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1、-宪法学与行政法学专业攻读硕士学位研究生培 养 方 案一、培养目标本专业培养坚持建立有中国特色的社会主义道路,德、智、体全面开展,具有坚实的专业根底理论和系统的专门知识,掌握一门外语,掌握本专业研究的根本方法和技能,能够胜任有关立法、政府公务、司法部门、律师机构、企业法务、科技管理与经营以及高等法律院校的教学科研等工作的高级法学人才。二、学习年限一般为三年三、主要研究方向1. 宪法学2. 行政法学3. 比拟行政法学4. 行政诉讼法学四、课程设置见表五、论文工作1. 在课程修满规定的学分后,可申请进入论文课题研究,但在开题报告前应递交4篇与专业相关的文献专题报告。2. 开题报告在第五学期完成,选

2、题应为本专业*围内具有一定实用价值或理论意义的课题。开题报告包括问题现状、选题意义、研究内容、进度安排以及预期成果等。3. 开题报告需经3名以上高级职称教师评审,提出修改或补充意见。4. 提出开题报告半年内,进展阶段检查,研究生应撰写论文阶段报告。在论文撰写过程中研究生应按?*大学研究生学位授予科研成果量化指标?的要求执行。5. 论文预辩论在第八学期完成,通过预辩论者方可进入正式论文辩论阶段。6. 论文辩论修改完成后,组织校内外有关专家评审、辩论。至少在国外重要期刊或国内核心期刊上发表相关的学术论文一篇第一作者后才可申请硕士学位。宪法学与行政法学专业硕士研究生课程设置类 别课程编号课程名称学时


4、学术研讨课2刑法学专业攻读硕士学位研究生培 养 方 案一、培养目标本专业培养德、智、体全面开展,具有坚实的专业根底理论和系统的专业知识,掌握本专业研究的根本方法和技能,能够胜任刑事法学研究工作或担任刑事法学教学、刑事立法等工作的高级法学人才。具体要求:具有坚实的马克思主义理论根底和系统的刑法学知识及犯罪学的根底理论;掌握一门外语;具有独立从事刑事法学研究工作或者担任刑事法学教学、刑事立法、刑事司法等工作的能力。具有安康的体魄。二、学习年限一般为三年三、主要研究方向1、中国刑法学2、犯罪学3、经济犯罪研究4、犯罪心理学四、课程设置见表五、论文工作1.在课程修满规定的学分后,可申请进入论文课题研究


6、硕士学位。刑法学专业硕士研究生课程设置类 别课程编号课程名称学时学分开课学期备注学位课政治理论课001000701科学社会主义理论与实践3021001000703马克思主义经典著作选读6032第一外国语001000704公共英语10031,2061000701专业英语4024必修课专业根底课专业课061202701刑法总论4041061000702法理学4041061202702犯罪学4042文献阅读研讨课061202901知识产权刑法保护4043061202902犯罪心理学4043061202903当代新型犯罪研究4044061202904比拟刑法4042061202905刑法各论40420

7、61202907国际刑法学4044学术研讨课2法学理论专业攻读硕士学位研究生培 养 方 案一、培养目标本专业培养德、智、体全面开展,具有坚实的专业根底理论和系统的专门知识,掌握一门外语,掌握本专业研究的根本方法和技能,能够胜任有关立法、政府公务、司法部门、律师机构、科技管理与经营以及高等法律院校的教学科研等工作的高级法学人才。二、学习年限一般为三年三、主要研究方向1法理学法哲学2法律社会学3法律文化4民商问题的法理研究四、课程设置见表五、论文工作1在课程修满规定的学分后,可申请进入论文课题研究,但在开题报告前应递交4篇与专业相关的文献专题报告。2开题报告在第五学期初完成,选题应为本专业*围内具

8、有一定实用价值或理论意义的课题。开题报告包括选题的研究价值、选题的国内外研究现状、研究的主要内容与框架设计、研究运用的方法与创新、研究进度安排以及研究预期成果等。3开题报告需经3名以上高级职称教师评审,提出修改或补充意见。4提出开题报告半年内,进展阶段检查,研究生应撰写论文阶段报告。在论文撰写进程中研究生应按?*大学研究生学位授予科研成果量化指标?的要求执行。5论文预辩论在第八学期完成,通过预辩论者方可进入正式论文辩论阶段。6论文辩论修改完成后,组织校内外有关专家评审、辩论。至少在国外重要期刊或国内核心期刊上发表相关的学术论文一篇第一作者后才可申请硕士学位。法学理论专业硕士研究生课程设置类 别


10、代化问题研究4044061203909英美法专题研究4044学术研讨课2Training Scheme for graduates of master degreeof theories of law1. Training Objectives The program is to train and bring up all-around developed high level legal talents who will have rich basic theories about their major and systematic special knowledge. Master o

11、ne foreign language, grasp basic methods and techniques used in their research fields, and be petent for the works such as works related to legislation, governmental affairs, scientific and technical managements, suitable for working in judicial departments, law offices, and can perform teaching and

12、 researches in universities and colleges. 2. Program DurationUsually the educational duration is three years. 3. Main Research Fields (1) Jurisprudence (Philosophy of law)(2) Jurisprudence and basic theories of civil law and mercial law (3) Sociology of law(4) Legal culture 4. Course Matri* (see att

13、achment)5. Arrangement for Dissertation(1) Graduates who plete the required courses and get the credits of these courses can apply to begin their research on their dissertation topic, but before submit dissertation proposal they must submit four special literature reports related to the major. (2) T

14、he dissertation should be pleted at the beginning of the fourth term and the selected topic should have certain practical and theoretical values in its field. The dissertation proposal should contain the status quo, significance for choosing the topic, research content, research schedule and prospec

15、tive achievements, etc.(3) Three teachers with high level title will make e*aminations and evaluations to dissertation proposals and give some amending and plementary advices.(4) Within half of a year after submitting the dissertation proposal, there will be a phase check. Graduates should write the

16、 phase report on dissertation. During the process of writing the dissertation, graduates should perform Measuring standards of research achievements for conferring master degree of Shanghai University.(5) The preliminary dissertation defense should be pleted in the eighth term. Only graduate who pas

17、s the preliminary dissertation defense can enter into the formal dissertation defense phase.(6) When finish amending the dissertation, we will organize e*perts to make e*aminations to dissertations and organize dissertation defense. Graduates must at least publish a piece of interrelated academic pa

18、per on foreign important journals or domestic authoritative journals before they apply the master degree. Attachment: Course matri* for graduates of master degree of theories of lawCategoryCourse NumberCourse NamePeriodCreditTermRemarksAcademic Degree CoursesPolitical Theoretical Course001000701Theo

19、ry and Practice of Scientific Socialism3021001000703Selected Readings of Mar*ist Classics6032First Foreign Language001000704Public English10031,2061000701Professional English4024Basic and Specialized Course061000702Jurisprudence4041061203702Methodology of Jurisprudence40420612037034043Required Cours

20、esLiterature Reading Seminar061203902Actuality and development in the field of legal culture40420612039074042061203906parative studies on legal systems4043061203904Special studies on folk Law and Chinese conciliation system404306120390840440612039094044Academic Seminar2民商法学专业攻读硕士学位研究生培 养 方 案一、培养目标本专

21、业旨在培养适应社会主义法治建立和社会经济开展需要,德、智、体全面开展,具有扎实的法学根底理论和系统的民商法学专业知识,掌握一门外国语,能够胜任民商法研究、教学与实务工作的复合型、高层次法学专门人才。二、学习年限硕士研究生的学校年限为三年三、主要研究方向1 民法2 商法3 金融法4 知识产权四、课程设置见表五、论文工作1研究生修满规定学分后,可申请进入论文课题研究,但在开题报告前应递交与专业相关的文献专题报告。2开题报告在第五学期完成,选题应为本专业*围内具有一定实用价值或理论意义的课题。开题报告包括选题意义、研究现状、研究内容、研究方法、创新与特色、进度安排以及预期成果等。3开题报告需经3名以



24、研究4041061201909中国企业知识产权法务与管理4042061201910跨国公司知识产权法务与经营4042061201911知识产权信息分析与利用4043061201912企业知识产权战略与策略4043学术研讨课2The Training Scheme for Postgraduates of Master Degree on Civil & mercial Law1 The Aim of TrainingThe aim of this major is to train those plicated, high-level legal talents who may adapt t

25、he demand of Socialism legal system construction and market economy, develop overall among moral training, intelligence and physical education, have solid legal basic theory and systemic major knowledge, grasp one foreign language, and qualified in the research, teaching and practice.2 PeriodThe per

26、iod of the master degree is 3 years.3 Main directions1. The Civil Law2. The mercial Law3. The Financial Law4. The Intellectual Property Law4 The Arrangements for the Course/(see the table)5 Work for the dissertation1. The postgraduates may apply to research the thesis after pleting the required cred

27、its, but they must put forward document reading report relating the major.2. The setting report must be finished in the 4th semester, and the title must have practical or theoretical meaning. The setting report must include the research position, meaning, research content, arrangement and the e*pect

28、ed achievements.3. The setting report must be reviewed and revises by 3 professors or associated professors.4. After the setting reports are passed, postgraduates will be put forward the stage reports in order to be tested.5. Before the defend, the theses will be reviewed in which the theses authors

29、 names and their tutors name are cancelled. The theses should pay more attention to their creation, learning , correction and application. Only those postgraduates whose theses pass the review can take part in the formal defend.6. After the theses are passed the review, the relating e*perts will be

30、organized to review and defend. If the thesis pass the defend, and at least 1 theses are published on foreign important periodicals or internal core periodicals (the first author or the first author e*cept the tutor) , a postgraduate can apply the master degree.The Arrangement for the Course of Mast

31、er Degree on Civil &mercial LawCategoryCourse NumberCourse NamePeriodCreditTermRemarksAcademic Degree CoursesPolitical Theoretical Course001000701Theory and Practice of Scientific Socialism3021001000703Selected Readings of Mar*ist Classics6032First ForeignLanguage001000704Public English10031,2061000

32、701Professional English4024Basic and SpecializedCourse061201701The General Introduction of parative Law4043To choosethree0612017024042061204701The General Introduction of Civil & mercial Law4041061204702The Civil Procedural Law4042Required Coursesthe Required CourseLiterature Reading Seminar06120490

33、1The Research on Real Right Law4044To choosesi*at random061204902The Research on Debt Law4042061204903The Research of Corporation Law & Security Law4044061204904The Research of Bankruptcy Law & Insurance Law4043061201901Monetary and Financial Law4042061201902Fare Deal Law4043061201907404306120190840430612019094044061201910404406120191140420612019124042AcademicSeminar2. z

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