpc were characterized using Atomic Force ScanningMicroscopy tipenhanced Raman scattering(TERS)5Plasmid Constructs and Luciferase Activity Assay Results1、Using structural and ultrastructural analysis(H&E staining,SEM scanning and AFM scanning),we demonst

44、rate that during palatogenesis,the expression of ANp63 protein in the MEE at 1425 dpc as well as the newly formed palatal seam at 145 dpc ofthe WT palates was significantly less than TGFIB(一一)palatesThese results imply a correlation between the absence of TGFIB3 in knockout palates and persistence o

45、f the periderm layer in relationship to increased expression of theANp63 protein2、TGFIB3 signaling can repress the expression of ANp63,which is essential for periderm desquamationThe TGFl3(-一)palates showed increased expression ofANp63 in the MEE at 1425 dpc as well as the newly formed seam at 145 d

46、pcIn11万方数据山东大学博士学位论文the absence of TGFl33,ANp63 remains activated,which prevents removal of periderm and causes a palatal cleft3、While TGFl33(一-)palatal cleft occurs because the pefiderm fails to degenerate and its persistence blocks palatal fusion,the palatal cleft OCCURS in ANp63(一-)is caused by t

47、he absence of the periderm or the protective layer,promoting premature fusion of the palatal processes with developing nasal side epithelium of the nasal septum, following undisturbed palatal shelf lift from vertical progress to a horizontal position at 1 45 dpc4、Periderm degeneration in palatogenes

48、is depends on functional TGFIB3 to repressANp63The absence of TGFl33 results in improper periderm removal that impedes palatal seanl formation,leading to the formation of cleft palateConclusions1、When two opposite palatal shelves are in proximity to adhere,subsequent elimination of the periderm is c

49、rucial to ensure precise fusionHowever,in TGFl33 (一-)mice,as the presence of periderm,proper development of the palate does nothappen;2、The periderm degeneration in palatogenesis depends on functional TGFp3 torepress ANp63;3、Both TGFp3 knock out and ANp63 knock out can result in cleft palate,but due

50、 toentirely contrasting mechanisms;12万方数据山东大学博士学位论文4、At the beginning of palatal development,the activation of 1RF6 transcription can upregulate ANp63 expression,which can result in the generation and maintainence of peridermHowever,before palate shelves contacting each other,the increased TGFl33 expression can reduce ANp63 expression,resulting in periderm degeneration,and then the palate shelves can fuse with each other,forming the main body of the hard palateKey wordsPeriderm;TGFp3;ANp63;IRF6;palatogenesis万方数据山东大学博士学位论文14

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