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1、wordUnit 2-This is my sister.一、教材分析本单元学习的是学生最熟悉的家庭成员的称谓。通过介绍照片中的人物,帮助学生学会This/That is , These/Those are 以与询问人物的特殊疑问句Who is/are ? 本单元生词较多,并且也开始涉与到名词的复数形式,对学生来说有一定的难度。整个单元的都是围绕照片来谈论介绍人物的。由最初单一的家人称谓到连贯的句子、到对话、到篇章,充分表现了教材内容的渐进性和层次性,在教师的指导下学生能不断地重复掌握本单元的生词和新句型,从而达到熟练运用所学内容介绍家庭成员的目的。本单元的教学内容为:1. 学习介绍他人;识别

2、人物。2. 学习名词:sister, mother, mom, father, dad, parent, brother, grandmother, grandma, grandfather, grandpa, grandparent, son, daughter, cousin, uncle, aunt, family, day, photo, picture, girl, dog 学习动词:have 学习代词:these, those, who 学习感叹词:well, oh, bye 学习副词:here, 学习兼类词:next adj.& n. 学习介词:of 3. 学习词组:in the

3、 first photo, in the next photo, two nice photos of my family4. 学习句型:This/That is These/Those are Whos he/she? He/She is Who are they? They are Here is/ are 5. 了解句子:Oh, I see.Well, have a good day! Thanks! You too. 二、教学目标1. 通过本单元的学习,学生能用英语介绍、询问、交流家庭成员。并能用英语对每个家庭成员的关系进展思考。例如,见到fathers mother,他们能很快反响出

4、是指grandmother。同时能区分什么时候用名词的单数形式什么时候用名词的复数形式。2. 通过对家庭成员的学习,学生能用英语思考,并理清家庭成员之间的关系,从而激发他们对家人的热爱。三、教学重难点:1. 熟练掌握各家庭成员的名称,会认会读会说,并会用这些词进展交流。2. 能正确运用所学词汇的单复数介绍他人。四、课时安排第一课时:完成Section A 1a 1C第二课时:完成Section A 2a2d第三课时:完成Section A 3a3c第四课时:完成Section B 1a 2c第五课时:完成Section B 3a Self check 五、教学步骤The First Perio

5、d (Section A 1a 1c)一、Teaching aims 教学目标1. 学会表述家人的称谓。2. 能听懂有关介绍家庭成员的对话。2. 学会介绍家人。3. 学会用特殊疑问句来询问家人的称谓。二、Teaching contents (教学内容)1. 词汇:1)名词n. sister, mother, father, parent, brother, grandmother, grandfather, grandparent, family 2)代词pron. those, who, these 3)感叹词interj. oh2. 句型:This/That is These/Those

6、are Whos she? Shes 三、Difficulties 教学难点1. 表示人物称谓的名词的读音与拼写。2. 名词复数的正确使用。四、Teaching steps 教学步骤1. Warming-up and revision课堂热身和复习1Daily greetings to the studentsT:Good morning,everyone. S:Good morning,teacher.T:How are you today?S:Im fine.And you?T:Im OK. Nice to meet you!S: Nice to meet you, too!(2) Rev

7、ision 复习 1T: Is he Eric? 指着班上的学生进展问答。 S: Yes, he is. T: Is she Cindy? S: No, She isnt. Shes Helen. T: Whats his name? S: His name is Bob. 2T: This is . 指着班上的学生进展问答。 S: Alice. This is Alice. T: These are S: Mike and Tom. These are Mike and Tom. T: That is S: Frank. That is Frank. T: Those are S: Cind

8、y and Dale. Those are Cindy and Dale. 3T: Do you know the family? (Show a pictures of family) S:家。 T: Spell it, please. S: F-A-M-I-L-Y, family. T: How many letters does it include? S: Six. T:This is a family.(指向家有儿女的照片)【教学设计说明】复习前一个单元的根本句型,是对所学知识的回顾,也是正式上课前的热身。让学生指认班上的同学并询问某某,把学生的语言交际放在真实的情境中,可以极大地调

9、动学生的学习兴趣。最后用家的概念引出我们的学习内容。2. Presentation 呈现新知识T: Whats this in English?S: (Teacher helps the students to say) Its a picture/photo. T: Yes, this is a picture of a family. If I am Xia Xue.This is my mother. (板书mother) Read after me, mother. S: Mother, mother, mother. T: That is my father. (板书father)

10、Read after me, Father. S: Father, father, father. T: Mother is my parent. Father is my parent, too. 板书parentThese are my parents. (板书these, parents)Read after me.S:Parent,Parent,Parent.These,these ,these.Parents,Parents,Parents.T:These are my brothers(板书brother,brothers).Read after me. S: brother, b

11、rother, brother. brothers, brothers, brothers.Explanation: 名词分为可数名词和不可数名词(water,food)两类。可数名词有单数和复数之分,变为复数形式时,一般情况是在单数名词后加“-s,如:penpens, parentparents; 以此方法将图片上的grandfather, grandmother, grandparents, brother, sister引出【教学设计说明】借着由上面family的话题引出的家有儿女全家福;分别指向相应的人物来介绍,引出新的词汇,并教学生朗读,以确保他们发音的正确。在此环节的最后,说明可数

12、名词单数变复数的最根本用法,为后面进一步的学习埋下伏笔。3. Work on 1a 完成1a1) T: Now, please open your books and turn to Page 7. Look at 1a. You can see a picture of Daves family and some words we learned just now. Please match the words with the people in the picture. 2) Check the answers.3) Ask some individuals to read aloud

13、the words. 【教学设计说明】说到match的时候用手做比划,示X什么是match。学生完成任务后再抽学生朗读,主要是检查他们是否掌握了这些词汇的读音。4. Practice (练习)T: Now, you are Dave. I will ask you a letter. You can look at the picture and tell me this letter means. For example, I say “a. You should say “This is my mother. I say “b. You should say “These are my p

14、arents. Understand? T: OK. Lets begin. Tom, Stand up, please. Your letter is “e.Tom: This is my grandfather. T: Good job. Next one is 【教学设计说明】让学生扮演图片中的人物Dave,帮助他们用第一人称来介绍家庭成员,进一步熟悉刚学到的新词汇。5. Work on 1b 完成1b1 T: Next, I will play the recording second. Please listen carefully, and circle the wordsyou

15、hear in 1a. 2T: Do you get the answers? S: T: Well done. S: 3Play the recording again for the students to listen and repeat. 【教学设计说明】此环节着重是听力训练。让学生在听对话的过程中抓住关键词汇,由于前面已做了一些训练,因此学生听起来比拟容易,让他们都有一次成功的喜悦和感受,这样可以增强他们的学习自信心。6. Work on 1c 完成1c1T: Now you are Dave. Please introduce your family to me. You can

16、 use “Thats my Those are my 2T: Whos she/he? S: He/She is my 3T: Now please open your books at Page 57. Look at Note 1 in Unit 2. Lets learn the culture: 中外家庭亲属成员之间称谓的文化差异【教学设计说明】此环节是让学生运用所学句型来进展操练,有利于巩固所学句型。同时,让学生看书后57页的注解,帮助他们了解中外家庭亲属成员之间称谓的文化差异。7. Pratice 引导学生用图片介绍自己的父母,利用This is/That isThey areH

17、e/She is自己介绍父母,利用Is she/he ? Are these/those your ?Who is he / she? Who are they ?等句型询问他人父母。 8. 课堂小练习:进一步熟悉新单词和意思五、. Homework 课后作业Reading: 1. 朗读并熟记第7页的单词和句子。2. 准备一X全家福,用所学的单词和句型进展介绍。提醒学生记住在本单元后面的几堂课上都要使用。Written:抄写第7页的单词和句子,各两遍。六.讲解第一单元测试的内容,并布置第一和第二课时。The Second Period (Section A 2a2d)一、Teaching ai

18、ms 教学目标1. 学会说家庭成员的称谓。2. 学会询问别人的家庭成员,向别人介绍自己的家庭成员。二、Teaching contents (教学内容)1. 词汇:1学习名词:day 2学习代词:they 3学习动词:have 4学习感叹词:well, bye2. 了解句子:Oh, I see.Well, have a good day! Thanks! You too. 三、Difficulties 教学难点介绍家庭成员时对单复数词汇的正确使用。四、Teaching steps 教学步骤1. Warming-up and revision课堂热身和复习1 Daily greetings to

19、the studentsT:Good morning,everyone. S:Good morning,teacher.T:How are you today?S:Im fine.And you?T:Im OK. Nice to meet you!S: Nice to meet you, too!2 Revision Talk about the picture of your familyThis/That is Whos she/he?Shes/Hes These/Those are Whore they?Theyre 【教学设计说明】日常问候是为了帮助学生尽快进入学习的良好状态,教师引导

20、他们用不同的语句进展问答,让他们知道在不同的情景下可以用不同的表达;通过询问学生某某,用Thats 句型来介绍这位同学,也可以先问两个学生,再用Those are 句型来进展介绍;通过谈论学生的全家福,让学生复习家庭成员的称谓和介绍人物的句型。这一环节为下一步的学习做好了铺垫2. Presentation讲解新内容1Work on 2a & 2b (完成2a和2b)1T: Please turn to Page 8. Look at the words in 2a. Read them aloud.2T: Now lets listen to the recording carefully a

21、nd circle the words you hear. 3T:Do you have the answers? Who can try?4T: Please look at 2b. Ill play the recording once again, and you match the words with the people in the picture. 强调match5T: Who is Jenny? S: She is “d. T: Whos ? S: 【教学设计说明】此环节进一步巩固了本堂课所学的词汇和句型。通过反复听读,可以让学生尽快熟悉生词。学生将单词与人物连线,是检查学生

22、能否根据所听到的内容识别图中的人物。2 Work on 2c 完成2c1Teacher points at the picture and practices with the students. T: Please look at the picture again. Whos she? S: Shes Cindy. T: Whos he?S: Hes her father. 2Now you can practice talking about the photo in 2b in pairs. 【教学设计说明】此环节先通过教师与学生的对话示X,让学生清楚教师的意图怎么进展对话。然后学生两

23、人一组进展操练,可以使他们更加容易并熟练地掌握本堂课的内容。3. Work on 2d 完成2d1T: Look at the conversation in 2d. You can role-play it. 解释role-play:分角色表演. Now I give you 5 minutes and you practice it. (While the students are practicing, the teacher moves around and help those who are in need of it. )2T: Now you can look at the p

24、icture in 2d and answer my questions. Who are the girls?S: They are Jane, Sally and Kate. T: Whos Kate?S: Shes Sallys sister.T: Whos that boy?S: Hes Sallys brother.T: Whats his name?S: Hes Paul.T: Are those Janes parents?S: No. They are Sally and Kates parents. 3Explain some of the sentences.a. Oh,

25、I see. 噢,我明白了。b. Well, have a good day! 那好,愿你们一天玩得高兴!c. Thanks! You, too. 多谢了!也祝你玩得高兴。见教材57页课文注解。【教学设计说明】由于上一步的热身和复习为这一环节做好了铺垫,因此,让学生直接进展角色表演并不是很困难的。在他们练习中,教师给予适当的帮助。然后对学生进展提问,了解他们是否明白图片中的人物。这一步对学生来说有一定困难,因此,教师在提问后要指导学生回答如下问题。这样能很好地培养学生看图和阅读的能力。最后让学生看注解,让他们更加清楚对话的意思。五、Homework布置家庭作业:Reading 1熟读2d 对话

26、。 2背诵单词表中第7页和第8页的单词,明天默写。Written 1抄写2d的对话两遍。 2抄写单词表中第7页和第8页的单词三遍。六讲解第一课时和第二课时The Third Period (Section B Grammar3c) 一、Teaching aims 教学目标1. 学会说家庭成员的称谓。2. 学会谈论家庭成员。3. 能听懂有关介绍家庭成员的谈话。二、Teaching content(教学内容)1. 学会以下家庭成员的称谓son, cousin, grandpa, mom, aunt, grandma, dad, uncle, daughter2. 熟练运用以下句型 These/Th

27、ose areThis/that is Who is/are He/She is They are 三、Difficulties 教学难点1在介绍或谈论家庭成员时,注意学生口语中的单复数运用。 2了解缩写词:thats, whore, whos, theyre 3了解同位语: This is my sisterKate. 四、Teaching steps 教学步骤1. Warming-up and revision课堂热身和复习1 Daily greetingsT:Good morning,everyone. S:Good morning,teacher.T:How are you today

28、?S:Im fine.And you?T:Im OK. Nice to meet you!S: Nice to meet you, too!2Dictation(7-8页的单词)3) RevisionSuppose you are Sally. Look at the picture in 2d again and introduce the family members to me first. S: This is my sister Kate. Thats my brother Paul. Those are my father and mother. Theyre my parents

29、. T: (point at the persons in the picture and ask)Whos he/she? S: He/She is my T: Who are they?S: They are my parents. 【教学设计说明】本环节一方面是为了让学生尽快进入英语课堂气氛,另一方面,也检查了学生的课后作业,了解他们是否能向同伴介绍了照片上的人物。同时引入一般疑问句2. Presentation 呈现新知识1Grammar Focus 语法焦点1T: Look at the sentences in Grammar Focus. Try to read them alo

30、ud. 2Teacher show the sentence patterns on the PPT.This is Thats These are Those are Whos she? Shes Whos he?Hes Whore they? Theyre T: “thats is the short form of “that is“Whore is the short form of “Who are .“ Whos is the short form of “Who is. “theyre is the short form of “they are. 3Practice【教学设计说

31、明】本环节的语法焦点是对本单元所学词汇和句型的小结,之后让学生又回到2d的图片进展谈论,是让他们更好地巩固所学词汇和句型。2 Work on 3a 完成3a1T: Please look at the conversation in 3a. You can plete it by yourself. 2Ask two students to read aloud the conversation and have a check. 2T: Now practice the conversation with your partner.3Ask some pairs to act out the

32、 conversation. 【教学设计说明】本环节主要是帮助学生学会能够根据上下文来填空,同时检查学生是否掌握所学句型。3 Work on 3b 完成3b1T: Look at the picture in 3b. You can make sentences with the words in the three boxes.2Ask some students to present their sentences. This is That is These are Those are 【教学设计说明】本环节主要是通过不同的搭配巩固所学句型。五、. Homework 课后作业Readin

33、g: 1熟读2d & 3a两段对话。 2背诵语法焦点上的句子。3利用所学根本句型谈论自己的家庭照片,在下一堂课带到课堂,与同伴轮流谈论图片上的人物。完成3cWritten: 1抄写语法焦点上的句子两遍。2介绍3b 图片中的人物,写出句子,不少于五句。The Fourth Period (Section B 1a3c) 一、Teaching aims 教学目标1. 学会说家庭成员的称谓(包括uncle和cousin)。2. 学会谈论家庭成员family tree。3. 能听懂有关介绍家庭成员的谈话。二、Teaching content (教学内容)1. 学会以下家庭成员的称谓son, cousi

34、n, grandpa, mom, aunt, grandma, dad, uncle, daughter2. 熟练运用以下句型 These/Those areThis/that is Who is/are He/She is They are 三、Difficulties 教学难点1在介绍或谈论家庭成员时,注意学生口语中的单复数运用。2注意读音:cousin,aunt。四、Teaching steps 教学步骤1.Work on 1a 完成1a1) T: Every family has a family tree. Lets see a family tree first. T:Then c

35、an you finish the family tree in 1a? S: Yes. While the students are working, the teacher moves around to see what the students write.2) Check the answers and ask students to read aloud the words.3) T: Look at the family tree. My grandpa and grandma have a son and a daughter. One is my dad, the other

36、 is my aunt. My dad and mom also have a son and a daughter. I am their daughter. My brother is their son. I am my brothers sister. My aunt and uncle only has one daughter. Shes my cousin. 【教学设计说明】教师先用视频来引导学生完成家谱,然后再以第一人称的方式介绍家庭成员之间的关系。帮助学生进一步巩固词汇,理清家庭成员之间的称谓。2. Work on 1b 完成1b1T: Lets listen to the

37、recording in 1b. Ill play the recording once. You only check the words you hear. If the students cant hear clearly, play the recording once again. 2) Check the answers and ask some individuals to read the words aloud. 【教学设计说明】由于学生对生词已有了较为深刻的印象,因此,让他们勾出所听到的词汇并不困难。抽单个学生朗读,是为了检查学生是否能正确发音。3. Work on 1c

38、完成1c1T: Look at the two pictures in 1c. Who are they in the first picture? Can you guess? S: They are Grandpa, Grandma, Mum, Dad, Uncle 只要学生能说出人物的称谓就加以鼓励 T: Well done. Can you guess who they are in Picture 2? S: They are Grandma, Mum, Dad and a boy. T: Quite well. One of the pictures is Jiang Taos,

39、and the other one is Toms. Do you know which one is Jiang Taos and which one is Toms? S: No. T: Now lets listen to the recording and find out the answers.2Play the recording once again for the students to listen and find out the answers.3) Check the answers and play the recording for the students to

40、 listen and repeat. 【教学设计说明】从图片入手,教师引着学生先谈论,讲明要求再听,不但降低了听的难度,让学生都有成功的喜悦,同时也培养了学生专心听的习惯。4. Work on 1d 完成1d1Teacher draws a picture of his/her family and friends on the blackboard and introduces the people. 2T: Now you can draw a picture of your family and friends.3) Ask one or two students to show th

41、eir pictures and tell the class who they are.T: Tim, Can you show me your picture? Who are they? Can you tell me? S: This is my and These are my 4) T: Now you can tell your partner about your picture. 【教学设计说明】在让学生动手画之前教师要给以示X,让学生知道从哪儿入手。抽一、两个学生介绍自己的照片,也是给其他同学做出示X,让他们知道怎样介绍图片。如果时间太紧,就让学生把这一任务作为课后家庭作业

42、。5. Work on 2b & 2c 完成2b & 2cBefore reading: Talk about the pictures.T: Here are two photos. 板书:Here are Are they photos of a family?S: Yes.T: Who are they? Do you know?S: No. T: Who is talking about the photos? Do you want to know?S: Yes.While reading:1)Fast readingT: Now please read the passage ne

43、xt to the two photos quickly and find out who is talking about the photo. S: Jenny. T: Is Jenny a male or a female? S: A female. T: You are great. 2) Careful reading Listening the videoa. T: Can you read the passage and circle the names? S: Yes. While the students are reading, the teacher moves arou

44、nd to offer help.b. Ask a student to say the names he/she has circled.c. T: Now you can read the passage again and plete the sentences in 2c.d. Check the answers. After reading 1Get six students to say the pleted sentences one by one. 2Play the recording for the students to listen and repeat. 3Ask s

45、tudents to answer the questions:a. Who is Alan? Jennys father.b. Whats the name of Jennys mother? Maryc. Who are Bob and Eric? They are Jennys brothers.d. Is Cindy Jennys sister? Yes, she is.e. What is the name of Jennys cousin? Helenf. Is Coco a boy?No. A dog.【教学设计说明】此局部开始涉与篇章的阅读。在学生一开始接触到篇章的阅读时,教师

46、就要有意识地培养他们良好的阅读习惯。本环节的设计是先从图片入手,通过图片引出问题,让学生产生阅读的欲望,再带着问题去进展第一次快速阅读,回答教师提出的问题;学生第二次阅读后圈出人名;第三次阅读后完成2c的任务。然后让学生听录音跟读,纠正他们不正确的发音,同时让他们在听、读的过程中再一次理解句子、熟悉课文。在学生熟悉课文的根底上再让他们回答如下问题,即可检查他们是否能完全理解课文。最后,教师小结文中出现的词组和新句型,让学生勾出,课后要求他们熟记。通过这种循序渐进的教学,可以把看似困难的阅读简单化,让不同层次的学生都能有所收获。五、. Homework 课后作业Oral: 1) 正确朗读并熟记本

47、单元的词汇。2) 熟读并背诵课文。Written: 抄写2b上的短文一遍并翻译成中文。3回家找一X全家福,下节课带上。The Fifth Period (Section B 2a Self Check)一、Teaching aims 教学目标学会介绍自己的全家福。二、Teaching content (教学内容)1. 熟练运用以下句型介绍家庭成员:This/That is These/Those are Whos ?2. 学会用以下句型了解、询问他人Whore ? Is this/that ?Are these/those 2. 熟练掌握并运用本单元所学词汇进展交际活动。三、Difficult

48、ies 教学难点熟练运用所学句型描述自己的家庭成员。 四、Teaching steps 教学步骤一. Warming-up and revision课堂热身和复习1.Daily greetings T: Good morning. Glad to meet you. S: Glad to meet you, too. T: How are you today? S: Im fine/OK/very good/great. And you? T: I am great. How is your mother/father/grandfather S: She/He is fine/OK/ ver

49、y good/great.T: Im glad to hear that. Thanks for your answer. 2.Revision T: Are you Helen? S: Yes, I am. / No, Im not. T: Is she Helen? S: Yes, she is./ No, she isnt. T: Is he Mike? S: Yes, he is. / No, he isnt. 3.Talking about how to distinguish male and female【教学设计说明】课堂热身和复习是为了帮助学生回忆巩固本单元所学词汇和句型。讨

50、论如何区分male和female,一方面是活跃课堂气氛,更主要的是让学生能快速而且熟练地记住并运用这两个词汇。(二).Work on 2aFind the male and female first names in this unit and write them.提示Section A2b和2d里包括了所有的人名 三.work on 2b & 2c 完成2b & 2c1.Careful reading and underline the difficult sentences.重点讲解Here are和of的运用。2.Listening the videoa. T: Can you rea

51、d the passage and circle the names? S: Yes. While the students are reading, the teacher moves around to offer help.b. Ask a student to say the names he/she has circled.3.After reading 1Get six students to say the pleted sentences 2c one by one. 2Ask students to answer the questions:a. Who is Alan? J

52、ennys father.b. Whats the name of Jennys mother? Maryc. Who are Bob and Eric? They are Jennys brothers.d. Is Cindy Jennys sister? Yes, she is.e. What is the name of Jennys cousin? Helenf. Is Coco a boy?No. A dog.【教学设计说明】此局部开始涉与篇章的阅读。在学生一开始接触到篇章的阅读时,教师就要有意识地培养他们良好的阅读习惯。本环节的设计是先从问题入手,通过问题,让学生产生阅读的欲望,再

53、带着问题去进展第二次快速阅读,回答教师提出的问题,接着教师讲解Here are和of两个难点;学生听录音后圈出人名;第三次阅读后完成2c的任务。然后让学生一起读一遍,纠正他们不正确的发音,同时让他们在听、读的过程中再一次理解句子、熟悉课文。最后,教师小结文中出现的词组和新句型,让学生勾出,课后要求他们熟记。通过这种循序渐进的教学,可以把看似困难的阅读简单化,让不同层次的学生都能有所收获。四. Work on 3a完成3a1) Get students to plete the chart with the words in the box. T: Please open your books

54、at Page 12. Look at 3a. Can you see the words in the box?S: Yes. T: Please read them aloud. S: Brothers, parents, Cindy, familyT: What does “parents mean?S: Father and mother.T: You are great. Is Cindy a boys name?S: No. Its a girls name. 2) Ask one or two students to read the passage and check it.

55、3) Students try to draw a picture of Pauls family in the box on the right. 4) Ask some individuals to show their pictures and introduce them to the class. 【教学设计说明】本环节主要是通过任务的完成检查学生是否能正确地运用所给的词汇。让学生回答如下问题并根据短文画出Paul的全家福,是检查学生对短文的理解程度,同时也让他们展露一下绘画的天赋,放松心情,愉快学习。五. Work on 3b完成3b1Present a picture of a

56、family. And then introduce it.e.g. Here is my family photo. These are my grandparents. This is my father. This is my mother. They are my uncle, Tom, and aunt, Lucy. I have two brothersTony andJim. Who is this boy? Its me! I have a happy family. I love them all.2Get students to practice talking about

57、 their family photos in pairs. If they didnt bring their photos, they can be one of the members in this picture and talk about it. T: Suppose you are one of the members in this family. You can talk about the people to your partner. 3) Get students to write down what they say. T: Now look at Section

58、B 3b on Page 12. You can write down what you said just now in your book. While the students are writing, the teacher moves around to offer some help if they need.4Get students to read what they have written to their partners. . 【教学设计说明】本环节任务的完成是通过教师介绍图片做示X,到学生模仿介绍,到写作,再向同伴讲述,一步一步环环相扣,层层递进。学生从口语表达过渡到

59、书面表达,再通过陈述其书面表达检查错误,不仅能使不同程度的学生都可以动笔,而且还可以由学生发现对方所陈述语句的正确性,相互纠错,这样就大大增强了学生进展写作的自信心。六. Self Check 自查1T: Look at Part 1 below Self Check. (explain) In English, some words are for males and some are for females. But some words can not only be for males, but also for females such as parents. Now please

60、group the words for family members you have learned. While the students are writing, the teacher moves around to have a look at what they write and offer some help if necessary. 2Check the answers 【教学设计说明】本环节通过归纳表示男性和女性的词汇以与中性词,让学生进一步掌握和巩固所学词汇。在检查学生任务完成情况时,抽学生朗读,又可检测他们是否能正确朗读单词。3Get the students to

61、plete the conversation in Part 2. a. T: Please look at the conversation in Part 2. Its not pleted. You can plete it first. While the students are writing, the teacher moves around to have a look at what they write and offer some help if necessary.b. Now, Ill ask a pair to read your conversation and lets check if they

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