2021-2022年四年级英语上册 Unit4 Lesson3-4教案 北师大版

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1、2021-2022年四年级英语上册 Unit4 Lesson3-4教案 北师大版Teaching aims:1. can sing the song 2. can understand and use “is it on your desk?” and answer “no, it isnt/yes, it is”Teaching difficulty:1 .can sing the song with the radio, then sing yourself2 .can ask “where is your book? Is it on your desk?” and answer “no

2、, it isnt /yes, it is”Teaching emphasis:Can ask “where is your book? Is it on your desk?” and answer “no, it isnt /yes, it is”Teaching process:T: turn page 41 and point to the picture to ask “whats this?”S: its a catT: where is itS: its under the tableLike this to do others “duck bird”T: to read the

3、 first line S: to point the matching wordsLike this to do othersT: play the tape again S: by listening by actingT: listen againS: sing after the radioT: divide into three groups to sing the songS: sing the songT: turn page 42 and do “listen and number” Look at the picture and ask “where is the rabbi

4、t?” S: it is in the waterLike this to do othersT: listen to the radio and write the numbersS: do itT: take a book on the desk and ask “where are your book? Is it on your desk?”S: no, it isnt (yes, it isnt)Like this to do othersHW: to sing the song to their parents课后反思:学生能够较熟练的说出自己物品的位置,并能询问别人作出相应的回答

5、。学习积极性很高。The 4th periodTeaching aims:1. can read the words correctly2. do exercise Teaching difficulty:Words pronunciationTeaching emphasis:Can read the words correctly and know the /ar/ pronunciationTeaching process:T: sing the song with radioS: sing the songT: turn page 44 and listen to the radio,

6、 then read after the radioS: read after the radioT: read the words yourselLook at the “listen for sounds” and ask “what is this?”S: its a armLike this to do othersT: listen to the radio and do itS: do exerciseT: look at this and read after the radio to “card large”S: read the next “bar yard”Read aft

7、er the radioT: look at the page 43 “where are they?”S: Read the text yourselfT: read the text S: read it after the teacherT: “where is the peter?”Like this to ask others S: write the name in the correctly place HW: read the text yourself课后反思:学生较好地掌握了字母的读音规则,并能够根据读音规则,拼读单词。附送:2021-2022年四年级英语上册 unit4

8、Lesson7(2)教案 闽教版教学目标:1.能听,说,认读主要单词:clock, oclock, time2.能听说读句型:Whats the time? Its ten oclock .Its eleven fifteen等。能力目标:1. 能够提问并回答时间。2.能够让学生初步了解全球划分24个时区的知识。情感、策略等目标:1.学习策略:培养学生观察和动手能力。2.情感态度:教育学生学会珍惜时间。教具准备:单词卡片,课文VCD,实物钟表,钟面课件,学生座号卡,学生自制小钟表。教学步骤和方法:.Warm-up 1. Greetings.(简单问候)2. Sing a song: Numbe

9、r Song.(师生边唱边做动作,复习数词1-20)3.复习数字报数20-50。(复习数词20-50)(第一次报数)T: Who is Number Twenty?S1: Im Number Twenty.T: Now lets count from Number Twenty to Number Thirty.(第二次报数)T: Who is Number Thirty-two?S1: Im Number Thirty-two.T: Now lets count from Number Thirty-two to Number forty.快速读出卡片上几组易混数字,并进行比较,加强记忆(t

10、hirteen-thirty, fourteen-forty, fifteen-fifty等)师生进行简单对话,复习已学过的句型:Whats your number? How much is it?等.Presentation &Practice1.猜谜引出单词time, clockT: Now look at the pictures. Guess who he is? (一一展示刘德华从小到大的照片)S:刘德华.T: Yes, Mr.Liu. Now guess what makes him old? “是什么让他变老了?” (师边说边做动作) S:时间T:Yes, time.是啊,是时间

11、。Today we are going to learn Unit 4 Time Lesson 7(板书课题,并出示卡片教学单词time.采用不同方式朗读单词) T: Time is very important. But what can tell us the time?光阴似箭,什么会告诉我们时间呢?(引出单词clock)S:时钟T: Yes, clock.( 出示实物教学clock单词并贴单词卡。)2.整点钟教学一阵闹钟响引出句型。T:Oh, its eight oclock.T: Whats the time? Its nine oclock.(出示卡片教学oclock。比较cloc

12、k和oclock的区别)师继续拨钟问: T: Whats the time? S: Its oclock. (多问几遍)教学句子Whats the time? Its eleven oclock.(出示句子)巩固操练(师出示手势由学生进行组与组之间的竞赛)T: Now G1,G2 ask,G3,G4 answer.G1G2:Whats the time? G3G4: Its ten oclock.(俩俩竞赛,方法如上)出示动物钟面玩猜时间游戏.(老师-学生)T: Hello, Im Miss cat. Can you guess what the time is? S1: Its oclock

13、.(猜对的同学继续问其他同学)T: OK, now you ask, you guess.非整点钟教学 由电子表引出非整点钟教学(屏幕中出现一个非整点时间的电子钟引出非整点钟的表达法,师自问自答)T: Whats the time? Its ten fifty.(继续教学11:15-eleven fifteen 11:30-eleven thirty 11:45-eleven forty-five.让学生观察并找找非整点表达法的规律)T:非整点钟都是怎样表达的啊?S:T:对啊,是根据数字的顺序报时的。(师出示非整点的词条进行巩固学习) 巩固操练:活动一:看黑板的时间短语进行:Point and

14、 read.操练活动二:看电子时间进行拍手抢答。 T: Whats the time? If you know clap your hands.S1:Its.活动三:师说英文时间,学生拨钟,并请拨的最快的那位学生上台展示。S: Whats the time?S1:Its .S:(跟读)3听课文录音并渗透时区差的知识听音(师提问)T:这里为什么出现北京时间? 你还知道哪些时间呢?S:.T:对了。全世界分为24个时区,除了北京时间还有纽约时间;日本东京时间;英国伦敦时间。举个例子:北京和东京就相差1个小时。关于这方面的知识大家可以上网进行查找。模仿完成课后练习题.Consolidation游戏:老狼,老狼几点钟?Wolf, wolf, whats the time?T:现在让我们来玩游戏:老狼,老狼几点钟?请根据老狼说的时间快速拨钟,拨错的将被老狼吃掉。(师做要吃某人的动作)注意限定时间为5秒。

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