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1、2011年六级考试核心词汇及例句分析invadevt.侵入; 侵略(别国); 侵犯(主权等) investigatev.调查,研究 involvevt.包括,笼罩,潜心于,使陷于irritatevt.激怒,使急躁 Please do not be irritated by his offensive remarks since he is merely trying to attract attention. (2002.1) 请不要因为他无礼的言语生气,他只想吸引别人的注意力罢了。 isolatevt.使隔离,使孤立,使绝缘,离析 judgen.法官,审判员,裁判员,鉴赏家,鉴定人 junc

2、tionn. 连接,接合,交叉点,汇合处 junglen.丛林 justifyv. 证明是正当的 kinn. 家属,(集合称),亲戚,同族,血缘关系, lampn.灯 landscapen.风景,山水画,地形,前景 lawsuitn.诉讼 leakagen.漏,泄露,渗漏 legacyn. 遗赠(物),遗产 legitimateadj.合法的,合理的,正统的, liabilityn.责任,义务,倾向,债务,负债 liberaln. 自由主义者, literaturen.文学(作品),文艺,著作,文献 lobbyn.大厅,休息室, loyaltyn. 忠诚,忠心 Dogs are often p

3、raised for their loyalty; they almost never abandon their masters. (95-6) luxuryn. 华贵 magnifyvt.放大,扩大,赞美,夸大,夸张 The microscope and telescope, with their capacity to enlarge, isolate and probe, demonstrate how details can be magnified and separated from the whole. (05-1) make sensev.有意义 maliciousadj.怀

4、恶意的,恶毒的 managerialadj.管理的 manipulatevt.(熟练地)操作,操纵(人或市价、市场) manufacturevt. 制造,加工 marathonn.体马拉松赛跑,耐力的考验 maritimeadj.海上的,海事的,海运的,海员的 masculineadj. 男性的,男子气概的 masteryn.掌握 matter-of-factadj.实质的,事务性的,平常的 maturityn. 成熟,完备,(票据)到期 meaningfuladj.意味深长的 measurev.尺寸,度量器,两度标准,方法,测量, mereadj.仅仅的,起码的,纯粹的 meritn.优点,

5、价值 meteoriten. 陨星 migrantn.候鸟 mildadj. 温和的,温柔的,淡味的,轻微的,适度的 militaryadj. 军事的,军用的 minorityn.少数,少数民族 mixturen. 混合,混合物,混合剂 mobilityn.活动性,灵活性,迁移率,机动性 modest1.adj,谦虚的,适度的 modifyvt.更改,修改 moodn.心情,情绪,语气,状态 moraladj. 道德上的,精神的 motivatev.激发 musclen.肌肉,臂力, mysteryn. 神秘,神秘的事物 mythn.神话,虚构的故事,荒诞的说法 nastyadj.肮脏的,令人

6、厌恶的,下流的,凶相的,威胁的 navigationn.航海,航空,导航,领航 negativen.否定,负数,底片 neglectvt.忽视,疏忽,漏做 neutraln.中立者,中立国,非色彩,齿轮的空档 nonetheless1.adv.虽然如此,但是 nuclearadj.核核子的,原子能的,核的,中心的 obedientadj.服从的,孝顺的 Students are expected to be quiet and obedient in an Asian classroom. (2003.12) 在亚洲国家的课堂上,学生们应该安静,听话。hardshipn.困苦,艰难,辛苦 ha

7、sslen. 激战 hazardn.冒险,危险,冒险的事healv.治愈,医治,结束 hemispheren.半球 horribleadj.可怕的,恐怖的,讨厌的 hostileadj.敌对的,敌方的 idealn.理想, identicaladj.同一的;同样的 ignorevt.不理睬,忽视,律驳回诉讼 illuminatevt.照明,照亮,阐明,说明,以灯火装饰 illustratevt.举例说明,图解,阐明,加插图于 imitatevt. 模仿,仿效,仿制,仿造 immigrantadj.移民的,移居的,(从国外)移来的 immuneadj.免疫的 impactn. 碰撞,撞击,冲击,

8、冲突,影响,效果 impartialadj.公平地, 无私地 imperativen. 命令,诫命,需要,规则,祈使语据 Military orders are imperative and cannot be disobeyed. (2002.6) 军令如山,不可违抗。 impetusn.推动力,促进 implicationn.牵连,含意,暗示 in advance1.adv.预先 in spite of1.adv. 不管,尽管 in terms of1.adv.根据,按照,在方面 indentifyv.认出;识别;鉴定 individualn. 个人,个体 Why is English n

9、ow considered to be so prestigious that, across the globe, individuals and societies feel disadvantaged if they do not have competence in this language? (2009.6) 如今,为什么英语在国际上受到如此重视,以至于如果英语能力不强,个人和社会都会感到处于劣势? inducevt.劝诱,促使,导致,引起,感应 She expressed her strong determination that nothing could induce her

10、 to give up her career as a teacher. (2005.1) 她表达了自己强烈的决心,没有什么能够让她放弃教书育人的事业。 indulge v.纵容 On weekends my grandma usually indulges in a glass of wine. (1997.1) 我的祖母在周末常常会喝上一杯。 inevitable adj.不可避免的,必然的 infancy n. 幼年 influencen.影响,感化,势力,有影响的人(或事) infusionn. 灌输 ingredientn. 成分,因素 inhabitantn.居民,居住者 inhe

11、ritvt. 继承, 遗传所得 initiatevt.开始,发动,传授 In November 1987 the government initiated a public debate on the future direction of the official sports policy. (2003.6) 1987年11月政府就官方体育运动方针政策的未来走向发起了公开的讨论。 initiativen.主动 innateadj.先天的,天生的 innovationn.改革,创新 insanityn.精神错乱,疯狂,愚顽 insightn.洞察力,见识 inspirevt.吸(气),鼓舞,

12、感动,激发,启示 instrumentn. 工具,手段,器械,器具 insurancen. 保险,保险单,保险业,保险费 integratevt.使成整体,使一体化,求的积分 integrityn.正直,诚实,完整,完全,完整性 Mutual respect for territorial integrity is one of the bases upon which our two countries develop relationships. (2003.6) 互相尊重领土完整是我们两国发展友好关系的基础之一。 intellectualadj. 智力的,有智力的 intelligenc

13、en.智力,聪明,智能 We attribute Edisons success to his intelligence and hard work. (91-6) intensiveadj.强烈的,精深的,透彻的 intentn.目的, 意图 interferencen.冲突,干涉 interpretv.解释,说明,口译,通译,enthusiasmn. 狂热,热心,积极性 entityn. 实体 enviousadj. 嫉妒的,羡慕的equate vt. 使相等, 数视为平等 equipen. 法运动队(或比赛对)及其装备 essentialadj. 本质的,实质的,基本的,提炼的 esta

14、blishvt. 建立,设立,安置,确定 estimatev. 估计,估价,评估 evaluate1.估计,估价,求的值 evidencen. 明显,显著,明白,迹象,根据,证物 eviladj. 邪恶的,不幸的,有害的,带来麻烦的 exaggeratev. 夸大,夸张 exceptionn. 除外,例外,反对,异议 excessiveadj. 过多的,过分的,额外的 exclusively1.adv. 排外地,专有地 excrete vt. 排泄,分泌 executiveadj. 实行的,执行的,行政的 exertvt. 尽(力),施加(压力等),努力 exhaustv. 用尽,耗尽,排气,

15、 exoticadj.外(国)来的, 外国产制造的 expendituren. 支出,花费 Whether you live to eat or eat to live, food is a major expenditure in every familys budget. (2000.6) 无论你是为了吃而活还是为了活而吃,食物是每个家庭预算中的主要部分。 explodevt. 使爆炸 expose vt. 使暴露,受到,使曝光 fairly1.adv. 公正地,正当地,公平地,清楚地 fatiguen.疲乏,疲劳,累活,军杂役 featuren.特征,容貌,特色,特写 feedbackn

16、. 反馈,反应 feminineadj.女人(似)的,娇柔的,阴性的,女性的 fertileadj. 肥沃的,富饶的,能繁殖的 fibern. =fibre 光纤 fictionn. 虚构,编造,小说 figure outv. 合计为,计算出,解决,断定 financial1.aadj. 财政的,金融的 flexibleadj.易弯的, 挠性的, 有弹性的 fluctuationn. 波动的,起伏 focusn. 焦点,焦距,(兴趣活动等的)中心, folkn.人们 fostervt.养育,抚育,培养,鼓励 The Japanese scientists have found that sce

17、nts foster efficiency and reduce stress among office workers. (2001.1) 日本科学家发现香气能够提高办公室工作人员的效率并缓解他们的压力。 fragileadj. 易碎的,脆的 fruitfuladj. 多产的,富有成效的 fulfillvt. 履行,实现,完成(计划等) fundamentaladj.基本的,基础的 funding1.用发行长期债券的方法来收回短期债券 gathern.集合,聚集 gazev.盯,凝视 generatevt. 产生,发生 gloomy adj. 黑暗的,阴沉的,令人沮丧的,阴郁的 In spi

18、te of the gloomy economic forecasts, manufacturing output has risen slightly. (2001.1) 尽管经济前景黯淡,但制造业的产量仍有少量的增长。 gossipn.闲话,闲谈 George enjoys talking about peoples private affairs. He is a gossip. (2003.9) 乔治喜欢谈论别人的私事,他是个爱说长道短的人。 grabv.抢夺,夺取, gradually1.adv.逐渐地 grantvt.同意,准予,承认(某事) graven. 墓穴,坟墓 guida

19、ncen.指导,领导 haltn. 停止,暂停,中断 hamperv.妨碍,牵制 The work in the office was hampered by a constant stream of visitors. (1997.6) 络绎不绝的参观者妨碍了办公室的工作。contribute v. 捐献;贡献 The Chinese Red Cross contributed a generous sum to the relief of the victims of the earthquake in Turkey. (03-9) In 1964, Knight and Bowerman

20、 contributed $500 each to form Blue Ribbon Sports, the predecessor of Nike. (08-12) Viewing abnormally large amounts of violent television and video games may well contribute to violent behavior in certain individuals. (06-6)controversyn.论争, 辩论, 论战 After several nuclear disasters, a controversy has

21、raged over the safety of nuclear energy. (01-1) conveniencen.适合;方便 The individual mobility, convenience, and status given by the private passenger car offer a seemingly unbeatable attraction. (92-6) conventionaladj 传统的,习惯的 Most new residential buildings in Sweden are already heated with ground-sourc

22、e heat pumps. Such systems consume almost no conventional fuel at all. (07-12) converseadj. 相反的, 颠倒的(03-12) convincev. 使确信, 使信服 Knight convinced the companys officials of the potential for its product in the U.S. (08-12) coordinate vt. 协调,调节n.同等的(人或物); 坐标(用复数) Clearly, protecting will come only thro

23、ugh coordinated international efforts to control human population, stabilize the composition of the atmosphere, and preserve intact Earths complex web life. (98-6) corporateadj.全体的,公司的 There, men are still expected to be breadwinners climbing the corporate ladder; traditionally-minded bosses are oft

24、en unsympathetic to family needs. (07-12) correlatevt.叙述,使联系 It is true that in this country we have more overweight people than ever before, and that, in many cases, being overweight correlates with an increased risk of heart and blood vessel disease. (02-6) count v .数, 计算; 认为,看作 When labeling game

25、s as violent or non-violent, should a hero eating a ghost really be counted as a violent event? (06-6) creaturen. 人,动物, 创造物 In an attempt to find out how different creatures see the world, psychologists at Brown University in the USA have been comparing the behaviour of birds and humans. (90-6) crim

26、en. 犯罪,犯罪行为 The suspect alleged that he had not been in the neighbourhood at the time of the crime. (00-6) criticaladj. 批评的,危急的, 评论的 You cant be too careful in making the decision as it was such a critical case. (90-1) The transition from childhood to adulthood is always critical time for everybody.

27、 (01-6) culture n. 文化,文明 Our culture has caused most Americans to assume not only that our language is universal but that the gestures we use are understood by everyone. (01-6) curativeadj. 医疗的 (03-12) curriculum n. 课程 (98-6) cyclen. 周期,循环,自行车 Breaking the cycle of doing what you have always done is

28、 one of the most difficult tasks for job seekers. (07-6) debate v. 争论,辩论 They had fierce debate as to whether their company should restore the trade relationship which was broken year ago. (97-1) decade n. 十年,十 The South Florida nesting population has declined by 50% in the last decade, according to

29、 a marine biologist. (2009.6) 根据一位海洋生物学家的研究,弗罗里达南部穴居种群的数量近十年减少了50%。 deceptiveadj. 欺骗性的 As an example of whats going on, consider U.S. Bancorp, which was recently sued for deceptive practices by the state of Minnesota. (04-6) decline vi. 下降,下垂 (97-6) Last year, the crime rate in Chicago has sharply d

30、eclined. deduce v.演绎,推理 (02-12) deemv.想, 认为, 视为; 相信 Anyone not paying the registration fee by the end of this month will be deemed to have withdrawn from the program. (2004.6) 本月底没有交纳注册费的人将被视为退出本计划。 defeatn. 击败,战胜,失败 The results showed that attractive males utterly defeated unattractive men, but the

31、 women who had been ranked most attractive invariably received the fewest votes. (95-6) defectn.过失,缺点 Having evolved when the pace of life was slower, the human brain has an inherent defect that prevents it from absorbing several streams of information simultaneously and acting on them quickly. (96-

32、1) deficiencyn. 缺乏, 不足 (05-1) definitionn. 定义,解说,精确度,清晰度 The service industry, by definition, exists to cater to others needs. (07-12) defy1.vt 不服从,藐视,挑衅,违抗 You shouldnt defy your fathers instructions. Anyway he is an experienced teacher. (05-12)compensationn.补偿,赔偿(06-6) The insurance company paid h

33、im $10,000 in compensation after his accident.(97-6)complaintv.申诉;控告 n.抱怨;抗议 The manager promised to have my complaint looked into. (90-1) Every year television stations receive hundreds of complaints about the loudness of advertisements.(98-6) complexity n.复杂性(91-1,02-12) complicate v.变复杂 And once

34、all those things were no longer there, she and her husband saw how they had weighed them down and complicate their lives.(06-12) comprehensiveadj.全面的;广泛的(05-1) conceivev.构思, 以为, 持有 It is hard to conceive of a plan to end poverty. (2001. 1) 构想一个结束贫困的方案是很难的。 concernv.关于;对有关系(05-1) The story that follo

35、ws concerns two famous characters of the rocky Mountain gold rush days.(90-1) conciseadj.简单的,简练的 The new secretary has written a remarkably concise report within a few hundred words but with all the important details included. (2003.9) 新来的秘书写了一个十分简洁的报告,只用了几百个字就概括了所有的重要细节。 concreteadj.具体的(09-12) If i

36、t could be established that life arose independently on Mars and Earth, the finding would provide the first concrete clues in one of the deepest mysteries in all of science: the prevalence of life in the universe.(01-6) conductv./n.行为, 操行(05-12) It has been designed for conducting research, not ente

37、rtainment.(06-12) conflict n.斗争, 冲突 If the world is to remain peaceful the utmost effort must be made by nations to limit local conflicts. (99.1) In such circumstances no one should be too hard on people who are suspicious of conflicts of interest.(05-12) conformv.符合, 相似 As visiting scholars, they w

38、illingly conform to the customs of the country they live in. (2003.1) 作为访问学者,他们愿意遵守所在国的风俗习惯。 confrontv. 使面临, 对抗 Thus, a university trying to promote professors primarily on the teaching qualities would have to confront this confusion.(93-1) consequencen. 结局;结果 Such discoveries are likely to have rev

39、olutionary consequences for biology, astronomy and philosophy.(08-6) conservationn. 保护;保存 These days conservation is all about efficiency: getting the sameor betterresults from just a fraction of the energy.(07-12) consolev. 安慰, 藉慰 But economists say families about to go into debt to fund four years

40、 of partying, as well as studying, can console themselves with the knowledge that college is an investment that, unlike many bank stocks, should yield huge dividends.(09-6) constantadj.不变的;固定的 We humans, like all warm-blooded animals, can keep our core body temperatures pretty much constant regardle

41、ss of whats going on in the world around us.(08-12) constrainv. 强逼; 限制,抑制(97-6,98-6,99-6,03-6,) “People with poor motives will always exist.” He says. “Sometimes environments constrain those people and sometimes environments give those people opportunity.”(06-12) consult v. 参考;查阅;咨询 The members of P

42、arliament were indignant that the government had not consulted them. (02-1) consultancyn.咨询,顾问,咨询公司 When we learn that the distinguished professor assuring us of the safety of a particular product holds a consultancy with the company making it, we cannot be blamed for wondering whether his fee might

43、 conceivably cloud his professional judgment. (05-12) consumern.消费者 Through advertising, companies conditioned consumers to buy things they didnt really want or need. (07-6) contact lensn. 隐形眼镜 A new high-performance contact lens under development at the department for applied physics at the Univers

44、ity of Heidelberg will not only correct ordinary vision defects but will enhance normal night vision as much as five times, making peoples vision sharper than that of cats. (03-6) contemplatev. 注视;沉思 My grandfather, a retired worker, often contemplates the past with a feeling of longing and respect.

45、 (05-1) contentn.内容, 容量 v. 满足 adj. 满足的 In addition, that social context affectsboth directly and indirectlythe media and the media content to which you become exposed. (98-6) contradict v.反驳;与矛盾 Recent stories in the newspapers and magazines suggest that teaching and research contradict each other,

46、that research plays too prominent a part in academic promotions, and that teaching is badly underemphasized. (93-1) contraryadj.相反的 on the contrary 相反 Contrary to popular belief that classical music is too complex, it achieves a simplicity that only a genius can create.(98-1)benefit n.利益促进或增强福利的东西;好

47、处(07-12) E-books have so many benefits that they will replace traditional books. (08-6) benign adj.和蔼的;温和的;慈祥的(02-1,)biasn.偏见;成见(, 00-6) The Oxford dictionary can therefore stand more vigorous scrutiny for cultural bias than the Longman publication because the latter does not hesitate about viewing

48、the rest of the world from the cultural perspectives of the English-speaking world.( 96-6) Researchers who are unfamiliar with the cultural and ethnic groups they are studying must take extra precautions to shed any biases they bring with them from their own culture. (02-6) biotechn.生物工艺学(05-6,07-6)

49、 She now works in the biotech forestry division of a major paper company. (07-6) blamev.谴责;归咎(08-6, ) The mother didnt know who to blame for the broken glass.(90-1) blondadj.金发的(05-6) boardn.木板 vt.(收费)供膳食;搭乘(飞机,船等)交通工具(07-12) Susan stood motionless at the end of the diving board, hands at her side,

50、heels slightly raised, every muscle anticipating action. (92-6) When you board a plane, a machine may soon be scanning more than your bagsit may be studying your face. (93-1) boundaryn.界线;边界 burden n.负荷;负担(99-6,00-6) British universities, groaning under the burden of a huge increase in student numbe

51、rs, are warning that the tradition of a free education is at risk.(99-6) candidaten.候选人, 投考者(94-1,95-1,95-6,99-1,99-6,02-1,02-12,07-6) Your qualities will exhibit to employers why they should hire you over other candidates. (07-6) capital n. 首都;资金,资本(05-12,06-6,06-12) It will be increasingly difficu

52、lt to maintain political support for the free flow of goods, services, and capital across borders. (07-12) catastrophen.大灾难, 大祸(08-6) categoryn.种类, 部属; 类目 centralizev.集聚, 集中 challengen.挑战 The challenge is particularly evident in the workplace. (07-12) characteristicadj.表示特性的;典型的;特有的 n. 特征,特性 (06-6)

53、If you display these characteristics, with just a little luck, youll certainly succeed in the typical personnel interview.(95-1) chargev.要价;索价; circumstancen.环境, 详情, 境况 (07-12) Losing everything you own under such circumstances can be distressing. (06-12) citizenn.市民, 公民(08-12) In 1997, NASA published a report concluding that selling trips into space to private citizens could be worth billions of dollars.(06-12) claimv.要求,认领,索赔

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