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1、西南大学21秋英国文学史及选读在线作业二答案参考1. siege ( )A.infrastructureB.to rise or fallC.the surrounding and blockading参考答案:C2. He seemed to be looking for words_to convey his meaning as precisely as I had done.AHe seemed to be looking for words_to convey his meaning as precisely as I had done.AthatBwhereCwith whichD

2、from which正确答案:C解析:句意:他似乎在寻找合适的词语来像我一样准确表达他的意思。with which指代“with words”,即“convey his meaning with words。”3. The manager gave one of the salesgirls an accusing look for her _ attitude toward customersA.impartialB.mildC.hostileD.opposing参考答案:C4. Pynchon&39;s novel Gravity&39;s Rainbow won the Faulkner

3、 Foundation Award.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A5. Hardy had written and published many poems before he achieved a reputation with his novels.( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B6. Morality play presents the conflict of good and evil with allegorical characters.( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A7. Sir Gawain and Green Knight was created by _.A.Non

4、e of the aboveB.LanglandC.ChaucerD.Bede参考答案:A8. As a matter of fact, they would rather leave for Beijing than _ in shanghai. A) stay B)As a matter of fact, they would rather leave for Beijing than _ in shanghai.A) stayB) stayingC) stayedD) to stayA“Would rather+do sth”表示宁愿做某事,后面接动词原形。句意:“事实上,他们宁愿动身去

5、北京,也不愿意呆在上海。”9. 汉堡服装公司敬启者: 很高兴从您7月21日来信得悉您已接受我7月8日的报盘。作为答复,我们确认向贵公司出售30汉堡服装公司敬启者:很高兴从您7月21日来信得悉您已接受我7月8日的报盘。作为答复,我们确认向贵公司出售3000打型号PMC9-71323天坛牌衬衫,颜色蓝、白、黄平均搭配,每打尺码搭配为S/3,M/6,L/3,价格每打147.50美元CIF汉堡,半打装一纸盒,十打装一大纸箱,由卖方按发票金额110%投保一切险和战争险,2008年9月由中国港口运往汉堡,允许转船和分批装运,唛头由我方选定,以不可撤销的即期信用证付款,信用证必须在装运前30天到我方。兹随函

6、将我方2008年8月3日在北京所签第03/546号售货合同一式两份寄去,请会签并退回我方一份。此致敬礼中国服装出口公司经理谨上2008年8月4日CONTRACT NOSellers:Buyers:This contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers, whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the sellers agree to sell the under- mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipul

7、ated below:Commodity:Specifications:Quantity:Unit Price:Total Value:Packing:Insurance:Time of Shipment:Port of Shipment:Port of Destination:Shipping Marks:Terms of Payment:Done and signed in _ on this _ day of _ , 200 _ CONTRACT NO03/546 Sellers:China Garment Export Corporation Buyers: Hamburg Garme

8、nt Company This contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers, whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the sellers agree to sell the under- mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: Commodity: Tian Tan brand sheet PMC9-71323 Specifications: Blue, white and

9、yellow equally assorted, S/3, M/6, L/3 Quantity : 3 000 dozen Unit Price: $147 per dozen, CIF Hamburg Total Value: Packing: Half a dozen to a paper box, 10 paper boxes to a carton Insurance : To be covered by the seuor against Au Risks and War Risk for the invoice value plus 10% Time of Shipment: Se

10、ptember 2008 allowing partial shipment and transshipment Port of Shipment: China Port Port of Destination: Hamburg Shipping Marks: at sellers option Terms of Payment: by an Irrevocable sight L/C to reach the seller 30 days before shipment Done and signed in Beijing on this third day of August, 2008

11、VII Check the following letter of credit with the contract terms given below 10. Over the last few decades there has been a tremendous growth in information technoloOver the last few decades there has been a tremendous growth in information technology and its impact on everyday life. Complex softwar

12、e systems have become criticalto the operation of many systems in areas such as banking, communications, manufacturing,power generation, and transportation. Progress in computer science and accumulated experience with industrial production of software have led to the emergence of software engineerin

13、g as a separate discipline. The software engineering discipline has been defined asthe application of systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approaches to the development,operation, and maintenance of software. that is, the application of engineering to software.参考答案在过去的几十年间,信息技术有了巨大的发展,并且影响着我们每天的生活。

14、复杂的软件系统已经成为许多领域的关键,如银行,通信,制造业,电力,交通等。随着计算机科学的进步和工业生产经验的积累.导致软件工程作为一个独立的标准出现。软件工程规范已经被定义为应用系统的、规范的、量化的方法开发、操作和维护软件。也就是说,使用工程的方法开发软件。11. You dont have to install this radio in your new car. Its an _ extra.A.excessiveB.optionalC.additionalD.arbitrary参考答案:B12. When we woke up, everywhere was _ snow. A.

15、covered B. covered in C. covered withWhen we woke up, everywhere was _ snow.A. coveredB. covered inC. covered withD. covering正确答案:C13. Our mutual understanding and cooperation will certainly result _ important business. Ain BOur mutual understanding and cooperation will certainly result _ important

16、business.AinBonCofDfromA14. A trading company of China sold rice to a Japanese Company in June 2006 and the payment was to be maA trading company of China sold rice to a Japanese Company in June 2006 and the payment was to be made by sight L/C. The total amount of goods was USD65000. The issuing ban

17、k of credit overseas designated a bank in China as the advising bank, confirming bank and negotiating bank. After the seller dispatched the goods in November 2006 , he presented the full set of documents including the L/C to the negotiating bank for negotiation. The negotiating bank checked the docu

18、ments and then sent to the seller a notice indicating that the bank would make payment recently, but the seller had not received the money for a long time.In December 2007, the negotiating bank advised the seller that the issuing bank dishonored the L/C for the documents were not in accordance with

19、the terms of L/C.Question: Could the seller get the payment? Why and how?(Translate the case into Chinese and then answer the question)Helpful hint : The case is mainly about confirmed L/C.翻译中国某贸易公司于2006年6月向日本一公司售出大米一批,以即期信用证支付,总金额为65000美元。国外开证行指定我国的某银行为通知行、保兑行和议付行。我方公司于2004年1 1月装运完毕后,向议付行提示信用证规定的全套

20、单据要求议付。议付行审核单据后向出口方发来通知,表示将于近期付款。但出口方却很长时间未收到该款项。 2007年12月,议付行突然通知出口方,说开证行发现单据与信用证有不符之处,因而拒绝付款。 请问:出口方能否收回货款?为什么?怎样收回货款? The exporter could get the payment because the negotiating bank was also the confirming bank and it had agreed to make payment. Confirming bank shall pay the L/C . The exporter sh

21、ould ask the confirming bank to pay the L/C. 15. The publication of _ established Emerson as the spokesman of Transcendentalism.A.NatureB.Self-relianceC.The American Scholar参考答案:A16. An irritable person is someone of mild temper.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A17. When workers are organized in trade unions, employ

22、ers find it hard to lay them _.A.offB.asideC.outD.down参考答案:A18. Those cakes look nice , Can I have_?A. ItB.oneC.Those cakes look nice , Can I have_?A. ItB.oneC.参考答案:B19. “.This grew: I gave commands; Then all smiles stopped altogether.” (Robert Browning, “My Last Duchess”) The above lines imply that

23、.A.the Duchess was killed by her husbandB.the Duchess stopped smiling at her husbands orderC.the Duchess died of laughing too muchD.the Duchess did not want to smile as much as her husband requested参考答案:A20. Although the city is small, its library is as complete_. Aas a large city BlikAlthough the c

24、ity is small, its library is as complete_.Aas a large cityBlike a large cityCas that of a large cityDlike in a large cityC21. The chairman of the board _ on me the unpleasant job of dismissing good workers the firm can no longer afford to employ.A.compelledB.posedC.pressedD.tempted参考答案:C22. 洪堡的礼物通过(

25、 )知识分子的命运和精神状态的描写,表现了美国现代社会中人的生存困境和精神危机。A.两代B.三代C.四代D.五代参考答案:A23. Hawthorne generally concerns himself with such issues as in his fiction.A.the social inequalityB.the racial conflictC.the material pursuitD.the evil in mans heart参考答案:D24. The impact of Darwin&39;s evolutionary theory on the American

26、thought and the influeThe impact of Darwins evolutionary theory on the American thought and the influence of the nineteenth-century. French literature on the American men of letters gave rise to yet another school of realism: American _.A.vernacularismB.naturalismC.modernismD.local colorism参考答案:B25.

27、 G.B.Shaw&39;s play Mrs.Warren&39;s Profession is a realistic exposure of the _ in the English society.A.slum landlordismB.inequality between men and womenC.political corruptionD.economic exploitation of women参考答案:D26. The London Marathon is a difficult race. _, thousands of runners participate ever

28、y year.A.ThereforeB.AccordinglyC.NeverthelessD.Furthermore参考答案:C27. 易卜生最初是以( )创作登上文坛的。A.诗歌B.散文C.戏剧D.小说参考答案:A28. Where does this article most probably come from?AMagazines.BBooks.CAdvertisements.DIntWhere does this article most probably come from?AMagazines.BBooks.CAdvertisements.DInternet.正确答案:D解析:本

29、题为事实题。文章第三段的“Yellow Pages”是一个迷惑词,并不是指“电话本”。从第三段第二句中的“click”(点击)一词可推断文章很有可能是来自于网上,所以答案为D。29. A.everythingB.nothingC.anythingD.thingsA.everythingB.nothingC.anythingD.things正确答案:C30. The Timber rattlesnake is now on the endangered species list, and is extinct in two eastern states in which it once _.A.

30、thrivedB.swelledC.prosperedD.flourished参考答案:A31. The singer was_during the performance.Aat bestBat her bestCbestDat its bestThe singer was_during the performance.Aat bestBat her bestCbestDat its best正确答案:B32. The local people were joyfully surprised to find the price of vegetables no longer _ accord

31、ing to the weather.A.alteredB.convertedC.fluctuatedD.modified参考答案:C33. He asked me to lend him some money, which I agreed to do, _ that he paid me back the following week.A.on occasionB.on purposeC.on conditionD.only if参考答案:C34. 关于人类起源的传说是围绕( )的故事叙述的。A.宙斯B.阿喀琉斯C.阿波罗D.普罗米修斯参考答案:D35. The girl was very

32、 sure of herself. She is always _ (confidence)that she is right.The girl was very sure of herself. She is always _ (confidence)that she is right.confident36. How many nations does the commonwealth have? ( )A.54B.53C.48D.1参考答案:B37. What is the attitude of Ian Lang toward the secessionist fever? ( )A.

33、He supports the secessionist action.B.He is against it because he thinks it will harm the unity of the U.K.C.He is neutral towards the action of the secessionists.D.It is not clear in the text.参考答案:B38. Piscataway school board President David Grossman holds the view that school days should be shorte

34、ned.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A39. The subject matter of Robert Frosts Poems focuses on.A.struggling masses and crowded urban quartersB.ordinary country people and scenesC.fantasies and mythical happeningsD.battle scenes of ancient Greek and Roman legends参考答案:B40. apparatus ( )A.organizationB.work hardC.lazy参

35、考答案:A41. _A.beforeB.afterC.in front ofD.as_A.beforeB.afterC.in front ofD.as正确答案:A42. Fuel scarcities and price increases _ automobile designers to scale down the largest models and to develop completely new lines of small cars and trucks.A.persuadedB.promptedC.imposedD.enlightened参考答案:B43. What is t

36、he State Departments attitudes towards the reports that the new authoritiesWhat is the State Departments attitudes towards the reports that the new authorities in Kabul announced their intention of inviting the former Afghan monarch, King Zahir Shah, back to Afghanistan? ( )A.The State Department we

37、lcomed the reports.B.The State Department opposed the reports.C.The State Department held neutral position.D.Others参考答案:A44. Irvings Rip Van Winkle is famous for _.A.Rips seeking for happinessB.Rips escape into the mountainC.Rips 20 year sleep参考答案:C45. with the view of, out, draw your attention to,

38、in, requested, somewhat, somehow, that, conform to, awith the view of, out, draw your attention to, in, requested, somewhat, somehow, that, conform to, avoid, turn out, make out Dear Sirs,We thank you for your telegram duplicating your order of October 12 for 500 dozRubber Shoes.Although the prevail

39、ing quotations are(1)higher, we win accept the order on the same terms as before(2)encouraging business.As(3)in your previous letter, we have made(4)our Sales Confirmation No300(5)duplicate and shall thank you to send back one copy duly countersigned.We are glad to know that a letter of credit will

40、be established in our favour immediatelyHowever we would like to(6)the fact(7)the stipulations in the relative credit should strictly(8)the terms in our sales confirmation in order to(9)subsequent cable amendments.We appreciate your cooperation and trust that the shipment which is to be dispatched a

41、fter receipt of the relative letter of credit, will(10)to your entire satisfaction.Yours faithfully,somewhat$withtheviewof$requested$out$in$draw your attention to$that$conformto$avoid$turnout46. The bank refused to _ him any money, so he had to postpone buying a house.A.loanB.borrowC.leaseD.credit参考

42、答案:A47. ( )作为罗曼罗兰式人道主义原则的高度凝结,贯穿于他毕生的创作之中。A.爱B.宽恕C.自由D.平等参考答案:A48. She worked hard at her task before she felt sure that the results would _ her long effort.A.justifyB.testifyC.rectifyD.verify参考答案:A49. mediocre ( )A.commonB.same; equalC.prosperous or rich参考答案:A50. _ succeed in doing anything. A) Onl

43、y by working hard we can B) By only working hard we can_ succeed in doing anything.A) Only by working hard we canB) By only working hard we canC) Only by working hard can weD) Only we can by working hardConly引导的方式状语by working hard位于句首,句子部分倒装,情态动词can前置。51. sapling ( )A.work hardB.young treeC.young an

44、imal参考答案:B52. “The novel is structured around the discovery of the heros origin.” This novel is most probably.A.Thomas Hardys Far from the Madding GrowdB.James Joyces A Portrait of the Artist as a Young ManC.Henry Fieldings Tom JonesD.Charles Dickenss David Copperfield参考答案:C53. Wordsworth&39;s best

45、poems are description of mountains, rivers, flowers, birds.( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B54. _ has been regarded as the “founder of the American Drama”.A.Tennessee WilliamsB.Hendrik IbserC.Eugene ONeillD.Arthur Miller参考答案:C55. alluring ( )A.get rid ofB.attractive or desirableC.never give up参考答案:B56. At first, th

46、e _ of color pictures over a long distance seemed impossible, but, with the painstaking efforts and at great expense, it became a reality.A.transactionB.transmissionC.transformationD.transition参考答案:B57. We can perhaps describe the west wind in Shelley&39;s poem “Ode to the West Wind” with all the fo

47、llowing terms except _.A.wildB.tamedC.swiftD.proud参考答案:B58. Foreign disinvestment and the _ of South Africa from world capital markets after 1985 further weakened its economy.A.displacementB.eliminationC.exclusionD.exception参考答案:C59. The “dark comedy” refers to those written by Jonson in his third p

48、eriod of dramatic career.( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A60. 兹经买卖双方同意按照以下条款由买方购进,卖方售出以下商品。兹经买卖双方同意按照以下条款由买方购进,卖方售出以下商品。This contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers; whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under- mentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated hereinafter:

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