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1、Chinese CuisineQuestion: Chinese cuisine Turkish cuisine French cuisine what are the three systems of cuisines enjoying the greatest world popularity?A common saying: There are three luxuries in ones life: An American house, A Japanese wife & Chinese food. The criteria of being a good Chinese dish :

2、 Color Aroma / smell Taste / flavorSome Words & Expressions: 菜菜 : Cuisine Dish Course Home dish local specialties Snacks Snack stall Ingredients: Animals viscera Liver kidney Petrels nest Bears palm Sharks fin Chickens wing Ducks leg Flavor or taste: Sour / Sweet Bitter / Salty Pungent / hot / spicy

3、 Fragrant Tender / Crisp Tough / Fresh Greasy Light / heavy flavorHistory of Chinese CuisineChinese Culinary ArtsLocal Cuisines in ChinaTranslation of Chinese CuisineThe History of Chinese Cuisine Archaeological finds from the late Neolithic Longshan Culture (龙山文化) that the ancestors of modern Chine

4、se were already using a variety of pottery vessels such as tripods, and steamers for cooking food. The bronze pots, chopping board, knives and shovels unearthed at the Yin Ruins in Anyang, Henan Province, are evidence that the Chinese developed sophisticated cooking methods as early as 3,000 years a

5、go. Public restaurants appeared during the Spring and Autumn and Warring State were appointed to be responsible for the palace Period, and special officials at court kitchens. The earliest cookbook in the world was circulated in China about 1,500 years ago during the Southern and Northern Dynasties,

6、 showing that the art of food preparation had already become subject of study.Four Aspects of Chinese Culinary ArtsCutting and garnishingTemperaturePreparation of ingredientsCooking techniques1. Preparation of ingredientsHangzhous West Lake Fish in Vinegar Sauce needs live grass carp from West Lake.

7、 Any dish made from live fish should be delicious, but the Hangzhou chefs are not satisfied with just any fish. Their live fish are lowed in special baskets into lake water and starved for a couple of days to ensure that the meat is firm and free of any muddy oder. Fish prepared in this way is also

8、more tender and tastes somewhat like crabmeat. Special dishes have special own requirements as to selection and preparation of main ingredients !2. Cutting and garnishing Cutting has been an important feature of Chinese culinary art since ancient times. Raw ingredients can be cut into slices, strips

9、, shreds, cubes, segments, dice, grains or balls and minced, mashed or carved into shapes such as wheat ears or chrysanthemum blossoms. Characters for “longevity” or “happiness” can be carved in food special occasions such birthday or wedding. Cold dishes in the shape of birds, animals, insects, fis

10、h, flowers, fruits, grass or trees offer an opportunity for showing off the chefs artistic talent.3. Temperature As early as 2,000 years ago, the Chinese had already learnt the importance of cooking temperature. The famous poet, Su Dongpo, took up cooking as a hobby after a setback in his official c

11、areer. Braised Pork in Brown Sauce was one of his masterpieces. After he was transferred to Hangzhou, he often made this dish to entertain his guests and wrote a poem to describe the cooking process:Braised Pork in Brown Sauce “Go slow with the flame, Go light with the water, When the cooking is don

12、e, The food will be fine.” 净洗铛, 少着水, 柴头罨烟焰不起。 待他自熟莫催他, 火候足时他自美。 Chinese food can be cooked over high, moderate or low temperature, depending on the ingredients and the dish. Braised Pork in Brown Sauce, is cooked over a low flame in a sealed pot. The meat comes out deep red and is as tender as bean

13、curd; the flavor is rich, but the meat does not taste greasy. The famous Beijing dish, Fried Pork Liver and Duck Gizzard, is fried in hot oil at a high temperature for only a few seconds, so that it is tender inside and crisp outside. If the dish were cooked at a low temperature, the meat would be t

14、ough.4. Cooking techniques There are over 30 techniques in Chinese cuisine, including: 1. Stir fry/ saut:to cook sth. In hot fat for a short time. eg: Fried eggs Saute rape Saute beef 2. deep fry: a cook food under the surface of hot fat or oil eg: Deep fried chicken wings 北京名菜:京酱肉丝北京名菜:京酱肉丝北京烤鸭北京烤鸭

15、 3. roast 烤 eg: roasted Beijing duck roast lean pork 4. braise 焖 eg: braised fish Japan style 5. simmer / stew 炖、煨 eg: simmered pork in old fashion 6. smoke 熏 eg: smoked dried meat 熏肉海南名菜:和乐蟹海南名菜:和乐蟹桂林名菜:荔浦芋头桂林名菜:荔浦芋头Local Cuisines in China Chinese food take in a local character because of the ingre

16、dients and cooking styles. Chinese cuisines are categorized in many kinds. Such as , 鲁菜 川菜 苏菜 粤菜 闽菜 浙菜 湘菜 徽菜 京菜,etc. Generally speaking, there are four basic local cuisines : Sichuan, Cantonese, Shandong, and Jiangsu cuisine. Sichuan Cuisine Of the four major schools of Chinas culinary art, Sichuan

17、cuisine is perhaps the most popular. One of the reasons for its fine cooking could be the fact that skillful chefs were taken to Sichuan by high officials sent by the central government during the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. Most of these chefs settled in Sichuan and developed new cooking styles

18、based on Beijing cuisine. It is well-known for its hot and pungent flavoring. 川菜川菜. 夫妻肺片夫妻肺片Typical Dishes of Sichuan Cuisine回锅肉宫保鸡丁麻婆豆腐酸菜鱼棒棒鸡灯影牛肉担担面剁椒胖鱼头 龙抄手Cantonese CuisineGuandong cuisine, known as cantonese cuisine in the West, was developed in Guangdong, Huizhou and Chaozhou, and Hainan Island

19、.As the climate of Guangdong is hot, the dishes are fresh, tender, and lightly seasoned.Guangdong cuisine has a greater variety of food than any other place in the world.- “The two Guang eat practically everything in that walks on the ground, swims in the water and flies in the air except CAAC.” Typ

20、ical Dishes of Guangdong Cuisine红烧大鲍翅龙虎凤蛇羹 脆皮乳猪 油包鲜虾仁 蚝油鲜菇 瓦掌山瑞 Shandong Cuisine Shangdong cuisine is divided into two schools of cooking - the Jinan school and the Jiaodong school (Eastern Shandong Peninsula). The former prides itself on its clear or milk-white soups, and the latter on its preparat

21、ion of seafood. The dishes are usually fresh, tasty, but greasy. When meat or seafood is cooked, only small amounts of cooking oil and mild spices are used so that the natural flavor of the food is preserved. Typical Dishes of Shandong Cuisine糖醋黄河鲤鱼 九转大肠 烤大虾 干蒸加吉鱼 油爆海螺清汤燕窝 Jiangsu-zhejiang cuisine T

22、he cuisine is popular in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and is characteristically sweet. It this school of cuisine, chefs are known for their skills in handing the cleaver and their predilection for light coloring and flavor. Typical Dishes of Jiangsu Cuisine牡蛎跑蛋 蜜汁灌藕 咸菜大汤黄鱼 冰糖甲鱼

23、龙井虾仁抢蟹Translation of Chinese Cuisine Significance: 英文菜单是中国饮食文化的名片; 但是中餐菜名翻译难度很大 。 Current situation: 饭店英文菜单要么空缺;要么是Chinglish,其各式译本 “比中国菜还要丰富” 。 很多人是慕中餐之名而来,但一张云山雾罩的菜单,足以让人一头雾水,不知所措。如云吞,有饭店译成“吞下云彩”,鸡蛋汤译成“日升洞庭湖”,口水鸡Slobbering Chicken,外国人按字面意思会理解为“唾液鸡肉”。拔丝地瓜Wire pulling Sweet Potato,外国人不明白甜薯与正在拉起来的线有何关

24、联。 More examples:生鱼块 Chop the strange fish(砍那些陌生的鱼)童子鸡 Chicken without sexual life(还没有性生活的鸡)驴打滾 Rolling donkey(翻滾的驴子)四喜丸子 Four glad meatballs(四个高兴的丸子)生鱼块 sashimi (sliced raw fish)童子鸡 pullet (spring chicken) 驴打滾 soybean cake四喜丸子 meatballs Translation methods Basic rules: To translate the Chinese dish

25、es appropriately, First, we should show the main ingredients used and the main cooking techniques; Then, the “color, flavor, taste”; Lastly, if there are some history legends, we should introduce them to the guests concisely. There are 4 ways to translate the Chinese dishes: Literal translation 直译类

26、Free translation 意译类 Literal + free translation 直译+意译类 Literal + annotation 直译+注释类全聚德奥运主题菜直译类: 1. 烹调法烹调法+主料名主料名 Smoked fish 熏鱼 Steamed mandarin fish 清蒸桂鱼 Fried crab meat 炒蟹粉 2. 烹调法烹调法+主料主料+with+配料配料 Fried squid with fresh bamboo shoots 冬笋炒鱿鱼 Fried winter mushroom with green cabbage 冬菇菜心 Fried noodle

27、s with seafood 海鲜皇炒面 3. 烹调法烹调法+主料主料+with / in + 调料调料 Braised chicken with wine sauce 葡汁全鸡 Stewed turtle in clear soup 清炖甲鱼 Fried spring chicken with vinegar sauce 醋溜子鸡 4. 烹调法烹调法+加工法加工法+主料主料+with / in +调料调料/配料配料 Fried sliced chicken with chicken liver 凤肝鸡片 Fried shredded beef with onion 洋葱牛肉丝 Fired s

28、liced beef with tomato sauce 茄汁牛肉片意译类: 中式菜肴名称讲究典雅,富寓意,名称具吉祥如意或艺术造型。 方法:舍形或舍音求意,将其原料和烹调方法照实译出。 eg: 炸响铃 霸王别姬 蚂蚁上树deep-fried beancurd skinstewed turtle and chickenbean vermicelli with spicy meat sauce直译+意译: 表吉祥喜庆等典雅的行话隐语,对缺乏中国文化背景知识的外国客人来说难以理解。 菜名的部份术语,择其“色、香、味、形” 的特点,将术语所含寓意直译出来。 eg: 三鲜汤 炒双冬 冬瓜云腿 七彩牛肉

29、丝soup with fish, shrimp and balled porkfried mushrooms and bamboo shootsfried sliced Yunan ham with white gourdsauted shredded beef with assorted vegetables直译+注释: 我国地域广阔,各地风俗不同,都有一些具地方特色的名菜,译时可采用: 1. 直译地名/人名+菜名 2. 菜名+ in style eg: 宋嫂鱼羹 蒙古烤肉 扬州炒饭 宫保鸡丁sister Songs fish potageMongolian barbecuefried ri

30、ce Yangzhou stylefried diced chicken in Sichuan style菜名:红烧总理事务衙门 有些菜名,源于历史典故或民间传说,其名不反映菜肴原料或方法,宜用直译+解释的方法。 eg: 佛跳墙fotiaoqiang (assorted meat and vegetables cooked in ember)佛跳墙的由来佛跳墙,福州传统名菜,迄今有100多年历史,为聚春园菜馆老板郑春发研创。1965年和1980年分别在广州南园和香港,以烹制佛跳墙为主的福州菜引起轰动,在世界各地掀起了佛跳墙热。佛跳墙还在接待西哈努克亲王、美国总统里根、英国女王伊丽莎白等国家元首

31、的国宴上登过席,深受赞赏,此菜因而更加闻名于世。佛跳墙原名福寿全。光绪二十五年(1899年),福州官钱局一官员宴请福建布政使周莲,他为巴结周莲,令内眷亲自主厨,用绍兴酒坛装鸡、鸭、羊肉、猪肚、鸽蛋及海产品等10多种原、辅料,煨制而成,取名福寿全。周莲尝后,赞不绝口。后来,衙厨郑春发学成烹制此菜方法后加以改进,到郑春发开设“聚春园”菜馆时,即以此菜轰动榕城。有一次,一批文人墨客来尝此菜,当福寿全上席启坛时,荤香四溢,其中一秀才心醉神迷,触发诗兴,当即漫声吟道:“坛启荤香飘四邻,佛闻弃禅跳墙来”。从此即改名为佛跳墙。 叫化鸡 beggars chicken (baked mud-coated ch


33、的“山景山景园园”菜馆根据这个传说,去粗取精,精工效法创制菜馆根据这个传说,去粗取精,精工效法创制此鸡。此鸡。中国菜系的其它分类法 少数民族菜:少数民族菜:清真菜、蒙古族菜、满族菜,等 药膳:药膳:食疗亦称饮食疗法,以中医理论为指导,通过平常饮食防治疾病和养生保健的方法。 仿古风味菜肴:仿古风味菜肴: 宫廷菜(御膳)- 北京北海公园内的仿膳饭庄 & 颐和园内的 听鹂餐厅 孔府菜 - 山东济南和北京先后开办了孔膳堂饭庄 谭家菜(清末官僚宗浚家,广东南海) 随园菜(清代官府菜,袁枚,号随园老人)- 南京金陵饭店 素菜素菜 宫廷素菜宫廷素菜 寺观素菜寺观素菜 厦门南普陀寺、泉州开元寺、福州鼓山涌泉寺

34、、杭州灵隐寺、扬州大明寺、南京鸡鸣寺、成都宝光寺,以宗教名山如佛教的峨嵋山、普陀山和首都的青城山 民间素菜民间素菜 天津真素园、上海功德林、南京绿柳居、北京全素斋、广州菜要香、西安素味香半月沉江南普陀素菜:罗汉斋宫廷菜代表:满汉全席 集结大江南北风味、集结大江南北风味、赋予鲜明政治色彩、赋予鲜明政治色彩、带有繁文缛节的豪带有繁文缛节的豪华盛宴。华盛宴。 以满汉全席为代表以满汉全席为代表满汉全席 (一)满汉全席简介(一)满汉全席简介:108道满汉全席起兴于清代,是集满族与汉族菜点之精华而形道满汉全席起兴于清代,是集满族与汉族菜点之精华而形成的历史上最著名的中华大宴。乾隆甲申年间李斗所著成的历史上

35、最著名的中华大宴。乾隆甲申年间李斗所著扬州书扬州书舫录舫录中记有一份满汉全席食单中记有一份满汉全席食单: 满汉全席,分为六宴,均以清宫著名大宴命名。汇集满汉众满汉全席,分为六宴,均以清宫著名大宴命名。汇集满汉众多名馔,择取时鲜海错,搜寻山珍异兽。全席计有冷荤热肴一百多名馔,择取时鲜海错,搜寻山珍异兽。全席计有冷荤热肴一百九十六品,点心茶食一百二十四品,计肴馔三百二十品。合用全九十六品,点心茶食一百二十四品,计肴馔三百二十品。合用全套粉彩万寿餐具,配以银器,富贵华丽,用餐环境古雅庄隆。席套粉彩万寿餐具,配以银器,富贵华丽,用餐环境古雅庄隆。席间专请名师奏古乐伴宴,沿典雅遗风,礼仪严谨庄重,承传统

36、美间专请名师奏古乐伴宴,沿典雅遗风,礼仪严谨庄重,承传统美德,侍膳奉敬校宫廷之周,令客人留连忘返。德,侍膳奉敬校宫廷之周,令客人留连忘返。 (二)满汉全席演变过程(二)满汉全席演变过程康熙二十三年(康熙二十三年(1684):):“满席满席”、“汉席汉席”,朝廷礼食制度。,朝廷礼食制度。道光(道光(18211850)中叶,合璧的)中叶,合璧的“满汉席满汉席”光绪(光绪(18751908)中叶)中叶“满汉全席满汉全席” 。满汉全席八珍 山八珍:驼峰、熊掌、猴脑、猩唇、象拢、豹胎、犀尾、鹿筋。 海八珍:燕窝、鱼翅、大乌参、鱼肚、鱼骨、鲍鱼、海豹、狗鱼(大鲵)。 禽八珍:红燕、飞龙、鹌鹑、天鹅、鹧鸪、彩雀、斑鸠、红头鹰。 草八珍:猴头、银耳、竹荪、驴窝菌、羊肚菌、花菇、黄花菜、云香信。课题: 试析中西饮食文化差异及中餐菜名英译中的几个问题 试论中西饮食文化差异对中国菜名英译的影响 中西方饮食文化差异以及餐桌礼仪的对比

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