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1、高二英语教材知识点总结及重难点解析Unit19-20重点句型1. She dressed herself as a lawyers clerk.2. I offer you six times what you have just offered.3. I never knew so young a body with so wise a head.4. You shall get justice.5. Its silly of sb. to do sth.6. He has no choice but to cry.7. Id come to if 1 had time to spare.8

2、. I offer ten times the money that Antonio has borrowed.9. It is not yet known how these were conveyed over a dis- tance of 380 kilometres.10. In terms of technical development, people were going from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age.重点词汇1. merchant n. 商人2. deny v. 否定3. enemy n. 敌人4. reasonable adj.

3、合乎情理的5. weakness n. 弱点6. judgement n. 判断7. gentleman n. 绅士8. greeting n. 问候9. envy vt. & n. 嫉妒10. accuse vt. 指控11. fortune n. 机会12. bargain n. & adj. 讨价还价(的)13. bless vt. 保佑14. legal adj. 法定的15. deed n. 行动16. requirement n. 需要17. declare vt. 宣布18. court n. 法庭19. justice n. 公正20. therefore adv. 因此21.

4、 worthy adj. 值得的22. mercy n. 仁慈23. punish vt. 惩罚24. order vt. & n. 命令25. emperor n. 皇帝26. clothing n. 衣服27. dozen n. (一) 打28. spare adj. 额外的 vt. 腾出29. average adj. 平均的30. accompany vt. 陪伴31. quality n. 数量32. square adj. 平方的 n. 广场重点短语1. pay back 偿还2. have mercy on 对表示怜悯3. at the mercy of 任由摆布4. go ab

5、out 着手干5. as far as I know 就我所知6. tear up 撕毁7. go down on ones knees 跪下8. tend to 趋于9. in terms of 就而言10. in the eyes of 在看来11. 1end a hand 帮助12. serve as 作为13. may / might as well do sth. 还是做某事好14. be seated 就座15. take sb. in one s arms 拥抱某人16. have a hand in 插手短语闯关下列短语都是这两个单元学过的重要短语,请你根据汉语在横线上填人一个

6、正确的词,每个词4分,80分才能过关,你一定能过关,做好了闯关的准备吗?那么我们就开始吧?1. pay _ 偿还;报答2. have mercy _ 对表示怜悯3. go _ 开始做;着手干4. as _ as I know 就我所知5. tear _ 撕毁;取消(合同等)6. _ the mercy of任由摆布或控制7. go down _ ones knees 跪下8. tend _ 朝某方向;趋于9. _ terms of 就而言;用的话;以的观点10. in the _ of在看来11. lend a _ 帮助12. serve _ 作为;当作13. dig _ 挖出;掘起14. h

7、ave a _ in 参与;插手;对某事负部分责任15. remind sb _ sth 使某人想起;提醒16. have sb _ your power 使某人在你的控制下17. date to (=date from) 追溯到18. take _ 发生19. be _ 坐下20. cut _ 切断;割掉;剪掉21. offer _ 奉献;献出;献上22. take _ 拿走;拿开23. send _ 让走开24. _ least反正;无论如何;至少25. link. 把和联系起来交际用语1. Correct me if Im wrong, but .2. One of the most i

8、mportant facts is .3. As far as I know .4, You shouldnt forget that .5. You could, for example6. What shouldnt be forgotten is .7. I wonder what I who .8. Id like to know more about ,.9. What Id really like to find out is .10. I m curious about .单词聚焦13. accompany vt.1) 陪伴 She accompanied me to the d

9、octors. / The minister was accompanied by his secretary to the hospital.2) 伴随 Lightning usually accompanies thunder.3) 伴奏 The well-known singer W&S accompanied at the electrical organ by his school teacher.7. bargain1) bargain n. 交易,合同交易;协议;廉价买到的东西A bargains a bargain. / He made a bargain with his w

10、ife You take care of the children and Ill cook. / This jacket is a real bargain at such a low price. / Its a real bargain.2) bargain vi. (常与with,for连用) 讲价;谈条件 If you bargain with them they might reduce the price, she bargain- ed with the trader till he sold her the fruit cheaply.比较charge n. 费用,价钱;v.

11、 要价,收费 charge sb some money for (doing) sth. 因做某事向人索价此外,charge还可作“看管,负责”解。take charge (of sb. / sth.) 照管,管理in charge (of sb. / sth.) 照管,管理in the charge of sb. 在的管理之下Who is in charge here? = Who takes charge here?This project is in the charge of Mr. Smith.11. dozendozen n. pl. (dozen,dozens) (作为实数及用作

12、定语时,复数不加“s”) 一打,十二个 (pl. dozens) 若干;几十;许多 several dozen exercise-books 几打练习本 / some dozen (of) people 约十二个人 / some dozens of people 几十个人 / pack pencils in dozens 按打包装铅笔习惯用语:by the dozen 按打计算 / Ive bought a dozen eggs for dinner tonight. / The institute has dozens of telescopes through which we can o

13、bserve the satellites tra- velling in space.3. envy嫉妒;羡慕(1) vt. Better be envied than pitied. 宁可让人妒忌,不要让人怜悯。/ I envy him his success. 我很羡慕(嫉妒)他的成功。(2) n. They only say such unkind things about you out ofenvy. 他们纯粹出于忌妒才说你这些坏话。/ He was filled with envy at my success. 他十分羡慕(嫉妒)我的成功。搭配: feel envy at. 对感

14、到嫉妒 out of envy 出于嫉妒羡慕 envy sb 嫉妒羡慕某人 envy sb sth = envy ones sth 嫉妒羡慕某人某事I dont envy you your journey in this bad weather. 我并不羡慕你在这种坏天气去旅行。【考例1】I bought a new type of cellphone, which was the _ of all my classmates.A. admire B. wish C. respect D. envy考查目标 考查词语在具体语境中的用法。答案与解析D .is the envy of sb. 意为

15、“是某人所羡慕的”。【考点lO】expect 的用法构词: expectation n. C;U 预料;预期;期待;期望;盼望 unexpected adj. 未预料到的句型: expect that clause 以为;认为;期望 expect to do sth 期望干某事 expect sb to do sth 期待某人做某事 sb didnt expect sb to do sth 没料到某人会干某事 expect so / not料想如此不会如此 .as / than (sb) expected 如预料比预料更 as is / was / might be expected;as m

16、ight have been expected果然;不出所料;正如所料 had expected to do sth 表示“本希望(本想),但未实现”。 beyond (ones) expectation 出乎(某人)意料;料想不到;较预期的更大好辨析:desire;expect;hope;want;wish该组词均可表达愿望,但:expect表示“期待。期望,盼望”,有把握,有根据地认为某事将要发生或期待某事的发生,着重相信或认为有客观可能。hope表示想做某事或期望出现某种有利的结果,隐含这种希望可以实现,意为“希望于某事”。want为普通口语用词,指对满足某种实际需要的渴求。wish表示

17、一种心愿和渴望,渴望的程度比desire弱,或表示一种不能实现的愿望,也用来表示对人的祝福。desire既可作动词。也可作名词。最正式、严肃,强调感情的强烈和热切,强调“主观愿望的热切性”,含有“强烈希望做某事”的意思。例如:He desires a college education. 他想受大学教育。/ I expect that well succeed this time. 我想这次我们一定会成功。/ I hope everything goes well with your work. 祝你工作如意,事事顺心。/ I dont want your child to be spoile

18、d. 我不愿你的孩子被宠坏。/ I wish I had tried more things at college. 我以前读大学时,若能多尝试一些事情多好。/ How I wish I could buy a house like that. 啊,假如我能买一栋那样的房子该多好。友情提示:expect表示“期待,期望,盼望”,有把握、有根据地认为某事将要发生或期待某事的发生,着重相信或认为有客观可能。【考例10】(2004北京春招) I arrived late; I _ the road to be so icy.A. wouldnt expect B. havent expectedC.

19、 hadnt expected D. wasnt expecting考查目标考查expect的时态所表示的含义。答案与解析C I hadnt expected 表示“我当时没有意料到”,与过去的事实情况相反。4. fortune n. 机会;运气make a fortune 发财致富 / push ones fortune 追求名利,努力抬高自己的地位;力图发迹 / run a fortune 冒风险 / seek ones fortune 寻求出路,力图发迹 / try ones fortune 碰运气 He made a considerable fortune selling waste

20、 materials. 他靠卖废料发了大财。/ Fortune favours the brave.【考点9】hand的用法构词: handshake n. C 握手 handstand n. C手倒立 handtruck n. C手推车 handwriting n. U笔迹,书法 handful n. C (一)把;少数。少量 handkerchief n. C手帕 handbag n. C女用皮包,手提包 搭配: hold out ones hand 伸出手 hold ones hand 握着某人的手 reach (out) for.= reach (out) ones hand for.

21、伸手够 raise ones hand(s) = put up ones hand(s)举手 hand down 把传下去发下去 hand in 上交;递交;提交 hand out 分发;发放;散发 hand (over) to. 移交给,拿给(另一个) go hand in hand with 与齐头并进 by hand 手工;用手(区别于用机器等) hand in hand 并进;联合;手拉手;紧密合作 from hand to hand 从一人之手转到他人之手 at hand 在手边;即将到来;即将来临;在近处 a green hand 生手;没有经验的人 a handful of 少量

22、的;一把;很少的 be short of hands 缺人手 give / lend sb a hand (with sth) (在某方面)帮某人一下忙 shake hands with sb = shake ones hand = shake sb by the hand与某人握手 catch / take sb by the hand = catch / take ones hand抓住拉着某人的手 Hands up! 举起手来!(命令)比较:Hands off! 请勿动手!(不要用手摸!) 句型: hand sb. sth = hand sth (on) to sb = hand (on

23、) sth to sb 把交给 on the one hand., on the other hand 一方面,(但)另一方面 (可连用,也可单独使用) (第一个the和第二个hand可以省略) have a hand in (doing) sth 参与;插手;对(干)某事负部分责任【考例9】(2004福建)Its certain that he will _ his business to his son when he gets old.A. take over B. think over C. hand over D. go over考查目标考查 hand over 的意思。答案与解析C

24、 hand over.to sb 把移交给某人。【考点6】hope 的用法构词: hopeful adj. 有希望的;有前途的 hopefully adv. 有希望地 hopeless adj. 没有希望的;不可救药的搭配: in the hope of = in hopes of = hoping 怀着的希望 hope for sth 希望;期待句型: hope to do sth (既表示愿望又表示对此很有把握)希望 hope that clause 希望;预祝 (be) in the hope / hopes of doing sth 希望 (be)in the hope / hopes

25、 that clause 希望 express the / ones hope to do sth 希望 express the / ones hope that clause 希望 It is hoped that. = Hopefully.人们希望 I hope so. 我希望如此。 I hope not. 我希望没有。(我希望不。) had hoped to do sth 或had hoped that sb would do sth 表示“本希望(本想),但未实现” There is little / no / not much hope of (doing) sth 干某事的希望不大

26、I s there little / no / not much hope that.? 没有干某事的希望 / 可能吗? Is there any hope of doing sth? Is there any hope that? 有十某事的希望吗?辨析:desire;expect;hope;want:wish (见本讲考点10)友情提示:千万不可使用hope sb to do sth 结构。【考例6】(2004江苏)- You havent lost the ticket, have you?- _. I know its not easy to get another one at th

27、e moment.A. I hope not B. Yes, I haveC. I hope so D. Yes, Im afraid so考查目标考查语境中的交际用语。答案与解析A 根据上下文的语境可以得出答案。1. mercy n. 仁慈、怜悯They showed little mercy to the enemies. 他们对敌人毫不怜悯。/ We were treated with mercy. 人们对待我们很仁慈。have mercy on 对表示怜悯 She was so kind that the showed much mercy on the poor. 她很仁慈对穷人很怜

28、悯。at the mercy of 任由摆布,受控制 She is at the mercy of her emotions. 她完全受自己感情的支配。【考点2】order 的用法搭配: obey orders 服从命令 in order that 为了;以便 in order to 为了;以便 in order 整齐;按顺序;有条理 out of order 失灵,出故障 take orders from sb = take ones orders 接受命令 send orders to sb 传令给 give an order 下命令 take / have ones order 请某人点

29、菜 keep order 维持秩序 have orders 奉命句型: order sb. to do sth 命令某人干某事 order sth to be done 命令干某事 order (that) sh / sth (should) + V. 命令干某事 order sb sth 给某人订购某物 in order to do sth; in order that-clause 为了 We used the computer in order to save time. = We used the computer in order that we might save time. 我

30、们使用计算机是为了节省时间。 There came an order that.= An order came that. 传来命令 May I take / have your order? 你点菜吗?(饭店服务员用语)辨析:command;direct;order三词均意为“命令”,但command语气较强,多用于正式的场合。direct语气较弱。order语气较强,但比较局限和具体,多用于军事指挥中,接宾语从句时需用虚拟语气。例如:The men did as their officer had commanded. 士兵遵照长官的命令行事。/ The general directed

31、that his men should retreat. 将军命令他的部下撤退。/ The police ordered the demonstrators to stop. 警方命令示威者停止前进。【考例2】(1996上海)- I wonder if I could use your telephone. - _.A. I wonder how B. I dont wonderC. Sorry, its out of order D. No wonder, here it is考查目标考查交际用语。答案与解析C out of order 表示“出故障”。【考点4】pay的用法构词: pay

32、phone 公用电话 payday 发薪日 pay envelope 工资袋 well-paid 高薪的 搭配: pay back 偿还归还(借款等);报答;报复;回敬 pay for sth 付钱;支付;为付m(代价) pay off (ones debts) 还清(债务) pay sb back for. 报答某人什么 pay ones debt 还账 pay.a visit = pay a visit to 访问;拜访 get / be paid = get ones pay 领工资;得到报酬 pay taxes / rent / the bill 纳税交租金付账 pay ones re

33、spects to sb 向某人表示敬意 pay attention to 注意 句型: pay sb some money for (doing) sth 干某事付给某人多少钱 pay sb + 钱付给某人多少钱 pay for (doing) sth 为(干)某事付钱 pay + 钱 + for (doing) sth 为(干)某事付多少钱 pay sb to do sth 雇某人干某事 辨析:fee;pay;salary;wagesalary 指定期发放的工资,常以一个月或一年为期限,多为白领工作人员或管理部门的人员的工资wage 多用复数wages,指体力劳动者的工资,指每周所发的工资

34、或计时计件工资pay 指发给军人或其他公务员的“薪水”,经常指永久性的、定期付给一定数量的钱fee指为某种专业服务而付出的钱(如付给律师的)。例如:The fee for the concert is 100 yuan. 音乐会的票价是100元。We cant afford private school fees. 我们负担不起私立学校的学费。Its a dirty job but the pay is good. 这是份很脏的工作,但工资不错。My salary is paid directly into my bank account. 我的薪金是直接拨入我的银行户头的。Whats the

35、 average wage in this country? 这个国家的平均工资是多少?【考例4】(NMET 1998)Cleaning women in big cities usually get _ by the hour.A. pay B. paying C. paid D. to pay考查目标考查 get paid 的含义。答案与解析C get paid 领工资;得到报酬。【考点8】serve 的用法构词: service n. 服务 servant n. 仆人,佣人 service-charge tip n. 服务费,小费 a service industry 一种服务性行业 搭

36、配: serve sb heart anti soul 全心全意为人民服务 serve as / for 某物当用;用作;起作用 serve ones turn / need / purpose 适合某人的目的 /需要 / 心意 serve in the army 服役 provide good after-sales service 提供优质 community service 社区服务 go into service 投入使用;去帮佣 in service 当佣人;在职;服兵役;使用中 do sb a (great) service 帮某人个(大)忙;给某人.(大)忙 be at ones

37、 service 听候某人吩咐;听凭某人使用At your service. 愿为您效劳;听候您的吩咐 句型: serve sb (with) sth = serve sth to sb 拿用招待款待某人 Can I be of (any) service to you? 我能帮你什么忙吗? be of service to. 对有用有帮助有好处【考例8】(NMET 1993)In some parts of the world, tea _ with milk and sugar.A. is serving B. is served C. serves D. served考查目标 考查固定短

38、语。答案与解析B 考查 be served with 固定短语。6. so young a body说明在一个带有形容词的名词词组中,不定冠词a / an通常放在adj. 的前面。但是,如果adj.前有so, too, how, quite 时,a / an应放 adj. 的后面。其结构是:so / too / how / quite + adj. + a / an + n.。He is so good a student. / It is too difficult a job for me.12. spare1) adj. 备用的,多余的,剩余的 a spare tire 备用轮胎 / s

39、pare cash 余款 If you have a spare bed, may I stay tonight? / Have you any spare time to help me?2) n. 节约,抽出 spare no effort / pain 不遗余力 / spare no expense 不惜工本 / Please spare me your opinions, just tell me the facts. / Can you spare this time to help me? / Can you spare me this book for a while? 搭配:

40、in ones spare time 在空余时间;在业余时间 spare no pains / efforts to do sth 不遗余力地去做某事 spare ones energy 节省精力【考例3】(2005湖北)They started off late and got to the airport with minutes to _.A. spare B. catch C. leave D. make考查目标考查几个与时间名词搭配的动词含义。答案与解析A 题意为“他们出发晚了,只剩下几分钟的时间赶往机场”。to spare = be able to afford to give (

41、time, money, etc.) 意为“多余。余富”。【考点5】turn 的用法 构词:turning n. C拐弯处,拐角处搭配: turn around / round 转过身;转过来 turn away 把打发走;解雇;拒绝;把脸扭开 turn down 关小;调低;拒绝 turn green 变绿 turn in 上缴;移交给警察 turn off 关掉(自来水、电灯、收音机等);切断 turn on 开;旋开(电灯、无线电等) turn over 翻到;翻身;翻(书页);翻动;翻耕(土地);把翻一翻;移交(工作);转让(公司) turn to 翻到;转向;求救于;求助于 turn

42、 up 调大;出现;到达;找到;转弯;转向 turn.into. 把变成 wait ones turn 等着轮到某人 by turns 轮流地依次 turn out 结果证明是;生产 turn into 进入 in turn 依次;反过来(表示对比)句型: turn + n. = become a / an / the + n. 变成 turn + adj. (green / yellow / deaf) 变得 Its ones turn to do sth = Now comes ones turn to do sth 轮到某人干某事了;该某人干某事一般疑问句:Is it ones turn

43、 to do sth?特殊疑问句:Whose turn is it to do sth?take turns (at) doing sth / to do sth = take ones turn to do sth = do sth by turns = do sth in turn 轮流千某事“(结果)证明”可表达为:.turn out (to be) + 名词或形容词;It turns / turned out that + 句子。例如:The meeting turned out to be a great success. 结果会议开得很成功。= It turned out that

44、 the meeting was a great success. 辨析:become; get; go; grow; turn该组词作系动词用时, 均表示变化,但become意为“变成,成为, 转为”,多用于书面语,多指有一种状态向另一种状态的变化,所表示的变化过程往往已经完成,其后可接形容词、名词等作表语。get意为“变成,起来”,多用于口语,多指由一种状态变成另一种状态,表示短时间的状态变化,其后接形容词、不定式或现在分词等作表语。go常指由好变坏或由正常情况变成特殊情况。如:go bad / blind / mad / crazy / wrong / red变坏 /变瞎 / 变疯 /

45、出毛病 / (气得脸)变红;表示短时间的状态变化,其后接形容词等作表语。grow有“逐渐变成新状态”之意,强调变化过程。turn意为“变成”,表示成为完全不同的事物,强调变化的结果。其后可接形容词作表语,一般表示东西变质,人或天气变坏及颜色的变化等,后接名词时,名词前无冠词。例如:Johnson has become a lawyer, but Michael remains a waiter at a hotel. Johnson已做了律师,可Michael却还在一家宾馆当服务员。/ Dont get too excited! 不要太激动! / Meat goes bad easily in

46、 summer. 肉在夏天易变坏。/ The smoke grew thicker. 烟变得更浓了。/ The milk turned sour. 牛奶酸了。 He has turned journalist. = He has become a journalist. 他已经成了一名记者。 close shut;turn off 该组词均表达“关,关闭”之意,但close意为“关,关闭,封闭”,是较正式的用语,常指把门窗、箱子、盒千等关闭起来或将使用着的路封闭起来。shut意为“关,关闭,关牢”,可与互换使用,但其意味更强,强调关的结果,含有关紧或关牢之意。turn off 意为“关关闭”,

47、常用于电源、电灯、电视、收音机等电器及水流等液体的关闭。【考例5】(2004浙江) We wanted to get home before dark, but it didnt quite _ as planned.A. make out B. turn out C. go on D. come up考查目标 考查动词短语辨析。答案与解析B make out表示“分辨”;turn out表示“结果是”;go on 表示“继续”;come up表示“问题等被提出”。结合上下文的意思应该选turn out。【考点7】waste 的用法 搭配:a waste of的浪费 句型: waste sth

48、 浪费;消耗 waste time / money + (in) doing sth 浪费时间金钱干某事 waste time / money + on sth 浪费时间 / 金钱 Its (a) waste of time / money / breath + to do sth. / doing sth 干某事是白费时间钱口舌【考例7】(NMET 1995)Youre _ your time trying to persuade him; hell never join us.A. spending B. wasting C. losing D. missing考查目标考查动词的辨析。答案

49、与解析B 根据上下文的意思”他不会加到我们中的,所以你是在浪费时间”。牛刀小试1用所给单词的适当形式填空:(spare, hope, waste, hand, expect, envy)1. Not until I began to work did I realize how much time I had _.2. Children are tired of learning often because they _ to do better than they can.3. I _ to stay there for one more week, but I changed my min

50、d.4. After all the students had taken their seats, the teacher _ out the examination papers.5. How I _him the pleasures he had during the vacation!6. The school building is limited, so we have no _ room to hold this meeting.7. First come, first _.词语比较1. now that, due to, because of, owing to(1) now

51、that 作“既然”讲时,相当于since。now that中的that可省去。Now (that) you are well again, you can travel. 你既然恢复了健康,就能够旅行了。(2) due to 作“起因于、归功于”时,常作表语或跟在名词后。Mistakes due to carelessness may have serious results.粗枝大叶造成的错误可能带来严重后果。/ The teams success was largely due to her efforts. 该队的成功在很大程度上是由于她的努力。(3) because of “由于、因

52、为”,在句中作状语或表语。His anger is because of your bad deeds. 他是因你的失礼行为而生气。(4) owing to “由于、因为”,常在现代英语中与because of,due to换用。Owing to unfavorable weather, I was unable to carry on with it. 由于天气不好,我不能把它进行下去。2. pay back, pay off, pay forpay back是“偿还,报复,报答”的意思pay off是除“还清”的意思外,常用的意思还有“有报酬”pay for是“付款”的意思。How can

53、 I pay you back for all your kindness? 你的这番好意我该怎么报答呢? / Soon they paid off the loan. 不久他们把贷款还清了。/ His hard work paid off when he got the promotion. 他得到了提升,他的努力没有白费。/ Do you have to pay for your schooling? 你上学要付学费吗?3. announce, declare这两个词都含有“宣布”的意思。其区别主要是:announce 所宣布的是公众较感兴趣的事情,常带有“预告”的意思declare 一般

54、用于较为正式的场合,特别是用于官方场合。例如:It has been announced that they will be married next week. 据宣布,他们将在下周结婚。The price of rice was announced in the papers. 大米的价格已在报上公布。declare war 宣战 declare peace 宣布和平 The arrested man declared himself (to be) innocent. 被逮捕的人声称自己是无罪的。declare 还有一个重要的意思是“申报 (纳税品、房地产等),例如:Do you hav

55、e anything to declare? 你有什么要申报纳税的吗?4. combine, connect, join, unite此组动词意为“联合、连接”。(1) combine 意为“结合、联合”,指为了某一目的而把两事物结合在一起。We must combine theory with practice. 我们必须把理论和实践联系起来。(2) connect “连接”,指用东西把两事物连接在一起,或两事物直接相连,二者仍保持原状。The two cities are connected by a railway. 两座城市由铁路相连。(3) join 意为“连接”,指以线、绳、桥等把

56、两物或两地连接在一起,和 connect 意思相近,也可指两物互相紧密相接。We had better join the island to the mainland with a steel bridge. 我们最好建一座钢筋桥把这个岛与大陆连接起来。/ Where does this stream join the Changiiang River? 这条河和长江在哪里汇合?(4) unite 意为“联合”,指两种以上的事物结合为一体,有合二为一的意味,强调结合后的统一性。The two companies will unite into one. 这两家公司将合并成一家。/ The wh

57、ole family united to help him. 全家齐心协力帮助他。5. worth,worthy(1) worth adj. 价值的 a car worth $20000 价值2万美元的一辆小汽车 How much is this bicycle worth? Its worth 50. be worth doing 值得一做 It isnt worth waiting for him. (值得的)(2) worthy adj. 有价值的;配得上的;可尊敬的(常作表语,其后常跟被动语态动词不定式或of加名词或被动语态动名词)值得的;应该的a worthy life 有价值的生活

58、a worthy man 高尚的人a man worthy of praise (to be praised) 值得称赞的人acts worthy of punishment 应该受处分的行为She says she helps only the worthy poor. 她说她只帮助那些值得她去帮助的穷人(不包括那些她认为好吃懒做等不配取得帮助的人)。6. believe, believe in, trust三者均有“相信”的意思。believe指“相信某人(所说的话)”。I dont believe what she says.believe 后可跟 that 从句,表示“相信,认为”。H

59、e firmly believes that I can do it well alone.believe in 表示“信任,信仰(真理、宗教、原则等)”。The western people mostly believe in God. trust 指“相信(某人的品德、为人、能力等)”。I dont trust him. (= I dont believe in him.)短语归类2. as far as I knowas far as I know = as far as I am concerned 就我所知They returned at nine, as far as we kno

60、w. 据我所知,他们是九点返回的。As far as I know, he is still working there. 就我所知,他还在那儿工作。as far as I can see 据我看As far as I can see, the wea- ther is not likely to clear up. 据我看,天气不大可能放晴。【考点4】in + 名词 + of in the eyes of 在心目中;在看来 in terms of 就而言;根据 in the area of 在领域 in time of 在的时候 in honor of 为纪念;为向表示敬意 in case

61、of 万一例句 You are only a child in the eyes of your teacher.在老师眼里你只是个孩子。Many of the scientists and engineers are judged in terms of how great their achieve- ments are. 人们往往从成就的大小来评价一些科学家和工程师。There have been many developments in the area of language teaching。 语言教学领域有很多发展。【考例4】As for Latin America generally,t

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