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1、word2013年学位英语必备复习资料第一局部补充资料(词组短语)1词汇的测试重点1 近义词和近形词A近义词:指意义相近,考生容易混淆的词。着重考查考生对词义的切理解。B近形词:指虽然词义不同但是在词的拼写、读音等词形方面有一定的相似之处。这类试题着重考查考生对词汇记忆的准确与熟练程度。2 动词短语 这一类考题包括与物动词的副词,与物动词和介词构成的短语。它既考查考生对这些短语的构成和意义和掌握,而且考查它们的用法。3 介词短语 这类考题在考查考生对介词意义和掌握的同时,考查考生对不同介词与其宾语的固定搭配与用法的掌握情况。例如:介词带名词、动名词、从句、疑问句与不定式等各形式的宾语;介词短语

2、做定语、表语、状语、宾语补足语等等。4 习惯搭配 这类试题考查名词、形容词、动词、介词的各种其他固定用法,包括一些习语与成语的构成与意义,在测试中占有相当大的比例。2语法的测试重点1 谓语动词主要测试英语中的各种时态、语态以与主谓一致等。2 虚拟语气主要测试各种虚拟语气用法,其中关键是主句的进态和与之相应的条件状语从句中的时态。3 连词的用法 主要 测试不同类型连词的用法与其引导的各种状语从句4 非谓语动词主要测试动词不定式、动名词、现在分词、和过去分词各自的用法。其中重点是测试非谓语动词的时态和语态。5 各种从句主要测试定语从句和名词性从句。6 It句型主要测试“It的不同用法,重点测试“I

3、t作为形式主语、形式宾语、和用于强调结构的用法。动词和短语1. Abide by遵守,承当11. approve 赞成,批准19. beat(in)战胜2. account for解释,说明可作与物动词win 赢得 为某事负责,共计达approve of 赞成3. accuse sb. of指控某人做某事12. argue劝说说服;争论争辩20. be absorbed in 专心于charge with指控argue about 论争immersed in 沉浸于blame for指责argue against/for 赞成/反对indulged in 沉溺于Sentence判决argue

4、into doing 说服某人做某事interested in 感兴趣于4. act行为,举动,动作13. arise from 由引起21. be acquainted with 熟悉act as充当result from 由引起22. be ashamed of 为羞愧act on按行事derive from 起源于23. be bound to 一定act14. askbe destined to 注定act for 代理ask about sb. 问候某人be doomed to 注定5. adaptto 适应ask for 请求见到be determined to 决心要 adjus

5、t to 调整ask after sb. 问候某人be apt to 易于 be accustomed to 习惯于with 联想到一起be inclined to 倾向于 be used to 习惯于connect 联结起来24. be build up of 由制成6. addjoin 参与 be made up of 由组成 add to 增加link 联结 consist of/in 构成/在于 add up to 总计为16. attach to 使附属于25.be supposed to 本应该7. adhere to 坚持17. attend 到场,出席26. bear in m

6、ind 牢记8. allowattend on sb. 服侍27. back up 支持 allow for 把某事考虑进来attend to 照顾,办理28. believe in 相信 allow of 允许(多用于否认)18. attribute to 归因于29. benefit from 获益于9. appealowe to 归因于30.blow away 刮走appeal to 呼吁,请求ascribe to 归因于 blow down 吹倒 appeal for 请求支援contribute to 贡献于 blow off 吹掉10. apply blow out 吹灭apply

7、 for 申请 blow up 爆炸 applyto 将用于 blow over 平息风暴,争吵31. break away with 脱离,逃跑35.call at停放,拜访某地 break oneself of sth. 改掉本人的 call for, call for Mary要求,需要 break the news to 泄露消息给 call forth引起 break into tears 突然大哭 call in来访 break into a quarrel 突然大吵 call off取消 break into qieces 摔得粉碎 call on拜访 break into sb

8、s house 闯入某人家 call up打 break off/break out 断绝关系,完毕/爆发36. care about看重某事,介意 break through 突破 care for喜欢,照顾,关心 break up 打碎,散会,终止 care to do sth喜欢,要32. bring about实现,使发生 37.carry away拿走 bring it along with sb随身携带 carry forward推进,发扬 bring down降价,使政治团体失败 carry on继续 bring in生产出,带入,提出 carry through执行,贯彻指示

9、bring forth使产生38.cast light on说明 bring back带回来,使恢复 cast a glance at瞥一眼 bring out说明,表现出,出版39. catch at 抓住一根绳子/机会 bring up抚养,提出,呕吐 catch hold of抓住33.burn down烧毁 catch a glimpse of瞥见了 burn up烧毁 catch sight of看到了34. buy in大批买进某物 catch onto理解,明白 buy out买下全部股份 catch ones breath歇口气 buy sth. for cash现金购置 ca

10、tch up with追赶上 buy sth. on credit赊购 e up with提出 keep up with保持 put up with容忍40. change改变48.cover up掩盖,掩饰change ones mind改变主意49. cut across抄近路穿过,对直通过change sth with sb与某人交换某物cut back削减,急忙返回change sht for sth. 用某物换某物cut down削减,减少change into用某物换某物cut in插嘴,打断,超车41. charge转变成了,换上衣服cut off切断,阻断charge sb f

11、or充电,指控cut out割去,删去He will charge himself with that50. deal with对付,处理,论述42.check in/out /up入住/离店/核对51. devote to致力于43. cheer up高兴起来dedicate to献给clear away清扫干净,天放晴52. die down变弱,逐渐消失44. clear打扫die out消失,灭绝clear away 去除掉die of死于clear up清扫干净53. dispose of去掉,销毁,处理clear out 去除出去,走开54. do away with废除,去掉45

12、. e do without没有也行,将就e about去除出去,走开have nothing to do with与没有关系e across偶然碰到do good/harm to对有利/有害e around /round醒转过来do ones best尽最大努力e into effect/operation生效/开始运行55.draw in火车、汽车进站e off发生,举行,脱落 draw on临近,运用,利用e on到来,快点儿,进步draw up起草,制订,使停住e out出现,显露,出版,发表,结果56. drop by/in顺便访问e through活下来,成功 drop off让下

13、车,睡着,下降e to 醒,总计为 drop out退出,退学,离开e up to 比得上,符合57. be engaged in从事于46. convince sb of 使某人确信 be engaged to和订婚47. count on/count up指望/总计58. enjoy oneself玩得快乐59. experiment on 做实验70. give away赠送,泄露60. expose sth to 将某物暴露于 give back送还61. face up to正视,面对 give in认输,放出,分发,用完62. fail in在某方面失败 give off 散发出气

14、体 fail to do未能做某事 give out 发出,放出,分发,用完63. fall落下,跌倒,下降,减弱 give rise to导致,引起 fall back on求助于,转而依靠 give up放弃 fall behind落后give way to让路给,让位于,被替代 fall in with与一致,符合,支持71. go after追求,设法得到 fall through失败,落空 go ahead开始,进展 fall out with与反目 go along with赞同,支持64. feel for摸索,寻找 go around/round流传,足够分配 feel lik

15、e意欲,想要 go by 时间过去,遵守65. figure out算出,推测出 go down 下降,减少,被承受 work out算出,制订出,解出 go for 支拿,袭击,目的在于 make out分辨出 go in for喜欢,致力于,从事66. full in out 填写表格 go into 详述,调查,研究,从事67.find out 查明,发现 go off 不再喜欢,爆炸,成功进展68. gain access to 获得 go out 熄灭,停止运转,过时69. get/put across 解释清楚 go over 仔细查看,检查 get along(with) 与相处

16、 to through 检查,经历,遭遇 get at 到达,知道,领会,意思指 go up 上升,被炸毁 get away 走开,离开,逃脱 go without 不享受,没有也无妨 get by 通过,过得去,过活 go wrong 出毛病 get down 从下来,写下72. hand get down to sth. 开始,着手做 hand down 伟下来,伟给 get in 进入,参加,收获,收回,插嘴 hand in 上交 get by heart 记住,背诵 hand out 分发 get off 下车,动身离开 hand over 移交,交付给 get out of 逃避,改

17、掉73. hang about/around 闲荡,逗留 get over 克制掉 hang on 等待片刻,抓紧不放 get rid of 摆脱 hang up 挂起来,挂断 get the best of 从中得到最大益处74. head for 向走去,驶向 get the better of 占据上风,胜过75. help oneself to 自取所需 get through 通过,完成,接通,花光钱76. hold back 阻止前进,忍住,抑制 get to 到达,触与 hold on 所至住不放,等一会儿 hold onto 紧紧抓住 hold out 伸出,坚持要求,不屈 h

18、old up 举起,耽搁77. impose on 强人所难,欺骗84. lie in 在于78. keep an eye on 留意照看85. line up 使排成行,排队 keep back 隐瞒,保存,阻止86. live keep down 限制,控制,降低 live on (靠某人 某事)生活 keep off 使不接近,避开 live through 度过,经受过 keep on 继续,反复地做 live up to 遵守,不辜负期望 keep to 遵守,信守,坚持87. look after 照料,管理,关心 stick to 坚持 look at 看 adhere to 坚

19、持 look back 回顾,回头看79. knock down 打倒,击倒 look down upon 看不起 knock out 打昏,击昏 look for 寻找80. lay 置放,铺,设置,布置 look forward to 期待着 lay aside 放在一边,储蓄 look in 顺道访问 set aside 储蓄 look into 调查,观察 put aside 储蓄 look on 参观 lay down 放下,规定,制订 look out 注意,留神 lay out 安排,布置,设计 look over 把看一遍,温习,查看 lay off 下岗,辞退 look th

20、rough 游览,通读81. leave look up to 尊敬,敬仰 leave alone 听其自然,别管88. lose heart 失去信心 leave behind 忘了带,留下lose ones head 不知所措 leave for 动身前往lose ones temper 发脾气 leave off 停止,中断lose ones way 迷路 leave out sth. 漏掉lose the track of 失去对的联系82. lend itself to 有助于,适合于89. major in 主修83. let90. make for 走向,导致,促成 let al

21、one 别碰,别打扰,更不要说 make sense 讲得通,有意义 let down 让失望 make up(for ) 补偿,弥补 let in 容许进入,漏水,反衣服弄窄 make way for 开路,让路 let loose 放松,释放 make from 由制成 let off拜,放过,宽恕91. mix up 混合,搞混 let out 放走,释放,发出,泄露92. object to 反对,不赞成94. pass away 逝世93. occur to sb. 使某人想起 pass out 失去知觉102. remind sb of sth. 使某人想起95. pay back

22、 偿还,回报,报复103. resort to 诉诸于 pay off 还清,得到好结果,取得成功104. result in 导致后果 pay up 全部还清 result from 由于会么而造成96. pick out 挑选,选择,采摘105. ring off 挂断 pick up 拣起,中途搭人,学会 ring up 打给某人97. play a joke on 和某人开玩笑106. run away with(感情等)战胜,不受约束 play a part in 扮演角色,发挥作用 run down 贬低,减少,精疲力竭 play with a toy 玩弄,摆弄 run into

23、 偶然碰见98. pull down 拆毁,拉倒,拉下,降低 run out of 用完,耗尽 pull in (车船)进站 run over 碾过,很快看一遍 pull off 脱衣等,实现 run through 贯穿,济览,花光 pull on 穿 戴107. scale down 按比例缩小 pull out 拔出,(车船)驶出 scale up 按比例放大 pull up 使停下108. see about 办理,安排99. put across 解释清楚 see off 给送行 put away 放好,收好,储蓄 see through 看破,识破 put down 记下,写下,镇

24、压 see to it that 务必做到 put forward 提出计划 要求等109. send for 派人去请,召唤 put in 花费,付出时间,正式提出 send in 递送,提交 put off 推迟 send off 邮寄,发送 put on 穿上,增加体重110. serve as 作为,用作 put out 熄灭,公布,发布,生产出 serve sb right 活该,罪有应得 put up 建造,搭起,提供膳宿,贴100. refer to 提与,参考101. regardless of 不顾,不管111. set118. step in 齐步,合拍 set about

25、 开始着手做某事 step up 加速 set aside 留出,储蓄119. stick to 坚持 set back 推迟,阻碍 stick out 突出,坚持到底 set down 记下,写下,放下120. subject to 使遭受,使服从 set apart 使别离,使 分开,拔出121. take after (外貌)相像 set fire to 放为烧 take apart 拆卸,拆开 set forth 述,说明 take away 减去 set off 出发,启程,激起 take down 拆卸,写下,记下 set out to do sth. 打算做某事 take for

26、 把误认为 set up 建立,创立,架起 take/do in 欺骗112. show in 领进 take off 起飞,匆匆离开,脱下 show off 卖弄 take on 承当,呈现,开始雇佣 show/turn up 出席 take over 接收,接收113. shrink from 退缩 take to 喜欢,开始从事114. sit up 熬夜 take up 开始从事,着手处理,占去115. slow sown 减速122.tell sth. from 区别开116. speek up 加速123. think better of 改变主意,重新考虑117. stand b

27、y 做好准备,袖手旁观,支持 think of 想到,想起 stand for 代表 think over 仔细考虑 stand our 引人注目,清晰地显示124. throw away 拥掉,浪费金钱 stand up to 经得起 throw up呕吐 stand up for 支持,维护125. try on 试穿 try out试用,试验126. turn down 拒绝,关小,调低129. watch out for密切注意 turn in 上交,上床睡觉130. wind up完毕,停止 turn off 拐弯,关上,厌恶131.wipe out彻底摧毁,消灭 turn on 打

28、开,开动,攻击132. work at/on从事于turn out 结果是,生产,驱逐turn over 仔细考虑,交付turn to 转向,求助于133. write off 取消,注销,勾消turn up出面,出席 134.yield to屈服,服从,让步127. wait for等候wait on服侍形容词 1. able to do能够做11.busy with忙于21.confident of /in有信心2. about to do打算做12. capable of doing有能力做22. dependent on靠于3.absent from缺席13. certain of有把

29、握23. different from不同4. abundant in充足14. characteristic of 特征是24. doubtful about /of怀疑5. angry with/at /for生气15. petent in胜任的25. eager for/to do急于做6. anxious for/about焦虑16.consistant with一致的26. enthusiastic about /for对有热 7. applicable to适用的17. conscious of /that意识到27. equal to 等同于8. apt to do易于18.co

30、ntrary to与相反28. equivalent to相当于9. aware of意识到19.convenient to便于29. essential to重要的10. bored with厌倦20. critical of 对挑剔30. excited about /at为某事而激动补充:amazed at惊叹于 ashamed of31.faithful to忠实于41. harmful to对有害51. negligent of对马虎的32.familiar to /with熟悉42. helpful to of对有帮助52. opposite to与相对立的33.famous fo

31、r因 著名43. hostile to对的敌意的53. proud of为骄傲的34. fit for/to适用于44. ignorant of不了解54. patient with对耐心的35. fond of喜爱45. innocent of无罪的55. preferable to比更可取36. free from免于46. jealous of妒忌的56. previous to在之前37. friendly to对友好47. keen on热衷于57. prior to在之前,优先于38. guilty of有罪48. lacking in缺乏58. proper to特有的,专为的3

32、9. good at /in善于49. likely to do可能做59. proportional to与成比例的 Good for对有益60. ready for为做好准备的 Good to对友好40. happy about为而高兴 50. loyal to信守的61.regardless of不顾71. similar to与相似62. relative to与有关,相对于72. sorry about/for为感到遗憾的63. representative of抵制的73. strict with对严格要求的64. resistance to对负责的74. suitable for

33、/to对适宜的65. responsible for/to响应的75. subordinate to从属于,下级的66. responsive to对满意的76. superior to优越于67. satisfied with与分开的77. thirsty for对渴望的68. separate from对敏感的78. typical of有典型性的69. sensitive to对厌倦的79. worthy of值得的70. sick of80. popular with受到欢迎的名词性词组1. by accident偶然的11. in association with与相联系21. in

34、 charge of负责2. in accordance with与一致12. on the average平均数22. around the clock昼夜不停地3. on account of因为13. on the basis of在根底上23. in mon共同的;共有的4. in addition(to)除了14. on behalf of代表24. by parison with与相比拟5. in advance提前15. on board在船、飞机上25. in conclusion最后,总之6. take advantage of利用条下下16. (run)out of bre

35、ath跑得喘不过气来26. in conclusion如果,在7. in agreement with与一致17. on business因公27. in connection with/to关于8. answer to对的回答的缘故18. in case(of)万一28. in consequence of由于,因为9. an appetite for对的爱好19. in any case无论如何29. on the contrary相反10. on arrival一到达同,形成对20. by chance偶然,碰巧30. in contrast with/to与截然不31. out of

36、control失去控制38.in the distance在远处51. in favor of支持,有利于32. in the course of在过程中39. at sbs disposal受到某人的摆布52. on fire在燃烧33. at the cost of以为代价40. off duty下班53. in force有效,在实施中34. out of date过时41. on earth终究54. in the future未来 out of danger脱离危险42. in effect事实上,实际上55. on the grounds of以为理由 out of fashion

37、过时,不再时兴43. in the end最终,终于56. on guards警惕,防 out of work失去工作44. at all events无论如何57. hand in hand手拉手 out of order失去控制45. in the event of万一58. at hand在附近,即将到来 out of practice荒疏46. in essence本质上59. at heart心里 out of question毫不疑问47. with the exception除了情况60.in honor of 为了,以的名义35. in debt负债48.in excess过度

38、,超过61. in a hurry匆忙的36.under discus sion处于讨论之中49. to an extent到达程度62. at intervals间歇性地37. in detail详细地50. face to face面对面地63. at length详细的64. in the light of 依据,根据71.at the mercy of在的支配下81.on purpose故意地65.at a loss不知所措地72. the moment一就82.at random随机地,无目地性的66. as a matter of fact事实上73. in nature本质上83

39、.beyond question毫无疑问,确定无疑67.by means of通过手段74. on occasions不时地84. at any rate无论如何68. by no means绝不75. in person亲自地85. at the rate of以的速度69.in memory of为了纪念76. in place of代替,取代,交换86. by reason of由于70.by mistake错误地77. at present目前87. as regards关于,至于78.for the present目前,暂时88.with regards to关于79. in pub

40、lic公开地89. in relation to有关,关于80.for the purpose o f为了90.as a result of作为的结果91.in return for100.at first sight乍一看110.on the top of在之上92.as a rule101.in sight可看到的111.in truth实际上93. for the sake of102.out of sight看不到的112.by turns轮流地94. on sale103. in terms of根据113.in turn反过来95. on a large scale104.on s

41、econd thoughts又一想,转念一想114.by virtue of由于96. in the long run105.at a time/at one time一次/一次,曾经115. by the way顺便提一下97. on schedule106.for the time being暂时116. in the way妨碍98.in secret107.from time to time常常地117. in a way在某种程度上99. in sequence108.in time与时地118.word for word逐字逐句地100.in shape109.on time准时地

42、119.at work在工作,忙于语法局部重要单词1 虚拟语气宾语从句 order, demand, require, request, direct, mand, urge, rule, suggest, advise, vote, propose move, remend, prefer, decide, insist, desire, decree主语从句vital, important, essential, imperative, obligatory, necessary, unnecessary, impossible, sad, strange, natural, advisa

43、ble, fitting, proper, appropriate, desirable2不定式1)通常只接动词不定式作宾语的常考动词:agree, attempt, claim, decide demand, ask, hesitate, beg ,fail, care, consent, promise, desire, hope, intend, learn, offer, plan, refuse, prepare, pretend, strive, require, appear, arrange, expect,manage, tend, afford, wish, want, s

44、eem ,struggle, swear, threaten, wait, undertake, venture, seek ,resolve, aim, determine, endeavor, apply, claim, pledge, pretend, profess, refuse, volunteer, vow, happen ,guarantee, neglect, proceed, prove, condescend, consent, trouble, bother(negative), care(negative), choose, fail etc2)用于动词+宾语+不定式

45、结构的常考动词:force, hire, tell, require, teach, warn ,allow, ask, inform, beg, convince, expect, invite, order, permit, promise, instruct, prepare, urge, remind, want, advise, persuade, dare, forbid, like, challenge, request, get, need ,oblige, encourage, enable, pel, remend, declare, prove, mand, encour

46、age, enable, lead, press, etc3)用于be+形容词+不定式结构的常考形容词anxious, boring, dangerous, pleased, hard, eager, easy, fortunate, strange, good, ready, usual, prepared, surprised, mon, useless, asked, lucky, difficult, likely satisfied, careful, sure, glad, bored, certain, etc4)用于名词+不定式结构的常考名词:failure, offer, p

47、lan, ability, decision, desire, chance, permission, occasion, fun, honor, capacity, wish, pleasure, opportunity, demand, way ,refusal, responsibility, freedom, promise, etc.5)后面跟省去“to的不定式作宾补的常考动词:see watch, notice, observe, hear, listen to, feel ,get, make, have, let ,help, bid, know, look at ,smell

48、 ,etc.动名词1)通常只接动名词作宾语的动词:admit, appreciate, avoid, delay, deny, enjoy, finish, miss, postpone, put off, practice, quit, resent, suggest, keep, plete, anticipate, discuss, mention, tolerate, understand, favor, escape, forgive, consider, prohibit, mind, dislike, cant help, risk, involve, imagine, fanc

49、y, defer, acknowledge, deny, look forward to, evade, favor, detest, dread, risk, advocate, cant resist, cant stand, consider, contemplate, ensure, excuse ,pardon, facilitate, give up, include, keep on, report, suggest ,involve ,etc.2常跟动名词作宾语的动词短语:(dis)approve of ,insist on, think about, persist in s

50、pend in ,engage in ,depend on ,keep on ,rely on ,worry about, succeed in, count on ,give up, calculate on ,lead to ,contribute to ,devote to ,object to ,look forward to ,dedicate to ,confess to concentrate on focus on ,etc.3)用于“名词+介词+动名词结构的名词:pleasure in , chance of ,opportunity of ,advise on ,choic

51、e of ,method for, excuse for ,intention of ,probability of ,concern about, difficulty in ,trouble in ,shortage of ,harm in ,point in, ment on ,report in ,importance of necessity of ,approach to ,etc.4)用于“be+形容词+介词+动名词结构的形容词accustomed to , afraid of ,fond of, successful in ,capable of ,tired of ,inte

52、rested in ,intent on ,keep on ,used to ,quick at ,good at ,particular about, bent on ,engaged in ,involved in ,addicted to ,devoted to ,etc.5)动词后可跟原形动词和动名词discover ,feel ,find ,force ,get, imagine etc +do/doing6)v. + sb. into doing cheat ,trick, deceive, fool, trap ,shame ,mislead, surprise ,talk, b

53、lackmail etc.7) v. + sb. from doing prevent ,stop ,keep ,hinder(阻碍), restrain抑制,save.倒装句neither=nor=no more, little, seldom, hardly, scarcely, rarely, never, not ,no, in no case, in no way, under(in)nocircumstances, not onlybut also, not until, hardly (scarcely) when, no soonerthan主谓一致as much as , a

54、s well as, rather than, more than, no less than, in addition to ,with, along with, together with, except ,all of ,some of ,none of , half of ,most of ,lots of, plenty of.第一局部 语法结构第一单元 名词局部强化练习与答案: 1. Apple is a D word.A. five-letter B. five-letters C. fives-letters D. five letters D2. All the A in t

55、he hospital got a rise上升 yesterday. A. women doctors B. woman doctors C. women doctor D. woman doctor 3. After ten years, all those youngsters became D . A. growns-up B. growns-up C. grown-up D. grown-ups 4. The police investigated调查 theabout the bank robbery.抢劫 A. stander-by B. standers-by旁观者 C. st

56、ander-bys D. standers-by B5. She used to have three C .A. boys friends B. boys friend C. boy friends D. boy friend C15为复合名词的复数。 有“-连字符的,在其名词局部后加S ,如 five-letters ,standers-by ,lookers-on ; 无名词局部的 , 在复合词后如S ,如 grown-ups ,sit-ins ; 由man或woman作为第一局部的复合名词表职位时,均用复数,如men doctors ,women writers ; 由boy或girl

57、 作为第一局部的复合名词,要在最后词后加-S,如boy friends , girl friends ;6. The mittee委员会 B been arguing about the economic problems among themselves for many hours. A. have B. has C. could have D. can have A32. 集体名词被看作假如干个体时,具有复数概念;被看作一个整体时,具有单数概念。这类词有:family ,government ,class , surrounding环境 ,mittee ,club , pany ;7.

58、Seventy percent A illiterate in that area. A. is B. are C. is to be D. can have B8. His trousers C in his suitcase.A. is always kept B. are kept always C. arealways kept D. have always been C具有“成双含义的词,如服装类、工具类的词:trousers. glasses . scissors剪刀,系动词用复数。9. The young couple bought A for their living room. A. some new furniture B

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