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1、旅游类专业课试题卷第 1页(共 8 页)河南省 2016 年普通高等学校对口招收中等职业学校毕业生考试旅游类专业课试题卷考生注意:所有答案都要写在答题卡上,写在试题卷上无效一、选择题(旅游英语1-10 ;补全对话 11-18 ;阅读理解 19-25 ;餐饮服务与管理每小题 2 分,共 90 分。每小题中只有一个选项是正确的,请将正确选项涂在答题卡上)旅游英语 1-101 博物馆A squareC. mouse2名誉A. renownC. renew3帝国A. cou ntryC. empire4戏装A. costumeC. custom5.旅程A . travelC . tourist6 .文

2、雅的A . elepha ntC . elega nt7 .增加26-45B . museumD . mushroomB . knowD . nameB . emperorD . elega ntB . clothD . coatB . routeD . it in eraryB . tastyD . deliciousB . pro longD . combatB . calculateD . can cel9.宝座旅游类专业课试题卷 第2页(共 8 页)A . in creaseC. hence8 .计算A . cou nselC . total旅游类专业课试题卷第 3页(共 8 页)(D

3、ialogue- 1)(C-cashier T- tourist)11.C: Can I help you?T: Yes, I d like to check out now.C: _T: 306.12.C: Here is your bill. You ve stayted for two days. Your room is a doublesuite and the price is 210 Yua n RMB per day. So _ . Is that right?T: Yes, you eright.13.T: Can I pay by credit card?C: Sure._

4、T: Ok.14.C: Here is your receipt. Thank you for staying in our hotel.T: Thank you. Goodbye!C: Goodbye! _ .A . Would you please sign here?B. Your room n umber, please?C. Have a good tripD . the total comes to 420Yuan RMB(Dialogue- 2)(G-guideT-tourist)15.G: After dinner, we are going to watch Henan Op

5、era.T:_G: Henan Artistic Cen ter.16.T: Excuse me, _G: Henan Opera is a traditi onal local form of Chin ese opera whichin tegratessinging, dancing, talk ing and acrobatic.A. throneC. lotus10.合理的A. seasonC. random 补全对话 11-18B. buddhaD. sutraB. seas on ableD. reas on able9.宝座旅游类专业课试题卷 第4页(共 8 页)17.T:_G

6、: Yes, Henan Opera has a history of about 300 years.18.T: Can we have a chanee to wear the opera costume and take a photo after watchingthe performa nee?G:_T: Thank you. You re so nice.A. It must have a long history.B. Of course.C. Which theater are we going to?D. Whats Henan Opera?阅读理解 19-25 (阅读下列短

7、文,并根据文章内容选择最佳答案,将所选答案的序号填在答题卡上)Before roads needed traffic lights, railways had used signals to control train traffic. In earlydays, these signals included a ball and something that looked like a kite. When the kite was on top, it meantdanger?when the ball was raised, it was safe.In 1841, a develope

8、d railway sig nal was used at the London stati on .It in cluded a sig nal arm inthe horiz on tal(水平的)positi on which meanttop”.The sig nal was pain ted red so that it was easyto see and could attract the drivers attention.At night, oil lights were added on the top. A red light meant stop and a white

9、 light meant thedrivers could go on.In Jan uary 1876, a tra in kno cked on ano ther tra in running ahead on the same roads, becausethe sig nals were not clear eno ugh. 13 people were killed in the accide nt and the others were badly hurt.Then people changed the signal. The signal for stop became a r

10、ed light and a yellow lightwas added to tell the drivers to drive carefully. In 1893, a green light took the place of the whitelight, because the white light was often mistaken for a street or house light.Si nee railway sig nals were in troduced,city officials(官员decided to try them out onroads of Lo

11、ndon.19.In early days, what did people use to control train traffic?A . A ball.B . Something that looked like a kite.C. Lights.D . A and B.the旅游类专业课试题卷 第 5页(共 8 页)20.What happened in 1876?A . There were 31 people killed in an accident.B . There were few people hurt in an accident.C.A train knocked o

12、n another train.D.City officials decided to try three colors of lights out on the roads.21.The passage mainly tells usA . the development of railway signalsB . the signals used to control train trafficC . how tra in accide nts happe nedD . the differe nt colors of traffic lights22 . The best title f

13、or this passage is “ _ ”.A . Colorful Traffic LightsB . The Problems of Traffic Sig nalsC . Road Sig nalsD . Railway Sig nalsLast year I went to Nepal( 尼泊尔)for three mon ths to work in a hospital. I thi nkit important to see as much of a country as you can, but it is difficult to travel aroundNepal.

14、 The hospital let me have a few days holiday, so I decided to go in to the jungle(丛林)and I asked a Nepaleseguide, Kamal Rai, to go with me. We started ourtrip at six in the morning with two elepha nts carry ing our equipme nt.It was hot, butKamal made me wear shoes and trousers to protect me from sn

15、akes. In the jungle there was a lot of wildlife, but we weretrying to find big cats, especially tigers. We climbedonto the elepha nts backs to see better, but it is un usual to find tigers in the after noon because they sleep in thedaytime.The n, in the dista nee, we saw a tiger, and Kamal told me t

16、o be very quiet. We moved nearer and found a deaddeer. This was the tiger lunch. I started to feel very frighte ned.We heard the tiger a second before we saw it. It jumped out suddenly, five hundredkilos plus and four meters long. It grabbed(咬住)Kamal leg between its teeth, succeeded in pullingKamal

17、away. One of our elephants ran at the tiger and made it go back into the grass, so we quicklyescaped to let the tiger eat its lunch. That night it was impossible to sleep.23 . The writer of the passage must beA . a Nepalese doctorC . a Nepalese travelerbut IB . a foreig n touristD . a foreig n docto

18、r旅游类专业课试题卷 第 6页(共 8 页)24.What made the writer suddenly start to feel very frightened?A . He heard the noise of the tiger.B . He saw the tiger in the distanee.C.He realized that they were in dan ger.D.He knew that the tiger was in dan ger.25.What was un usual about the tiger?A . It hun ted a deer on

19、a hot after noon.B . It was 500 kilos plus and four meters long.C . It was afraid of an elepha nt.D . It almost killed the Nepalese guide.餐饮服务与管理26-4526 .餐厅家具保养时,上蜡打光一般应为一次27 .餐饮服务是否合格可直接从顾客对服务的评价中得岀,这体现了餐饮服务的A . 一次性B .同步性28 .不属于餐饮服务中重托操作要求的是A 快B .平29 .中餐宴会摆台时,汤碗应摆放在餐碟的A .左B .右上30 .大型筵席、宴会一般在开席前_A .

20、 5B . 831.中餐常用酒水均斟 _ 分满,以示对宾客的尊重。A . 6B . 732 .不属于中国四大菜系的是A .豫菜B .苏菜33 .服务员应在西餐宴会开始前_A . 5B . 1034 .宴会迎宾员迎宾引领时应与客人保持A . 1.5B . 135 .安溪铁观音属于A .红茶B .绿茶C .8D .9C .鲁菜曰 7ND .粤菜分钟将面包、黄油摆放好。A . 1 个月B . 3 个月C . 4 个月D . 6 个月C .差异性D .无形性C.松D .稳_ 方 1em 处。C .右D .左上分钟左右把烈性酒和葡萄酒斟好。C . 10D . 15旅游类专业课试题卷 第 7页(共 8 页

21、)C .15D .20米左右的距离。C .0.8D .0.5C .黑茶D .乌龙茶36 贵州茅台酒是白酒。旅游类专业课试题卷 第 8页(共 8 页)44.客房送餐服务中,订餐员通常在午、晚餐_ 分钟后未接到客人的收餐电话,则可打电话询问客人的用餐情况、食品质量和是否可以收餐具等。A 清香型B 浓香型C.酱香型37 被称为 葡萄酒之女王”的是A .法国勃艮地出产的白葡萄酒B 法国勃艮地出产的红葡萄酒C.法国波尔多地区生产的红葡萄酒D 法国波尔多地区生产的白葡萄酒38.不属于餐巾折花基本技法的是A .卷B .扯C.捏D.米香型D.穿39._ 台形布局适合人数稍多的西餐宴会。A. 一 ”字形B .

22、口 ”字形C. T”字形40.白葡萄酒的最佳饮用温度为D. U”字形B.5C7CC.4C6CD.0C4C41 法式服务又称作A 餐车服务C.家庭服务42通常一个自助餐台的食品可招待B.盘子服务D.餐盘服务位客人。A. 60B. 70C. 80D. 9043.鸡尾酒起源于A 英国B 法国C.美国D.俄国A . 60B . 50C. 40D. 3045 .西餐宴会中,休息室服务时间一般为_ 左右A . 20 分钟B . 30 分钟C. 40 分钟、判断题(旅游英语46-55 ;餐饮服务与管理56-65。每小题D. 50 分钟1 分,共 20 分。每小题A 选项代表正确,B 选项代表错误,请将正确选

23、项涂在答题卡上)46.You only meet the tour leader when you are meeting a tour group.47.You should give some explanations to your guests without feelings.48.Scotch isn a kind of famous brandy in the world.36 贵州茅台酒是白酒。旅游类专业课试题卷 第 9页(共 8 页)旅游类专业课试题卷 第 10页(共 8 页)49.When you show the tourist grouparound the viewp

24、oint, you neednwear your TourGuide Card.50.Henan Opera is popular mainly in Henan Province.51.The Mountain Songshan lies in the center of the vast Chinese nation.52.As a tour guide, you should suggest your guests to the specified store shopping andask ing for receipt.53.When you know about the facts

25、 the guests complained, say sorry and give n ecessary expla nati on.54.Before sending the guests to the airport, it is wrong to count the number of guests.55.As a tour guide, you n eed n tto get everythi ng ready beforeha nd whe n you send theguests to the airport.56客源是餐饮企业生存与发展的基础与前提。57.葡萄酒开瓶时用酒刀中的

26、酒钻螺旋锥转入瓶塞,酒钻深入至瓶塞1/2 即可。58.为提高效率,摆台时物品托送摆放次数越少越好。59.摆杯花时,餐巾花一般插入杯内高的2/3 处为宜。60.中式宴会铺放台布时,不需选择位置,只要铺好即可。61 .斟酒时,服务员站在客人的右后侧,按顺时针方向依次斟酒。62添加饮品时,当酒水少于1/2 时杯时就需要添加。63.中餐宴会中酒水服务一般应遵循以下顺序:葡萄酒T烈性酒T啤酒或软饮料。64.西餐宴会上,如果客人的刀、叉呈八”字形摆放, 表示不再继续用餐。65.鸡尾酒会中酒杯的数量需按酒会计划人数的3 倍准备。旅游英语(40 分)三、选词填空(每小题2 分,共 20 分。请用方框内所给的词

27、或词组补全句子,并将其适当形式填在答题卡上相应的位置)turn ongrowhead forbooklook forward tothe旅游类专业课试题卷 第 11页(共 8 页)complai nttake offmeetat no chargehead back66.We have _ nine standard rooms in your hotel.67.There are eight flights every day. Oneat about2:30 p.m.68.Maliwill _ the tour group at the airport.69.Peony in Luoyan

28、g is best in the world. Itevenjnthe dish.70._ the town, please!71.The room is dark. Please _ the light.72.Before you _, please buy some milk for your baby.73.All the stay- in guests are welcome to it.74.Some children are full ofabout their food.75._Weseeing you again.四、汉译英(每小题4 分,共 20 分。请将下列句子的翻译写在答题卡上相应的位置)76.请您填写一下入住登记表好吗?77.头等舱还是经济舱?78我代表洛阳人民欢迎你。79.我想买一些河南的土特产。80.用现金还是用信用卡?餐饮服务与管理(50 分)五、 名词解释题(每小题3 分,共 12 分)81餐饮服务态度82宴会83美式服务84.现场控制六、简答题(4 小题,共 24 分)85.斟酒前的准备事项有哪些? (5 分)86.自助餐的特点有哪些?(4 分)87.点餐的基本要求有哪些? (7 分)88.餐饮部的职能有哪些?(8 分)旅游类专业课试题卷 第 12页(共 8 页)七、论述题(14 分)89.分析说明西餐宴会服务的流程。

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