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1、西南大学22春英国文学史及选读在线作业一及答案参考1. 红字对悖逆人性的教义以及那一系列惩罚“罪人”的宗教习俗提出了质疑。( )T.对F.错参考答案:T2. Our mutual understanding and cooperation will certainly result _ important business. Ain BOur mutual understanding and cooperation will certainly result _ important business.AinBonCofDfromA3. We wish to _ that it is only

2、in view of our long friendly business relations that we extend youWe wish to _ that it is only in view of our long friendly business relations that we extend you this accommodation, in payment.AreiterateBrepeatCrevertDrelateA4. _ is famous for his international theme.A.HowellsB.Mark TwainC.Henry Jam

3、es参考答案:C5. An unprecedented chance for Gypsies is to be recognized as a nation, albeit one without a defined territory.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B6. I had my first chocolate bar at five years old. Ill never forget the【C1】_, comfortingI had my first chocolate bar at five years old. Ill never forget the【C1】_, c

4、omforting taste. But the circumstances were【C2】_but sweet. It was World War H . I【C3】_with my family in the Lithuanian town of Taurage【C4】_the Russian army swept west toward Nazi Germany. Many people in our village【C5】_away in terror. In the confusion, I stood with my 12-year-old sister, and my thre

5、e-year-old brother, near the railway【C6】_, where a train for Germany waited.【C7】_families were allowed to board the train. Just before leaving, a woman traveling【C8】_approached us. Ill take care of him, she told my sister, and【C9】_me onto the train as it left the station. The entire trip I【C10】_my m

6、other. We arrived in Hamburg. Now that the woman had【C11】_Taurage she had no more use for me. I lived on the【C12】_like thousands of other children in that wartorn city. I survived 【C13】_stealing food. Then the American occupation troops arrived. One afternoon as I hid【C14】_in a mess tent in search o

7、f food, a huge hand lifted me up by the collaran American soldier. I was【C15】_and I could see it upset him. Its okay, kid, he said. He reached into his jacket and handed me a chocolate bar. I【C16】_it and took a small bite. I thought Id gone to heaven. The soldier took me and some other【C17】_children

8、 to an orphanage run by Red Cross. Fours years later I was transferred to an orphanage in America. 【C18】_a family who lived in Pennsylvania adopted me. Later I joined the Army, then attended college after the army and【C19】_a masters degree in clinical social work. I never did learn the soldier God s

9、ent to save my life, but I will remember his【C20】_forever.【C1】ApoorBbadCterribleDdelicious正确答案:D由下文的comfortingtaste可判断,chocolatebar一定是美味的,故用delicious。7. If we can be _ any further help, please feel free to let us know Customers&39; inquiries alwaIf we can be _ any further help, please feel free to l

10、et us know Customers inquiries always meet _ our careful attention.of,with8. About 5,6 million people, or ( ) percent of the 40 million Medicare beneficiaries, are in H.M.O.s.A.13B.14C.15D.16参考答案:B9. Not until the early years of the 19th century _ what heat is Aman did know Bman know CdiNot until th

11、e early years of the 19th century _ what heat isAman did knowBman knowCdidnt man know Ddid man knowD看到not until的句型,就知道本题是一个倒装句,故答案应在C,D选项中选一个。改写为正常语序为:Man did not know what heat is until the early years of the 19th century现在将not提前,后面就不能再用否定了,否则意思就变了。10. tackle ( )A.deal with a difficult problemB.say

12、 hi to sb.C.life参考答案:A11. By 1997, a University of Michigan study found that the total of homework had climbed to ( ) minutes.A.44B.60C.90D.120参考答案:D12. According to most educators, ( ) is not the virtues of homework.A.building good study habitsB.building time-management skillsC.reinforcing the days

13、 lessonsD.crying jags参考答案:D13. Foreign disinvestment and the _ of South Africa from world capital markets after 1985 further weakened its economy.A.displacementB.eliminationC.exclusionD.exception参考答案:C14. Each of the professions listed below is correctly paired with Dickens except _.A.reporterB.nove

14、listC.dramatistD.clerk参考答案:C15. Each individual is requested to state the _ on which his judgments are based.A.requirementsB.measuresC.legislationsD.criteria参考答案:D16. ( ) is a spokeswoman for the American Association of Health Plans.A.Gerald D. KleczkaB.John Dl DingellC.Susan M. PisanoD.Stephanie Su

15、e Stein参考答案:C17. At first, the _ of color pictures over a long distance seemed impossible, but, with the painstaking efforts and at great expense, it became a reality.A.transactionB.transmissionC.transformationD.transition参考答案:B18. The old paper mill has been _ to make way for a new shopping centre.

16、A.held downB.kept downC.cut downD.turn down参考答案:D19. _ the success of the product depends on its good quality.A.ObjectivelyB.UltimatelyC.AbsolutelyD.Relatively参考答案:B20. The police _ (look)for the lost Child all day long.The police _ (look)for the lost Child all day long.have been looking21. The Rape

17、 of the Lock gives an account of an anecdote of the court.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B22. How old was Moriarty when he was taken from his family? ( )A.4B.6C.2D.3参考答案:A23. 作为彩虹的姊妹篇,( )是劳伦斯建立理想社会的愿望破灭时创作的。A.亚伦的藜杖B.恋爱中的妇女C.白孔雀D.儿子与情人参考答案:B24. incentive ( )A.induce action or motivate effortB.hard workC.to devote o

18、nes heart to sb.参考答案:A25. Where does this article most probably come from?AMagazines.BBooks.CAdvertisements.DIntWhere does this article most probably come from?AMagazines.BBooks.CAdvertisements.DInternet.正确答案:D解析:本题为事实题。文章第三段的“Yellow Pages”是一个迷惑词,并不是指“电话本”。从第三段第二句中的“click”(点击)一词可推断文章很有可能是来自于网上,所以答案为

19、D。26. with the view of, out, draw your attention to, in, requested, somewhat, somehow, that, conform to, awith the view of, out, draw your attention to, in, requested, somewhat, somehow, that, conform to, avoid, turn out, make out Dear Sirs,We thank you for your telegram duplicating your order of Oc

20、tober 12 for 500 dozRubber Shoes.Although the prevailing quotations are(1)higher, we win accept the order on the same terms as before(2)encouraging business.As(3)in your previous letter, we have made(4)our Sales Confirmation No300(5)duplicate and shall thank you to send back one copy duly countersig

21、ned.We are glad to know that a letter of credit will be established in our favour immediatelyHowever we would like to(6)the fact(7)the stipulations in the relative credit should strictly(8)the terms in our sales confirmation in order to(9)subsequent cable amendments.We appreciate your cooperation an

22、d trust that the shipment which is to be dispatched after receipt of the relative letter of credit, will(10)to your entire satisfaction.Yours faithfully,somewhat$withtheviewof$requested$out$in$draw your attention to$that$conformto$avoid$turnout27. Because fuel supplies are finite and many people are

23、 wasteful, we will have to install _ solar heating device in our home.A.some type ofB.some types of aC.some type of aD.some types of参考答案:A28. It is one of the great strengths of monarchy that it has never taken sides in any political debate, that it shows itself, as an institution, to be evenhanded.

24、( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B29. 雨果从( )原则出发观照中世纪的宗教生活。A.人道主义B.古典主义C.现代主义D.浪漫主义参考答案:A30. “The history of the world is the biography of the great men” can sum up the book.A.The French RevolutionB.Life of SchillerC.Heroes and Hero-worshipD.A Modern Comedy参考答案:C31. Language: Is It Always Spoken? 1 Most of us know a

25、 little about how babies learn to talk. From the time infants are born , they hear language because their parents talk to them all the time. Between31. What is babbling?32. At what age do most infants babble?33. What is the full name for ASL?34. What theory does Dr. Petitto believe about language le

26、arning?35. Who does Dr. Petitto want to study to prove the theory?参考答案:31. The activity of repeating the same sounds over and over again.32. Between the ages of seven and ten months.33. American Sign Language.34. Language can be expressed in many different ways - for instance, by rnspeech or by sign

27、.35. Hearing children who have one deaf parent and one hearing parent.32. reprisal ( )A.punishing others for harm done to oneselfB.come to an endC.never refuse sb.参考答案:A33. In Britain the monarch remains very much at the heart of its Constitution.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B34. The meeting ended_his lecture on

28、 high education.Aup inBbyCup withDupThe meeting ended_his lecture on high education.Aup inBbyCup withDup正确答案:C35. A square is a flat area having four sides, any adjacent two sides of which _ a right angle.A.makeB.advocateC.adjoinD.shape参考答案:A36. “My last Duchess” is a poem that best mplifies Robert

29、Browning&39;s _.A.sensitive ear for the sounds of the English languageB.excellent choice of wordsC.mastering of the metrical devicesD.use of the dramatic monologue参考答案:D37. _a computer will help prepare yearend accounts.A. UseB. To useC. Using_a computer will help prepare year-end accounts.A. UseB.

30、To useC. Using参考答案:C38. 司汤达是( )19世纪现实主义文学的奠基人之一。A.加拿大B.法国C.英国D.美国参考答案:B39. The Pilgrim&39;s Progress by John Bunyan is often said to be concerned with the search for _.A.universal truthB.spiritual salvationC.self-fulfillmentD.material wealth参考答案:B40. _ has been regarded as the “founder of the Americ

31、an Drama”.A.Tennessee WilliamsB.Hendrik IbserC.Eugene ONeillD.Arthur Miller参考答案:C41. All flights_because of the rainstorm, we decided to take the train.Ahad been canceleAll flights_because of the rainstorm, we decided to take the train.Ahad been canceledBwere canceledChaving canceledDhaving been can

32、celed正确答案:D42. As a Jewish writer, Salinger concerns himself only with Jewish subject.( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B43. The girl was very sure of herself. She is always _ (confidence)that she is right.The girl was very sure of herself. She is always _ (confidence)that she is right.confident44. 浮士德是资产阶级上升时期“巨人式”的

33、代表。( )T.对F.错参考答案:T45. I prefer this game _that one.AthanBmore thanCrather thanDtoI prefer this game _that one.AthanBmore thanCrather thanDto正确答案:D解析:prefer.to表示“比起更喜欢”。46. _ can we accept your terms of payment. AIn no way BIn the way CIn some way DIn any way_ can we accept your terms of payment.AIn

34、no wayBIn the wayCIn some wayDIn any wayA47. infrastructure ( )A.an underlying base or foundationB.hard workC.brief and to the point参考答案:A48. Anger over children being killed and kids with guns has not faded. The moms have not forgotten.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B49. Beowulf is a national epic of _.A.Scandina

35、viaB.GermanyC.FranceD.England参考答案:D50. He is planning another tour abroad, yet his passport will _ at the end of this month.A.expireB.exceedC.terminateD.cease参考答案:A51. The defense lawyer was questioning the old man who was one of the _ of the murder committed last month.A.witnessesB.audiencesC.viewe

36、rsD.observers参考答案:A52. Most of English ballads were collected in the 18th century.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B53. Equipment not _ official safety standards has all been removed from the workshop.A.conforming toB.consistent withC.predominant overD.providing for参考答案:A54. For three-quarters of its span on Earth,

37、life evolved almost _ as microorganisms.A.preciselyB.instantlyC.initiallyD.exclusively参考答案:D55. Black Humor is defined as modern humor caused by anger.( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A56. In the writers opinion, in the future, _ Amore big political affairs, wars and dIn the writers opinion, in the future, _ Amore b

38、ig political affairs, wars and disasters will make news Bnewspapers will not be printed in publishing houses any longer Cnewspapers will cover more scientific research Dmore and more people will watch TV正确答案:C57. The bank refused to _ him any money, so he had to postpone buying a house.A.loanB.borro

39、wC.leaseD.credit参考答案:A58. 【C13】AtryingBprovingCpracticingDexamining【C13】AtryingBprovingCpracticingDexamining正确答案:A根据本句结构(try+sth+on+sb)及上下文含义,可知“他一直在所有的顾客身上试验这同一个问题”,因此应选A项。59. It is important that he (be) _ called back immediately.It is important that he (be) _ called back immediately.(should) be此题考查点在it is+adj. +主语十(should)动词原形+.句型中虚拟语气的应用,should可以省略。60. The plot of _ is divided into three parts.A.Song of SolomonB.Native SonC.Invisible Man参考答案:B

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