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1、1Grooming & HygieneGrooming & Hygiene个人仪表与卫生个人仪表与卫生2Grooming & HygieneGrooming & Hygiene个人仪表与卫生个人仪表与卫生Looking Your Best! Looking Your Best! 展示给客人你最佳的仪容展示给客人你最佳的仪容,仪表仪表. .Creating An Impression. Creating An Impression. 给客人留下深刻的印象给客人留下深刻的印象. .Our Hotels Image. Our Hotels Image. 我们酒店的形象我们酒店的形象. .You -

2、A Representation. You - A Representation. 你就是这一切的代表你就是这一切的代表.3LESSON OUTLINESLESSON OUTLINES课程目录课程目录 General Grooming Standards个人仪表基本标准 Females Grooming Standards女员工仪表标准 Male Hair standards男员工仪表标准 Kitchen Employees厨房员工仪表 Posture/Deportment 姿势/举止4At the end of the training, you will be able to list &

3、 explain the hotels Grooming & Hygiene standards.通过本次培训,你将能够列出并解释出酒店的个人仪表和卫生方面的标准。OBJECTIVEOBJECTIVE培训目的培训目的 5Our guests expect certain standards and certain levels of presentation, not least of these is the standard of presentation of team members both in appearance and manner. Remember we are all

4、ona big stage. 我们的客人对我们的酒店标准和服务有着很高的期待,其中重要一点是对我们外表和举止的期待。记住,在公众面前,我们时时刻刻是在表演。6General Grooming StandardsGeneral Grooming Standards个人仪表基本标准个人仪表基本标准 1.Hair must be clean, neat and tidy at all times. 时刻保持头发干净整洁。时刻保持头发干净整洁。2. Fringe must be above the eyebrow. 垂在额前的短发,不可遮盖眼。垂在额前的短发,不可遮盖眼。3. Color of hai

5、r must be of a “natural ” color. 头发的颜色要自然。头发的颜色要自然。4. No fancy unnatural colored hair.头发不可染刺眼的或不自然的颜色。头发不可染刺眼的或不自然的颜色。7General Grooming StandardsGeneral Grooming Standards个人仪表基本标准个人仪表基本标准 5. hairstyles to be presentable, not distracting, nor hairstyles to be presentable, not distracting, nor obstruc

6、tive nor covering the face. obstructive nor covering the face. 发型要符合酒店的标准发型要符合酒店的标准,不要遮住脸部不要遮住脸部. .6. No strong hair spray, gel, lotion on hair. 不要在头发上涂抹过多的发胶、发膏等。不要在头发上涂抹过多的发胶、发膏等。8General Grooming StandardsGeneral Grooming Standards个人仪表基本标准个人仪表基本标准 7. Hair may not look wet and oily.头发看起来不要非常油腻,要保持

7、清洁头发看起来不要非常油腻,要保持清洁。8.No fancy jewelry. You are allowed a simple wedding band, a watch and a pair of small ear studs for females. 不要佩带耀眼的首饰,只可佩带结婚戒指、手表,女不要佩带耀眼的首饰,只可佩带结婚戒指、手表,女员工可佩带小耳钉。员工可佩带小耳钉。9General Grooming StandardsGeneral Grooming Standards个人仪表基本标准个人仪表基本标准 9. No necklaces may show outside the

8、 uniform. 项链不要佩带在制服外。项链不要佩带在制服外。 10.The color of inner garments must be kept concealed under the skirt/blouse/shirt.内衣颜色必须与裙子、男女衬衣的颜色相符。内衣颜色必须与裙子、男女衬衣的颜色相符。11.Long johns must not protrude jackets/trousers.内衣领口、裤边不得露出衬衣和外套。1012. Pockets may not contain too many articles, nor look bully.工装口袋不允许装太多的东西,

9、或看起来臃肿。13. No visible Tatoos on the body or head.不准纹身。14. Shoes should be polished.保持皮鞋的光亮。保持皮鞋的光亮。15. Finger nails should be clean, short, well trimmed. 指甲要整洁、整齐。指甲要整洁、整齐。General Grooming StandardsGeneral Grooming Standards个人仪表基本标准个人仪表基本标准 11General Grooming StandardsGeneral Grooming Standards个人仪表基

10、本标准个人仪表基本标准 16. Avoid garlic, onion, and strong spicy smelling food before reporting to work.工作前要去除口腔或身体的异味,如:蒜,元葱及某些刺激性食品较强的气味。17. Hands must be washed after each visit to the toilet, before and after meals and handling of food. 饭前便后要洗手。18.No strong over-powering perfumes to be worn.香水不能喷的太浓。12Dres

11、s Code/UniformsDress Code/Uniforms制服制服 1. Uniforms should be change according to department procedures.要穿部门所规定的制服2. Name tag to be worn at all times and correctly positioned on the left hand up-side of the uniformed.上班时名牌一定要随时佩戴在制服左上方正确的位置13Dress Code/UniformsDress Code/Uniforms制服制服 Uniforms or any

12、part of the uniform must not be worn outside of the Hotel unless specific duties require doing so. Any damage to the uniform must be reported to the Linen Room immediately so that repair can be done 除非工作需要,禁止在酒店外穿整套或 任何一部分的制服。制服若有损坏,必 须立即通知制服间,以及时修补。14Why wear a name tag ? Why wear a name tag ? 为什么要

13、戴名牌?为什么要戴名牌? It enable new staff to integrate faster。它能使新员工快速进入状态 It gives an organization a friendlier and more personal image。可以带给饭店亲切及个人化服务的形象 Customers and visitors like to know who they are talking to?顾客想知道他们在和谁讲话 It enable feedback to be directed to the right person.可以使顾客直接回馈给为他服务的人15Why wear

14、a name tag ? Why wear a name tag ? 为什么要戴名牌?为什么要戴名牌? A name tag enable customers to identify staff for any follow up service 。它能让顾客知道向谁询问进一步的服务 It encourages staff to take greater responsibility for their actions and behavior.它能加强员工对自己的表现及行为的责任感 It enable new staff to integrate faster.它能使员工很快的辨认新同事16

15、Kitchen Employees厨房员工仪表17Kitchen Employees厨房员工仪表Hats must be worn at all times.工作时必须佩带工作帽。工作时必须佩带工作帽。Hair must be washed everyday.每天必须洗头。每天必须洗头。18Kitchen Employees厨房员工仪表Females must wear hairnets.女员工必须佩带发网。女员工必须佩带发网。No jewelry of any sort allowed.不准佩带任何装饰物。不准佩带任何装饰物。Must wear kitchen shoes/boots.必须穿

16、厨房的鞋和靴子必须穿厨房的鞋和靴子19Personal HygienePersonal Hygiene个人卫生个人卫生20Personal HygienePersonal Hygiene个人卫生个人卫生Bathe daily . 每天洗澡。每天洗澡。Brush your teeth. 每天刷牙。每天刷牙。Wash your hair and keep it clean and dandruff free.清洗头发,保持头发干净,没有头清洗头发,保持头发干净,没有头皮屑。皮屑。21Personal HygienePersonal Hygiene个人卫生个人卫生Use deodorant. 可使用

17、除臭剂。可使用除臭剂。Use perfume or cologne in moderation. 可使用温和清淡的香水。可使用温和清淡的香水。22Personal HygienePersonal Hygiene个人卫生个人卫生 Avoid garlic, onions, strong spicy smelling food bdfore reporting to work.工作前不允许吃蒜,元葱及某些刺激性气味较强的食品。 Keep your fingernails clean, short and rounded and dirt free.保持指甲干净、整齐,无污物。 Hands must

18、 be washed after each visit to the toilet, before and after meals and handling of food.饭前便后及接触食物前要洗手。 No protruding nasal hair.鼻毛不可露出鼻孔外。23Posture 个人的姿势、姿态 Stand tall with your feet slightly apart, with your weight equally distributed on each foot, with one foot slightly forward, pointing directly a

19、head.两脚微微开立,体重均匀分部于两脚,一只脚比另一只稍微向前并指向前方。 Bear in mind the following prescription for good posture: shoulders back (but relaxed), tummy in, tail in and head up.时刻谨记良好的姿势需注意以下四点:收肩(要放松)、收腹、提臀、挺胸。24Posture 个人的姿势、姿态 Shoulders pulled down, bottom tucked in and the chest should not be thrust forward too fa

20、r.双肩自然下垂,收腹并挺胸但不要过度。 Carry your head up, toes should point straight ahead and knees kept flexed and loose. 自然抬头,走路时脚尖向前并保持膝盖屈伸自如。 The body weight should roll from the heel through the ball of the foot and out the toes.身体的重心从脚后跟转移到脚心然后到脚尖。25Tuck in your hips, keep the lower torso straight and with th

21、e knees bending, ease yourself down on the edge of the chair.臀部尽量向里坐,上身挺直,双膝弯曲使身体放松,尽量坐于椅子的前半部Place your hands on the forward edge of the chair, on either side of your hips.将双手放于椅子前部边缘并放于身体的某侧。Keep your knees and ankles together, whether you are in a skirt, miniskirt, cocktail dress, evening gown or pants.始终保持双膝和脚踝并拢,不管是穿裙子,迷你裙,燕尾服,晚装还是裤子Posture 个人的姿势、姿态2627

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