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1、通过虚拟样机,集成设计和施工1引言生产力数据比拟在制造业和建筑业之间是有趣和显露。 例如,图1说明在为时之内40年,非农业品的产业,主要提到制造工业,因为它有一个统治份额80%,做了大约每年10%增加的改良,当建筑业连续下降时。这种现象是可测的,在几乎每个国家,并且它也许解释用二产业之间的以下三个区别 :1 ,建筑行业没有一个有效的平台捕捉和再利用的知识中产生的设计和施工阶段; 2 ,建筑行业没有一个固定的生产线; 和3 ,建筑业没有能力尝试之前建造。 注意到是必要的,上述区别通过作者的自己的经验和知识被识别。它预计这些在研究团体范围内可能引起更加进一步的研究兴趣和讨论。 制造工业采取人工制品

2、被分解入根本成分在隔离可以被设计的分解模型。这些根本元件常被定义为模块和储存在图形建模系统模型库中。 因此一个新的设计是修改适合新的要求组分的阶层。生产过程的新设计也是一个轻微修改现有的过程。换句话说,制造业能够捕捉和再利用它的知识在设计和生产。新的设计生产过程中通过缓慢地改良现有版本建筑业,然而,没有这个能力一个设计过程中通常从建设一个空白的纸。虽然某些部件和建筑细节可重复,整个设计过程中,从不同的地方只有轻微改善制造业对现有的设计这是通过在整个建材过程的新合同,新的团队和过程形成了在工程结束时,小知识被捕获并保存。 此外,制造行业有固定的生产流水线的生产率主导下的速度的机械1 3;而建筑业

3、没有生产线和工程参与者必须锻炼个人判断发现最好的方式来完成他们的任务。另外,缺乏能力建设转向“试前一个非常危险的业务建设建设工程及大型实验过程中遵循的规划与设计信息的遗漏,尤其充满错误。因此,许多工程竣工后的时间和费用的支出超过分随处可见。作者提出上述三个问题是制约瓶颈,提高建筑行业的增量。为了消除瓶颈,研究小组在香港理工大学开始被搜索工程于2004年开发的虚拟样机技术虚拟原型结构是一种辅助具体的建设过程中涉及的数字产品模型的“虚拟原型)和现实的图形仿真的广泛议题,地址的物理概念、功能布局、操作说明书,并在不同操作系统环境动力学分析1 3。专用虚拟样机技术,已被广泛和成功适用于汽车、航空航天领

4、域(4,14,15。然而在副技术的开展和应用在建筑行业(如施工过程仿真)是有限制的. 这可能是由于各建设工程方面的独特、要求、场地条件等约束条件。Sarshar等。5的三个主要的工业障碍识别技术,包括文化、吸收副风险问题相关的信息共享度的商业利益和缺少驾驶在真正的建筑工程。3D模型支持规划者通过4D /建筑部件从三维CAD系统建设工程规划活动,从系统中,采用图形界面施工过程进行数值模拟,然后可以执行过程中模具制作建造的副总裁,用户可以视觉系统如何缩小。检查过程4D CAD系统可用于结构分析和通讯6. 哈特曼和费7如何开展综合处理工程团队可以使用3D / 4D模型有效支持知识交流和生成所需的能力

5、在构建在建设工程审查虽然三维/ 4D模式有利于设计者们进行分析,找出了设计的碰撞并发现失踪或颠倒顺序、4D工艺研制而成菲舍尔哈特曼和强调知识传递给工程师或非施工管理者在规划建设这个应用程序是非常有用的,因为有效的沟通是关键的因素是成功的建筑。然而,鉴别适宜的施工方法和施工进度是可行的最重要的问题。技术的应用的副总裁从而帮助鉴别适宜规划师施工方法和施工准备时间表。H.Lietal. /自动化建设xxx(2021)成熟图1。生产力建设和制造业的比照。本文阐述了虚拟样机技术应用到一个方法可搜集到活生生确实是的建设工程它指出了需要对虚拟样机技术,提出了一种新的职业称为过程中模具制作模具制作过程中所扮演

6、的角色,在工程实施过程中的问题进行了探讨。模具制作工艺技术。本文认为,虚拟样机技术可拆卸的瓶颈。作为虚拟样机技术要求设计师设计成BIM构建模块化信息管理)模型的3D模型和信息的绩效评价模型,该鼓励标准化和预制。介绍了生产线的预制间接地进入建筑业。虚拟样机可以逼真模拟施工流程和有效地捕捉到的设计和施工的知识可重用的未来的方案。此外,副总裁提供平台建设的从业人员尝试之前工程。2模具制作过程中作为一种新的就业的分类 虚拟样机技术实验室建设(CVPL)在香港理工大学应用实例,副建设工程技术在香港联合交易所上市。技术使得承包商副构建建筑屡次“在电脑。各种情景可以预览和潜在的问题的仿真过程中仿真过程进行这



9、进行10个真实建造方案的真正虚拟样机的研究的经验,我们考虑处理模型工需要可以被分类在三个标题以下的技能:(1) 技术技能这要求处理模型工了解建筑处理,有真正虚拟样机的软件系统强的实践知识,(2) 人的技能工作能力与建筑的其他人合作的技巧。处理模型工需要是自已明白的,了解和敏感对其他的感觉和想法维护一个健康人际的关系以其余建筑队。(3) 概念技能处理模型工需要了解图示为过程的技巧,产品和资源模型。这些概要模型为建筑真正虚拟样机的技术提供一个理论基盘。这三类技能需要是不同的比例。在一个非常实证的意义上说,占主导地位的技术技能应该范围的40%;人类的能力和理解能力25%的35%。这是必要的,需要注意

10、的是,技巧和分布是广义从范畴的个人经历的作者。实质性研究和调查核实所需技能的范畴,进一步开展的措施,提出了新的就业的分类3传统建筑规划的过程建设工程规划已被认为是一个关键过程的早期阶段,决定工程的成功实施和交付的工程。在这个阶段,工程筹划需要开发的主要建设策略,建立建设道路和装配序列,安排施工方法和施工所需的资源,甚至工作包写的日常工作指令现场人员(8 - 10)。左边的一局部是一个图代表选用原那么规划建设的过程。这个方案的过程中需要转换成分析、决策信息和行动。一般的过程模型的应用说明,随着副适宜的一局部量程。在这个过程中,副总裁和模型支持知识转化在每一个方案步骤。在第一步的申请程序、静态的三


12、每一种都可以有一个定义的持续时间,与建筑构件和资源(图3)。首先,抽象的施工方法可以被想象通过指定的三维产品和资源模型。然后可视化方法可以测试和验证,通过整合空间和时间考虑。分析设计信息主孤芡窑礅坜噗宫捌郏建议施工方法论佻俄仗梗思贿茚疗淆核实施工方法薜埂鞣桔石鲈鬈仓汽茵提交并提供施工方法摞卺拧浜蠃伞量砑芘淳静态三维产品模型煞颈搭胛椒城滔嗟拂灰静态三维资源模型翟馅彀榄擤俭迅殴簏都动态过程仿真孥颅逖齄预浔碓钷邶丽可视化的时间表和工作指导权鄂谡熏鸢涛谩中地缟虚拟原型忙皋涂秉怿烤氩负荨癯图2 在固定的规划建设和副总裁。在最后一步的规划建设过程中,工程团队需要提交或交付研究开发建设等方法对其他参与者,分


14、划在筹建和施工阶段的内容,通过调整副模型。在接下来的局部,我们将提供一个案例研究的应用虚拟样机技术对现实生活中的建设工程和内容的不同阶段模型的副总裁这个工程。具体方法的三维建模和仿真的过程。本文跳过,可以发现,在黄缪群11。4 个案研究,岛东的工程开发的一种70层高的办公室大厦位于中央商务区的香港。心墙的结构类型和8个巨型柱在典型的地板上。一架是专为强化结构体系的核心墙柱之间,从三四楼地板,40。和面积55层从屋顶下的专栏。在这个工程的研究工作,包括规划、典型的地坪施工中出现的问题解决能力的建设安装(图4)。图3 集成产品、过程和资源模型的建设工程。在这个工程中,极为重要,因为延误可能导致潜在


16、计和修复是由于钢构件的形状不规那么的工作空间,是海峡两岸在爬的形式。承包人必须确保其加固详述非常良好的协调能力和钢构件,所以它能保证及时安装架。模具制作过程的三维模型,用于详细参数来支持加固设计的镶嵌在木。3D模型被用来设计协调这样复杂的地区以及详图生产及预制。在两天内完成周期间,详细的虚拟三维模型模型建立过程的计算机上的模具制作(图 5a)。网站建模在香港,其施工现场相当局限。网站调查通常发生在开始的工程,包括会议的主要议题,如现场访问和规划8。规划者研究地点卸货区域和车辆。此外,危险地区材料起重需要检查计画上。在这个工程中,有些木钢构件是接近容量塔式起重机。提升路径和危险的地区是建在3D模

17、型。此外,汽车携带木成员可能与混凝土搅拌机卡车。这些车辆路径也建在现场模型(图5b)。三维产品模型和现场协助筹划者分析模型的约束条件,确定了网站的潜在问题,并方案可能的施工方法。这些模型的努力也减少了数量的复习课减到最小,保证了详细的设计是良好的协调能力和最大预制时机和生产力和平安。第1楼宽雇吵秭雷豳渖硎蓖击典型的地坪施工鳙蝴肮恿曜涑搅荦私葶醣夥变斓颏辏气架抠楦第33楼弃仟癸照钡送灾涤熵今典型的地坪施工麈乘耢堀泷侃计禄哦倚木地区建设氓涔盐懂溯碜讵老饽漭第40楼巍茬眷此汗镊铑揣担攸第55楼渫黹喀苘蘑夫跺瞽姜诊屋顶面积施工隹佣岁吓馆界冉猷曝恕第70楼纽扁抱醪骡氇镧鲰妮袢图4 这个研究工程为岛东部。



20、更加重要地,模仿模型为工程参加者提供一个低廉和平安平台评估不同的建筑方法和辩认可能的风险和问题。开展虚拟样机模型,模拟以下信息是必要的。图产品和资源模式的东岛屿方案。l 什么建筑设备用于具体内容和它如何运作? l 如何建造和安装的组件是什么安装顺序? l 什么样的临时工程的需要和在哪里安装呢?图7 识别问题的方法验证过程。上述信息和三维模型的设计及现场环境、建设工程可以数字代表及其过程的模拟和数字进行评估。.方法验证过程虚拟样机技术可以帮助规划者学习每一步的建筑活动贯穿整个上建构过程仿真系统的. 如果问题被发现规划者必须提出措施,并验证了仿真过程中提出质疑的是切实可行的措施,提出了。这个反复试

21、验过程一直持续到整个施工过程进行了评价。因此,用VP技术风险和问题的大多数建设可识别和解决工程开工前。进一步的相关信息技术的实施是可得到的在副黄等。2006年11。图7 工作指导书和可视化真正的安装在这个工程,桌模板为平板建筑和攀登形式被选择了为核心墙壁建筑。 方案者必须通过使用详细保证4天的地板周期的平安和光滑的操作,逐步,建筑过程的模仿。在这模仿期间,许多问题辩认了,并且改正措施采取了。显示辩认的问题的有些例子例如碰撞在桌模板和专栏工作台之间和冲突在塔吊和攀登形式之间。在审阅整体工程以后,承包商获取了选择的建筑方法的充足的信心。施工过程的可视化工具作为通信工程参与者之间一旦建成,它的模拟可


23、空间就会有所不同。很简单,因为技术能够帮助规划者的虚拟样机合作观想检查工作的空间。图7为例,说明了虚拟样机工艺检查工作空间的有效性。5结论开发和应用的结构的虚拟样机技术在建筑行业仍相对较新。本文介绍了一个集成框架与过程的一般承包商副技术。本文描述了过程可协助筹划者,以核实他们的方案使施工风险可以消除开课前的方案。使用的好处虚拟原型可归纳如下:l 建立,分析和优化施工时间表l 有效的施工分析l 消除施工风险通过数字样机的进程l 更清楚地了解工程的范围和更好的工作指示l 从主要承包商分包商之间的有效沟通,客户和承包商l 有效的管理和设计变更, l 更好地捕捉和再利用的知识 这个应用程序的使用率下降


25、设计与施工,可重用的知识在未来的计画。此外,副总裁提供平台建设的尝试之前,从业人员的工程。鸣谢资金提供的数据收集和分析是通过香港的研究基金理事会通过配置具有竞争力的救助基金资助的研究PolyU5103/05E下赛季数量。这个研究也支持另一个竞争的救助基金资助的研究5209/05E数下赛季理。Integrating design and construction through virtual prototypingA comparison of productivity data between manufacturing and construction industriesis inter

26、esting and indicates that within last 40 years,the non-farm industries,which primarily refer to the manufacturing industry as it has a dominant share of over 80%,have made approximately 10% incremental annual improvements while the construction industry continuously declined. this phenomenon is obse

27、rvable in almost every country,and it may be explained by the following three differences between the two industries: construction industry does not have an effective platform to Captureand re-use knowledge generated in design and construction stages; construction industry does not have a flxed prod

28、uction line; and construction industry does not have the ability to try beforebuild.It is necessary to note that the above differences are identified through authorsown experience and is expected that these can generate further research interests and discussions within the research community. The ma

29、nufacturing industry adopts a decomposition model in which an artifact is decomposed into basic components which can bedesigned in isolation. These basic components are frequently defined as shapeable blocks and stored in element libraries in graphical modeling systems. A new design is therefore a h

30、ierarchy of components which are modified to fit new production process of the new design is also a slight modification of the existing other words,the manufacturing industry is able to capture and re-use its knowledge indesign and design and production processes are obtained through incrementally i

31、mproving existing construction industry,however,does not have this design process in construction typically starts from a blank sheet of certain components and building details may be re-used,the design process differs significantly fromthat of the manufacturing industry where only slight improvemen

32、ts are made on existing goes through the entire construcion process where new contract,new team sand processes are f the project is completed,little knowledge is captured and retained.In addition,the manufacturing industry has a fixed production line where the productivity is dominated by the speed

33、of machinery 13; whereas the construction industry does not have a production line and project participants have to exercise personal judgments to find the best way to complete their tasks.Moreover, the lack of ability to try before build turns construction to a very risky construction project is by

34、 and large an experimental process guided by design and planning information which is particularly full of incompleteness and a result,many projects are completed at the expenses of ubiquitous time and cost over runs.The authors propose that the above three issues are the bottleneck that hinders the

35、 incremental improvement of the construction industry. In order to remove the bottleneck,research team at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University started are search project in 2004 to develop the virtual prototyping prototyping (VP) is a computer-aided representational process concerned with the constr

36、uction of digital product models (virtual prototypes) and realistic graphical simulations that address the broad issues of physical layout,operational concept,functional specifications,and dynamics analysis under various operating environments 1-3.Dedicated VP technology has been extensively and suc

37、cessfully applied to the automobile and aerospace fields 4,14,15. However the development and application of VP technology in the construction industry process simulation) has been is robably because that each construction project is unique in terms of he site conditions,requirements, and arshar et

38、a. 5 dentified three major industrial barriers to uptake VP technology including cultural and risk issues related to information sharing fragmentation of business interests and the lack of piloting on real construction projects.3D/4D models support planners by relating building components from a 3D

39、CAD system to construction activities from a project planning system,using a graphical construction process can then be simulated by executing the process modeler built in the VP system and the user can visually check how the process proceeds. 4D CAD systems can be used for construction analysis and

40、 communication 6.Hartmann and Fischer 7 developed an integrated process of how project teams can use 3D/4D models efficiently to support the knowledge communication and generation needed during the construct ability review on construction 3D/4D model can help the planners to analyze the design,find

41、out the collision and discover missing or conversed sequence, the 4D process developed by hrtmann and Fischer emphasized the knowledge transfer to engineer or non-construction managers during the construction application is quite useful because efficient communication is the key factor of successful

42、 construction.However, identifying appropriate construction methods and preparing feasible construction schedules are the most important concerns of the planner. The application of VP technology should thus assist the planner to identify suitable construction methods and prepare construction schedul

43、es.This paper presents a casestudy of applying virtual prototyping technology to a reallife construction identifies the need of virtual prototyping technology and presents a new profession which is named process role of the process modeler in the project procurement process is discussed. Skill set f

44、or the process modeler is defined. The paper concludes that the virtual prototyping technology can remove the bottleneck of the construction industry. As VP technology requires designers to modularize design into BIM (Building Information Management) models which are 3D models with information for p

45、erformance evaluation of the models, this encourag- es standardization and prefabrication. Prefabrication indirectly introduces a production line into the construction industry. VP can realistically simulate construction processes and effectively capture design and construction knowledge which can b

46、e re-used in future projects. In addition, Vp provides the platform for practitioners to try before build the project. modeler as a new employment classificationThe Construction Virtual Prototyping Laboratory (CVPL) at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University has applied VP technology to several real co

47、nstruction projects in Hong Kong. VP technology enables contractors to “construct the building many times in the computer. all sorts of scenarios can be previewed and potential problems identified in advance in this simulation simulation process performs such tasks as production, transportation, han

48、dling and assembly of different construction components, including all the associated operational processes. All the variables affecting the construction processes, such as site layout, plant locations, rate of machinery operation, quantities of resources, etc., can be considered in order to evaluat

49、e the feasibility of the proposed construction methods and sequences, and to explore possible solutions and improvements to the methodology prior to actual work beginning.However, the VP technology is unfamiliar to contractors. Contractors expected but doubted the VP application on their projects in

50、 the beginning. General contractors and their planners often have little idea about how construction VP can help them. Some regard VPtechnology as only animation tools that better represent their planning ideas. Although the new technology is useful to construction planning and project management, t

51、he misunder standing of planners can be a major impediment for the adoption of the VP technology in the industry. In order to demonstrate the usefulness of the technology, researchers of the Construction Virtual Prototyping Labat The Hong Kong Polytechnic University have worked very closely with con

52、tractors of several real life projects in Hong Kong. In fact, for each project, a researcher has been seconded to the site office to assist the planning and project monitoring process.Due to the fact that neither the design team nor the construction team has the capacity to apply the virtual prototy

53、ping technology, researchers of the Construction Virtual Prototyping Lab act as the process modeler to connect the design and construction teams. The process modeler accepts the BIM model from the designer,and decomposes it into formats required by the main contractor,subcontractors and the same tim

54、e,the process modeler integrates information provided by the construction team into the BIM model to create a virtual prototyping of construction processes. Information from the construction team typically includes temporary designs,preliminary planning and costing information. Through an iterative

55、process,the process modeler enables the construction team to conduct what-if analyses of different construction methods in the virtual prototyping environment,until a satisfactory method is obtained.From our experience of conducting virtual prototyping studies of over 10 real life construction proje

56、cts, we consider that the process modeler needs skills that can be categorized under three headings:2.1. Technical skillThis requires the process modeler to understand construction processes,to have a strong hands-on knowledge of virtual prototyping software systems, skillThe ability to work with ot

57、her people of the construction team. The process modeler needs to be self-aware, understanding and sensitive to the feeling and thoughts of others to maintain a healthy interpersonal relationship with the rest of construction team. skillThe process modeler needs to understand the schematic represent

58、ations for process,product and resource schematic models provide a theoretical underpinning for construction virtual prototyping technology.These three categories of skill need to bepresented in different a very empirical sense, the technical skill dominates and should be within the range of 40%; th

59、e human skill 35% and the conceptual skill 25%. It is necessary to note that the skill category and distributions are generalized from personal experiences of the research and investigations are needed to verify the skill category and further develop measures for the proposed new employment classifi

60、cation construction planning processConstruction project planning has been considered as acritical process in the early project phases that determines the successful implementation and delivery of project. During this stage, project planners need to develop main construction strategies, to establish

61、 construction path and assembly sequences, to arrange construction methods and resources required for the execution of work packages, and even to write daily work instructions for field crews 8-10. The left part of Fig.2 is a diagram representing the process of construction planning. The planning pr

62、ocess requires the transformation of information into analysis,decisions and actions. The general process of the VP models application is showed as the right part of Fig.2. Within this process, VP models support the knowledge generation and transformation at each of the planning step.In the first st

63、ep of the application process, static 3D product models are built to help the project team analyze and communicate design information. The design errors can be detected in 3D product models. The preparation of 3D product models also includes the modeling ofsite environment that can be used to study

64、the site layout and review the constructability.The 3D models are created using the CATIA ? system which is compatible with the process simulation package used in this study. However, if the 3D models are created using other CAD systems, such as Auto CAD, there may need to be converted into the DASS

65、AULT? system by reloading the models in the CATIA environment.The second step is to build static 3D resource models including construction equipment and temporary works. Planners will propose some potential construction methods which may be suitable for the uniqueness of project design and construction site. Using the 3D resource models with the previous product model

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