2021-2022年三年级英语下册 Unit1 Lesson2教案 闽教版

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《2021-2022年三年级英语下册 Unit1 Lesson2教案 闽教版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021-2022年三年级英语下册 Unit1 Lesson2教案 闽教版(6页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、2021-2022年三年级英语下册 Unit1 Lesson2教案 闽教版 CONTENTS: AbilityAIMS: 1. LANGUAGE: Can you swim, Little Bird? No, I cant, but I can fly. Can you ride a bike? No, I cant, but I can lay eggs.Can you fly, Little Monkey? No, I cant, but I can ride a bike.Whats the matter with the picture?2. VOCABULARY: bird, lay

2、, fly.LANGUAGE FOCUS: Can you swim, Little Bird? No, I cant, but I can fly. Can you ride a bike? No, I cant, but I can lay eggs.Can you fly, Little Monkey? No, I cant, but I can ride a bike.Whats the matter with the picture?DIFFICULT POINTS: 1. Be able to use “Can you swim, Little Bird? No, I cant,

3、but I can fly. Can you ride a bike? No, I cant, but I can lay eggs. Can you fly, Little Monkey? No, I cant, but I can ride a bike. Whats the matter with the picture?.” 2. 掌握i在重读闭音节中的读音.TEACHING AIDS: recorder, animals pictures, word cards, practice papers. TEACHING STEPS:PROCEDURESCONTENTS METHODSPU

4、RPOSES1.Warm-up 2.Revision3.Presentation 1.Say a rhyme2.Sing a song3.Greet1.say and do the action2. Free talk(汇报调查情况)Show the task1.Teach the word: fly2.Teach the sentences: Can you swim, Little Bird? No, I cant, but I can fly.3.Teach the word: picture4.Teach the sentence: Fish cant fly.5plete part

5、3.6.Teach /i/I Like My SweaterHappy Birthday to YouT: Hello, boys and girls. Grad to see you. What day is it today? Whats the weather like todaya)Swim, run, ride, sing, dance, draw.b)Pair work:S1:Can ?S2:Yes, he /she/I can. No, he/she/I cant. T:今天,我们要来调查身边的动物小朋友们各自有什么本领.你们想了解知道吗?a) T: (put a picture

6、 with fish over the head)Am I a fish? S: Yes, you are.T: Are you a Little Bird?S: Yes, I am.T: Can you swim, Little Bird?S: No, I cant.T: What can you do, Little Bird?S: I can singT: (do and ask)Can you fly?S: Oh , yes ,I can fly.b)Show the word card.T: Writes the sentence on the blackboard, let stu

7、dents read follow teacher several times. Show the picture. a)Let the students practice it in pair.b)Make the students show it.c) Teach the other words and sentences the same way. T: (show the picture)This is a picture. Its a beautiful picture.a) T:(point to a fish)Is it a fish?S: Yes, it is.T: Is it

8、 right? Fish can fly?S: No.T: We can say: Fish cant fly.b) T: Writes the sentence on the blackboard, let students read follow teacher several times.c) Teach the other sentences the same way. Listen and connect.a)T: say the words several, times : pig, fish, six, chick. S: Catch the same sound in them

9、. b)T: write the words on the board and read, let the students read follow.c)Let the students copy the words 5 times.利用歌曲、韵文培养学生良好的语音语调、创设英语氛围。让学生明确学习任务,有利于激发学生较强的学习欲望。创设情景,角色扮演容易引发学生学习兴趣.并且通过简单对话既温固旧知识又自然而然引出新知识.把本课中出现的单词融入句型中,大量输入,做到词不离句、句不离篇,有助于学生对所学内容的理解,并能真实地感受到语言的交际功能。在听的过程中训练学生感受语音的美,培养学生良好的语

10、音语调和语感,有利于突破发音难点。教学追记:附送:2021-2022年三年级英语下册 Unit1 Lesson2(1)教案 闽教版教学目标:1. 培养学生对自己能力的自信,让学生通过语言表达出来.2. 学生能够正确使用情态动词can的肯定和否定形式.3. 听懂会说:以Can you?的句型,做到模仿正确,语音、语调自然.4. 学生能够熟练背诵韵句:I can sing.5. 掌握字母a在重读闭音节中的读音.6. 学生能够听、说、读课文句子和单词,背诵有关can的句子和韵句I can sing.教学内容:1. 生词: bird, fly, lay, but.2. 重点句子: Can you sw

11、im, Miss Bird?No, I cant, but I can fly.Can you ride a bike? No, I cant, but I can lay eggs. Can you fly, Mr. Monkey? No, I cant, but I can ride a bike. 3. 学韵句:I can sing.教学过程:一、热身、复习 (Warm-up/Revision)1. 唱歌曲. My Little Bicycle. 2. 自由说话.二、呈现新课 (Presentation)1.复习第1课的内容的句子.2. 复习单词,由旧单词引出新单词bird(鸟),学生会

12、拼读.由bird引出fly(飞)做飞的动作.接下去教会生词lay(滚动双手), but(拍双手).3. 当学生能熟练说出以上四个生词后,请学生看挂图或课本的第一幅图,即鱼和鸟的对话.让一位学生说鱼的话: Can you swim, Miss Bird? 并说出汉语意思.另一位学生回答到:No, I cant, but I can fly. 并说出汉语意思.说完后请学生做笔记,做完笔记的请跟老师一边做动作一边说句子.4. Can you ride a bike? No, I cant, but I can lay eggs. Can you fly, Mr. Monkey? No, I cant

13、, but I can ride a bike.这两幅图的对话也跟3的教法相同,但先要强调难点lay eggs,后再说句子,学生相对会容易学会.5. 学习韵句: I can sing. 学生先听一遍录音后,和老师一起做动作说.再分小组说.6. 听一听,读一读.字母a的重读闭音节中的读音.在bag, apple, cat, black四个词中学会a发的音.三、趣味操练 (Practice)1.听磁带跟读. 让学生跟读对话,直到熟练为止.2. 做动作说单词,比一比,看谁说得快. (练习生词bird, fly, lay, but)3.对话练习:男女生对话,小组对话,师生对话,单个对话.4. 听音练习,完成第8页的听音连线和听音打勾.5. 完成cant的练习.家庭作业:1. 磁带跟读,每天一遍熟课文句子和单词(每位学生)2. 抄写单词: bird, fly, lay, but. (每位学生)3. 抄写句子并翻译: Can you dance, Miss Bird? No, I cant, but I can fly.Can you draw? No, I cant, but I can lay eggs. (基础较好的学生)4. 背诵韵句: I can sing. (每位学生)

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