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1、云南省芒市中学高一英语Unit 22 A World of Fun-Grammar教案一、内容及其解析1.内容:这是一堂关于现在分词作状语的语法课。在前面的两单元学生已经学过现在分词做主语,定语,宾语等内容。在此基础上,我们将继续学习现在分词的另一重要法-现在分词作状语。要求学生了解分词的意义,学习掌握现在分词、现在分词完成式及其相关语态,否定式作状语的用法。 2.解析:非谓语动词的用法是一个系统性和综合性很强的语言点。从历届高考试题来看,该内容是考查的一个重点。相对于过去分词而言,不定式和现在分词形式多样,结构复杂,功能较多,最能体现英语独特的形式特征。相对于不定式而言,现在分词作状语更为复

2、杂。该语法是高中语法的重难点。本节课将围绕现在分词作状语的相关知识展开,让学生了解并掌握该知识点的基本用法。 二、目标及其解析1.目标 (1)知道非谓语动词中的现在分词可作哪些状语。(2)弄清非谓语动词的逻辑主语,知道如何来判断现在分词的逻辑主语。(3)掌握现在分词在时态和语态方面的不同形式,并深知其含义。 2.解析 (1)理解现在分词作状语这一句法功能。(2)解析句子结构,确立设空在句子中充当的成分。(3)找准相关动词的逻辑主语,确定该动词与逻辑主语是什么关系。(主动还是被动)(4)搜索句子中相关的时间信息,确定非谓语的恰当形式。三、教学问题诊断分析相对于非谓语的其他形式而言,现在分词形式多

3、样,结构复杂,功能较多,最能体现英语独特的形式特征,又及易给学生制造麻烦,它是高考中的重难点,同时是学习和教学当中的难点。众所周知,语法课堂枯燥乏味,为了提起学生兴趣,教师应努力使其情景化,生动化,简单化。所以教学过程中教师将打破以往语法课教师一味呈现语法知识,教师主讲的模式,取而带之的是教师用图片导入,将演绎法和归纳法相结合学生多练、多体会的方式。The teaching design procedures1) The basic flow chart of teachingRevisionLead-inGlobal learningDetailed learningConsolidatio

4、nSummaryHomework2) The situations of teachingStep1. Revision2. What is adverbial? Please find out the adverbial or adverbial clause in the following sentences. 1) They reached home at five oclock in the evening.2) There are a lot of fish in the sea.3) Because he was ill, he did not go to school.4) H

5、e helped me although he didnt know me.5)Dancing and singing, they came into classroom.按其用途,状语可分为 时间 、 地点、 原因 、让步、方式、 伴随 、结果、目的等。 设计意图:帮助学生复习状语、状语从句知识,逐渐过渡到现在分词做状语的相关知识。师生活动:学生完成练习,教师提问。1Please decide what component the ing form act as in the following sentences.1) I want to buy a washing machine. (a

6、ttribute)2) He has kept me waiting for a long time. (object complement)3) In many countries, shaking ones head means “no”. (subject)4) I enjoy learning English. (object)5) My job is teaching. (predicative)设计意图:复习前面学习的现在分词做主语、宾语等相关知识,为本节课的内容作铺垫。师生活动:教师提问,学生回答。Step 2 lead-in (Teacher shows a picture t

7、o them and ask them to say a sentence by using adverbial clause.)问题1 How to say the sentence“当我们听到这个坏消息时,我们很伤心。”by using an adverbial clause。Suggested answer: When we heard the bad news, we were very sad.设计意图:使用图片提高语法课的趣味性,情景性,积极创设情景,激发学生兴趣。师生活动:教师提问,学生回答。问题2 How to change this complex sentence into

8、 a simple sentence usinging form as adverbial?Suggested answer:(When)hearing the bad news, we were very sad.设计意图:启发学生自己找出状语从句改成以现在分词做状语的简单句,加深印象,帮助学生学理解掌握。师生活动:学生讨论,教师提问,学生回答。教师檫去部分成分,学生补全。教学中,可根据学生情况利用以下问题进行引导:(1)Which word is the subject in the main clause? How about in the adverbial clause? Are t

9、hey the same?(2)What component does “When we heard the bad news” act as in this sentence.Step3 Global learning问题3 Can you match the following adverbial clauses with their equal simple sentences 1. Although he is busy, he will spare some time to play basketball.2. Because he was ill, he did not atten

10、d the meeting.3. The rain was heavy and thus it caused the delay. 4. He sat in the chair and read the newspaper.5. If you work hard, you will succeed.6. When we heard the good news, we jumped with joy.7We traveled by train, we visited a number of citiesa. Being busy, he will spare some time to play

11、basketball.b. The rain was heavy, causing the delay.c. He sat in the chair, reading the newspaper.d. Working hard, you will succeed.e. Hearing the good news, we jumped with joy.f. Being ill, he did not attend the meeting. g. Traveling by train, we visited a number of cities(1) 在句子a中,v-ing作让步状语,相当于al

12、though, though等引导的 让 步 状语从句。(2) 在句子b中, v-ing作_结 果_状语,表示结果,相当于thus, thereby,so引导的结果 状语从句,通常位于句末。(3)在句子c中,v-ing作_伴 随_状语,表示伴随情况,相当用and 引导的并列句。 (4) 在句子d中,v-ing作条件状语,表示假设情况,相当于if引导的条件状语从句。(5)在句子e中,v-ing作 时 间 状语,相当于when, while 等引导的时间状语从句。(6)在句子f中,v-ing作原因状语,表示原因,相当于because, since, as引导的原因状语从句。(7) 在句子g中,v-

13、ing作_方 式_状语,表示方式,途径,它没有相应的状语从句可转换,但可以用并列句来转换。小结:1) 动词-ing形式作状语,常可转换为对应的 从句或一个 。-ing 形式作状语的一般句型:2) ,主语+谓语动词+其他(一般表原因、条件、 和让步)3)主语+谓语动词+其他, (一般表方式/伴随和 )4) v-ing一般不作目的、地点和比较状语 设计意图:用归纳法启发学生自己找出现在分词可充当哪些状语,使其印象更加深刻。师生活动:学生讨论完成相关练习,教师引导,背诵例句,学生完成填空并回答。Step 4. Detailed learning问题4 Please decide which sent

14、ence is true and which is false.1. Seeing from the hill, you can see the whole city. ( T )2. Seeing from the hill, the city is beautiful. ( F )小结:现在分词作状语时,它的逻辑主语通常应该是句子的主语,即分词的逻辑主语必须和主句的主语是一致的。设计意图:启发学生通过练习自己找出现在分词的逻辑主语,帮助其理解体会。师生活动:学生观察讨论,教师提问,学生回答。问题 5 Please observe the following sentences and th

15、en fill in the table.1. Hearing the bad news, we were very sad.2. Being helped by his teachers and classmates, he made rapid progress.3. Having saved some money, you can buy a present for your parents.主动语态被动语态一般式完成式ing form 表示的动作和谓语表示的动作(或状态)是同时发生的,如果表示的动作在谓语动作之前发生,就需要用完成时(having done)。设计意图:启发学生通过观察

16、例句自己找出现在分词一般式、完成式及其被动态的结构。师生活动:学生观察讨论,教师提问,学生回答,熟悉并记忆。问题6 Please observe the following sentences and then find out the negative form of ing.1. Not seeing John, I asked where he was.2. Not having received his fathers letter, he decided to write again.3 .Not being seen by any one, he escaped.现在分词的否定式:

17、 +现在分词设计意图:让学生通过观察例句自己找出现在分词否定式,加深印象。师生活动:学生观察讨论,教师提问,学生回答。Step 5 ConsolidationRewrite these sentences using the ing form.1. The baby heard a sound and stooped crying.2 .He lives far from school and is often late.Suggested answers:1. Hearing a sound, the baby stopped crying.2. Living far from school

18、, he is often late.Using the right verb in its correct form to complete each sentence.1._ a cry for help, he rushed out. (hear) 2._ how to repair it, he asked me for advice. (not know) 3._ his homework, the boy went to play outside. (do) Suggested answers: 1.Hearing2. Knowing3. Having done . Multipl

19、e choice1. to reach them on the phone, we sent an email instead.(2008重庆,29)A. Failed B. Failed C. To fail D. Having failed2. in the fields on a March afternoon, he could feel the warmth of spring.(2008 安徽,30)A. To walk B. Walking C. Walked D. Having walked 3 around the Water Cube, we were then taken

20、 to see the Birds Nest for the 2008 Olympic Games. (2008 全国) A. Having shown B. ShowingC. Having been shown D. To showSuggested answers: 1D 2. B 3.C设计意图:通过练习加深对现在分词做状语这一语法点的理解及巩固。师生活动:学生独立完成,教师核对讲解。Step 6 SummaryIn this class, weve learned ing form used as adverbial. Now lets review it.Question 1: W

21、hat kinds of adverbials can ing form be used as?设计意图:回顾和总结-ing可做哪些状语。师生活动:教师提问,学生回答。Question 2:What should we pay attention to when we use ing form as adverbial?设计意图:回顾和总结-ing可做状语时需注意的一些地方,例如,逻辑主语、时态语态的变化、否定式。师生活动:教师提问,学生回答。配餐作业一、基础题(A组题)A) 请用括号里的动词-ing形式完成下列句子,并翻译成中文。Text bookP128, 41. Many people

22、came to the theme park, thrills and entertainment. (寻找)2. After Dinosaur World, the children came to Panda Park where two giant pandas live.(参观)3. to the Ocean Park twice, Ted refused his friends invitation to go there. ( 去过 )4. that it is a scary film, Susan doesnt want to see it. (知道)) 用-ing形式改写下列

23、句子。Textbook P69, 21. After she had found that her handbag was missing, she went to the police for help._2. He cut off the electricity quickly and prevented an accident. _.3. She has lived in the country for many years and she knows how to grow vegetables._4. She has not received any news from home f

24、or a long time and is becoming more and more homesick. _5. After they had won the game, all of them sang and danced all night._C) 单项选择。1. _ such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river.A. Having suffered B. Suffering C. To suffer D. Suffered2._ a reply, he decided to wr

25、ite again.(2008重庆,2)A. Not receiving B. Receiving notC. Not having received D. Having not received设计意图:根据本节课内容,选择教材中涉及的题目原形,对其做同等水平和降低水平的变式,让学生弥补课堂教学中对现在分词作状语及其各种语态时态理解的不足.二、巩固题(B组题)A) 请改正下列句子。Textbook P127, 21. Arriving home, the door was found locked. 2. Look out of the window, I saw there were lo

26、ts of people in the street. 3. Having been failed the exam, peter decided that computer games were no longer part of his life. 4. To read the letter, she started crying. 5. Knowing not what to do, I found your advice was important to me. B)根据括号内的汉语提示或用自己的句子用动词-ing形式将下列句子补充完整。Textbook P69, 21) Jack a

27、nd Jane have just returned from their trip to Walt Disney World,_(说他们过得很愉快)2) Kids have great fun in this world-famous theme park, (发现了许多有趣的东西) 3) He only paid half of the price for the seven-day ticket, . (节省了许多钱)4) ,Sandy has made enough money to buy a five-day ticket to water parks. (兼职了一星期)5) Th

28、ey went to visit Disneys Animal Kingdom Theme Park right after breakfast., . (9:30 到达)6) , Jim decided to visit the World of Magic Theme Park instead of Universal Studios. (听说有魔术表演)A)单项选择1European football is played in 80 countries, _ it the most popular sport in the world.(2005上海,32) A. making B. m

29、akes C. made D. to make.5. The storm left, a lot of damage to this area. (2005全国,32)A. caused B. to causeC. cause D. having caused设计意图:根据本节课内容,练习A主要从历届高考对现在分词这一知识点的考察的单选题中选择素材。练习B、C选择教材127、128页语法习题原题,或对其进行同等水平或提高水平的变式,让学生进一步了解这一知识点。三、提高题(C组题)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Hidden pass

30、engers traveling in ships, trains, or even cars can be a terrible troubleespecially when they are insects. As for this, there is a great 36 between human beings and .Very thankful to the driver for this 55 gift, the bee-keeper took the queen and her thousands of followers home in a large box. ( )36. A. connection B. difference C. communication D. similarity ( )55. A. unfamiliar B. unknown C. unexpected D. uncertain设计意图:根据本结课所涉及到的现在分词作状语这一知识点,结合高一C层次学生水平,素材的选择在训练学生综合能力同时,让他们能灵活深刻的了解巩固现在分词的用法。 课后反思:9用心 爱心 专心

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