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1、 环保布袋Directions: Write a position entitled A Poster Calling for the Design of Environment-friendly Cloth Bag. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:1. 为了响应国家限用塑料袋的规定,学院环保协会征集环保布袋的 设计方案。2. 欢迎大家踊跃投稿,截止日期为6月1日。A Poster Calling for the Design of Environment-

2、friendly Cloth Bag In recent years, to control the “white pollution”,our government has taken a lot of measures to promote the use of environment-friendly cloth bags. In respond to governments appeal, the Environment Protection AssociationjofjourjdepartmentjwilljinvitejyoujtojtakejpartJin_ourjactivi

3、tyof cloth bag design.You can submit your design by email or in person. Your wonderful designsjarejexpectedeforejJune,j1st. If your designs are chosen by our association , you will have a bonus of 200. If you want to get more detailed information about our activity, you may have contact with us on t

4、he number 12345678 or us by clothbagdesign 163.Your active participation will be greatly appreciated. We are lookingforward to your terrific design.【重点词汇】take measures采取措施 promote v.促进terrific adj.极好的environment-friendly adj.有利环境 的appreciate v.感激;欣赏in respond to .对 做出的回应appeal n.呼吁invite sb. to do s

5、th.邀请某人做某事submit v.提交 bonus n.奖金have contact with .接触23 / 23Should Graduates Spend Much on Job Hunting?1. 目前大学生在求职上花的钱越来越多2. 人们对此看法不一3. 我的看法Should Graduates Spend Much on Job Hunting? Nowadays college graduates spend more and more money on job hunting. According to a recent survey, almost every grad

6、uate spends some money on finding a job. And clothing, transportation, resumes producing and training expense are the main aspects that cost them a lot of money. As to this phenomenon, different people have different views. Some say it is necessary for graduates to spend money in producing embellish

7、ed resumes and buying suitable clothes, which can give interviewers a good impression and increase their chance of success. However, others dont think so. They argue that the high expenditure can increase their parents financial burden since most students have no regular ine. Apart from that, the de

8、corated resumes do little help to find a job because most HR managers pay more attention to skills.In my opinion, there is nothing wrong for graduates to invest some money on job hunting. But they should bear in mind that it is their knowledge, skills as well as experience that matter a lot. So they

9、 must have a rational attitude toward what they should buy and how much money they should spend. 我的梦想my dreameveryone has a lot of dreams. some people want to be rich, dreaming of becoming millionaires overnight. others want to be famous , dreaming of suddenly jumping to great fame. i have a lot of

10、dreams, too. when i was a young girl , i dreamed of being a scientist like hua luogen in future . however , i knew very well that i could not succeed without painstaking efforts . so i studied hard in the middle school and college in order to at train my goal .After graduating from college , I found

11、 a job as a teacher . although i was very busy with teaching , i never gave up my goal . i read a lot of books to get more knowledge . i made experiments to pr actise and apply what i had lea rnt f rom the books . sometimes , i was so deeply indulged in my resea rch that i forgot my meals and time.

12、now i have made great progress. several of my research papers have been published . the methods proposed in my papers have been proven to be valuable for the solution of some problems . i am very happy. the ladder of being a scientist is still far ahead , but i have climbed the first rung anyway .慈善

13、机构公信力1.近年,部分慈善机构或个人受到批评质疑2.出现这种现象原因3.我的看法Charity brings the society power, arouses peoples enthusiasm for life, and help others to overe difficulties. However, after several scandals, it has become a trend for the public to criticize and doubt charity organizations or individuals. A case in point is

14、 China Red Cross, whose fame was spoiled by Guo Meimei.It is evident that the causes of this phenomenon are diverse. In the first place, the disordered charity management is the root cause of criticism. Why? Charity organizations in mounting/ large numbers have not e to realize the problems in their

15、 management, budget and raising money. In the second place, the lack of publics trust constitutes another major cause. Based on a survey on the Internet, because of some negative cases, a majority of people admit that they are unwilling to donate or help others through charitable activities or organ

16、izations.As a college student, I am firmly convinced that it is exceedingly necessary for the public to be involved in charity. However, we should advocate and encourage organizations to reform charitable activities.限制购车1.对于限制购车,有人赞成2.也有人表示反对3.你的看法Limiting tbe Buying of Cars or Not?Beijing has place

17、d strict restriction on the number of newly purchased car in the city and the policy bas sparked heated discussion. Some people support the policy, saying it,s a powerful method to cope with the severe traffic congestion in the capital. With cars increasing drastically in the past few years, severe

18、traffic jams occur not only in rush hours but at any time of the day now.Others, however, aie strongly against the limitations. They argue that the great number of official cars,which are frequently used, is a big factor causing traffic congestion. But the policy mainly aims at private cars and has

19、no dear restrictions on the use of official cars. Besides, car purchase limitation would hinder the development of Chinas automobile industry,and more people would lose their jobs as a result.Personally, I think the restriction of buying and use of cars, official cars incladed, is inevitable and jus

20、t a matter of time for Beijing. If the number of cars is not limited, there will be a huge disaster for the environment, road resources, the travel demands of normal people and the improvement of living standards学习方法Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled

21、The Way of Learning by menting on Abigail Adams s famous remark,Learning is not attained by chance;it must be sought for with passion and attended to with diligence.You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.The Way of LearningAbigail Adams once said, “Learning is not attained by

22、 chance; it must be sought for with passion and attended to with diligence.” It is to say that learning is an enduring process in which one should exert oneself with desire for knowledge.On the contrary, some people hold the idea that there is a shortcut in learning, and drag themselves to look for

23、easy ways to study.From my point of view, I am totally in favor of Abigail Adams s remark. For one thing, passion is of ultimate importance in learning, as interest is the best teacher. For another, one should resort to hard work and perseverance to acquire knowledge. Rome was not built in a day. Di

24、ligence and determination will be rewarded, as God loves those who spare no effort to cultivate themselves. In a word, learning is a life-long process which requires passion and diligence.纸质阅读作文题目:随着手机的广泛应用,各种App应运而生。阅读,因此也变得更加方便与快捷。关于阅读,你是更喜欢在线阅读呢还是纸质阅读?每个人有不同的看法。接下来的这篇作文以此为题目,给出的答案是:更喜欢纸质阅读。请仔细读诵,

25、记住其中的亮点表达。Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay explaining why you prefer online (paper) reading to paper (online) reading. You should write at least 150 words but no more than200 words.X文With mobile phones widely used in our daily lives, various Apps emerge. Readin

26、g has therefore become more convenient. However, different people hold different views toward online reading.Though more convenient reading bees, I like paper reading more than online reading. The reasons are as follows. Firstly, I cherish the moment keeping pany with the book. When I bury my head i

27、nto the book, the special fragrance of the book slips through my fingers, into my nose, then into my brain. How marvelous the feeling is! Secondly, I can take various notes on the book as long as I want to, which is not that easy to do when reading online. When I have finished reading the book, what

28、 I harvest will be not only the knowledge and idea the book conveys, but also my systematic thinking about the book, which can be vividly embodied by my notes on the book. Thirdly, paper reading wont be distracted easily by irrelevant information which often emerges in online reading.Based on the ab

29、ove three points, I prefer paper reading to online reading.On the Losing of Traditional Culture1. 现在许多传统文化正慢慢消失2. 传统文化消失的原因3. 我的看法【X文】On the Losing of Traditional Culture It is widely noted that lots of traditional culture is disappearing along with the development of technology. Many ancient archit

30、ectures and traditional ways of living have been deserted. It seems that the traditional culture and craftsmanship will be replaced in this modern era.The following reasons can account for the above phenomenon. Firstly, traditional technologies are always considered ineffective while the new science

31、s are always highly efficient. Secondly, it is costly to protect the traditional culture. If the fund used to protect the ancient culture was instead delivered to the poor, it will be helpful to the improvement of their living standard. Thirdly, modern science and technology facilitate both our dail

32、y and academic life a lot. For instance, college students always collect their thesis materials by surfing the Internet instead of borrowing books from the library.In my opinion, although traditional culture is an ancient heritage, it couldnt keep pace with the development of society. It is the tide

33、 of history that the traditional culture and technology will no doubt be eliminated in the end. On the Popularity of Microblog1. 目前微博很流行2. 微博流行的原因3. 可能存在的问题【X文】On the Popularity of Microblog With the improvement of microblog services and the influence of some “star microbloggers”, most of whom are c

34、elebrities, microblog is being an important and convenient way for people to express their opinions and municate with others. Now, more and more people start to use microblog services provided by different websites.However, microblog might give rise to some problems as well. Some microbloggers may b

35、ee so dependent on microblogs that they would rather express their thoughts and feelings by writing them down in the microblog than municate with family members or friends. Day by day, microblogs tend to draw them away from their real life. Whats worse, lack of face-to-face munication with others mi

36、ght isolate microbloggers from the society, which would do harm to their mental health.In my view, microblog is a good platform for people to share their personal experiences and municate with others. But microbloggers should also have a rational attitude toward it and avoid spending too much time o

37、n it. After all, sitting in front of the cold screen for a long period of time does no good to their health. Importance of Buying a House1. 有人认为买房很重要2. 也有人认为买不买房无关紧要3. 我认为X文内容:Importance of Buying a House There is a heated debate on the importance of buying a house with the soaring house prices. Tho

38、se emphasizing the inortance of buyiog a house maintain that living in your bwn house makes you feel better and more fortable pared to that in a rented one. Besides, no investment is more rewarding than buying a house nowadays. Statistics from both home and abroad shows that owning a house guarantee

39、s an increase in assets. Quite the contrary, many people say, buying a house is not that important. On one hand, a rented apartment can provide the same fortable or even better life for people. This is especially true when many people have no money to decorate their houses after the big purchase. On

40、 the other hand, peopk can spend more money on other more protitable investment than involving in real estate, such as buying stocks or other art poliections.Personally, I think possessing a house is extremely important. At its core, a house is a shelter After buying a house, people will bec stable.

41、 Whats more important is that thctr children will also settle and can concentrate on study _ children could get affected as they adapt themselves with the new places, teachers and creating new friends making them Lag behind academically. Killing Time Indoors1. 现在有不少人业余时间喜欢“宅”在家里2. 人们对这种做法有不同看法3. 我的看

42、法【X文】Killing Time Indoors Nowadays a growing number of people, especially the 20s or 30s, tend to stay indoors for most of their spare time, especially on holidays. Some spend the majority of the time online chatting, blogging, shopping, dating or playing puter games. Some sit with their eyes glued

43、to the television screen, day and night.Peoples opinions vary when it es to this way of killing time. A great number of people maintain that staying indoors is cheap, fortable, and most importantly, very safe. Others, however, frown upon staying indoors for too long. They are worried that lack of ph

44、ysical exercise and face-to-face munication with others will do harm to peoples body and mind.Personally, I dont think staying indoors for most of the day should be advocated. Instead, people in all ages, their physical conditions permitting, should be encouraged to spend more time outdoors. The bri

45、lliant sunshine, the pleasant green space, the interactions with other people, etc. are all good for peoples health, both physically and psychologically. Addiction to Internet Games1. 越来越多的青少年沉迷于网络游戏2. 由此可能带来的问题3. 我的看法【X文】Addiction to Internet Games Every afternoon during the summer vacation, hundre

46、ds of thousands of teenagers pour into Internet bars. They switch on a puter, and indulge themselves in a fantasy world playing games such as World of Warcraft and Counter Strike.As everyone knows, playing Internet games can do much harm to teenagers if they spend too much time in the virtual world.

47、 Firstly, it is an enormous waste of time and teens will have little time for their study. Secondly, those who play video games day and night will be harmed physically for lack of adequate sleep. Thirdly, teenagers social ties will suffer as a result of the immersion in the virtual world.In my opini

48、on, the whole society should pay more attention to this problem, especially the parents and the game industry. Besides, the youth shouldnt spend too much time, energy or money on the Internet because study is their priority. In conclusion, the youth should make good and proper use of the Internet. D

49、oes Higher Education Cease to Be Useful?1. 大学生毕业找工作难,有人开始宣扬高等教育无用论2. 反驳说明这一观点是错的3. 得出结论 In the current climate of rising college fees and tight job market, the functions of higher education is arousing public concern. Having a degree or not seems not to make any difference to our life and may not ne

50、cessarily guarantee a good job and ine.Students who attend higher education obtain a wide range of personal, financial and other lifelong benefits. First of all, the whole experiences of university life including all the academic lectures and social practices forge our personality and cultivate such

51、 virtues as cooperativeness and openness. In addition, according to the statistics, there is a trendy correlation between higher level of education and higher earnings despite the fierce job hunting petition. University is ahuge advantage if we need to acquire expertise to practice in a meaningful p

52、rofession.In my opinion, it would be wise to attend university. Having a decent degree and being broadly intelligent may not guarantee us success, but it makes us a candidate. On Adversity1. 每个人都会碰到逆境2. 人们对逆境的看法不同3. 我的看法【X文】On Adversity Everyone meets setbacks and fiustratians In life, and each trie

53、s hard to avoid them, only to find tbat theyre just like your own shadow acpanying you all your lives. The truth is,adversity can exert great influence on you, depending on how you deal with it.When confronted with adversity, different people make different response. Some people consider it a stumbl

54、ing block on the road to success, and get depressed and even sink into despair; others consider it tlbe stairway to great acplishments and try to overe it with constant struggle. The latter, therefore, will recognize their disadvantages from their temporary defeat, draw lessons from it, and grow str

55、onger each time they have coped witb a difficulty.In my opinion, adversity often leads to prosperity. Painful and depressing as it is, overing adversity endows us with great confidence that is crucial to achieve success. Great people are not born successful, they are great only because they have tem

56、pered their personality and remedied their deficiencies through experiencing countless adversity and defeat, which is actually a goddess of blessing in disguise. Sex Education1. 现在人们越来越重视性教育2. 开展性教育的意义3. 家庭、学校、社会应该怎么做【X文】Sex Education China has long been considered a conservative country where peopl

57、e try to avoid talking about sex, especially to children. But things have started to change as people attach more importance to sex education. Now an increasing number of schools begin to offer sex education to students.Sex education, especially at an earlier age, is vital for childrens growth. Firs

58、t, sex education provides children with the information they need to understand their bodies and gender roles in positive ways. Second, it boosts the likelihood that teens delay having sex. Third, it helps to prevent unwanted consequences such as premature pregnancy, HIV infection or AIDS.To launch

59、sex education correctly, parents, schools and the whole society should make joint efforts. At home, instead of telling the children that they were picked up on the street, parents should answer childrens questions honestly. In schools, especially high schools, sex education needs to go further, focu

60、sing, explicitly if possible, on safe sex. As for the society, it should lift taboo on sex and provide more channels for children to learn about sex. View on Major Ranking1. 当今社会,专业排名很流行2. 各人看法不同3. 我自己的观点【X文】My View on Major Ranking In recent years, it is very popular to rank majors. Major ranking l

61、ists based on a variety of criteria can be found on some educational websites or newspapers. These lists have great influence on students and many of them have e to rely on these lists to make their major-choice decisions.To this phenomenon, peoples opinions vary from each other. Some think that the

62、 results of the ranking are helpful for high school students to choose a major field of study, e.g., some lists tell people what majors will lead to decent jobs after graduation. Some people, however, believe that many lists are actually useless. Rankings are only about numbers and they do not tell

63、you anything about the distinct nature of the major. Besides, some majors may be listed as hot majors when students enter colleges, but will be unpopular when they graduate.As far as Im concerned, we should not over-stress major ranking. It should be remembered that rankings can play a big role in t

64、he selection of a major but it should not be the only criterion. Many factors including your own perception of the major should matter in your final choice. False News Reports1. 目前虚假新闻屡见不鲜2. 出现这种现象的原因3. 应如何杜绝这种现象【X文】False News Reports Its not unmon that some journalists make up false or misleading stories about celebrities, illnesses, crimes, etc. Take celebrities for example. The death of the famous writer Jin Yong appeared in several news reports recently, which proved to be false.People may wonder why so many journalist

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