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1、广东外语外贸大学.2009年全国硕士研究生入学考试专业课试题册专 业:考试科目:英语水平考试考生须知1. 本试卷共22页。2. 答案必须写在答题纸上,写在试题册上无效。3. 答题时一律使用蓝、黑色墨水笔或圆珠笔作答,用其它笔答题不给分。4. 考试时间为3小讨,成绩满分型分,2009年函咒主入学考试英语水乎考減试趣册第页广东外语外贸大学2009年研究生入学考试英语水平考试试题I. Cloze (30 points,1 point for each)Read the following passage and choose a proper word from the Word List to f

2、ill in each of the blanks in the passage. Each word can be used only once. Write the word you choose for each blank on YOUR ANSWER SHEET in the following way:ExampleI. Cloze、-:.1. paper 2. continuously3.Now, do the Cloze.WORDLISTtimesindeedrespectlongsightratherexclusiveadjustedquestiontendencyappal

3、lingstrangeinterestscondemnationmassacrefaceexpectedthroughlargelywithconsumedinherentempathysetjustify “againstextendinginsecureextremeAn important principle of the anihiopological perspective is cultural relativismthe ability to view the beliefs and customs of oilier peoples within the context of

4、their culture rather than ones own. This ability does not necessarily come naturally. Our perceptions are obviously 1 to our own cultures. So, at first 2 , an African man with ritual scars on his face of a Middle Eastern woman in purdah (that is with her face and body 3 covered), is likely to2009年硏究

5、生入学考试英君水平考试试題用 appear 4 to us Unfamiliar food preferences may seem revolting. When the practice in 5 is one that we consider a matter of morality 6_ than simply one of tasteas, for example, the infanticide practiced by the Yanomamo of Venezuelaour reactions can be far stronge匚 While it is comparativ

6、ely easy to 7 aside some of our cultural biases in the 8 of objectivity, there is a point where ethnographer has to reflect on his or her own morality and its cultural sources.Cultural self-centeredness, the 9to judge the customs of other,societies by the standards of ones own, is called ethnocentri

7、sm It is by no means a phenomenon 10 to Western societies. People in every society tend to view outsiders and their customs 11 suspicion and often 12 If we consider infanticide cruel and unnatural, those peoples who practice it may consider equally3 our own custom of shutting old people away in home

8、s for the aged. In fact, infanticide is most often a(n)14 measure taken byparents who, in1: of food shortage, sacrifice a newborn infantto 16 the well-being of another child.When we can see cultural difierences 17_ the prism of cultural relativism, we can approach other cultures with 18 , understand

9、ing, and scientific objectivity. 19 . if anthropology has any message tooffer the world, it is the need for cultural relativism in an era of globalization, communication, trade, and travel networks bring people of disparate cultures 20 nrequent contact with one another.There is, however, a troubHng

10、dilemma 21 in cultural relativism ne that is increasingly central in discussions of universal human rights Can we use cultural relativism to 22 the violation of basic civil and human rights? Eugene Hammel has written,with 23 to the bloody fighting in Bosnia and Croatia, that when a society with whic

11、h one is familiar is 24 by the flames of war, the ar.thropologist must speak our 25_ war crimes,2009年麻究生入学考试英语水平考试试題册 as would any moral person. These crimes, such as politically motivated rape, 26 of civilians, and torture cannot be justified even if such behavior is considered justified by those c

12、arrying it out and 27 by those on the receiving end. The dilemma is that in _28 our own societys value system (for example, concepts of universal civil and human rights), we are, in fact, imposing our own moral standards on other societies.Thus, most anthropologists support cultural relativismso29as

13、 it does not become an excuse for inaction in the 30 of exploitation.IL Proofreading and Error Correction (30 points, 2 points for each)The following passage contains fifteen errors. Each indicated line contains a maximum of ONE error. In each case, only ONE word is involved. Correct the errors and

14、write the answers on YOUR ANSWER SHEET in the following way:For a wrong word,write the correct word on Your Answer Sheet.For a missing word,write the missing word with a 八” sign before iton Your Answer Sheet.For an unnecessary word, write the unnecessary word with a deleting line on it on Your Answe

15、r Sheet.ExampleWhen A art museum wants a new exhibit, it aeve? buys things in finished form and hangs them on the wall. When a natural history museum31. 32.warns an exliibiiiuri. it must often build it33.Write on your Answer Sheet:II. Proofreading and Error Correction31. A an 32. fieve? 33. exhibit:

16、009年研究生入学考试英丑水乎考试试通M(31)Now, do the Proofreading and Error Correction.(32) 33) (34).(35).Air quality in Britain has improved considerably in the last 30 vears Total emissions of smoke in the air have fell by over 85 percent since 1950. The domestic smoke control programme has been paricular importan

17、t in achieving this result. London and other major cities are no longer have the dense smoke-laden “smogs” of the 1950s, but in central London winter sunshine has increased for about 70 percent since 1958.(36).(37) .(38) .(39) .(40) .(41) .Since 1990, daily air pollution data from the British monito

18、ring network has made available to the public by the Department of the Environment Air Quality Bulletins These give the concentrations of three main pollutions 一 ozone, nitrogen dioxide and sulphur dioxide 一 and grade air quality in a scale between hery weakn and very goo& The information features i

19、n television and radio weather reports, appears in many national and local newspapers Therefore, the data are available on a special free telephone number and on yideotext systems.(43)(44)(45)A comprehensive review of the question of urban air quality (42). was published in January 1992 Three indepe

20、ndent committees of experts have been established to advise different aspects of the problem, and will set guidelines and targets to air quality. The network is also being extended and upgrading at a cost gf10 million.III. Gap-filling (30points, 2 points for each)Fill in the following banks with the

21、 correct words and the correct forms of the words given according the meanings of the sentences. Write the answers on YOUR ANSWER SHEET in the following way::009年硏咒三入学溥试英脅水平考试试题册Example46. prolong, refnsjdeiav. DostponejengtheiiI hope theof the appointment will not cause you muchinconvenience.Write

22、on your Answer Sheet: HLGaNHling:-* 46. postponmenTNow do the Gap-filling.46 active, action,巳xacL exactionHes nothomeless; he just hangs out in this park.47. discloss discoun匸 dismiss,They were warned that they riskedif the strike continued 48. excuse, exDec J 己 xplore, exposeBanks will seek ta mini

23、mize theirto risk. 49. human, humane, home, horrorMrs. Jones was a pleasant,person with a ready smile.50. imDort, impose, depose, opposeShe felt the journey to be an unwelcome on her time.51. iiberaL !ibertarian. liberate liberalizeUp in the mountains we had the most wonderfui sense of52. memoriaL m

24、emorandum, memory, memoirHe studied his map, trying tothe way to Roses street53. observe, obsess, obstruc匚 obtainAnis a buiiding with a large telescope from which scientists:009年斜究生入学勺试英语水平考试册广东外语外贸大学2010年全国硕士研究生入学考试专业课试题册专 业:考试科目:英语写作与翻译考生须知1. 本试卷共5页。2. 答案必须写右答题纸上,写在试题册上无效。3. 答题时一律使用蓝、黑色墨水笔或圆球笔,用其它

25、笔作答不给分。4. 考试时间为_3一小时,成绩满分150分。共,页,第】页oqM ;qsnpui aqj uiqiiA auuui qjb 一 “ouoR S31 oiojoqn pKofua 西-ysmu Fqf Kjp砸d AV3U Os“平uiXepqoqjo sdiisop sqi Suipnjpure :paiods uasq scq iusuiuojiausquo j9jb sissnbuoo qsay 0) uo 自ujaoui lojupaid snopudei 3 sb AJjsnpui uiSLinoj oqi avoia sonpo isoSuojis sjt qSnoq

26、nvujAupioq g pxu 厂】eqi J9Wn -oiruannui smoq QApju SZpnSire juo 护od$ j4usaop oqa ApoqAre pire s)q3ig 刃引 Suismo pire sjiusaqos papjBOsrp-aq-oi-uoos mo Scnqo:np cuoyo 001 |(v vaneuofdxa pire poiadiuabuoqs Siriuioooq sn jo iireiofoi pug pioejd isouivq】 -pwojje are sisunoi oqi UOAg -SI8UE9P p)oq JO S19HE

27、M 9J0)S pOOJ-)SBJ O|Ul SIQUII cSJO)Wdo woq moi oiui4 uolujaqsy ounum csyio p0 sa引dai Xusnpui ABpijoq aqi sb pidtusip soijiunuiaioo SAisaqoo-aouo Qosnpo ireo uisunoi 9qBuiBjsnsun uoiiBOO|sip Epos aqi si sdeq场d poiciosidde ssoqQuisSe xouq pire ppom oqi punoJB Slopaeh 冃upCepqoq01 pasn suijsas uodsuwi K

28、iSunq-pnj aqi Kq pasnvospuduil P|U9lUUOIfAU9 iapiA q)IA ;UOnOUnX9-IB9U OJ USAUp SgpIA SApdmisijTjsourjioqi 4iq3nusuo isunoi oqi Kq pasiiuq sjuauiuoIiAua isaqou s;ppOAv5i| jo omog jcqi ouoq osq! uoagn tuinpoid )Bin sdeus Xepqoq joj dojpoeq e 0)psonpsi X3uiuio9S qSipoqjEOpuB ssqoinqo dwiTjpqi oyjBJi q

29、ipw paoip mou sg刃jsnpi sumo) ouojsrH uresiouns jo ssqnj Aiduig pire ioni q吟 p凯阴s saqowq ipq)csgi|p(iM jo pspnuop 9塔cmqs Aq psuosiod seos ipq)csimoi ssauireqo 冃uqMuds oinoosq 3ABq ivqi squi/T bTSTOo podopAapun K|snoiAajd : rasunoj qBureisnsun aSeireinun 43uppnrpun joisioACoq) jo auios 屮* jbijiuiej K|

30、Sinseaioui aiB 令瓜 *hsia Xoqj s:uouiuojiAU9 ireamq pure soiproos oqj pue sisimoi q;oq -扁52帀而 sooEjd pire ofdood sqi uo sjooya aiip 0阿 ireo uisunoi ssbui 仞Aomoq %tnq sores aip jy spunodjo suonjiq qjJOM sjgoid pire sqof cssuisnpui iireyodun isom s.ppdM ?qi Suoure mou si (nsimosajoos anoKJo uoyonpap nou

31、i ?m i/jzi/m SdssdcI ai】 iu(jjf 人卩皿!p sdoudiuds dididtuoo(doo iou isnui no 邛mom OQlOll ul sjusjuoo sji azuoiuiuns pun dvssvd 跑mo” at/ ijnfdwo pod :suoiptq(saiod 00 目町!心 XjEinuins *1 (sjmod 001)$叩!i昇兔Irejeci the claim. They are at least partially right. There are examples where the travel trade is do

32、ing better. course, reforming initiatives often come after the damage has been done and in some cases for public relations purposes rather than from a commitment to sustainability) In addition, growth of the travel industry puts increasing strain on natural and social environments by its sheer size

33、and volume.)George Monbiot, the environmental - writer and activist who is fiercely critical of the effects of tourism, admits in an essay that unone of the ethical questions tourism raises can be easily answered5. He adds: Tour organizers have justified their work on the grounds that it is a cultur

34、al exchanged Yet what I have seen of their activities suggests that ngis(亦加巳 While the visitorsget culture, their hosts, if they are lucky, get money. Other people claim that tourism breaks down the barriers between our lives and 一 _ _ 斗 .corrected.”those of the people we visit. yet, in most cases,

35、tourists remain firmly behind barriers 一 be they the windows of a coach, the walls of a hotel or the lens of a camera Tourism, we are told, brings wealth to local people. All I have seen suggests the opposite 一 that tourism makes a few people extremely rich, while impoverishing the majority, who los

36、e their land, their resources and their sense of self and make, if anything, a tiny amount of money. Even the oldest maxim of all, that travel broadens the mind, is questionable. Tourists are pampered. and are treated with deference Irxf never (552 words)2. Essay Writing (60 poiiiDirections: You hav

37、e read a newspaper article about the young people today. The extract below is the conclusion of the article. Readers have been asked to respond to the article. You decide to write a letter addressing the points made and giving your own views.,Note: (1) Your letter should -be 400450 words in length.

38、(2) Begin your letter with HDear Editor9. (3) Do not include any postal addresses And so we are faced with a whole generation of couch potatoes*, who would rather bury their heads in a soap opera or video game than get out and do some sport or read a decent book, a generation almost entirely jevoido

39、faginaUon, dedicated to empty materialism, a generation that conforms slavishly to universal fads in clothes, music and entertainment, a generation that has nothing it can hold its head up and describe proudly as being uniquelyidea,* couch potato = someone who spends a lot of time sitting and watchi

40、ng televisionPart II Translation (50 points)3. Translate the following passage into Chinese (25 points)The relationship that science keeps with art has long been from one-sided wish. That is, while science is in deep love with art, art requites this love by being arrogant and unapproachable Many ren

41、owned scientists love art all their lives. They know art, and are very good at getting fulfillment from art to enhance their noble spirit or tohelp relieve themselves from burdens of lift. On the contrary, few of literary artists love and understand natural science and engineering technology Among t

42、he reasons why artists stand in awe before science or keep a respectful distance from science, one is that science involves a huge stack oSbstruse mathematical formulas However, leaving aside mathematics and bypassing a stack of recondite knowledge, we are still able to understand and appreciate the

43、 basic principles of a science. Il is just like we are still able to give a sympathetic response to its main melody, greatly admiring the music although we can read nothing of the score of Mozarts musical pieces共5页.第4页广东外语外贸大学2003年研究生入学考试英语专业水平考试试L Error correction (30%)Tbe following passage contain

44、s FIFTEEN errors Each line contains a maximum of one error. In each case, only one word is involved You should correct it in the following way:For a wrong word.For a missing word,For an unnecessary word,Exampleunderline the wrong word and write the correct one in the blank provided at the end of the

45、 line.mark the position of the missing word with a A” sign and write the word you believe to be missing in the blank provided at the end of the line.cross out the unnecessary word with a slash / and put tbe word in the blank provided at the end of the line.When A art museum wants a new exhibit,h nev

46、er buys things ir finished fonn end hangs them on the waiLWhen a natural histoiy museum wants an exhibition, it must often build itfin_ 2】.3 exhibitMemory processes by that people and other organisms encode, store, and retrieve1information. Encoding refers to the initial perception and registration

47、ofmfonnatioiLStorage is the retention of encoded information over time. Retrieval refers to the processes involved using stored information. Whenever people successfully recall a2former experience, they must have encoded, stored, and retrieved information about the (3experience Conversely, memory fa

48、ilurefor example, forgetting an important fact,reflects a breakdown in one of these stages of memory.Memory is critical to humans and all living organisms. Practically all of our daily 4activitiestalking, understanding, reading, socializing一 epend on our having learned and stored infonnation about o

49、ur environments. Memory allows us to retrieve events from the distant past or from moments before It enables us to learn new skills and to 5form habits Without the ability to access past experiences or information, wc would be unable to comprehend language, recognize our friends and family members,

50、find our way to home, or even tie a shoe. Life would be a series of disconnected experiences,6each one new and unfamiliar. Without any sort of memory, humans will quickly perish【7Philosophers, psychologists* writers, and other thinkers have long been fascinated by memory. The following are among the

51、ir questions: How does the brain store memories?Why do people remember some bits of information but not others? Can people improve their memories? What is the capacity for memory? Memory also is frequently a subject 8of controversy because of questions about its accuracy. An eyewitnesss memoiy of a

52、crime can play a crucial role in determining a suspeefs guilt or innocence. However, psychologists agree that people do not always recall events like they actually happened, 9and sometimes people mistakingly recall events that never happened.10Memory and learning arc close related, and the terms oft

53、en describe roughly the same 11 processes. The term Iearmng is often used to refer to processes involved in the initial acquisition or encoding of information, but the term memoiy more often refers to12later storage and retrieval of information Therefore, this distinction is not hard and fast 13 Abo

54、ve all, information is learned only when it can be retrieved later, and retrieval cannot 14 occur unless information was learned. Thus, psychologists often refer to the learning/ memory process a means of incorporating all facets of encoding, storage, and retrieval. 15BL Cloze (20%)Fill in each blan

55、k with the words given in the box. Each word can be used only once.degreewhilevergeoverEvensuchreadyasmajoredefficiencywhenoncewhomfullwhichheldthatthangrowingbecauseZhang Ling recently attended a Beijing job fair 1 一 of optimism. She was sure she could find a teaching job at a college, particularly

56、 at a time 2 education is the last choice for many university graduates. But Zhang, who holds a masters 3 from Beijing Normal University, was greeted by so many recruiters saying we only want men 4 she went to a comer at the bustling fair, angry and fiustrated and on the 5 of tears.Zhang is not the

57、only female who feels frozen out of job markets 6_ for college seniors. More 7 half of the posts at the exchanges read men only/ Even occupations are traditionally reserved for women, _9 as secretaries and teachers, are being taken by men.While China*s hot economy is demanding well-educated talent,

58、bosses areto rejectqualified female applicants. And the problem is 11 worse this year. One reason is the streamlining of staff in government and enterprises to improve 12 Also, some employers are reluctant to hire women3_ they think the women cannot go on business trips alone, cannot serve 14 busine

59、ss representatives abroad and are less career-mindedthey get married and have children.Liao Aidong, who _1 in textile engineering, an industry which is not hiring many people this year, said no one responded to her applications,male classmates readily secured jobsin Beijing textile mills. 18 women w

60、ho graduate with hot degrees, such as computer programming and foreign languages, have to swallow their pride when men who didnt perfonn well in school are chosenthem by employersThe Beijing Foreign Studies University has 300 graduates this year, 60 percent of 20arewomen.HI. Fill in the following bl

61、anks with the CORRECT FORM or the CORRESPONDING FORM of the words given according to the MEANING of the sentences. (40% )Exampleprolong, refuse, delay, postpone, lengthen1 hope theof the appointment will not cause you much inconvenienceThe key is Dostponcment.1 able, capable, competentGPS (Global Po

62、sitioning System) has been successful in classical navigation applications, and because itsare accessible using small, inexpensive equipment, GPShas also been used in many new applications2. scar, scratch, bruise, blister, spotIf you are so careless as to go on long walks in tight-fitting shoes, you

63、 must expect to get3. decay, rot, decompose, disintegrateTheof the Soviet Union enabled the Bush administration to scale backdramatically the enormous defense buildup of the previous decade4. glisten, glitter, shimmer, sparkle, polishOn the evening of August 21, in the northwestern region of the African republic of Cameroon, a volcanic crater lake, which local villagers had dubbed the good lake because of its blue color, became a killer. A deadly cloud of gases exploded from Lake Nios, killing more than 1,700 people and thousands of animals in the surrounding valley.5 ignorant, illiter

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