2021-2022年六年级英语下册 unit3 lesson22(2)教案 冀教版

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1、2021-2022年六年级英语下册 unit3 lesson22(2)教案 冀教版教学目标:1.知识目标:本课复习与海滩相关的词汇内容。sand, thing, animal, salty, lie on the beach, swim in the ocean2.能力目标:能够准确流利地描述自己的海滩经历,恰当地运用相关语句。3.情感目标:培养学生热爱大自然的情感以及保护环境的意识。教学重点:关于海滩的一些词汇。sand, thing, animal, salty。教学难点:能够正确使用句型 What will you do? 正确应用句式表达自己的经历和感受。教学过程一.Class ope

2、ning and greeting.二.Warm-up.T: What do you like to do?Ss: I like to fly a kite. I like to sing a song.I like to draw a picture. 三New concepts.T: Look, please! This is me at a beach. What am I doing?Sa: You are wearing a swimsuit.T: What am I going to do?Sb: You are going to swim.T: Where can I swim

3、in?Sc: You can swim in the ocean.T: Yes. Youre clever. Now listen to me to introduce this picture again.This is me at the beach. Beaches have sand. I can make a sand animal. I can lie on the beach. I am wearing a swimsuit. I am going to swim in the ocean. Did you go to the ocean?Ss: Yes/No.T: What d

4、id you do there? (提给那些去过海边的学生)Ss:.T: If you are going to the ocean on this summer holiday, what will you do there?(此问题提给那些没去过海边的学生)Ss:.T: Ok now I have two glasses of water, one is our drink water, the other one is ocean water. Who can tell us which one is the ocean water?Ss: Teacher, me! Let me try

5、!(叫一名学生到前边来,他用品尝的方法告诉我们答案.)Sd: 咸的这杯是海水.T: Yes, clever! We know the ocean water is salty. “Salty” means “咸”.四.Listen and read.五.Try to retell. What will Jenny do at the beach?Ss: She will lie on the beach. She will wear shorts and sandals. She will make a sand animal. She will put on her swimsuit. Sh

6、e will swim in the ocean六.Learn to sing a song.1. Play the song.2. Explain the meaning.3. Learn to sing.七.Class closing.八. Homework: Write a short passage about your ocean trip.Exercises:补全单词: b_ _ch s_ _d oc_ _n英汉互译:lie on the beach( )swim in the ocean( )穿短裤和凉鞋( )穿游泳衣( )小练笔:What will you do at the

7、beach?附送:2021-2022年六年级英语下册 unit3 lesson23教案 冀教版一知识目标:复习巩固本单元单词和句子,进行简单测试。能力目标:能听懂故事内容并回答简单的问题,培养听说能力。情感目标:使学生具有成就感,学习信心增强。二、教学重、难点:通过本单元的学习,能够运用所学知识去解决问题,形成一定的综合语言运用能力。三、教学过程:1、Class Opening and ReviewSing “Summers ing”Review:有条件的学校可以准备书中相关图片,学生看图用所学的词语说话。也可将几组词写在小黑板上,引导学生组句或段。beach cloud ocean sand

8、 sandals swim swimming pool swimsuit sandalspark flowers leaves grass lie sky clouds skip fly look likeDo some exercises on student books.Listen carefully! Swim for the right answer. Fly for the wrong answer.What do you wear to go swimming?What does this cloud look like?What are they doing?Where wil

9、l Jenny go for the summer holiday? What is on the tree? What is under the tree?2、Story (将故事作为听力材料,听后作练习。) 边听边写出本单元学过的四会词语。(或给出材料填空) 按照记下的词语说句子。 将这些句子连起来进行简单的复述。(小组为单位) 小组代表展示。 判断: Baby Becky can fly a kite. Next summer she will skip . Baby Becky cried in this sory. 回答问题: When is next summer?Can Baby

10、 Becky fly a kite in this story?When will she fly a kite?Can she skip?When will she skip?Does Baby Becky like next summer better than this summer? Do you like this story? Why or why not?3、Class Closing Homework: Give a summary of this story.板书:Lesson 23: Are You Ready for a Quiz?beach cloud ocean sand sandals swim swimming pool swimsuit sandalspark flowers leaves grass lie sky clouds skip fly look likeBaby Beckys Summer put on her swimsuit fly a kite next summer

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