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1、Unit 7 Work for Peace单元自我综合评价七Unit 7 Work for Peace单元自我综合评价七.单项选择单项选择 (共共10小题,每小题小题,每小题2分,计分,计20分分)1After two hours hard discussion, they reached _ agreement in the end. Aa Ban Cthe D/2The company _ a car _ the leader. Aprovides; with Bprovides; for Cprovide; with Dprovide; forBB3Though you are mad_

2、 me, I cant agree_ you. Aon; of Bat; with Cfor; by Dat; onB【解析解析】考查介词的用法。表示考查介词的用法。表示“生某人的气生某人的气”用用be mad at sb.;表示;表示“同意某人的观点同意某人的观点”用用agree with sb.,故选,故选 B。单元自我综合评价七4The beginning of the movie was not interesting, _ the end was fantastic! Abut Band Cso DorA单元自我综合评价七5Hurry up, _ well be late for s

3、chool. Aand Bor Cbut DsoB【解析解析】 “考查连词的用法。考查连词的用法。and 意为意为“和;并且和;并且”;or 意为意为“或者;否或者;否则则”;but 意为意为“但是,可是但是,可是”;so 意为意为“因此因此”。句意:快点,否则我们。句意:快点,否则我们上学要迟到了。结合语境可知选上学要迟到了。结合语境可知选B。单元自我综合评价七6Their football team was _ in that important game. Awon Bbeaten Cfailed Dfinished7All the workers went home yesterday

4、 _ Mr. White. Why? Because he was on duty. Aexcept Bbesides Cexcept for DbesideBA单元自我综合评价七8All the people had better keep _ in the library. Asilent B careful Cserious Dharmful9What shall we buy for Lucy as a present? Lets buy a new bike for her. Her bike breaks down from time to time _ Aafter all Ba

5、bove all Cat all Din allAA单元自我综合评价七10His father prefers to stay at home rather than _ on May Day. Atravel Bto travel Ctravelling Dtravels【解析解析】考查固定用法。考查固定用法。prefer to do A rather than do B意为意为“宁愿做宁愿做A而不愿做而不愿做B”,故选,故选A。A单元自我综合评价七. (共共10小题,每小题小题,每小题2分,计分,计20分分) Friendship, which you think may have los

6、t, will come back amazingly. I had a best friend _11_ the age of 7. Two years later, her family moved to England. Before she left, she gave me a similar bracelet(手镯手镯)to _12_. She said it was like our friendship. She also told me to be _13_ with it and remember our friendship. She _14_ that she woul

7、d be back to visit me one day.单元自我综合评价七 Years passed, _15_ I never saw her. I took the bracelet off, because I thought she might have forgotten me. Guess what! All these years, our parents _16_ kept in touch(保持联系保持联系)One day, they decided to see each other at the city where we lived, without telling

8、 us. Later that night, when we met, we were both _17_, and of course, very pleased to see each other again. 单元自我综合评价七Then we talked about the things that _18_ to us all these years. In the conversation, she found I wasnt_19_ the bracelet she gave me, so she asked why. I explained the _20_ with patie

9、nce. Then she said, “I promised you that I would come back, so here I am today. I always remember our friendship. I will do everything I can to keep my promise.”单元自我综合评价七11A. by Bin Cat Dfrom12A. mine Bhers Cours Dtheirs13A. careful Bcomfortable Cpersonal Dwonderful14A. agreed Btold Cpromised Doffer

10、ed15A. because Band Cso DbutCBACD单元自我综合评价七16A. still Balways Cnever Dseldom17A. moved Bsurprised Cinterested Dworried18A. happened Bappeared Cintroduced Dregretted19A. dressing Bbringing Ccarrying Dwearing20A. hope Breason Cpurpose DmessageABADB单元自我综合评价七.阅读理解阅读理解 (共共5小题,每小题小题,每小题2分,计分,计10分分) When th

11、e people in your family are fighting, you may be feeling sad, ashamed(羞愧的羞愧的) or even angry. Whatever your feelings are, what you want most is to stop the fight. When your parents fight, what should you do? Remember, even people who love each other fight sometimes. That they fight doesnt mean theyre

12、 going to stay mad for long or that theyre going to get a divorce(离婚离婚)单元自我综合评价七 Just think of the last time you and your brother or sister got into a fight. You didnt really mean all those things you said, did you? In the end, you probably made up. The same goes for parents. If you get really upset

13、 when your parents fight, you can talk to them about your feelings. Sometimes parents dont realize that their arguing makes kids feel upset. If you tell them how you feel, theyll probably try to stop or at least explain to you why they are arguing. What will you do if you fight with your parents?单元自

14、我综合评价七 Always remember that your parents dont really want to make things difficult for you. They care about you, but sometimes its just hard for them to see your point of view easily. Usually, kids who fight with their parents learn to get along with them in the end. This is especially true if kids

15、talk to their parents about how they feel and what is important to them. Keep in mind, though, that it can take time and a lot of patience. 单元自我综合评价七Talking to your parents about your ideas instead of arguing with them will also make them listen to you a little more closely.单元自我综合评价七21If the people

16、in your family are fighting, you want most to _ Afeel sad Bstop the fight Cstay mad Dget angry【解析解析】第一段最后一句第一段最后一句“Whatever your feelings are, what you want most is to stop the fight.”可知最想要的是停止吵架。可知最想要的是停止吵架。B单元自我综合评价七22When your parents fight, what should you do? ATell them your feelings. BGo away

17、and stay upset. CFight with them together. DMake things difficult.A单元自我综合评价七23What does the underlined phrase “made up” mean in Chinese? A整理整理 B弥补弥补 C讨好讨好 D和解和解D单元自我综合评价七24If you fight with your parents, what should you do? AYell at them angrily. BHave a talk with them. CMake them listen to you. DGo

18、 out from the home.【解析解析】由文章最后一句话由文章最后一句话“Talking to your parents about your ideas instead of arguing with them will also make them listen to you a little more closely.”可知。可知。B单元自我综合评价七25From the passage we know _ Atalking to your parents about your ideas is very easy Bif you fight with your parents

19、, they will never care about you Ceven if your parents love you, you may fight with them at t imes Dchildren can learn to get along with parents by fightingC单元自我综合评价七.任务型阅读任务型阅读(共共5小题,每小题小题,每小题3分,计分,计15分分) In our lives, we sometimes say or do something that may hurt others. Then we need to apologize

20、(道歉道歉). Making an apology helps to improve an injured friendship. We are already familiar with some expressions for apologizing, such as “Excuse me” or “Im sorry”. There are also other ways to apologize, such as “Pardon” and “I apologize”. 单元自我综合评价七When you have missed your friends party, you might

21、say, “I was really busy that day and just couldnt make it. I sincerely(真诚地真诚地) apologize.” When you get angry with someone and realize you are wrong, you may say, “I am sorry. I apologize for my poor attitude.” When a person apologizes to you, it is necessary to reply politely, “Its all right,” or “

22、Never mind.” If the situation is more serious and the person is really sincere, you might say, “I understand how you feel,” or “We all make mistakes.”单元自我综合评价七Sometimes people apologize not for having done something wrong, but for the inconvenience(不便不便)they have caused. On the building under repair

23、 you may see signs reading, “We are rebuilding our store to serve you better. Please pardon our dust.” In the supermarket you may hear a salesperson say, “Im sorry it has been sold out today. Would you please come tomorrow?” 单元自我综合评价七 People sometimes are embarrassed to make an apology, because they

24、 do not want to lose face. Yet there are ways to make an “indirect apology”. Makinganapologyon the phone is not a direct or very persona way of apologizing, but it is sometimes the best choice. If one is not so familiar with the other and they might feel there is a chance of unpleasantness, some “di

25、stance” is often safer and understandable. 单元自我综合评价七 Learning how to apologize is important in our life. We dont lose face when we apologize. Instead, wed lose face if we never say sorry for our mistakes.单元自我综合评价七26、27题完成句子;题完成句子;28题简略回答问题;题简略回答问题;29题找出并写下全文题找出并写下全文 的主题句;的主题句;30题将文中画线句子译成汉语。题将文中画线句子

26、译成汉语。26_ helps to improve an injured friendship.27When you _ with someone and realize you are wrong, you may say, “I am sorry. I apologize for my poor attitude.” Making an apologyget angry单元自我综合评价七28Do you lose face when you apologize? _29_30_ _No, we dont.Learning how to apologize is important in o

27、ur life.通过电话道歉,不是一种直接的或非常个人的道歉方式,但有时这是最通过电话道歉,不是一种直接的或非常个人的道歉方式,但有时这是最好的选择。好的选择。单元自我综合评价七.词语运用词语运用(共共5小题,每小题小题,每小题2分,计分,计10分分)根据短文内容及所给提示,在文中的空白处填写一个正确的单词。根据短文内容及所给提示,在文中的空白处填写一个正确的单词。 Just now I 31._ (check) my smartphone and found there was a short 32. m_ from my friend, Liu Liang. He thanked me 3

28、3._ my help. His computer was broken and was 34._ (repair) by me yesterday. I think it is our duty to help friends when they meet 35._ (difficult)checkedessageforrepaireddifficulties单元自我综合评价七.书面表达书面表达(计计25分分)生活中难免有误会,当误会发生后,你将如何处理呢?请叙述你生活中难免有误会,当误会发生后,你将如何处理呢?请叙述你在生活中的一件小事,并表达这件事使你对友情、亲情或师生情在生活中的一件小

29、事,并表达这件事使你对友情、亲情或师生情产生的更深的理解。不少于产生的更深的理解。不少于90词。词。单元自我综合评价七One possible version: Understanding is a bridge between teachers and students. Once I copied my deskmates paper during an exam and handed it in. The next day, my teacher told the whole class about it. I lost face. I hated the teacher. A few

30、days later, the teacher had a hearttoheart talk with me. He said he could understand that I would like to be good. But to be good should depend on hard work. From then on, with his help, I became so interested in study that I made great progress. I think understanding has an important influence on our lives. Understanding can make us successful. Knowing that, I understand the teacher better. 单元自我综合评价七

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