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1、北京语言大学22春汉语写作综合作业一答案参考1. The scientist played an important part in developing his countrys nuclear power ( ).AThe scientist played an important part in developing his countrys nuclear power ( ).A.processB.profileC.programD.progress答案:C2. On May 5, 2005, at _ World Table Tennis Championship, Kong Lin

2、g-hui and Wang Hao won the gold mOn May 5, 2005, at _ World Table Tennis Championship, Kong Ling-hui and Wang Hao won the gold medal in mens with _ score of 4:1.A) a, aB) /theC) a, /D) the, aDthe World Table Tennis Championship是专有名词,由普通名词构成的专有名词,一般前面要加the;with a score of. 比分是。3. Your close co-operat

3、ion in this respect will be highly appreciatedIn the meantime we await your shiYour close co-operation in this respect will be highly appreciatedIn the meantime we await your shipping _ by cable.AadviceBadvanceCadviseDadvantageA4. Is this hotel _ you said we were to stay in your letterA、whereB、whatC

4、、thatD、whichIs this hotel _ you said we were to stay in your letterA、whereB、whatC、thatD、which正确答案:A5. 豪放的风格充满阳刚之气,而婉约的语言风格则漫溢着阴柔。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B6. 人物消息是以通讯的形式报道新闻人物的活动与事迹的新闻体裁。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A7. 小小说环境描写的要求是明概括。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A8. 选择多数人关心、寻求“答案”的题材,这是写好科普说明文的前提。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A9. 概述交际法的理论基础及其当前交际



7、。(6)对学习者在学习过程中出现的语言错误有一定的容忍度,不影响交际的错误能不纠就不纠,尽量鼓励学习者发挥言语交际活动的主动性和积极性。(7)交际法强调以学生为中心,强调教学要为学生的交际需要服务,以语言功能为纲根据学以致用的原则,针对不同专业的学习者安排“专用语言”的教学。(8)主张采用多种教学手段,不应是仅仅一本教科书,而应该是“教学包”,即教师用书、辅导读物、磁带、挂图、录像、电影、电视等。(9)让学生处于情景之中,身临其境地感受氛围,用汉语进行交际,是交际教学的精髓。10. _ you like other items, kindly let us know and we shall

8、be only too pleased to make you offers_ you like other items, kindly let us know and we shall be only too pleased to make you offers direct.AIn caseBIn the caseCIn this case DIn that caseA11. Take Toshiba,Take the world.Take Toshiba,Take the world.东芝在手,世界在握。这是东芝笔记本电脑的一则广告。为了使译文在效能上达到和原文的对等,译者使用了汉语的四

9、字格结构,言简意赅。12. 文化教学(名词解释)参考答案:英语教育中要注重开展文化教学,引导学生多阅读一些英语名著,全面了解文化差异充分认识到西方文化的魅力,也可以运用多媒体,根据放英语视频、英语电影呈现出生动形象的英语文化,实现渗近文化教学的目的,使学生深入理解英语文化的含义,明确英语知识的文化背景,扩展学生文化知识面,从而逐步提高学生的文化素养。13. 艺术性说明文又称“科普作品”,是指那些多以描绘、比喻、形象、拟人等艺术表现手法解说事物和事理的说明文。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B14. Mr. Bush _ gardening as his hobby shortly after

10、he retired from the General Motor lasMr. Bush _ gardening as his hobby shortly after he retired from the General Motor last year.Atook upBtook backCtook inDtook over正确答案:A解析:句意:去年从通用公司退休后不久,布什先生就开始把园艺作为他的业余爱好。本题考查词组辨析。在本题中take up是“开始从事、开始做”。take up是个很重要的短语,意思很多,例如:拿起,开始从事,继续,吸收,占据等等。take back:送还,接回,

11、取消,使回忆起;take in:接受,接待,吸收,理解,包括,轻信,注意到,欺骗;take over:把从一地带到另一地,接收,接管。15. 消息的五个要素是什么?( )A.时间、地点、人物、事件、原因B.通知C.时间、地点、事件、原因、结果D.时间、地点、人物、事件、过程参考答案:A16. Last year, John earned _ his brother, who is less capable. A) three times as much as B)Last year, John earned _ his brother, who is less capable.A) three

12、 times as much asB) twice as many asC) twice worseD) three times as more asA此处用到倍数表达法:“倍数+as+形容词或副词的原级+as”;而钱是不可数名词,必须用much修饰。17. 组成电影剧作的基本单位称作蒙太奇句子。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A18. If places _ alike, there would be little need for geographers. A) being B) are C) beIf places _ alike, there would be little need

13、for geographers.A) beingB) areC) beD) wereD此处是考察表现在情况的虚拟条件句,故从句中谓语动词用一般过去式。19. I have so much work to do that holiday for me this year is_.Aon the questionBon queI have so much work to do that holiday for me this year is_.Aon the questionBon questionCout of the questionDout of question正确答案:C20. 图式理论

14、(名词解释)参考答案:所谓图式理论,是指围绕某一个主题组织起来的知识的表征和贮存方式为基础的理论。21. In all newspapers there are different comments _ the 2008 Olympic Games. Afor BaboutIn all newspapers there are different comments _ the 2008 Olympic Games.AforBaboutCinDonD22. The red car is nearly _ the green car. A) 5 time the size of B) 5 time

15、s the size ofThe red car is nearly _ the green car.A) 5 time the size ofB) 5 times the size ofC) 5 time as size asD) 5 time as size ofB注意time要加-s,the size of的意思是某某的“体积、尺寸”。23. Always_ when you _!A、answered, speak toB、answer, are spoken toC、answering, areAlways_ when you _!A、answered, speak toB、answe

16、r, are spoken toC、answering, are spoken toD、answer , speak to正确答案:B24. “新闻文体”即新闻的体裁、样式,是新闻事实在新闻报道中呈现出的信息内容、表达特色和结构方式的整体形态。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B25. The buyers normally select the big port with more sailings, or a big port which makes them easier toThe buyers normally select the big port with more sailing

17、s, or a big port which makes them easier to send a _.vessel26. 构思的三个主要特征是( )。A.唯一性B.材料翔实,刻意求真C.艰苦性D.复杂性参考答案:BCD27. 所谓“绾结”、“收住”,或者指分散全篇的观点,或者指展示过程的结局,或者指升华作者的感情。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A28. 学术论文由前置部分和主体部分两部分构成,前置部分包括题名、论文作者、摘要、关键词,主体部分包括引言、正文、结论、致谢、参考文献。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B29. 写作过程四要素中的写作受体就是( )。A.作者B.真人真事,真情实感

18、C.作品D.读者参考答案:D30. 修改的主要内容包括( )。A.改换标题B.思路宽阔,旁征博引,中外逢源,古今无阻C.增删材料D.间架调整参考答案:ABCD31. 1 like the new restaurant,_ Polly. A. so is B. also did C. so does1 like the new restaurant,_ Polly.A. so isB. also didC. so does参考答案C32. 在电视广告文案中,广告文案的( )常常省略。A.标题B.广告须由作者负责调节C.广告语D.随文参考答案:A33. 下列有关应用文的语言表达不正确的是( )。A

19、.准确规范明晰B.时效性C.不能使用模糊语言D.在表达方式上,以叙述、说明为主参考答案:C34. 电子文本创造出新的表达方式。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B35. I was a teacher but I want to be a doctor now. _ A) So is my friend B) So do my frienI was a teacher but I want to be a doctor now. _A) So is my friendB) So do my friendC) So was my friendD) So it is with my friendD表

20、示后者与前者情况一样,但前者中谓语动词多种形式,后者不能确定谓语动词形式,只能用so it is with.36. Stop Using Disposal Products 写作要点: 1人们喜欢用一次性产品。 2这种做法带来的害处。 3Stop Using Disposal Products 写作要点: 1人们喜欢用一次性产品。 2这种做法带来的害处。 3措施。正确答案:Disposal products are gaining increasing popularity in China. Now they practically become part of our life: We h

21、ave disposal chopsticks disposal cups disposal clothes disposal cameras. Indeed we are in throw-away society.rn However the wide use of the so-called convenience goods is extremely harmful in many ways. In the first place though man has achieved an unprecedented level of production our available res

22、ources are on the decline. If this trend continues the limited resources on earth will be exhausted soon. Furthermore disposal products cause serious pollution in our environment which is already threatened by our unhealthy life styles. It is reported that many scenic spots are losing their appeal b

23、ecause of white pollution caused by numerous plastic rice-boxes. Finally people are getting more extravagant than thrifty which is harmful to our social atmosphere. In fact in many developed countries disposal good are banned.rn More strict measures should be taken to prevent disposal products from

24、widely using. People should be further educated to increase their awareness of conservation. Laws must be executed to ban the use. Most importantly new technology must be used to produce more recycle products.DisposalproductsaregainingincreasingpopularityinChina.Nowtheypracticallybecomepartofourlife




28、newtechnologymustbeusedtoproducemorerecycleproducts.37. The result of invention of steam engine was that human power was replaced by mechanical power.The result of invention of steam engine was that human power was replaced by mechanical power.蒸汽机发明的结果是机械力代替了人力。38. 下列属于人物肖像描写的是( )A.容貌、身材B.表情、衣着C.姿态、

29、气质D.感情、感受参考答案:ABC39. 梅兰芳表演体系又被称为( )。A.写意派B.写作客体C.表现派D.写实派参考答案:A40. 散文区分于小说,诗歌,戏剧等文体的特性是( )。A.抒情性B.谐音双关C.真实性D.跳跃性参考答案:C41. Have you visited the Science Museum? No, but I really wish I _ . Awill BhaveHave you visited the Science Museum?No, but I really wish I _ .AwillBhaveCdidDhadC42. 狭义散文是( )才有的说法。A.

30、古代B.向外的抒情文体C.五四D.当代参考答案:D43. 对于电子邮件来说,简洁是它的灵魂。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B44. 外物积聚的三种形式是什么?( )A.笔写B.全景呈现C.阅读D.运用计算机贮存信息参考答案:ABD45. 文学作品的( ),是文学名著必须具有的艺术属性。A.直接性B.接近性C.模糊性D.含蓄性参考答案:CD46. “自我性”是散文审美表现的重心。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A47. Where was it _ you lost your wallet? Athat Bwhere Cwhich Din whichWhere was it _ you los

31、t your wallet?AthatBwhereCwhichDin whichA48. By the time the chairman arrived, the guests, _ for half an hour. Aalready waitedBy the time the chairman arrived, the guests, _ for half an hour.Aalready waitedBhad already waitedChave already waitedDwere already waitingB49. His work was _ than that of a

32、ny other man in the school. A) by far better B) better by farHis work was _ than that of any other man in the school.A) by far betterB) better by farC) by far the best D) the best by farBthan前应用比较级形式,因此C,D选项排除;当by far修饰形容词强调数量或程度时,它须放在比较级之后,意为“得多”;但当by far比较级前面有冠词时,可以放在比较级前。如:This is by far the bett

33、er of the two. 两者之中,这一个好得多。50. “小说”一词最早见于( )。A.庄子外物B.统一是在某一阶段、某一时期,针对某一目标市场的C.新论D.世说新语参考答案:A51. Had she been given information, she _ the question. Awould answer Bcould answerHad she been given information, she _ the question.Awould answerBcould answerCcould have answeredDansweredC52. Julie has been

34、 given leave from work because she is _a baby in two weeks.A. excitedJulie has been given leave from work because she is _a baby in two weeks.A. excited aboutB. expectingC. heading forD. carrying答案:B53. What was the weather like yesterday? It was terrible. It rained so _ that people could _What was

35、the weather like yesterday?It was terrible. It rained so _ that people could _ go out.A) hardly.hardB) hardly.hardlyC) hard.hardlyD) hard.hardChard作副词,表示“猛烈地”;hardly作副词,表示“几乎不”。54. 科普说明文的标题有哪些写法( )A.提出问题B.设置悬念C.设置比喻D.直接描述参考答案:ABCD55. 调查报告的作用主要有( )。A.如实地反映社会情况B.安排开头、层次和结尾C.及时地反映社会问题D.为报刊提供新闻材料参考答案:AB

36、CD56. When you come to Wuhan, I can put you _ for the night. A) down B) up C) in D) oWhen you come to Wuhan, I can put you _ for the night.A) downB) upC) inD) outBput up“提供食宿”;put down“记下,放下”;put in“驶进”;put out“熄灭”。57. 教学论文写作前可以不用进行必要的教学科研。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A58. ( ) by bus is slow and difficult in som

37、e districts.A.TravelB.JourneyC.Trip正确答案:A59. The work _ in two days. Ahas been finished Bwill finish Cwill be finishedThe work _ in two days.Ahas been finishedBwill finishCwill be finishedDare finishedC60. Achievement tests are typically administered at (the) _ of a course orAchievement tests are typically administered at (the) _ of a course or aprogram.A. beginningB. middleC. endD. anytime参考答案C

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