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1、word第一章 英语写作语法与词汇梳理众所周知,TOEFL考试中有专门的语法与词汇局部。对于大多数国内考生而言,TOEFL的语法局部并非难不可与。因为国内传统的英语教学极为重视语法知识的传授,尤其对于TOEFL的语法选择与填空题,国内考生更是如鱼得水。然而,在写作过程中,不少考生却写出不少令人啼笑皆非的句子,充满了低级的语法小错。其实写作局部对考生语法知识的要求更高。大家知道,我们写的每个单词、句子或段落都要符合英语语法的要求,否如此要么充满Chinglish,要么遍布rubbish,因此一定要重视写作语法的复习梳理。根底篇主要帮助考生梳理英语语法知识,但需指出的是,本篇并非专门的语法练习。为


3、去。第一节 句子什么是句子?句子就是一组相关的词组合在一起表达一个完整的意思。一个句子由七种成分组成:主语subject、谓语predicate、宾语object、定语attributive、同位语appositive、状语adverbial和表语predicative等。宾语又分为直接宾语、间接宾语和复合宾语三种。虽然一个句子不一定要包括上述的每种成分,一般说来,一个句子必须有一个主语和谓语,能够作为独立的句子单独存在。句子种类繁多,有长有短,有简单句也有复合句等,各自在文章中起不同的作用。要写好文章,必须先从写好句子开始。我们必须对英语的根本句型和分类有一清晰的认识。句子的质量如何,直接影

4、响到文章的整体的效果。一、 根本句型虽然英语句子结构较为复杂,却有章可循。归纳起来,英语主要有以下几种根本句型:一S+V主语+谓语动词不与物动词1. Views on the issue in question_.对该问题的看法因人而异。2. _has already e.全球一体化时代已经降临。3. Some_ have already arisen.一些锋利的问题已经出现。4. Attitudes towards this hot topic_.人们对此热点话题的态度不一。5. The number of overseas students_ over the past few years

5、.过去几年里留学生的人数急剧上升。6. The price of cars_ during July.汽车的价格在七月份上升至一个平台。7. The environment has been_ along with the rapid development of economy.随着经济的迅猛开展,环境也在不断的恶化。8. Overweight/obese people suffer greatly_.肥胖的人身心都受到伤害。参考答案 1. vary from person to person2. The Era of Globalization3. acute problems4. dif

6、fer widely5. has climbed dramatically6. plateaued7. deteriorating8. psychologically and physically二S+V+O主语+谓语动词与物动词+宾语1. Art funding has_ a heated debate recently.近来艺术资助引发了一场激烈的争论。2. Tourism_ between nations.旅游促进国与国之间的相互了解。3. A museum_ of an area.博物馆展示一个地区的璀璨文化与悠久历史。4. The preservation of forests_.保

7、护森林引起人们的广泛关注。5. Many women_.许多女性追求事业。6 The chemical waste_.化工废料危害人们健康。7. They are discussing_ of the controversial issue.他们正就这有争议事件的正反方进展讨论。8. The high unemployment rate_. 居高不下的失业率破坏社会稳定。9. The high unemployment rate_.不良的饮食习惯有害健康。10. The uniform dress policy_.穿校服的制度有利于加强学校纪律、维护学校安全。参考答案1. triggered2

8、. enhances mutual understanding3. displays the brilliant culture and long history4. has aroused peoples wide concern5. pursue their careers6. endangers peoples health7. both sides8. undermines social stability9. impairs ones health10. enhances school discipline and security注:不与物动词可以通过跟介词或副词结合构成与物。(1

9、) VI+Pre=VT deal with,look into,plain about,result in,lead to,dispose of,subscribe to,side witha_should_ this unpleasant matter in two days.有关部门应在两天之内处理这件不愉快的事件。bWould you please _my present situation?你能否调查一下我的现状?cMany residents_ the dog living in the garden next door.很多居民投诉隔壁花园的狗。d._ puter games_.过

10、分沉迷于电脑游戏导致肥胖和近视。e_may_ the_ of the environment.过量使用肥料和杀虫剂可能导致环境的恶化。fI can hardly_ the latter opinion for the following several sound reasons.我很难认同后一种观点,理由有以下几个方面。g_lead to_.无知和好奇导致青少年犯罪。hUrbanization _.城市化导致动物栖息地遭到破坏。i. Few people_ the proposal_ by_.很少人赞成动物权益保护者提出的建议。参考答案a The department concerned;

11、deal withb Look intoc plain aboutd Overindulgence in; obesity and myopiae The overuse of fertilizers and pesticides; leads to; deteriorationf Side withg Ignorance and curiosity; juvenile delinquencyh results in the destruction of animal habitatsi subscribe to; set forth; animal-rights activists2VI+A

12、dv+Pre=VT make up for, look down upon, do away with, put up witha. I will_ your loss due to my carelessness. 我将会补偿你由于我的粗心造成的损失。b. We shall never_.我们永远都不应轻视体力劳动。c. We should_.我们应该废除那些过时的习俗。d. We should_.我们应该抛弃久坐的生活方式。e. I can hardly_ my roommates_.我很难忍受室友不顾与他人的行为。参考答案a. make up forb. look down upon m

13、anual laborc. get rid of the outmoded customs and traditionsd. do away with the sedentary lifestylee. put up with; inconsiderate behavior(3) V+N+Pre=VT make good use of, lose sight of, attach greater importance to, lay emphasis on, pay heed toa. More people_ animal rights over the past few years.在这去

14、几年里,更多人重视动物权益了。b. We should_ all the wastes.我们应该充分利用所有的废物。c. We shall never_ the risks brought about by the development of the cloning technology.我们不能无视开展克隆技术带来的风险。d. Our government_.我们的政府更加重视稀有物种的保护了。e. People attach greater importance to_.人们越来越重视文物的保护了。f. Parents should never lose sight of _of pc

15、games on children.家长不该无视电脑游戏对小孩的副作用。g. A growing number of parents _the education of their children.越来越多的家长更加重视小孩的教育了。参考答案A. have attached greater weight toB. make full use ofC. lose sight ofD. pays more heed to the conservation of rare species.E. the preservation of cultural relicsF. the side-effec

16、tsG. lay more emphasis on(三) S+V+O2+O1(主语+动词+间接宾语/人+直接宾语/物)1. The touch on a thick volume gives one_.手握厚重的一卷书,我们感受到难以言状的快乐。2. The_ show us some convincing evidence.反对者向我们展示一些具有说服力的证据。3. A gap year offers high school graduates a valuable opportunity to_.Gap year(在中学毕业上大学前的一年时间)为中学毕业生提供了一个宝贵的机会去认清自己的职

17、业兴趣和目标。4. I wish Wu Jiachen _.我祝吴嘉琛一路顺风。5. _ offers children nothing less than a true version of society in miniature.实行男女共校制度的学校给学生提供了现实社会的微型版。6. Job-hopping offers one a chance to_.跳槽给人提供充分发挥潜能的机会。7. Part-time jobs give students_ through contributing to society.通过为社会作贡献,学生从兼职工作中获得一种成就感。参考答案1. inex

18、pressible pleasure2. opponents3. identify ones career interests and goals4. a good journey5. A co-educational school6. bring his/her potential into full play7. a sense of achievement(四)S+V+O+OC主语+动词+宾语+宾语补足语1S+V+O+A主语+动词+宾语+形容词a.We consider keeping pets_.我们认为养宠物伤感情。b. Robots can make humans_.机器人使人变得

19、多余、可替代甚至是处于灭绝的境地。c. The_ life makes many people sick.紧X的生活令许多人生病。d. The_ makes us upset.急剧上升的犯罪率使人沮丧、心烦。参考答案a. emotionally damagingb. redundant, replaceable and even extinctc. stressfuld. soaring crime rate2S+V+O+N主语+动词+宾词+名词a. You may_.你可以叫我Kent。b. In English people name fat people_.英语中肥胖的人被称为沙发土豆。

20、c. People call TV_.人们把电视叫做白痴盒子。参考答案a. call me Kentb. couch potatoesc. an idiot box3S+V+O+INFINITIVE主语+动词+宾语+不定式a.I require you to send someone_as soon as possible.我要求你尽快派人来处理这棘手的问题。b. Would you allow me_?您可否让我跟您面谈我的个人情况。C . Some parents allow their children to have a small sum of money to_.有些家长容许小孩有

21、一些零花钱,希望能培养他们的独立性和理财能力。e. Experts advise the government to demolish the old houses in the downtown area_.专家建议政府拆除市区里的旧房子来改善城市形象。参考答案a. to deal with this thorny issueb. to have an interview with you to discuss my qualificationsc. cultivate their independence and money management skillsd. to promote t

22、he city image五S+LV+SC主语+系动词+主语补足语1S+LV+N主语+系动词+名词a. The installation of cameras in toilets _in our munity.厕所里安装摄像头事件近来在我们社区成了个焦点话题。b.The greatest contribution of _is the healthy attitude to life it encourages.男女共校制度的最大优点是它所提倡的健康人生态度。c. One merit of the Internet is _the latest information.互联网的好处是能迅速方

23、便地获取最新的信息。d. The legalization of euthanasia is_.安乐死的合法化是个具有争议的事件。e. TV is_.电视是个消磨时间的东西。f. A pet is an_.宠物是个娱乐者。g. Playing video games is_.打游戏机是个费时的爱好。参考答案a. has bee a hot-button issueb. coeducationc. easy access tod. an issue of controversye. a time fillerf. entertainerg. a time-consuming hobby2S+LV

24、+A主语+系动词+形容词be, seem, appear, look, remain, sound, feel, smell, taste, bee, grow, turn, go, prove, etc.a. Space research is_.太空研究不切实际并且浪费钱。b. He Guofang is_.何国芳有才华且为人谦逊。c. The proposal seems_.这个建议似乎不切实际,很荒唐。d. The project sounds quite_.这个方案听起来相当令人信服,具有建设性。e. Riding a bike proves_.骑自行车证明是有益健康的。f. Man

25、y_ bee extinct due to the development of international tourism.土著居民的语言和文化因国际观光业的开展而趋灭绝。g. Some information on the Internet is_.网上一些信息是误导人的和带有欺骗性的。参考答案a. unrealistic and extravagantb. talented and modestc. Impractical and ridiculousd. convincing and constructivee. physically beneficialf. aboriginal l

26、anguages and culturesg. mislead and cheating二、句子种类由于分析角度不同,不同语法书对英语句子的划分相应有不同的分类。在此笔者主要根据雅思写作的需要,从句子的结构角度讲解几种类型的句子。按结构划分,句子可分为简单句simple、并列句pound、复合句plex和并列复合句pound-plex等。一简单句一个独立的句子,如果只有一个主可以是并列主语和一个谓语可以是并列谓语,这样的句子就称为简单句。简单句只能有一个主语和谓语,但是可以包含不止一个宾语、定语或状语。注:句子根本结构局部的例句均为简单句1. The advertisement is_.该广告

27、误导人和夸大其词。2. The direct cause of drug-taking is_.吸毒的直接原因是无知和好奇。3. The opponents _the rapidly expanding population and economic development.反对方把环境的恶化归咎于人口的迅速增长和经济的开展。4. The number of TV audience _of 20,000 at 9pm.电视观众的人数在9点到达最高点,为2万人。5. Traveling abroad_.出国旅游开阔视野、丰富知识和培养独立性。参考答案1. misguiding and exagg

28、erative2. ignorance and curiosity3. attribute the deterioration of environment to4. reaches a peak5. widens ones vision, enriches ones knowledge and cultivates independence二并列句并列句由两个以上的意义相关的独立分句组成,分句之间通过并列连词连接或由连接性副词和分号连接。并列句的分句各有一个完整、独立的主谓结构,表达的意思同等重要,分句之间是互相独立、互不依从的。主要连词有and, but, or, neithernor,

29、for , so and yet等1. Some overnight millionaires _,and many_ peasants still _and face the dangers of_.有些暴发户过着奢侈、浪费的生活,而许多贫穷的农民过着究困的生活,饱受饥寒之苦。2. The government may_ on private car owners, or it will develop the public transport.政府或许对私家车主课以重税,要么将开展公共交通。3. P-books will not be replaced by e-books, nor wi

30、ll fast food_ traditional food.传统印刷的书不会被电子书籍所取代,正如快餐不会取代传统食物一样。4. Zeng Qiyu has applied for a _, and Wu Lijin has requested_.曾启宇申请了奖学金,而吴丽瑾申请了助学金。5. The government has made great efforts to_, yet there are still many being severely damaged.政府已经尽力去保护文化遗产,然而还有许多正遭受严重的破坏。6. _has been_ in modern educati

31、on, so some optimistic people claim that our children no longer need to go to the traditional school to receive formal education.远程教育在现代教育中起到日益重要的作用,于是有些乐观的人声称我们的孩子不必去传统的学校去承受正规教育。参考答案1.lead a wasteful and extravagant life; impoverished; lead a miserable life; hunger and cold2.levy heavy tax on4.sch

32、olarship; a grant5.preserve cultural heritage6.Distance education; playing an increasingly significant role与分号搭配的连接性副词主要有however, therefore, nevertheless, as a result, instead, thus, in contrast, similarly, for example, at the same time, on the other hand, consequently等。1. The zoos_;_ they keep city

33、 people in closer contact with the more natural world.动物园保护许多野生动物,此外,它们还使城市居民有机会接触到自然状态下的动物世界。2. Some people are using bicycles for transportation;_ _,others are joining carpools or taking_ to get to their destinations.有些人使用自行车作为交通工具,还有些人合伙使用汽车或搭乘公共交通工具去他们的目的地。3. The intelligent machines such as rob

34、ots can replace humans to do some dangerous tasks;_. they release housewives from_.智能机器如机器人能代替人从事许多危险的工作,此外,他们也使家庭主妇从日常家务活中解脱出来。4.The pany produces poisonous gases day and night; consequently,_ among residents nearby_.那家公司整天制造出有毒气体,因此,附近居民患癌症的比例急剧上升。5. Nuclear energy has many benefits;_, it is very

35、cheap and clean.核能源具有许多好处,比方说,它很干净又廉价。6. Advertising_ in American business;_, it_ the nations economy.广告在美国商业中起着重要的作用,而且它对国家的经济有着极大的影响。7. Without mercials, the publics favorite programs would not be shown;_, viewers must accept them as necessary.如果没有广告,公众喜爱的节目将不再播放,因此,电视观众必须承受它们,认为广告是必不可少的。8. Many a

36、ds and mercials do give important information about products;_, some of them are merely_.许多广告确实提供了有关产品的重要信息,然而,其中一些却是误导人的和带有欺骗性的广告。9. Watching television is an inexpensive form of entertainment;_ _,it is a good way to learn English.看电视是一种廉价的娱乐形式,此外,它还是学习英语的好途径。10. Chemical wastes in the environment

37、can seriously_;_, the chemicals dumped in the rivers_ and even death.环境中的化工垃圾严重威胁人们的健康。例如,倾倒到河流的化工废料导致人患病、基因遭破坏甚至死亡。11. Careful consumers rely on good advertising;_, they would not buy products wisely.细心的消费者依赖好的广告,否如此,他们将难以明智的购置各种产品。12. The development of modern science and technology brings mankind

38、 numerous benefits;_, it_ human society.现代科学技术给人带来众多的益处,同时也对人类社会构成潜在威胁。参考答案1.preserve many form of wildlife; in addition2.Moreover; public vehicles3.Additionally; daily household chores4.the incidence of cancer; skyrockets5.For instance6.plays a significant role in; furthermore; exerts enormous effe

39、cts on8.However; misleading and deceiving10.Pose potential risks to peoples health; as an illustration, cause sickness; genetic damage12.Meanwhile; poses potential threats to三复合句复合句通常包含一个主句和一个或多个从句。由连接词引导的从句可以充当主句的主语、宾语、表语、定语或状语等。主要意思通过主句表达,而从句表达次要意思。正确使用复合句可使表达的思想主次清楚,也可防止由于过多使用独立的简单句或并列句所造成的单调和啰嗦,

40、减少不必要的重复,使表达更加简练和完整。在第二节我们将详细分析主要的复合从句1. Our eating habits have changed drastically_ western fast food was introduced into China a decade ago.自从十年前西式快餐进入中国以来,我们的饮食习惯发生了巨变。时间状语从句2. _everyone_ of obesity and_, I am sure that we can lead a healthier life.只要每个人都充分意识到肥胖的危害性并采取有效措施,我肯定我们一定能过得更健康。时间状语从句3.

41、All that the advocates say is_.支持者所说的一切均是站不住脚的。定语从句4. I am now_ the guy who has just moved into the flat next to mine.我现投诉刚搬到我家隔壁的那个家秋。定语从句5. It is_ that some actions should be taken to put an end to the worsening air pollution.采取有效措施来完毕日益恶化的空气污染势在必行。主语从句6. _space exploration can promote the cause o

42、f science.人们普遍认为太空探索能促进科学事业的开展。主语从句7. Some people hold that the development of tourism_ traditional culture.有些人认为旅游业的开展对传统文化产生一些负面的影响。宾语从句8. I can hardly_ the proposal that women should go back home to be full-time housewives.我很难认同妇女应回家做全职太太的建议。同位语从句9. The most practical countermeasure is that_.最实际的

43、对策是制定更严厉的法律和法规来惩处违规者。表语从句参考答案2.If; is fully aware; takes effective measures4.plaining about6.It is monly believed that7.produces some adverse influence on9.more stringent laws and regulations should be laid down to penalize the perpetrators四并列复合句如果一个并列句中的一个或更多的分句包含有一个或更多的从句,那么这种句子被称之为并列复合句。1. When e

44、veryone_ the significance of environmental protection and_, I am fully confident that we can enjoy a cleaner environment.当每个人都充分意识到环保的重要性,并采取可行的措施,我坚信我们能享有更干净的环境。2. It is true that the Olympic Games can_ and_, but this is not to say that they are without disadvantages.奥运会增进友谊和促进主办国经济的开展,但这非意味着奥运会是完美

45、无缺的。3. Since tourism helps_ between people, it will finally_, and make the world a more peaceful one.因为旅游业有助于人们之间增进了解,它将最终消除对其他国家的偏见,从而使世界变得更加和平。参考答案1.realizes; adopts some feasible measures2.promote friendship; boost the economy of the host country3.enhance mutual understanding; remove the prejudic

46、e against other countries第二节 主要从句分析一、名词从句Nominal Clause名词从句是指在复合句中当名词使用的从句,它可作主语、宾语、表语、同位语等,所以也相应称为主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。名词从句主要由以下几种构成。一连词that引导的名词从句连词that引导从句,并连接从句和主句。That在从句中不作任何语法成分,从句作动词宾语或表语时,that可以省略。从句作同位语时,that 如此不可省略。1. _environment_ ones personality.普遍认为环境对人的性格有深远的影响。2. Medical science has

47、 proved that animal fats and_ of sugar_.医学已经证明动物脂肪和过量的糖分摄入对健康有害。3. The fact that young people nowadays are_ is largely the oute of_ in their childhood.当今的年轻人自我为中心、对人冷漠和不顾与他人,这很大程度上是孩童时期他们父母对他们过分纵容的结果。4. Censorship ensures that_ will not be spread.新闻审查制度确保腐朽的价值观不会被传播。5. Animal right activists claim t

48、hat animal tests are_.动物权益保护者声称动物实验很残忍、不人道和没必要。6. The assumption that robots will make humans_ is_.认为机器人将令人类变得多余和可替代的假设是站不住脚的。参考答案1.It is generally held that; has profound influence on2.excessive intake; damage health3.self-centered; indifferent; and inconsiderate; parental permissiveness4.corrupt v

49、alue5.very cruel, inhumane and unnecessary6.redundant and replaceable; unfounded二If, whether, whether or not, whetheror not引导的从句常接在know, wonder, doubt, care之后。Whether引导的名词从句可作主语、动词宾语和介词宾语,而if从句却只能作动词宾语,不能作主语或介词宾语。1. I wonder if this practice can_.我不知这种做法是否经得起推敲。2. Some doubt whether the legalization

50、 of euthanasia is_.有人对安乐死合法化是否有理有据表示怀疑。3. _we should allow children to play puter games.关于该不该容许小孩子打电脑游戏引发了一场激烈的争论。4. Whether or not cameras should be installed in public areas_.该不该在公共场所安装摄像头引发了激烈的争论。5. Whether or not we should ban pets in big cities_.大城市该不该禁养宠物成了个公众话题。6. Views on whether we should f

51、orce people to retire at a certain age are_.对于是否应该强迫人在某个年龄退休,人们持有不同意见。参考答案1.bear closer analysis3.There arises a heated debate over whether4.has sparked a contentious argument5.has bee a public focus三连接代词who, whom, whose, what, which等引导的从句Wh-词既充当连接词,连接主句和从句,又在从句中担当一定的语法成分,作主语、宾语或补语。1. I am not sure

52、whose idea I should_.我不肯定我该赞成谁的意见。2. We cant imagine what effects garbage will_ our lives.我们很难想象垃圾将对我们的生活造成什么影响。3. Who should be responsible for our_ has been widely discussed in our munity.谁对我们的老人负责这个问题在社区里被广泛讨论。4. We are still not sure what benefits_ will bring us.我们还不清楚太空探索将给我们带来什么好处。参考答案1.side w

53、ish2.exert on3.senior citizens4.space exploration四连接副词when, where, why和how引导的从句1.How we can_ the present traffic situation has been widely discussed in our munity these days.近来在我们社区人们广泛讨论如何去改善交通现状。2.Where we can_ the increasing rubbish is a great headache to many governments.在哪里处理日益增多的垃圾对于许多政府而言是个头痛的事情。3.In this essay, I intend to_ why many young females mit crimes these years.在本文 ,我们将探讨为什么近年来许多青年女性犯罪的原因。4.This diagram_

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