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1、浙江省义乌市2013届九年级英语12月学力检测试题 人教新目标板第一部分 听力部分一、听力(共15小题,共25分)第一节 :听对话,回答问题。(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)1. Whats Jims favourite fruit? A. Apples. B. Pears. C. Bananas. 2. Where does the woman want to go? A. To the hospital. B. To the bank. C. To the bookstore. 3. How often does Tom surf the Internet? A. Every day. B

2、. Never. C. Once a week. 4. What does the man mean? A. He doesnt think Class 2 will win. B. He thinks Class 2 will win. C. He hopes Class 2 will win. 5. How does the man learn English?A. By reading aloud. B. By making flashcards. C. By listening to tapes. 第二节:听长对话,回答问题。(共5小题,每小题2分,共10 分)听第一段材料,回答第6、

3、7两小题。6. What is Kathy doing for vacation? A. Studying at home. B. Traveling abroad. C. Doing a parttime job. 7. Where is she most probably going on vacation? A. To Hawaii. B. To Switzerland. C. Somewhere cold. 听第二段材料,回答第8至10小题。8. Why do they collect the rubbish along the river?A. To stop the river f

4、rom being polluted. B. To sell it for money. C. To see the river every day. 9.How many volunteers (自愿者)do they have? A. 12. B. 16. C. 28. 10.When do they do the volunteer work? A. At 7:30 every morning. B. After lunch at noon. C. After dinner every evening. 第三节:听下面一段短文,回答问题。(共5小题,每小题2分,共10 分)Outing

5、time11._WhereArrive at 12._How 13._Departure7:00 a.m.Arrival time14._ProgramsMorning: boating and having lunch in a small restaurant and 15._.Time to return4:0011. A. April 8 B. April 9 C. April 1012. A. a lake B. a mountain C. a restaurant13. A. by bus B. by bike C. by train14. A. 10:00 B. 9:00 C.

6、8:0015. A. picking apples B. climbing a mountain C. seeing some pictures第二部分 笔试部分二、单项填空(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)( )16.My brother has studied in _ Qinghua University for two years. Its _ famous university in the world. A. /, the B. the , a C. the , / D. /, a ( ) 17. Im looking for the watch _ I left on the

7、table just now. A. thats B. / C. whats D. what ( )18. When shall we meet again next time ? _ day is OK . A. Either B. Neither C. None D. Any ( )19. It is reported that _people were killed by the earthquake in Japan on Mar.11th What terrible news!A . the number of B. a large number of C. a little bit

8、 D. a little ( )20.Where can I keep these books? Here is a box full of bananas. You can it and put the books in.Athrow Bempty Csell Dbring ( )21. He hardly has breakfast on weekdays , _ ?A. doesnt he B. does he C. hasnt he D. has he( )22.The children_ not to play with the fire . A. are told B. tell

9、C. are asking D.warn( )23. Could I use your phone? - Yes, of course you _. A. can B. could C. would D. will ( )24.I want to enter the writing competition and I hope I can get a good prize. -_. A. You bet. B. I bet you do. C. Congratulations! D. Thats good news.( )25. Which of the following phonetic

10、transcription is right for the phrase “the egg”? A. / e/B. /i e/C. /i e/D. /di e/三、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分) We were standing at the top of a church tower. My father had _26_me to this spot in a small Italian town far from home in Rome. I _27_ why. “Look_28_, Elsa,” Father said gently. “There is more t

11、han one way to the square._29_ is like that. If you cant get to the _30_ where you want to go by one road, _31_ another.” Now I understood why I was there. Earlier that day I had begged my mother to do _32_ about the lunch that was served at school. But she refused _33_ she couldnt believe the lunch

12、 was as bad as I said.When I turned to father_34_ help, he would not interfere(干预) ._35_, he brought me to this tower to give me a lesson- the value of an open, searching mind. By the time we reached home, I _36_ a plan. At school the next day, I secretly _37_ my lunch soup into a bottle and brought

13、 it home. Then I persuaded the cook to serve it to _38_ at dinner. The plan_39_ perfectly. She had one spoonful and said, “ The _40_must have gone mad!” Quickly I told what I had done and mother said firmly that she would deal with the matter of lunch at school the next day.26. A. sent B. brought C.

14、 left D. taken 27. A. wondered B. understood C. thought D. knew28. A. here B up C. down D. about29. A. Life B. Lunch C. School D. Mother 30. A. street B. square C. place D. church31. A. want B. wish C. hope D. try 32. A. nothing B. everything C. anything D. something33. A. when B. so that C. because

15、 D. although34. A. by B. with C. for D. after35. A. Instead B. So C. Besides D. But36. A. had B. considered C. appeared D. thought37. A. fixed B. poured C. dropped D. covered38. A. father B. mother C. parents D. myself39. A. did B. realized C. worked D. made40. A. soup B school C. child D. cook四、阅读理

16、解(共15小题,每小题2分, 共30分)ADid you see snow in your hometown last winter? Did you feel it was warmer than before? There have been 21 warm winters in China since 1986, said scientists. They also said that in the past 100 years, as the global (全球的) temperatures went up by 0.74 C , the temperature in North C

17、hina has climbed 1.4 C in only 50 years. China needs to take quick action to cut carbon dioxide (二氧化碳) emission (排放), because its the main reason for global warming. The good news is that China has seen the importance of going green. China set the goal of cutting energy use by 20% and pollution emis

18、sion by 10% in the 11th Five-Year Plan.Can you slow global warming? Sure! You and your family can take steps to cut the amount of carbon dioxide that is sent out into the air.Here are some pieces of advice to help you save the earth.Wear used clothes. Wearing your brothers, sisters or dads old T-shi

19、rt means you save the energy.Dont waste electricity. Change your light bulbs (灯泡). Use energy-saving light bulbs. And dont forget to turn off the lights when you leave a room and turn off your television and computer when they are not in use!Take the bus. Taking a bus saves a lot of oil every year.S

20、ay no to plastic bags. The next time your parents go to the market, ask them to use baskets.Open a window. Dont use the air conditioner (空调), and let some fresh air in. When you have to use the conditioner, set the temperature higher in the summer and lower in the winter to save energy.Make small ch

21、anges in your daily life. Dont use paper cups, bags and boxes.Its time for all of us to do something to save the earth.41. The main reason for global warming is _.A. the oil B. carbon dioxide C. paper cups, bags and boxes D. televisions and computers42. Which of the following is true? A. Its a pity

22、to wear your dads old T-shirts. B. Using air conditioners may be a waste of energy.C. Taking a bus wastes a lot of oil every year. D. Using paper bags saves energy a lot.43. How many pieces of advice are mentioned to help save the earth according to this passage?A. Four. B. Six. C. Seven. D. EightBW

23、hen Mr. David retired (退休), he bought a small house in a village near the sea. He liked it and hoped to live a quiet life in it. But to his surprise, many visitors came to see his house in summer holidays, for it was the most interesting building in the village. From morning to night, there were vis

24、itors outside the house. They kept looking into the rooms through the windows and many of them even went into the house. He decided to drive the visitors away. So he put a notice on the window. The notice said,“If you want to satisfy your curiosity ,come in and look around. Price: twenty dollars.” M

25、r. David was sure that the visitors would stop coming, but he was wrong. More and more visitors came and Mr. David had to spend every day showing them around his house. “I came here to retire, not to work as a guide (导游)”, he said angrily. In the end, he sold the house and moved away.44. Mr. Davids

26、house was _ that many visitors came to see it.A. so small B. so quiet C. so interesting D. such interesting45. Mr. David put a notice on the window in order _.A. to drive the visitors away B. to satisfy the visitors curiosityC. to let visitors come in and look around D. to get some money out of the

27、visitors46. The notice made the visitors _.A. more interested in his house B. lost interest in his houseC. angry at the unfair price D. feel happy about the price47. After Mr. David put up the notice _.A. the visitors didnt come any more B. fewer and fewer visitors came to see his houseC. more and m

28、ore visitors came for a visit D. no visitor would pay the money for a visit48. At last he had to sell his house and move away because _.A. he did not like it at all B. he could not work as a guideC. he made enough money and wanted to buy a new expensive houseD. he could not live a quiet life in itCM

29、any textbooks are not written in the kind of English that we speak every day. In fact, sometimes the reading is so difficult that it almost seems like a foreign language. In a way, it isthe language of science. You should not expect to be able to read a difficult science passage the same way you rea

30、d an interesting story; you should not expect to read it easily and all at once. Instead, you may have to read it several times through, catching on the meaning of difficult words, going back over difficult sentences, and finally putting the whole thing together. Do not be discouraged if the whole p

31、assage dont make sense to you at first. You need to pick it apart patiently until you can understand it.These are the steps to follow when you are reading something difficult: 1. Start to read normally until you run into a sentence that doesnt make sense to you. 2. When a sentence doesnt make sense,

32、 go back and read it again more slowly. 3. Look for any word you dont know in the sentence. Try to understand their meanings using word parts and context clues(上下文线索). If necessary, look them up in the dictionary. 4. Look at the next few sentences to see if they explain more about the sentence you a

33、re working on. Do not read very much farther ahead until you understand what is being said. 5. Finally, read the sentence again. Try to put it into simpler words. 6. Read through the passage once. Try to understand all the hard parts well. Then read the whole passage once more at a usual speed. This

34、 helps you to put all ideas together.The steps sound a lot harder than they are. It is really just the normal way good readers understand anything that is difficult to read. After you have done the best you can this way, you should always feel free to ask for help from your teacher, if you have one.

35、49. The underlined phrase “run into” means _.A. work out B. come across C. look into D. pass by50. From the passage, we can know _.A. we should look up new words before readingB. it is sometimes difficult to read a science passageC. the six steps are helpful in learning spoken English D. interesting

36、 stories help readers to improve their English 51. The massage is mainly about _.A. steps of studying scienceB. difficulties in reading scienceC. ways of reading science passages D. researches on science and English DHave you ever found yourself doing an exam in the middle of the sea with your favou

37、rite film star? Dont worry, its only a dream! But what do your dreams say about you? Here is a fun guide to interpreting them. Read on to seeBeing chased:If you dream someone is trying to catch you, you are worried about something in the future that you dont feel ready for yet.Falling: Falling dream

38、s are also related to worry. You might be going the wrong way or you might be in danger.Death: This doesnt mean you are going to die relax! You are going through some kind of change in your life. If you are a teenager, you will definitely be going through all sorts of changes in your life!Being lock

39、ed in: If you dream that you are in a room and you cant get out, you may be feeling uncomfortable in a relationship maybe with a parent, a friend or a cousin? You cant be yourself in this relationship and want to get out of the situation.Teeth falling out: You might be shy or you might think youre a

40、 loser. Something is definitely troubling you!Being laughed at: If this is your dream, dont take yourself so seriously. Learn to laugh more at yourself!Unprepared for an exam: Youre sitting in an exam, but you cant answer any of the questions because you dont have preparation. If this is your dream,

41、 you are worried about a situation that you dont feel ready for. It may be at school, it may be a social situation or a person that you are worried about.Finding money: You are looking for something! If you dream you find gold coins, this means you will find some success in real life.Flying: This is

42、 a wonderful dream to have. It means you are rising above your worries and troubles, You feel free!It is, however, important to realize that different people and even different cultures, all have different ways of interpreting. One thing that appears to be a common belief, though, is that dreams wor

43、k in opposites. So, are we to believe that if we dream that all our money has been stolen, we are suddenly going to become rich? If only52. What does the underline word chase mean?A. 抓住 B. 追赶 C. 通缉 D. 站立53. The meaning of the following dreams have something to do with worries except .A. Being chased

44、 B. Falling C. Unprepared for an exam D. Flying54. Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?A. If you dream something about death, it means you are going to die soon.B. Dreams are opposite. If you dream that you find gold coins, it means you will lose some gold.C. People from different count

45、ries may have different ways of interpreting the same dream.D. When your teeth fall out, it means something good will happen in your real life.55. Whats the best title of the passage?A. What dream do you have? B. What do your dreams mean? C. I have a dream D. Dreams五、词汇运用(共15小题,每小题1分, 共15分) (A)根据短文内

46、容和所给汉语提示,写出空白处各单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。I _56_(醒来) up early today, I told myself:“I am important.”One of my jobs is to choose what kind of day I am going to have.Today I can complain because the _57_(天气) is rainy or I can be thankful that the grass is getting _58_(浇水) for free. Today I can feel sad that I don

47、t have more money or I can be glad that it can guide me away from _59_(浪费).Today I can complain about my _60_(健康) or I can be happy that I am _61_(活着).Today I can complain that my _62_(父母亲) didnt give me much when I was growing up or I can feel grateful that they allowed me to be _63_(出生).Today I ca

48、n complain that I have to go to work or I can shout for joy because I have a job to do. What today will be _64_(像)is up to me. I get to _65_(选择) what kind of day I will have. (B) 用广框中所给单词的适当形式填空, 每个单词限用一次。 true interest nine someone die 66.The young superstars _is a great loss to the film industry.

49、67. Many students have _ in playing computer games. 68. Im _ sorry for what I have done before. 69. The man seemed to be waiting for _ in the building. 70. Its my daughters _ birthday.六、任务型阅读(共5小题,每题1分 满分5分) 从方框中选出正确的选项填入短文,使其意思完整。Americans think much about time. From children they learn to value ti

50、me. _71_. When they are having a good time, they say that time goes easily. When a person is dying, _72_. Time is money._73_. Time is everything in America. A working American has to work hard for eight hours a day or forty hours a week. This is the working time. In his free time, he also works hard

51、 for more money. _74_. In the street you can hardly see a man walking slowly. They walk very fast. In fact, they are running. They love time because time can bring them money and lots of things._75_, because they feel they have become servant of the clock.A.Time is knowledge. B. But sometimes they a

52、lso hate time.C. They say he is living on borrowed time. D. Even on Saturday and Sunday he also works hard as usual. E. As children, they are taught to be on time to go to school, to work and to do everything.七、书面表达。(本题有2题,76题5分,77题15分,共20分)76.即将告别母校,请你谈谈你们准备为学校、为七八年级的学弟学妹们做哪五件事,请以句子的形式写出来。(其中为学校做的事

53、写三句,为七八年级的学弟学妹们做的事写两句) 77许多学习生活中的烦恼都会使人产生压力,为了更好地发现及解决同学们中存在的心理压力问题,你们班特意开展了一次以Less Pressure, Better Life为主题的英语演讲比赛,请你准备发言稿,谈谈你的一些缓解压力的好办法,与同学分享,内容包括:同学们中普遍存在的压力是什么;我的压力是什么;我是如何成功缓解我的压力的。注意:文中不得出现真实的姓名和校名。词数80100;短文的开头已给出(不计入总词数)。Less Pressure, Better LifeHello, boys and girls!Pressure is a serious

54、problem in todays world. Students in our class are under too much pressure. _Thats all. Thank you!11班级 姓名 准考证号 稠州中学九年级学力检测英语答题卷 (班级、姓名、准考证号请写在左边沿)五、词汇运用(本题有15小题;每小题1分,共15分) 56 _ 57 _ 58 _ 59 _ 60 _ 61. _ 62 _ 63 _ 64 _ 65 _ 66 _ 67 _ 68 _ 69 _ 70 _六、任务型阅读(本题有5小题;每小题1分,共5分) 71 _ 72 _ 73 _ 74 _ 75 _七、书面表达。(本题有2小题;76题5分,77题15分,共20分) 76 _ _77Less Pressure, Better LifeHello, boys and girls!Pressure is a serious problem in todays world. Students in our class are under too much pressure. _

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